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Chapter 943 See You Later

Chapter 943 See You Later


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 943 See you later

  With the “Albatross” passenger ship docked at the dock of Mantou Port, the 3,000 survivors who had been drifting on the sea for more than half a month finally arrived at their new home.

  After welcoming this group of new immigrants, the population of Mantou Port officially exceeded 30,000.

  This is just the beginning.

  For a long time to come, passenger ships departing from the Whirlpool Sea will pass through this strait one after another, bringing survivors from the Batuoya Province here, or to the Haiya Province northeast of the Baiyue Strait, bringing millions of immigrants.

  Among them are not only the elderly, the weak, women and children, but also highly skilled engineers or scientists and artists.

  If the New World, where the majority population is the Willant people, is their first choice for refuge, then the rising Alliance is their second choice after the New World.

  Although there is no privilege as a majority ethnic group there, they have experienced some benefits of equality after experiencing extreme suffering.

  In this way, after the number of people accommodated in the quarantine area of ​​the Weilant Province reached its peak, it began to release floodwaters to other areas of the wasteland with the help of the old legion forces and members of the sticky community.

  No matter how many refugees flocked to the southern part of the Weilant Province, even if they doubled, the Triumph City could easily deal with it, and even actively help Tyr move the population.

  Tyr, who had calculated everything, obviously missed this point, and this loophole caused by playing tricks became the beginning of his complete defeat.

  He wanted to use the funeral of Marshal Julius and use the Triumph City as a fulcrum to pry the entire world, so that all the Weilants would charge with him, but he forgot that his enemy was not only the Triumph City that he was prying at, but also the world he was going to pry at.

  No one is a fool and will stand there and wait for him to pry them over one by one.

  In this way, after “sending the first batch of immigrants to Mantou Port”, Tyr’s “ingenious plan” sent the families of these prisoners of war to the Alliance.

  It was not only Pari who hugged his parents, but also many surprised people.

  The square in front of the port was filled with exclamations and even cries of joy. People hugged each other and told each other what had happened during this period of time.

  The lively sound attracted many nearby residents, including islanders from the South Sea Alliance, survivors from the Haiya Province, and those from the Borneo Province.

  Seeing the touching scene, almost everyone couldn’t help but smile knowingly.

  Even the Borneo people who hated the Willant people couldn’t help but slightly change their prejudice against them in their hearts.

  They are also human.

  The evil ghosts who turned people into beasts are the real enemies of all the suffering survivors!

  Ding Ning obviously didn’t expect that the surprise he brought to Pari would be so big.

  He just thought that there might be fellow villagers of the young man on the ship, who might be able to tell Pari about the recent situation of Yavent City, so he encouraged him to come over.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the young man’s parents were actually on the ship.

  It was like a miracle!

  But in fact, this was not a complete coincidence, and there was also a deliberate element in it.

  Or to be more precise, it was the humanistic care passed down by the residents of Shelter No. 404.

  Ya Ya, who was far away in Dawn City, suddenly thought that those residents might have relatives of the soldiers who had landed at Mantou Port before, so he mentioned this on the forum.

  Then Ye Shi, who was far away on the front line of Willant Province, had nothing to do anyway, so he went to the archives of the quarantine area to check and found that many of the registered refugees were relatives of the 1 millionth team of the Southern Legion.

  When the 1 millionth team was established, the legion had not yet disbanded, and the files of the registered soldiers were shared.

  After understanding the situation, the respected Archon Mr. Pangolin waved his hand and asked the opinions of the immigrants themselves, and arranged them on the ship to the Baiyue Strait first.

  It was this episode that allowed countless families to reunite in a foreign country.

  At the edge of the square, Lao Bai, with his arms folded, looked at Fang Chang standing beside him and teased.

  ”If this trend continues, our Willant Expeditionary Force can mobilize a few more divisions.”

  The deployment area of ​​the Burning Corps has moved from the war zone of the Borneo Province to the front line of Yongye Port, but there are still a few days before the assembly. The two of them sent their heads on the front line and took a detour to the French Fries Port, and then came here again.

  Looking at the prisoners of war in the square, Fang Chang smiled faintly and said.

  ”We have enough troops, there is no need to continue mobilizing, and there are more suitable places for them to display their talents than filling the lines on the battlefield.”

  The war will soon be over.

  The destroyed places need to be rebuilt, and the survivors who have left their homes need new homes.

  Only one steamed bun port is far from enough.

  There are ten settlements in Haiya Province, and at least twenty can be made in the Baiyue Strait!

  I remember that a long time ago, he drew a huge pie for the shareholders of Baiyue Company-to draw a recipe on the map of the alliance that makes people swallow their saliva.

  At present, the possibility of turning this pie into reality is still not small!

  At least compared with the pie drawn by the dog planner, the pie he drew is still relatively conservative!


  Just when the prisoners of the 1 millionth army were reunited with their families, thousands of kilometers away in the northwest of the Borneo Province, there was still continuous artillery fire, explosions and exchanges of fire.

  Faced with the Borneo people who launched round after round of charges in the jungle with automatic rifles, even the elite of the purge team couldn’t help but show a look of horror, and were defeated by the continuous offensive.

  The cannon fodder of the Southern Legion needs to be produced through cloning warehouses, but the soldiers of Borneo Province seem to have grown out of the soil. They killed wave after wave, but they couldn’t kill them all.

  And the more troublesome is still to come-

  the more these guys fight, the younger and stronger they are!

  With the fall of Yongye Port, the supply of the Southern Legion’s Borneo Province war zone has been completely cut off, while the Borneo Kingdom and the Mammoth Kingdom have completed a comprehensive refit with the help of the alliance, and officially sounded the clarion call for a counterattack after recovering.

  This long-lasting battle has completely entered the third stage – from strategic stalemate to the offensive and defensive struggle for strategic fulcrums.

  However, this time, it is no longer the Mammoth Kingdom and the Bharat Kingdom that are struggling to hold on, but the Southern Army, which is already at the end of its strength.

  By the way, this time even the most cunning Shah Rukh no longer holds back, and General Grove, who was praised and criticized some time ago, has regained the favor of Gopal and the support of his family. The

  500,000 strong army came out in full force and attacked the weakest point of the Southern Army’s defense with the force of tigers and wolves, beating Gibson, who had less than 100,000 people and most of them were vassal troops, and took over half of the Wolf State!

  This time, General Grove finally got his revenge and won a rich battle.

  Neither Zaid nor Gopal restricted him, but let him display his military talent.

  The only requirement was

  that Xifan Port should not be touched for the time being.

  According to the intelligence collected by their overseas spies, the East Empire was ready to take over the legacy of Xifan Port.

  That was the essence accumulated by the Triumph City Civil Service Group and the Southern Legion.

  The senior members of the Family Association knew very well what could be touched and what could not be touched, or in other words, they could not touch it for the time being with their current strength.

  However, this matter could be discussed.

  For example, if the East Empire ate meat, they would drink soup, and they could not let Abusek and Lasi get away with it.

  Although the forces within the country of Bharat had their own little tricks in mind, the general trend of a full-scale counterattack had finally been formed.

  The most difficult foundation had been laid, and even the part above the foundation had been built. Now all that was left was to cap the entire building.

  Not to mention that it is a wolf and a moon that are leading the counterattack of the Borneo people. Even if the dead Wu Tuo is invited back, they will not lose.

  At least at this moment, the Borneo Province is indeed full of brave generals and strong soldiers.

  And the most important thing is that they have beaten their own backbones in the flames!

  The three northern states, the central part of Yangzhou, the front line of the area controlled by the Northern Field Army of Borneo.

  Standing on the edge of the trench, Pashui held a telescope and looked to the west. His sight cruised northward along the mountains and green pines.

  If you ignore the anti-aircraft machine guns hidden in the sea of ​​trees, the hollow bunkers and tunnels, this place can really be called a beautiful place.

  There are mountains, waters, and endless plains, and there is no invasion of alien species…Does this place really need red soil?

  Pashui on the edge couldn’t help but feel confused.

  However, he had never seen how horrible the winter was a century and a half ago, so he could not evaluate General Lowell’s merits and demerits on behalf of the local survivors.

  As for what the Borneo Province would be like without General Lowell, that could only be imagined. It

  was just an objective evaluation from a third-party perspective. He did not agree with the complaints of some Borneo people – it was the Human Union that abandoned them and the hundreds of millions of survivors who fled here from the center of the old world.

  At least in his opinion, who had been to many places, compared with the River Valley Province and even other regions, the entire Borneo Province was simply the only paradise left on earth. It was itself a refuge covering an area of ​​4 million square kilometers!

  As an ecological protection area before the war, there were prosperous species here, even mammoths from the Ice Age, and they had not been eaten to extinction until today.

  There were only 5 oases left in Luoxia Province, and the Borneo people’s oases were as large as 4 million square kilometers.

  If they could all be considered abandoned survivors, then what about the other survivors living outside the refuge at the same time?

  Perhaps because he was about to leave here, Bianbianhuashui was distracted for a long time. It was not until he heard a light cough behind him that he retracted his divergent thoughts.

  ”…The Willant people connected the mountains in front with bunkers and secret passages. If they attack by force, there will be countless casualties.”

  While saying this, Bianbianhuashui put down the telescope and handed it to Isher standing behind him. He paused and continued.

  ”They have been preparing for at least half a year on the opposite side. I suggest you play it safe.”

  Isher said seriously.

  ”I will consider it carefully.”

  Bianbianhuashui nodded approvingly, knowing that this guy listened to him.

  Today, Isher is the commander-in-chief of the Northern Field Army. His troops are not only the 30,000th and 110,000th teams, but also ten field infantry artillery divisions!

  The so-called enemy’s curse is the best medal. It is not difficult to see from the nickname “Jungle Rat” given to him by the Southern Legion how much trouble this guy has caused to the former.

  To be honest, Bianbianhuashui felt that he had nothing to teach him, and even had to ask him for advice.

  After all, the command ideas of the player corps and the NPC corps are different, and on the issue of the latter, the NPC officers actually have more say than the players who have their pockets full of resurrection coins.

  Thinking of this, Bianbianhuashui couldn’t help but laugh and tease.

  ”It’s better to consider it carefully. I heard that your bounty has increased from 5 million dinars to 20 million.”


  Tsk, I’ve never seen so much money in my life,” Ishel grinned and scratched the back of his head, answering in a joking tone, “Can I negotiate with the big noses and sell myself myself?”

  Bianbianhuashui laughed and scolded.

  ”Hahaha, you don’t have any children, are you planning to save money to spend down there?” Ishel laughed.

  ”It seems that what you said is true, I forgot about it. Decision! After this war is over, I will find myself a wife.”

  Bianbianhuashui joked.

  ”Then you have to open your eyes and look carefully. You are not like before. You are so poor that you only have your life left. No one wants it even if you give it away for free. The people of Weilant can offer 20 million for your head. I bet the people of Tiandu will offer more.”

  Yishel said with a smile.

  ”Is there such a good thing? Then I have to find someone with culture, don’t let my son and daughter be as useless as me.”

  ”Don’t come on, you are useless, how can those people be useful?” Bianbian Pashui cursed with a smile, paused and continued, “Culture is actually not that noble. Anyone who wants to learn can learn it. You can also learn it after the war. If you really want to find a partner, you still have to look at the character. That thing is something you will be with for a lifetime. Don’t be unable to move your legs when you see female students.”

  These people of Boro are also strange. They are all interested in female students.

  Are they uniform control?

  But then again, it seems so.

  In the whole Boro country, except for the army, it seems that only schools have uniforms.

  Strange prejudices increased again…

  After the joke, Bianhuashui put away his joking expression and changed to a serious tone.

  ”We will leave tomorrow, and you will have to walk the road ahead by yourself… Take care of yourselves.”

  Even though he knew the alliance’s arrangement in advance, Isher still had a bitter smile on his face.

  ”Are you transferred too?”

  The Skeleton Corps had already been transferred to Evernight Harbor, including the Goblin Corps and the Burning Corps stationed in Tiandu.

  When the Death Corps was transferred, the war zone of the Pala Province would be completely handed over to the Pala people themselves.

  Although he had expected this day a long time ago, he was still reluctant to

  leave. “Well, we can’t stay here forever. There are 2.7 million square kilometers of colonies waiting for us to liberate in the northwest of Yongye Port… including 910,000 square kilometers of Batua Province, where there are also suffering survivors.”

  Looking at the reluctant Isher, Bianbianshui suddenly smiled to ease the atmosphere and patted his shoulder.

  ”Don’t make it like a life-and-death separation. We are just going to the next victory. You have done very well. You can do well even without us. There is no need to be so reluctant to let us go.”

  ”It’s hard to say,” Isher shook his head. “The Federation has never been truly united. There are flags on the hills in the southeast, northwest, and northeast. They can unite to fight against the Southern Legion today, and they can fight for the ownership of the three northern states tomorrow.” Abusek had already laid

  the groundwork in the telegram he sent to him, asking him to pay attention to the movements of the Laxi Team, not to transfer the positions unless necessary, and to keep the seized equipment and personnel if possible, otherwise send them to the south.

  He could guess what Abusek was thinking with his toes, but he couldn’t say that the commander-in-chief was wrong to prepare for a rainy day.

  After all, it was not only Abusek who was preparing for the civil war, but Lacy himself was also doing this.

  After confirming that the Southern Legion was already a grasshopper in autumn, several divisions stationed on the front line of the Mammoth Kingdom began to feel strange, and the intelligence exchange with them was no longer as unreserved as before.

  That was the territory of three states, plus the Lion State that the Southern Legion had carefully managed.

  It would be a coincidence if Lacy was not interested!

  Edgewater could understand the concerns in his eyes, but there was no better way.

  He was just a corps commander.

  Besides, he felt that let alone himself, even if the manager himself stood here, it would be difficult to say anything about other people’s own affairs.

  Unless they turned this place into their own colony like the Southern Legion, using new hatred to cover up old hatred.

  But in this case, they would no longer be an alliance.

  Those survivors who supported them to defeat the Legion might not continue to support them as before.

  ”We hope you can resolve your conflicts peacefully, or at least not cause a bigger crisis.”

  When he said this, an idea suddenly occurred to him, and he extended an olive branch to his comrade in front of him.

  ”Have you ever considered going to the Alliance?”

  This guy is a talent.

  He really said this because he loves talents.

  Facing the olive branch thrown by the edge paddling water, Yishel was silent for a while, sighed and said.

  ”It’s a lie to say I don’t want to, and it’s also a lie to say I want to go… I dare not call myself a hero, but at least I am a popular person. I’m afraid that the female students of Tiandu will line up at the city gate waiting for me. If I don’t go back, will I still be a man? At least there will be decades of good days waiting for me.”

  After a pause, he said jokingly.

  ”Besides, it’s not certain whether it will be chaotic or not. What if I, the jungle rat, can suppress the place? Whether I can suppress it is one thing, but if I run away without doing anything, the female students of Tiandu will line up to scold me.”

  His tone was like a joke, but it was also a bit serious.

  For a moment, I didn’t know whether to laugh at his vulgarity or admire his courage.

  However, Ishel himself was very open-minded.

  He had figured out this problem a long time ago. He was destined not to become “Boll the Awakener”.

  The Boros had never experienced an era of being exploited to the extreme by money and power. How could they wake up from a nightmare that had never happened?

  There was a page missing in their history, and he was the page they were missing.

  He would be the beginning of the Stone City, raising the torch to dispel the darkness as a pioneer.

  And his child, or his child’s child, would become the villain in “Boll the Awakener” – Master Stephen.

  Perhaps he should accept the olive branch thrown by the resident of the shelter in front of him. “Leave with a brush after the work is done, and hide the merits and fame” is the choice of a truly smart person.

  However, everyone has their own limitations, including himself.

  It was the belief of becoming Boll that supported him to overcome all obstacles and come to this point. How could he give up so easily?

  Maybe things would be different?

  After all, in the interview with “Survivor Daily”, Sberg also mentioned that the epic of Boulder City is the miracle of the people of Boulder City, and the survivors of other settlements will also have their own miracles, and miracles cannot be simply copied.

  He will try to learn from the lessons of Boulder City and add two more to his family’s ancestral precepts.

  Perhaps under his influence, his children will take a completely different path.

  For example, becoming the “gravedigger of the inner city” Elisa.

  An idealist who is full and has nothing to do but smash his own pot is also indispensable for a glorious change. If such a great person was born in the tragedy of Xifan Port, it would never be the turn of Janus and Abusek to become the king.

  Of course, this is just Isher’s personal opinion. Different people have different understandings of the changes in Boulder City.

  But he believes that he has the ability to change the future of his compatriots.

  Seeing that Isher has made up his mind, Bianbianshui no longer mentioned it, but just patted him on the shoulder.

  ”The Southern Army is doomed to fail, but don’t underestimate the enemy. Lion State has factories, railways, and an endless supply of labor. Although it can’t produce precision-guided missiles, it’s no problem to process guns and bullets. They don’t rely that much on technology. And the remaining people are all mentally ill guys. It’s definitely the worst option to go head-to-head with them. The best option is to attack their hearts.”

  Isher nodded seriously.

  ”I remember… you guys take care of yourselves too.”

  Edgewater nodded, took back the hand on his shoulder, and arched it in front of his chest.

  ”See you later!”

  Isher imitated him and arched his hands, smiling heartily.

  ”See you later! Next time you come to Tiandu, I’ll treat you to a drink!”

  Edgewater said with a smile.

  ”Then I’ll remember it!”

  Leaving his equipment and the words “take care” in the trench, he called the last group of players left in the Death Corps and walked towards the helipad.

  The “Viper” transport plane that came to pick them up was waiting there.

  They will take the vertical take-off and landing “Viper” to Tiandu, and then change to the “Overlord” transport plane to the southern part of the Great Desert – the old southern industrial zone during the Human League era.

  The Southern Legion has a colony of 2.7 million square kilometers there. They will join forces with other corps brothers at the front line of Yongye Port, then go all the way north, straight to Huanglong, through the ruins of the old western industrial zone, and straight into the southern part of Battoa Province – the homeland of the Southern Legion!

  Padding on the edge, he felt the blood in his body boiling, like burning gasoline.

  Listening to the roar of the plasma plume outside the cabin, he excitedly clenched his fists and made a creaking sound.

  ”…Finally, I have a chance to do something big!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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