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Chapter 954 Redemption!

Chapter 954 Redemption!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 954 Redemption!

  The venomous snake dormant in the cave finally survived the cold winter, just like the bloody bud dormant in Lowell’s chest.

  Perhaps the Moon King did not think of harming his descendants, and even thought of the day when history would settle accounts with him… just like the unknown person who suddenly woke up and pointed his gun at Lowell in the ice and snow that year.

  However, when they faced the heavy epic, they all softened their hearts without exception.

  Whether it was the emperor, the general, or the unknown person and the unknown expert, who would not want to leave a fairy tale of truth, goodness and beauty at the end of the story?

  And also to win a good reputation for themselves.

  However, once the heart softened –

  everything was too late.


  The sudden sound of gunfire stained the festive atmosphere of Mammoth City with a hint of sadness and murder.

  The passionate young men once again rushed to the front without hesitation, just as their teacher had taught them in class, whether facing Wu Tuo or Laxi, they straightened their spines equally.

  People surrounded the city hall and asked for an explanation.

  Their demands were impeccable, and they did not even make further demands, such as sending Laxi to court for trial.

  However, even if the demands were so mild, it was still fatal to the Mammoth Kingdom.

  There was no way, the responsibility was too concentrated.

  There were countless people who shared the same fate, like grasshoppers on a string.

  This meant that the Mammoth Kingdom could not give in to this turbulent wave, and even a small step would be a cliff.

  If the same thing happened in the South China Sea Alliance, the worst that could happen was that Li Minghui would be removed from office.

  However, this was the Mammoth Kingdom.

  Once Laxi was dismissed, the first to be liquidated would be the Stormtroopers, and finally his followers…

  It would not be a matter of a few people claiming to be kings and emperors, but the scattered sand would have to be broken into a few more pieces, and the rolling heads would have to build an unreachable dam on the Tasang River!

  Even without Laxi’s words, the troops stationed in the city had already taken the lead.

  In any case, they could not let the crowd rush into the city hall, and they would do it at all costs.

  Those children were too young to learn how to express their demands in a tactful way, and the Mammoth authorities had not had enough time to learn how to handle public opinion events.

  The soldiers fired warning shots into the sky, but no one gave in. Soon someone fell down, and then even if they had more reasons, they couldn’t explain it clearly.

  Seeing the children slumped on the ground, the fathers who had returned from overseas work were also angry, and eventually the conflict led to a bigger storm, almost affecting the Silver Moon Goddess Church in the parish.

  There is no right or wrong in the whole incident.

  There is only a price.

  And when everyone suddenly realized it, even those who didn’t eat dirt suddenly saw that their heels were no longer in that inch of red soil – that blood-like dazzling history.

  Just as countless Kents expected, the miracle of Boulder City did not happen in Mammoth City.

  Looking at the telegrams and newspapers sent from the rear at the same time, Lacy, who was fighting with the remnants of the Southern Legion on the front line, was no longer angry, but trembling with anger.

  ”What nonsense! I… Fuck! Damn it!”

  He suddenly realized that he couldn’t even explain himself.

  It was true that he blew up the dam, but he didn’t expect that the entire downstream village would be destroyed in the end, and he did his best to make up for those people.

  If he had admitted this at the time, it would have been fine. At that time, everyone was taking human lives lightly, even the “Imperial God of War” Alayyang was killing people. What could a group of half-asleep people do?

  Who knows, they might even think that he was magnanimous and a real villain.

  And later, as long as he “turned over a new leaf” and built a new dam… just like he had done, everyone would praise him as a brave man who dared to do and take responsibility.

  But it was too late to say anything now.

  His enemies spread the news for him, and they exaggerated it, using the most shameless method – deducing the cause from the result. Even the later idea of ​​”working overseas” became a big chess game under the flood.

  At this moment, he was like an angry lion, with sharp teeth and claws, but he didn’t know who to attack.

  This was inevitable.

  What he was good at was what Abusek was not good at, and what Abusek was good at was naturally what he didn’t know.

  Looking at the mad marshal and commander, the staff officer in the military tent advised.

  ”The war is not over yet, we can’t let these people mess around, anyway, let’s impose martial law first! And overseas workers are temporarily delayed to go home.”

  After a pause, he said again.

  ”In addition, the other party published an article in the newspaper, and we also published an article to clarify!”

  This is an expedient measure.

  But since he has been shot, he must bandage the wound first, and then do other things.

  Unfortunately, this staff officer is young after all. Once he does this, he will fall into a spiral of rumor-mongering and rumor-refuting… Not to mention that their butts are not clean.

  Even if the bombing of the dam is a secret of the stormtroopers, only Shawa and other senior officials know it, but seeing Lacy’s reaction, all the officers basically know it in their hearts. Even

  if the truth in the newspaper is diluted with water, one out of ten lies is really unavoidable.

  In fact, the most efficient way is to deal with it coldly. First, cover the mouths of those villains, then release a more exaggerated news to divert attention. After everyone has forgotten what the original conflict was, they can gradually shape the correct memory.

  For example, Laxi’s original intention was to protect the dam from being blown up by stray bullets, but the soldier executed the wrong order. Another example is that the soldier did not execute the order wrong at all, because no one gave the order. The dam was in disrepair for a long time and was shaken by Bamt’s 100mm cannon… After all, the engineering quality of the Xilan Empire is the same as the empire itself. It can only be viewed from a distance and not played with.

  But some things are not understood.

  People buried in the red soil can only serve as nutrients for those who come later, allowing those who come later to absorb the dregs in the red soil.

  Laxi gritted his teeth and nodded, and finally gave the order.

  ”Martial law!”

  In fact, until now, no one in the military tent thought it was a big deal. The only ones who felt sorry were those future pillars who died in the conflict.

  They spent a lot of money to train those children.

  Including Laxi himself, he only regarded those fools who made trouble as the veterans of the Moon Clan Resistance Army. After all, it was these clown-like characters who had always been playing against him.

  However, he himself forgot that those clowns did not even dare to resist.

  The people who resisted him this time dared to shed blood.

  Looking at Lasi who was staring at the front-line map in silence, the officers at the command table exchanged glances and whispered.

  ”Could it be Abusek’s doing?”

  ”Isn’t Shawa in the Great Rift Valley? Let him ask.”

  ”Heh… will he tell you the truth?”

  ”If they really instigated it, I’m afraid they will attack us! We must be on guard!”

  On the other side, in the central part of Yangzhou, at the forefront of the confrontation between the Northern Field Army of the Boro Kingdom and the Southern Army, Isher held up a telescope and looked at the enemy’s position, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

  I remember that I was still moving boxes at the dock of the Southern Army, but now I have become the gravedigger of the Southern Army.

  Things are really unpredictable.

  At this time, an officer walked behind him and reported.

  ”Lasi’s troops are gathering behind us.”

  After putting an end to the revolving thoughts, Isher put down the telescope and sighed.

  ”Have they taken any further actions?”

  The officer shook his head.


  After thinking for a long time, Isher gave an order.

  ”Let Yokaler take his 110,000th team… to take my place. Remember not to rush! Maintain a defensive position.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Also notify the brothers of the 30,000th team, and follow me to see what Lasi is up to!”

  He originally planned to let Yokaler be on guard against Lasi, but thinking of Yokaler’s bad temper, impulsiveness and irritability, he gave up the idea.

  Don’t let the other side not want to fight, but end up with an accidental discharge on his side.

  Another thing is, if a fight really breaks out, Yokaler, that reckless man, is not Lasi’s opponent.

  He is not bragging.

  In the entire Boro Kingdom, I am afraid that only his bounty can compare with Lasi.

  This is recognition from the enemy.

  At the same time, at the forefront of the confrontation.

  Ross, who has been promoted from a thousand-man captain to a ten-thousand-man captain, is also standing at the observation post, staring at the opposite position meticulously.

  After several rounds of confrontation, he can basically be sure that the one standing in front of him is the “Jungle Rat” with a bounty close to 10 million dinars, the wisest general of Boro Kingdom!

  Thinking of this, Ross couldn’t help but curl up his lips with a hint of self-mockery.

  When he first set foot on Xifan Port, he only felt contempt and anger when he saw those Brahmans who would rather dig a pit and bury themselves than resist, and who were fierce and vicious in front of their compatriots.

  At that time, he would never have thought that such a group of shameful little mice would become stronger and stronger, and even a few talents emerged that even a professional officer like himself would find difficult to deal with…

  Thinking about it carefully, he actually met that Isher, and he was only a dozen steps away.

  He couldn’t help but half-jokingly think that if he had fired a shot at that time, history might have changed…

  But this can only be thought of as a joke.

  Even if there is no “Jungle Rat”, there will be “Jungle Snake” or “Jungle Bird”, and even more difficult “Jungle Cat” and “Jungle Tiger”.

  At this point, he can no longer think of how to help the Southern Legion win back a city. He just wants to fight a good fight and offer his last loyalty to Marshal Julius.

  But for some reason, the enemy, which had been attacking with great force, suddenly seemed to wither.

  What on earth are they waiting for?

  Ross frowned, his thoughts were as chaotic as a ball of tangled hemp rope.

  At this time, his adjutant walked into the observation post and handed him a secret message with a serious look.

  Ross took the secret message, glanced at it quickly, and was stunned.

  [The 170,000th Army, listen to the order. The 30,000th Army of the Boro Kingdom will exchange defense with the 110,000th Army at 12 o’clock today. At that time, someone holding the flag of the 110,000th Army will go up the mountain. The entire army must not open fire and surrender to this person immediately! The Emperor of the Eastern Empire promised that he could ensure that you all return home safely. ]

  [——Commander of the Northern Front, Captain Orlet]

  His lips trembled, he took a deep breath, his eyes were bloodshot, and he wanted to tear the telegram into pieces and throw it up.


  Running dogs who live in shame!

  They hid in caves and ate insects to expand the territory for the legion! But they waited for such a result!

  He clenched the telegram paper in his hand, and at this moment, he noticed that the adjutant in front of him had the same red eyes as him.

  Seeing the hand on the pistol, Ross understood everything in an instant.

  Not everyone wanted to shed the last drop of blood for the legion…

  They had accompanied him in the charge again and again, and this time they really couldn’t charge anymore.

  The legion was finished.

  ”… Do you want to go home?”

  The adjutant didn’t say anything, just looked at him with red eyes, and then nodded.

  ”The soldiers all want to go home… Their families are in Evernight Harbor, and your wife is there too.”

  Ross took a deep breath, sat on the chair, and gently put the telegram aside.

  He did think of Demi and his children… and that was what he had always been reluctant to think about, because once he thought of these, he would remember that he was a human being, not a beast.

  Once the box of memory was opened, he remembered many things in an instant.

  Including his promise to his wife and children before leaving –

  he set foot on the province of Boro to protect Willant, and he would return home with glory.

  Although most of these promises could not be fulfilled, there was at least one thing he could fulfill…

  ”I know… I will take you home.”

  Looking at the nodding officer, the adjutant stood at attention with red eyes and saluted.

  ”Thank you…”

  Ross smiled weakly and looked at the emerald green mountains outside the observation post.

  It’s over…

  ”Don’t thank me, I owe you.”

  At the same time he let go of all his obsessions, the positions of the Northern Field Army of the Polo Kingdom were changing guards in full swing.

  In order to guard against Laxi’s backstab, Isher handed the front line to Yokale and personally led the army to the west bank of the Tasang River to guard against the military deployment of the Mammoth Kingdom.

  Due to the tense atmosphere between the two sides, the ferry in the Tasang River basin was forced to close, and the not-so-wide mud road was filled with migrating horse-drawn carriages and ox-drawn carts.

  There were also a few cars mixed in.

  As luck would have it, Niyang, who was rushing to the front line, was stuck in one of the cars…

  On the other side, Yokale, who took over the defense zone, was eager to try and make a big move, but a basin of cold water was suddenly poured on his head.

  It was a secret telegram from the family association –

  [The northern front of the Southern Corps’ Boro War Zone has surrendered. After the 30,000-man Brigade is transferred and deployed, your troops will go up the mountain with military flags to accept the surrender of the remnants of the Southern Corps. Remember not to accidentally fire your guns, and remember not to hurt prisoners of war! ]

  [——Grey Wolf Army Commander-in-Chief, Gopal]

  ”Is this a win?”

  Holding the telegram tightly in his hand, Yokale’s eyes were red.

  This bunch of damn Willant people came to their land to kill happily. He had finally accumulated dozens of field artillery, and he hadn’t killed enough, but these people said they didn’t want to fight anymore. It was really unreasonable! He was angry

  for a long time, but he was a person who cared about the overall situation, and finally swallowed his breath.

  The officer who sent the telegram also breathed a sigh of relief.

  He actually had a second “secret message” in his hand, which was a message from Sava, the second-in-command of the Family Society.

  If Yokaler does not take the overall situation into consideration and does not protect the safety of the people of the Bharata Kingdom, he can fire the first shot!

  At the same time, outside the cave in Shezhou, Zaid, who was wearing leather shoes, lit a Rick Five that he had always been reluctant to smoke, and looked at the clouds in the sky with high spirits.

  Today’s sunshine is particularly dazzling, and the clouds are as white as snow.

  Because just now, he had finished the last move of chess, and killed two kings with just one move.

  ”This Laxi compares himself to the King of Dayue, but I think he is a crazy donkey, haha.”

  He suddenly thought of an old friend, the little girl who was so naive that she seemed to be soaked in a honey pot.

  That guy won too easily, and he thought victory was a matter of course.

  Gopal, who was standing next to him, laughed.

  ”Of course, who can compare with you.”

  The great revenge was avenged!

  Gopal was so happy that he suddenly felt that those squeaking little mice were not so annoying.

  Those Brahmas had once ruthlessly abandoned them, drowned them in the Everflowing River, and trampled them into the garbage dump, but in the end they returned to their side obediently. Their

  bodies are still quite honest.

  For the sake of being the “Wolf King”, let’s not kill them for the time being!

  As if seeing through Gopal’s thoughts, Zaid smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Hey, you can’t be soft-hearted. Don’t let down your guard at the last moment. Kill when you should kill, kill when you should kill, and it’s better to kill more than less… Remember the code name of this action, let’s call it Kill All!”

  Putting away the trace of soft-hearted kindness, Gopal smiled in high spirits.

  ”As ordered!”

  He couldn’t understand the heavy epic before, but now he finally understood why the thirteen kings were no match for the Great Moon King, why they were killed despite their strong troops, and why the Great Moon King finally lost to the unintelligent Xilan. But it

  doesn’t matter.

  They will plug the loophole that the last Lowell didn’t think of for the short-lived Wu Tuo…

  In the cave behind the two, the young Sava was standing on the stage with a sad face, facing the indignant faces, mourning for the family members who died under the gun of Laxi.

  ”… We mourn the family members who lost in the fight against evil forces, and we will never give up fighting to the end for the arrival of the new era!”

  ”They will never die in vain!”

  The memory of the second tragedy in Xifan Port appeared in front of everyone again, and this time the massacre of them has changed from the Willant people to a certain arrogant “Moon King”.

  Life and death are imminent, and this time they have to fight.

  Not only the Boro people recalled the painful memories, but also the Willant people who were in Xifan Port.

  The 800,000 Curry Army of Boro has already headed north, and the “Iron General” Grove, whose reputation has risen like a tiger, beat Gibson, who has been powerful for several months, and fled in panic.

  This guy had been defeated by the Alliance before, and now he lost to the Poros, which was a complete disgrace to the Willant people.

  But his defeat was not unjust, especially when he saw the Conqueror tanks running in the wilderness, he was so angry that he almost bled, and he wanted to pull out all the people in the logistics department and shoot them one by one!

  In any case, losing is losing.

  Not to mention how panicked the “false emperor” Akbar and his servants were, their panic was insignificant, and the chief gentleman of the Great Rift Valley didn’t even send him an invitation. Even

  though he was nominally the king of millions of people, in the eyes of the Great Rift Valley, he was not even as good as the clown in Dam City.

  Looking at the sad news that floated from the front line and could no longer be suppressed, the Willant people in Xifan Port were all panicked, and they wanted to jump into the sea and swim out of this “port of death” immediately!

  No one could guarantee that Abusek would be like his old boss Janusz, allowing the 800,000-man army to slaughter the entire city.

  Just when they were extremely frightened, the Eastern Empire suddenly extended an olive branch to them.

  Instead of staying in Xifan Port and waiting to die, it is better to board the Eastern Empire’s ship and go to the New Xifan Port…

  The Eastern Empire has no fleet, but the New Federation of the New World does, and there are quite a few of them.

  For the sake of the friendship of compatriots and a huge sum of money, the federal fleet that had just finished putting out the fire in the Whirlpool Sea turned a corner and went to the Borneo Sea again, bringing the eagerly waiting people to the new homeland prepared for them by the Eastern Empire…


  At the same time, in the southwest corner of the Zolbar Mountains, a young but hopeful seaport was located on the barren land.

  People carrying large and small bags stood on the street and received their tents with the help of the soldiers of the Eastern Empire.

  This is the “Wilant Province Experience”.

  The series of resettlement measures introduced by the Archon to deal with the death dose were obviously learned by the Eastern Empire.

  If Marshal Julius were still alive, he would be pleased with this scene, and he might even change his opinion of Lowell.

  The Willant people, who had not “changed their minds” for a century, regained their ability to learn, and it was because of the survivors of the Borneo Province.

  If this is seen as a big chess game, Lowell must have calculated that the War Construction Committee had created the Willant people, and in order to save the unborn Willant people, he deliberately created the red soil!

  That image instantly became more glorious.

  Standing on the bare dock, Captain Orlett carried his bag with a haggard face.

  When sending a secret message to the front line, he had already boarded the ship of the Eastern Empire in the northwest corner of the war zone, and arrived at the port prepared by the Eastern Empire to receive the spoils with confidential documents from the northern front.

  Thinking about it carefully, this might be the reason why Saren has not sent troops to help them.

  That guy has been coveting their wealth for a long time.

  Just like they covet the treasures of the civil service group…

  Looking at General McLen standing at the port, Captain Orlet, who has figured out everything, smiled bitterly.

  ”…Our Tyr has made all the plans, but he didn’t expect to become your wedding dress.”

  Looking at this guy who was once in high spirits in front of him, McLen, who was smoking a cigar, laughed.

  ”Haha, you look down on weak opponents, but you can’t afford to lose when you meet someone stronger than you?”

  Wanting to fight with masters, isn’t it what you asked for?

  But McLen didn’t ridicule him.

  To be honest, from the perspective of a commander, he was only 60% sure of his judgment.

  It’s not that the Southern Legion has no chance of winning, and the Alliance is not sure to win.

  If Gurion is replaced by Griffin, who has experienced the Alliance’s methods, the Southern Legion’s winning rate can be at least 60%.

  But how can a dead person crawl out of a coffin?

  The death of General Kraus and General Griffin made him realize that the Legion was doomed to never learn from failure, and it was impossible for them to move from one failure to the next victory.

  They would either advance triumphantly and win the final victory, or they would lose again and again.

  From this perspective, the collapse of the Legion was indeed destined.

  They could win many times, but they would not be able to get up again if they lost once…

  Looking at the half-smiled McLen, Olet shook his head.

  ”I didn’t mean that… I just occasionally wondered if we could beat the Alliance if we united.”

  General McLen said lightly.

  ”If the sun changes from one to two, can we save the wasteland? Why do you have to imagine the possibility that does not exist?”

  Captain Olet was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile.

  ”That’s true…”

  After a long pause, he couldn’t help but say again.

  ”By the way, my business…”

  McLen knew what he was going to say, and said it concisely.

  ”Don’t worry, His Majesty Saren is a man of his word. He said he would save your life, and he will save your life. This is one of the reasons why he can become the winner.”

  Hearing the sarcasm in the tone, Olet said with a wry smile.

  ”I see… From this point of view, our loss is indeed not unfair.”

  After a moment of silence, he suddenly worried about his old leader again and asked.

  ”…What about Gurion?”

  ”You are already standing here, and you still ask such a stupid question?” McLen smoked a cigar and smiled meaningfully at him, “You don’t think everyone can get ashore, do you?”

  ”That’s right…” Olet’s Adam’s apple moved and swallowed the saliva.

  McLen patted the officer on the shoulder.

  ”We gave him the opportunity to choose. He can sit in his office and think slowly, instead of having a stroke in the bunker like someone else… Be content.”


  In the Great Rift Valley, the door of a conference room was tightly closed. The guards of Triumph City and the guards of Dawn City stood on both sides, one on the left and the other on the right.

  The power armor they wore was very different in both model and paint, but the majesty and aura were almost the same.

  The two big men sitting in the conference room at this moment were of course not to be mentioned.

  Almost everyone who passed by the door of the conference room could smell the tense atmosphere through the crack of the door. In

  the corridor not far away, the two leaders of the survivor settlement from Yunjian Province were intentionally or unintentionally looking towards the door.

  In Yunjian Province, the two were also considered powerful, but here they were like ants where all the heroes gathered.

  The world is too big.

  Not only is there the dragon of Ideal City that is opening its eyes, but there is also the dragon rider of the Alliance.

  Although it is a bit disrespectful to think so, things are so exaggerated.

  Three years ago, the wastelanders in Yunjian Province all relied on the bowl of Ideal City.

  Now, due to the emergence of the Alliance, their business territory has expanded to the entire wasteland.

  The light from the prairie fire has gradually covered the lighthouse, and the descendants of the Zhiyuan colony ship and Shelter No. 6 have lived up to the great ideal at the beginning.

  Of course, such a grand narrative is too far away for the two people standing here.

  They just want to see what the door can reveal, so as to analyze which stock will rise in the Ideal City Stock Exchange and the Dawn City Stock Exchange. It

  ’s a superficial idea, isn’t it?

  But it is extremely realistic.

  The living standards of the residents of Ideal City are closely related to the stock prices of major corporate groups, and the survivors of the Cloud Province have most of their wealth in the stocks of major groups.

  Unfortunately, the Great Rift Valley has done its utmost to keep the privacy of the participants confidential, and no “known” technical means can penetrate the door to obtain the information inside.

  In addition, with the guarantee of safety by the Holy Shield, it can be said that it is the safest place in the entire wasteland.

  Even safer than the shelter.

  The slightly taller man was a little impatient and looked at the man with glasses next to him.

  This man is not only his business partner, but also his strategic ally in regional affairs.

  ”What do you think they will talk about?”

  The man with glasses stared at the door intently, not wanting to interrupt for a moment.

  ”I don’t know, but I will know soon.”

  The tall man was stunned.

  ”Right away?”

  Can we hold a press conference after this discussion?

  Glancing at this ignorant guy, the man with glasses laughed.

  ”Expressions, movements, gait, demeanor, and even the order in which they go out… these are all information. People are people after all, and they can’t be flawless like bionic people.”

  He has already turned on the behavioral analysis system of AR glasses.

  By the way, he bought this hardware and software from Ideal City.

  The tall man gave a thumbs up with admiration and sighed with self-abasement.

  ”You are too professional!”

  The closed door of the conference room affected everyone’s heartbeat. This is much more worthy of attention than the trivial things in Dam City.

  Whether the two fists of the east and the west touch or clench together almost determines the fate of the entire Middle Continent.

  Just at this moment, the tightly closed door suddenly opened with a bang.

  Seeing the two big guys walking out from behind the door chatting and laughing, almost everyone who was watching this side breathed a sigh of relief.

  Some people sighed.

  But that doesn’t matter anymore.

  The Archon of the Weilant people had a good conversation with the managers of the Alliance, and Triumph City and Dawn City reached an agreement on ending the Wasteland Era!

  This is a great omen.

  The man with glasses clenched his fists excitedly, and he had already foreseen the headlines that might appear in the newspaper tomorrow!

  But at this moment, looking at the two power armors, one blue and one gold, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

  According to the gait analysis software, the relationship between the two people actually jumped out of the label of “father and son”.

  ”What the hell…”

  He took off his glasses angrily and poked the restart button, but he couldn’t turn it on again, as if he was hit by an electromagnetic pulse.

  But no matter what, the result is good.

  This planet, which was only left with one breath, could no longer support a second war…

  On the other side, right behind the captain of the Mammoth Country’s stormtroopers, Shawa, Mayor Odo of the Free State also ended his meeting with the chief of the Great Rift Valley and walked out of the room with a complicated look. It was hard

  to tell whether his expression was frustrated or annoyed, but it also seemed to be a little relieved.

  The chief said that he had been watching him, and had been watching him since before the birth of the Firestone Group. He had a clear view of their joys and troubles, or knew them like the back of his hand.

  This sounded a bit scary.

  However, thinking about it carefully, the Firestone Group was also monitoring them anyway, and their privacy had long become a sieve with thousands of holes. Odo suddenly felt that it was not so scary.

  At least the Great Rift Valley had never hurt them.

  It was like this before, and it is still like this now.

  Even the old man did not count his sheep for the first time in history, and he gave him the bottom line.

  ”…You all have a bright future, whether you are the residents of the southern part of the Valley Province or the residents of the northern part of the Valley Province.”

  ”The Weilants and the Poros are two sides of the same coin. They are each other’s enemies and each other’s salvation. Now the coin is about to fall to the ground. After the dust settles, everything will end, regardless of whether the final outcome satisfies everyone.”

  ”And you are much luckier than them, because the young man who saved the coins did not throw you into the sky, but gave you enough time to slowly wake up from a nightmare that lasted for two hundred years, and gradually realize that the essence of the nightmare is not me, an old man, nor money, nor even the power behind the money, but yourself – your own heart.”

  ”So don’t ask me what to do, ask yourself, did the Sigma you fear fall from the sky? This child did not inherit anything from anyone, and even came from the slums that you guys in formal suits despise the most. Do you think that without him, everyone can live a good life? Will everything be fine? If you really think so, no one can save you.”

  ”This sentence is not a riddle.”

  ”But be thankful, you are unlikely to have a worse ending than Boulder City, but how good it will be depends on your own efforts.”

  Odo returned to his room and tossed and turned all night, thinking about the ending of the previous mayor, and thinking about Condra who sat in the interrogation room and threatened to plant the seeds of fear in his heart. Finally, he fell asleep unconsciously and was awakened by a nightmare again.

  Looking at the rising sun outside the window, a glimmer of enlightenment emerged in his heart, and he made up his mind completely.

  ”…The nightmare has always lived in the heart of every Bugera person. The only way to wake up from the nightmare is to put it in a cage, and no one can take it for themselves.”

  In this way, as the mayor of Bugera, there is only one thing he can do…

  just like Boulder City.

  He wants to stand with all the Bugera people who are fed up with the smog!

  Thinking of the old man who seemed to be smiling, he suddenly felt a little grateful.

  They are free –

  and always have been!

  The respected chief gave them the chance to change their fate!

  Two hours later, it is the moment to decide the fate of the Wasteland Era!

  Soon the first “Human Conference” will kick off under the attention of the public!

  Fortunately, he understood that it was not too late for all this.

  Even two hours before the end…


  At the same time, on the helipad of the Great Rift Valley, a steel airship slowly landed its pod.

  The people standing around the helipad were all nervous, watching the man who came out of the pod.

  He was wearing a pure gold armor, and unlike the one of the Archon of Triumph City, this thing had no power parts from head to toe.

  In other words, the emperor of the Eastern Empire relied entirely on the power of his muscles to support this nearly one-ton armor!

  This guy can be considered a ruthless man to be able to walk down the helipad as if walking on flat ground!

  Looking at Chu Guang in blue power armor, Saren had a bright smile on his face and exaggeratedly opened his arms.

  ”Haha! How are you, dear alliance manager!”

  ”We finally meet in real life!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode