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Chapter 944 Capture the industrial hub!

Chapter 944 Capture the industrial hub!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 944: Capture the Industrial Hub!

  At the same time as paddling on the edge and boarding the plane, a massive battle was launched in the Ravenka Industrial Zone in the northwest of Yongye Port!

  This industrial zone is located on the southeast bank of the Ravenka River. It has two railways and a deep-water port, connecting four processing centers, five mining bases and a heavy shipyard.

  In addition, there are 300,000 survivors living in the area, and a quarter of them are industrial workers and engineers employed by the Yavent Heavy Industry Group. The

  materials produced in the area not only supply the front line of the war zone in the Borneo Province, but also supply large and small military factories along the two railway lines.

  Including the armored steel used in the production line of the Conqueror No. 10 tank, it comes from the steel mills in the area!

  Nearly 1/3 of the total output value of the entire Southern Corps is generated in this industrial zone, or indirectly affected by it!

  It is no exaggeration to say that once the Ravenka Industrial Zone is lost, the blow to the Southern Corps will be even more serious than losing 1/3 of the territory.

  It is precisely because of such a critical strategic significance that both warring parties regard this industrial zone as a must-fight place. The person

  in charge of the defense of the area was the famous “Desert Lion” Captain Rubis of the Southern Legion.

  Born in Triumph City, he was born into a military aristocratic family. He received military education since childhood. At the age of 35, he became a captain of ten thousand men and commanded the 1.11 million men to fight against mutants and predator tribes in the Great Desert.

  His glorious record was that when he was a captain of a thousand men, he led a team of a thousand young men to defeat a mutant tribe with several times more troops than his own with almost no casualties.

  It was precisely because of this amazing record that he was regarded as a rising star by the officers of Yavent City for a long time.

  However, just when his career seemed to be going smoothly, the Xifan Port tragedy suddenly broke out, and “invading the Borneo Province” and “defending the property of the Willant people with guns and cannons” suddenly became the consensus of the Southern Legion. Although

  there was a hint of conspiracy in this, no one cared in the wave of public anger.

  The young guys were eager to rush to the front line and chop off a few heads to vent their anger, and the older officers were even more eager to get a few more medals on their chests.

  He was the only one who was different. Not only did he make sarcastic remarks when the situation was very good, but he also fiercely criticized Gullion’s series of practices that intensified conflicts in Xifan Port.

  These remarks were obviously inappropriate at the time, and he was not surprisingly hostile to General Gullion and marginalized by the mainstream faction of the Southern Legion.

  In this way, the famous “Desert Lion” sat on the bench for more than half a year, until the Alliance troops landed in Yongye Port and defeated the local city defense army and more than 100,000 reserve troops. The Southern Legion suddenly remembered that it still had such a useful talent in its hands.

  Rubis did not disappoint the Southern Corps Command. He quickly took up the banner of organizing defense and evacuated the key industrial facilities of the Ravenka Industrial Zone before the arrival of the Alliance’s bombers. He also used local building materials to build this industrial zone in the desert into an impregnable fortress.

  It has to be said that this guy is very capable. With only 10,000 soldiers, he managed to withstand two rounds of attacks from the Alliance and successfully waited for reinforcements from the rear.

  There are currently nearly 300,000 defenders stationed in the Ravenka Industrial Zone!

  In addition to the 111th, 112th, and 113th 10,000-man corps, he also has 7 10,000-man corps of the vassal army and 200,000 cannon fodder of the Glorious Army!

  On the Alliance side, the Skeleton Corps, the Jungle Corps, and the Goblin Corps are the main forces, plus two divisions of the Willant Expeditionary Force and the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise.

  The strength of the two sides seems to be very different, but if you put aside the 200,000 clones, the gap is actually not that big.

  In addition, the air superiority and armored superiority were on the Alliance side. The Skeleton Corps’ self-propelled artillery fired two 155mm rounds every now and then, and the Goblin Corps’ W-3 moved bombs into the industrial zone almost every day, making the defenders miserable.

  However, even so, the defenders of the Ravenka Industrial Zone still held out for a full month under the command of General Lubis, and did not show any signs of decline.

  The mole, who served as the commander of the attacking side, could not help but sigh that they had indeed run into a tough guy this time.

  However, for some reason, this tough guy did not appear on the battlefield of the Borneo Province, but appeared when they entered the “flat push” stage.

  This must be a true loyal minister.

  I just don’t know if it’s the last one…

  On a gentle sand dune, the mole standing in the tank turret held a telescope and looked at the sand castle in the distance.

  The legion built a concrete fortress on the reverse slope of the sand dune, and deployed a large number of anti-tank guns and the Conqueror No. 10 turret that was dismantled from the unfinished production line.

  Those anti-armor firepower fulcrums are like “reefs” buried under the sea of ​​sand.

  It has to be said that this is a genius idea.

  Not only did it solve the problem of the Conqueror’s No. 10 turret flying, but it also limited the Alliance’s anti-vehicle electromagnetic gun to a certain extent.

  However, with the arrival of a batch of new equipment code-named “Wolf Spider”, this battle is almost over.

  Without waiting for a long time, the mole soon saw eight-legged spider robots painted in desert colors quickly climbing under the fortresses.

  It is the latest product of Giant Stone Military Industry, and it is also the culmination of the self-developed technology of Shelter No. 100!

  The eight-legged “Wolf Spider” robot, which is improved from the “Cross Spider”, can carry a warhead of up to 100 kilograms, shuttle freely in a half-human-high tunnel, and use the tools of the forelimbs to break obstacles and cleverly place the bombs where they are needed.

  This thing is simply a fixed bunker killer!

  If the “蟞-style” engineering armor is born for construction, then this thing is specially used to demolish homes.

  Before long, the roar of fighter jets breaking the sound barrier was heard in the air, followed by a burst of machine guns that splashed on the front-line positions of the Willant people like urine.

  Rows of dust as high as a person rose into the sky, sweeping away many soldiers, but not a single head was captured.

  The soldiers of the 1.11 millionth corps had long been accustomed to the air raids of the Alliance.

  They lowered their bodies skillfully, pressed their helmets against the inner wall of the trench, and patiently waited for the air raid to end.

  At this moment, they did not realize that the machine guns that fell from the sky were just to push them back into the bunker, and this goal had obviously been achieved. At

  the same time as they were avoiding the air raid, the truly deadly little spiders were moving their flexible eight legs, pouring into the bunkers connected by trenches and tunnels like quicksand, and heading straight for the ammunition racks hidden inside!

  In order to facilitate the loading of anti-tank guns and conqueror turrets, these ammunition racks for fixed weapons were separated from the guns, but they were basically not placed too far away.

  The internal structure of these bunkers was also as expected by the intelligence players who operated the mechanical spiders. They were arranged in an “H” shape, with only a heavy iron door between the shells and the ammunition.

  These iron doors were obviously urgently processed by the factories in the Ravenka Industrial Zone using tank armor steel.

  Although these iron doors were more than enough to resist the shock wave of the explosion, they obviously could not withstand the plasma cutting guns with a temperature of thousands of degrees!

  The mechanical spiders that broke into the bunkers quickly dealt with the artillery that was attracted by the air strike, and before the soldiers outside noticed, the plasma knives with flashing light blue arcs popped out from their nimble forelimbs.

  Accompanied by a buzzing sound, these “wolf spiders” cut off the connecting parts of the iron door in just a few breaths and removed the crudely made door panel from the wall.

  The iron door fell heavily to the ground, and the mechanical spider flashed in, freeing up two mechanical limbs to operate, and quickly completed the deployment of explosives.

  When the soldiers on the battlefield finally came to their senses, dozens of kilograms of concentrated explosives had been stuffed into their iron barrel-like positions and placed under the ammunition racks of the anti-tank firepower fulcrums!


  The deafening explosion sounded almost at the same time, and the flames of the explosions formed a piece on the rolling desert, and the sand wall that rose into the air was like a sandstorm rising from the ground!

  The boiling flames were not only contributed by the bombs themselves, but also a considerable part of the ammunition from the detonation!

  Looking at the burning bunkers, the centurion standing on the front line had bloodshot eyes, and his face was ashen and full of despair.

  On the other side, the mole showed a winner’s smile on his face.

  ”It’s over.”

  As the voice fell, he grabbed the walkie-talkie and gave the order to attack.

  ”Attention, all units! Push forward!”

  A uniform reply came from the communication channel –


  At the same time as the order was issued, hundreds of tanks of the Skeleton Corps started their engines at the same time, and rushed towards the position of the 1.11 millionth team like a sandstorm sweeping the earth.

  In addition to the tanks, there were also 300 Chimera armored vehicles and thousands of Willant Expeditionary Force soldiers sitting in the carriages!

  Tracers as thick as pythons shuttled across the position, pressing the Southern Corps soldiers struggling under the fire and smoke to the point that they could not raise their heads.

  The position of the 1.11 millionth team was instantly penetrated, and then the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise attacked along the gap in the defense line, and quickly attacked the flanks of the 112th and 113th teams, completely bypassing the sharpest edges of this iron barrel-like position!

  The fierce battle broke out instantly, and it became white-hot almost at the same time as it broke out!

  The desert that was silent a second ago suddenly turned into boiling sea water. The fierce offensive stunned the defenders of the entire Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  Seeing the collapse of the front-line positions, the seven vassal armies of 10,000 people quickly pushed forward, but they ran into the armored spearheads of the Skeleton Corps and the soldiers of the Willant Expeditionary Force who followed the “Chimera” armored vehicles into the positions!

  Faced with the fierce offensive, the seven vassal armies instantly turned from firefighting pioneers into seven dwarfs, and were scurrying around in panic under the machine guns and overwhelming tank bombardment.

  Facts have proved that the Willant people are indeed natural warriors, especially after replacing the inferior bulletproof armor with the “Five-Type” exoskeleton of the Alliance, their combat effectiveness has risen to a higher level, second only to the players who are not afraid of death!

  However, General Rubis, who was in command, was a ruthless man after all, at least much tougher than Stanford, the commander of the Evernight Port City Defense Force, and he did not surrender.

  Seeing that the defense zone with a gap was gradually turning into a total defeat, he did not say a word and directly filled it with his personal guards. At the same time, he ordered the Glorious Army to launch a suicidal charge towards the Alliance’s position, and for a time, he actually turned the situation back by 20%.

  However, it was obviously unrealistic to save the almost doomed defeat of the Southern Legion with only a 20% advantage.

  Under the bombardment of the self-propelled artillery of the Skeleton Corps and the air-dropped cluster bombs of the Goblin Corps, 200,000 clone soldiers were like waves on the beach, and they were blasted into pieces before they had time to disperse. The

  thick blood mist condensed into an impenetrable red wall. The bloody scene shocked everyone on the battlefield, and also caused the seven vassal armies of 10,000 people, whose morale was on the verge of collapse, to surrender one after another.

  After all, the clones were dead, and they would be the next cannon fodder.

  Although they were fighting for the Southern Legion, they were still aware of their identity as aliens.

  As the seven 10,000-man corps of the vassal army surrendered, the remaining three 10,000-man corps of the regular army gradually gave up resistance, threw away their weapons and accepted the captivity of the alliance.

  So far, the Southern Corps has not only lost the logistics hub of Yongye Port, but also the largest centralized industrial zone has completely fallen into the hands of the alliance.

  Losing all the strategic fulcrums in the south, it is only a matter of time before the 2.7 million square kilometers of colonies fall.

  After realizing that the defeat was inevitable, General Lubis said nothing, ordered the SS to surrender, and then drew his gun to end his life.

  There were a total of 7 officers who committed suicide with him, including his adjutant, staff officer and SS captain.

  The mole originally wanted to chat with this opponent who had been entangled with him for more than half a month, but he didn’t expect that this guy would actually say goodbye.

  ”What a pity…”

  After listening to the report of the expeditionary soldiers, the mole standing on the tank turret looked a little melancholy and said with regret.

  ”The ones with thick eyebrows and big eyes surrendered, but the few normal people were loyal… He should have survived and played a role after the war.”

  Irena said with a subtle expression.

  ”Maybe he was tired. This ending is a relief for him. At least he repaid the Southern Legion’s kindness to him in his own way.”

  Elf King Fugui sighed and said.

  ”But I always think that it would be better for the survivors of the Southern Legion if he gave up earlier. At least we can end their long and lasting pain earlier.”

  Irena glanced at him.

  ”You are looking at the problem from the perspective of God again.”

  Elf King Fugui: “What’s the problem?”

  Lao Na thought for a while, and rarely said anything funny, but said something that was quite inconsistent with his image.

  ”God can’t solve any problem, this is the biggest problem.”

  Elf King Fugui scratched his head and was about to say something, but saw a group of dark-skinned guys standing in the distance.

  They were burly, with mouths protruding forward, and their eyes like soybeans exuded bloodthirsty murderous light.

  Irena narrowed her eyes slightly and quickly recognized that these guys were the specialty of the Great Desert – gray mutants!

  Unlike the green mutants in Jinchuan and River Valley Province, these guys have a slightly higher IQ and are used to cooperating with human groups with similar habits.

  For example, slave traders and predator tribes.

  Both the Southern Legion and the Eastern Legion have the bad habit of hiring these guys.

  A group of expeditionary soldiers surrounded them, aiming their guns at their heads, while the latter also pointed those large-caliber things at the former, grinning and bluffing.

  The atmosphere between the two sides was tense and could be fired at any time!

  The mole reached out and patted the top cover of the turret, signaling the driver to drive the tank over, and then stopped in front of the group of mutants, looking at the mutant in the lead and slightly raised his chin.

  ”Who are you?”

  The burly mutant raised his head and looked at the mole standing on the tank and asking him questions, and then glanced at the gun barrel under him with a rather fearful look.

  ”I am Feng Yu, the chief of the Sad Wind Clan.”

  Feng Yu?

  Mole looked at him curiously. This guy’s name is quite poetic. He couldn’t help but asked with a smile.

  ”Oh? Then what are you doing here?”

  ”They are prisoners!” The captain of the team stared at the group of mutants fiercely and spoke before the big guy, “They claimed to surrender, but after we agreed, they refused to lay down their weapons.”

  ”Prisoners? I’m not a prisoner.”

  Feng Yu laughed and continued with a snort.

  ”We are mercenaries of General Lubis. Now they have lost, and our contract with them is over. By the way, your war is not over yet, let’s talk about business.”

  ”Business?” Mole raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a smile, “What can we talk about?”

  Not realizing that he was in big trouble, the gray-black skinned mutant thought that the other party was asking about the price, so he continued with a snort.

  ”We can help the Weilant people fight, and of course we can help you fight. We don’t want anything else, just give us one-third of the captured prisoners! It would be better if you can give us Weilant women, they are the most fertile and not easy to spoil!”

  The Weilant soldiers standing next to them stared at the beasts with murderous eyes, their teeth creaking.

  The mole glanced at the beast and asked with a smile.

  ”It sounds good, where is your tribe?”

  Fengyu was happy to hear the words, and immediately said in a vague voice without thinking.

  ”It’s a little bit east of the north, about 20 kilometers away from here in the abandoned urban area!”

  The mole nodded, and regardless of the presence of this guy, he looked at Lao Na on the side and said.

  ”We will wipe out that place later.”

  Irena said with a smile.

  ”Give it to the Jungle Corps, they are professionals.”

  Fengyu was stunned for two seconds after hearing the words, and his expression was stunned at first, and then changed to furious.

  At this moment, no matter how stupid it was, it came back to its senses, what these human things were discussing.

  ”You! You are the enemy of the Sad Wind Clan! I will tear you apart!”

  Looking at the furious mutant who raised his gun barrel and pointed it at him, Mole sneered and went back to the turret, kicking the driver’s seat.

  ”What are you talking to these guys about? Run them over!”


  Batoa Province, Yavent City.

  The atmosphere of despair enveloped the entire settlement, making the already cold dark clouds and steel even colder.

  The plague arrived one step earlier than the war. Medicines, cigarettes and canned food became the most in-demand commodities, while the honor and dignity of the Weilant people seemed worthless at this moment.

  A murderous atmosphere permeated the streets, making the few pedestrians even more hurried.

  Most of the shops have closed.

  It was not entirely because of the martial law order, but largely because there was nothing to sell on the shelves.

  Two months have passed since the implementation of the “Decisive Battle Mission” plan, and the situation of the Southern Legion has not improved at all, but has fallen into a deeper quagmire.

  Factories and farmland lost their labor, and production lines lost raw materials and orders.

  Most importantly, the entire supply chain of the Southern Legion was completely destroyed.

  It was like riding a roller coaster.

  It was not as simple as turning the car around to enter another cycle.

  Besides, it was too late to turn around now…

  Soldiers with live ammunition patrolled the streets in neat steps, but the shiny military boots and bayonets could not bring the slightest sense of security to the people who stayed behind.

  The only remaining residents in the city closed the windows tightly, and the curtains dared not show a crack. People

  in the streets and alleys were confused. They couldn’t make up their minds whether those guys with guns were their relatives or enemies, and whether it was a good idea to get a permit to stay in the city. But then again

  , where else could they go if they didn’t stay in the city?

  At least there was food in the city, but if they went to the countryside, they might become someone else’s meal.

  As for crossing the Whirlpool Sea to the Province of Willant, it was also not an easy task.

  If we had left earlier, there would have been a car to go there. Now we really can only walk there on foot.


  The promise of “sending everyone to Triumph City to attend Marshal Julius’ funeral” has failed again.

  But no one was surprised.

  After all, it was not the first time.

  It was not just the residents living in this city who were confused. The people who were marching like clockwork toy soldiers were also full of hesitation. What

  was Tyr doing?

  What were the top leaders of the Southern Legion thinking?

  Why did General Gullion’s troops still march forward yesterday, but suddenly changed today?

  Why haven’t their enemies collapsed yet, but they are showing signs of premature aging…

  At this moment, they no longer fantasize about the land under the sun, but only hope that time can go back to a long, long time ago when everything had not become like this.

  Compared with the scorching Mantou Port, this place is simply another extreme…

  It’s not just the people living in Avent City who are anxious, but also the ten thousand captains who are sitting in the same chariot with Tyr.

  Although their supply of cigarettes, canned meat and liquor was not affected, and they even had some left over to give to girls in need, the war situation was deteriorating at a visible rate, and the pressure they were under was no less than that of the girls in need.

  Total war is different from local war. It is not like surrendering and losing half, apologizing and paying compensation.

  People are not here for money. Maybe they don’t even want to talk to them, but want them to die!

  The temporary supreme command in Yavent City.

  The conference room of less than 20 square meters was crowded with people, and the atmosphere was depressing and heavy.

  Until yesterday, they still held meetings in a place with windows, and today they moved to this windowless bunker.

  As for the reason, it was because a plane roared over Yavent City.

  Although there were no bombs dropped from the plane, only some leaflets with the words “You can get lunch and beds with tickets” were scattered, but it still made many people tense their sensitive nerves.

  The war finally burned under their eyebrows, and even the highest-level officers panicked.

  The only one who was still calm was probably Tyr himself.

  The Minister of General Affairs of the Southern Legion swallowed his saliva, opened the notebook in his hand, and broke the silent and depressing atmosphere at the conference table with a trembling voice.

  ”I have to say a few words… Our production line is almost at a standstill, and our weapons inventory is only enough for half a year at most. If we can’t increase the production staff as soon as possible, we will soon be overwhelmed by the logistical pressure.” The words from

  the heart are always harsh.

  When he said this, he lowered his head very low, not daring to meet anyone’s eyes, and he had already prepared himself to be scolded.

  However, to his surprise, he did not wait for his colleagues to curse, but waited for a tired sigh.

  That was the Minister of the Ministry of National Defense, a bureaucrat who had only recently become important.

  ”Let’s put the production matter aside for now… Just yesterday, our Ravenka Industrial Zone fell.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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