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Chapter 949: The Power of 1.5 Billion Silver Coins

Chapter 949: The Power of 1.5 Billion Silver Coins


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 949 The Power of 1.5 Billion Silver Coins

  Due to the huge sales of the 28-inch bicycle, Lasov’s factory finally resumed production.

  Although the promised canteen was gone, every young man on the Ravenka River thought he was a good man, and praised Mr. Lasov’s generosity regardless of past grudges.

  After all, this generous Jingalon Port tycoon gave them a 20% discount on the bicycles sold to these employees, and also allowed them to park their treasures in the spare warehouse and lock them to prevent thieves from other tribes from taking them away, and then oil them and return them when they got off work.

  They didn’t know whether the oil was applied or not, but there was always a mechanic sitting at the door of the warehouse watching.

  Of course, if these young men knew that the wholesale price of a bicycle with an original price of 200 silver coins was only 30 silver coins, I’m afraid that the next time they would be blocked in the factory, it would not be the Weilants, but the Brahma.

  But they will never know.

  After all, Lasov and other people in the Federation of Industry and Commerce have already discussed and established guide prices for several specific categories of goods.

  Everyone makes money together, and the Brahmans don’t cheat the Brahmans. No one will engage in price wars.

  The sale of bicycles was just a small episode.

  Rasov did not linger on the matter of making quick money. After sending away the bicycle master who made a lot of money from the bonus, he put all his energy into his old business.

  The first order came soon. The client was a merchant from Yongye Port named Meta.

  This man was generous and placed an order of 5 million at a price 10% higher than the market price.

  At the dinner table, Rasov pondered this man and always felt that he was not like a businessman, but a broker for warlords.

  Sure enough, after three glasses of vodka, the guy named Meta inadvertently revealed his identity as a family association.

  Rasov complimented him, politely expressed his admiration for the family association, and said a few more nice words that didn’t cost money, but he didn’t take it too seriously in his heart.

  Among his clients were General Jeha of Tiger State and the military leader of the Black Panther Army. In comparison, he did not really treat a lackey raised by Abusek’s “little brother’s little brother” as a hero.

  As a businessman, he moved between various forces, and as long as he was polite and did a good job in business, that was enough.

  He really didn’t care who was the commander-in-chief. After all, they were all equally stupid. If the people of Bharat were to be saved, they had to rely on these industrialists.

  Anyway, that was his opinion.

  While Lasov was observing this blue family member, Meta, who was sitting at the dinner table, was also observing him.

  Compared with the former’s rich psychological activities, the latter’s evaluation was much more ruthless and incisive.

  This man was a pure person.

  Or a simple person.

  Knowing that he had found the right person, Meta put down the wine glass in his hand with a friendly smile on his face, as if he was facing his own family.

  ”Our family and the Federation are one family. Now that the front line has won victory after victory and the war is about to end, industrialists like you are what we need most, and what the family needs most. We would like to invite you to set up a factory in Shezhou. What do you think?”

  This unintentional compliment is much more effective than exaggerated flattery, and it does not seem abrupt.

  To be honest, Lasov really fell for it, but he was not blinded by vanity.

  To set up a factory in Shezhou…

  that would mean there would be too much money to spend.

  In contrast, he would rather donate money and materials, which is also a way that is good for you, me and everyone else.

  ”It’s not that easy to set up a factory. There are requirements for local infrastructure and industrial supporting facilities. It’s not that you can just move the machines over and open the factory.”

  Seeing that Meta wanted to persuade him again, he said with a smile.

  ”But don’t worry, although my factory is overseas, I will definitely not be stingy with my help when the province of Borneo needs me!”

  He said it very smoothly, and he could get it back in any way. The man sitting opposite him was embarrassed, but he really stopped talking about setting up a factory.

  However, what he didn’t know was that he had been set up without knowing it.

  How could Meta not know what the conditions of Shezhou were?

  He never thought that he could invite this big boss over, but just hit the jujube tree casually. What

  he really wanted to do was to retreat and advance, and let this enthusiastic industrialist do another thing for him.

  ”We understand your difficulties. I was abrupt about setting up a factory. Just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

  Meta toasted him a glass of wine and then drank it all. After

  rejecting the invitation, Lasov felt a little sorry in his heart, and said in a gentle tone.

  ”It’s not that I don’t want to build my hometown, but no matter how good a cook is, he can’t make porridge with stones. I can’t do it alone. But there is still a chance. For example, I think the industrial foundation of Lion State is actually good. When the situation is right, I will definitely go there to investigate.”

  Meta said with a smile .

  ”No problem! We will definitely welcome you warmly when the time comes!”

  Rasov smiled but didn’t say anything. Obviously, he didn’t think his family would be qualified, but he didn’t write this on his face.

  Meta paused and continued.

  ”Let’s not talk about the factory for now… By the way, I heard that there is an armored production line of the Southern Legion in the Ravenka Industrial Zone. Can you help us get the drawings of Conqueror No. 10?”

  Rasov was stunned and hesitated for a moment.

  ”That… I’m afraid it’s quite difficult.”

  He did think about this matter, but he just fantasized about it in his mind.

  Although this is not a core secret, the Ravenka Industrial Zone Autonomous Committee did not say that it can be free.

  His business is doing well now, and he doesn’t want to take such a big risk.

  Whether it is legal risk or integrity risk.

  Meta did not retreat this time. He looked at him earnestly and said,

  ”Please, this is very important to us! We know that you are an industrialist who loves your hometown. We only hope that you can help us accomplish this. We will never treat you unfairly. If you have any difficulties, just tell us and we will solve them for you!” He

  had said so much, and he had rejected them once before.

  Lasov hesitated for a moment, sighed and said,

  ”Let me think… The drawings may be a little difficult. The Federation of Industry and Commerce has some weight in the Autonomous Committee, but our business has just started, and the weight is not enough after all.”

  ”Please let me slow down the drawings, but there are a batch of tanks that are almost finished on the production line. If you are interested, you can buy them back. I have learned about this. It is an asset approved by the Autonomous Committee and the Development Foundation for sale.”

  Meta’s eyes lit up and he said happily.

  ”Can you introduce me to someone who is in charge of this matter?”

  Rasov said with a smile.

  ”No problem, this little thing is not troublesome, I can directly settle it for you.”

  Meta picked up the wine glass and drank again, then looked at him solemnly and said.

  ”We will definitely remember your kindness today… By the way, please pay attention to the drawings. Whether it is entertaining guests or other expenses, we will pay for it.”

  Rasov said hurriedly.

  ”You are too polite. Please let me also contribute to the cause of the Boro people!”

  Meta shook his head and said.

  ”This is a matter of principle. Mr. Zaid said that we are here to seek benefits for our families and must not let our families spend a penny more.”

  Looking at this ambitious man, Rasov couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  It’s really annoying to compare people, and it’s useless to compare goods.

  If the respected Grand President could have this kind of magnanimity, the Tiandu Federation might not be laughed at by so many people as “a wife without a wife”…


  On the other hand, after getting the permission from the representatives of the alliance, Hope immediately began to make drastic reforms. On the one hand, he urged the Autonomous Committee to come up with a planning plan, and on the other hand, he invested 700 million yuan to establish the Ravenka Industrial Zone Development Bank to cooperate with the Autonomous Committee in bidding.

  In some things, people who manage money are indeed more motivated than those who manage power.

  Antoine is a person who will not do anything unless the representatives of the alliance nod their heads. Hope is not only quick-witted but also has execution. He finished a week’s work in just three days. At the second meeting, he produced a development blueprint that no one could refute.

  In his blueprint, the banks of the Ravenka River will be full of high-rise buildings, and along the highway from the industrial zone to the Great Desert, attracting all the wastelanders who envy their prosperity to join their ranks with obvious results.

  The railway network on the 2.7 million square kilometers of land will also become the basis for them to realize their ambitions. The endless resources will support their cause of ending the wasteland era.

  Although it was an economic work meeting, Hope had an idea and thought of the action program, and combined it with the alliance’s initiative.

  Fang Chang didn’t care what this guy painted, but only looked at what he did.

  At least for now, his ability is still worthy of recognition.

  Although it is far from enough to complete the entire blueprint with only 700 million silver coins, the funds have a snowball effect.

  As long as the money is not wasted, but something is bought or turned into something, it can be used as collateral to continue to borrow from the alliance’s bank.

  This is a very basic operation.

  After all, the alliance’s banks have to pay interest to depositors, pay interest to financial products, and pay back the bank’s interest. The money in hand must find a place to go.

  If the Lakawen Industrial Zone has a good investment target, they certainly won’t mind borrowing the money and letting the snowball in their hands roll.

  Hope had planned everything, except for one thing his deputy raised an objection.

  ”This is a grand plan, but it will also bring about a huge gap between the rich and the poor… You and I both know what kind of people the locals are like. They may run for your plan, but by the time they come to their senses, they may have been left behind by the Willant people. And at this time, what if the workers come?”

  His name is Nash. Like President Hope, he is a Willant, and he also agrees with the “Eternal Night Port Model” proposed by Hope.

  However, even if he agrees, he must consider the possible problems that may arise from this model.

  Hope had already thought of a countermeasure for Nash’s objection, and said with confidence.

  ”As long as we don’t make the locals too poor, they can’t do anything when they come. Golden Gallon Port is the best example.”

  Nash smiled bitterly when he heard this.

  ”Don’t let the locals get too poor… Unless we confiscate their bank cards, it’s useless to give them money for free. They will spend it all the next day.”

  ”We do have to give them money, but we can’t let them have cash. Use your brain, Mr. Nash. We are already working for the Alliance. We can’t be as rigid as before.”

  Hope pointed his index finger at his head, and then pointed at the endless oasis outside the window.

  This is the only oasis within a hundred miles. A winding river turns sharply from the northwest to the south, pouring into the sea along a gully-filled alluvial plain.

  ”There will be many high-rise buildings there. We will make the most money and live in the tallest and largest houses. Then we will give the second-tier houses to the natives, and let them become our moat. We will prosper together and suffer together.”

  ”You mean… to compensate them with fixed assets instead of cash?” Nash frowned and asked puzzledly, “But what if they sell the house directly?”

  ”Believe me, no one will sell assets that continue to rise, and in this process, rich and poor can coexist,” Hope smiled and patted his shoulder, “As long as the survivors of the Great Desert continue to pour into our settlement, we can continue this positive cycle and let more and more animals live in our farms. As for the implementation details, we can make some restrictions on the transaction threshold, which can be adjusted.”

  ”Anyway, our first priority is one thing – to get the animals running!”

  Nash looked at Hope blankly. He couldn’t imagine that this little former accountant could think of so many things, and before that, the Southern Legion had never discovered his talent.

  Is this the power of 1.5 billion silver coins?

  Compared to Hope, who looked like he had taken aphrodisiacs, former District Chief Antoine, who couldn’t even raise his hand, was like a castrated rooster. Perhaps it wouldn’t be long before the Autonomous Committee would become a puppet of “ambitious Mr. Hope”.

  Perhaps this was not the Golden Gallon Port model, nor the Evernight Port model, but the model of the early Free State.

  However, no matter which model it was, the entire Autonomous Committee had a consensus on one thing.

  If you don’t want the “wild animals” here to become prey to outsiders, you must let them run.

  ”…You don’t have to think so far ahead now. That’s what I worry about.”

  Hope patted Nash on the shoulder and stuffed a document into his hand.

  ”Here are a hundred Conqueror tanks. If it weren’t for the Alliance’s planes, they would have been able to go to the front line… According to the Alliance engineers, it would be better to sell them as tanks than to dismantle them into pieces. Any offer above 30 million silver coins is reasonable.”

  ”The war in the Borneo Province is not over yet, and General Gullion is still struggling. The Alliance has only one requirement, that we cannot sell them to the Southern Legion, which means that we can sell them to any customer except the Southern Legion. Find a buyer for them before the war is over, and let me see what you can do.”

  Will anyone want the tanks of the defeated?

  Nash thought so in his heart, but nodded seriously.

  ”I will try my best to sell it.”


  Capacity transformation and handling of backlogs are the two most important tasks of the Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  As for how to divide the 2.7 million square kilometers of land, and whether the Ravenka Industrial Zone and Evernight Port should be merged, these can be studied slowly after the war is over.

  Nash took the list given by Hope to the warehouse, looking at the junk that no one wanted, he couldn’t help but worry about where to find the innocent people who might pay 30 million silver coins to buy these things.

  He did meet representatives from the Boro Kingdom and the Mammoth Kingdom, but it was different from what Hope imagined. The two guys were not fools, and they said as if they had agreed not to continue military purchases, but were interested in those backward production lines.

  The Ravenka Industrial Zone was indeed interested in transferring those backward production capacities, but this was not Nash’s own business after all, so he could only helplessly introduce these representatives to the person in charge of this matter.

  But just when he was worried, the Boro people from the Federation of Industry and Commerce came to his door and introduced him to a mysterious buyer.

  This man not only accepted all the equipment, but also made a condition that shocked him –

  they were willing to buy all the tanks at a price 10% higher than the market price.

  As long as the Ravenka Autonomous Committee could provide the relevant technology for producing the Conqueror No. 10 tank.

  Nash agreed without even thinking about it.

  What a joke.

  The entire legion was gone, and he had no obligation to take the secret to the grave for the former.

  Not to mention that this group of people were General Gullion’s enemies!

  Without any hesitation, he stamped the document and personally went to the factory to receive this generous buyer.

  While Nash was happily introducing the “doomsday weapon” of the Southern Legion to Meta, the Weilant engineers in the nearby factory were also curiously watching the excitement.

  ”Who is that guy? It looks like a big show.”

  The business owners of the Federation of Industry and Commerce all went to show their support, and looking at Nash’s posture, they almost wanted to roll out a red carpet at the factory gate to welcome him.

  The engineer under Rasov said while smoking and squinting his eyes.

  ”That man’s name is Meta. I heard he’s from the Family Council.”

  The engineer at the tank assembly plant looked at him in confusion.

  ”Family Council? What the hell is that?”

  Rasov’s engineer explained.

  ”It’s the Family Council, the younger brother of Abusek’s younger brother, a branch of the branch of the Federation. It’s quite troublesome to explain… You can probably understand it this way.”

  The engineer at the aluminum plant frowned and asked.

  ”What is he doing here?”

  Rasov’s engineer explained.

  ”They want to buy back the Conqueror No. 10 that has been produced and use it to fight against Guryon.”

  He didn’t care who the tanks were used to fight against. Anyway, he no longer made armored steel, but changed to producing gas tanks.

  As for why he knew so much about the Family Council, it was mainly because Meta always went to their factory. Every time he got close to their boss, he would try to build a relationship with them. The meaning behind his words was that the Family Council was good and he wanted to coax them to Snake State.

  But he was not stupid. How could he be led by a few words from a Brahman?

  As a Weilant, he knew too well what his compatriots had done in the Borneo Province.

  He had reason to believe that what happened once in the Ravenka Industrial Zone would most likely happen again in the West Sail Port, and no one from the Alliance would be able to save them at that time.

  Not only did he think so, his boss also frightened them in private, hinting that the Borneo Province was full of hungry wolves who wanted to eat their flesh.

  He could see that his boss wanted to get close to Meta, but that didn’t mean his boss was generous enough to empty his wallet.

  This steel plant was his boss’s wallet, and it was becoming a cash cow.

  After listening to his explanation, a group of engineers laughed out loud at the same time.

  ”This guy is crazy.”

  ”Do we need this to deal with Gurion?”

  ”By the time these tanks are delivered to them, I’m afraid that they haven’t learned how to drive them yet, and the war will be over.”

  Rasov’s engineer also said with a smile.

  ”You don’t care what they think. Anyway, they offered a high enough price, 1.1 million for each one, 100,000 higher than the market price, and agreed to pay in silver coins. Anyway, we will convert them into tractors if we keep them, so we might as well sell them to them. The money we sell to them is enough to buy three tractors.”

  In fact, there are more than three.

  The Alliance has cheap tractors, which cost less than 50,000 silver coins. They are the early firewood-burning ones, and they are also the best-selling models in the wasteland.

  A Conqueror No. 10 can be sold for 1.1 million silver coins…

  100… Wouldn’t that be hundreds of millions of silver coins? ! How can

  a small local force get so much money? !

  Everyone was stunned after calculating the account.

  The engineer of the aluminum factory swallowed his saliva and said in disbelief.

  ”Where do they get so much money?!”

  Rasov’s engineer shook his head, looking unconcerned.

  ”Who knows? Who cares? Maybe it’s the savings from doing business, or maybe it’s donated by other Polans. Anyway, they are determined to get this batch of Conqueror No. 10. Maybe there are other deals behind it.”

  Looking at the Polans standing upright in front of Vice President Nash and making gestures, a group of Weilante engineers shook their heads, sighed, and sighed with emotion.

  The world has really changed.

  The engineer of the aluminum factory was envious and his eyes were red. Suddenly, he had the motivation to make money.

  ”Damn, it’s too fucking rich…”

  While everyone was talking about it, Blue Family Meta and Vice President Nash had already completed the exchange of money and goods.

  Both parties have moved from the factory to the dinner table, and the former is showing off their good drinking capacity to the latter.

  Not only the officials of the Ravenka Industrial Zone Development Foundation who participated in the arms sales contract were invited to the banquet, but also those alien workers and engineers who usually couldn’t get to the table.

  Most of these workers who mastered the core technology were not local natives, but survivors from the Battoa Province who came to the Ravenka River with the Willant people.

  But in Meta’s words, everyone was a member of the Human Union two hundred years ago, and we were all one family.

  There was nothing wrong with that.

  Although the Weilantes had never seen the Prosperous Era, their blood was also the crystallization of the technology of the Human Union Era, and that was also what they were most proud of.

  Unlike the proud Weilantes, the foreign workers were moved to tears.

  They had always been suppressed by the Weilantes, so how could they feel such importance?

  Not to mention that they could not feel it, even the ordinary Weilantes of the Southern Legion could not feel it.

  It was for this reason that after a few glasses of vodka, they patted their chests and promised that they would teach the technicians who would be sent by their families and teach them the technology of producing and maintaining Conqueror No. 10 without reservation.

  Anyway, this thing is of no use to them, so it is better to let the Poro people use it to defeat General Gullion, which can be regarded as atonement for their accomplices of the invaders.

  In fact, the carrier of a great technology has never been a few thin drawings, but the people who mastered those core technologies.

  These things cannot be taught in a few words or on a hard drive, unless a group of people teach another group of people from the bottom of their hearts and without reservation.

  Looking at those generous workers, Meta was moved to tears at the table and drank the vodka in one gulp.

  Regardless of whether he would admit this account in the future, he got what he wanted as he wished, and the Ravenka Autonomous Committee also got the money they needed most.

  The deal was reached, and the two sides had a good talk. Meta even thought about the shallow water heavy gunboat.

  However, curry must be eaten bite by bite. If you eat too much at once, it will burn your mouth and easily arouse some people’s vigilance…

  At this moment, the wave of capacity transformation and large-scale infrastructure construction in the Ravenka Industrial Zone is in full swing, and the war on the front line is also continuing.

  After a month of fierce fighting, the 100th and 101st divisions of the enterprise finally defeated the troops sent to the front line by the Southern Corps, and wiped out the 1.77 millionth troop of the Southern Corps after three days of siege.

  This unit should have been newly formed not long ago. From officers to grassroots soldiers, the average age is only 18 years old, and there are even children of 11 or 12 years old.

  The Weilants are natural warriors. Twelve-year-old children can already carry rifles, and their combat effectiveness is no less than that of fifteen or sixteen-year-old wastelanders.

  Looking at the group of young men with dusty faces and heads squatting in the corner, Tang Feng, who was holding Rick Five in his mouth, couldn’t help but feel complicated.

  Now he is the battalion commander, and he is no longer the rookie who was green and liked to show off.

  Seeing these young guys, he couldn’t help but think of himself on the Ten Peaks Mountain.

  The deputy battalion commander walked in front of him and squinted at the group of prisoners squatting by the wall.

  ”Their Julius turned them into humans, and they turned themselves back.”

  Tang Feng shook his head and said.

  ”I don’t think it’s their fault. The fault is the guy who brainwashed the children.”

  Without arguing with him about this issue, the deputy battalion commander went straight to the point.

  ”How to deal with them?”

  Tang Feng thought for a while and said.

  ”Send them to the Ravenka Industrial Zone by train. Our allies seem to be doing well there.”

  This was also the suggestion of the headquarters.

  This 2.7 million square kilometers of colonies are vast and sparsely populated. Setting up a prisoner-of-war camp on the spot is equivalent to letting them fend for themselves.

  The deputy battalion commander said with a smile.

  ”Indeed, it is easier to leave it to the people of the Alliance. This is what they are best at.”

  So far, half of the 2.7 million square kilometers of colonies of the Southern Legion have been liberated by them. The coalition forces have been pushed to the equator and are about to enter the northern hemisphere.

  This is a narrow territory distributed along the coastline, with the support of the South Sea Alliance Fleet next to it, and there are whistling fighters in the sky. They are almost invincible.

  However, seeing those young and tender faces, Tang Feng did not feel any emotion related to joy in his heart.

  He just wanted to kill to the homeland of the Southern Legion as soon as possible and end this crazy war…

  Time passed day by day, and soon it was the end of December.

  At the turn of the 214th and 215th years of the Wasteland Era, a meeting to determine the future fate of the wasteland kicked off in the Great Rift Valley.

  The meeting was attended not only by the Academy’s Chief Technology Officer, representatives appointed by the Council, managers of the Alliance, but also by the Archon of Triumph City and the heads of the major survivor forces. The

  Great Rift Valley promised to ensure the safety of all parties attending the meeting, and provide transportation services for some survivor force heads or foreign ministers who were not convenient to go to the Great Rift Valley on their own.

  This meeting was actually supposed to be held three months ago, but it was postponed for too long for various reasons.

  Now it is finally not postponed anymore…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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