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Chapter 941 Xu Xiuwen: I’m afraid I can’t help it

Chapter 941 Xu Xiuwen: I’m afraid I can’t help it


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Song Siyu ignored him.

  After walking to the bed, Song Siyu grabbed the quilt and sniffed it.

  She didn’t smell the scent of other women.

  It seems that he is really tired, not drained by other women.

  Song Siyu’s doubts were dispelled.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Song Siyu’s actions and smiled bitterly: “Siyu, I didn’t expect you to smell my quilt. You don’t trust me? Then did you smell the scent of other women?”

  He thought: Fortunately, we were lingering next door for the past two days, otherwise Song Siyu might have discovered the remaining traces.

  Song Siyu turned around and said with a smile: “You misunderstood, I just smelled your quilt because it hasn’t been dried for a few days.”

  Xu Xiuwen: “…”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing, “Siyu, do you think I’m an idiot? Such a fake reason, I would believe it?”

  Song Siyu chuckled, then walked to his side, took his arm, and said coquettishly: “I’m kidding you. Who told you to be so fickle? I’m also worried, don’t mind…”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head helplessly.

  But Song Siyu looked really cute at the moment.

  ”I really can’t do anything with you. If you doubt me again next time, I will punish you according to the family rules.”

  Song Siyu’s eyes lit up, and she looked at him charmingly and said, “You come.”

  Xu Xiuwen stopped talking immediately.

  He really didn’t want to do it today.

  Seeing Xu Xiuwen’s reaction, Song Siyu rolled her eyes at him, slightly disappointed.

  Xu Xiuwen changed the subject and said, “Okay, it’s getting late, you should go to bed early.”

  Song Siyu exclaimed when she heard that.

  She looked at Xu Xiuwen eagerly and pouted, “Xu Xiuwen, I don’t want to go to bed yet.”

  The eager light in the girl’s eyes made Xu Xiuwen frightened.

  He quickly straightened his face and said, “Siyu, it’s getting late now, you should go to bed early. I’m tired too and need to go to bed early.”

  Seeing his firm attitude, Song Siyu said disappointedly, “Then… okay.”

  Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief.

  It’s good that Song Siyu is willing to go to bed.

  ”You can still sleep in your previous room. The sheets and quilt covers are clean. You can just go to sleep. The toiletries are in the bathroom outside. Tell me if you need anything.”

  Song Siyu nodded.

  ”Then you should go out quickly. I’m going to take a shower too.”

  Song Siyu’s eyes lit up when she heard that Xu Xiuwen was going to take a shower.

  Xu Xiuwen was startled and quickly warned him, “Don’t make trouble. Don’t sneak in while I’m taking a shower.”

  Seeing that her thoughts were seen through, Song Siyu pouted and said, “Who wants to watch you take a shower…”

  ”That’s the best. You should go out quickly.”

  Song Siyu left the bedroom, but even a blind person could see that she was reluctant.

  Xu Xiuwen swallowed his saliva, and his heartbeat was still a little fast.

  Good thing.

  Song Siyu almost stayed.

  After calming down, Xu Xiuwen took his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  Before entering the bathroom, Xu Xiuwen suddenly felt a little worried, so he walked behind the bedroom door and locked it from the inside.

  In this way, he didn’t have to worry about Song Siyu sneaking in while he was taking a shower.

  Xu Xiuwen entered the bathroom and started to take a shower.

  Song Siyu suddenly remembered something and was ready to ask Xu Xiuwen.

  But when she came to the bedroom door and stretched out her hand to open it, she found that the door could not be opened.

  It seemed to be locked from the inside.

  Song Siyu was stunned for a long time. Xu Xiuwen

  actually locked the door?

  He did this, and you don’t have to think about who he was guarding against.

  In his eyes, is she such a hungry woman?


  She was indeed a little hungry tonight, but that was because it was a rare opportunity to be together, and Xu Xiuwen hadn’t loved her properly for a long time.

  That time in the afternoon, the time was too short and it was of no use at all, but it aroused her appetite.

  Song Siyu was very depressed.

  She turned and left.

  Xu Xiuwen finished his shower and came out of the bathroom.

  He lay on the bed, picked up his mobile phone and looked at the text messages the girls had sent him before.

  Hesitating whether to reply.

  Especially Xiao Youran’s text message.

  He thought about it seriously.

  Even though he had a quarrel with Aunt Zhang that day, it was none of Xiao Youran’s business after all.

  He shouldn’t ignore Xiao Youran. Xu

  Xiuwen decisively sent a text message back.


  After the text message was sent, there was no reply for a long time.

  Xu Xiuwen was surprised.

  In the past, Xiao Youran would reply to his text message immediately no matter what she was busy with.

  But now, after sending the text message

  for a long time, there was no reply. Could it be that Xiao Youran was angry because he ignored her for too long?

  However, it is also possible that something delayed her.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it and did not continue to send text messages. Instead, he decided to wait and see if Xiao Youran would reply to the text message.

  Then he sent text messages to Cheng Lu and An Shishi respectively.

  He first explained the situation to Cheng Lu.

  Cheng Lu also expressed understanding after knowing that his mobile phone was turned off and did not see the text message.

  Xu Xiuwen took the opportunity to ask her what exactly she asked him to do that day.

  Cheng Lu said that it was a public welfare activity jointly organized by the Art Department and the school club. She originally planned to invite him to join, but he did not reply to the text message.

  Xu Xiuwen asked her again why she was not afraid of Qin Xue knowing.

  Cheng Lu did not explain.

  The text message Xu Xiuwen sent to An Shishi was also not replied by the latter.

  If Xu Xiuwen didn’t know An Shishi well and knew that she wasn’t the type to not reply to text messages when she was angry, he would have almost worried that An Shishi was also angry.

  Xu Xiuwen also planned to take advantage of the situation to chat with Cheng Lu for a few more words.

  At this time, there was a knock on the door.

  Xu Xiuwen put down his phone, stood up and went to open the door.

  After the door opened, the person standing outside was, as expected, Song Siyu.

  ”Siyu, what can I do for you?”

  Xu Xiuwen took the opportunity to take a look at the girl.

  Song Siyu had just finished taking a shower and was wearing a white shirt.

  That’s right.

  She was wearing a white shirt.

  And the white shirt on her looked familiar.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly remembered that this seemed to be the shirt he had washed and hung on the balcony to dry, but he hadn’t had time to take it back.

  Unexpectedly, it was worn by Song Siyu.

  Song Siyu is relatively tall among girls, at 1.72 meters.

  She didn’t look particularly ill-fitting in Xu Xiuwen’s clothes, just a little longer and a little wider.

  The sleeves were relatively long, so she simply rolled up the sleeves a few times, rolled them up to her upper arms, revealing half of her arms.

  The hem of the shirt was also a little longer, just covering her legs, revealing a pair of long, white and tender legs.

  From Xu Xiuwen’s angle, he couldn’t see if Song Siyu was wearing pants under her shirt.

  He could only guess that she was wearing pants.

  Xu Xiuwen had seen this style of dressing with the bottom missing on TV and in movies.

  Every time he saw the heroine put on the hero’s shirt after taking a shower, Xu Xiuwen would feel that the woman became particularly attractive.

  The effect was the same after Song Siyu dressed like this.

  Xu Xiuwen swallowed unconsciously.

  Song Siyu suddenly stretched out her hand and waved in front of Xu Xiuwen, trying not to laugh, and asked knowingly: “Xu Xiuwen, why are you looking at me like that?”

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but ask: “Siyu, why… why are you wearing… my shirt?” He

  almost said it out of turn.

  Song Siyu explained, “I just happened to see the clothes hanging on the balcony, so I took them and put them on.”

  ”That’s not what I meant. I was asking you, why are you wearing my clothes? Why don’t you wear yours?”

  Song Siyu said, “I forgot to bring my clothes, so I had to borrow your clothes.”
Xu Xiuwen

  said, “Didn’t you bring some clothes here before and put them in the room where you sleep?”

  Song Siyu suddenly looked at him suspiciously and asked, “How do you know so clearly? You didn’t sneak in and take a look while I was away? Tell me the truth, have you done anything bad behind my back?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly, “What bad things can I do? Can I take your clothes and beat… No.”

  Song Siyu blushed and muttered, “That’s hard to say. Who knows what you will do.”

  ”We can’t continue this conversation.”

  Song Siyu laughed and explained, “I came here once before and took the clothes away without telling you.”

  ”Oh, so that’s it.” Xu Xiuwen suddenly realized.

  ”You should have told me earlier, I could have given you Yuran’s clothes.”

  Song Siyu shook her head and said, “No, I won’t wear her clothes. If she finds out, she’ll say I stole her things.”

  ”Okay.” Xu Xiuwen said helplessly.

  He understood what Song Siyu meant.

  At this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred to his mind.

  That’s not right.

  Since Song Siyu took all the clothes back before.

  She is now wearing his shirt on the outside, what’s inside?

  Was she wearing the same underwear as before, or… was she not wearing any underwear at all?

  Even if she was wearing underwear, she wasn’t wearing shorts today.

  Doesn’t that mean she definitely wasn’t wearing any pants underneath?

  A pair of underwear at most under her shirt?

  Just thinking about it, Xu Xiuwen’s heart was beating wildly.

  Song Siyu paid attention to Xu Xiuwen’s expression and suddenly asked, “Xu Xiuwen, what bad thoughts are you thinking about?”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately said seriously, “Nonsense, am I that kind of person?”

  Whether it was his tone or his expression, he looked particularly righteous!

  However, Song Siyu nodded and said with certainty, “You are!”
Xu Xiuwen

  ’s face darkened instantly.

  Seeing this, Song Siyu laughed, “I’m kidding you.”

  Xu Xiuwen forced himself not to think about whether Song Siyu was wearing underwear under her shirt.

  He looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, silently reciting the Tao Te Ching in his heart.

  However, Song Siyu’s words broke Xu Xiuwen’s power.

  She suddenly leaned close to Xu Xiuwen’s ear and whispered, “Xu Xiuwen, don’t you want to know if I’m wearing clothes under my shirt?”

  Xu Xiuwen swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

  He didn’t want to know?


  He wanted to know!

  Xu Xiuwen swallowed his saliva a little loudly.

  Song Siyu heard it.

  The girl immediately opened her eyes and said, “Xu Xiuwen, why are you swallowing secretly?”

  ”I didn’t.” Xu Xiuwen denied subconsciously.

  Song Siyu said, “You obviously did, I heard it.”

  ”Then you heard it wrong.”

  ”But I saw it too.”

  Xu Xiuwen: “…”

  Song Siyu suddenly smiled and said, “Just swallow your saliva, I didn’t say anything, why are you so guilty, haha…”

  Then she laughed softly again.

  Xu Xiuwen felt that Song Siyu was particularly charming and attractive tonight.

  He had obviously made up his mind that he would definitely not do it tonight.

  But he still began to be tempted.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly realized that the rhythm of the conversation had not been under his control.

  From the beginning, he fell into Song Siyu’s rhythm.

  Xu Xiuwen forced to change the subject and said, “What’s the matter with you? If you have something to say, say it, if you don’t, go back to sleep quickly.”

  Song Siyu curled her lips, seeming to be slightly dissatisfied with Xu Xiuwen’s way of changing the subject.

  But remembering the purpose of knocking on the door, Song Siyu became excited again.

  ”Xu Xiuwen, you…”

  Song Siyu hesitated to speak.

  ”If you have something to say, just say it quickly, don’t keep me in suspense.” Xu Xiuwen urged.

  Song Siyu pouted to express her dissatisfaction, “Xu Xiuwen, why are you so impatient with me?”

  ”I’m not impatient, I’m just a little sleepy.”

  Xiuwen certainly wouldn’t tell Song Siyu the truth.

  The truth is: you are swaying in front of me with a pair of big beautiful legs, and I can’t suppress the beast in my heart anymore.

  Song Siyu said softly: “Okay.”

  ”Then you hurry up.”

  Song Siyu stared straight into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes.

  A pair of beautiful eyes were full of affection and shyness.

  ”Do you remember what you said last night?”

  Xu Xiuwen said a lot of things last night.

  How could he know what Song Siyu said.

  He shook his head and said, “I can’t remember.”

  Such an answer naturally did not satisfy Song Siyu.

  Song Siyu reminded, “It’s what you said to Wang Juncai…”

  Xu Xiuwen thought carefully about what he said to Wang Juncai that night, and gradually guessed something.

  Song Siyu reminded, “You told him at that time that you wanted to be with me officially…”

  Her voice gradually became quieter.

  Xu Xiuwen listened to Song Siyu’s words and guessed what she wanted to say, but he just didn’t say anything.

  This made Song Siyu very embarrassed and uncomfortable.

  It was as if she was being sentimental.

  Song Siyu couldn’t help asking, “Why don’t you say anything?”

  ”What?” Xu Xiuwen pretended to be stupid.

  Of course he knew what Song Siyu wanted to hear.

  Song Siyu stared at him for a few seconds, and suddenly said angrily, “Forget it, just pretend I didn’t hear it, I’ll go back to sleep.”

  Xu Xiuwen was just teasing Song Siyu.

  He couldn’t satisfy Song Siyu physically tonight, so he naturally couldn’t disappoint her psychologically.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said, “If you leave now, what I said tonight won’t count.”

  Song Siyu stood up immediately after hearing this.

  But she still had her back to Xu Xiuwen and didn’t turn around.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Okay, I’m just teasing you. Of course I remember what I said.”

  Song Siyu turned around and looked at him with burning eyes when she heard this.

  ”You were lying to Wang Juncai at that time, right? You won’t be with me. You must still want to get back together with Cheng Lu or Xiao Youran…”

  Song Siyu looked at Xu Xiuwen eagerly after she finished speaking.

  If Xu Xiuwen agreed with her and said yes,

  I’m afraid Song Siyu would turn her face on the spot.

  Of course, she might not dare to do so.

  After all, a good daughter should not dare to be too presumptuous in front of her father.

  However, Xu Xiuwen did not continue to tease Song Siyu.

  He said directly, “Am I the kind of person who often lies?”

  Song Siyu almost couldn’t help but nod, and after noticing Xu Xiuwen’s eyes, she quickly shook her head.
Xu Xiuwen

  held back his smile and said, “Then are you willing to be my girlfriend?”

  Song Siyu reached out and pulled the corner of Xu Xiuwen’s clothes, shook it gently twice, and said, “Xu Xiuwen, don’t tease me, tell me quickly, are you going to get back together with them or not?”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head.

  Song Siyu was overjoyed when she saw this, “What about me?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Didn’t I ask you if you are willing to be my girlfriend? You haven’t answered me yet.”

  Song Siyu stuck out her tongue and nodded immediately, “I do!”

  His tone was extremely firm.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “That’s good, you will be my girlfriend from now on.”

  ”Just like that?” Song Siyu felt a little unreal.

  ”What else do you want? Do you want me to prepare a romantic scene and then confess to you, and you will be satisfied?”

  ”That’s not what I meant…” Song Siyu was worried that Xu Xiuwen would misunderstand, so she hurriedly explained.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly reached out and hugged Song Siyu and said, “You will be my girlfriend from now on.”

  Feeling Xu Xiuwen’s body temperature, Song Siyu finally confirmed that she was not dreaming, let alone hallucinating.

  Xu Xiuwen really wanted to be with her.

  She hurriedly hugged Xu Xiuwen, fearing that he would run away or disappear.

  Even if this moment was just a dream.

  She also hoped that this dream could be awakened later.

  Song Siyu whispered, “Xu Xiuwen, why did you choose me? I thought you would never choose me.”

  Xu Xiuwen was not convenient to tell Song Siyu the real reason.

  He stepped back and looked into Song Siyu’s eyes and said, “You don’t need to know why, you only need to know one thing. That is, from today on, you, Song Siyu, are my girlfriend.”

  Song Siyu was enveloped by great joy and excitement.

  Her eyes instantly turned red.

  ”Xu Xiuwen, I’m so happy, I’m really so happy, I dream about this day…”

  Song Siyu said a lot of things, including the previous grievances and disappointments, as well as envy of Xiao Youran and Cheng Lu, and of course more of happiness and joy.

  After the girl calmed down a little.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Okay, it’s getting late, you should go back and rest early.”

  Song Siyu could have accepted sleeping alone.

  after knowing Xu Xiuwen’s decision.

  At this moment, her heart was full of Xu Xiuwen’s figure, and she couldn’t accommodate anything else.

  Naturally, she was reluctant to leave Xu Xiuwen at this time.

  Even if it was only a few meters away.

  Song Siyu still couldn’t bear to leave.

  She really wanted to be with Xu Xiuwen tonight. Only in this way could she feel at ease.

  Otherwise, she was worried that the next second when she opened her eyes, she would still be Xu Xiuwen’s lover, not his girlfriend.

  Song Siyu looked at Xu Xiuwen and begged, “Xu Xiuwen, can you let me sleep with you?”

  Xu Xiuwen joked, “How can a girl take the initiative to ask to sleep with a boy? Isn’t that shameful?”

  Song Siyu didn’t care about it at all at the moment.

  She looked at Xu Xiuwen pitifully, hoping that he would agree.

  Seeing the girl’s insistent eyes, Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment, and then avoided his gaze.

  A trace of disappointment flashed in Song Siyu’s eyes, but she still didn’t give up.

  She quickly promised, “I promise to sleep well and never disturb your rest, um~ okay~”

  She started to act coquettishly again.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Siyu, it’s not that I don’t want to sleep with you, nor am I worried that you will disturb my rest, but I’m worried that I don’t have enough self-control. You are wearing such sexy clothes, I’m afraid I can’t help it.”


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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