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Chapter 95: Battle Report: Great Victory and New Version of the Frontier!

Chapter 95: Battle Report: Great Victory and New Version of the Frontier!

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 95 Battle Report Great Victory and the Frontier of the New Version!

  Just as Chu Guang was holding a diary and doing archaeology, the official forum of “Wasteland OL” in another world was very lively. The

  seven players who died in the battle went offline one after another, and almost unanimously logged on to the official website at the first time to bring the first-hand battle reports from the front line to the cloud players and people squatting on the forum.

  This battle was much more intense than the previous one.

  The total force of both sides exceeded that of a company, and various tactics of division and encirclement, fire suppression, surprise and counter-surprise were interspersed in it, which made almost all the players who participated in the battle shout that it was exciting and worth dying!

  Especially at the end of the battle.

  Fifty rockets covered the battlefield, and when the whistle sounded, everyone jumped out of the trenches and launched a charge. It was exaggerated and exaggerated, and even the cloud players on the forum were satisfied.

  ”Hahaha, lighting firecrackers is so cool. The opponents must be confused. Where did you learn

  this cool operation from?” “But the most amazing thing is that Mosquito’s rockets can actually be used? Didn’t you say that the flamethrower this guy made last time didn’t have enough chamber pressure, and he didn’t install a backfire valve, so he burned himself?”

  ”Goblin technology has avenged its previous shame. (Funny)”

  ”A one-kilogram warhead is still too small! If there is a chance, make a hot air balloon and directly load it with 300-pound bombs. It will definitely work!”

  ”Hot air balloons may be difficult. They will be sitting ducks in the sky. But you can try to build an engine and make a propeller aircraft. Aren’t the Mini-Max series aircraft made of wood? You will definitely be able to defeat them if you try hard!”

  ”Build a tank. Tanks are more useful, but I heard from you that there are either cities or anti-tank trees near the resurrection point, which is probably not good enough.”

  ”Are you really talking about games? I don’t think it’s right. (Funny)”

  ”Ahem, we’re talking about plastic models, plastic models!”

  Although the topic has been going off track, as new news keeps coming out, the topic is quickly straightened back.

  Be it making plans or just talking about it.

  Whether it’s a player who really believes in the game and has made a reservation, or a person who is just looking for fun, what everyone cares about most is the outcome of this war. Although there

  have been a lot of good news so far and everything is under control, what if these closed beta players are not strong, or those predators have a backup plan?

  If they lose, it will be a disaster.

  After all, the official said that if the challenge of the “Winter is Coming” expansion pack fails, the game server will be shut down indefinitely and will be put online after re-debugging.

  As for how long it will be shut down, it is estimated that only the planner knows.

  Fortunately, the enthusiastic netizens did not have to wait for long.

  As a “seriously injured” little player was forced to go offline and brought the good news of victory in the war back to the forum, the stone hanging in everyone’s heart was finally removed.

  Makabazi: “I was killed by my teammates! But it doesn’t matter, an epic victory! 56 pillagers, including elite monsters and bosses, were all surrounded and annihilated! Hahaha, it feels so good to kill! I killed at least three… no, definitely four!”

  Quit Smoking: “Then why did you die anyway? (rolling eyes)”

  Crow: “Weakling! Hahahaha! If you die, you’re just a loser! Hahaha! o(*≧▽≦)ツ”

  Makabazi: “Fuck! How dare you say that to me? You didn’t even participate in the battle! (angry)”

  Crow: “Hehe, as everyone knows, beautiful girls don’t fight. I’ll play with you guys when I save up enough money to buy power armor. @乛乛@” Quit

  Smoking: “Then what are you still playing for! ! If you don’t want to play, give me your account! TT”

  What can I do with you: “Laughing, fighting is fine, but how can you call it a war if you can’t even get a hundred people together? Not to mention far away, there are two high schools in our area, and there are always three to five thousand people in a random fight. Later, the county was alarmed, so they didn’t fight, otherwise it would definitely be on the news. ”

  Irena: “Three to five thousand people are okay, is your school called Linglan Boys’ High School? By the way, how many dishes are there in the cafeteria? Don’t just drink the water used to wash the pot, eat something at least. (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “Laughing to death, I can’t take it anymore, hahahaha.”

  Elf King Fugui: “Yo, Irena is also here to OB? (Funny)”

  Irena: “You two wait, I’m going to hold a grudge. (`Д*)9 ”

  Mole on the run in the canyon: “Afraid. (Funny)”

  Every time a pet comes out, it takes up all the fun for everyone, and the whole forum is full of a happy atmosphere, as lively as a festival.

  But this guy is like a mole, he will leave after being ridiculed by others, without leaving a single moment, and does not give others a chance to ridicule him.

  Perhaps in his world, he should be fighting against some dark forces.

  And those who “ridicule” and “slander” him are undoubtedly the moderator’s smurfs. Quit

  Smoking: “By the way, where’s Trash-kun? Why didn’t I see him come up to show off?”

  Irena: “Yeah, yeah, where’s his sliding tackle? (funny)”

  Night Ten: “Tsk, it’s embarrassing to think of this guy. Didn’t the manager forbid us to light a fire to keep warm? This guy was shivering in the trench, and afraid of falling asleep, so he told jokes to the people next to him. But maybe his jokes were too cold, no one laughed at him, and he finally fainted from the cold. We didn’t wake him up after the whole battle, and later he was carried back on a cart as a wounded soldier. He’s really a brother.”

  Trash Picker Level 99: “Fuck, do you think I want to? I tried several times, but it showed that the character status was abnormal and I couldn’t connect at all! When I finally got online, I was lying in the incubator!”

  Night Ten: “Anyway, it’s embarrassing. (funny)”

  Trash Picker Level 99: “@#@%!”

  There is really a mosquito in WC: “Haha, I’m the MVP of the whole game! Just ask, who else is there? (Proud)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Boss 666, the goblin technology is invincible!”

  Debt Eyes: “Stop kidding, I counted the bodies, and there were only three killed in the explosion. I’m not sure if it was your rocket that killed them.”

  Night Ten: “Haha, the atmosphere group is confirmed! But to be honest, the power of Mosquito’s weapon is not that good, but it is still powerful enough to bluff people. A volley of rockets turned the opposite flag directly to white.”

  There is really a mosquito in WC: “Fuck! You are the atmosphere group! Your whole family is the atmosphere group! (Angry)”

  Teng Teng: “Stop arguing, everyone is great 0.0.”

  Lao Bai: “These idiots are not arguing, they have a good relationship.”

  Teng Teng: “Is it the kind of relationship between teenagers?”

  Lao Bai: “…How do you want me to answer.”

  After experiencing a refreshing battle, many players are still excited and can’t wait to jump out of bed and do a hundred or eighty push-ups to vent.

  But the real body is not as strong as in the game, and the senses of negative states are not weakened at all. Muscles will start to get tired after a little exercise, and those who forget to eat will suffer from hypoglycemia and dizziness.

  Reality is really a rubbish game, isn’t it?

  Fang Chang: “By the way, Mole, did you follow the manager to the Blood Hand Clan’s camp?”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “Yes, but the main force was wiped out by us in the park. We didn’t fight when we got there. We just followed the plot and then searched through the boxes and cabinets in the stronghold for spoils. I’m not bragging, this game is really unambiguous in terms of details, from the dungeon where the prisoners are held, to the rooms of those looters… Tsk tsk, I can only say that sending these things to the gallows is really a bargain for them.”

  Ye Shi: “What’s the situation? Tell me in detail.”

  Canyon Fugitive Mole: “What else is there to say? You can go there tomorrow to find the spoils.”

Why don’t you go and see it yourself? It’s simply hell on earth. However, this dungeon will probably not be refreshed again after one pass. Even if there are looters nearby, they are probably self-employed. Now that the looters in the tire factory have been dealt with, the map nearby should be open, right? I see there are many landmarks worth exploring over there, and I should be able to search for a lot of good things. ”

  Fang Chang: “This wave is awesome, it should be awesome to divide the spoils tomorrow.”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “A technical question, by the way, can your brick factory’s budget participate in the loot auction?”

  Fang Chang: “What are you thinking, if you can participate, why not just bid in a group?”

  5,000 silver coins, it is indeed enough to bid in

  a group. It has not been three days since the last auction, and no one has much money in their pockets. The settlement of the war rewards will be after the auction, so it is estimated that many things will be unsold this time.

  The Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “That’s right. You don’t even need 5,000 silver. 3,000 silver is enough to buy 50 pieces of equipment. Oh, I can’t afford it.”

  Ye Shi: “It’s so uncomfortable. If there was a bank, I would just buy a set of power armor in installments, and a fully equipped +14 automatic rifle.”

  Fang Chang: “You are the best at dreaming.”

  In fact, no matter how it is divided, this battle will definitely not be a loss.

  Last time, they faced a small team led by a centurion, and the average income distributed to each person was more than 10 silver coins.

  This time, not only did the group wipe out 5 teams, but also overturned the opponent’s stronghold. Is

  it reasonable not to give 50 or 60 silver coins, or 100 or 180 contributions?

  At least 50 silver coins, no less!

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “Isn’t anyone curious? The B2 floor is about to be opened? What do you think will be there?”

  Ye Shi: “I have a feeling that there will be a big update, it should be Alpha 0.5 version.”

  Fang Chang: “I listen to your words, it’s like listening to your words.”

  Lao Bai: “This feeling is useful, it’s not useless.”

  Ye Shi: “Fuck! Then you analyze it!”

  Fang Chang: “Let me tell you the conclusion directly. It is expected that the next stage of updates will focus on two directions. One is the system of the game itself, and the other is the content of the game.”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “What does Fang Chang say?”

  Fang Chang was very satisfied with this shout. At present, the two most popular technical players in the forum are himself and Mole.

  After being flattered like this, he even typed a lot faster.

  ”Let’s talk about the game system itself first. There has been a lot of calls on the forum to develop a simpler attribute interface. But in fact, you newcomers may not know that at the beginning, this game didn’t even have an attribute interface, let alone a level setting. It was so realistic that all elements had to be explored by yourself!”

  ”But soon, we found that each player’s initial attributes were different. Some were obviously stronger, some were obviously more intuitive, and some were faster. Later, we asked the planner and found out that players have two concepts: attributes and levels!” ”

  It’s said to be for realism, but being too real is a burden. Under our strong suggestion, the planning team held a few days of meetings and finally integrated the attribute and level settings into the game in the form of data. The attribute panels you see now were actually made later. They didn’t exist before.”

  ”Then there’s currency. At the beginning, there was no concept of currency at all. The rewards for cutting down trees were all settled in contribution points. It was probably in the alpha 0.3 version that the task system and the economic system were overhauled, and then we had the silver coins we use now, as well as the later citizenship levels and private territories.”

  ”In fact, players who have been playing can feel that the rules of Wasteland OL are being improved little by little. The planners are also exploring the balance between reality and gameplay.”

  ”At present, the currency system has been fully developed. I guess the development team should find a way to improve the players’ in-game operation interface, such as making the accumulation of ‘gene sequence development progress more intuitive’? It would be best to add a progress bar for ‘skill proficiency’, so that you can feel more fulfilled when you play it, right?”

  ”Let’s talk about the game content! This part is also what I am most looking forward to!”

  ”Many people should have noticed that this time we captured the stronghold of the Blood Hand Clan. Not only did we take over the equipment of these predators, but we also liberated a large number of prisoners held by the predators!”

  ”Most of these people are survivors persecuted by predators. They are not just pale names. They have different identities. Maybe some are from shelters, maybe some are from other survivors’ strongholds… like the Brown Farm we have been to, or even Bate Street and Boulder City in the settings.”

  ”In their hometowns, they may have their own social relationships, and even have their own relatives somewhere in this wasteland.”

  ”The identities of these NPCs may become clues to unlock more side plots for us, and how to properly place them and establish relationships with these NPCs will also be a new test for our ‘virtual community’!”

  ”So I boldly speculate that with the arrival of winter, the next expansion pack may revolve around this proposition!” Fang Chang

  ’s views have been recognized by many people.

  Including technical players such as the Canyon Escape Mole.

  At this stage of the game, the number of players has far exceeded that of NPCs. If the number of people doubles, it will obviously be difficult to complete all interactions relying only on the manager and his assistant.

  If the ambition of Wasteland OL is to create a game world close to reality and build a human-computer friendly virtual community in the virtual field, then the next expansion pack will definitely revolve around the relationship between NPCs and players.

  And these poor people who were rescued are undoubtedly a good opportunity.

  There are also the nearby survivors who have escaped the tyranny and harassment of the predators, and they must be grateful to their righteous army.

  Fang Chang felt that he had completely figured out the planning ideas.

  Thinking of this, he sat in front of the computer with sleepy eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up in joy.

  As expected of me!

  It’s simply too awesome!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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