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Chapter 948 Xiao Youran: Give You a Restoration

Chapter 948 Xiao Youran: Give You a Restoration


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

   Chapter 948 Xiao Youran: Make up for you

  Xu Xiuwen’s old face turned red.


  He often lied to Xiao Youran.

  Xiao Youran did not expose his words, and smiled and said: “I want to eat beef ramen.”

  ”Beef ramen? Sure, there is one next to the school, let’s go now.”

  Xiao Youran shook her head: “I want to go to the ramen restaurant next to our high school.”

  Xu Xiuwen did not expect that she would suddenly mention the ramen restaurant next to the high school.

  After all, he just said that she could eat anywhere she wanted.

  It’s not good to deny it immediately.

  After hesitating for a while, Xu Xiuwen asked: “Do you really want to eat there?”

  Xiao Youran suddenly said sympathetically: “It takes an hour to drive there, it’s a bit long, right? Forget it.”

  If Xiao Youran insisted on going, Xu Xiuwen might find an excuse to say next time.

  But the girl gave up on her own initiative.

  Seeing the flash of disappointment in the girl’s eyes, Xu Xiuwen wanted to take her to eat ramen.

  So he decided.

  ”Let’s go, let’s go eat ramen.”

  Xiao Youran smiled like a flower.

  This scene reminded Xu Xiuwen of the past.

  The two of them drove back to their high school without saying hello or notifying anyone.

  On the way back, when they were waiting for the red light.

  Xiao Youran suddenly asked with a smile: “Does it look good?”

  Xu Xiuwen almost blurted out “beautiful”.

  Fortunately, he reacted in time.

  He instantly retracted his gaze from Xiao Youran’s pair of white legs and pretended to be stupid: “What do you mean by beautiful?”

  Xiao Youran smiled, “If you want to see it, just look at it openly. I didn’t stop you from looking.”

  Xu Xiuwen still argued: “I don’t understand what you mean, what are you looking at?”

  Xiao Youran asked: “Weren’t you peeking at my legs just now?”

  ”Youran, you misunderstood, I was just looking at the traffic lights.”


  ”Of course it’s true.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s mouth was harder than stone.

  Xiao Youran nodded, “Then maybe I saw it wrong.”

  ”You must have seen it wrong, I’m not that kind of person.”

  At this time, the girl suddenly whispered, “I was going to say that if you like it, I can let you touch it, but if you don’t like it, forget it.”

  Xu Xiuwen swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

  Seeing that he didn’t react, Xiao Youran put her legs together, leaned towards him, and asked with her body tilted: “Xiao Xu, don’t you really want to touch my legs?”

  She knew that her legs were very beautiful.

  She deliberately lifted her skirt to reveal her white thighs.

  Of course, it was to seduce Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen also guessed the girl’s mind.

  He still shook his head and said: “Youran, I’m really not that kind of person.”

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen didn’t say he wanted to touch her legs even at this point.

  If it were before, she might have given up because of shyness.

  But now Xiao Youran, not to mention a big change in personality, at least is much more proactive and bold than before.

  Xiao Youran suddenly said coquettishly: “Xiao Xu, my legs are a little itchy, can you scratch them for me…”

  If the previous seduction was still subtle and low-key.

  Then the seduction now is direct and obvious.

  Xu Xiuwen showed a hesitant expression, “This is not good, I’m still driving.”

  Xiao Youran pouted and said, “But my legs are really itchy~ Can you help me scratch them?”

  ”Scratch it yourself.”

  ”I can’t reach it.”

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen still didn’t respond, Xiao Youran simply took the initiative to reach out and grab Xu Xiuwen’s right hand and put it on her thigh.

  As soon as he touched the girl’s thigh, Xu Xiuwen felt a smooth and delicate feeling.

  It seemed to show that he was just helping, not taking advantage.

  Xu Xiuwen asked pretentiously: “Where is itchy~”

  Xiao Youran bit her lip and said, “A little bit down.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s hand went down to touch… scratch.

  In the end, it was better to say that he was playing with the girl’s thigh than to scratch her.

  The beautiful touch made people love it.

  In a blink of an eye, the red light time passed.

  Xiao Youran saw Xu Xiuwen reluctantly retracting his hand.

  She smiled and said, “If you want to touch it, you can touch it enough tonight.”

  If it were someone else who heard Xiao Youran’s words, they would definitely agree immediately, for fear that Xiao Youran would change her mind if they were a second late.

  However, after hearing this, Xu Xiuwen shuddered, “Forget it!”

  Xiao Youran couldn’t help laughing: “Am I scary?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t respond, but changed the subject: “Youran, let’s listen to some songs.”

  Without waiting for the girl to agree or object, Xu Xiuwen started playing music.

  As the music sounded, Xiao Youran became quiet and spoke less.

  In a blink of an eye, they returned to Langya City.

  Xu Xiuwen drove all the way to the vicinity of his high school alma mater.

  He parked the car on the side of the road and got out with the girl.

  Standing on the side of the road, looking at this once familiar street, Xu Xiuwen was also reminded of many memories.

  Xiao Youran was even more so.

  For Xu Xiuwen, the memories of this street were more than ten years ago.

  But for Xiao Youran, it was only a year or two ago.

  She still remembered it clearly.

  Xiao Youran suddenly said: “Xiao Xu, look, that store is still open.” Xu

  Xiuwen followed the direction of the girl’s finger and saw a stationery store.

  He remembered that when he was in high school, there was a boy in his class who always liked to come here after school in the afternoon to buy a copy of “Someone” and bring it back to class to read. He

  almost forgot that Xiao Youran’s best friend Yang Xiaoxiao also often bought it.

  Xu Xiuwen has always been frugal and never spends money recklessly, so naturally he would not spend money on books.

  Well, actually, I was just poor.

  At that time, I followed other students and asked others to borrow books all day long.

  Anyway, a class took turns to read, and basically when we finished reading, the next issue would be out.

  However, in Xu Xiuwen’s impression, Xiao Youran didn’t seem to like reading this kind of books.

  In the past, he always said that he was not doing his job properly like a little adult.

  Then Xu Xiuwen always said, Yang Xiaoxiao also bought books, why don’t you say she is not doing her job properly.

  Xiao Youran would say that Yang Xiaoxiao’s grades were good, and his grades were not good.

  Coming back to his senses, Xu Xiuwen heard Xiao Youran say: “Xiao Xu, let’s go in and take a look.”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned, “Aren’t you hungry? Let’s go eat first.”

  ”It doesn’t matter for a while.” Xiao Youran took Xu Xiuwen’s arm and walked towards the stationery store.

  It was class time at this time, and there was no one in the stationery store.

  The stationery store is a husband-and-wife store, and the boss and his wife take turns to run the store.

  Today, it happened that the boss was in the store.

  The boss was a man in his forties, with not much hair and a slightly out of shape figure, but his facial features were still regular, and one could vaguely tell that he must have been quite handsome when he was young.

  Xiao Youran took Xu Xiuwen’s arm and walked around the store, but didn’t see anything she wanted to buy.

  Finally, she took a copy of “Someone”.

  When she came to the boss, Xiao Youran turned her head and looked at Xu Xiuwen.

  Although she didn’t say anything, her big watery eyes had already told Xu Xiuwen what she wanted to say.

  Xu Xiuwen asked casually, “Boss, how much is it?”

  The boss was originally resting with his eyes closed, and when he heard someone talking, he opened his eyes and took a look, “10 yuan.”

  Xu Xiuwen took out a hundred-yuan bill from his wallet and handed it over.

  The boss took the money and began to make change.

  While making change, the boss suddenly recognized Xiao Youran and said with a smile, “You haven’t come to buy books for a long time.”

  Xiao Youran smiled and said, “Yes, I have graduated for more than a year.”

  ”No wonder… Is this your boyfriend?” The boss asked with a smile.

  Hearing this, Xiao Youran turned to look at Xu Xiuwen and shook her head, saying, “No.”

  Hearing Xiao Youran’s words, Xu Xiuwen did not refute, but he always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

  He thought to himself with self-mockery: Xiao Youran used to pester you all day long, and you were tired of it. Now that she has broken up with you, you are uncomfortable again.

  Sometimes men are really mean.

  Coming out of the store.

  Xu Xiuwen casually asked, “Are you familiar with the boss?”

  Xiao Youran nodded and said, “Yes, I used to come here often to buy books…”

  ”Buy books?” Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  He quickly realized that Xiao Youran was referring to books like “Someone” in her hand.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but say, “You used to come here often to buy books? No, don’t you never read this kind of book?”

  Xiao Youran suddenly realized that she had let the cat out of the bag.

  She tried to make up for it, “I said it wrong, I came with Xiaoxiao to buy books.”

  Xu Xiuwen frowned, feeling that something seemed wrong.

  Xiao Youran seemed to be hiding something from him.

  ”Tell me the truth, did you often come here to buy this kind of books?”

  Xiao Youran wanted to argue, “Really not…”

  ”If you don’t tell me, I’ll go back and ask the boss.”
Xiao Youran

  had to confess after hearing that.

  ”Okay, I used to buy it often, is that okay?”

  ”Let me sort it out, all the books Yang Xiaoxiao bought before were not bought by you, right?”

  Xiao Youran was a little embarrassed, but still nodded and admitted it.

  Xu Xiuwen was speechless.

  ”After all this time, you also like to read this kind of books. You used to say that I was not doing my job properly, you hid it well enough!”

  Seeing Xu Xiuwen’s mischievous expression, Xiao Youran blushed.

  ”Well, my mom doesn’t allow you to read it. And if you knew that I also read this kind of book, you would definitely not listen to me if I told you not to read it again.”

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself: Even if I didn’t know that you read it, I didn’t listen to you much. You should still read it.

  Xu Xiuwen thought of Xiao Youran who was like a little adult in high school, always liked to discipline him and lecture him.

  He couldn’t help but sigh, “I really don’t know how many things you are hiding from me.”

  Xiao Youran heard this and was a little anxious, “Oh, I’m not hiding anything from you, just this one. I did this because I wanted you to study hard. I was wrong…”

  She grabbed Xu Xiuwen’s arm, shook it gently, and acted like a spoiled child.

  Xu Xiuwen said coldly: “It’s too late. You lied to me for so long, I’m angry…”

  Xiao Youran said: “What do you want to do to forgive me?”

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and said: “Unless you kiss me.”

  Xiao Youran thought that Xu Xiuwen would raise the price and make some slightly excessive demands.

  In the end, he just kissed him.

  Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief and then agreed.

  ”Okay. When do you want to kiss?”

  ”Right now.”


  ”You don’t want to?”

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, Xiao Youran took a step forward without thinking, then stood on tiptoe and leaned forward to kiss Xu Xiuwen.

  They separated immediately.

  Even after they separated, Xu Xiuwen could still smell a faint fragrance belonging to the girl.

  Xiao Youran shyly said, “Is this okay?”


  Xiao Youran quickly changed the subject, “Let’s go eat, I’m hungry.”

  She put one hand on her belly and rubbed it.


  The two came to the Beef Noodle House next door.

  ”Boss, give me two bowls of beef noodles, one large and one small, plus two braised eggs.”

  There were not many customers at this time, and the noodle shop owner was sitting in the store to rest.

  After hearing the voice, he looked up.

  The noodle shop owner quickly recognized Xiao Youran.

  Xu Xiuwen was actually quite inconspicuous in high school.

  He didn’t pay much attention to his image at that time.

  But Xiao Youran was different.

  She was too beautiful, and she was the focus of the crowd wherever she went.

  She often came to eat noodles, so the noodle shop owner naturally had an impression of her.

  ”You haven’t come to our house for noodles for a long time.”

  Xiao Youran smiled and said, “Yes, I usually go to college in another city and don’t have the opportunity to come for noodles.”

  The boss said, “How do you have time to come today?”

  ”I suddenly wanted to eat your ramen, so I asked for leave and took the bus back to eat.”

  Hearing Xiao Youran say this, the boss was stunned at first, and then laughed happily.

  ”If you say that, I must give you a free meal today.”

  ”No, we pay.”

  The boss said, “It’s okay, it’s just two bowls of noodles, and it doesn’t cost much. I also want to thank you for coming here to eat noodles often in the past. Many male students followed you and increased a lot of business for my store.”

  Xiao Youran didn’t come here to eat noodles every time she came.

  In fact, more often, she came to eat noodles with Yang Xiaoxiao.

  Many boys who had a crush on her would also follow her secretly, just to be able to see her more.

  Xiao Youran actually noticed these boys who had a crush on her a long time ago.

  But she couldn’t stop it, so she kept pretending not to know.

  Unexpectedly, the boss also saw it, and now said it in front of Xu Xiuwen.

  Xiao Youran suddenly became a little nervous.

  She was worried that Xu Xiuwen would get jealous.

  Xu Xiuwen’s reaction was calm.

  He did regard Xiao Youran as a forbidden delicacy and would not allow other boys to get involved.

  But he would not be jealous for no reason.

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen was not angry, Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief.

  Xiao Youran said, “Thank you, boss.”

  The boss said, “It’s okay, you guys take a seat first, it will be ready soon.”

  Xu Xiuwen and Xiao Youran entered the store and sat down.

  The boss walked to the door and started to pull noodles on the spot.

  Xiao Youran was still a little worried and took the initiative to explain, “I can’t stop other men from eating noodles with me, but I never talk to them. Xiaoxiao can testify for me.”

  Xiuwen glanced at her and said lightly, “I believe you.” Xiao Youran

  was relieved to hear that.

  Then Xiao Youran told Xu Xiuwen some interesting stories about high school and Yang Xiaoxiao.

  As Xiao Youran was talking, he suddenly thought of something and said, “Xiaoxiao will definitely not guess that we are eating noodles here now.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Of course she won’t guess it.”

  Xiao Youran smiled and asked, “Should I send her a text message to show off?”

  ”It’s up to you.”

  ”Forget it, let’s not send it.”

  The two chatted, and the noodle shop owner quickly made the noodles.

  He brought two bowls of noodles to the table.

  Xiao Youran picked up the beef in the bowl with chopsticks and put it in Xu Xiuwen’s bowl.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment, “What are you doing?”

  Xiao Youran blushed and said, “You worked hard this morning, I’ll make up for it…”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  He lost all his essence, and he could make it up with two slices of beef?

  Besides, he couldn’t afford beef now. He needed a girlfriend, no, his ex-girlfriend to give him the beef in her bowl?

  But Xu Xiuwen also understood that Xiao Youran did this out of the girl’s sincerity.

  He didn’t refuse.

  It is worth mentioning that the boss may have seen that they were acquaintances, so he put a lot of beef.

  There were at least a dozen thin slices of beef in each bowl.

  When he saw the girl picking up the second piece of beef, Xu Xiuwen said, “Okay, you eat the rest yourself. I’ve had enough.”

  Upon hearing this, Xiao Youran gave up on giving him the beef.

  Xu Xiuwen was really a little hungry.

  He had worked hard last night and this morning, and had consumed a lot of physical strength. He had to eat something to replenish his energy.

  He quickly finished the bowl. He

  looked up at Xiao Youran.

  The latter had just eaten a small half.

  Xiao Youran suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand and said, “Xiao Xu, you eat, I’m full.”

  ”Are you full after eating so little?”

  ”I don’t have a big appetite.”

  Xu Xiuwen was not polite and moved the bowl in front of him and started eating.

  Seeing Xu Xiuwen’s noodles that he had just eaten, he had no dislike.

  Xiao Youran couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

  The boss of the store noticed this scene and said with a smile, “You and your boyfriend have a good relationship.”

  Xu Xiuwen paused while eating noodles.

  Xiao Youran was also stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at the boss and explained, “Boss, you are wrong, he is not my boyfriend.”

  Hearing Xiao Youran’s words, the boss was also stunned.

  When the two entered the store just now, Xiao Youran had been holding Xu Xiuwen’s arm, looking very intimate.

  Now the boy is eating the noodles left by Xiao Youran directly.

  So these two are not boyfriend and girlfriend?

  The boss suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: “You kept it a secret from me. I am not your teacher or your parent. I will not tell tales. Don’t be nervous.”

  In fact, Xiao Youran admitted it and the topic was over.

  But Xiao Youran refused.

  She had to explain it clearly.

  ”We are really not boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  Hearing Xiao Youran deny their relationship in front of others again.

  Xu Xiuwen was very upset.

  But he didn’t seem to have the right to say anything.

  The boss continued to ask curiously: “Since you are not boyfriend and girlfriend, what is your relationship?”

  Xiao Youran looked at Xu Xiuwen and asked hesitantly: “Can I tell?”

  Xu Xiuwen was also curious about how she would explain, so he said: “You tell me.”

  Xiao Youran looked at the boss and said: “He is my college roommate’s boyfriend. I secretly got together with him without telling my roommate.”


  Xu Xiuwen was still wondering how Xiao Youran would introduce their relationship.

  I didn’t expect her to say that.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help coughing.

  The boss was also stunned.

  Without waiting for the boss to speak, Xu Xiuwen hurriedly said, “She was joking with you.”

  ”I said–”

  Xiao Youran said stubbornly, “I’m not joking. You are obviously my roommate’s boyfriend. Why are you afraid to admit it? Uncle won’t spread it everywhere.”

  The boss felt that his three views were refreshed.

  Such a beautiful girl, and she looks well-behaved.

  How come she got together with her roommate’s boyfriend just after entering college?

  He subconsciously thought that Xiao Youran was deceived by the boy in front of him.

  When he obviously had a girlfriend, he got together with his girlfriend’s roommate.

  Isn’t this a bad man who cheats?

  The boss’s impression of Xu Xiuwen instantly became very bad.

  He almost couldn’t help but persuade Xiao Youran to break up with Xu Xiuwen quickly and don’t continue to be deceived.

  But Xu Xiuwen was also there, so he couldn’t say it too directly.

  The boss said tactfully: “Dating is a big deal, you should still talk to your parents and listen to their advice.”

  Xiao Youran shook his head and said, “No, if my mother knew about us, she would definitely not agree.”

  The boss thought to himself: You know your mother doesn’t agree, why don’t you think about why she doesn’t agree?


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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