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Chapter 942 This is His Harbor

Chapter 942 This is His Harbor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 942 This is his

  harbor In the vibrant Baiyue Province, the scenic Mantou Port, Pari, wearing a helmet and holding an electric welder, was working hard on a steel frame one meter above the ground.

  There is no war or plague here, nor the stupid Tyr, only the scorching sun and the annoying mosquitoes and flies. It seems that the starry sky is several light years away from the Battoa Province, which is in purgatory on earth, and it is not a planet.

  In fact, apart from the many species of insects, this place is still quite livable.

  The only drawback is that the rich land will inevitably make people lazy and undisciplined. In

  just two months, he has completely forgotten his half-year military career, and never thought about “fighting for His Majesty the Marshal” or “fighting for the land under the sun”.

  After all, the impression left by the container in his mind is too deep…

  ”Drink some water.”

  A pleasant voice came from the side, like the wind blowing through the lawn in the spring of Battoa Province.

  Looking at the water bottle handed to him, Pari wiped the sweat from his forehead and showed a sunny and cheerful smile to the girl who handed him the water.

  ”Thank you.”

  The girl nodded with a red face, muttered something, and stuffed a lunch box into his arms before leaving in a hurry.

  Pari kept watching her back, watching her stop at the corner of the street and look back, watching her shyly run away when their eyes met, and then smiled and unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip.

  The girl’s appearance was not a top-notch beauty, but she was petite and lovely, especially her rosy cheeks, which he never got tired of looking at, completely different from the girls in his hometown.

  And the most important thing was that he could feel that she was a kind-hearted person.

  He could not see any paranoia or hatred on her face, and this kind of simplicity was rare among his peers in his hometown.

  Her name was Kunna, and it was a coincidence that they met.

  Her family ran a grocery store, and he happened to go to weld an air conditioner bracket for that family, and later he used the extra steel to weld an escalator.

  The two were of similar age and in their prime, so they became close after a few visits.

  When she was not too busy, she would always come to the construction site to bring him water, and sometimes she would bring him lunch that she accidentally cooked too much and her family could not finish.

  Pari was not picky about food. After all, the food in the prisoner-of-war camp was cooked in a big pot, and the chef was lucky not to make do with it. It was naturally not as good as the small stove at home.

  What’s more, her cooking skills were first-class.

  Later, Pari learned from casual conversation that she was a bird tribe member from the Borneo province where they originally planned to go. After learning about her identity, he couldn’t help but feel guilty.

  Speaking of which, she seemed to be the first Borneo person he had met since he joined the army.

  Looking back now, it was really stupid.

  Two months ago, he was still excited and shouted slogans with his superiors, eager to clamor to go to a place he had never been to and kill a group of people he had never seen before.

  What on earth made a young, upright and handsome guy turn into a ferocious beast?

  He had thought about this question many times, but the answers he got were all vague.

  Sometimes it was Tyr, sometimes it was himself, and sometimes it was someone else.

  However, although he couldn’t figure out where the problem was, he figured out another thing.

  The fate of a group has always been determined by everyone in the group.

  Tyr was not special.

  Those who were led by him were never innocent.

  Most of the jobs in Mantou Port had a lunch break from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and then work until 5:30.

  If it was physical work under the sun, the break time would be one hour longer, extended to 2:30 p.m., and the corresponding off-work time would only be extended by half an hour.

  Parry usually went to the port on the coast, found a cool place under the shed in the storage area where he could get the sea breeze, and quietly enjoyed the lunch that Kunna brought him.

  When he got there, the foreman of their construction team happened to be sitting there.

  The man’s name was Ding Ning, he was in his early thirties, a generation older than him, and was said to be from a small place called Mafu Town in Jinchuan Province.

  Unlike the officers in the prisoner-of-war camp, these contractors were self-employed business owners. They were not in a superior-subordinate relationship with the prisoners of war, but an employment relationship, so they got along well.

  Looking at the lunch box in Pari’s hand, Ding Ning smiled and teased.

  ”That little girl brought you food again?”

  Pari sat down next to him and said with a smile.

  ”Don’t talk like I’m eating someone’s food for free.”

  Ding Ning said with a smile.

  ”Oh, did you pay?”

  Pari, who was teased, didn’t blush at all and talked freely.

  ”She said she wanted to open a restaurant in the future, but she had only cooked for her family and was not sure what outsiders would like. I am making decisions for her.”

  ”Your decision is a bullshit decision,” Ding Ning scolded with a smile, patted his shoulder, and suddenly changed to a serious look, “I think that girl is a good girl, don’t let her down.”

  Pari cleared his throat and used a serious tone.

  ”You can question my work skills, but don’t question my loyalty to my feelings.”

  There is really no doubt about this.

  Ding Ning recalled carefully that the couples of the Willant people he knew lived in harmony, whether in the territory of the Legion or in the territory of the Alliance.

  On the contrary, the seemingly conservative Boro people often experienced major changes in their lives and families after leaving the Boro Province.

  Of course, he didn’t know what they were like when they were in the Boro Province. The Baiyue Strait was already the farthest place from home he had ever been.

  ”I saw on the news that this war might not last long. Have you thought about life after leaving the prisoner-of-war camp?”

  Pari smiled and said after hearing the concerned voice.

  ”I have thought about it. I plan to save money to open a restaurant and bring my father over from Battoa Province when I have the chance. He used to complain that his neighbors were all old men and that staying with them would only speed up his aging. I remember he said more than once that he wanted to leave Avent City and drink beer on the sunny beach. He worked hard for the legion all his life and it was time for him to enjoy life…”

  He paused and continued.

  ”But the old man is reluctant to give up his retirement benefits and the envious compliments from his neighbors. Although I don’t like Tyr, he is still very good at making those old men happy.”

  Ding Ning looked at him in surprise.

  ”Your family is in Avent City? How come I’ve never heard you say that?”

  Parry said with a smile,

  ”Didn’t I say that? Well, I’ll say it now. My family is not only in Avent City, but also in Rue des Invalides… Thanks to my two brothers who died in battle, I moved in when I was very young, and was recommended to attend the best military academy in Avent City. After graduation, I entered the barracks directly as a reserve officer.”

  Speaking of which, the time in the military academy should be the highlight of his life.

  Because of his handsome appearance and bright future, many girls in the same class had flirted with him.

  However, at that time, he had not yet suffered the beating of society, and he only wanted to expand the territory and make achievements, and never thought about that aspect at all.

  Later, after spending half a year in the recruit camp, he had not yet become a centurion, and he was confusedly joined the most aggrieved 100,000-man team in the history of the Southern Corps –

  a group of people were packed by their superiors in containers and rushed thousands of kilometers, and were killed as soon as they landed.

  This joke is enough for hundreds of years.

  Ding Ning looked the young man up and down, and felt that his temperament and appearance were indeed different from other soldiers, but he didn’t expect that he was a top student from a military academy.

  No wonder he found a wife while others had calluses on their hands while working in the prisoner-of-war camp.

  But this guy’s hometown is actually in Avent City…

  Ding Ning was silent for a while and spoke.

  ”…I heard that something bad happened in Avent City recently.”

  ”I heard about it too.” Pari buried his head in his meal and replied casually, not wanting to continue the topic.

  That happened half a month ago.

  Not only did he know, but everyone here knew.

  When they learned from the news on TV what was happening in Battoa Province, and the confessions of the 1.17 millionth Corps and the refugees stranded in the southern part of the Willant Province, almost all the soldiers who had let go of their hatred had the urge to pick up their guns again.

  They wanted to fight back to Avent City, pull Tyr out of his bunker, and ask that idiot why he did such an outrageous thing.

  Most of the civilians driven into the sea were their compatriots, and some of them might even be their parents, wives, daughters, and children…

  Some soldiers whose families were in the province of Battoa even broke down and cried out loudly.

  Although Pari was not so excited, it did not mean that his heart was not touched at all.

  He was just comforting himself and trying not to think about the worst possibility.

  After all, his family lived in Rongjun Road, and the families of many senior officers were also there.

  No matter how crazy Tyr was, he would not start from that street…

  Looking at Pari who suddenly fell silent, Ding Ning knew that he had mentioned something that he should not have mentioned.

  Touching his nose awkwardly, he was about to change the subject, and suddenly remembered what he had heard from the tenderer before.

  A month ago, the new development zone project undertaken by Baiyue Company included a resettlement area project covering an area of ​​about 30 acres, which was said to be used to accommodate refugees evacuated from the quarantine zone in the southern province of Willant.

  Most of these residents came from the city of Yavent. They had been in the quarantine zone for a month and drifted on the sea for nearly half a month. Now they are finally going to dock.

  Half a month ago, the “Survivor Daily” in French Fries Harbor seemed to have mentioned this incident casually, but due to too many hot events, it did not devote too much space to publicity.

  He remembered that the news seemed to mention the time when the ship docked, and it seemed to be today!

  Those survivors from Yavent City should know something about the local situation.

  Thinking of this, Ding Ning suddenly became excited and looked at Pari with vigor.

  ”I have good news here, do you want to hear it?”

  Pari glanced at him.

  ”You said it was good news, and you asked me if I wanted it.”

  Ding Ning smiled mysteriously but did not explain.

  ”This evening, after you get off work, don’t rush back to rest, go to the dock.”

  Pari looked at him in confusion.

  ”What are you going to the dock for?”

  This guy really doesn’t know!

  Ding Ning smiled mysteriously at him, but didn’t explain.

  ”Don’t ask, you will know when you go there.”

  Pari rolled his eyes, not wanting to listen to his suspense, but he kept this matter in mind.

  After finishing his meal, he took a short nap, and after waking up, he washed the lunch box.

  On the way back, he deliberately took a detour to visit Kunna’s home, put the lunch box next to the mailbox at her doorstep, and put a note inside, writing down today’s praise.

  Strictly speaking, it was not a compliment, but for him it was indeed a rare delicacy in the world.

  Humming a little tune, he returned to the construction site, and he finished the rest of the work swiftly, and got off work on time when the clock rang at six o’clock. After

  returning the tools to the warehouse, Parry remembered what the foreman said, and did not go back to the barracks to rest, but walked towards the direction of the dock.

  Along the way, he walked while admiring the street scenes on both sides of the road.

  Thanks to the hard work of these prisoners of war, this barren land with nothing has recently flourished, and there is no longer only a bare port.

  Under the guidance of the Alliance engineers, they used a kind of cement that was said to have added biomass to build a self-repairing road, then opened large and small wood processing plants, and built rows of tropical-style single-family houses along the streets.

  After the houses were built, a group of survivors from the Haiya Province and the South Sea Alliance moved in soon.

  Some of these people sold clothes, some sold shoes, and some sold hardware tools and bicycles, or opened bars and restaurants, and the silver coins they had received from the Alliance before finally came in handy.

  Yes, the Alliance was not joking, and they really paid them according to the Alliance’s minimum wage standard, and they had been paid for two full months since the day they landed, and their salary was increased after he signed a contract with a private engineering team!

  This was also the most unbelievable thing for Parry, and in his opinion, this was simply crazy!

  The madness was not just that.

  The Baiyue Company, which was responsible for operating the prisoner-of-war camp, not only encouraged them to find jobs, but also encouraged them to start businesses, and provided limited liability and guaranteed loans for their business plans!

  Apart from not being allowed to leave Mantou Port and carry guns, they were almost no different from the survivors living nearby. They rented or bought houses and could even apply to change from centralized dormitories to “surveillance residence with weekly reporting” and move outside the prisoner-of-war camp.

  The alliance was not worried about their escape at all. After all, where could they run to with just two legs?

  As long as the value created is higher than staying in a prisoner-of-war camp, the Alliance doesn’t even care whether they do mental or physical labor, let alone where they work.

  According to what Parry learned, the captain of their engineering team opened a construction company called “Fast Construction”. They built one-third of the construction sites in the newly developed area, and they did it quickly and well.

  These guys probably used their construction experience in building trenches and gun towers, and they did not disgrace their name. The two- or three-story houses really grew out of the ground.

  Not only the brothers of the engineering team, but also the captain of the next-door centurion team was not to be outdone. He opened a “Jungle Destroyer” lumber mill with his brothers. It is said that the business is so hot that they work overtime every day.

  As for why it is called this name, it is probably related to the jungle corps that beat them before.

  However, the people of the Alliance are not so petty. They don’t take this name seriously at all. There are even people who run to the factory sign to take pictures and check in.

  According to Parry’s observation, centurion-level officers seem to be doing well in the sea.

  As grassroots officers fighting on the front line, they have strong execution ability and are well-known among the grassroots. The spirit of daring to fight and fight is not only needed on the battlefield, but also needed to start a business.

  The only thing that needs to be overcome is the spiritual imprint that Tyr has planted in their minds.

  But then again, those who can’t think straight would have fled into the forest to be fertilizer, and would not run to open a company to find a job and contribute to the construction of the alliance.

  Compared with those centurions who are doing well, those thousand-man and ten-thousand-man commanders are inferior.

  Although many of them have also climbed up from the grassroots, they have been away from the grassroots for too long.

  The alliance did not give them any preferential treatment because of their status as thousand-man and ten-thousand-man commanders. It is probably not an easy thing to adapt to the gap of “class fall”.

  Moreover, the war is not over after all. Even if the war has spread to the province of Battoa, even if the stubborn Tyr is gradually becoming a world enemy, in their opinion, it is still a question mark who will win.

  Moreover, even if the battle ended in a draw, they could return to the Southern Legion as exchanged prisoners and continue to serve as their senior officers, so they would not be willing to be bribed by the Alliance.

  However, Parry felt that this time was very likely to be different from the last time.

  The Eastern Legion did exchange prisoners with the Alliance, but the hatred between the two sides and the scope of the war were completely different, and the Alliance at that time did not unite as many people as it does now.

  Moreover, the eastward expansion was not the overall will of the Eastern Legion, but only the remnants of the eastward expansion faction headed by General Krass’s former subordinates. Therefore, both sides claimed their own victory, which was in line with the interests of all parties.

  But this time is different.

  This war is a systematic collision, in other words, a total war!

  Not to mention the series of bottom-line-breaking measures taken by Tyr in the war, no one would agree to let him go, not even the Willant people themselves.

  This time the reckoning may be thorough in the city of Avent…

  Parry is pessimistic about the outcome of this war and the Southern Legion, just like the container full of feces and urine.

  However, he is optimistic about the future of the Willant people.

  Although there was a component of coercion, he did see another possibility in Mantou Port.

  If the industrial machines and steel of Avent City were not used to produce equipment that had already been in excess, if the wisdom and physical strength of the Willant people were not used to serve the will of their superiors but to serve themselves and the people around them, they would not have to endure so many lies and sufferings.

  He planned to write his reflections on this war into a memoir, which might bring some inspiration to future generations.

  At the very least, at the very least, they should avoid ending up like him –

  that is, being packed into a container full of feces and urine and thrown into a piece of land that he had never heard of to rot and stink.

  Parry knew very well that not everyone could be as lucky as he was, not only to land safely and complete the change of mind, but also to meet so many friendly people.

  There were 99 10,000-man teams before him, and no one knew how many more after him, all of them were pressed into a quagmire of varying sizes without exception.

  The sound of a whistle from afar pulled Parry’s thoughts back from the memoir that he had just begun to conceive, and he saw a 100-meter-long passenger ship slowly approaching the dock.

  The passenger ship came from the west.

  Pari didn’t know what Ding Ning was going to show him, but he still waited patiently in the square next to the dock.

  Not long after, the gangway was lowered from the passenger ship, and one by one, the dusty passengers stepped onto the port under the guidance of the crew.

  Most of them were Willant people, and their iconic noses proved their identity.

  Not only that, they must have taken a long ship, not only carrying bulging luggage, but also a thick coat or leather jacket on their arms.

  Yongye Port is in the southern hemisphere, and it should be summer now, so are they from Silver Moon Bay?

  Or West Sail Port?

  No –

  suddenly, Pari saw two familiar figures in the crowd, and he was stunned.

  Almost subconsciously, he blurted out and shouted loudly.

  ”Dad!? Mom!”

  Hearing the shouts from the shore, some passengers raised their heads, saw a strange face, and looked away again.

  But two people didn’t.

  Bazel, who walked down the gangway, was stunned in place, staring at his son standing at the port with his eyes wide open, and his cloudy pupils gradually filled with tears.

  ”Marshal Julius…”

  His dry lips opened and closed, and he trembled and muttered silently, then threw down his luggage, excitedly swung the cane in his hand, and walked up while tapping it forward and quickening his pace.

  The same was true for his wife who followed him. The elderly woman followed the old man’s pace closely, even faster than him, running towards her son who was running towards her, stretching out her hands and holding his shoulders tightly, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

  She bit her lips, unable to say a word, but it seemed that she had said a lot of words in an instant.

  Looking at his mother who was much older than he remembered, Pari suddenly had the urge to cry.

  He had lived for twenty years and had never shed a tear since he could remember, but at this moment he could not help it.

  Panting, Bazel finally came up, propped himself up with his cane, and smiled with joy.

  ”Haha… you kid! I knew you were lucky! You won’t die!”

  ”What are you talking about, old man!” The old woman glared at her husband fiercely, then cast her soft eyes on her child, reaching out to touch his face, “The people of Tyr said that you were shipwrecked and told us to mourn. Your father and I didn’t expect to see you again… Anyway, I hope you’re okay…”

  Looking at the two haggard old people, Pari sniffed and choked.

  ”Mom, Dad… I’m sorry for making you suffer.”

  The old woman smiled and said in a very light voice.

  ”Your mother and your father have nothing to be wronged. We are all fine. It’s just that your father was unlucky. The boat capsized and fell into the sea. Fortunately, Captain Malok fished him out, but he caught a cold when he got ashore, causing his benefactor to be quarantined.”

  Pari saw a report about the cold on TV, which seemed to be called “death dose”.

  At first, the news said it was a virus targeting the Weyland people, but later it was found that aliens could also be infected.

  Even some awakened people were infected.

  ”Then is Dad okay…”

  the woman said with a smile.

  ”The old man had even thought of where to bury himself, but thanks to the people from the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute and Academy, your father has survived.”

  Although the specific medicine has not been developed yet, as long as the treatment is timely and the immunity is strong enough, there is a certain chance of recovery.

  At the age of 79, the recovery of old Bazel can only be said to be the blessing of Marshal Julius…

  ”Great…” Pari was so happy that he couldn’t help himself and didn’t know what to say for a while.

  Seeing that his lost son not only didn’t lose a hair, but even grew stronger, Bazel’s face was also filled with an extremely relieved smile.

  ”How are you doing here? I heard that you…”

  Meeting his father’s gaze, Pari hurriedly explained.

  ”I’m doing well. The Alliance didn’t make things difficult for us. They also arranged jobs for us and let us build our own homes… Although we were restricted to activities near the prisoner-of-war camp, they didn’t treat us very strictly.”

  Old Bazel occasionally looked at him in surprise, and then looked at the neat streets and rows of single-family houses behind him, and asked in disbelief.

  ”These…are all built by you?”

  Seeing his father’s surprised expression, Pari couldn’t help showing a hint of pride on his face.

  ”Yeah! The road connecting the port and those houses were all built by us!”

  The woman’s face was filled with worry. She rubbed her son’s face repeatedly with her index finger and said distressedly.

  ”Then you must have suffered a lot…you are all tanned.”

  ”Hey, what’s so hard about this,” Pari said with a smile, “It’s the same work, at least the Alliance doesn’t want our lives, but working for Tyr may not be the case…”

  Speaking of Tyr, a ball of fire burst out in his heart, and he wanted to cut that guy into pieces.

  However, now is not the time to think about that guy.

  Looking at his parents who had been reunited after a long time, Pari took a deep breath and said earnestly.

  ”…Dad, Mom, don’t talk about me first. I’ve been worried about you these days. I’ll take a day off tomorrow to take you around here.”

  Worried about embarrassing his son, old Bazel said quickly.

  ”Don’t bother. You should just do your own thing. Behave better in the prisoner-of-war camp and try to get out as soon as possible… There are still many days ahead. Your mother and I have already planned to leave the province of Batoy and stay here in the future.”

  Pari said with a smile.

  ”What’s the trouble? I haven’t used my vacation this month yet.”

  Bazel looked at him dumbfounded.

  ”You’re still on vacation?!”

  Is this still called a prisoner-of-war camp? !

  Pari smiled and said, “Of course not… By the way, do you have a place to live? I’ll help you send your luggage over first, and we’ll talk slowly when we eat later…”

  It seems that the world has really changed.

  Looking at his youngest son who has gradually regarded himself as a member of the alliance, Bazel couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  Maybe the future is not as bad as he imagined.

  Even if the Southern Legion failed completely and the last orthodoxy of the Legion was destroyed in Tyr’s hands, the Willant people would not disappear from this world. At most, they would change to a more normal way of life.

  At the moment he figured it out, he suddenly felt that the whole world was bright.

  The regret of not being able to attend Marshal Julius’ funeral, as well as the wandering and hesitation along the way, all became insignificant at this moment.

  This is his harbor…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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