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Chapter 953 Kill them all!

Chapter 953 Kill them all!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 953 Kill them all!

  The “face-to-face meeting” is still going on.

  While Chu Guang was having a great time chatting with his little player, an old man who had lived for more than two hundred years was not idle either.

  To be precise, the younger generations who visited this “humble home” did not want him to be idle.

  Seeing Abusek leaving the side of the Great Rift Valley Chief, Shawa immediately rushed over and intercepted the old man who was about to turn around and leave.

  He put on a friendly smile on his face and spoke respectfully.

  ”Dear Chief, I am Shawa, the captain of the Mammoth Kingdom’s assault troopers. Please allow me to extend my most sincere greetings to you on behalf of Laxi and the survivors of the Mammoth Kingdom! Our commander originally planned to visit you in person, but the Southern Legion is still struggling to survive, and the situation on the front line is still stalemate. He really couldn’t leave, so he sent me here.”

  The old man looked at the young man in front of him, smiled kindly and nodded.

  ”Hello, Shawa, I’m old, and I have to guess the ideas you young people come up with, but this stormtrooper… I really can’t guess. What kind of organization is this? Can you tell me, an old man, about it?”

  Shawa said with a smile.

  ”It’s just a name. Back then, we followed Laxi to conquer the country, and we always charged in front of the battle, so we got the name of the stormtrooper. Later, the war was not so fierce, and the young officers of the Mammoth Country also grew up, and we also moved from the front line to the rear… But this number has been retained until now. You can understand it as the Guards of the Legion, the Guards of the Alliance.”

  The old man nodded suddenly.

  ”Oh, you are talking about Lei Ze, then I know who you are… Hey, then your burden is too heavy, and I feel sad when I see you. How about this, you resign, I will keep you safe for a year, and after the storm is calm, how about you go to the Alliance to be a security captain?”

  This turn was too sharp, Shawa almost couldn’t hold it, and said with a dry cough.

  ”Well, this… I really haven’t thought about it…”

  The Alliance obviously doesn’t need a security captain like him, and his family has settled down in Mammoth City. He has never thought about moving to the Alliance where he is unfamiliar with the place.

  The old man said with a smile.

  ”Think about it! I have a problem. When I see a talented young man, I can’t help but be attracted to him, and then I can’t control my hands and want to reach out and grab a little bit. Alas, it’s a pity…”

  Shawa didn’t know what he was regretting, but he still acted in a respectful and humble manner.

  ”You are too kind. There are many people who are more talented than me… I am nothing.”

  ”You are too modest,” the old man shook his head, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and said, “How about this, when Abusek visited me before, I tested him with a question, and now I will test you too.”

  Shawa looked at him blankly, not knowing what the old man was up to, but still said stiffly.

  ”Please teach me.”

  The old man smiled, showed his dry fingers, and counted his sheep again.

  ”I have four generals, A, B, C and D. A said there were 10,000 sheep on the grassland, B said there were 1,000 sheep, C said they were both wrong, but he couldn’t remember how many there were, he just saw a lot of sheep crossing the river. But D said one of them was lying… Guess what is right?”

  Shava said without hesitation.

  ”Ding! Assuming A is right, then B is also right. C who says that both of them are wrong must be wrong, so D is right. Conversely, if A and B are both wrong–”

  ”Stop, stop, stop. You don’t have to analyze so much. You’ve confused me.” Looking at the young man who was analyzing left and right, the old man waved his hand. “You are a smart man, and Ding is also a smart man, there is no doubt about that. A said there were 10,000 sheep. Who can guarantee that he is right? B, C, and D did not testify. What if the number was missed and the actual number was 9,999, then he would be in big trouble.”

  ”In comparison, B is much smarter than him. Someone saw 10,000 sheep, and he said there were 1,000, which left himself a way out for 9,000. If you have to choose one from A and B, then B must be the one that survives.”

  After a pause, the old man looked at the confused Shava and said with a smile.

  ”But he is still not smart enough. When did I say I would only kill one person? At this time, C is much smarter. He not only drew a clear line with A and B, but also actively expressed his position. Haha… If I don’t regret it, he can live, but if one day I regret killing the wrong person, he will be miserable.”

  ”From this point of view, D is much smarter. There is a person who is lying. He didn’t say who is lying or who is telling the truth. The liar can be anyone, even himself. No matter who I want to kill in the future, he can point to the dead and say “It’s him”, and then stand on my side. Even if I regret killing A, B, and C, he can plead with me, stain his own hand, and take the initiative to put on the hat of “I lied.”

  ”I am old and kind-hearted. Maybe I will let him go with a laugh? You see, you have to be confused when you should be confused.”

  Shava looked at the old man with a smile.

  When you asked this question, did you also say that you wanted to kill people?

  Although he guessed it right.

  However, the old man saw through his thoughts and said with a meaningful smile.

  ”You are still too young. I didn’t say I wanted to kill anyone. When did I say I wanted to kill them? This killing job… isn’t it you who is doing it for me?”

  Shava was slightly stunned, and suddenly a tingling sensation crept up the back of his head.

  He was clearly the one who solved the problem, but while solving the problem, how come he became the “E” behind “A, B, C, D”? It

  was as if a knife was placed on his neck. He swallowed unconsciously and forced a stiff smile from his face.

  ”Old man… you’re kidding, we–”

  ”I know, I know, every family has its own problems. Don’t worry, you haven’t reached that stage yet,” the old man smiled and raised his hand, not embarrassing the young man in front of him, “and you are not exactly the same as the Guards, let alone the Alliance. As for Lasi… I don’t know him, but I recognized him when I saw you.”

  ”Others always tell me that he is the spokesperson chosen by the Alliance, but I never think so, because you Brahmans like to choose smart people, such as Abusek, who is very smart. When I point him out, he knows everything.”

  ”Your Lasi is not bad either. If one person one vote is really up, he will be the winner in the end. Don’t be angry when I say this. You have a hard mouth, but your body is actually very honest. Look at yourself.”

  ”…” Shawa was speechless for a while. He had not recovered from the previous trepidation, and he didn’t know what the old man wanted to say.

  Perhaps he was not talking to himself, but to Lasi behind him.

  The old man looked at him meaningfully.

  ”You are all smart people, but sometimes smart people are not as good as honest fools, because the latter will not attribute the reason for their failure to superficial explanations such as not being smart enough, while the former always do things that they think are smart. Think about my words again. The question I asked you was ‘Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy’? What I asked you was clearly – what is right.”

  ”It doesn’t matter to me who is telling the truth and who is lying. ‘There are sheep’ is the answer you should give me, but you went to find the smart person in the question for me… Look at you, don’t say I can’t help you, even if the professor comes back, it won’t help.”

  Shava looked at the old man in confusion, nodded as if he understood, and carefully wrote down every word he said, ready to bring this information to Lacy.

  The old man has lived for too long and has seen all kinds of birds. It is difficult for him not to pay attention to it.

  Maybe Lacy can understand what he doesn’t understand.

  However, at this moment, the old man changed the subject and stopped talking halfway.

  He turned around and stopped looking at Shava, just sighing to himself.

  ”…But, gossip can make a person feel guilty. The problem you are facing is much more difficult than that of Abusek.”

  ”Some sheep eat meat, some eat grass, and some can eat soil. They all learn to bleat… It’s difficult, really too difficult. I, an old man, don’t know how to solve it.”

  Leaving behind a riddle, he walked away shaking his head in Shawa’s blank gaze.


  Winter had already arrived in the Great Rift Valley, and the Mammoth State at the foot of Mount Zobar gradually felt the cold of winter.

  There is winter in the subtropics, too.

  The monsoon blowing through the Petra Fortress is like a cooling air conditioner, taking away the temperature of the Mammoth City, making people shrink their necks and put their hands in their pockets.

  But compared with the winter two centuries ago, this little bit of cold is nothing, and it gets cold when the wind blows, and warms up again when the sun comes out.

  People walked on the street with their cotton coats open, their faces filled with rosy glow.

  At this time a year ago, many people were still shivering in the cold wind, but now they have enough money to not even button their clothes.

  Not only that, there are more cement houses in Mammoth City. The leaky huts on both sides of the street are no longer seen, but rows of cement houses painted red and white.

  Mammoth State produces too much anti-rust paint, and the unsold part is simply painted on the wall.

  The busiest place on the street is no longer the recruitment point, but the supermarket shelves full of goods.

  The retail industry in the South Sea Alliance is very developed, even more developed than that of the Alliance.

  As local workers poured into the southern seas, some of the latter’s lifestyles were also brought back by them.

  It is understandable that the conservatives in the Alliance would be jealous.

  They are indeed developing too fast…even though they have more or less enjoyed the economic dividends of the rapid development of Mammoth Country.

  Even many houses in Settlement No. 1 were built by construction workers from Mammoth Country.

  The bustling street market is only a corner of prosperity, and the more bustling one is the dock of Mammoth City.

  The dock was crowded with people who were eagerly waiting, as well as overseas workers returning by ship.

  They had worked hard for a whole year in a foreign country, and now their hard work had finally paid off.

  The rubble in the southern seas had been cleared, and the islanders gave them more than just verbal thanks.

  The funds from the southern seas not only helped them rebuild their homes, but also helped them buy some of their own businesses.

  Starting next year, they may not have to travel across the ocean to work, and can find a job with a decent income right at their doorstep.

  Of course, the industry in Mammoth City is still being upgraded, and jobs at home are definitely not as lucrative as jobs overseas.

  Thinking of his child who was about to go to college, the father, who was still in good health, gritted his teeth and decided to go to Nanyang again.

  Some young people did not want to disappoint their childhood sweethearts who had been waiting for them, so they decided to get married and have a baby before making a living.

  Objectively speaking, Laxi did some good things, or did some human things.

  He gave people who had no choice a choice.

  In comparison, the Moon Clan resistance organizations on the mountaintops are really weak. They either go to the Alliance to complain, or they use seniority to rank who is closer to the Alliance and who is worthy and who is not.

  No wonder Lasi looks down on them and even keeps them around like clowns.

  As long as these weaklings are still there, even if he wants to be the emperor, the survivors of the Mammoth Kingdom will support him and put the crown on his head.

  After all, it is better to let someone be the emperor than to let a group of monkeys sit in the temple.

  Not to mention that he has taken a step back, retaining the “conservatives” and giving enough face to the “progressives”, only hanging the title of the commander-in-chief on his head.

  It is precisely for this reason that although Niyang scolds him every

  now and then, he still shows mercy in his writing. The collection of “Red Soil” has been written so far, and has borrowed the “medical records” of the old dynasty to point out the “family tree” of the new authorities, but has not touched on Lasi’s own problems.

  Although Lacy was pissed off by him, he kept his promise and didn’t let the stormtroopers come and shoot him, nor did he close down the “Survivor Daily” and Mammoth University.

  Today, Mammoth University is in full swing, occasionally inviting teachers from Camp 101 to visit, and even exporting some excellent teaching staff to Port Kinggallon. Lacy has indeed contributed to this.

  But this alone is not enough.

  Niyang has always had a dream.

  General Lowell’s descendants have erected 1,000 pillars, so he will use the money “stolen” from the Duke of Galawa to build 1,000 universities on this land!

  Only in this way can the power deep in the soul of the Borneo people be truly awakened.

  The book always ends.

  He picked up the pen and pondered for a long time, and wrote a few lines on the last page, which was regarded as the continuation of the “preface” of L at the beginning.

  ”…That year, it was icy and snowy, with no sun or moon, and General Lowell made an unparalleled contribution. Whether it is praiseworthy or not can only be judged by future generations. Perhaps his subordinates were really dazzled by the “great victory” and their minds were bewitched by the evil. They gave up their happy days and wanted to die with him. Or perhaps there were so many unavoidable difficulties in the ice and snow.”

  ”I was fortunate enough to go to the Lowell camp, but the gatekeeper there told me that although the wall was the original wall, the buildings, stone roads, and iron cages inside were all relics from the “Moon King” period. The relics from the Lowell period may have to be found in the Governor’s Mansion of Duke Nihak.”

  ”Unfortunately, there are none there either.”

  ”I have searched all the ancient books I could find, but there are only a few lines left about that story. The elders of the Moon Clan may know something. They only said that the Moon King was a good man, but they were very secretive about the origin of the red soil. Then they said that the Moon King was confused for a moment and it was a farmer who made them all suffer.”

  ”I don’t know if they are telling the truth, and I don’t even know the name of the farmer. I can only sigh that I am like a mayfly, standing in the lower reaches of the Yongliu River and looking up at the old days that have long been buried on the top of Zhuobar Mountain.”

  ”Then I returned to White Elephant City, and somehow I thought of L, the young man who was also buried in the red soil. I didn’t understand why I was so obsessed with him, until I looked at my feet. It was not just the people who planted the red soil and the people who ate the red soil who were buried in–”

  Ni Yang suddenly coughed and subconsciously raised his arm to cover his mouth.

  He moved his arm away, but saw a touch of red on his sleeve.

  ”The weather is getting drier and drier…”

  He muttered to himself, but then an idea suddenly occurred to him, and he wrote the word “red soil” on the paper with great concentration.

  ”How similar our fates are! I am stepping on the soil, stepping on his bones, stepping on Lowell’s bones, and he seemed to reach out, to grab my ankles and hold my throat. I was shocked to find that I have been chasing him for half my life, looking for the exit of history in a daze, but I didn’t expect that he had never left me–”

  ”He is every me.”

  After writing the last stroke in a sloppy manner, Ni Yang stood up with a heavy breath, walked to the table beside him to get a pot of tea, and poured it for himself.

  These days he has been working hard on the joint school, sleeping only four or five hours a day, and relying on this tea to keep himself alive.

  Especially when he was in Tiandu before, he also suffered a serious illness, but fortunately it was not a “death pill”, and he survived in the end.

  But from then on, his health was not as good as before.

  After drinking a mouthful of hot tea to moisten his throat, Ni Yang felt a little sweaty and his thoughts were a little straightened out.

  Thinking carefully, this ending is still a bit sloppy, not as thrilling as the preface at the beginning. Such a bland ending is not worthy of this magnificent journey, and Mr. Mouse’s readers should not buy it as before.

  In fact, not to mention the readers, he himself feels that something is missing.

  But think about it, the preface is L’s story, but this ending writes about Lowell.

  After all, he really met L, and he had seen him many times, but Lowell was two centuries apart from him, and he really had never seen him. No matter how he wrote it, it was like seeing flowers in the fog, outlining through the window.

  ”He is every one of me, it’s a little difficult to understand. Wouldn’t it be more intuitive to change it to every one of the Brahmans? But this is too absolute… Anyway, this is also a clue.”

  Ni Yang thought so, put down the teacup, but felt a little itchy in his throat, so he picked up the tissue on the tray and coughed.

  However, when he moved the tissue away from his mouth, his heart beat violently.


  The scarlet color made him a little dizzy for a moment. Perhaps he really couldn’t delay any longer and should take time to see a doctor.

  At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and a professor hurried in with a newspaper.

  Seeing the tissue in Ni Yang’s hand, he was stunned and asked with concern.

  ”Sir, what are you doing…”

  ”I’m not in the way,” Ni Yang wiped his mouth, calmly threw the tissue into the trash can, and then cast his eyes on the professor, “What’s the matter that makes you so anxious to come in without knocking?”

  This person teaches history at Mammoth University and is also the editor of the Mammoth City version of the “Survivor Daily”.

  The professor glanced at the trash can, then looked at the newspaper in his hand, and finally gritted his teeth and stuffed the newspaper into Ni Yang’s hand.

  ”Look at this newspaper!”

  Ni Yang took the newspaper and frowned slightly.

  The name of this newspaper is “Homeland and the World Newspaper”. The name is impressive, but it is unknown. At least he has never seen it. It should be made by a tabloid.

  Because of the three rules Lacy made with him, allowing the public to run newspapers, after the “Survivor Daily” entered Mammoth City, many newspapers of all sizes sprang up in the city, and they all occupied a certain market share.

  Not allowing the “Survivor Daily” to dominate the market was also the result of Lacy’s tacit consent.

  Niyang did not think about monopolizing the media industry. His main focus of work was still on running schools. It was natural for him to see the survivors of Mammoth City enthusiastically run newspapers.

  This was equivalent to everyone uniting to complete his unfinished work for him.

  However, he did not expect that these people were so outstanding that they even dug up news that the “Survivor Daily” had not dug up –

  [Explosive news! Eyewitness oral account! The truth buried in the Tasang River Dam! ]

  He hurriedly read the news from beginning to end, then his eyes widened, and the hand holding the newspaper trembled.

  The article quoted a source as saying that it was not Bamt, the then governor of the Empire, who blew up the Tasang River Dam, but Lacy who planned it!

  This was not only to defeat the Imperial City Defense Force, which was several times larger than the Moon Clan Resistance Army, but also to prepare for disaster relief in the city and sending the landless refugees to work overseas!

  If we deduce the process from the results, there seems to be nothing wrong with what the report said.

  The flood of the Tasang River did help Laxi a lot, including the problem of land annexation, the problem of labor dispatch, and even humanitarian assistance from the alliance and enterprises… Almost all problems were solved with the flood.

  But it is not certain that Laxi, who was standing by the river at that time, could think so far. At

  that time, Mammoth City and the Moon Clan Resistance Army had not even started, and the hundreds of thousands of troops gathered by Bamt collapsed at the first touch. That was all later…

  Niyang took a deep breath and calmed down.

  ”The whole article in the newspaper is based on oral accounts from people familiar with the matter. There is not a single piece of solid evidence. Regardless of whether the content of the report is accurate or not, it is irresponsible reporting!” ”

  The new dam has been built. What evidence can there be?” The professor sighed and said earnestly, “And let’s not talk about the truth for now. It’s not just this newspaper, there are several more… Soon all the newspapers in the city will come out to talk about this. If we don’t make a statement, we may lose credibility! Do you know what people outside say? They say we are Laxi’s dogs!” It’s

  time for them to make a choice between offending the Laxi authorities or offending the survivors of Mammoth City.

  However, Niyang’s eyes widened and he shouted angrily.

  ”What do you mean, don’t worry about this first! You tell me that newspaper publishers don’t care about this or which one? Reporting news must be based on facts and not nonsense. That’s what I taught you before! If it was really Laxi’s order, I would personally publish an article to criticize him! But what if it wasn’t? You and I would become someone else’s guns!” If

  the country of Boro wants to fight a civil war, it will inevitably launch a public opinion offensive!

  And this “Family, Country and the World Newspaper” might have been created by the Tiandu Federation!

  He had noticed before that someone was doing something under his nose.

  But after all, it was not in the name of the Survivor Daily, and they couldn’t do anything about it.

  Perhaps they should follow the example of the Alliance and set up an industry committee to assess the credibility of the news media, but it seems too late to do this now.

  These ambitious people intend to use the dam of the Tasang River to make an excuse for war, allowing the disaster that has already happened to sweep more innocent people…

  No matter who is behind this, he must stop these guys!

  He clenched his fists, folded the newspaper and stuffed it into his pocket, and then hurriedly took off the coat hanging by the door.

  Looking at his movements, the professor asked hurriedly.

  ”What are you going to do?”

  Ni Yang said without hesitation.

  ”Go to the front line to find Laxi and ask him clearly!”

  The professor looked at him blankly and said with a smile.

  ”My ancestor… You’re still running to the front line at this time?! I think you should go to Dawn City to get treatment. Your lungs have been in trouble for a long time. You really can’t delay it any longer.”

  Ni Yang shook his head and rejected his kindness, put on his coat and buttoned it up.

  ”This disease is getting better and worse. It won’t matter if it’s delayed for a while, but the matter of the Boro people can’t be delayed! I must go to the front line first to find out what happened at that time! If it was really him who blew it up, did he know the consequences before he did it, or was there another hidden reason…”

  It was a battle where the few defeated the many. Laxi was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. From the perspective of the governor at the time, it seemed that there was really no need to blow up the dam.

  However, this is just speculation after all.

  Just like the chapter about Lowell in “Red Soil”, it was just his speculation from beginning to end. Even the Alliance has not discovered the 100% true truth.

  But there was one thing about that newspaper that really touched his heart.

  Ni Yang had felt suspicious about Governor Bamut’s confession before, and now seeing that report, he was even more suspicious.

  This is just like fungi can only freeze into ice at minus 30 degrees, and no matter how strong their vitality is, they can only dormant. Red soil is not a complex intelligent life form like mutant slime mold, but only a decomposer in nature. It is impossible to create nutrients that do not exist out of thin air.

  Fixing carbon and nitrogen, and then converting solar energy and organic matter into nutrients needed by organisms… This requires the joint efforts of all animals, plants and microorganisms in the entire Borneo Province.

  What kind of miracle is it to turn frozen soil into nutrients in that bleak year?

  It is not appropriate to say that red soil is a nutrient paste that takes off pants and farts, but he did think so in his heart.

  At present, the biggest controversy in the academic community of the alliance about this period of history is also here.

  A group of scholars headed by Ms. Han Mingyue believe that the research and development and promotion of red soil are two stages, the former was completed by General Lowell, and the latter was the credit of the “Moon King” who unified Borneo Province.

  However, this speculation is obviously not good for the tragic Moon people, or it is politically incorrect.

  This seems to justify the persecution of the Moon Clan by the Xilan Empire – even if Ms. Han Mingyue herself does not have such an idea, the research institutions of the Alliance do not need to pay attention to the opinions of the public.

  However, her research does not represent authority.

  There are also another group of scholars who believe that the spread of red soil is a spontaneous behavior under the “slave economy”, and the natural demand of the landlord class to “lower the cost of living of slaves” is the real inducement for the spread of red soil.

  This is a study that ignores human factors and is made entirely from a macro perspective.

  No matter which speculation is possible, the people who have experienced that period of history have died, and the Moon King has already crushed this period of history, although the Moon King is gone in the end.

  In the dark, Ni Yang suddenly had an intuition in his heart –

  perhaps it was because of their disrespect for history that the sufferings were born again and again.

  It was this intuition in the dark that strengthened his belief that he must find Laxi.

  They must talk frankly!

  And this is the only way for everyone to survive!

  Seeing that Ni Yang refused to stop for medical treatment, the professor begged bitterly.

  ”How about I go find some local doctors with you? I heard they know some folk remedies that might be able to cure your illness.”

  Ni Yang shook his head and rejected him again.

  ”Those people are intentional or unintentional liars. You can believe them and don’t persuade me.”

  The professor smiled bitterly, but stopped persuading him. He just prayed silently in his heart.

  They have a lot of work to do, and it’s the most critical time.

  I hope he is safe!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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