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Chapter 939 The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 939 The Beginning of Chaos


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 939 The Beginning of Chaos

  Three days later, Daqian, Xiling Prefecture.

  As a prefecture adjacent to the capital of Daqian, after entering the territory of Xiling, it is only four or five days away from the capital of Daqian.

  Normally, the official roads of Xiling are bustling day and night. Caravans from the eastern prefectures of Daqian will enter the capital from these routes, and there is an endless stream of convoys.

  However, in recent days, these official roads have been very deserted, and sometimes no one can be seen for a long time.

  Many people would rather take a long detour than go through Xiling again, for fear that they would accidentally run into the so-called “righteous army” and bring about a fatal disaster.

  Therefore, even the post stations and tea stalls on the roadside have lost business, and most of them simply closed their doors to avoid the limelight.

  But there are also a few stubborn ones who still hang banners, hoping to pick up some business when their peers are closed.

  ”Boss, do you think the emperor will really be changed this time?”

  A small tea stall is set up under the shade of trees on the roadside. A man and a woman are sitting on wooden chairs and chatting.

  The woman is dressed like an ordinary woman, with a chopstick as a wooden hairpin to tie up her long, dry and rough hair.

  The man looks honest and has a long scarf on his shoulders.

  It is obvious that these two people should be a couple who opened a small tea stall here to make a living.

  Since there is no customer in the stall at this time, they can only sit and chat to relieve boredom.

  ”Who knows?”

  curled his lips. With his short-sighted knowledge, the middle-aged man undoubtedly could not answer the woman’s question, so he just muttered casually:

  ”Anyway, it doesn’t matter who becomes the emperor, as long as the war is over soon.”

  ”That’s right.”

  The woman nodded, looked into the distance at the end of the official road, and then retracted her gaze disappointedly: “There is still no one.”

  ”Boss, why don’t we close the stall? Yesterday, Old Wang from the west of the village said that the rebels will be here soon. Let’s not get into any more trouble.”

  ”Alas, but we haven’t received

  any income for several days. If we don’t open the stall, huh?” The man was suddenly stunned, and looked at the woman with a puzzled look: “Weren’t you at home yesterday? When did you meet Old Wang?”

  ”I ran into him when I went to the village well to fetch water, and we just said a few words.”

  The woman’s eyes were a little evasive: “Oh, let’s go, I’ll go close the stall now”


  The man’s face turned red in an instant, and he stood up, staring at the woman and questioned:

  ”Speak clearly! Are you having an affair with that bastard Lao Wang?”

  ”You, what nonsense are you talking about!”

  ”I’m talking nonsense?! Okay! I’ll go find him now!”

  ”If it’s true, I’ll chop him up!”

  The man rushed into a small thatched house nearby and grabbed a knife, then ran angrily towards the distant village.

  Seeing this, the woman hurriedly chased after him and wailed:

  ”What a sin! I can’t live like this!”

  ”Get out of here! Don’t just stop!”


  After a commotion, the man and the woman disappeared, and even the tea stall was not closed.

  There is no doubt that if nothing unexpected happens, the days of these two people should be over today.

  And soon after they left, with the smoke and dust rising from the end of the official road, the “culprit” who caused all this also arrived here.

  Amid the muffled sound of “boom and boom”, a long army passed by the tea stall, and black flags fluttered in the wind.

  The empty tea stall quietly watched all this, and the copper kettle on the stove was boiling with hot steam, like a lazy spectator.

  ”Sir, Xiling Mansion is ahead.”

  Behind the 300,000 rebels, in the bumpy carriage, Su Qi’s face was extremely tired at the moment.

  He was just a civil servant before, and he had never done such a thing as marching with the army. He couldn’t eat well or sleep well. After a few days, he was very tired.

  More importantly, compared with physical fatigue, the psychological burden made him sleep and eat uneasy.

  The closer he was to the capital, the greater his pressure was, and he became more haggard.

  Wei Changtian was much more relaxed, and there was not even a trace of tension on his face.

  ”Really? Then rest in Xiling tonight, and then march directly to the capital in one go.” After

  giving an order, Wei Changtian asked casually: “By the way, is there anything unusual in Xiling Mansion?”

  ”My lord, no.”

  Su Qi answered truthfully: “All cities have closed their gates, and no troops have been mobilized.”

  ”Oh, that’s fine.”

  Wei Changtian nodded and looked up at Su Qi.

  ”Lord Su, you seem very tired.”


  Su Qi paused, but did not hide it, shook his head and replied: “I am more tired mentally than physically.”

  ”Haha, I understand.”

  Wei Changtian laughed twice, turned his head and looked at the densely packed soldiers outside the car: “Lord Su, I can assure you that not many people will die this time.”

  ”I hope this can make you feel a little more at ease.”


  Su Qi was stunned, obviously a little surprised.

  He didn’t expect Wei Changtian to say this, and just when he was about to ask something, the latter waved his hand to interrupt:

  ”Don’t ask, you will know when the time comes.”


  replied with a complicated expression, the carriage slowly stopped, and Su Qi quickly got off and left.

  After a few breaths, the carriage started again, turning the front of the car to go in the opposite direction of the army.

  A quarter of an hour later, the empty official road was full of traces of the army. Two carriages stopped in the middle of the road, and four or five people stood around.

  After staying for another three days, Xu Suisui finally had to return to Xinfeng.

  In fact, she didn’t do anything during these three days. She basically followed Wei Changtian around the army, and when she had time, she went to match Xu Quan and Zhili.

  By the way, Xu Quan’s misunderstanding of Xu Suisui and Wei Changtian has been resolved.

  Well, at least Xu Quan has already believed that there is nothing between the two. As for whether he believes it in his heart, only he knows.

  ”Little sister, be careful on the road.”

  Standing opposite Xu Suisui, Xu Quan said everything he should say with a serious expression, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

  Xu Suisui only agreed absent-mindedly, and then immediately turned her head to Wei Changtian.

  ”Well, I’m leaving.” ”

  Go quickly.”

  Wei Changtian waved his hand, and there was no “reluctant farewell” in his tone.

  ”Just do as I say when you go back. I’ll go to Fengyuan after I finish my work here.”


  Xu Suisui snorted when she saw Wei Changtian was so indifferent, but at least she didn’t argue with him in front of so many people.

  ”I remember, don’t worry.”

  She rolled her eyes at Wei Changtian, nodded to Zhili, Yang Liushi and others, and turned to get in the car.

  But at this moment, Zhang San suddenly ran over from not far away in a hurry.

  ”Young Master!”

  Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Zhang San didn’t care whether it was appropriate or not, and ran all the way to Wei Changtian, leaning over and whispering something in the latter’s ear.

  And Wei Changtian’s eyes widened instantly, and he almost subconsciously blurted out:

  ”Is this true?!”

  ”Yes, it’s true, it’s spread.”


  Standing there in a daze, Wei Changtian was silent for a long time in the eyes of everyone’s doubts, and then turned his head to look at Xu Suisui and said:

  ”Don’t leave yet, something big has happened.”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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