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Chapter 938: No Moves Are Better Than Unexpected Moves

Chapter 938: No Moves Are Better Than Unexpected Moves


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 938: No move is better than a surprise move.

  On the coastline in the south of the Weilant Province, rafts and small boats were stranded on the shore.

  Among these various ships, there were also some wood with unclean branches and water-soaked boxes. The messy appearance looked like a shipwreck.

  And in fact, it was true.

  Most of the Weilant people squatting on the shore had a look of shock. Some were shivering with wet shoulders, and some hung their clothes on branches and sat in front of the fire and sneezed.

  Not far from them, from time to time, someone climbed out of the sea with difficulty and struggled to the shore with the help of other compatriots.

  The sailors on the ship of the Triumph City Coastal Defense Fleet were also doing their best to help them, using rubber boats and ropes to rescue the poor people who were caught in the waves and bring them to the shore.

  The experiences of these Weilant people curled up on the shore in the Batoy Province were different, but their situation at the moment was roughly the same. They were all soaked by the sea water.

  Due to the border closure policy of Triumph City, most of the ferries from Battoa Province to Willant Province were detained at the dock of Willant Province.

  The Southern Legion, which was evacuating people at all costs, could only requisition all available ships, including fishermen’s fishing boats and even bathtubs stolen from houses.

  Most of the Willant people participated in this

  march in the name of mission without any preparation. Those who could take a proper ferry were the lucky ones in a million, or the family members of the captain of ten thousand.

  Many people were simply deceived to the dock in the north of Battoa Province and took the hovercraft used by the landing troops.

  The fuel tanks of these hovercrafts are usually not large, and the Southern Legion naturally could not prepare spare oil barrels for them.

  Many hovercrafts were useless when they were two-thirds of the way, and they could only use human oars to paddle the remaining half.

  Some unlucky people were even more pitiful.

  They didn’t even get a hovercraft. They were violently driven onto the rafts by a group of foreign soldiers carrying guns. Then several rafts were tied together and connected to a speedboat to run to the other side of the sea.

  Some rafts simply disintegrated in the second half of the journey. The Willant people sitting on the rafts could only desperately hold on to the patchwork of wood and wait for rescue from the coastal defense fleet on the other side. What made

  the sailors of the coastal defense fleet even more angry was that most of the Willant people participating in this death march were the elderly, the weak, women and children.

  Most of the young men in the Southern Corps were sent to the front line, and those who did not go to the front line were also serving in the army.

  The only men were either wounded soldiers who retired from the front line, or engineers or technicians who did decent jobs in the city, or citizens of other industries.

  On the deck of the coastal defense fleet destroyer.

  Looking at the old man who was rescued by the soldiers on the boat, Captain Mallock couldn’t help but say.

  ”Are you crazy? Triumph City has closed its borders. You can’t get there even if you land in the Province of Willant!”

  ”Close, close the border?” The old man wrapped in a blanket looked confused, sneezed, and said tremblingly, “We haven’t heard of it… The soldiers of the Royal Guard told us that there would be a boat to pick us up when we arrived at the shore, but when we arrived at the shore, we found that the big ship had left, and there were only a few small boats that could be overturned by a wave!”

  When he said this, the old man became emotional and his lips trembled with anger, “Damn Tyr… There was nothing when we arrived at the shore! He deceived all of us!” As soon

  as he finished speaking, another middle-aged man wrapped in a blanket next to him muttered.

  ”Guards? You are from Avent City, right? The 1.17 millionth troop chased us away, and they were not polite. They said that the Alliance had invented some kind of lethal drug, and that a plague was coming and would kill all the Weilants. They didn’t even mention the funeral of Marshal Julius, nor did they say that there was a ship waiting for us. They just drove us into the truck.”

  Listening to the conversation between the two, a thin woman also interrupted and joined in.

  ”Hey… they also said so much nonsense to you? We live in a small town in the north of Battoa Province. We thought that even if there was a war, we would not be able to reach us. As a result, the Alliance didn’t even come here, and we were beaten by our own people.”

  The old man stared, as if he had heard something incredible.

  ”They dare to beat you?”

  The middle-aged woman curled her lips and whispered.

  ”The vassal army didn’t care about that. They dragged us to the car… When we were on the car, they only said something to us, saying that they would send us to Triumph City. Damn it!”

  The man wrapped in a blanket clenched his fists and cursed in a low voice.


  There was a noisy discussion on the deck. People told their experiences and complained to the people around them.



  And unbelievable.

  This is what Malok heard from them and what was happening in the province of Battoa.

  After listening to the voices, he gritted his teeth and wanted to bite his back teeth to pieces.

  ”This devil…” Malok squeezed out this sentence from his mouth. He wanted to order the march to the south and blast the villains who were driving the Willant people into the sea into pieces.

  Seeing the hatred and anger in his eyes, the adjutant walked to his side and said in a low voice.

  ”Calm down… Our top priority now is to save people.”

  ”Save people…” Malok pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, looking at the south with a murderous look on his face, “No matter how much we save people, they can’t drive them into the sea!”

  The adjutant lowered his voice and continued to persuade.

  ”You only have one destroyer, we can’t drive the destroyer to the shore… And if we start a war at this time, it will be exactly what they want!”

  Malok’s eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly realized something.

  The Southern Legion drove the people to the north, and its purpose was obvious. It was nothing more than going against the border blockade orders of the Guards and even Triumph City, trying to use the “human wave tactics” to break through the isolation zone they set up on the coastal border.

  He didn’t know why Tyr did this, but it seemed that all they did was to hope that the “death agent” mixed in with the refugees would spread to the province of Willant across the sea.

  The reason why the current situation is still under the control of Triumph City is that they have nearly 500,000 troops available.

  And this 500,000-man army is also the basis for Triumph City to ensure the stability of the border and set up nearly 20 quarantine zones!

  If the two sides go to war, at least half of these 500,000 troops will have to go to Battoa Province to fight!

  By then, Triumph City will have no time to take care of the refugees on the border and can only allow them to infiltrate Triumph City from the border.

  Not to mention that the Southern Legion still has more than a dozen steel airships. If they really fight, they may not be able to end the battle in a short time. Once the two sides fall into a state of war, the death agent will immediately infect the entire province of Willant without hindrance, causing the civilians of both sides to suffer from war and plague at the same time.

  If I take action, it is equivalent to helping the other side complete the most difficult war mobilization and giving the other side an excuse for war!

  But why?

  Malok’s face was filled with an incomprehensible expression, staring at the red eyes.

  He couldn’t understand what the top leaders of the Southern Legion were going to do.

  Is there any benefit for the Southern Legion to make the Willant people exterminate?

  He would rather believe that it was the Alliance that stole the genetic source code of the Willant people and that it was the Alliance that created the “death agent” for the Willant people.

  At least this would make him feel better and not fall into self-doubt and confusion.

  Otherwise, he really couldn’t help but suspect that it was the Southern Legion that stole the genetic source code of the Willant people.

  After all, only those guys have the possibility of succeeding.

  And from the fact that they are doing their best to spread the virus to Triumph City, their suspicion is undoubtedly the greatest.

  Otherwise, why would these guys pretend nothing happened when the Guards announced that the “gene source code was stolen” and drive their civilians out of Avent City, and use such a lame excuse as attending the funeral of Marshal Julius… But

  the problem is back to the original point.

  They are obviously also Weilantes, why would they do this?

  Looking at the direction of Avent City and the wooden planks scattered by the waves, Captain Malok let out a suppressed roar.

  ”What should we do now? Are we just going to watch?”

  ”Let’s save people first. Strategic matters are not something we can decide.” Looking at the vast sea, the adjutant sighed deeply, “I heard that the researchers from the academy have arrived… I hope those people can find a way to solve the problem.”

  On the other side, about ten kilometers away from the destroyer,

  a team of Weilante soldiers wearing chemical protective suits arrived at the beach by truck under the leadership of their superiors and began to prepare to establish an isolation zone and a refugee rescue point.

  At the same time, a long shuttle-shaped silver aircraft flew from the east and landed steadily on a rocky beach about 200 meters away from the beach.

  The high-tech shape and the logo of the academy were out of tune with the messy scene around.

  The hatch slowly opened, and a group of people walked down the gangway from the research ship.

  Standing next to the gangway, Ye Shi looked at the refugees on the beach with a complicated expression, and couldn’t help but smacked his tongue.

  ”My God… How many people are there?”

  Staring at the holographic screen unfolded on the watch, Jiang Xuezhou said solemnly.

  ”I heard from Triumph City that they expect more than five million survivors to pour in from the direction of the Whirlpool Sea, with a frequency of about 40,000 to 50,000 people per day… It hasn’t reached the peak yet.”

  Ye Shi shook his head and said.

  ”It’s hard to understand… What’s the benefit of them doing this? Stab yourself? Is that Tyr crazy?”

  Jiang Xuezhou said solemnly.

  ”I don’t know if they are crazy or not… but they obviously don’t care about the lives of other Weilantes.”

  Due to her outstanding performance in the province of Boro, she was promoted to a C-level researcher not long ago. She is no longer the little D-level researcher who follows her mentor all day long.

  After becoming a C-level researcher, she not only gained the authority to promote researchers, but also had her own laboratory and a research ship allocated by the Research Department.

  Responding to the call for help from Triumph City and cooperating with researchers sent by the Alliance Biological Research Institute to solve the virus called “death agent” was her first task after becoming a C-level researcher.

  In fact, strictly speaking, it is not appropriate to let a C-level researcher take on such a big task, but because her mentor has a say in external affairs and intends to promote her, this job came to her.

  But to be honest, for such a matter of life and death, Jiang Xuezhou would rather her mentor send a more reliable person.

  Or at least send someone with the right professional counterpart!

  However, the dispatch order has been issued, and even if she is panicking, she can only bite the bullet and do it.

  Fortunately, the biotechnology of the Alliance is not much inferior to that of the Academy, so it shouldn’t be a big problem

  for her to just paddle a little. “If you want to win, you have to be tougher on yourself than on others… I guess that’s what Tyr is thinking. According to our… the intelligence from the Alliance, the death agent is an indiscriminate strike weapon. Others say it’s the Weyland people, and even the awakened ones are likely to be infected, it’s just a matter of probability.”

  Walking behind Jiang Xuezhou, Chen Yutong gently shook the hair that fell on her shoulders and continued in a capable tone.

  ”Instead of analyzing how our enemies plan to scare us, I would rather suggest that we start working quickly… For example, screen the patients from the crowd to prevent the virus from spreading further.”

  As she spoke, her eyes fell on the group of soldiers not far away.

  Although those soldiers wore protective clothing, it was obviously unrealistic to expect them to distinguish patients.

  Fortunately, the Alliance has been tracking clues about the “death agent” and even targeted this thing as early as when its experimental strain first appeared in the Borneo Province, and got all the test reagents needed to screen patients.

  If this invisible war is likened to a race, then they have already won the first battle.

  However, despite this, Jiang Xuezhou still had a trace of worry on her face and whispered.

  ”…But the problem now is that we only have 10,000 test kits, and there are more than 10,000 people in this quarantine point alone, and nearly 50,000 new refugees are pouring in every day.”

  As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Shi, who was standing beside her, spoke without thinking.

  ”This is easy. First, we will distinguish the refugees according to the batches that landed, and number them according to the specifications of 1,000 people per team, 100 people per group, and 10 people per team. We will try to group those with family ties together, and then do a 1,000-person screening to screen out the 1,000-person team carrying the virus, and then screen the 1,000-person team carrying the virus at the 1,000-person level, and finally at the 10-person level, and finally at the individual level.”

  ”In theory, a maximum of 4 tests can confirm that the infected people with the ‘death dose’ have been screened out from the crowd.”

  The “death dose” requires a medium for transmission, and the activity trajectories of these “death dose” carriers are likely to be similar in the macro sense, so the sick people will show a concentrated trend in terms of probability.

  That is, according to the time and place of landing, they are densely distributed in several limited sample intervals.

  According to this detection method, 10,000 refugees may not even need 200 test kits, and the 10,000 kits they brought this time are completely enough.

  As for the subsequent influx of refugees, they can just transport a few more batches from the alliance.

  Ye Shi suddenly had the illusion that he was playing Plague Inc.

  After hearing his suggestion, Jiang Xuezhou was stunned for a few seconds, and his eyes gradually shone.


  Hearing this exaggerated flattery, Ye Shi almost choked on his own saliva and said with a dry cough.

  ”Don’t be like that… Isn’t this just a group test? It’s not a difficult thing. You can definitely think of it if you spend some time.”

  This method is said to be quite common in science and engineering laboratories. He doesn’t believe that this guy doesn’t know it. At most, he didn’t think of it for a while.

  In comparison, he has more amazing ideas, but there is no need for that.

  Jiang Xuezhou’s face turned red involuntarily, and he said embarrassedly.

  ”I… I’m not in that direction. I study machinery and AI.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

  ”… Then why did the college send you here?”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s eyebrows twitched slightly: “I, how should I know? It’s not like I took the initiative to apply for it!”

  Looking at the two people bickering, Chen Yutong, he teased.

  ”Okay, you two should flirt in a proper place. Now is not the time for playing around. Just do as Ye Shi said, and do group testing… It’s time to get down to work.”


  What kind of flirting is this!

  Jiang Xuezhou’s face turned red, and he tried to explain, but Ye Shi got the better of him and expressed his dissatisfaction.

  ”What do you mean by little brother? Bah, I’m not a kid anymore! I’m an adult!”

  As everyone knows, “Wasteland OL” is an R18 game, and minors can’t even touch the helmet.

  ”Really?” Chen Yutong looked at him with a smile, then glanced at Xuezhou, whose face was red as a lantern, and said something intriguing, “Then let’s just treat it as such.”


  Just when Ye Shi was trying to prove to a girl that he was not a kid, the old man in the battlefield in the Glory House in Triumph City was scheming with a centenarian.

  To be honest, when Lei Ze said “please declare war on the Southern Legion”, the battlefield guy was just a little bit away from agreeing straightforwardly, blurting out the word “OK”.

  In fact, if it was him in the past, he would definitely choose this without hesitation.

  After all, he is a pangolin.

  Isn’t this what pangolins do?

  But in just a moment, he suddenly woke up.

  Knowing that Triumph City closed the border, mobilizing the Willant people to Triumph City to attend the funeral of Marshal Julius, the top leaders of the Southern Legion could not have thought of the consequences of doing so.

  They had long been prepared to break with Triumph City, and even hoped that Triumph City would take the initiative to provoke this conflict!

  This is actually not difficult to understand. The Southern Legion and Triumph City have a blood relationship that is thicker than water. This blood and spiritual bond is even stronger than the Federation of the New World and the Empire of the Far East. So much so

  that even if Triumph City has abandoned the name of the Legion, Yavent City still has not abandoned it, but continues to use the banner of the Southern Legion.

  It is precisely because of this bond between the two sides that the top and grassroots of the Southern Legion have serious differences on the issue of Triumph City.

  If the top leaders of the Southern Legion took the initiative to declare war on Triumph City, there is no doubt that almost half of the soldiers will defect, and the remaining half will definitely not be able to do it.

  But the opposite is not necessarily true.

  If the “betrayer” is Triumph City, the top leaders of the Southern Legion will have sufficient reasons to mobilize the grassroots soldiers, turn their surprise into hatred, and march towards Triumph City in the name of correcting the chaos.

  Once the war machine is started, as long as the troops of Triumph City are pinned down, the “death agent” will definitely penetrate the walls of Triumph City, thereby promoting the plan of the Southern Legion in turn.

  Developing to the point of war may not be an option in the Southern Legion’s plan, but it is obvious that they have anticipated that Triumph City may react in this way and think that this situation is acceptable.

  After all, when the virus shows its power, this war of fratricide will naturally be interrupted, and then the public opinion of both sides will turn to the direction of complete xenophobia as the “plague against the Weilants continues to spread”… It

  only took a few minutes for the battlefield atmosphere team to sort out their thoughts.

  He inadvertently glanced at Lei Ze who crushed the armrest of the chair, and said “MMP” in his heart.

  The acting is still weird.

  This old man must know that declaring war at this time is definitely not a good idea.

  In fact, think about it, the old man has lived for 172 years. What storms and waves has he not seen?

  He himself was even carried out of a laboratory full of dead bodies by Marshal Julius.

  This kind of person will not be angry, and if he is really angry, he will not wait until now.

  There is only one possibility-

  this old Deng is testing himself!

  Taking a deep breath, the battlefield atmosphere team said in a deep voice.

  ”It’s not time to declare war yet… The most urgent thing is to save people. Saving people is the most important thing.”

  ”Just saving people?” Lei Ze frowned and said in a deep voice, “Excuse me, your kindness will only be regarded as weakness by them. This beast has already bitten its teeth into our flesh. We can only stop it from biting us by cutting off its head with a sword.”

  ”This is not weakness, but calmness,” the battlefield atmosphere group looked at the old man seriously and said in a calm tone, “Lei Ze, commander, do you have a sword that can cut off the head of this beast now?”

  Lei Ze did not answer, but stared at him intently.

  ”I think you are not well,” the battlefield atmosphere group continued, “It is precisely because the teeth of the beast have bitten on our arms that we should be more calm. We don’t have that sword. If we act rashly, it will only waste our strength in vain, allowing the beast to expand our wounds in the struggle with us, and then gain the upper hand.”

  ”Then what do you say we should do?” Lei Ze sat back in his chair, looking at him with a gloomy expression, waiting for his answer.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team took a deep breath and continued in a calm voice.

  ”This beast has reached the end of its rope. It has put its last strength on this one remaining tooth. If it were me, I would hold its only remaining tooth and let it use up its last strength in the struggle… At that time, it would be the one to be slaughtered.”

  Lei Ze’s eyes flashed with a sharp light.

  ”Be more specific.”

  ”Respond to changes with constancy, and win with no tactics,” the Battlefield Atmosphere Team responded to his gaze, “We will accept as many people as they send over. Not only will we accept them all, but we will also mobilize all the forces we can to help them transport! We will even mobilize the forces of the New Federation, the Eastern Empire, and the Northern Empire to rescue our compatriots who are suffering in the province of Battoa.”

  In the process of population siphoning, they naturally also dismembered the Southern Legion!

  Looking at the old man with bright eyes, the battlefield atmosphere group clenched their fists and said in a firm tone.

  ”Since the Southern Legion intends to treat the Willant people as their iron wall, then we will tear down all their bricks!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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