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Chapter 945 Desolation

Chapter 945 Desolation


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 945 Desolation

  If Yavent City is the heart of the core territory of the Southern Legion of 910,000 square kilometers, then the Ravenka Industrial Zone is the heart of its 2.7 million square kilometers of colonies.

  Although the latter’s manufacturing industry is not as intensive as the former, it is better in terms of abundant raw materials and labor. Except for the high-end production capacity, the low-end production capacity is not much worse than the former.

  In particular, the two criss-crossing railway lines connect most of the mines and factories within 2.7 million square kilometers.

  After conquering this Feng Shui treasure land, the Alliance’s troops only need to sit on the railway and take a walk around to take the production facilities and strategic facilities along the railway.

  For the Southern Legion, this is undoubtedly a fatal blow!

  At present, Tyr obviously has no intention of sitting and waiting for death.

  Multiple three-digit teams of 10,000 people are carrying tens of thousands of clone cannon fodder and advancing towards the Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  At present, the 100th Division of the Enterprise and the 101st Division, which had just landed, have gone to block the attack. The Goblin Corps and the Ideal City Air Force, which have been transferred to the Ravenka Industrial Zone, will ensure the safety of the airspace and provide air fire support for the ground forces.

  In contrast, the task of incorporating the “junk copper and iron” of the Legion and resettling the survivors affected by the war was given to several Alliance forces such as the Skeleton Corps.

  Although the arrogant Council looked down on the “junk” of the Legion, the Alliance was still quite interested in those things.

  Although the steel produced by this thing cannot be used in the high-rise buildings of Ideal City, and the products produced cannot stimulate the economic growth of Ideal City, an industrial base that can integrate 2.7 million square kilometers of resources is crucial to the reconstruction of the wasteland.

  Seeing the value behind this industrial zone, Chu Guang specially issued tasks to several top players on the front line through the task system of the official website, asking them to do a good job in rescuing local survivors and avoid the loss of production facilities as much as possible.

  In addition, he also used the collective holding companies of Shelter No. 404, such as the Niuma Group, to bid for the Ideal Group, one of the five major groups in Ideal City, and its subsidiaries to study the “capacity transformation” plan for the Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  Although the war has not yet ended, the suspense of victory or defeat is no longer great for the Alliance and its allies.

  They can now free up their hands to do something more meaningful than the war itself.

  For example, upgrading some backward production capacity and shifting most of the military production capacity to civilian and infrastructure fields.

  Anyway, the Alliance does not need the Conqueror “No. 10”, so it is better to remove the armored steel hanging on the tracks of this thing and convert it into tractors and excavators.

  The cargo airport in the Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  Fang Chang and Lao Bai, wearing power armor, walked down from the transport plane that had just stopped, and happened to run into Edge, who had just arrived.

  ”Hey, Edge, brother, long time no see!”

  ”Fang Chang? Lao Bai? Haha, you are here too!”

  Seeing Fang Chang and Lao Bai, Edge’s eyes lit up, and after saying hello, he laughed and scolded.

  ”Damn it, I heard there was a big move here before I came, so I rushed over in a hurry, but when everyone arrived, everything was over!”

  Lao Bai said with a smile.

  ”Hahaha! I’m different from you. I never expected that guy to leave us a tail.”

  Bianbianhuashui looked towards the direction outside the airport.

  ”By the way, where is the mole? Why didn’t that guy come to pick us up?”

  Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”I just saw him post on the forum, saying that there was a problem in the industrial zone.”

  When he heard that there was a problem, Bianbianhuashui’s face immediately showed an eager expression.

  ”What situation?”

  Seeing this guy rubbing his hands, Fang Chang smiled and said.

  ”If you expect to do a big thing, forget it. It’s not what you think.”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”Something went wrong at the factory. When the alien workers heard that the Weylanders had lost the battle, they blocked the boss, engineers, managers and their families in the factory. Fortunately, the mole arrived in time and dispatched more than a dozen armored vehicles to shock the place. Now the two sides are still in a standoff.”

  Some people may be really angry, but it is not ruled out that some of them are taking advantage of the situation.

  Although the Weylanders are asking for trouble, they can’t just ignore it.

  After all, there are Weylanders in the alliance’s army.

  And if they are allowed to resolve conflicts with emotions instead of laws, it will eventually become a massacre of one group against another.

  The mole has no experience in this kind of work. It’s okay to talk a few words on the forum, but it’s a mess in practice.

  But this guy also knows himself.

  After controlling the situation, he didn’t take any further action, but waited for the experienced to come.

  As for this experienced person, it was naturally himself.

  It’s not that Fang Chang is narcissistic, there is really no one in the entire server who is better at doing this kind of thing than him.

  After all, the example of Jinjialun Port is there.

  From landing at the port to smashing the original interest chain, to supporting the emerging class, separating judicial power, legislative power and law enforcement power, establishing a more equal distribution system, selecting representatives from various industries to form a representative council, and appointing technical officials to establish a municipal public service system, etc., a series of measures… It can be called a textbook-level transformation.

  He doesn’t even need to brag about it himself, the residents of Jinjialun Port themselves recognize him as their godfather.

  To the extent that the work of the Workers’ Union in the area is difficult to progress, it is largely because his Baiyue Company is so outstanding and the light is so dazzling that the people of Jinjialun Port who are busy making money have no interest in studying the Boulder City model.

  Otherwise, Euren and other workers would not be squeezed to Xifan Port and even Shezhou to develop members.

  Although Fang Chang admits that the success of Jinjialun Port is partly due to luck, and luck cannot be copied, the idea of ​​solving the problem can be used as a reference.

  For example, first put up the stick of violence to deter speculators who want to fish in troubled waters, then throw out the carrot of economic growth, and by re-establishing a more equal distribution mechanism, let the local foreigners and the Weilantes eat this carrot.

  Especially the latter is the most critical.

  The vast majority of failed cases, whether the fuse is religion, tradition, hatred, and the most primitive relationship between men and women, are ultimately due to uneven distribution, which has led to a strong need for “reshuffle” in society. People would rather lose both than have all their chips eaten by a small group of people.

  As for the carrot itself, it doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, as long as it exists, the difference is just a matter of speed.

  And it’s not difficult for the alliance to create a carrot.

  The ten settlements on the Coast of Death, the space elevator project in the southern seas, and the ports along the Baiyue Strait… these are all visible needs.

  The pie that their respected managers are painting now is enough for the heavy industrial factories here to schedule orders until next year, not to mention the future.

  As long as there are enough orders, the Ravenka Industrial Zone can continue to exchange the minerals and stored production capacity of the Great Desert for money.

  The mature light industrial production lines of the Golden Gallon Port and the younger brothers of the Alliance can allow the locals to spend the money they earn, thereby raising the living standards of each other, and under the temptation of interests, let the local factories take the initiative to complete the capacity transformation and take the initiative to adapt to the shape of the Alliance supply chain.

  Economic prosperity can cover up some social contradictions and buy a time window for moderate reforms and the resolution of historical grievances.

  The legacy left by the Southern Legion is enough for the locals to rebuild their homes according to their own wishes.

  And the Willant people living in the area will have enough time to re-establish a new trust relationship with the locals.

  There was already an idea to solve the problem in his mind.

  ”Okay, let’s not waste time here. Let’s go help the mole first.”

  Looking at Fang Chang who looked confident, Lao Bai smiled and joked.

  ”It seems that you have already figured out how to do it.”

  ”Of course,” Fang Chang smiled faintly and said confidently, “You don’t even look at who I am.”

  Edgepad couldn’t help but complain.

  ”Fuck, this guy is so pretentious that he even forgot who he is.”


  After the greetings, the group did not continue to delay in the square and walked towards the direction of the industrial zone.

  As expected, a large group of people surrounded there. The angry people held shovels and spades in their hands, and they looked like they wanted to blow up the factory.

  If it weren’t for the Alliance’s armored vehicles parked here, they might have already started.

  The hatred of these people is understandable. After all, these iron lumps have not brought any benefits to their lives, but have brought endless harm.

  Before the Legion set foot on this land, although their lives were also very poor, they were at least leisurely.

  However, after the Southern Legion came here, they first controlled their water source, then seized their pastures and farmland by trickery, forcing them to work in factories, and then use their meager wages to buy stainless steel-smelling nutritional paste from the Legion.

  Truly nutritious things never need to emphasize that they are nutritious, and nutritional paste is the kind of thing that is not even as good as junk food. Anyone who has eaten it in the wasteland knows it.

  Of course, they didn’t dare to complain when General Rubis was still there, but now that guy has been killed by the Alliance, they wish they could kill every guy with a big nose first.

  But understanding is understanding, and it is impossible to let them do this.

  Fang Chang, wearing power armor, walked in front of the crowd, threw a “leave it to me” look to the mole who was finally relieved, and then turned on the loudspeaker and shouted at the dark crowd.

  ”Everyone! Please calm down–”

  Fang Chang was thinking about what to say in the opening remarks, and a dark-skinned old man suddenly sent him out.

  The old man was thin and had ravines on his face, as if he had suffered a lot.

  The eyes were full of bloodshot, making the whites of the eyes look particularly white, just like the beasts he had seen on the battlefield.

  ”Why are you protecting the Weirant people! Are you and them in the same group?”

  Fang Chang looked at him and said without giving in.

  ”We are not partial to anyone, but we want to liberate all the suffering survivors in the wasteland… I would like to ask you, what were you doing before we came here? Why didn’t you resist when we needed you to resist the most?”

  The old man was stunned, including the young men around him. They obviously didn’t realize that the guy in front of them was actually pointing his sword at them.

  Without being polite to them at all, Fang Chang continued.

  ”The Weilants have machine guns, cannons, and airplanes… but that’s not an excuse. We’ve also faced what you’ve seen, and we’ve seen no less fear than you have. But what did you do when we united? Did you rush into the Southern Legion’s factory to grab work? Even if you don’t dare to fight them, you can always organize and refuse to cooperate or be lazy, right?”

  ”I’m not making sarcastic remarks or talking without feeling any pain in your waist. The fact is that you didn’t do anything, and then you turned around and questioned us why we didn’t indulge you in revenge. This is what you let us see.”

  The scene was in chaos, and the noisy voices were boiling.

  Although he had expressed the dissatisfaction of the Alliance as tactfully and even gently as possible, many people still couldn’t stand the rebuke and became even more angry.

  To be honest, Fang Chang was a little surprised.

  He originally thought that the Borneo Province was the floor of the wasteland, but he didn’t expect that there was a basement under the floor.

  These people didn’t understand what he was saying at all, but just howled like wild animals.

  Fang Chang’s heart sank slightly.

  This was a little different from what he expected.

  It seems that we have to change our strategy…

  Just as Fang Chang lowered his expectations, the soldiers standing next to the armored vehicles were tense, with their index fingers on the safety.

  As for the Weirante civilians hiding in the factory, the expressions on their faces were already desperate.

  At this time, a young and strong man stood out from the crowd and stared at Fang Chang with anger.

  ”We didn’t do anything? How could we not do anything! The Weirantes killed our people, we just want them to pay with their lives, why did you stop us!”

  Fang Chang stared at the wheat-colored face.

  ”What’s your name?”

  The young man said with his head raised.


  ”Who killed your child, what’s his name?” Fang Chang continued to ask.

  Bokassa’s expression stagnated slightly, waving his arms and saying in a confusing way.

  ”Everyone, more or less!”

  The mole sitting in the tank turret was somewhat impatient and asked.

  ”Then how do you want to solve it?”

  Bokassa said bluntly.

  ”It’s very simple! Give us their mothers, wives, and daughters as compensation. We will let them give birth to as many children as the number of people we killed.”

  Hearing this, Fang Chang, who was so shocked that he was almost choked by his own saliva.

  He rarely suffered setbacks, but this time he suffered a whole year’s worth of setbacks.

  The people gathered here were different. They were not embarrassed at all by what the young man said. Instead, they shouted excitedly, “Well done.”

  ”Don’t let the men go!”

  ”They have to watch from the side! Haha!”

  ”Wo wo wo!!”

  People whistled at him and raised their hands above their heads to applaud, as if he had spoken their minds, and at this moment he became the common king of all tribes.

  Bokassa showed a smug expression on his face, and then looked at Fang Chang provocatively.

  That expression seemed to say –

  you see, we are also united.

  Edgewater looked at Lao Bai with a subtle expression and said in a low voice.

  ”How come these guys are the same as mutants…”

  The Great Desert is the center of the prosperous era after all.

  Even if the people living here have long forgotten the past, they would not have degenerated to this extent…

  Lao Bai was not surprised at all, but just narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”Maybe it’s because they have been with mutants for a long time.”

  Actually, it makes sense.

  They discovered several versions ago that the gray mutants had learned a lot from humans, and learning was always mutual.

  While the gray mutants were learning from the tribesmen in the Great Desert, these tribesmen were also learning from the powerful mutant tribes, including the latter’s cruelty and barbarity.

  These attributes diluted their civilization.

  It is even very likely that the only civilization in their veins was learned from the Weyland people.

  From this point of view alone, the colonization of the Southern Legion may not be all bad for them, which does not conflict with the fact that the act of colonization itself is evil. At least the aliens

  in the Blackwater Lane of Evernight Harbor seem to be closer to civilized people.

  Old White can’t think of any better way to treat them.

  If these guys are allowed to sneak into the Alliance, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the Alliance.

  And it is an endogenous disaster…

  Old White can’t help but feel fortunate that the laborers of the Poro Kingdom slapped the faces of the radicals of the Alliance, allowing the conservatives to take advantage of the situation to rise, raise the threshold for applying for ID cards, and establish an immigration bureau.

  Now it seems that the threshold needs to be raised a little bit!

  Obviously thinking the same thing as Lao Bai, he shook his head.

  ”It’s not going to end well… Brother Fang is still trying to convince them, but I don’t think they want to listen at all.”

  Lao Bai grinned.

  ”Although it’s a bit unkind to say this, it’s actually quite interesting to see him get humiliated occasionally.”

  Maybe they were too smooth sailing in the Borneo Province before, and they were made difficult by the dog planner.

  But he didn’t think it was a bad thing to suffer a loss occasionally, and his good brother was indeed a little inflated.

  At this moment, Fang Chang was still arguing with the young man named Bokassa, and the argument had already moved from “the way of struggle” to the matter of unity itself.

  However, he got stuck in a dead end and didn’t realize that he had already lost the moment he was dragged into the quagmire.

  ”Unity? You said we are not united enough?” Bosaka stared at him, then turned back to look at the people who supported him, and shouted at the top of his voice, “Tell them that we are not united!”

  ”Unity!” A group of people raised their hands and shouted slogans that were not uniform but consistent.

  Fang Chang sneered.

  ”Unity? Don’t think that getting together is unity. Do you have a unified program? Do you know what you are doing and what you want to do? And what kind of life do you want to live in the future, and what do the people around you think… If you really knew, you wouldn’t stand here and ask us for candy, but choose someone from among you who can represent you to talk to us!”

  Bosaka stared at him with eyes as big as copper bells, and said bluntly.

  ”Candy? Who wants candy! We want the Willant people! Their money! Their houses! Their women! Every one of us thinks so. If you don’t believe me, ask them. I am their representative!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, the shouts of his supporters rang again.

  ”That’s right!”

  ”He’s right!”

  ”He is us!”

  Fang Chang’s eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he raised his index finger and pressed his forehead, lowering his expectations of this group of people again.

  No –

  he suddenly realized.

  This young man might be right, and he was the one who got the situation wrong. He tried to open the door of the cage, but forgot to see clearly whether it was an animal or a person.

  Just when he was about to say something, the crowd opposite suddenly made way.

  A burly man walked out of the crowd with heavy steps.

  His body was composed of two parts, half of which was knotted muscles and the other half was cold steel. At this moment, the sharp-edged steel was hanging with shocking minced meat and blood plasma.

  The ferocious look was like a demon descending from heaven!

  And the blood plasma hanging on his body was obviously from the enemy.

  And judging from the heads he was holding in his hands, it was the blood of mutant warriors!

  Walking to the tank where the mole was sitting, Midnight Chicken Killer threw the heads with protruding fangs in his hands to the ground and said with a hearty smile.


  The open space in front of the factory was quiet, and the air seemed to be frozen.

  The people who were originally excited all fell silent at the same time, and the noisy scene also quieted down in an instant.

  Fang Chang never thought that the problem that he couldn’t solve even after shouting his throat out was solved by Brother Chicken with just three words. What made

  him even more vomiting blood was that this guy didn’t speak human language!

  It was Mandarin that NPC couldn’t understand at all!

  After all, it was a report on the battle situation, and there was really no need for NPC to understand. Midnight Chicken Killer casually shook the blood plasma hanging on the chainsaw and continued to speak as if nothing had happened.

  “…There are quite a lot of people from the Beifeng clan, more than two thousand big guys! But these guys are no good. They can’t compare with the green-skinned guys on the Ten Peaks Mountain. They can’t shoot accurately, and they are cowardly when fighting head-on

  . They want to surrender before half of their people are dead, and they run away if I don’t agree… Tsk, it took a lot of effort to chase these guys.” When he said this, he smiled naively.

  ”By the way, we have rescued all the people alive in the nest, about five or six hundred. Seeing that they were not in a good mental state, I did not ask them to report the number. I heard from the mutants themselves that some were sold to them by the Southern Legion, and some were sold by nearby tribes and slave traders… Anyway, it is better to settle them down first, and it is better to arrange a few doctors.”

  Speaking from his conscience, he felt that his smile was still relatively sunny.

  However, others obviously did not think so.

  Looking at this demon covered in blood and smiling hideously, the survivors around were all scared silly, especially because this demon spoke a language they could not understand at all.

  Including the young man named Bosaka.

  He who was still shouting indignantly a second ago was like a deflated balloon in an instant, and his wheat-colored face was even whiter as if it was powdered, and he stammered and could not say a word.

  Looking at the chainsaw covered with blood plasma and the heads of the strong men on the ground, he could not help but take a step back.

  The shaking pupils were full of fear, and under that fear there was a trace of admiration… or envy.

  That is the awe of power! It is

  also the earliest and most primitive worship in the animal kingdom!

  Not only him, but also the survivors who surrounded him and made a fuss.

  At this moment, they have already elected the new king of the tribes!

  The mole sitting on the turret held his forehead with a headache, not knowing whether he should be happy or helpless.

  Midnight Killing Chicken scratched the back of his head, turned his head to look at Brother Fang Chang with a complicated expression, and said a little embarrassedly.

  ”Did I come at the wrong time?”

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”No, you came at the right time… I’ll leave it to you to talk about anything in the future.”

  Midnight Killing Chicken: “……?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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