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Chapter 960 Hero

Chapter 960 Hero

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 960 Hero

  [Calm down, you Po Luo people. I gave you the things so that you can check and balance the alliance and become ‘our South China Sea Alliance’, not so that you can kill yourselves! Oh, I can’t stand it anymore!

  - Eastern Empire, call]

  [Understood! Understood! We will give the order right away, and try to kill as few as possible!

  - Snake State, call]


  - Eastern Empire, call]


  Dawn City, outside the airport, soldiers wearing exoskeletons are on full alert, and players and river valley survivors not far away are watching with expressions of watching the fun.

  ”Here they come again.”

  ”Tsk tsk…”

  ”Where’s the train? Who’s going to move a train over here?”

  ”Don’t be like that… They’re also pitiful people.”

  ”Pitiful? Why don’t I think so? After eating the grapes from the Family Society, they want to spit out the grape skins? Why are they only thinking about good things?”

  ”It’s so funny… Wasn’t it these people who were bragging when Zayd first appeared?”

  ”I didn’t see it, but looking at the bound volumes of the daily newspapers of the survivors in King Gallen Harbor, they really don’t like Lassi and Abusek very much.”

  ”That’s just right, the two criminals are fired, why are they unhappy again?”

  ”Too difficult to please.”

  There were voices of criticism, and the Duke of Galawa in the distance shook his head and sighed when he saw it.

  In the middle of the crowd of onlookers, a group of well-dressed people were crawling on the ground, their foreheads pressed tightly against the mud.

  Their status should not be low, but their posture was humble to the dust.

  They held signs in their hands, which listed the various crimes of the Family Society.

  Including snake grass, including fraud, including missionary work, including a lot of messy things that may or may not exist.

  What made Chu Guang laugh and cry was that this group of people probably ran out of tricks. They even blamed the death of a cultural person named Niyang on the Family Association, and even wrote on the sign that the Family Association colluded with the Enlightenment Association, the Torch Church, and Gaia. It

  was really hard for these great scholars to rack their brains to come up with so many charges.

  Not far away was another group of “mammoths” protesting against Shawa, and they also listed some charges, including the recent 1500 tragedy.

  There were even some who blamed Laxi’s death on Shawa, trying to use their imagined legal reason to persuade him to send troops to teach Shawa a lesson.

  It seems that the version has been iterated.

  Chu Guang vaguely remembered that the last time they opposed Laxi and Abusek, and supported the Family Association and the Moon Clan Resistance Army.

  These literati exaggerated Zayed into a saint in the newspapers and praised several elders of the Moon Clan Resistance Army as saviors.

  The fact that several elders of the Moon Clan Resistance Army did not take office might be a miscalculation. After all, Laxi did not carry out a thorough cleansing as they wished, and did not complete the version iteration for them.

  But Zayed was someone they had praised, but now they do not recognize him.

  Of course, another possibility cannot be ruled out. Those who praised Zayed went to Tiandu to welcome the Holy Lord.

  Then those who did not go to Tiandu or even came here in the opposite direction were his black fans, right?

  The two things were done by two groups of people.

  They could obviously do something big together, but they had to unite to do a stupid thing that was a lose-lose situation.

  Chu Guang looked at their heads, with pity and a bit of regret in his eyes, but he did not have any regrets.

  They were not all for profit, and even most of them were not, there was no doubt about that.

  Just like Lowell made red soil, could it be for any benefit?

  That was a sacrifice!

  That was martyrdom!

  If he hadn’t gotten into that red soil, it wouldn’t have been difficult for him to survive the Wasteland Era, and he might even have lived longer than the first Lord of Boulder City.

  But this has nothing to do with whether what he did was smart or not.

  Chu Guang wanted to leave without saying a word, but he thought that these people would definitely not do what they wanted, and they might chase him and stop the train again.

  Considering that it was the property of the citizens of the Alliance, he stopped.

  ”Do you know what I think?”

  The expectant faces finally raised their heads, their eyes full of hope.

  The Lord of Heaven finally saw it!

  However, Chu Guang’s next sentence made everyone kneeling here despair.

  ”You are Zaid who didn’t come to power, and you are the family in the opposition.”

  The man kneeling in the front breathed heavily, with an expression of betrayal, staring at him in disbelief.

  ”How…how can you say that to us?”

  Judging from his clothes, he was probably a cultured person, but now he didn’t care about being decent.

  Not only him, but the people crawling on the ground also became angry.

  Chu Guang looked at him and the people behind him expressionlessly.

  ”Because he did the same thing as you, but he was not as lucky as you, he left without even seeing me.”

  The man was stunned for a moment, obviously unaware of this past, and everyone else fell silent.

  Chu Guang slowly opened his mouth and continued.

  ”Money, technology, ideas, culture, talents, factories, railways, schools, tanks, planes, artillery, and even the ‘Administrator Log’ that Lowell and others didn’t write or forgot to write. We have also tried our best to fill it in for you. What else are you dissatisfied with?”

  ”Our volunteers even helped you block the Southern Legion. What else do you want us to do? Do you really want to be our colony?”

  ”You didn’t even ask the survivors in the Borneo Province for their opinions. You think you are smart, so you regard yourself as their father and them as your people. You blame them for listening to others instead of you. No wonder they don’t want you.”

  ”You are not even as good as Zayed. Whether he really did it for his family or pretended to do it for his family, he at least went deep into every family to coax and paint his big cake. And what about you? Kneeling in Dawn City to ask the Alliance to love you again?”

  Borneo Province is probably an unnumbered shelter, and it is also the largest shelter in this wasteland.

  His players tried to wake up some hibernating comrades from there, and they did succeed in waking up some people.

  But unfortunately——

  ”No one is innocent, neither you, the people you abandoned, nor the people who abandoned you.”

  ”This is called criminal conspiracy in the Alliance’s law.”

  ”But we have no obligation to judge you. Your legality does not come from anyone’s recognition, but only from you, and you will be punished by yourself.”

  ”Starting from the children with wheels, they will spend the rest of their lives paying for the crimes they have committed, until a whole generation of people have died in the cycle of carnival and fear.”

  ”We are not interested in participating in the rest of the things.”

  ”Since it is the road you chose, just finish it yourself.”


  If the residents of Boulder City had abandoned Alyssa, Melvin would not have brought a cart of food back to save people, and the players would not have extended a helping hand to them, but would have watched their ugly appearance frozen into sculptures.

  If that were the case, most of the residents of Boulder City would have died in that desperate winter, and perhaps some of the murderers would have survived by chance, but it would never be a good result waiting for them.

  Even most people would say “good death” after listening to their stories.

  Today, the residents of Boulder City have not only survived the winter and lived a good life, but also have extra time to fool around with the players, and share the surplus resources with other people in need to achieve self-worth.

  By the time they realized it, they were no longer the wastelanders struggling to survive.

  Good people may not live long, but they will be rewarded.

  The same is true in reverse.

  At this moment, the residents of Tiandu were waiting on both sides of the road, welcoming their new king, and they didn’t know what hardships they would experience in the rest of their lives.

  Gopal and Shah Rukh were the first to arrive.

  The former was the commander-in-chief of the Gray Wolf Army with 100,000 elite soldiers, and the latter was the commander-in-chief of the Snake State War Zone, which was sidelined. Behind them were the great hero of the Tiandu Defense War, “Butcher” Pikri Wanfu.

  Abusek had been dismissed by the committee.

  From the moment he lost control of the Northern Field Army, he was automatically excluded from the core power circle of Tiandu, and even the governor would not answer his calls anymore.

  The winner was decided.

  In the eyes of everyone, Abusek, who issued two letters of appointment to a Snake State, finally shot himself in the foot, and Shah Rukh, who could hold an elephant in his stomach, was the master who trusted people and had means.

  Looking at the arrogant Shahrukh, Gopal was still thinking about how to show off his power to Zaid and compete with the flexible Savar for the position of crown prince. However, he did not expect that a secret telegram with exaggerated content had been sent to Shezhou through the underground organization of Tiandu, which made Zaid look angry.

  Looking at the murderous parents, the harmless Savar finally breathed a sigh of relief and put the newly written confession letter back into the drawer for a while.

  He knew that no matter who was ahead between Gopal and Shahrukh, he would eventually make it to the finals…

  In addition, he had recently been engaged in internal affairs and heard about a technology that could affect the development of the fetal brain and activate prehistoric genetic diseases hidden in the DNA code that were not originally expressed.

  This was a byproduct of the research on cloned cannon fodder.

  In the past, the Weyland people wanted to use this technology to mass-produce awakeners to replace the unstable awakener potion that would affect fertility. However, they found that the babies born were premature and deformed, which were not even as good as ordinary clone cannon fodder, and could not play a role in actual combat.

  So this superfluous research was abandoned.

  However, Sava, as an “adopted son”, had an idea after hearing about it.

  It just so happened that the Emperor of the Eastern Empire was dissatisfied with Zayd recently. Perhaps he could ask his brothers there to help find him and see if everyone could be happy…


  Seaside Province, Settlement No. 1.

  Little Ruby, who was playing with building blocks at home, accidentally broke down the castle she had just built. Thinking of her efforts for the whole morning, she couldn’t help sobbing and crying sadly.

  Hearing the child crying, Margaret, who had just put breakfast on the table, hurried over, picked up little Ruby from the ground lovingly, and patted her back to comfort her.

  ”Don’t cry, don’t cry… Mom will help you build a bigger castle later.”

  Children are children after all.

  Especially for someone as young as Ruby who doesn’t remember much.

  Although the incident at Xifan Port frightened her, thanks to Mr. Isher, the whole thing ended happily.

  As time went by, the cute little angel returned to their side.

  Hearing the noise in the living room, Alman came back from the entrance after taking the newspaper.

  Looking at the mother and daughter, he said with a gentle smile on his face.

  ”Let me accompany Ruby. You are pregnant now, and it is not convenient to squat on the ground.”

  Because his wife was pregnant, he has slowed down the pace of business expansion recently, leaving many things to the people below to take care of, and no longer charging forward himself.

  The war is estimated to be over soon. Recently, many excellent and capable Willant guys have come to Settlement No. 1.

  He felt that he should give those younger guys some opportunities, and free himself from his busy life to accompany his family who he owed too much for too long.

  Obviously not wanting to let go of her mother, a “powerful and capable general”, little Ruby, who was lying in her mother’s arms, turned her eyes and suddenly had an idea and said.

  ”We can…we can pad the castle! Build the castle on the table! This way, mom won’t crush the little brother! As for Ruby…she can stand on the chair!”

  ”Haha! As expected of mom’s lovely little Ruby, she has learned to love mom!”

  Margaret laughed so hard that she kissed little Ruby happily, looked at her husband proudly and raised her eyebrows, then looked at Ruby and said softly, “But mom just got pregnant, it may not be a little brother. If it is a little sister, little Ruby must treat her well.”

  ”It must be a little brother!”

  Little Ruby suddenly looked at her mother seriously, and became serious, as if it was really the case.

  ”I saw him in my dream yesterday! I also promised my brother to comfort him and not cry. In the future, sister will protect him and build a big castle for him!”

  Looking at the innocent look and saying serious words, Margaret smiled dotingly and gently scratched her daughter’s nose.

  ”No wonder you moved out the building blocks that Uncle Henk gave you so early in the morning. It turns out that you are building a new home for him.”

  Putting the newspaper on the dining table, Alman also smiled and touched his daughter’s hair.

  ”I’ve seen it for a long time. Our little Ruby will definitely become an excellent architect in the future!”

  Ruby blinked and looked at her father curiously.


  Armand nodded with a smile.

  ”Yes! The kind that builds taller and bigger houses, just like… your uncle Henk.”

  Strictly speaking, Henk should not be that kind of person, but he is the only one who is close to the construction industry among all the elders his daughter knows.

  Speaking of which, the Willant Street where they live now is the work of the Henk Group.

  Although the entire project was strongly opposed by the people of Settlement No. 1 at the beginning, when they saw the beautiful model house being built, they still ran over to buy it honestly, and then became supporters of the entire Willant Street project.

  The conflict between the people of the Borneo and the Willant people has thus become a conflict within the people of the Borneo.

  This is a happy result for both the radicals and conservatives of the local representative council.

  For the former, the feelings of the “vulnerable group” will no longer be hurt again, and for the latter, the economy of Settlement No. 1 will grow rapidly.

  The price Henk paid was just a little discount on the interest.

  In fact, this price was not paid by his Henk Group, but by Philip Bank, which tied all its assets to the real estate project of the Henk Group.

  The jeweler who escaped from Evernight Harbor is now almost a follower of Henk, and the identities and status of the two people before were completely opposite.

  Alman didn’t know whether to say whether Henk was smart or cunning. That person seemed to be born restless. Recently, he suddenly had an idea that the baby boom in the entire wasteland was coming, and he wanted to expand the toy business and use the quality of Henk Group’s real estate projects to guarantee the quality of children’s toys… But this idea seemed to be suppressed by investors as soon as it came out.

  However, Alman thought that this might really become a good business opportunity.

  Thanks to the residents of the shelter, the children of the new era no longer need to pick up garbage in the wasteland like their fathers.

  In addition to textbooks, they can also have some better things to consume their vigorous energy, exercise their intelligence and hands-on ability, and leave some good memories for their childhood.

  Maybe I can give him some money to do this.

  The profit of shipping is not as high as before…

  Just when Alman was lost in thought, he suddenly met two pairs of eyes that seemed to be smiling.

  ”Honey, are you thinking about work again?”

  ”Dad must have fallen into the money again!”

  Looking at the mother and daughter staring at him with their eyes, Alman hurriedly smiled and denied.

  ”No, how dare I… Eat quickly, breakfast will get cold if you don’t eat now.”

  His position in this family can only be ranked third, and in a few months, he may be ranked fourth.

  By then, another little angel will come to him.

  Goddess of Silver Moon, he will love that little angel well and give him the best things in the world.

  After saying that, Alman hurriedly sat down at the dining table and took a newspaper he had just brought from outside the door.

  When he saw the headline on the newspaper, his index finger trembled, and he couldn’t believe his eyes for a moment.



  The “Survivor Daily” in Settlement No. 1 did not put this news on the front page, but it was also placed on the second page, with a photo of the young officer.

  He had a bright smile on his face, and his arm was on the shoulder of another person, who was probably the commander of the Death Corps… That should be an old photo of the great victory in Akal County.

  It was a really tragic battle. At that time, the 30,000-man Corps was almost wiped out, and some decurions were promoted to 1,000 in two days.

  Now this photo has turned black and white, as if marking the end of an era.

  The spoon for adding sugar to the cup fell to the ground. Margaret suddenly covered her mouth, tears welling up in her red eyes.

  ”…Mom?” Ruby, who was sitting on the chair and swinging her legs, tilted her head. She didn’t know that her mother suddenly lost her grip, but she still jumped down to pick up the spoon on the ground.

  Not wanting the child to see her misbehavior, Margaret pushed the chair away, stood up, and hurried into the kitchen.

  Looking at his wife running into the kitchen, Alman silently put away the newspaper on the table, and then spoke softly to little Ruby.

  ”Mom forgot to bring the milk… Dad will go and find it for her. Ruby, stay here obediently, okay?”

  Little Ruby nodded blankly, but seemed to recall some bad memories, and a frightened expression appeared on her face again.

  ”Okay… but you must come back.”

  Realizing that he might have scared the child, Alman quickly squatted down, touched her head and said softly.

  ”Dad and Mom are at home… We’re not going anywhere today. We’ll just stay with our lovely little Ruby.”

  Seeing Ruby nod with courage, Alman hurried into the kitchen.

  Looking at his wife standing by the sink, crying with her face covered, he put his arm on her shoulders, without saying anything, just patting her shoulders gently like coaxing a child.

  After about five or six minutes, this strong mother finally raised her tearful eyes.

  ”Why… is this happening? Isn’t their war over?”

  Not knowing how to comfort his wife, Alman was silent for a while and sighed softly.

  ”I’m as confused as you are… But I think if it was him, he could escape even a dangerous dead end like Xifan Port, and he escaped with everyone, so how could he not escape the current situation.” So

  , this ending might be his own choice. But

  in the end, he still couldn’t figure out why the Poro people wanted to kill him.

  He was their hero after all!

  This might be something he would never understand as a Weylante.

  Julius had failed, won, been brave, and been dirty. He was not even a Weilant. He might have even participated in the crimes of the Defense Department of the War Construction Committee… But this did not prevent them from remembering him, along with his glory and faults, and building a magnificent temple to commemorate this great liberator.

  But then again, perhaps Marshal Julius was not worthy of the Poro people, or even the managers of the Alliance.

  Maybe they found a god more worthy of worship.

  ”… In any case, this is the common choice of all of them… We should respect them.”

  He planned to go to Kingalen and find Anwo, Isher’s old boss.

  That man had also received help from Isher, and at this moment he should be deeply in grief for the loss of his friend.

  In addition to mourning, the living people of them can do something for that gentleman.

  At least keep his body.

  Many people living in Settlement No. 1 are compatriots of that gentleman. They are victims of that war just like the displaced Weilant people.

  Henk couldn’t understand their hatred for the Weylandt people, but he could understand it because he was saved by Isher.

  He wanted to build a mausoleum for the hero who saved everyone and erect a statue for him, just like his predecessors had done.

  The War Construction Committee didn’t want him –

  then let the Weilant people commemorate him!

  Alman was determined in his mind, and he was not the only one who was determined.

  ”…Dear, I have an idea…I think…maybe we can do something…”

  Looking at Margaret’s red and swollen eyes, Alman hugged the warm shoulders and gently stroked her soft hair.

  ”I understand what you mean. Maybe this is not just the idea of ​​you, me and little Ruby, but also the idea of ​​the Silver Moon Goddess.”

  It was a brave, kind, unyielding, and wise name.

  It once belonged to a great hero, or a warrior.

  He hoped that his child would be like that man, with a burning heart, not waiting for anyone’s salvation, but becoming the torch that illuminates himself and others.

  ”If it’s a boy, call him Isher.”


  Kinggaren Port.

  The study of a house on Tulip Street.

  Looking at the lines of glaring words, Asin felt dizzy and almost collapsed in the chair.

  ”Really… this is too much!”

  Like a long time ago, he threw the newspaper on the table, but the emotion in his heart was not anger but sadness.

  Kunal stood beside him and said in a deep voice.

  ”Boss, the assassin who assassinated Laci is called Udi. He is a mid-level officer in the intelligence office of the stormtroopers and is highly regarded by Laci… According to our investigation, he used his position to pass a lot of information to his family.”

  After Laci died, Shawa asked them to help, and Kunal took the backbone of the Assassins who had withdrawn from Xifan Port before to help the authorities do some things that the authorities were not convenient to do.

  For example, liquidation.

  This matter cannot be done by their own people, only outsiders can do it, and it happened that the Assassins had a friendship with Laci.

  That Udi was an orphan, but the people who contacted him were not. One of them even ran to Jingalon Port with his family in advance.

  However, the Assassins did not let him go ashore. With just one sentence, the boatman took the whole family to Jiaotou Bay.

  That was the territory of the Assassins.

  Kunar did not even torture him. He only used one sentence to make the man confess everything –

  ’If you confess, your debt will be forgiven. If you don’t confess, you will have to pay it back. The old and the young will be put in dog cages, and the wife and daughter will accompany the guests on the boat for ten gallons of water at a time until they die.’

  The man knelt down immediately after hearing this.

  To be honest, Kunar had never done such a heavy thing. The boss always warned them to do things decently and not to do things to the extreme. But when he thought of what this gang of traitors had done, he was so angry that he might really break his bottom line. Fortunately,

  the faith of the gang was not so firm. After all, the truly firm ones would not run away after a fire, but would die for their faith.

  Kunar’s eyes flashed with a trace of anger, and he lowered his voice and continued.

  ”Boss… do you want to get rid of that Udi?”

  Asin looked up at the ceiling, closed his eyes and thought for a while, and shook his head after a long time.

  ”No need. If he still has value, Shawa will not let him go… Since Laxi said that he would let him go, let him go back to Tiandu and see the good things he has done with his own eyes.”

  Zayed would never admit that he was the killer sent by his own instructions. After all, the idiots of the Moon Clan Resistance Army have jumped out to ask for credit, wishing that everyone could have a piece of Laxi’s meat, so that they could be the hero who killed the “Big Moon King” in the bud.

  After thinking about it, that guy would not have a good ending if he returned to Tiandu, so why should he do Zayed this favor?

  Diing as a traitor in a self-satisfied fantasy, this ending is more worthy of that guy.

  Isn’t he a traitor?

  As for the Moon Clan Resistance Army, Shawa will naturally deal with them.

  That guy just lost his father, and he can’t stop killing 1,500 people.

  But it’s right to do so.

  The country of Borneo is not the Stone City. If you don’t kill a lot of people, even the Borneo people themselves will not accept it. They think that if the cleansing is not thorough, it is equivalent to no cleansing. Now it seems that it is indeed not thorough.

  Besides, Shawa will soon have to deal with Zaid who is heading north.

  Grove is eyeing Lion State with 800,000 troops, and can mobilize another 800,000 at any time! The

  Mammoth Country has less than 600,000 troops that can fight, and can’t afford the next backstab.

  Only the “True Big Moon King” elected by the Mammoths can stop the “True Lowell” elected by the Brahma.

  Thinking of the fate of the Brahma, Asin closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to open them to see.

  ”Close the door, I want to be alone.”

  Kunar nodded silently, turned and left the study, and gently closed the door.

  ”… If I had known that you would end up like this today, I would have forced you to stay and get drunk before leaving.”

  There was only one person left in the study, Asin couldn’t help it anymore, sobbed loudly, and covered his face with his palms.

  That was the regret of his life.

  He ordered a table of dishes for someone, but that person looked down on him as a rat and left without eating a few bites.

  He was actually happy at that time. It would be

  best if the Great Moon King looked down on a coward like him who was hiding in the gutter and doing bad things.

  If a dignified emperor still wanted to get involved with a coward like him, using bad people to control good people, and watching a villain like “Vikram” teach his people a lesson without saying anything, then he would be doomed. Not to

  mention that Laxi looked down on him, he himself looked down on himself. If it wasn’t for the last resort, he didn’t want to do those gray-area businesses at all.

  But he had no choice.

  That day, dark clouds covered the city, and pairs of gray eyes were staring at his back, pushing him, the weakest guy, to the front, hoping that he would be shot by the “Iron Men” and see blood.

  But seeing that the “Iron Men” didn’t kill him and gave him a gun, those pairs of greedy eyes hoped that he would reveal a flaw or crash into the wall to death, so that they could pounce on him and skin him alive.

  There was no way, he could only risk it, and then rushed all the way to his current position.

  The Governor’s Mansion of Nihak was located not far from his home, but the Duke who lived there never looked at him.

  And Lacy was the only moonlight he could see without looking up while hiding in the sewer.

  Although that guy was not a saint, he had his own shining points, and that was why he had always funded that guy’s career without asking for anything in return.

  He even repeatedly warned his men to be careful about their table manners and to be decent… He also hoped that one day he would be able to sit in front of the Moon King with dignity, chat and laugh with him, and drink the moonlight, without being regarded as a stain on the general’s life.

  Laxi did not disappoint him. With everyone’s disapproving stares and the pointing and criticizing behind his back, he fought hard in Mammoth State to create a future that all the little mice had never seen!

  They almost succeeded!

  The emperor was driven away, and the Willant people left!

  However, the utopia they dreamed of was about to be realized, but it collapsed at the last moment!

  Asin could no longer suppress his emotions, and he was so crazy that he wanted to tear down the entire study.

  ”…I shouldn’t have let you go north! Why bother saving those who deserve to be chopped to pieces! Just let them die! Let them kill each other to their heart’s content! The bodies of the dead will float all over the reed marshes of the Yongliu River!”

  ”I’ve made you suffer! Ahhhh!”

  Kunal had been guarding the door of the study, closing his eyes and keeping silent, as if meditating.

  He didn’t listen to what his boss was doing inside, nor did he want to listen, so he guarded from day to dawn.

  When the door opened, he saw that Asin’s eyes were dark, and he couldn’t help but feel distressed.

  He didn’t feel sorry at all, but felt it was not worth it for his boss.


  Asin patted him on the shoulder and whispered a few words in his ear.

  Kunal was stunned at first, then his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his face full of flesh gradually emitted a fierce light.

  The little mouse who once controlled tens of thousands of people with only one bullet, now some people think he can’t lift a knife.

  Everything is just like that day in the rain –

  his boss is back.

  ”As you command.”

  Kunal clenched his fists and strode out the door, loosening the tie around his neck with his index finger.

  Asin watched his back, his face indifferent.

  He found that as long as he didn’t treat those people as human beings, and treated them like a donkey with a nose ring, everything would be much easier.

  He had to lead them with a carrot, and then whip their butts hard, watching them cry and laugh, cheer and make noise.

  But once they were treated as human beings and treated kindly –

  that would be a big deal.

  They wanted to “turn the world upside down”.

  They wanted to cut people open and see.

  That night he only wanted to understand one thing.

  They went around in circles and proved with their actions that they deserved this suffering.

  Including himself.

  It was not the students, nor the teachers, nor even the various classes that were caught up in it that were wrong.

  They just evolved a set of underlying logic that served the law of the jungle with a thousand pillars as the core.

  This underlying logic is that the worse people are, the better their lives are, and the more unscrupulous people are, the higher they climb.

  Based on this underlying logic, they have evolved a series of theoretical tools that are more complex than animal behavior.

  The former is the unchanging Tao, and the latter is the ever-changing technique. The two together build an invisible cage, and the family club’s set of things is at best a technique.

  If this cage is not broken, not to mention the Alliance’s ideas are useless, even if aliens from tens of thousands of light years away come to do charity, it will be useless. No matter how advanced the ideas are, they will be transformed into “the art of controlling people” based on the core “Tao”.

  As for being “eaten” by aliens, that is another matter.

  After all, when they even disappear, the cage attached to the spirit will lose its meaning even if it exists.

  But the Alliance is obviously not qualified to be this alien.

  First, they don’t eat people, and second, if they really can’t tell each other apart, it’s hard to say who will assimilate whom.

  Obviously, the Alliance has realized the problem, and even some conservative forces within it have begun to be alert, just like the human immune system begins to reject indigestible nutrients.

  It is precisely for this reason that even if the gods come down to earth to kill the family club from top to bottom, it will be useless.

  Either the Federation becomes another family association, or Abusek is forced to become the next Zayed, or his successor is more sinister and cruel than Zayed and Janush combined…

  This is not something illusory like fate, but a more naked and realistic civilization.

  Maybe someone knows how to solve this problem, but he is tired and is not the one to do it.

  He is just a mouse who happened to stand higher and move farther. What

  Shawa lost was his “father”.

  He also lost his “mentor” and “hope”.

  He no longer wants to support those despicable people. If they win, they will only be the next family member. He doesn’t want to think about such distant things. That is an ending he will never see in his lifetime.

  Let’s go back to the sewer together.

  He just wants to have peace and quiet.

  This is also what he told Kunar.

  Can’t defend a province!

  Then we’ll defend one city –

  ”…The tragedy at Xifan Port must not happen again. Mammoth City is a lesson. If one person is not killed, ten thousand people will be killed. If ten thousand people are not killed, one hundred thousand people will die. If one hundred thousand people are not killed, one million people will be killed!”

  ”Notify all branches and halls of the Assassins that the family members should be killed. I will not listen to any reason. If anyone is bribed by it or works for it, I will kill his entire family!”

  ”When fighting with gangsters, there is no need to care about the means. If anyone wants Zayed to hold a memorial service for him, or wants to be Zayed’s hero, I will help him.”

  He will send his family to Dawn City, and then fight them here until the day he can no longer lift a knife! Fight until he buries himself in the coffin!

  He will be the brick on the tombstone himself!

  ”Whether Mammoth State can be defended or not, Golden Gallon must be defended. Our real relatives, friends, and neighbors are all here. We have real family here.”

  ”As for the deal in Banana Head Bay–”

  ”I don’t want it!” Those

   who have forgotten who Asin is, or don’t know why Asin wants to help Laxi, or don’t know why Laxi died, can actually look back at Chapters 697, 700, 709, and 766. Their endings were almost all written at that time. This is the control group of Boulder City, or another ending. Ishel is actually a smarter and more powerful Alyssa. His ending is Alyssa’s ending under another possibility. I originally planned to write that he died in Tiandu, corresponding to the ending of Yudono (861), but I really didn’t have the heart to kill the character I wrote. But in the end, he went to accompany little Ruby, which was predetermined when Ruby first appeared in Chapter 814. As for the players not intervening? The players have been intervening, and even fed the food into their mouths, and this is what happened after the intervention.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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