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Chapter 946 The Wonders of the Weylandt People

Chapter 946 The Wonders of the Weylandt People


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 946 The Wonder of the Willant People

  Because the chicken-killing man’s appearance was too shocking, the natives who surrounded the industrial zone left quietly, and the farce of surrounding the industrial zone finally ended. There were

  a total of 471 civilians trapped in the factory warehouse.

  In addition to the personnel related to the factory, there were also some residents living in nearby communities who ran in when they saw that something was wrong.

  After all, normally speaking, the alliance’s troops would definitely occupy the industrial zone as soon as possible to prevent the production equipment here from being destroyed.

  No one knows better than them what kind of people those natives are.

  It is better to fall into the hands of the alliance than into the hands of those natives.

  ”Thank you… Thank you for saving us.”

  Holding his wife and daughter’s hands tightly, the pale man walked out of the warehouse.

  His name is Antoine, the district chief of the industrial zone, directly under the general affairs department of the legion, with the rank of ten thousand men, and the same level as the city lord of the nearby settlement.

  It is worth mentioning that the Ravenka Industrial Zone belongs to the special zone in the Southern Legion. A large industrial park belongs to the central Yavent, and the only land belonging to the local area is the colony along the Ravenka River.

  The Southern Legion’s operation in the local area is also a textbook-level combo – first firmly grasp the water source and farmland, and then the natives will automatically roll to the factory.

  Fang Chang glanced at him and saw that he had a flat nose, which surprised him.

  ”You are not a Weilante?”

  Antoine bowed slightly and nodded, and said nervously.

  ”I am a native of the Batoy Province. According to your classification habits, my ancestral home is in the city of Yavent…”

  This man is knowledgeable.

  It seems that he should be a guy who can understand what people say.

  Fang Chang thought for a moment and spoke.

  ”How much do you know about the aliens here?”

  Antoine said immediately.

  ”I have been dealing with them for more than ten years. I dare not say that I know everything about them, but I basically understand them.”

  Fang Chang nodded and continued.

  ”Then, apart from the survivors from the province of Battoa, how many tribes are there among the aliens you are talking about, and which tribe is the most important one?”

  Antoine’s expression froze for a moment, and he was a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a while before answering in an uncertain tone.

  ”Uh… at least 2,000. No one has ever counted this carefully.”

  Fang Chang was also stunned when he heard this number.

  ”Two thousand?! What the hell, are you sure?”

  Antoine said quickly.

  ”Absolutely not! I can swear to Marshal Julius that the actual number is definitely more than what I said!”

  Fang Chang: “…”

  You, a native of Yavent City, swear to Julius!

  Lao Na and the Elf King Fugui, who were standing behind Fang Chang, looked at each other and said in surprise.

  ”Wow… twice as many as the province of Boro.”

  ”The population is less than that… Emmm, it’s a headache.”

  In fact, Antoine was not exaggerating.

  Even the two thousand tribes he mentioned were just a conservative estimate, and the actual situation was far more exaggerated than what he said.

  In addition to the natives who originally lived along the Ravenka River, the labor force of the Southern Legion was also bought from slave traders who traveled from north to south.

  The composition of those slave traders was much more complicated.

  Some were looters who occupied the magpie’s nest and plundered the shelter, some were deserters from the province of Boro, and some were private soldiers kept abroad by the nobles of the province of Luoxia. There were even branches of the Bone Chewing Tribe that migrated there, and vendors who often dealt with mutants.

  Their footprints were all over the Great Desert, and the “species diversity” in the Great Desert was too rich.

  After all, the ups and downs of the ecological environment, even if it was just two survivor communities separated by a street, it was entirely possible that they would evolve into two completely different tribes in 200 years of displacement.

  It was precisely because of this complex racial situation that the Ravenka Industrial Zone did not allow aliens to live at their doorsteps like the Evernight Port, but adopted a more thorough racial segregation strategy than the Evernight Port.

  That is, the colonists, mainly the Willant people and the immigrants from the Batoy Province, lived in settlements with beautiful environment and abundant water resources, while the laborers they bought from the slave owners lived in the factory area of ​​the Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  After listening to Antoine’s speech, Fang Chang pressed his eyebrows with a slight headache.

  If the local situation is really as complicated as this guy said, the alliance’s method may not work here.

  However, no matter how difficult it is, the work that needs to be done must be done.

  After sorting out his thoughts, he spoke.

  ”I understand the basic situation… Now the top priority is to restore order in the area.”

  Antoine said immediately.

  ”Please give your orders!”

  Facing the head of the Ravenka Industrial Zone who was listening attentively, Fang Chang laid out the manager’s arrangements and improved some of the details according to his own judgment of the situation in the area.

  ”…We plan to establish the Ravenka Industrial Zone Autonomous Committee. You are the head of the industrial zone. You will temporarily serve as the chairman of this committee. As for the salary, we will refer to your original salary and pay it in silver coins.”

  Antoine said with a wry smile.

  ”I dare not… Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  ”Take what you deserve, don’t be polite to me, just do your job well and don’t take what you shouldn’t take.”

  Fang Chang knew that free things were the most expensive, so it was better to give them to these guys than to wait for them to take them.

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”In addition, this money does not come from us, but from the Ravenka Industrial Zone Development Fund.”

  Antoine was stunned.

  ”What is the Ravenka Industrial Zone Development Fund?”

  He has been the head of this place for so long, but this is the first time he has heard of this term.

  Looking at Antoine, who was confused, Fang Chang said concisely.

  ”You can understand it as the local budget department. Public expenditure, salary payment, and future pensions are temporarily paid from here. In addition, this department is also responsible for the disposal of inventory assets in the Ravenka Industrial Zone and the allocation of funds for capacity transformation projects.”

  After a pause, Fang Chang continued.

  ”There should be a lot of industrial waste lying in your warehouses and production lines. If you can make money, sell it after production. If you can’t make money, it’s okay to sell it as scrap metal.”

  Antoine’s breathing quickened when he heard the latter part of the sentence.

  Asset disposal!

  The output value of the Ravenka Industrial Zone accounts for one-third of the total output value of the entire Southern Legion!

  This is no longer a huge sum of money, but a fucking gold mine!

  Blinded by the benefits, he was about to take the job into his own hands, but met that half-smiley look.

  In an instant, Antoine, who was holding the hands of his wife and daughter, felt as if a basin of cold water was poured on his head, and his originally restless heart instantly calmed down.

  He could see the space for rent-seeking interests here, and the person standing in front of him could obviously see it too.

  Looking at Antoine, who kept his mouth shut and suppressed his unreasonable thoughts, Fang Chang nodded with satisfaction and continued.

  ”I will find someone else to take care of the foundation’s affairs. You just need to cooperate with them. The price of an engine should be the price. We will also send professionals to help you check it. Don’t sell the treasure as garbage.”

  ”Yes! I will do it!” Antoine hurriedly nodded respectfully. Hearing that the alliance would arrange professionals to check it, he dared not have any crooked thoughts again.

  It is always pleasant to talk to civilized people.

  After giving the order, Fang Chang did not make things difficult for Antoine. He asked him to go back with his wife and daughter to rest first, and promised to arrange two Weilant soldiers to take care of his safety.

  When the Ravenka Industrial Zone Autonomous Committee completes the transition from the old regime to the new regime and clarifies the various laws and regulations and organizational structure, he will naturally arrange for the former to set up a separate financial department and reorganize a well-functioning government agency.

  As for the power vacuum period before the transition, he will take the knife handle, pen and money bag out of the Autonomous Committee separately to prevent them from mixing them together.

  In addition to the development foundation, he also plans to set up three departments: the Legislative Committee, the Education Committee, and the Public Security Committee. He will also set up a law enforcement department with the guard as the core as soon as possible, as well as full-time schools and night schools for children and adults respectively.

  This is the experience of Dawn City and an old tradition of the Alliance.

  As for the representative meeting, it can be postponed.

  After all, he had seen what kind of character the natives here were just a few minutes ago. Even if they were asked to nominate a representative, the one who came out would probably be a unreasonable person like Bosaka. The

  Willant people can be called civilized people, but it is impossible for all the people sitting at a round table to have big noses without even a person who can play a check and balance role. What

  kind of meeting is that?

  At that time, even if these big noses find their conscience and change their ways, and do not use the intelligence of civilized people to fool these natives wearing civilized clothes, it will also lay the groundwork for future disasters.

  Fang Chang briefly comforted the Weilant civilians affected by the war in the warehouse, told them that the alliance was here to liberate them and would not take away their legal property, and then arranged for soldiers to send them back to their homes.

  Anyway, these big-nosed people usually don’t live with the natives, so it’s easier to manage them if they live in their own community.

  After doing these things, Fang Chang returned to the side of Mole and Lao Bai and his group, and exchanged his views with them.

  ”…The local situation is much more complicated than we imagined. I plan to transfer some people from Pioneer City. The survivors there are more familiar with the situation in the Great Desert and have experience dealing with local people.”

  Seeing that someone finally took over the job, Mole hurriedly said.

  ”I listen to you!”

  Before coming here, he was ready to show his skills, but now he has completely given up this plan.

  He should still do the work of fighting.

  He is better at that.

  When he met Fang Chang’s eyes, Lao Bai grinned and said.

  ”I’m like him. I believe you can handle it.”

  Seeing that the two guys had completely passed on the blame, Fang Chang said with a smile.

  ”I just want to ask for your opinions. What’s the point of you expressing your opinions to me?”

  ”Hahaha! What expressing your opinions means is… I don’t know what to do,” Lao Bai said with a smile, “or parachuting is more suitable for me.”

  The Mole also nodded in agreement, and sighed inexplicably.

  ”Damn… it’s still easier to shoot cannons. I’m never going to argue with this guy again.”

  Fang Chang looked at this guy helplessly.

  He didn’t hate the Mole for tearing him down on the forum. After all, he also has his own limitations and can’t think through everything.

  Brother Mole’s practical experience may be a little weak, but he still has the ability.

  At this moment, Midnight Killing Chicken suddenly came up with an idea, raised his arm with a chain saw welded on it, and said with a buzzing sound.

  ”By the way, I have to find a few doctors for the people I rescued.”

  Fang Chang immediately looked at him and said.

  ”Don’t we have military doctors?”

  Midnight Killing Chicken shook his head.

  ”No, they have no experience in delivering babies… Besides, you know what level of mediocre doctors our player corps has.”

  Delivering babies…

  The expressions on the faces of several corps leaders were a little subtle.

  It’s not that they are reluctant to spend money on logistics, but most players play this game with the attitude of “no need to treat serious illnesses, no need to call minor injuries”, and they don’t need qualified doctors at all.

  For example, the Jungle Corps itself is like this.

  The few military doctors they have are not even serious doctors, but prosthetic doctors who re-employed after leaving the Giant Stone Military Industry.

  Lao Bai scratched the back of his head.

  ”There should be some in the enterprise, right?”

  Mole coughed.

  ”The 100th Division and the 101st Division have gone north to block the reinforcements of the Southern Corps. It’s unrealistic to call them back.”

  Lao Bai continued.

  ”What about the expeditionary force?”

  Mole was stunned and slapped his head.

  ”Yes, they should have some. I’ll go ask.”

  As he said that, he raised his index finger and pressed it to his ear, and communicated a few words in the communication channel using human communication.

  Fang Chang was waiting for his news when a young Weilante girl suddenly walked over.

  She was very tall, about 1.8 meters tall, with long light blonde hair, wearing a beige shirt and blue canvas pants.

  Her face was filled with panic, but she still raised her hand tremblingly and spoke with courage.

  ”Um… are you looking for a doctor?”

  Hearing that voice, Fang Chang’s eyes lit up and he looked at her and asked.

  ”Are you a doctor? What’s your name?”


  The girl swallowed nervously and said quickly, “My colleagues and I can treat them… but you must ensure our safety.”

  ”No problem.”

  Fang Chang snapped his fingers and looked at Brother Ji.

  ”Take her over.”

  Midnight Killer Chicken knocked on the steel breastplate with his fist, looked at the pale girl and said with a hearty smile.

  ”Come with me, I will ensure your safety!”

  Hearing that her bodyguard was this guy, the girl named Jasmine almost cried, as if she had run into a chainsaw killer… Although there was nothing wrong with her thinking so.

  It’s not her fault that she would think so, and those natives who looked at her with eyes like looking at goods would think so too.

  From this point of view, there was nothing wrong with Fang Chang’s arrangement.

  In this chaotic period, only Brother Ji could guarantee the safety of these medical personnel who needed to frequently contact with the natives…


  With the establishment of the Autonomous Committee, the turmoil in the Ravenka Industrial Zone finally subsided.

  Of course, everyone knew that the reason why the turmoil was quelled so quickly was not because of the autonomous committee, but thanks to the exaggerated outfit of Midnight Killing Chicken.

  This is the basement under the floor, and the local survivors are even in a state close to primitive animals.

  And these guys also practiced paddling to the edge and the sociologists of the Alliance to interpret what the Borneo Province might be like without Lowell.

  At least for now, under the influence of the Alliance, most areas of Borneo Province have successfully transitioned from the late feudal era to the primary stage of “military government”.

  And areas like Jin Gallen Port, which are ahead, have already transitioned from “military government” to “training government”, and are only one step away from the final “constitutional government”.

  Perhaps after the war is over, the survivors there will be able to completely remove the thousand pillars that weigh on them.

  However, the survivors of the Ravenka Industrial Zone and even the entire Great Desert are still at a stage that is not much better than primitive people.

  Facts have proved that it is not better to have General Lowell than to have General Lowell.

  This is like a person’s kidney problem. Simply removing the kidney will not solve any problems.

  Normally, a new one must be replaced and the bad habits in the previous life must be changed.

  If the country of Borneo or the country of Mammoth deeply studies the sociological problems of the Great Desert, it may be able to accelerate their social progress.

  But that is their own business.

  The Alliance also has its own things to do. It is impossible and cannot feed them food and force them to eat.

  That will only have a counterproductive effect.

  On the third day after the industrial zone returned to normal order, the Alliance’s engineering team arrived at the airport of the industrial zone on the “Overlord” transport plane.

  Among them are not only engineers from the Giant Stone City, but also professors from Camp 101 and technicians from the Ideal City.

  Accompanied by District Chief Antoine, a group of people visited the industrial zone from beginning to end and became familiar with several of the most core production lines in the park.

  For example, the Conqueror No. 10 tank, the 902mm railway gun, and the shipyards for fighters, heavy bombers, and shallow water heavy gunboats, etc.

  That night, dinner time.

  The Alliance engineer who was dining in the hotel run by the Weilants was holding a tablet in his hands, flipping through the photos taken during the day and the copied materials, his face full of sincere emotion.

  ”It’s incredible…”

  Fang Chang, who was dining at the same table, heard this and asked him curiously.

  ”Is this place amazing?”

  The old engineer smiled and said.

  ”It depends on who you compare it with.”

  Fang Chang wanted to ask how it compared with Golden Gallon Port, but soon remembered that there were mainly light factories there, and the few heavy factories there also served the former, so he changed his words temporarily.

  ”Compare it with Dawn City.”

  ”There is no comparison.”

  The old engineer shook his head and continued while flipping through the photos on the tablet.

  ”Dawn City has pre-war reactors, Shelter 101 and Camp 101, as well as bionic experts from Shelter 100 and engineers from Boulder City. One out of every three workers is a skilled worker who understands core technology, not to mention the experts coming from colleges and companies. Combined with the managers’ reckless investment in infrastructure construction, it’s hard for the Dawn City Industrial Zone not to make some achievements.”

  When he said this, the old engineer continued with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

  ”And here there is nothing serious, only some garbage mines with complex components and slaves without education background… Any conscientious residents of the shelter refuse to serve the Legion, let alone the assistance of enterprises and colleges.” ”

  They used quantity to overcome the problem of quality. For example, the armor steel used by Conqueror No. 10, they could not ensure that the temperature of the steel furnace could be kept constant at the standard required by the technical documents, so they let the production line run continuously, producing a thousand pieces of steel, and then selecting the one that meets the quality standards.”

  ”Of course, this is just an inappropriate example. The actual operation is definitely not as simple and crude as I said, but the design of the entire production line is not much different from what I said, and it can be seen everywhere in the entire industrial park. If the accuracy does not meet the requirements, then increase the output, re-melt the inferior products, and ship them out of the factory if they meet the standards… This is what I saw.”

  This is purely an evaluation from the perspective of an expert, without participating in any political stance.

  However, Fang Chang was confused by his evaluation and could not figure out whether it was good or bad for a while.

  This sounds like he is praising the strength of the Willant people, but it also sounds like he is saying that they have tightened all their muscles but only produced a pile of shit.

  He took a sip of the black tea on the table, and thought for a moment and said.

  ”So is this a positive evaluation or a negative one? For our capacity transformation work.”

  ”It is a mixed blessing,” the old engineer thought for a while and said, “I just feel that the Willant people have indeed created a miracle, although this miracle is like the tomb of an ancient monarch, which was built with the blood and sweat of slaves at no cost… By the way, if I have a chance, I would like to go to Yavent City to have a look. That should be the end of the entire supply chain system of the Southern Legion, and it is also the real essence.”

  Fang Chang asked curiously.

  ”Is the production line here incomplete?”

  ”Some are complete, but some are not.”

  Seeing the waiter bring the dishes, the old engineer waved his hand, looking like he didn’t want to talk to him.

  ”Forget it, don’t ask, there is no foundation at all, I can’t explain it to you clearly.”

  Fang Chang made a helpless expression.

  He really didn’t understand these very professional things.

  For a practitioner in the financial industry, sometimes knowing a little is the best state, and knowing too much is not good.

  After all, knowing too much can easily make you overconfident and run into industry and open your own factory. At least among the colleagues he knew, those who did this were lucky to get out of it unscathed, and there were very few who didn’t lose everything.

  The same is true in reverse. Most industrialists who run into capital operations are also like this. Most of the money they earn by their own ability will eventually be lost by their own ability.

  Just when he was about to end this topic, the old engineer suddenly spoke again.

  ”Speaking of which, there is one thing I don’t understand.”

  Fang Chang: “What is it?”

  The old engineer said hesitantly.

  ”I checked their production records and inventory lists and found many inconsistencies. Although their production efficiency is very low, they should not have only this much output.”

  Fang Chang frowned slightly.

  ”What do you mean.”

  The old engineer explained patiently.

  ”What it means is that the theoretical output value is three times higher than the actual output value! If this industrial park can play its due production capacity, you will never win so easily, and the Southern Legion can at least last another three years!”

  ”I have to correct that, our victory was not easy either.”

  Fang Chang coughed lightly, wanting to argue for his good brothers.

  However, the old engineer had no intention of paying attention to him at all, and immersed himself in his own world again.

  The old man rubbed his chin with his index finger, thinking to himself.

  ”The machine is good, the supply chain is also fine, and the management method is worthy of criticism… but the impact is not so great.”

  The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He reached out and grabbed the few remaining hairs on his head, his face full of puzzlement.

  ”…It’s really weird.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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