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Chapter 949 Qingmei’s Concession

Chapter 949 Qingmei’s Concession


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

   Chapter 949 Qingmei’s Concession

  Xu Xiuwen quickly finished the remaining noodles.

  He put down 20 yuan, then hurriedly left with Xiao Youran.

  He really couldn’t stand the look of the noodle shop owner.

  Xu Xiuwen was afraid to stay any longer, and the noodle shop owner couldn’t help but teach him a lesson.

  ”Xiao Xu, slow down…” Xiao Youran shouted. Xu

  Xiuwen stopped after running away with Xiao Youran.

  Xiao Youran tidied up her hair and dress, then leaned over from the side and took his arm.

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen didn’t speak, the girl asked cautiously: “Xiao Xu, why don’t you speak? Are you angry?”

  ”No.” Xu Xiuwen denied it immediately.

  What right did he have to be angry?

  Xiao Youran paid attention to Xu Xiuwen’s expression, and suddenly smiled and said: “I’m glad you’re not angry. Then where are we going next?”

  Xu Xiuwen: “…”

  She didn’t know that if a boy says no, he wants it, and if he says he’s not angry, he’s angry?

  doesn’t understand boys at all!

  Sure enough, that saying is right.

  Those who are attentive don’t need to be taught, and those who are unintentional can’t be taught.

  If it were any other girl who was interested, she would have noticed the boy’s mood immediately.

  It was really chilling to meet such a girl.

  Xu Xiuwen snorted, “I don’t want to go anywhere.”

  Xiao Youran heard this, still pretending not to notice that he was angry, and smiled and said, “Xiao Xu, I want to go somewhere, can you accompany me?”

  ”Where to?”

  Xiao Youran pointed to the school next to him.

  ”You want to go to school?”

  ”Yeah.” Xiao Youran nodded.

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and said, “But it’s class time now, the guard shouldn’t let us in.”

  Xiao Youran said, “I remember that boys seem to have other ways to get in.”

  Other ways?

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment.

  He thought of the physical education class in high school, and boys often climbed over the wall and left school early.

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything, Xiao Youran took the initiative to say, “Xiao Xu, can you take me over the wall?”

  Xu Xiuwen looked at her helplessly, “You are really addicted to climbing.”

  He was referring to the time when he took Xiao Youran back to junior high school.

  They also climbed over the wall to enter the school.

  Xiao Youran smiled embarrassedly when he heard this, and looked quite cute.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I’m not sure if I can still climb over it. Don’t blame me if I can’t.”

  ”It’s okay. It doesn’t matter if I can’t get in.” Xiao Youran said with a smile.

  Then Xu Xiuwen led Xiao Youran to a wall outside the high school.

  Inside the wall was a parking shed for bicycles and electric vehicles. There

  were several crooked trees growing outside the wall.

  Just step on the trees to climb up the wall and enter the campus.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I’ll show you first, and you can learn to climb over the wall.”


  Xu Xiuwen climbed up the wall by stepping on the branches. After walking a few steps along the wall, he saw a pillar. If you are brave, you can jump down directly by stepping on the pillar. If you are

  timid, you can lie on the wall and slowly touch the pillar with your feet until you step firmly, and then you can go down.

  Anyway, it’s easy.

  When Xu Xiuwen was in high school, he climbed over the wall many times during physical education classes, and he jumped down directly.

  After landing, Xu Xiuwen said to Xiao Youran across the wall, “Youran, you can climb over it quickly.”

  Xiao Youran followed the movements he just made and quickly climbed up the wall.

  Encouraged by Xu Xiuwen, she jumped onto the pillar and finally threw herself into Xu Xiuwen’s arms.

  Xiao Youran exhaled, then looked up and laughed.

  Just then.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly heard a stern rebuke from behind him.

  ”Which class are you from! Who told you to climb over the wall!”

  Xu Xiuwen turned around and saw that it was a male teacher he was not familiar with.

  He was a little panicked. How could he be so unlucky that he was caught by the teacher climbing over the wall.

  Xiao Youran was also panicked and asked, “Xiao Xu, what should I do?”

  Xu Xiuwen’s mind turned quickly, “What else can I do? Run!”

  Xu Xiuwen took Xiao Youran’s hand and ran.

  ”Don’t run! Stop!”

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself: Only a fool would stop!

  Xu Xiuwen took Xiao Youran and ran all the way on the campus, circling around, and finally hid in a corner.

  The two held their breath and waited for a while. When they didn’t see the teacher catch up, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

  Xu Xiuwen turned around and asked with concern: “Are you okay?”

  Turning around, Xu Xiuwen found that Xiao Youran’s eyes were sparkling. She didn’t seem to be worried about being caught, but was very excited.

  The girl smiled and said, “Xiao Xu, it turned out that climbing over the wall was so exciting before…”

  Xu Xiuwen explained, “It’s not always so exciting. Today I just happened to run into the teacher.”

  ”Let’s go. The teacher just now should have gone far away. Where do you want to go?”

  Xiao Youran said, “Let’s go to the classroom first.”


  Xu Xiuwen accompanied Xiao Youran to the senior three teaching building.

  Going up the stairs, they met some students.

  Both male and female classmates looked at the two of them with curious eyes.

  Especially after noticing the handsome man and pretty woman, they speculated about their identities.

  Came to the outside of the former senior three classroom.

  Looking at the lively and harmonious scene in the classroom, Xiao Youran showed a bit of nostalgia on his face.

  Xu Xiuwen also remembered a lot of things in the past.

  Senior three is boring, but in the boredom, many interesting things also happened.

  Xiao Youran suddenly said, “Xiao Xu, let’s go see the head teacher.”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned and asked, “Do you know which class the head teacher is teaching now?”

  Xiao Youran nodded, “I know.”


  Then Xu Xiuwen followed Xiao Youran to an office in the Grade 12 teaching building.

  Xiao Youran stretched his head to look into the office, then knocked on the door and went in.

  There were other teachers in the office preparing lessons or marking things.

  Xiao Youran walked straight to the head teacher, “Old class teacher~”

  The head teacher who had taught them for three years was a female teacher in her thirties. After hearing the voice, she looked up and immediately recognized Xiao Youran.

  The head teacher smiled and asked, “You shouldn’t be in school now, why are you here?”

  Xiao Youran smiled and explained, “I have something to do and asked for leave, so I just came back to see you.”

  ”Thoughtful.” The head teacher was very happy after hearing this.

  At this time, she noticed Xu Xiuwen who had been silent behind Xiao Youran.

  Her eyes lit up, “Is it Xu Xiuwen?”

  ”It’s me.” Xu Xiuwen nodded.

  The head teacher smiled and said, “I know everything you have done. It’s been less than two years since graduation, and you have become so outstanding. The teacher was right about you before.”

  Xu Xiuwen remembered that the head teacher always said in class that if you don’t study hard, you will not be able to do anything after graduation.

  Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

  At this time, one of the other teachers in the office asked, “Teacher X, are these your students?”

  The head teacher immediately introduced them, “They are my students from the last term. This one is called Xu Xiuwen. You should all know him.”

  Hearing the name Xu Xiuwen, the teachers in the office were stunned for a moment.

  Someone immediately asked, “Is this the child of Teacher Ning?”

  The head teacher smiled and said, “Yes.”

  ”Wow.” Everyone in the X

  was surprised.

  Ning Wanqiu’s son became a writer and a star. He not only started a company, but also bought Guangming Winery and became the owner of the winery.

  Now Guangming Winery has not only come back to life, but also developed better and better.

  People in the school have naturally heard about these things.

  Moreover, Ning Wanqiu’s teaching ability is outstanding, and she is the only one in the school who looks good.

  Every time there is a meeting, the principal and director often use Ning Wanqiu as an example and always praise her.

  As a result, there is almost no one in the school who doesn’t know Ning Wanqiu.

  Every teacher, when they meet Ning Wanqiu, they can’t help but say a few polite words and praise her for her good parenting.

  Some of the teachers’ relatives and friends wanted to work at Guangming Winery, and some even gave gifts to Ning Wanqiu.

  In short, Ning Wanqiu benefited a lot from him.

  In addition to Ning Wanqiu, Xu Xiuwen’s head teacher also benefited a lot, and was named an excellent teacher last year.

  Since knowing that Xu Xiuwen was Xu Xiuwen.

  The focus of the office was on Xu Xiuwen.

  Xiao Youran was temporarily neglected.

  But the girl didn’t mind, but smiled as she watched Xu Xiuwen deal with the teachers.

  She was even more proud.

  Xiao Xu is her man!

  After dealing with other teachers.

  At this time, the head teacher suddenly asked curiously: “Xu Xiuwen, why did you come to see me with Xiao Youran?”

  Xu Xiuwen followed what Xiao Youran had just said: “Youran asked for leave, I drove her back, so we came to see you together.”

  The head teacher nodded, indicating that she knew.

  She suddenly asked: “You and Xiao Youran, are you together now?”

  She found that the relationship between the two was much closer than that of others.

  But she never cared.

  Because Xiao Youran performed very well in high school and never did anything out of line.

  She was also willing to believe Xiao Youran.


  Xiao Youran has always been at the top of the class.

  As for Xu Xiuwen’s grades, they have been neither good nor bad.

  The grades of both of them have not changed much, so she couldn’t say anything about them.

  Hearing the question from the head teacher.

  Seeing Xiao Youran about to answer.

  Xu Xiuwen was worried that she would say something shocking again, so he quickly said: “Yes, Youran is my girlfriend now.”

  Xiao Youran was a little surprised when she heard his words.

  However, she did not refute in front of the head teacher, but smiled and admitted it.

  The head teacher sighed: “You two used to be together all day long, and I knew that you two would be together sooner or later. A talented man and a beautiful woman, not bad…”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said: “Teacher, I used to be the one who pestered Youran, but she didn’t pester me.”

  Unexpectedly, the head teacher refuted: “Don’t you know?”

  ”What?” Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  ”During the three years of high school, when have you ever seen Xiao Youran get close to other male classmates? Except for you, she is very cold to other male classmates. Even I can see that she has always liked you.”

  Xu Xiuwen was silent.

  Unexpectedly, even the head teacher had already seen that Xiao Youran liked him.

  But why did he think Xiao Youran didn’t like him when he first went to college in his previous life?

  Was it because he repeated a year in Maochang and his mind was twisted?

  After rebirth, he knew how much Xiao Youran liked him, but he still hurt her again and again.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself: I am really a scumbag.

  Let’s get back to the point.

  After seeing the class teacher, Xu Xiuwen went downstairs with Xiao Youran.

  Youran hadn’t spoken since just now.

  Xu Xiuwen felt guilty and took the initiative to ask: “Where else do you want to go?”

  Xiao Youran suddenly suggested: “Let’s go to the playground. It’s been a long time since we walked on the playground together.”


  The two came down from the teaching building, and then walked side by side to the playground slowly.

  It was time for class to end. There were many students on the playground, and there were boys playing basketball on the basketball court.

  Xu Xiuwen and Xiao Youran walked on the playground and chatted.

  This scene made him feel like he was back home.

  But his mood was different from before.

  As the bell rang, the male students who were playing basketball on the playground ran back to the classroom.

  Some female classmates who were taking a walk also trotted back to the classroom.

  In a blink of an eye, only Xu Xiuwen and Xiao Youran were left on the playground.

  At this time.

  Xiao Youran suddenly asked: “Xiao Xu, why did you say that just now?”


  ”You said that I was your girlfriend.”


  Xiuwen didn’t know what to say.

  Xiao Youran didn’t give up and continued to ask: “Obviously your girlfriend is Song Siyu, why did you lie to the teacher just now.” Xu

  Xiuwen had to confess, “I was worried that I would say something inappropriate like I did in the noodle shop just now.”

  Xiao Youran suddenly stopped and looked at him.

  ”But what I said is the truth. You are Song Siyu’s boyfriend. You admitted it yourself.”

  ”Youran… I know that I didn’t do it properly in this matter…”

  Xiao Youran shook his head and said: “I don’t want you to apologize, nor do I want to hear your explanation.” Xu

  Xiuwen almost couldn’t help asking, what do you want to hear.

  Xiao Youran turned her head to look at the lawn in the distance and whispered, “Sometimes I think, if we didn’t go to college, we would still be in high school.”

  She silently added in her heart, “Then you would belong to me alone.”

  Xu Xiuwen was silent when he heard this.

  Seeing that he didn’t speak, Xiao Youran retracted his gaze and looked over.

  ”So, what is our relationship now?”

  This question made Xu Xiuwen speechless.

  What is his relationship with Xiao Youran now?

  A relationship between a couple?


  His current official girlfriend is Song Siyu.

  But if it is a lover relationship.

  Xu Xiuwen has never treated her as a lover.

  The girl has always occupied a considerable weight in his heart.

  Not only him, Xiao Youran should not be able to accept it.

  Xu Xiuwen opened his mouth to speak.

  The moment he opened his mouth, he found that his voice suddenly became a little hoarse.

  ”Youran, I–”

  He was interrupted by Xiao Youran before he finished speaking.

  ”If you want to say that you don’t want me anymore, you’d better not say it. I don’t want to hear it.”

  These slightly willful words sounded particularly cute to Xu Xiuwen.

  He shook his head to express his attitude, “Youran, I said that I would never give up on you.”

  Xiao Youran immediately asked, “Then why did you break up with me before?” Xu

  Xiuwen said, “I just wanted to calm down at that time, and I didn’t think about giving up on you. I couldn’t bear it either.”

  ”I don’t believe it.”

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand to hold the girl’s hand, and pressed it against his chest.

  He looked into the girl’s eyes, raised his hand and swore, “If I, Xu Xiuwen, have ever thought about not giving up on Xiao Youran, let me–”

  Xiao Youran suddenly covered his mouth with his hand, “Don’t say it.”

  Xu Xiuwen was moved, “You believe me now. If I planned to give up on you, I wouldn’t have told you that day that we would get back together.”

  Hearing Xu Xiuwen mention what happened that day.

  Xiao Youran was filled with remorse and regret.

  She didn’t think it was Xiao Xu’s fault.

  If she heard her mother say that, she might not be able to help herself.

  As for who was wrong.

  Xiao Youran felt that she was partly wrong and her mother was partly wrong.

  Her fault was that she shouldn’t have told her mother about the quarrel between her and Xiao Xu.

  Her mother’s fault was that she shouldn’t have said such excessive words.

  Xiao Youran looked disappointed and said, “It’s meaningless to say this now.”

  This sentence left Xu Xiuwen speechless.

  He couldn’t just say to Xiao Youran, let’s get back together.

  Xiao Youran would be happy. But

  what about Song Siyu?

  Xu Xiuwen had just decided to be with Song Siyu, and the latter was very happy and excited now.

  He ran to the girl and told her to continue to be his lover.

  Isn’t this bullying? No matter how bad

  Xu Xiuwen is, he can’t do such a thing.

  Xiao Youran looked at Xu Xiuwen and asked, “If I ask you to break up with Siyu, will you agree?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to deceive Xiao Youran.

  He chose to be sincere for once.

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “Even if you ask me to break up with her, I can’t do it.”

  I thought Xiao Youran would be very disappointed and then angry.

  However, the girl said something that Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect.

  She said, “You still have a conscience. If you abandon Siyu immediately, I will doubt whether you are the little Xu I know.”

  Xu Xiuwen said directly, “Aren’t you disappointed?”

  Xiao Youran gritted his teeth and said, “Of course I am disappointed. In addition to disappointment, I am also very angry and hurt. I have always trusted you and Siyu so much, but you two are still in love behind my back…”

  ”I’m sorry, Youran, I am too fickle.”

  Xiao Youran heard the words, her body trembled, and her eyes were a little red.

  She tried hard not to cry.

  At this time.

  She suddenly reached out and hugged Xu Xiuwen, put her face on his chest, and asked softly, “What should we do now?”

  Hearing the girl’s question, Xu Xiuwen was silent.

  He thought seriously and had an answer in his heart.

  But he didn’t dare to say it.

  Because he himself felt that his idea was too much.

  Seeing that he didn’t speak, Xiao Youran asked, “Why don’t you speak?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Youran, why don’t we be friends for a while. When Siyu and I break up in the future, we will get back together.”

  Hearing Xu Xiuwen’s words, Xiao Youran was naturally dissatisfied.

  How could people who have been lovers continue to be friends?

  No one would believe that they could continue to be friends, except for self-deception.

  Even Xiao Youran himself did not believe it.

  The girl said, “Who knows when Siyu will break up with you, or whether she will break up with you. If you never break up, will we be friends forever? Xiao Xu, are you so cruel?”

  Xu Xiuwen looked embarrassed, “But I don’t know what to do.”

  Xiao Youran suddenly let go of him, took a step back, and looked up.

  ”Or I will be your lover.”

  When Xu Xiuwen heard Xiao Youran say this, he was completely stunned.

  Although he had thought about it in his heart, he never thought that Xiao Youran could accept such a thing.

  This is the childhood sweetheart who has known him for eighteen years and is proud to the bone.

  How strong is her possessiveness.

  Xu Xiuwen knew it.

  But now she actually said that she wanted to be his lover.

  How could Xu Xiuwen not be surprised?

  Xu Xiuwen immediately said, “Youran, you are too wronged.”

  Xiao Youran felt wronged and helpless.

  ”Do you think I am willing? But apart from this method, I don’t know how else to stay by your side. Xiao Xu, I don’t want to leave you. I want to see you every day. Only when I see you can I feel at ease and happy. If I don’t have you, I would rather die…”

  Although the girl’s words were simple and her words were not fancy, every word in her words was heavy and contained deep affection.


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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