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Chapter 948 Let the Animals Run

Chapter 948 Let the Animals Run


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 948 Let the Animals Run

  It turned out that what Director Glenkin said was right. The young men who received their wages spent a week’s wages in just three days, and then returned to the factory reluctantly.

  At first, Lasov complained about the “animal nature” shown by the locals, but soon accepted this setting and accepted all the bad habits of the locals with satisfaction.

  Because his new gas tank production line has not yet started production, the bicycles wholesaled from Golden Gallon Port are selling like hot cakes!

  After seeing this “two-foot-pedal, fast-as-the-wind” means of transportation, the locals’ eyes were wide open. After

  hearing that buying this thing does not require the title of a centurion or a certificate, but only requires a few hundred silver coins, these native young men immediately reached into their pockets without saying a word –

  and then there was no coin left.

  No money… then make money.

  In order to live a life of riding a twenty-eight-bar bicycle on a dirt road in the countryside, and for the priority right to choose a spouse in the tribe, this group of the most primitive and avant-garde spirited young men in the wasteland signed up enthusiastically and reluctantly plunged into the wave of capacity transformation.

  At first, they wanted to work two jobs and owed two factories more wages, but the shrewd Moon Clan merchants predicted that they would definitely take advantage of this and plugged this loophole in advance.

  In order to protect the factory they bought at a huge price, they took the initiative to establish the first non-governmental organization in the Ravenka Industrial Zone-the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

  This federation is different from the two federations in the Borneo Province and only does one thing.

  That is to register the biometric information of their own employees and share information with each other, which is equivalent to an early version of the “credit system”.

  This technology is not very difficult.

  There is no Internet in the wasteland, but there are computers and cameras.

  The reason why you can’t do it in the alliance is just because you will be done if you do so. However, the autonomous committee of the Ravenka Industrial Zone has not yet implemented the law on the protection of labor rights, so naturally there are not so many obstacles.

  This time it was the turn of the locals in the Ravenka Industrial Zone to be dumbfounded.

  When they received their wages from the first company and wanted to go to the second one, they were kicked out directly. The same thing happened when they went to the third and fourth companies.

  The factory owners all united.

  Now they can only work…

  Originally, Fang Chang felt that the locals did not have the conditions to form a social organization, so he postponed the plan to establish a representative council. However, he did not expect that this blueprint, which was postponed to the future, would be completed by a group of the least political Brahma people who came from the Brahma Province.

  In fact, he also made the mistake of empiricism. Brahma people are not completely apolitical and do not understand unity. They just don’t talk about it when it does not concern them.

  When the fire burns their butts, if they don’t talk about it, they can only complain to the King of Hell. They still have to talk a little.

  For example, now.

  If they don’t show some real skills, every one of them will go bankrupt.

  But this is also the ridiculous thing. When the fire is not so hot, they may turn around and praise the fire for being so damn warm and the people who complain about burning their butts are so damn noisy.

  But no matter what, humans are more advanced than animals.

  The natives in the Ravenka Industrial Zone scared the bosses of the Borneo Province who came ashore with their “animal nature”, but they were eventually dealt with by the latter who “landed on the beach”.

  As for whether the Workers’ Union will catch up and deal with the latter, it depends on how the latter develops.

  If they can replicate the success that Fang Chang himself cannot replicate, and make the “Golden Gallon Port Model” shine in the Ravenka Industrial Zone, so that the locals don’t mind the little pain, the radicals of the alliance will not have any chance.

  But these are things for the future.

  In short, the 3,000 bicycles that Rasov brought from Golden Gallon Port were looted as soon as they landed.

  The native guys who found jobs lined up in front of his factory, holding their wages that were not yet warm with expectation.

  The workers from Golden Gallon Port did not rest for a moment, and they loaded the bikes, put on the chains, and applied engine oil at the door of the factory… Almost every bike they assembled was sold!

  Lasov was collecting money nearby, and he was so happy when he saw the stack of banknotes in his hand.

  He could sell 300 gallons (about 30 silver coins) at a wholesale cost of 200 silver coins, and the supply was in short supply!

  If all 3,000 bicycles were sold, the profit alone would be 510,000 silver coins!

  This was simply a huge profit!

  Not only did he earn back the wages he had paid out, but he also earned the wages of others!

  The workers who assembled the bicycles were so angry that they wanted to resign on the spot and go home to become middlemen.

  Director Glenkin was not surprised at all that these bicycles would sell well, but he showed envy at the batches of bicycles.

  The Southern Legion was not short of steel, rubber and engine oil, and there were many more awesome technologies than this.

  However, these simple materials, assembled together with not-so-complex technology, became a “light luxury” that only centurions and above could afford.

  Or he had to make a lot of money and buy it with dinars in the market outside the logistics supply system.

  Of course he had a bicycle, his son and daughter had one, but he had never seen such a scene of “selling bicycles like selling nail clippers”.

  He didn’t believe that ordinary people in the alliance could afford a car, regardless of whether they had the title of a ten thousand men, but now he believed it.

  Thinking that he could buy one in the future, he missed the Southern Legion a little less…

  After the sun set, Lasov handed over the day’s income to the staff of the White Bear Bank branch.

  Looking at the money counting machine that kept ringing, his face was full of bright smiles. In a good mood, he gave each of the loaders a red envelope of 1,000 silver coins, and finally stuffed a stack of banknotes into the hands of Director Glenkin.

  ”Haha, brother, your idea is genius! It’s just

  a small token of my appreciation, please don’t hesitate!” “You are the genius.” Director Glenkin had no idea about silver coins, so he didn’t count the bills and stuffed them into his pocket. Then he said with emotion, “It took less than two weeks… It took the troops from Yongye Port that long to get to Xifan Port, and your container is faster than them.”

  Lasov didn’t care about Glenkin’s shock. After all, the speed of the container was the shipping company’s ability.

  As long as he was willing to spend money, it could even be faster.

  For example, by air transport.

  But it was not worth using airplanes to transport such low value-added goods.

  ”There’s nothing strange about this. For us, time is money. You’ll know after you work with me for a while.” Lasov frowned at him and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, I never treat my brothers unfairly. If I make money, you will benefit from it.”

  Glenkin was also a little hot in his heart.

  Although he had no idea about silver coins, the bills in his pocket were heavy.

  He suddenly wanted to take them out and count how many there were, but he didn’t dare to do it on the spot.

  That stack of money must be at least 5,000 silver coins…

  I heard that in the alliance, it only costs 200 silver coins to buy an LD series assault rifle.

  ”Then do we still produce gas tanks? I think bicycles are more profitable.”

  ”Of course we should produce them. Don’t be blinded by short-term interests. This deal can only be regarded as a quick money.” Lasov smiled and patted Glenkin’s shoulder. He turned his eyes and continued, “But you reminded me that we can also develop some production lines that meet the needs of local people… How did that saying go? Yes, adapt to local conditions!”

  Glenkin: “For example?”

  Lasov said with a smile.

  ”For example, pots and pans, tricycles for transporting goods, or furniture.”

  Glenkin frowned slightly.

  ”Iron furniture? Although the iron ore here is cheap, it will be too heavy.”

  Lasov shook his head like a rattle.

  ”Of course it’s made of wood. What added value can iron things sell for? Selling something worth 1 silver coin for 1.1 silver coins is not a skill. It’s a skill to let people spend 10 silver coins to buy it and be grateful to us. We not only sell wooden sofas, but also leather and pure cotton ones.”

  Looking at the boss who was talking freely, Glenkin smiled bitterly and said.

  ”I have to remind you that although there are a few trees on the land along the Ravenka River, this place is still called the Great Desert.”

  Lasov said with a smile.

  ”Of course I know, but there are a lot of wood in French Fries Port, and there is also a lumber mill in Mantou Port… I remember that the factory there was opened by you Willant people.”

  The wasteland is becoming a whole, and the thinking is limited to the Great Desert.

  He could hire the noblest artists from Dawn City, import the best wood, fur and cotton from Baiyue Province, and send them to the factory in Jinjialun Port for rough processing.

  Looking at Lasov, who was depicting his business map with great enthusiasm, Glenkin suddenly felt a little unfamiliar. He couldn’t believe that this guy was actually a Poro.

  He had seen Poro people before.

  Their timid appearance once made him look down on them from the bottom of his heart, and he even didn’t take them seriously at all.

  Now he finally figured out why the Alliance won.

  Unity is a means.

  Equality is their core.

  The Legion turned the wastelanders into animals.

  And the Alliance turned them into people.

  Animals are destined to be defeated by humans, and the failure of the Southern Legion and even the entire Legion is almost inevitable…


  The small commodities from Jinjialun Port set off a wave of fashion in the Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  The figure of “Odebiao” can be seen everywhere on the dusty dirt road, but the only thing missing is the banana that adds the soul.

  This place is not tropical after all. Strictly speaking, it should be considered a temperate zone. The reason for the heat is simply because this is the southern hemisphere, and December in the southern hemisphere is the hottest time of summer.

  That is why it is not only the bicycles in Kinggallon Port that are popular, but also short-sleeved T-shirts and sandals.

  Especially the latter.

  Those styles that have been out of fashion in Kinggallon Port have become the most popular hits in the local area!

  The barbaric natives like orcs can even fight for a rustic and colorful shirt.

  As for artworks certified by the residents of the shelter, such as “Vine Cabin”, no one cares about them. Both men and women are allergic to the low-key and luxurious temperament.

  On the contrary, the exaggerated designs made by some players are extremely popular here.

  For example, a red T-shirt with a baby face printed on it, that cheerful smile has almost become the spiritual totem of several tribes.

  Looking at the group of spirited young men wearing toad shoes and Wangzai milk bottles, Irena had a subtle expression on her face.

  This kind of performance art had briefly appeared in Dawn City when the “closed beta qualification was released”, but it was unexpected that it would reappear in the wastelanders after the closed beta qualification was tightened.

  ”Is this a Renaissance?”

  The Elf King Fugui pressed his temple and scraped his eye sockets to relieve his mental fatigue.

  ”Ah… I think so.” There are

  more and more new faces in the server. It is no longer a small circle of old players. Although “Wasteland OL” has not been publicly tested yet, it is actually no different from the public test.

  Mosquito is still flying planes on the front line, and Tail is making snowmen in the Arctic Circle. Several of the most famous clowns are not there.

  At least he can’t guess who did it, and it may not even be the players who did it.

  Just when the players were amazed, the 172 innocent people who bought the factory finally found the trick to develop this market. They wrote to the Autonomous Committee and asked them to install the gantry crane at the port as soon as possible to facilitate unloading, and then imported light industrial products from the Golden Gallon Port to play dumping.

  This did stimulate the market in the Ravenka Industrial Zone to a certain extent, but the market and the factory are separated by a river after all.

  Those young men who owed money were indeed forced back to the factory by the bosses brought by the Alliance from all over the world, but they obviously did not really want to build their hometown, but just wanted to make a quick buck and buy a cool bicycle. There

  is nothing wrong with thinking this way, and it is not even wrong to not like saving money. People should live for themselves first, live for the present first… but they should not have no plans for the future.

  Especially when everyone in a society has no plans for their future, whether good or bad, this society will almost inevitably stagnate or even go downhill.

  In this case, any stimulus measures for civilized society will fail.

  The locals live like animals, looking for food when hungry, looking for water when thirsty, mating when they want to mate, doing daily jobs, and will never master a core technology. It is even a luxury to expect them to become skilled workers.

  Although the smart merchants in Jingalon Port, led by Lasov, made a lot of money in the short term, this money was largely the dividends from the auction of the Southern Legion’s assets in the Ravenka Industrial Zone. The

  local workers were able to borrow money because of this dividend as a guarantee.

  Otherwise, no one would advance their wages, just like no one would lend money to the seagulls in French Fry Port.

  Once this bonus is eaten up, everyone here will suffer.

  Fang Chang believes that experienced Golden Gallon Port merchants like Lasov will be able to escape before the flood comes, but as the captain of a ship, it doesn’t matter to him who has the last lifebuoy. There

  must not be enough lifebuoys for everyone.

  What he has to do is to drive the ship well, prevent it from running aground, and ensure that every passenger on the ship can successfully get ashore.

  At the meeting of the Autonomous Committee of the Ravenka Industrial Zone, Fang Chang, who sat at the head of the conference table, looked at the committee members sitting at the conference table and said.

  ”…The wastelanders in the River Valley Province don’t like to save money either. They follow the philosophy of life as if it were morning dew, but even so they have an idea of ​​what they are going to do tomorrow.”

  ”So when we hand them books and tell them that tomorrow will be better, it takes almost no effort for them to study seriously. And when we put a better plan in front of them, they will work hard with us.”

  Xiaoyu and Boss Xia should be typical examples, including a series of survivors such as Lister and Sun Shiqi who are more successful.

  Nowadays, newcomers to “Wasteland OL” have almost no impression of Xiaoyu, but Fang Chang is very impressed.

  That guy has grown from a little girl counting coins at the door of the sanatorium to one of the designers of the alliance’s financial system, and even he, an expert, can’t fool him.

  And Boss Xia has also become a very good engineer.

  Although she is not rich, money is not the only criterion for measuring the meaning of life. Her research and contributions are also obvious to many players in the alliance.

  As for here…

  After a moment of silence, Fang Chang looked at the ceiling of the conference room, sighed, and shook his head.

  ”The above is the experience of Dawn City, and it is also the root of the Boulder City model and the Golden Gallon Port model… But based on my observations during this period, I regret to find that this set of underlying code is not applicable here.”

  The locals have no concept of the future at all.

  And their extreme slacking and taking things as they come is the root cause of the fact that the actual production capacity of the Ravenka Industrial Zone is far from the theoretical output value. The

  reasons are not that complicated at all, and have nothing to do with Tyr and the Enlightenment Society.

  And he really blamed them wrongly.

  It’s not that they didn’t “resist”, but they were resisting all the time, and against everyone they met…

  If the same industrial zone was placed in the Lion State of the Borneo Province, and the Borneo people tightened their belts to build guns and cannons for the Southern Legion, Abusek and Lasi might really be beaten to shit by the Southern Legion.

  The people sitting at the conference table looked at each other, and finally focused their eyes on President Antoine.

  Being pushed to the front by everyone’s expectations, President Antoine smiled bitterly and cast his eyes for help to Fang Chang.

  ”You think of a way.”

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”You can’t put all your hopes on me alone, otherwise what will you do after I’m gone? The reason I held this meeting today is to hear your opinions.”

  President Antoine closed his mouth and set his eyes on the president of the Development Foundation.

  The guy’s name is Hope, and he is an accountant by profession. He is a Weilant born in the city of Avent. It is unknown which factory the Alliance found him from. Anyway, he is now in charge of the “money bag” of the entire Autonomous Committee, and he is holding a huge sum of 1.5 billion silver coins! With

  such a large sum of money in his hands, he wanted to see what this guy is capable of.

  Being stared at by President Antoine, Hope knew that he could not escape, and coughed lightly and said,

  ”Maybe we can make some people rich first, and then others–”

  Before he finished speaking, the captain of the Industrial Zone Guard interrupted him with a dark face.

  ”They will be robbed clean by other natives, just like Blackwater Alley in Evernight Harbor. In the past half month, we have handled 37 robberies and 26 thefts, half of which are related to bicycles.”

  He is one of the few Ravenka natives at the conference table, but he grew up in Yavent City, so he is also one of the few natives who have seen the world.

  His mother was a servant of a captain of ten thousand men. Because she has half the blood of the Willant people, she became a captain of a thousand men in the vassal army.

  Later, with the defeat of General Lubis, he surrendered with a good attitude, so he was arranged by the Alliance to the guard team. Because of his outstanding performance and the recommendation of a battalion commander of the expeditionary force, he rocketed to the position of sheriff.

  It is precisely because of the blood of the locals flowing in his veins that he understands the temperament of the locals better than anyone else.

  Without waiting for Hope to answer, he continued.

  ”…In the end, this place will still become Evernight Harbor, with outsiders continuing to live in the most prosperous community, while the locals will still rot in the stinking ditch… I don’t think this is what the Alliance wants to see.”

  As he spoke, he looked at Fang Chang, who did not express his opinion, but gave him a look of approval.

  Indeed, the Alliance does not want to see this happen.

  However, expecting the Alliance to intervene forcefully just because they do not want to see this happen is also ignorant of the Alliance.

  Peaceful coexistence is a wish.

  They will not design a game that can only win but not lose just because of a wish, snatch the winner’s trophy and force it on the weak who need help.

  Fairness of rules can at least ensure that victory is meaningful, while forcing rules will not only fail to help the weak, but will also turn victory itself into a joke, and eventually lead to a lose-lose situation.

  He could not say this, but he did think so in his heart –

  if the locals are really hopeless, they should be allowed to lie in the mud and watch their Willant neighbors return to their big houses with their hard work and courage, and then think about whether to change the way they or the next generation live.

  Perhaps it was because he understood his meaningful look that Hope felt more confident. He looked at the captain of the guard and argued with him.

  ”Then it should at least become Evernight Harbor first, right? At least the aliens in Blackwater Alley are different from the aliens in Ravenka Industrial Zone. The poor people in the slums are more decent than the animals in the primeval forest. Can you deny this? Besides, you are from Avent City, right? You know better than anyone why the locals are poor, and why you are different even though you have alien blood flowing in your veins!” The

  captain of the guard was speechless for a moment. He was not good at debate, and because he had been exposed to the thoughts of civilized people, he lacked the unreasonable and unreasonable temperament of Bosaka.

  He stared at him and couldn’t say a word, and he held back his words.

  Not only him, but even the elders of several large tribes sitting in the corner of the conference table couldn’t say anything to refute.

  They knew what kind of character the young men in their tribe were, and they also knew what kind of character they were.

  In fact, to put it bluntly, they never thought that one day they would be able to sit at the same table with the Willant people and discuss the future of the Ravenka Industrial Zone on an equal footing.

  If their tribesmen cannot compete with the Willant people, then no one can be blamed…

  Fang Chang looked at Hope.

  ”You want to use the ‘Gold Gallon Port Model’, right?”

  ”It’s the Evernight Port Model!” Hope continued with courage, “Eternal Night Port has no funds, no technology, no market… and we have all these, and we are standing at the forefront!” ”

  The sale of 172 factories has raised 1.5 billion silver coins. This money should not only be used for transformation, but we can also invest part of it in the field of infrastructure… For example, establish a local development bank, and renovate the old city through the qualification committee to bid for the reconstruction of the old civilian docks and roads and municipal systems.”

  At this point, he looked at the four tribal elders sitting at the conference table.

  ”You may not understand. To put it simply, we will take out a sum of money from the development fund to help you renovate your house! Let you move from the tent to a big house with a view of the sea!”

  Upon hearing this, the four old men were immediately excited and almost regarded him as a savior.

  Fang Chang probably listened to his words.

  This is actually still the Golden Gallon Port model, but the difference is indeed slightly different.

  After all, at that time, Golden Gallon Port had just gotten rid of the “Nihak period” and knew nothing about the operating rules of the market. Both the old nobles and the emerging class stood on the same starting line, and the latter had more motivation to change, so they quickly became the leader of avant-garde thinking in the social changes.

  But the Ravenka Industrial Zone is different.

  The Willant people are a dimensionality reduction attack on the locals in terms of ability and experience. Now raising this starting gun is equivalent to letting adults and children race.

  But as Hope said, now they are standing at the forefront and have the opportunity to do this.

  When the wind passes, it is hard to say what role these 1.5 billion silver coins can play.

  Maybe they don’t even have a chance to speak up. These dividends will either be consumed by themselves or eaten up by outsiders.

  ”There is no choice that is completely beneficial in this matter. I can’t decide for you. The only advice is to give up the fantasy of having both… Let’s vote by raising your hands.”

  Fang Chang knocked on the table and handed the right to choose to the locals themselves.

  ”Left hand in favor, right hand against, hand on the table means abstention.”

  As he said, he put his hand under the table, indicating that he – or the alliance – would not participate in this vote.

  There were 14 people sitting at this round table, 6 of whom were Willant people, 6 were indigenous people, and one was a mixed-race person.

  At least now the vote is the fairest.

  Pairs of hands were raised, a total of 10 people in favor, two against, and one abstention.

  And what’s interesting is that the two opponents are a mixed-race person and a Willant person.

  Antoine abstained from voting without suspense. This guy is a typical “capable speculator”.

  As for the 4 tribal elders who were sitting at the conference table to make up the numbers, they all raised their left hands high.

  After all, they have already chosen the leader they want.

  ”This is the first meeting of the Ravenka Industrial Zone, and the representatives of the alliance have witnessed its fairness… at least the process is relatively fair.”

  Fang Chang looked at the spirited Hope, and gave him the red badge of the winner with his eyes.

  ”Don’t let down the expectations of the survivors of the Ravenka Industrial Zone, and go for the future you envision.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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