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Chapter 959 Night of Bayonets!

Chapter 959 Night of Bayonets!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 959 The Night of Bayonets!

  A person’s power has its limits after all.

  Moreover, that was an opponent who would go back on his word and do whatever it takes.


  Seeing that Lacy was about to chop those gang members into pieces and make them flee, Woody remembered the order of “kill them all” and still drove his arm to raise the muzzle of the gun.

  That was a special bullet.

  Not to mention that Lacy didn’t bring bulletproof armor when he went out to the airport, even if he had brought bulletproof armor, he would have ended up the same.

  Lacy, who was shot in the chest, swayed his body, supported himself with his saber on the cobblestone road in the alley, and knelt on the ground with one knee.

  The tigers, leopards, jackals, and wolves who were grinding their teeth and sucking blood saw the opportunity, picked up the weapons in their hands and wanted to rush forward, but they were only glared at, and they shrank back and dared not move forward.

  Lacy grinned, blood gushed out from the corners of his mouth and dripped onto the ground.

  ”You finally fired…”

  Being looked at by those two eyes, Woody felt a chill all over his body, as if the blood hole would appear on his body in the next second.

  But Lacy was just a person, at most an awakener, and he couldn’t do magic.

  Lacy looked at him and said with a slight breath.

  ”I just remembered that it was Shava or your boss Ackerman who told me that you were an orphan he picked up from a village by the Tasang River…”

  Woody looked at him coldly.

  ”Then are you still curious about why I betrayed you?”

  Lacy laughed.

  ”Have I asked you this question?”

  Which child of the stormtroopers is not an orphan like him? Which one is not an orphan because of fighting?

  If you want to talk about hatred, you can always hate him. He was fighting when Alayyan was still there.

  He has always raised them as his own children, and he really didn’t set up defenses against them.

  Whether it was Ackerman who was taught a lesson by him in the mountains of Maryland, or Shava, the most loyal one, they were both his subordinates and his family… or children to him.

  Woody was stunned for a moment, frowning.

  Seeing that he didn’t speak, Lacy slowly sat on the ground and continued to speak in the remaining time.

  ”I do owe them a life. I wanted to go down and apologize to them, but I didn’t expect your parents to urge me so urgently…”

  He leaned his head against the wall on the side of the alley and sighed softly.

  ”If you can give me another ten years, even five years… I will give you an explanation of what happened that day, why it happened, and what happened later… Whether you believe it or not, you can see from the dam that I want to atone for my sins while I am alive. After I leave, the next person may not admit it.”

  Woody’s eyes turned red, and the hand holding the gun trembled slightly. For a moment, he actually forgot his mission and shouted hysterically.

  ”Fuck! Stop pretending to be a hero! How many people have you killed! Is this a problem that can be solved by explaining? And, what’s the point of you saying this now… Can the dead come back to life?” ”

  No, the living have no choice but to move forward!”

  Laxi shook his head, coughed, and suddenly laughed freely.

  ”You have parents, I also had them, but they were killed by the empire. At first I just thought it was the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, but later a guy named Niyang woke me up with a cry.”

  ”He said… If the empire is not destroyed, feudalism is destroyed, and the thousand pillars that weigh on the hearts of the Brahma people are not destroyed, there will be generations of Brahma people who will die for this.”

  ”You have parents, you really should avenge them, now I give you my life, but you have to finish what I haven’t done for me… Do you have the courage?” ”


  Woody couldn’t answer, and didn’t want to listen anymore.

  He felt that his mission had been shaken.

  He even felt that maybe after he went down, his parents might not praise him… and even feel that he died in vain.

  Isn’t it a waste of life?

  Everything seemed to have returned to the starting point, back to the day before the great flood.

  But there was no way back now.

  He didn’t want to imagine what would happen after that, so he could only bite the bullet and go to the end.

  However, just as he was about to shoot, two dazzling lights suddenly exploded at both ends of the alley, lighting up the entire alley in an instant!

  Flash bomb!

  It was the stormtroopers!


  Woody, whose vision was taken away, was shocked. He hastily fired his gun based on his intuition and instinct, and emptied the entire magazine with his index finger!

  However, because of his inner hesitation and his arm being raised for too long, the last six bullets were all shot at the wall only a palm’s width away from Lacy, and even accidentally injured a teammate.

  The gang members surrounded in the alley were all panicked.

  They were just some violent and violent people who usually bullied students and honest people. How could they have ever faced the special forces?

  The little mice panicked, and dropped their weapons tremblingly before the fight even started. They turned from jackals back to rats, and were already thinking quickly about how to beg for mercy when they were pinned down.

  Woody knew very well that these minions around him were unreliable, and he could only rely on himself to complete the task assigned by his superiors!

  Using the tactics taught by his superiors, he calmed his mind and retreated while quickly changing the magazine. However, before he could load the gun, he was almost hit on the chin by the whistling butt of the gun.


  Ackerman roared furiously. This boy, who was not much older than Woody, pressed the soldier he brought out personally to the ground.

  He used to be a young soldier of the Moon Clan Resistance Army, and he had followed Laxixi to the northwest a long time ago.

  He still remembered that when they were in Maryland, they were raised in the mountains by the imperial nobles like pigs, and they were used as bandits for training every now and then!

  The elders of the Moon Tribe shouted that they would lead them to overthrow the empire, and they took the money of the overseas workers, but the war became more and more miserable, forcing all of them to pick wild vegetable roots and mix them with red soil in the mountains!

  It was Laxi who led them to fight and made them lose their backbone!

  To this day, he still remembers that this ruthless man slapped the captain who led them to fight and threw him into the ground, beating him so hard that he dared not fart!

  That was their leader…

  How dare this guy!

  Ackerman raised the butt of the gun with red eyes, looking at Udi who was almost knocked unconscious, and he wanted to use the butt of the gun to mash that gloomy face into meat paste and feed it to the dogs!

  But he was his soldier after all. After he roared in anger, he finally dropped his gun and swung his fist.

  ”I’m going to kill you!!!”

  ”You beast! You killed all our families! You killed all of us!”

  He punched him every time he roared, and the man’s face was blue and purple, and swollen like a pig’s head.

  Woody woke up and fainted, and was beaten again until he heard a voice of “enough” in a trance.

  Ackerman, who was still holding out his fist, was pulled up by two stormtroopers and carried aside.

  It was not until then that Woody saw clearly that the man who beat him was the boy who had stuffed the LD-47 rifle into his hands…

  At that time, he picked up himself standing by the river and no one wanted him, and said that he would be his soldier in the future.

  So many things happened that he almost forgot what Ackerman said to him at that time.

  But there was indeed a time when he was helpless and regarded him as his brother…

  In addition to Woody, the traitor, thirty gang members were pinned to the ground.

  With red eyes, Shawa helped Laxi stand up from the ground and wanted to take him out of the alley.

  However, after the latter stood up, he shook his head, then stretched out his trembling hand, took out a blood-stained notebook from his bosom, and handed it to the former.

  ”I don’t have time… All my words to you are in this book, you can calm down and read it slowly.”

  ”As for my funeral, there is no need to make a big fuss, just bury my remains on the bank of the lower reaches of the Tasang River… If there is a flood in

  the future, start with me, don’t blame others.” “I borrowed this life, and I should return it when the time comes… I’m afraid Alaiyang hasn’t closed his eyes yet. I heard him shouting down there that he wants me to fight for three hundred rounds… cough… Sure enough, I have to go down to accompany him.”

  ”By the way, my pistol… please return it to Mr. Fang Chang for me, thank him for doing so many things for us who live on this land.”

  ”I will repay this favor in my next life.”

  Shawa didn’t say anything, just supported him with his body, listened to him with red eyes, and then nodded with tears in his eyes.

  With his hand on the bloody notebook, he said in a choking voice.

  ”I promise you…”

  ”Even if I have to give up my life… I will finish what you haven’t done yet!”

  He almost shouted at the end.

  Laxi showed a relieved smile on his face and reached out to brush the child’s bangs.

  He had no children and no parents, but he didn’t expect that there were so many people he could entrust his will to.

  ”I feel relieved with your words…”

  ”Mammoth Country… I’ll leave it to you.”

  He could hold on until now, and this time was not enough for him to lie in the hospital.

  The bullet must have been added with something “infallible”.

  After saying the last sentence, Laxi finally closed his eyes peacefully and died standing up as he expected.

  Shawa dragged his body and stood there for a long time, then looked up at the cool night sky.

  He thought of the meaningful advice that the old man left him when he was in the Great Rift Valley.

  Every resident of the alliance is Chu Guang, and every Poro is Lowell –

  if this sentence is also regarded as a riddle, there is another solution to this problem.

  Want to change the world?

  You have to kill until you change the species!

  The hot blood flowing through his chest gradually turned cold, and Shava’s eyes became colder and colder. Finally, the cold night sky moved away and fell on the heads of the thirty rats who bowed their heads.

  Not only was he watching, but nearly a hundred stormtroopers also stared with murderous eyes. Many soldiers with red eyes had even opened the safety and their index fingers were on the trigger.

  These thugs who usually shouted and yelled were trembling. No matter they looked like human beings or ugly, they crawled on the ground like rats, completely without the vicious appearance of shouting and killing before.

  Maybe they were really scared, maybe they really repented, or maybe they just wanted to wait for the people who were holding them to loosen their hands on their necks.

  But it didn’t matter anymore.

  Shava showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth and said in a clear and cold voice.

  ”I just asked God’s will. If this cloud covers the moon, then I got the wrong answer. But I’ve been waiting for a long time and still got nothing.”

  The moon was in the sky.

  There were no clouds in the sky.

  The words were vague, but they couldn’t hide the murderous intent!

  He was going to kill people that Laxi didn’t dare to!

  Anyway, his “father” was dead.

  He didn’t care.

  The little mice lying on the ground panicked and kowtowed desperately to admit their mistakes.

  ”Big, uncle, we were wrong!”

  ”It was the family association! It was the family association that deceived us!”

  ”We can’t do anything… If we don’t do it, they said we will have a hard time in the future!”

  ”Please let us go!”

  The crying voice not only did not make people feel soft, but also made all the soldiers feel sick.

  They fought hard on the front line, but they actually protected these spineless things!

  Perhaps true loyalty has already died on the front line.

  All that’s left are these things!

  Shawa was unmoved. He just handed Laxi’s body to the red-eyed soldier beside him, and then picked up the saber from the ground.

  ”It’s God’s will. Don’t blame me when you go down. It told me so personally–”


  This time, it was not Lowell who came down to earth, but the Great Moon King who was even more ferocious than Lowell!

  No one can compare to him in terms of killing people, not even the founding emperor of Xilan.

  After all, one swept across the thirteen states, and the other just picked up the ready-made bargain.

  The moment the voice fell, several heads fell to the ground, and the rats were so scared that their feces and urine flowed out, and they struggled to escape.

  However, the soldiers who captured them would never let them escape, and they all took out the bayonets of their rifles and stabbed and chopped.

  In a few breaths, the alley was full of blood, and only a thief named Udi was left.

  Looking at Shawa who walked in front of him, Udi, with a bruised face, panted softly and stared at him.

  ”The commander said he would spare your life, so I’ll spare your life. I promised. I’ll do everything he asked me to do.”

  Without waiting for the boy to answer, Shawa reached out and pulled him up from the ground, patted his swollen face, and then pushed him onto the pile of corpses.

  ”Go away!”

  ”Go find your ‘family’.”

  Woody stumbled and fell into a pool of flesh, looking at the figures walking out of the alley in horror.

  He panted rapidly and struggled to get up from the ground, wanting to go out and inform other members of the family association, but the sound of chaotic gunfire had already been heard outside.

  His heart “clicked” and he suddenly understood the meaning of the word “killable”.

  He still remembered what his superiors had said when they were assigning the task, that in order to defeat a powerful opponent, they must surpass their bottom line, and this was the magic weapon that had always been invincible for them.

  However, his superiors did not tell him what to do when the enemy, who was so angry that he wanted to kill, gave up his bottom line and treated them like insects…

  He didn’t know what would happen after tonight, maybe this night would never end…


  At midnight, a thunderous sound streaked across the sky, and the originally cloudless sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds for some reason, and heavy rain fell all of a sudden.

  Zayd, who was sitting on the bed and couldn’t sleep, stood up and walked to the window to light up Genrick Five.

  He always felt that someone was watching him from a distance, but he didn’t know where the sight came from.

  ”This Snake State is good everywhere, but the equator is too hot.”

  He muttered to himself and turned on the light in the room, but saw that the bottom of the bed was still dark. He couldn’t help but look there, and finally slapped his thigh and simply walked over to take a look. Of course

  there was no one there.

  Even if there was optical camouflage, it would not be able to avoid the heavy sentries he had set up to approach here and lie under his bed.

  Thinking of this, Zaid suddenly felt a little discouraged. He had made a whole year of deployment for today, but many of them were not used at all.

  He was panicked because he won too quickly. His opponent fell before he even used all his strength.

  What he least expected was that before the alliance reached the province of Battoa, Gopal was about to take down the sky.

  This is not a good thing.

  In the future, someone will definitely compare him with the two tyrants, Lasi and Abusek. He finally got the investment from the Eastern Empire. How can he achieve his reputation without a real fight?

  Although it is possible to make up some stories, it is inevitable that there will be clues left after several comparisons.

  ”… Maybe Lasi can give me some surprises. This person is stubborn and self-righteous. He must be suspicious. People around him may be on guard. Sava said that he would use Udi as a hidden line, which may be a success or failure.” But it

  doesn’t matter.

  If Laxi is alive, it will be better. Let Yokale lead Ishel’s Northern Field Army to fill the big hole of the Tasan River, and let them and their former allies fight each other.

  The most people in Borneo are the wolf soldiers, and it has been like this since the imperial era.

  As long as he holds the Feng Shui treasure land of Langzhou, he is equivalent to holding the lifeblood of half of Borneo soldiers. It

  is unimaginable for Abusek to find out where a soldier’s home is. That guy may not even know which unit belongs to whom, but for him, it is just a matter of a few eggs.

  Recently, his subordinates have figured out some methods, and even eggs can be saved.

  Just when Zayed was carefully examining his plan to see if there were any omissions, footsteps suddenly came from outside the room.

  Sava, holding a telegram, pushed open the door, but saw Zayed staring at him, and then smiled and said honestly.

  ”Sir, you haven’t slept yet.”

  Zayed said expressionlessly.

  ”What are you doing here at this hour?”

  Sava made a helpless expression, scratched his head with his right hand, and said shyly.

  ”We just received a telegram, the matter in Mammoth City has a result. I saw the light in your room and rushed to send it to you… Did I do anything wrong?” There

  was indeed nothing wrong with this.

  Especially the shy expression.

  Zaid’s expression softened a little. He took the telegram from Sava and glanced at it. His expression was half surprised and half happy.

  ”They really succeeded…” Almost unable to believe the result, Zaid muttered to himself, “You did a great job on this! I am very satisfied!”

  Sava smiled heartily.

  ”I said, Lacy is an orphan, and his stormtroopers are all orphans. They must not only have the relationship between superiors and subordinates, but also the kind of relationship between family members. How can family members be defensive against family members?”

  Having said this, he quickly added another sentence.

  ”Of course, they are fake family members, and they are fundamentally different from us. We are real family members.”

  Putting away his surprised smile, Zaid looked meaningfully at the child he picked up for free, and nodded his head in approval and tentatively.

  ”You have a good awareness, it seems that my teaching you is not in vain… By the way, has Gopal entered the city? Has he been dawdling in Langzhou? That is his hometown, and we must keep a close eye on what this guy wants to do.”

  Sava said with a smile.

  ”Soon, he is very well behaved, just like a dog, and dare not stop for a moment on the road! In addition, Pickley who guards Tiandu was originally one of ours, not to mention that Shahrukh helped us so much by inciting all the other senior committee members to rebel.”

  Tiandu is actually the move with the least variables.

  Isher may lead the Northern Field Army to defect across the river, the ace insider Udi may die in vain but Laxi did not die… The variables of these moves are much greater, but the results are surprisingly good.

  Obviously, the Brahmans stood on their side from the bottom of their hearts, otherwise there would not be such a critical strike.

  However, Shahrukh still couldn’t see through such a simple thing, and even dreamed of “replacing it”. He really thought that the 800,000 troops in Grove’s hands and the 100,000 elite soldiers of the Gray Wolf Army were all his own people.

  Soon these traitors will become clowns, and they really deserve this ending.

  Just when Sava was happy, he saw Zaid staring at him intently.


  Feeling that the voice was a little unusual, Sava immediately restrained his complacent smile and looked at him carefully.

  ”What’s wrong, sir?”

  Zaid walked to the window and put Rick Five next to the ashtray and flicked it.

  ”We must learn from Laxi’s lesson. People who don’t know their roots must not be used, and they can’t be used if they are used. Especially the people around us, we are our real family. You must remember this.”

  ”Don’t worry, sir. I will definitely not make the same mistake as Laxi. We must not only grasp their bottom line, but also catch their handle… Of course, these things are in your hands, you can rest assured.”

  Savar smiled honestly, but cold sweat kept pouring out from his back.

  Did he perform too well?

  But godfather…

  We haven’t won yet. After killing Shahrukh, a former minister, we have to get rid of Gopal, a troublesome tail.

  Although Gopal probably thought Grove would leave first, the villain Zaid actually wanted to use it. After all, it was the only knife stained with the blood of the Velantes.

  But now Savar suddenly felt that if he, the prince, was not careful, he might leave before Gopal. It seems that

  after the matter is done, he has to find a harmless way to defile himself…

  Looking at the docile and well-behaved adopted son, Zaid’s brows relaxed a little, but he couldn’t help but frown.

  It can be said that this adopted son got too cheap.

  He originally wanted to learn from Chu Guang how to train Lu Bei, pick up an adopted son and keep him by his side to learn while watching, and use him as a fast, accurate and ruthless knife. However, after using it, he found that this thing was not his own after all, and it was always grown from someone else’s flesh.

  But then again, this guy has always been by his side, even if it is a dog, he can develop feelings for him…

  there shouldn’t be any problem, right?

  The admiring eyes sometimes even made him feel nauseous, and he even suspected that this guy had a problem with his sexual orientation… If he could pretend to be like this, then this guy’s scheming must be very deep.

  However, he didn’t know that any other child would not be able to cultivate such scheming under the constant temptation.

  Besides, this was the “smart guy” he picked himself. He would be proficient with one click, and he would become a supernatural power with two clicks.

  Everyone has his own well, and the only one who can trap him is himself.

  On this rainy night with thunder and lightning, the bright incandescent light is like a shaky boat. No one knows where this raging boat will go next.

  Maybe we need to hire a few shamans to help calculate.

  But one thing is certain.

  The shrewd one is sharpening his knife, and the prostrating one is trembling with fear.

  At this moment, the two people don’t know that they will have a long time to love and kill each other in the future.

  But that is another bloody storm.


  In the sunny and windy new Xifan Port, Ross, who has been floating on the sea for three days, finally stepped on the shore.

  In general, this is a thriving port, with one or two green trees dotted on the boring sand, and the outlines of houses can be seen on the edge of the dusty construction site.

  Saren plans to build a new Xifan Port in the southwest corner of Luoxia Province, echoing the Silver Moon Bay in the southeast corner, and make it a special zone of the Eastern Empire.

  Although there are no special landforms such as the alluvial plains and rich rivers of Silver Moon Bay, there are advantages that are not there – the immigrants of the Weilante from the Southern Legion.

  People are the greatest wealth.

  The town of Bicester has proved this. Even if they need to import the most basic fresh water resources from the “river levee” system of the Honey Badger Kingdom, they can still survive on their own.

  And those survivors from the Falcon Kingdom will sooner or later become a progressive force to change their hometown and shoulder the responsibility that the industry representative council established by the Alliance in the Falcon Kingdom has failed to shoulder.

  Regardless of the future, it is not only the Weilantes who are busy on the shore, but also some local survivors of the Luoxia Province and even residents from the far east.

  Saren promised them some benefits, such as having equal rights with the Weilantes, such as opening up the media, and prohibiting the slave trade and slavery… Although this right is limited to the special zone.

  In short, everything is moving in a good direction.

  Although many things have just begun, this new beginning is obviously much better than the previous one.

  The family of five who survived thanks to him thanked him profusely and insisted on repaying his kindness, but he just smiled and waved his hand, asking the couple to take good care of their three children, and then said goodbye to them.

  Life goes on.

  This is the life of the Boro people, and this is also the life of the Weylante people… At

  the entry channel of the port, Ross came to a registration post according to the requirements of the Eastern Empire soldiers.

  The soldier sitting in front of the post flipped through the documents and quickly found Ross’s name.

  After discovering that this person was actually a captain of ten thousand men, he immediately took out a letter from the drawer, stood up and saluted, and handed the letter to Ross with both hands.

  ”I have heard of you for a long time! Captain Ross, please take this letter to the Port Authority on the map to report. The staff there will register your military rank and resume, and help you arrange work during the period of ‘residential surveillance’… Please rest assured that although it is residential surveillance, no one will be watching you all the time, and we hope that you will not leave this port before the time is up.”

  ”In addition, we have prepared a villa for you, and the staff of the Port Authority will take you there later. You can live there during the period of residential surveillance, and you can also bring your family to live with you!”

  Ross returned a military salute, took the letter from the young man, and said gratefully.

  ”Thank you, I will consider it.”

  ”You’re welcome. There is nothing we can do about such a big legion commander,” the soldier smiled and shook his hand, winking at him jokingly, “Anyway, congratulations on returning home and not falling into the hands of the Poros.”

  Ross smiled and said.

  ”They…are not as barbaric as you say. On my way back, they were quite nice to me.”

  The soldier looked at him in surprise, and then smiled as if he understood.

  ”Really? Ah… then it seems you left during the day, not at night.”

  Ross asked.

  ”What’s the difference?”

  The soldier shrugged and said with a smile.

  ”I heard that there are gunshots every night, maybe not during the day? You can ask other people for details. I just heard it from hearsay. Anyway, I wish you good luck.”

  Ross did not ask in detail. What happened there had nothing to do with him.

  Following the address on the letter, he found the Port Authority, quickly completed the pre-employment procedures, and received the key to the villa.

  His job is very simple, mainly to teach the reserve officers of the Eastern Empire.

  In the words of General McLennan, only those who have fought against the Alliance know how to deal with the Alliance.

  They have to analyze how the Alliance fights, how to carry out work locally, and how to support the survivors’ forces, etc…

  I heard that Nord City has also established a social science research institute, which is specifically for the Alliance and the cases of the residents of the shelter, and will communicate with the research institute of Dawn City.

  The Alliance welcomes this, and it seems that they are not worried about their countermeasures.

  Or maybe this is also part of the manager’s conspiracy.

  The Alliance is slowly pulling the Eastern Empire into the familiar rules of the game, using gentle methods to promote the change of the old legion’s power… and it may have started a long time ago.

  There should be no more high-intensity hot wars, and war games may become the new normal.

  After all, fighting with mouths does not require deaths.

  Ross couldn’t help but sigh, maybe the world has really changed, and he has to learn to keep up with the times… After

  returning home to put his carry-on luggage, he walked around the street, bought some food with his advance salary, and then found a newsstand on the side of the road.

  Life is too leisurely.

  He seemed to relax all of a sudden, and even wanted to buy a bottle of beer and sit on the beach to drink until sunset.

  And the days of hiding in the cave and eating insects a few days ago seemed like a fake…

  So what exactly does Tyr want?

  His eyes were a little confused for a moment. As a captain of ten thousand men, he suddenly couldn’t understand it.

  But he still had to think about this problem carefully. After all, he was now the “research material” of the Eastern Empire. Maybe in a few days, he would have to tell his students in class…

  ”You actually have the “Survivor Daily” here?”

  Looking at the captain of ten thousand men standing in front of the newsstand, the middle-aged man selling newspapers squinted and smiled.

  ”That’s right. The port has just been opened to ships, and this newspaper has come in… But I’ll tell you secretly, the “Survivor Daily” of the New West Sail Port is different from that of Dawn City. Your Majesty registered it first.”

  Ross heard this and didn’t know whether to say that Saren was cunning or that this guy could do something.

  He put a dinar on the newsstand, picked up the newspaper and unfolded it to take a look. As a result, he was stunned by the headlines that almost filled the headlines as soon as he looked over.

  [Mammoth City Mutiny! Laxi was assassinated! Is the murderer a stormtrooper or a veteran of the Moon Clan Resistance Army, or a family meeting? ! ]

  Laxi… dead?

  Ross was stunned. He didn’t expect that the killer who made Olet so hateful would die just like that?

  He had never fought with Lacy, but only with Ishel. However, he couldn’t accept such an ending.


  He couldn’t figure it out anyway. His head was confused. He subconsciously threw down a few more dinars and flipped the newspaper.

  [Night of Bayonets! Many veterans of the Moon Clan Resistance Army were arrested! The stormtroopers went on a killing spree! ]

  [Horror! Newspaper tragedy! Many newspapers such as “Homeland and the World”, “Dayi Linran”, and “Justice Words” were all destroyed by Pu-9 submachine guns? ! ]

  [The wolf ambition is no longer concealed? ! Stormtrooper Captain Shaw announced that he would take over as the new leader of the Mammoth Country! And declared that he would carry out the cleansing to the end! ]

  [Special Administrative Order No. 1500! Shaw deployed it personally! 1,500 members of the family association suspected of participating in the assassination of the former leader were sentenced to death and executed by firing squad in court! 】

  【Zayd held a memorial service for his deceased family members, ordered Yokaler to lead the Northern Field Army to the front line of Yangzhou, and stated that the stormtroopers must be responsible for the deceased family members. 】

  The title of this newspaper is really messy. It doesn’t seem to be modeled after the “Survivor Daily”. Instead, it seems to be modeled after that goblin newspaper… Maybe this is the trend of the future.

  And even if there is nothing to say about the New West Sail Port, it won’t stare at the next door and laugh at it.

  However, although those few lines of the title are not in tune, every word seems to be bleeding, which makes Ross, who was fighting on the front line not long ago, feel a sense of breathlessness.

  Obviously, he is not the only one who thinks so. The two soldiers of the Eastern Empire not far away also think so.

  ”No. 1500… Tsk, why does this number sound like it was added after the list was made?”

  ”Isn’t this obvious?”

  ”1500 people… It’s enough for a thousand-man team. How come there are so many people in the province of Boro?”

  ”So it’s not unfair for the southern brothers to lose. They are indeed a little short of people.”

  ”But this Laxi is also miserable. He didn’t die at the hands of Captain Olet, but died at the hands of his own people.”

  ”Not only Laxi, but also that Ishel.”

  ”Wait, are you talking about the Jungle Rat? He’s dead too?!”

  ”He’s been dead for a few days… Damn, 10 million dinars! What a waste.”

  ”… They even killed their own heroes. I don’t think this group of people can be saved.”


  Hearing this name, Ross held his breath for a moment, and his trembling index finger flipped down a few more pages.

  Soon he saw the page those people were talking about –

  [Shock! The “Jungle Rat” was killed by the Boro people! Lucky Tyr saved another bounty that couldn’t be paid! 】

  【Yokal has made great contributions in suppressing the rebellion! He will take over as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Field Army! 】

  Standing there for a long time, unable to let go, Ross finally sighed.

  ”…It would be better if you died in my hands.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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