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Chapter 957: Brothers at odds

Chapter 957: Brothers at odds


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 957 Brothers at odds

  It is not only Ni Yang who is worried about the students, but also Meng Jie, the president of Mammoth University.

  Recently, the situation in Mammoth City has been turbulent, and Mammoth University, founded by Ni Yang, has been pushed to the forefront.

  In particular, the “negative statement” of the “Survivor Daily” in the conflict incident has aroused the anger of students and progressive people. Now they not only ask Laxi to explain the dam incident, but also ask Laxi to be responsible for the death of three students and two family members.

  Now they are all family.

  Including those elders of the Moon Clan Resistance who were marginalized by the Laxi authorities.

  Laxi was able to capture Mammoth City in the past, and he relied on the power of the Moon Clan at home and abroad. Even he himself is a Moon Clan.

  It is precisely because of this that he is destined to be unable to carry out a thorough cleansing of these elders. At best, he can only squeeze them to the edge away from the center of power-unless he wants to tear his face with all the forces of the Moon Clan at home and abroad, and even the radicals who sympathize with the Moon Clan within the alliance.

  The price is too high…

  On the contrary, the elders who were squeezed out of the core circle did not care. After all, they had nothing to lose.

  Maybe they could even prevent the civil war.

  They were not interested in competing with Abusek for the three northern states or even Tiandu. It was enough to keep the Mammoth State.

  If they were to be known as peace defenders, the alliance would be very happy.

  After all, the managers of the alliance have always had the same attitude –

  ”You Brahmans, calm down and stop killing your compatriots.”

  So when they saw the opportunity to take back power from Laxi, one by one, they jumped out like hungry wolves to oppose their “Great Moon King”. The vigorous

  wave quickly swept the whole city, and there was no room for a quiet desk.

  In order to prevent the teaching field from becoming a battlefield, Meng Jie had to temporarily close Mammoth University.

  This behavior was obviously unpopular for him personally.

  The Mammoth authorities expressed disappointment that he was unwilling to help stabilize the situation, and indulgence was not a kind of support. The students thought that he was a coward who succumbed to the authority of the Mammoth authorities, a cowardly lapdog, and a fence-sitter.

  But these were minor matters.

  Mammoth University was entirely funded by Niyang himself, and it did not rely on the finances of the Mammoth authorities. At most, it received some help from Laxi when it was first opened.

  As for those kids, they could just scold him. He was not afraid of death, so how could he be afraid of a few spit?

  No matter how fiercely those kids scolded, they would not beat up their teachers.

  The influence of the family association on Mammoth City is not so great that it can make people lose their minds.

  Although when Meng Jie saw those family members jumping out, he was really stunned.

  When he didn’t notice it, those guys were already everywhere…

  At this juncture of the storm, a piece of news suddenly shocked the whole Mammoth City.

  Niyang is dead.

  Mr. Rat, who wrote “Red Soil” and lit the first enlightenment lamp for the survivors of Borneo Province, was actually exhausted to death…


  In the study of his own mansion.

  Meng Jie, who was reading the newspaper, first shed tears silently, then covered his nose and his shoulders twitched.

  The maid at home saw this and silently came up to pour him a pot of hot tea.

  Seeing the tea leaves floating on the teacup, he couldn’t hold back his emotions and started sobbing silently.

  ”Why did you leave… it was you…”

  ”I didn’t expect that God was so blind that he couldn’t see the people!”

  The maid was at a loss for a moment, not knowing if she had done something wrong. She didn’t know whether to comfort him or keep silent.

  However, Meng Jie didn’t immerse himself in sadness for too long.

  Looking at the tea leaves given by his friends, he thought of his unfinished business, his pregnant wife, and many other things…

  ”…When a person dies, everything ends.”

  He looked up at the ceiling, sighed, and finally made up his mind. He took out the letter paper and wrote the resignation letter that he had spent 5 minutes to think about. Then he carefully folded the letter paper and stuffed it into an envelope.

  ”Send it to the school for me, then go to the pier to buy two boat tickets to Silver Moon Bay, buy the one that leaves tonight… If you are willing to go with our family, buy one for yourself, we will not let you down.”

  ”Okay, sir.” The maid nodded hurriedly, then took the envelope and walked out of the study quickly.

  The situation in Mammoth City has been unstable recently. Every time she went to the street to buy vegetables, she could feel that kind of wrong atmosphere.

  Maybe a disaster is really coming…

  Anyway, her parents passed away early and she has no relatives, so she might as well follow someone with ideas.

  Meng Jie walked out of the study and saw his wife coming down the stairs with her belly.

  Seeing this, he hurried forward and helped his wife down.

  ”Why did you get up so early today?”

  ”I couldn’t sleep anyway, so I thought of getting up to see you,” his wife looked into his eyes, as if she saw something, and asked with some sorrow, “Are you going on a business trip again?”

  Meng Jie was silent for a while and sighed.

  ”It’s not a business trip, it’s moving, we are all going.”

  His wife was stunned.

  ”Moving? The house has just been renovated, where are we going to move?”

  Why don’t we move during the war, so why do we have to move now…

  She didn’t understand, but her husband’s expression didn’t seem to be joking.

  Meng Jie took a deep breath and spoke to his wife in a gentle and patient tone.

  ”Something big is going to happen here. Let’s go to Silver Moon Bay first. We will be safe there. I will visit my mentor at that time to see if I can use the alliance’s relationship to try to rescue some people… If it doesn’t work, forget it. We can’t always make things difficult for our friends.”

  His mentor is Ms. Han Mingyue from the Alliance Social Science Research Institute.

  Although the Alliance Social Science Research Institute is not as famous as the Biological Research Institute and the scientific expedition team, the reports it writes can also appear in the drawers of the alliance managers’ desks.

  His wife frowned slightly.

  ”How long will you be away this time?”

  Meng Jie shook his head.

  ”It’s hard to say. Maybe I can come back, or maybe I can’t.”

  His wife nodded.

  ”I’ll go with you, but can you tell me what happened? Did Laxi ask you to do something again, or did those students force you to express your opinion again-“

  ”Neither,” Meng Jie said, shaking his head. “The Lowell this time should be Zaid, Sava… maybe someone else we don’t know, but no matter who it is, it doesn’t matter. We have already lost.”

  This is an invisible war.

  It is a contest between the Brahmans and “feudalism” itself.

  In the words of the survivors of the Stone City, Bol is the ghost hovering over Master Stephen’s head, and vice versa – Master Stephen is also Bol’s ghost. As for feudalism,

  it is the ghost of the Brahmans themselves. This kind of ghost cannot be killed with a gun, and their society has not yet bred a force that can compete with feudalism.

  On the contrary, because of bloodbaths again and again, the feudalism that was killed again and again absorbed the power of civilization and evolved into a monster that none of them had ever seen.

  That monster not only speaks human language, but also looks like a human. It can even mix in the crowd and pretend to be a force of progress. It wants to “fight side by side” with the young men, to knock down the thousand pillars of the City of Thousand Pillars, and break the backbone of the Brahmans under the banner of smashing shackles.

  If killing an emperor could destroy feudalism, then they should have declared victory when Wu Tuo died.

  However, the final result was the emergence of a Janusz who “had an international vision” and shouted “I can also believe in the alliance”.

  Now Janusz is dead, and less than a year later, another Zaid has emerged who is even better than Janusz, proficient in thick black studies, and even more ruthless.

  Meng Jie didn’t dare to think about how terrible the next monster would evolve into if Zaid died.

  ”…I’ll say something that my students don’t like to hear. If Laxi wants to be called the emperor, I will oppose him with both hands, but I support him in my heart. He is too murderous, but which emperor who created the world is not murderous? He runs education and industry, and has the means to please both sides externally. He can tolerate it internally. It is not the case that his whole family will be killed for scolding him. If it is really left to history to judge, he must be a wise ruler. Only such a person can compete with hypocrites.”

  ”As for feudalism…when the productive forces and production relations progress together, when people’s ideas are really enlightened, when another progressive force that can check and balance feudalism and exists in the land of the Borneo Province is born, it will no longer be a large-scale performance art performance, and it will naturally be eliminated.”

  ”This day may be in the distant future, and by then, no matter which governance method we choose, history will move forward.”


  Central Yangzhou.

  Hearing the news of Tiandu’s emergency, Yishel was anxious, but he was still able to remain calm and give orders.

  The railway was demolished by the local villagers, and the supplies in the train were taken away by the bandits.

  His subordinates captured several people for questioning, and those people only said that it was the superiors who wanted to demolish it, but they could not tell who the superiors were.

  Without the railway, it was too late to march to Tiandu.

  The Wolf State to the north of Snake State has a road network left by the Southern Legion, and it is not just a road network… The group of gray wolves may have taken over the equipment of the Southern Legion!

  Including trucks, and those artillery that can be quickly maneuvered by trucks…

  Thinking of the possibility of encountering Conqueror No. 10 on the plains, Yisher couldn’t help but sweat on his forehead.

  Even the Alliance can’t use the mountain division to attack the armored division.

  After all, he is just a commander. It is impossible for him to conjure up a non-existent army and let his soldiers use fire sticks to poke tanks.

  He now has two choices, either to go north to join Laxi, or to continue to go south and bang his head against the wall.

  And these two are one middle strategy and one is the worst strategy.

  As for the best strategy…

  he could think of it, but he would never choose it.

  Just when Isher was hesitant, an officer hurried into the tent, stood at attention and saluted.

  ”Report! The 110,000th team has entered our sight! They should have come from the direction of Lion State by train!”

  Upon hearing this news, Isher was not surprised at all, but the hanging stone fell to the ground.

  This makes sense.

  The entire Northern Field Army has been infiltrated by the Family Society, and even senior officials like Yokale have been turned into “family members”.

  Is it because of the 52 “Fire Crossbow” self-propelled artillery?

  Abusek established the Northern Field Army and asked Yokale to leave the treasures snatched from the legion to the new recruits of the 500, 510, and 530,000 teams.

  Yokale has always been brooding over this. Every time he lost a battle, he thought of the 52 guns and blamed himself for not being able to keep the money, but he didn’t think about whether the thing could run up the mountain.

  This matter, which was neither big nor small, might have made him hate it in his heart.

  But there might be other opportunities.

  In short, these things are not important.

  At this moment, Isher couldn’t help thinking in his heart, if these 52 guns could travel through time and space to come back to him, he wouldn’t have to be a lonely bear banging his head against the wall.

  ”Contact the headquarters of the 110,000th Army for me.”

  ”Yes!” The officer saluted and walked out of the military tent.

  Isher also stood up and went to the tent where the radio was placed.

  The distance between the two sides was very close, and they could connect directly by radio, but they had to take some risks.

  But it was worth taking the risk.

  Isher noticed that the young man standing next to the phone was a little nervous, so he smiled and comforted him.

  ”Don’t be afraid. Yokaler is my subordinate. Even if he wants to quarrel with me, he has to listen to me until I finish my words. He won’t shoot me in the middle of my speech… I won’t let him go even if I become a ghost.”

  The young man nodded, but he still had a nervous expression on his face, staring at him.

  Isher patted his trembling shoulders, found the phone and sat down in advance, took a deep breath, picked up the phone, and shouted.

  ”Yokaler, what do you mean!”

  The old leader still had some residual power.

  Shocked by the roar for two seconds, Yokaler, who was holding the phone, almost stood at attention and saluted. After reacting, he cursed.

  ”What do I mean? What the hell do you mean!”

  Isher said angrily, “Speak clearly first! Who told you to leave your post without permission? What are you doing here!”

  ”Leaving your post without permission? I’ve taken down the position that you haven’t been able to take down for a month…”

  When he was halfway through speaking, Yokale saw that the officers next to the telegram were secretly looking at him, and he immediately glared at them with a red face, and then changed the subject in a daze.

  ”The order was given by the commander-in-chief of the Shezhou War Zone… Don’t worry about who gave the order! Anyway, his rank is higher than yours! I came here for nothing else but to stop you from doing stupid things! I tell you, leaving your war zone without permission… you are treasoning!”

  Hearing this, Isher smiled.

  This guy is still the same, he is not

  good at talking, he can’t even make a point. Someone has prepared his words for him, but he can still speak so incoherently.

  Thinking that even this man who only knows how to fight has been forced to talk about politics, Isher’s heart is half bitter and half sad.

  ”Yokal… I don’t ask you who ordered you. I just ask you one question, will you come with me?”

  Without waiting for his answer, Isher continued.

  ”If you come with me, after we win this battle, my words will still count, and I will teach you how to chase female students.”

  Hearing such inappropriate words in such a serious occasion, the tense Yokaler almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

  ”I… Are you sick? When did I say that I want you to teach me? I am a captain of ten thousand men, do I need you to teach me how to pick up girls? I’m going to tell you this, if you come with me today, I will give you ten female students! No, twenty! I’ll let you choose!”

  Isher smiled gently.

  ”Then I can’t go with you. If I go with you, all my battles will be in vain.”

  Yokale roared with his eyes wide open, his hand holding the phone shaking constantly.

  ”You are fucking crazy. Do you know how many people they have?! 800,000! 800,000! They are all fat and strong. I look like a beggar when I stand next to them. What can you use to fight them? Use your fourteen or fifteen-year-old child soldiers! Their armored forces can stretch from the south to the north of Xifan Port! I have been fighting for a year to save up artillery, but they have so many artillery with a 10,000-man army! They can drown us with artillery shells!”

  ”You say you can fight, but how useful are you! Do you really think you are a god? Duwata, Nigley… Which one of them has a bigger thing than you? Even they are scared! You are so noble! You are great! Just drag your imaginary alliance to fight a full-scale war with them! It’s better to beat them to death!”

  Holding the phone, Isher smiled and asked only one question.

  ”Are you envious?”

  Yokale’s eyes were red.

  ”I… I’m not envious! I’m not a coward! I don’t even look down on you, a cowardly mouse, let alone those fat pigs, but I can’t watch you die! If you have to die, you should die in the north! Die at the hands of the Willant people! You can’t! You shouldn’t die in Tiandu! You are a hero, you’d better die at the hands of the Willant people! We can still be saved!”

  ”As for me, I’m actually not as great as you think, you may have forgotten…”

  Yisher was about to say something, but was rudely interrupted by Yokaler.

  The straightforward guy who had never begged anyone before now seemed to be kneeling down and used a pleading tone.

  ”Surrender… I have found everyone I can find. Shahrukh even instigated the ‘butcher’ to rebel! Abusek has already lost!”

  ”Hahahaha! Butcher… You mean Pikli? The coward who keeps saying son, son, and is being held in a ditch by Duwata? The pig who follows the Alliance to pick up heads? Aren’t you the one who despises that guy the most, Yudono’s old subordinate who came back alive from Lion State? Why are you still counting on him now?”

  Yishel suddenly raised his head and laughed out loud, almost crying.

  But even that blockhead has rebelled against Abusek, this is indeed a dead end.

  For some reason, Yishel suddenly remembered the commander of the imperial guards who died in front of the gate of the Heavenly Palace.

  Wu Tuo had run away, but that guy was still guarding the palace gate without knowing whether to live or die, looking at the little mouse who claimed to be the king of heaven with a cold brow.

  He didn’t understand it before, and just thought that the man was not smooth enough and not as smart as himself.

  But now standing in a familiar position, he suddenly understood.

  He was not defending Abusek, not even the newly established country of Borneo, and not even the people living on this land…

  He was defending only his wishes, his ideals, what he believed to be right and what he was willing to die for. Even

  if this wish was not what all Borneo people wanted from the bottom of their hearts…

  They were not deceived by anyone at all.

  Janusz was the king they feared, dreaded, and longed for from the bottom

  of their hearts! Only he could awaken their deep desire to knock their compatriots to the ground!

  When they wanted to kill someone, whether the curry was spicy or sweet could be used as an excuse, so why worry about not finding a reason?

  The reason why the Federation could still barely maintain the union was not because of the alliance.

  It was just because the Weirant people did not leave…

  Finally, after laughing enough, Isher took a deep breath, and the expression on his face gradually turned cold.

  ”Yokal, I’ll help you! The Northern Field Army didn’t have the 110,000th Squad! I, Isher, the Jungle Rat, wouldn’t have a subordinate like you! Bah! The 30,000th Squad is firing at you!”

  Yokale was stunned.

  It wasn’t because of Isher’s swearing or firing with his mouth, but because this guy used the nickname “Jungle Rat” printed on the wanted poster for the first time in a tone other than self-deprecation.

  They had been at odds with each other since the “Meat Grindstone” at the bend of the river, and now he was going to help himself…

  This 1.8-meter-tall man burst into tears in an instant, his eyes red as if swollen with blood, and he shouted desperately into the phone.

  ”Damn it! Don’t do anything stupid! Come back to Tiandu with me! I will protect you from death! At least think about your female student… and you are a bachelor, you should also think about the brothers of the 30,000-man Brigade! They have families after all!”

  ”Hahaha! Coward! You can’t lift the knife just after the fight? Let’s see who wins on the battlefield.”

  Yishel hung up the phone decisively, sat on the chair and straightened his collar, then looked at the young man with trembling shoulders – the communicator of the 30,000-man Brigade.

  This time, he just spoke in a very light voice.

  ”My female student is sent to you, you do it.”

  The young man’s heart was seen clearly, and he knelt on the ground with a plop, crying.

  ”Sir! Just surrender! Outside… the entire communications team is ours! We have all lost! I beg you! Don’t die!”

  ”Get up! Look at how useless you are. You were kneeling before the Willants came, and you are still kneeling after the Willants left! I don’t have such a cowardly soldier as you in the 30,000th Army!”

  Isher glared at him and scolded him.

  He didn’t want to ask what bribed them, and in fact, he didn’t need to think about it at all.

  The Willants have families, and these guys also have their own weaknesses, so they can just be manipulated a little.

  Those people don’t have to pay anything extra, they just have to do the same thing as Janusz and divide the looted things. Niyang’s evaluation is right, they are the same, this is true.

  The young man got up from the ground, looked at his commander with red eyes, and his snot hung on his chin from crying.

  He also didn’t expect that the captain of the communications team, whom he regarded as a family member, would say such a cruel word as “Kill if you should”, and let such a cruel thing be done by a new soldier like him.

  Why let him do such a cruel thing!

  That was his superior!

  The hero of the northern front!

  The nightmare of the Willant people!

  He couldn’t put his hands on the gun on his waist no matter what, he would rather point it at his head!

  ”I beg you! Run! I’ll send you out! I’ll tell them… you’re dead!”

  Isher laughed and said in a soft tone to the young man who was crying.

  ”You are too young. What will you do if I run away? I said I would take you home, and I will definitely let you live.” “Do it.


  He won’t run anymore. He ca

  n’t run anymore.

  He has already run from the church in Xifan Port to here. Where can he run to?

  After all, he is just a little mouse, but he was lucky enough to sit in the position of commander-in-chief of the Northern Field Army.

  This is his home after all.

  If it is the Brahmans who want his head, then take it.

  He just felt sorry for Mr. Melgio and the old nun who taught him to read and read newspapers. He didn’t have his own parents, but they were like his parents.

  It was a pity that he didn’t have the chance to pray there again, but it seemed good to return to the Silver Moon Goddess to confess. He hadn’t had time to say hello to her for a whole year.

  By the way, Lady Margaret should be giving birth to her second child with her husband soon, and the cute little Ruby will soon have a companion… Although the promise of seeing each other again could not be fulfilled.

  And Anwo.

  That fool who had half a foot in the coffin and was used as a gun by others is now doing well as a diplomat in Jingalon Port. At least he doesn’t have to wade into the muddy water of Tiandu… It

  ’s really interesting to say.

  I wonder if anyone will still remember that the cause of all this was just because of an honest and short-lived ghost.

  A group of dock workers thought of their own fate, and finally felt sad and wanted to ask for an explanation for Orisa’s family.

  After all, 800 dinars for a life is too much no matter how you think about it… At least make up a four-digit number.

  Perhaps Abusek himself did not expect that they would have to walk such a long and arduous road after being caught in the whirlpool, and they would still be in the original dry well.

  But the people he knew were all very nice.

  After thinking for a long time, he did not have any regrets.


  The Arctic Circle.

  The cold wind was howling.

  It seemed that this was the only place that still recorded the scenes of the early years of the Wasteland Era.

  The map of “Wasteland OL” was larger than expected, and you would not be bored no matter how far away from home you went.

  In the middle of an igloo, two girls in thick winter clothes and a furry mother bear were surrounding a two-meter-tall snowman, and there were children squatting next to them with curious eyes.

  Not long ago, the White Bear Knights completed a thrilling adventure.

  In a corner of the wasteland that the respected administrator could not see, they defeated Frankenstein, who was ready to use mind control technology and cloning technology to control the cloned bear army to conquer the world, and liberated the people of the Arctic Village who were enslaved by his evil beliefs!

  Well, Sisi was very skeptical about whether this guy had a chance to conquer the world.

  At least in the River Valley Province, the administrators might not even need to take action, and Nicole alone could eat them up.

  Anyway, the incident was over, and they got the DNA of many endangered species before the war, and perhaps they could restore the rare animals that were eaten to extinction in the Borneo Province.

  By the way, this Arctic Village actually has its own name, but because the name is too long, the tail can’t hold it, and the “Aba Aba” always mispronounces the syllables, so the locals can only helplessly accept these outsiders calling them “Arctic Village People”.

  In addition, nominally this is the territory of the Northern Empire, but those Willant people just built an outpost, mined some natural oil and gas and things like combustible ice, and didn’t care much about local affairs.

  But those trivial things are not important.

  Now the important thing is to leave something to prove that they have been here before leaving here to start the next adventure!

  Sisi didn’t have any ideas, Rourou was not very smart, and Zhimahu was fine, so it was the tail’s turn to appear.

  This guy came up with a bad idea – to build a snowman for the brave Rourou!

  So, a group of people were busy building a snowman in the middle of the ice house where the cold wind was howling.

  Although Sisi doubted how long the snowman could stay, she suddenly gave up this utilitarian idea when she saw the expectant eyes of the children.

  In fact, there was no need to keep it for a long time.

  Teach these children how to build a snowman, and when they build a snowman next time, they will naturally recall that a group of brave residents of the shelter came here over the mountains and saved them from the evil Frankenstein.

  Looking at the harmonious scene from a distance, Sisi’s calm face couldn’t help but reveal a blushing smile.

  It seems to be good to be written into a fairy tale…

  Congratulations, congratulations.

  But at this moment, a short wail sounded, and the snowman that had been piled up to more than three meters high collapsed.

  ”Hurry up and save the snowman!”

  ”Ahem! Giao! You guys save Tail!”

  ”Don’t move, Awei! We can still save it!”

  ”Ah, bring me a scarf…”


  Seeing that the bear that was almost covered was gone, the children all cried out in surprise and rushed to save the snowman, but it was too late.

  Fortunately, the adults nearby ran over and stopped Rourou from continuing to cover the snowman, and fished Tail out of the snowdrift.

  ”Are you okay?” The villager, who was as strong as a bear, patted the snow on her shoulder and said with a worried look on his face.

  ”Ah, it’s okay… Tail’s injuries were much more serious than this, and this little bump is nothing.”

  Tail waved his hand carelessly, turned around and slipped to the side of the snowdrift, and continued to rescue it with Zhimahu, Rourou and a group of children.

  Several villagers looked at each other, scratched the back of their heads, and their expressions became more respectful.

  Tail didn’t care what they thought, she just wanted to save the snowman at this moment.

  Unfortunately, they only managed to save a plump body


  ”Don’t be sad, there’s nothing we can do about it…”

  ”It’s all your fault. You should have told me earlier that such heavy claws can’t stay in the air! Wouldn’t it be better if they were stuck on the ground?”

  ”…Gu! Yes, it would be better if we piled up a smaller one.”

  Sisi, who came from a distance, squatted down to study it for a while, shook his head and sighed.

  ”…It’s hopeless, let’s pile up another one.”


  Zhima Paste hugged his knees with a frustrated look on his face, sitting in the corner and drawing circles.

  Although he always said that anything was fine and anywhere was fine, this guy was always the one who tried the hardest but couldn’t get out.

  Wei Tail hugged her from behind warmly and touched the pair of cat ears hidden in the hat.

  ”Oh…I’m so sorry, Wei Tail will be with you.”

  Rourou also came over, put the thick bear paw under her thick gloves, and said in a buzzing voice.

  ”Let’s pile up another one, I will definitely keep an eye on Ah Wei this time!”

  Wei Tail was immediately unhappy when he heard this.

  ”Giao! Why do you always blame others for everything? Why don’t you blame Ah Guang? He is the mastermind behind everything!”

  Seeing the two funny guys bickering, Zhimahu burst out laughing, and Sisi also laughed while holding his stomach.

  Someone in the Great Rift Valley sneezed, rubbed his nose and muttered.

  ”Who is scolding me again…”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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