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Chapter 941 An unprecedented alliance in a century!

Chapter 941 An unprecedented alliance in a century!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 941: Unprecedented Alliance!

  Southern Legion Headquarters.

  A burly figure stood in front of the command table, his deep pupils staring at the sand table with light blue light particles floating on the command table.

  Under his personal command, the entire Battoa Province and even the northern shore of the Whirlpool Sea have been connected into a chessboard.

  And with the continuous fermentation of the “death agent” virus, this game of chess has entered the final stage.

  At this moment, on the regular chessboard, the flag of the 1.17 millionth team has been marked with gray, symbolizing the rebels.

  The chess pieces with the weakest will have been eliminated first, and the 100,000th team of the vassal army and the “Iron Crossbow” rapid reaction force are besieging them.

  At this time, a light blue figure appeared next to the command table, and a man with an ordinary appearance nodded slightly.

  The man was one of the chess pieces on the chessboard, the commander of the “Iron Crossbow” rapid reaction force, Hines.

  Looking at his confidant, Tyr asked expressionlessly.

  ”What is the reaction from Triumph City?”

  Hines reported respectfully.

  ”No action for now.”

  No action…

  When he heard this answer, a flash of surprise flashed across Tyr’s eyes, and his expression gradually became solemn.

  He left the sand table, paced back and forth in front of the bookshelf next to him, and then cast his eyes back to the sand table, his brows deeply locked.

  There are only two possibilities.

  Either Triumph City is trapped in internal chaos and cannot extricate itself, or his opponent is more difficult than he imagined. This is

  the first time he has felt the difficulty of this duel.

  Through the light blue light particles floating on the sand table, he seemed to see his opponent.

  He was a man who did not show his emotions, like an experienced hunter who was indifferent to the provocation of his prey.

  The hunting bow was hidden under the shadow of the cloak, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time!

  He could feel that the curled index finger had tightened the bowstring, but he could not see the hidden edge.

  And this is the most dangerous…

  ”…Why don’t you make a move?”

  Tyr muttered to himself, and a rare irritation appeared in his heart.

  In the past month, most of the population of Battoa Province has been gathered in the north, and various ports are almost fully loaded to send refugees to the north, but they still have not penetrated the twenty isolation zones set up by Triumph City…

  And now, his troops have shown signs of mutiny.

  Maybe he should hold on for a while, after all, the force is mutual, and the other side should also be under great pressure.

  However, there are not many “bullets” that can be used.

  ”What is the situation of the 1.17 million troops?”

  Heins, who was waiting on the side, was distracted. He immediately came back to his senses when he heard Tyr’s voice and replied.

  ”The rebels are still holding on, and the battle situation is in a stalemate… Without the support of heavy equipment, it is still a bit difficult to eat them with only the vassal army.”

  Tyr thought for a while and said.

  ”I will give you the artillery squad of 1,200,000 men, but don’t use it yet. Let the vassal army hold on to the position for a while and try to force Triumph City to take the initiative.”

  ”Yes!” Heins hesitated after hearing this, but nodded and accepted the task.

  At the same time, on the north bank of the Battoa Province, the sound of gunfire was fierce.

  The tracers of bullets flew in the sky like catkins, and the thick smoke formed an impenetrable wall.

  ”Charge forward!! Kill all these traitors for me! Cut off their heads!”

  Looking at the position in front of him that was as hard as stone, Moore’s eyes were red, and he grabbed the communicator and shouted hysterically.

  The same was true on his opposite side. The young adjutant Perfika immediately deployed defenses after taking over the command of the 1,170,000 men’s team, and repelled the vassal army’s 100,000 men’s team’s round after round of charges through a stepped firepower network.


  ”Damn Tyr drove Marshal Julius’ children into the sea. This demon in human skin has betrayed the marshal and the Weilantes!”

  ”Today your neighbors died, tomorrow your children and your parents will die!”

  ”We will never hand over the hundreds of thousands of survivors in the camp to them! Never!”

  Although the fratricide was depressing, it was comforting that Tyr, who had a guilty conscience, did not dare to bring the regular army to quell the rebellion, but let the vassal army do this dirty work.

  They would not show mercy to foreigners.

  Of course, the opposite side was the same.

  In order to prove their own value and to climb to a higher position like the pangolin, Moore and his men were also bloodthirsty, and like hungry wolves, they launched rounds of fierce attacks on the positions of the 1.17 millionth team. The

  beaches of the entire Battoa Province were completely turned into human meat grinders, and thick blood dyed almost every inch of soil and sand red.

  However, it was speechless that this was not a battle of the Southern Legion against the Alliance’s beach landing, and it did not even take place between the Southern Legion and Triumph City.

  An uncontrolled fire shot up into the sky, engulfing everyone trapped in it, and it burned more and more fiercely.

  And in that raging fire, it was not only the flesh and blood of the Willant people that burned, but also their broken spirits.

  It was not just the Willant people.

  There were also those aliens who surrendered to them.

  Looking at the positions that could not be conquered for a long time and the heavy casualties of his subordinates, Moore’s pupils were wide open and bloodshot, and the burning ambition in his heart could not help but flash a moment of hesitation.

  He always felt that his chance to rise to power had come, but now it seemed that it was not the case.

  He grabbed the communicator, contacted Captain Heinswan, who ordered him to attack, and roared at the top of his voice.

  ”My men suffered heavy casualties, we need artillery support! Otherwise, we can’t continue the attack!”

  The fierce battle lasted all night.

  Until a touch of white appeared on the horizon, the sound of artillery that Moore had been looking forward to finally sounded at dawn.

  However, to his disappointment, the shells all missed the target, either falling into the sea or hitting the deserted beach.

  Due to heavy casualties, he finally ordered a halt to the attack.

  As the offensive of the 100,000th Squadron stagnated, the soldiers of the 1.17 millionth Squadron, backed by the sea, finally got a chance to breathe and defended the shaky position and hundreds of thousands of survivors in the camp. At the

  same time, towering shadows emerged on the sea surface in the distance.

  Perfica, the temporary commander of the 1.17 millionth Squadron, looked at the sea in the distance, and the light of hope finally ignited in his pupils.

  It’s reinforcements!

  The compatriots of Triumph City did not abandon him, and the archon did not lie to them!

  He stood up from the trench and shouted at the communicator in his hand.

  ”Brothers! The ship that takes us home is here! Hold on!!!”


  As the fleet of the Federation advanced into the Whirlpool Sea, the situation on the north coast of the Battoa Province was reversed in an instant.

  Those towering figures stood on the turbulent sea, like moving steel fortresses.

  Even if they did nothing, the thick and long gun barrels themselves were an invisible deterrent, shocking the soldiers of the 100,000th Squadron of the vassal army.

  Looking at the warships appearing on the sea level, Moore was completely dumbfounded and at a loss for a moment.

  Not only was he dumbfounded, but also the commander of the “Iron Crossbow” quick reaction force, Hines, and Tyr, who was far away in Avent City.

  Especially the latter, after learning that the Federation of the New World had joined the war, he was stunned in front of the command table and didn’t say a word for a long time.

  The New World had just declared independence not long ago, and it was reasonable to be wary of each other with Triumph City.

  At least that should be the case at the official level.

  However, he never expected that the governor of Triumph City would actually pull these “traitors” into his camp, and the guys who have always been profit-seeking actually agreed!

  How did that guy convince them?

  Tyr was completely dumbfounded.

  At the same time, the flagship of the Federation Fleet, Captain Kirkwan, was standing at the bow, holding a telescope and looking towards the coastline.

  The diffuse smoke obscured his vision, so that he could only see the area near the dock clearly.

  But even so, this messy scene still deeply shocked him.

  ”Rodrick, do you remember what the province of Battoa used to look like?”

  The adjutant standing beside him shrugged slightly.

  ”Who knows, I haven’t been there… Besides, is that kind of thing important?”

  Kirk grinned.

  ”That’s right…”

  No matter what the province of Battoa used to look like, it has now completely turned into a hell on earth.

  Before that, Battoa Province, as the first “overseas” land conquered by Marshal Julius himself, was regarded by countless Willant people as the place that was expected to end the wasteland era first.

  For a long time, the Southern Legion did walk ahead of the other forces within the Legion. In

  a sense, their existence has also foreshadowed the almost inevitable future of the Legion –

  after reaching the extreme of madness, it will move towards the final demise.


  While Kirk was looking at the shore, the people on the shore were also looking in his direction.

  Figures walked out of the black smoke and moved towards the direction of the pier.

  Most of those people were old people, children and women.

  Even though they were on the battlefield, they still lined up in a neat team, quietly waiting for the boat to pick them up.

  ”The water ahead is too shallow, we can’t get close.” Looking at the faces on the shore, the adjutant named Roderick frowned and said.

  Kirk smiled faintly and turned the telescope to the north.

  ”Don’t worry, it’s not just us who come here.”

  Roderick subconsciously looked up and saw tiny black dots appearing in the direction of Willant Province.

  He took out the telescope and looked towards the sea level, only to see large and small ships heading towards them.

  Among them, the big ones were ferries that were tens of meters long, and the small ones were fishing boats that were only a few steps wide. Looking around, they formed a piece on the sea.

  In front of the fleet of the Federation, these small boats were like ants next to an elephant, but they were more than enough to send people on the shore to the warships.

  These ships were previously requisitioned from the civilian population by the Southern Legion to transport refugees to Willant Province.

  Now, more than a month has passed, and the quarantine zone in the south of the Weilant Province has been completed. The materials shipped from the North Empire and the East Empire are enough for Triumph City to feed the millions of new population.

  Not only that, the refugees who landed first have been able to leave the quarantine zone, and all forces, including the Alliance, have expressed their willingness to share some of the pressure of the influx of refugees for Triumph City and accept the refugees from the Battoa Province.

  According to the wishes of the refugees themselves, some of them will leave the Weilant Province for the New World, or cross the ocean to the Baiyue and Haiya provinces in the east of the Central Continent.

  So far, the influx and outflow of the quarantine zone have been able to achieve a dynamic balance.

  Triumph City no longer needs to control the influx rate of refugees from the Battoa Province, and can even free up its hands to help the Southern Legion move the displaced survivors.

  On the other hand, the “decisive battle mission” plan launched by the Southern Legion at all costs has completely failed.

  Under the unity of Triumph City, the “death agent” was firmly controlled in the quarantine zone.

  Even though the researchers of the Academy and the Alliance have not yet come up with reliable special medicines and vaccines, the old, weak, women and children infected by the “death agent” can no longer serve as bullets for the Southern Legion.

  In fact, from the moment the “death agent” was controlled by Triumph City, the Southern Legion had already lost the war.

  Soon, as the incubation period passed and the peak of the disease arrived, they would have to swallow the bitter fruit they had brewed…


  With the help of those small boats, hundreds of thousands of survivors stranded on the north bank of the Battoa Province were finally able to escape and board the ship that came from the New World to pick them up.

  Frightened by the pressure of those warships, Moore weighed the pros and cons and finally did not order his men to continue the attack, and Captain Heinswan, who was supervising the battle behind him, did not urge him.

  These refugees were originally going to be sent to the north.

  Now that the other party took the initiative to send a ship to pick them up, it was exactly what they wanted.

  However, he did not know that this orderly retreat was not what Commander Tyr wanted to see…

  On the other side, on the northern shore of the Whirlpool Sea, in the quarantine zone in the southern part of the Province of Willant, clean and tidy tents were located in an open space not far from the beach.

  More than a month ago, this place was still a wasteland, but now it unexpectedly feels a bit prosperous.

  Nearly 300,000 survivors live here, and they are divided into large and small communities of 10,000 people.

  There are hospitals, canteens, police stations, and even temporary classrooms and resident activity centers in the community.

  Although the facilities here look a bit simple, everything is operating in an orderly manner.

  There are 19 similar quarantine areas on the coastline, and the number of people accommodated varies.

  Among them, the quarantine areas with the highest numbers have no new patients and are allowed to leave the quarantine areas.

  Everyone packed their luggage, cleaned the tents they had lived in, and went to the highway outside the quarantine area to wait for the bus to take them to the vicinity of Triumph City.

  After they leave, the survivors who have just come from the Battoa Province will live in the tents they have lived in before, waiting for the medical staff who are familiar with the business to give them a physical examination.

  Because more than a month has passed since the outbreak of the “death agent”, some patients who are in the onset period have appeared among the new refugees who have landed.

  Most of them are weak and exhausted, confused, and even have signs of organ failure.

  Fortunately, these people got on a proper ship.

  If they had taken those rafts tied with ropes to cross the sea, they would not have had even a one in ten thousand chance of survival.

  For those patients who had already entered the onset period, the medical staff of Triumph City injected them with inhibitors developed by the Alliance, which stabilized their condition and prevented their physical condition from further deteriorating.

  As hundreds of thousands of civilians had safely landed, the soldiers of the 1.17 millionth corps sitting on the last ship also set foot on the port one after another.

  Not far from the deepwater port, an open-top off-road vehicle was parked on the side of the road.

  Sitting in the car was the general of the Eastern Empire.

  Looking in the direction of the deepwater port, his eyes narrowed slightly, with an intriguing smile on his face.

  He had two tasks on hand.

  One was naturally to support Triumph City in rescuing compatriots in the Battoa Province, and the other was to observe the situation in the coastal areas of the Whirlpool Sea and judge how long the Southern Legion could hold out.

  Legion Commander Salen was full of interest in the legacy of the Southern Legion, and this did not conflict with their support for Triumph City.

  In fact, it was interesting.

  The Eastern Legion and the Western Legion had not had any contact for half a century, and the first close cooperation in half a century happened after the dissolution of the Legion.

  But this was also what made him most relieved.

  Although they had been getting along for nearly a century, at least there was no disagreement on saving their compatriots.

  Even the most unsociable Northern Legion sent three 10,000-man teams and millions of supplies to help Triumph City maintain order in the quarantine zone and overcome difficulties.

  In the years after Marshal Julius disappeared, this kind of unity was unprecedented.

  ”Tyr is finished.” The general sitting in the car smiled, squinting his eyes and added, “And it’s completely finished.”

  The adjutant sitting next to him looked at him in surprise.

  ”How did you see that?”

  The general sitting in the back seat smiled and said in a casual tone.

  ”See those guys? I have no doubt that if you throw them a gun, they will pick up their weapons and go back to their Tyre without saying a word.”

  Not only those guys, but also the civilians stranded in the quarantine zone, and all the people who came from all over the world to lend them a hand.

  These people will tear Tyre to pieces.

  Just like when they faced the Torch Church, all the differences are no longer important when facing a common enemy, or it is the most important to completely cut off the two cancers of the Southern Legion and Tyre.

  When he said this, the general paused for a moment, and then continued in a half-joking tone.

  ”Besides, the opponent of that idiot is Julius, how can he have a chance to win?”

  The adjutant was stunned, and the expression on his face turned into astonishment.

  ”Julius… But, hasn’t that lord passed away?”

  ”Whoever can unite the Willant people will be Marshal Julius.”

  The general raised his index finger to straighten the brim of his hat, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  ”He did leave.”

  ”But he’s back.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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