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Chapter 939: The Dawn of the Weilantes

Chapter 939: The Dawn of the Weilantes


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 939: The Dawn of the Willant People

  Although he is usually not serious and always comes up with bad ideas, this time Ye Shi’s idea really worked wonders.

  With the cooperation of the Southern Border Guard of the Willant Alliance, they quickly completed the screening of the first batch of 43,000 Willant people who entered the Willant Province, and confirmed that 152 of them were patients carrying the “death agent” virus. What is

  outrageous is

  that two-thirds of these patients are elderly and children. Their immunity is relatively weak, and they were tortured by sea water and cold wind before going ashore. Many people have not yet survived the incubation period of the “death agent”, but have caught a serious cold. The

  30,000-man team responsible for setting up the quarantine area transferred these patients to separate camps and tents, and informed the patients of the test results after the transfer.

  When he learned that he was carrying the “death agent” virus, Old Bazel’s face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

  ”Death, death agent?! How, how is it possible… I’m fine, those who sneezed are not sick, why me?!”

  As he spoke, his stunned expression gradually turned into panic.

  He was not entirely worried about his own safety, but thought of his wife who set out with him.

  The soldier in orange chemical protective clothing sat opposite him and nodded seriously.

  ”According to the research data provided by the Alliance, the onset of the death agent is usually two weeks later. You have no symptoms yet, which means that the infection should have been not long ago. We hope you can tell us the areas you passed along the way, as well as the number of the troops escorting… or escorting you, and any other clues you think are valuable.”

  When he said this, he paused for a moment and added in a serious tone.

  ”We will do our best to save you, so please be sure to tell us the clues you know… This is very important!”

  Feeling the seriousness in the tone, Old Bazel restrained the complicated expression on his face.

  After calming down and thinking for a long time, he slowly spoke.

  ”My home is in the Avent City… Les Invalides Road, let’s call it the core city.”

  ”Les Invalides Road?”

  The soldier’s face was filled with surprise, and he wrote hurriedly on the notebook with his hand holding the pen, without stopping.

  Old Bazel also looked at him in surprise.

  ”Do you know which place?”

  The soldier in charge of recording nodded.

  ”Of course I know… I should say I don’t need to know, Les Invalides Road is full of military families.”

  Old Bazel said with a complicated expression.

  ”And they are the families of fallen soldiers.”

  This is one of the traditions inherited by the major legions from Triumph City, and it is also a social welfare that started in the era of Marshal Julius.

  Military families living in Les Invalides Road will receive a pension every month, and will also arrange regular health checks, and

  they don’t have to spend money to see a doctor. After all, only by solving the soldiers’ worries can they move forward without hesitation.

  Even until a week ago, he enjoyed treatment that was no less than that of an active centurion.

  The soldier asked immediately.

  ”Then do you remember which unit you left with?”

  Old Bazel nodded and continued.

  ”It was the personal guard of the Tyr Corps that mobilized us to leave. I don’t know how many thousandth of them there were, but their attitude was still very polite… If nothing unexpected happened, we should be the first few people to arrive at the dock. But it seems that we were not the first. When we arrived, the ferry was gone, and there were only a dozen small boats left.”

  The soldier hurriedly wrote this sentence in the notebook and asked again.

  ”Then did they wear chemical protective suits?”

  Old Bazel’s eyes fell into confusion. He recalled carefully for a long time and finally shook his head and said.

  ”It seems… No, but I did see gas masks. It was also around that time that I heard about the plague, but no one took it seriously, and I didn’t care too much.”

  The soldier in charge of recording exchanged glances with the soldier standing at the door.

  The latter’s expression was a little subtle, and he muttered in a low voice.

  ”I heard from the people in the alliance… The incidence of awakened people does not seem to be high.”

  ”I see…”

  The soldier in charge of recording muttered with a complicated expression and wrote this guess as a note aside.

  Regardless of whether the virus was released by the personal guard of the Tyr Corps, this matter must be related to them.

  After this farce is over, they will naturally investigate it according to the clues.

  After completing the record, the soldier closed the notebook in his hand and looked at the old man in front of him seriously.

  ”Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any additional clues, please feel free to contact us. In addition, since you are carrying the ‘death dose’ virus, we hope that you can stay in the quarantine area as much as possible and avoid contact with other people.”

  ”We will bear the expenses of all your daily necessities during the quarantine period. If you need anything, we will try our best to help you solve it. The only thing is that you must not leave here.”

  Old Bazel smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Hey, what trouble… It’s me who has caused trouble to you, and I have to let you take care of me.”

  He is a traditional Willant, obeying the collective, loyal to the collective, and unwilling to cause trouble to the collective.

  I don’t know if it’s his illusion, he always feels that these young men in Triumph City in front of him have become a little different from those young men in Triumph City in his impression.

  They also obey the collective, but they have another understanding of the collective.

  He can’t say where the difference is, but the two are indeed different.

  Hearing the old man’s words, the young man smiled and said,

  ”You are being too polite. We are compatriots. How can we leave you alone? If there is anything, you must tell us. Don’t feel embarrassed or troubled.”

  After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave.

  However, at this moment, the old man sitting opposite him suddenly seemed to remember something and reached out to grab his arm.

  Seeing the surprised soldier, old Bazel said seriously.

  ”By the way, I heard that… this killing agent is the genetic weapon in the Great Desert?”

  The soldier whose arm was grabbed hesitated and said in an uncertain tone.

  ”The identity of the attacker is currently uncertain… but the existing intelligence can confirm that the killing agent is indeed artificially designed.”

  This is the news released by the Guards.

  He was not sure whether it was appropriate to tell the patient, but the commander did not forbid them to do so.

  Old Bazel nodded, loosened his hand, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke.

  ”I suddenly remembered… Two days before I set off, I seemed to have had an examination at the hospital on Guangrong Road, and I had a blood test at that time. The process that could have been completed in half an hour took three hours. I thought it was strange at the time, but I didn’t take it to heart.”

  ”Hospital on Guangrong Road? Which hospital is it? Do you remember?”

  The soldier was stunned for a moment, and quickly opened the notebook that had just been closed and added this clue.

  ”There is only one hospital there, and the citizens of our entire street go there to see a doctor.”

  Looking at the soldier who was hurriedly taking notes, the old man continued in a very light voice.

  ”Listen, if you have to, don’t be merciful… I am willing to take the virus to the grave.”

  The soldier who was hurriedly taking notes stopped his hand and looked up at the old man in surprise.

  Old Bazel grinned and gave the young man an encouraging look.

  ”I’m content to be able to live in the wasteland until I’m 79 years old… Want to turn me into a bullet to shoot at the Weyland people? I’ll tell that idiot, no way!”

  He understood everything.

  The culprit was that Tyr, there was no second suspect or murderer at all.

  The whole thing was that guy’s own conspiracy from beginning to end.

  No matter what, he wouldn’t do such a stupid thing? Such a stupid guy can’t be the leader of the legion? Ha, that’s what children who haven’t even grown their hair think.

  He knew better than anyone that Tyr was a guy who could do big things.

  But he really didn’t expect that the guy didn’t get rid of these people who were in the way in advance because he was planning to do big things in Avent City. Instead, from the moment the guy got them away, he was already playing a big game.

  But he wouldn’t let that guy succeed. Even

  if he was just an old man, he would fight in his own way.

  The soldier stared at the old man in a daze, his expression awe-inspiring.

  ”…I understand your feelings, but we will never do this.”

  Old Bazel grinned.

  ”Won’t do that? But Tyr won’t show mercy. I’m worried about you guys. Can you win? Don’t get carried away.”

  The soldier smiled and comforted him.

  ”Don’t worry, our Archon said that the bottom line is not the same as weakness. It’s our shield.”

  Old Bazel: “August?”

  ”Yes, Mr. Pangolin, who brought all of our hopes to the Glory House.”

  When the soldier said this, his tone was full of pride from the heart.

  ”Our Archon also said that we won’t defeat the beasts with the beasts’ methods, jump into the mud and roll with them, and make everyone stink. We will use the weapons and methods of civilized people. Not only will we tell them not to even think about it, but we will also completely destroy their spirit and prove to our compatriots who kneel down and flatter the authority that wild dogs will always be wild dogs and will never defeat two-legged people!”

  Old Bazel stared at the young man in a daze, and vaguely saw a familiar shadow.

  That was his grandfather…

  or rather, the soldiers who once united around Marshal Julius.

  They are strong, brave, loyal, and invincible… Their statues and shadows are everywhere in the whole Triumphant City.

  That was an era that has long gone, just like the prosperous era of the Weilant people.

  He once envied that era and lamented more than once that he was born at the wrong time.

  Unexpectedly, at the end of his life, that glorious shadow appeared again.

  ”…It seems that your archon is indeed an extraordinary person.”

  Looking at the old man with a sincere expression, the young man said with a hearty smile.

  ”That’s natural… Speaking of his experience, it would take two days and two nights to talk about it.”

  Listening to the young man’s words, old Bazel laughed out loud.

  ”Haha! Then I can’t pretend that I haven’t heard of it… Wait until everything is over, I’ll buy you a drink and we can talk slowly.”

  He suddenly became curious.

  The legend about the archon…


  The shadow of the “death potion” looms over the Weilant Province, but fear did not overwhelm the people living on this land.

  All refugees stayed quietly in the quarantine area. Under the management of the border guards of the Willant Alliance, they received rationed supplies in an orderly manner and received health checks.

  With the assistance of the Alliance and the researchers of the Academy, the newly born Willant Alliance successfully withstood the waves of refugees from the Southern Legion, and built and consolidated 20 quarantine areas under this continuous impact.

  The whole process was not easy.

  After all, it was not only refugees who were washed ashore by the waves, but also dead bodies.

  And the survivors living in the quarantine area had to endure not only the lack and shortage of supplies, but also other epidemics besides the “death agent” and plagues caused by inadequate sanitary conditions.

  Not only that, the Willant Alliance also had to face the agents of the Southern Legion.

  They would not only spread panic and incite the survivors to attack the checkpoints, but also try to break through the blockade of the quarantine zone through physical means.

  Fortunately, this is in the wasteland. There is a large wasteland between the quarantine zone and the Triumph City, and the population flow between the small settlements scattered in the wasteland is not close.

  Although several accidents occurred during the period, due to timely remedies, the border guards of the Willant Alliance finally successfully controlled the virus and did not let the “death agent” spread to Triumph City. The

  Willant people in the quarantine area were also quite cooperative.

  The unity they showed in the face of difficulties even infected the aliens who fled from the Battoa Province.

  In this way, all of them jointly created a miracle that was almost impossible to succeed –

  that is, with almost no preparation, they relied on their iron will and the belief of not abandoning or giving up to withstand the “cross-sea assault” launched by the Southern Legion with the flesh and blood of civilians, with an average of 50,000 people per day. At

  this moment, the Southern Legion was like a mad beast, and had entered the final hysterical madness.

  At the same time, as Triumph City gained a foothold in the first round of the “death agent”, the situation of this crisis began to gradually develop in a direction that was favorable to the Willant Alliance.

  Under the mediation of the battlefield atmosphere group, the civil service group and the guards, the United States in the New World, as well as the East Empire and the North Empire, also gradually realized the seriousness of the matter.

  The New Federation’s warships are advancing towards the Whirlpool Sea.

  On the other hand, the Eastern Empire and the Northern Empire sent the urgently needed food, medicine, clothes and tents to the Willant Alliance through the railways running from south to north.

  Although the seemingly united but actually alienated legions disintegrated, the Willant people did not forget their homeland.

  They were still as united as before, or even more united than before.

  In this way, half a month passed, and it was early October in a blink of an eye.

  In the past half month, the Southern Legion sent nearly 800,000 elderly, weak, women and children to the north, and a total of 12,707 patients with “death doses” were diagnosed, and no one successfully crossed the border!

  At present, the antidote for the death dose is still under development. Although a reliable vaccine has not been obtained for the time being, an inhibitor that can relieve symptoms has been successfully produced.

  According to the opinion of the Alliance Biological Research Institute, the person who tied the bell is still the one who can untie it. If you want to get a vaccine as soon as possible, the best way is to get the virus research and development data in the hands of the Southern Legion.

  A military operation against the city of Yavent has been discussed at the Army Staff of the Alliance.

  However, at this moment, Ye Shi, who is in the quarantine area, does not know what is happening outside, and he probably doesn’t care if he knows.

  Because of his previous “little tricks” and Jiang Xuezhou’s “talking nonsense” to exaggerate his contributions, he has now been regarded as a virology expert by the border guards of the Willant Alliance.

  A group of big-nosed officers surrounded him all day long, asking him for advice on epidemic prevention work.

  Enjoying the feeling of being treated as a big boss, Ye Shi also raised his nose to the sky and indulged in the addiction of being surrounded by stars.

  Looking at the densely packed “valuable experience” that filled a whole notebook, the official of the logistics department turned his face into a bitter gourd and complained bitterly.

  ”According to the standard you mentioned… our expenses may be astronomical.”

  Ye Shi spread his hands and said happily.

  ”I only give advice, you can ask the governor for money.”

  It is impossible to ask him to pay, and it is also impossible to ask the alliance for money. It is good enough not to take their money.

  But then again, the manager who has always been stingy is still quite kind when it comes to matters of life and death.

  The test reagents that Jiang Xuezhou helped to transport were all made by the Institute of Biology at great expense, but they did not charge Triumph City a penny, and did not even mention the money. After

  sending away the officials from the logistics department, Ye Shi had just walked out of the tent and saw Xuezhou who had just returned from Shuguang City.

  The reagents had been used up before, so her research ship flew to Shuguang City again and airlifted a batch back.

  It must be said that the anti-gravity aircraft is really a good thing. It is said that if there were not too much orbital garbage outside, it could even drive directly to the moon with one foot on the accelerator.

  It’s a pity to leave this treasure in the hands of the academy.

  Just when Ye Shi was thinking about some rude things, Jiang Xuezhou happened to see him and called out from a distance.


  Seeing that this guy was coming with bad intentions, Ye Shi yawned and said helplessly.

  ”What’s wrong with you again?”

  ”What, what do you mean by what’s wrong again! Do I have a lot of things to do?”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s eyebrows instantly stood up, dissatisfied with this guy’s impatient tone.

  But it was only for a moment, and the two eyebrows softened again.

  After a while of hesitating, she coughed in a reserved manner, and then changed her tone to a casual chat, saying something that was incoherent.

  ”That… why don’t you explain it.”

  Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, confused by this incoherent sentence.

  ”What explanation? Explain what?”

  ”It was last month… when I first came,” Jiang Xuezhou looked aside shyly and muttered softly, “Why don’t you explain to Yutong that what we did… was not flirting.”


  Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, like a groundhog in a daze on the grassland.

  After a long time, he finally uttered a word from his open mouth.

  ”Are you a child? What is there to explain?”

  And this happened half a month ago, right? !

  Jiang Xuezhou seemed to realize that it was a bit incoherent to bring up this matter suddenly, and immediately buried his head with a red face.

  ”Yes, yes… What’s there to explain? There’s no need to explain at all, haha.”

  So embarrassing…

  My face was so hot.

  Looking at the dumbfounded Ye Shi, she felt that the sole of her shoe was almost scratched through by her big toe…


  Triumph City.

  The meeting hall of the Glory Court.

  After the mobilization meeting, the Battlefield Atmosphere Group dismissed the officials at the conference table and said to the commander of the Lei Ze army who was sitting next to them.

  ”You said that you want to let the beasts see my courage, so do you still like my courage?”

  The old man in golden armor smiled faintly and nodded pertinently.

  ”It’s so-so, a little tender compared to Marshal Julius, but it’s barely acceptable to me.”

  The Battlefield guy made a helpless expression, but the corners of his mouth still curled up a bit of smug smile.

  To be able to let a 172-year-old old monster give a “barely” evaluation, it seems that he is at least qualified.

  Looking at Mr. Archon, Lei Ze thought for a while and continued.

  ”In fact, what makes me happier than your courage is that you used the word ‘compatriots’ when you persuaded me.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help showing a helpless expression on his face.

  Is that it?

  ”Many of my friends are Weilantes. Even if I am not Weilante, it is hard not to consider them.”

  ”Even if it is betraying the Alliance?” Legion Commander Lei Ze said this in a joking tone, looking at him with interest.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group shook his head slowly and said in a casual tone.

  ”I never think that I betrayed the Alliance. In fact, I am sitting here because I fulfilled my promise.”

  Lei Ze looked at him intently.


  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group nodded, his eyes lost in memories, thinking of a long, long time ago.

  ”When we left the shelter, we all swore an oath under the flag of the Human Union. We vowed to rebuild our home… and this is what we have been doing all along. When we go to a place, we don’t destroy the local order, but work with them to find possibilities for the future.”


  Lei Ze laughed heartily, patted the armrest of the seat that he had crushed earlier, and said in a teasing tone.

  ”This sounds like a disaster relief agency.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group smiled faintly and said modestly.

  ”We are a disaster relief agency. Isn’t that what Blue Gopher does?”


  The old man laughed even more heartily, and the smile between his brows was much more relieved.

  He was really relieved that he had finally waited for this day.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group could not read his emotions, but surprisingly could empathize with him.

  If one day, I live in a new era, looking back on the ups and downs I have experienced along the way, I think I should laugh as heartily as this old man.

  Casting an approving look at the young consul, Lei Ze gave a heartfelt praise.

  ”No matter what, you can treat the Weilant people as compatriots, not tools to complete the mission…”

  ”I feel relieved.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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