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Chapter 960 The Disappearing Key

Chapter 960 The Disappearing Key


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

   Chapter 960 The Disappearing Key

  ”I did it, and we are not related by blood…” Xu Xiuwen said indifferently.

  ”That won’t work either, I’m so much older than you.”

  ”I don’t care, do you still think I’m young? You should know whether I am young or not.”

  Mu Zhilan didn’t hear his voice-over.

  ”But I still have a son, we can’t make the same mistake again and again…”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly laughed when
he heard it.

  ”Do you believe it or not, if I call Xiaogang now and ask him if he agrees with us being together, Xiaogang will say yes?”

  Mu Zhilan stopped talking immediately.

  ”You are not still worried about your ex-husband, are you?” Xu Xiuwen looked at the woman in his arms with suspicion.

  Mu Zhilan quickly shook her head to deny: “No, I don’t have any feelings for him at all.”

  ”That’s good.” Xu Xiuwen laughed.

  He twisted his hands around Mu Zhilan’s hair and asked, “If that’s the case, why can’t we be together?”

  Mu Zhilan suddenly pleaded, “Xiu Wen, I’m old, I’m not worthy of you, don’t waste your time on me. You were drunk that night, I really don’t blame you, we can still be brother and sister in the future, okay?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything, showing a thoughtful expression.

  After seeing this, Mu Zhilan felt disappointed for no reason.

  This is obviously what she wanted to see.

  But why is she not happy at all?

  Just when she thought Xu Xiuwen would agree with her, and the two of them would continue to be brothers and sisters in the future.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly shook his head and said, “Forget it, I can’t act, I’ve slept, I can’t pretend I didn’t sleep, and continue to get along like before.”

  Hearing his words, Mu Zhilan was slightly delighted in her heart.

  She whispered, “What do you want?”

  Xu Xiuwen played with Mu Zhilan’s hair with his fingers and said, “Sister Mu, I don’t want to lie to you, I can’t marry you…”

  Mu Zhilan heard this, and her heart darkened.

  But at the same time, she was also moved by Xu Xiuwen’s sincerity.

  At least he didn’t lie to her.

  If Xu Xiuwen said he wanted to marry her, she would think Xu Xiuwen was a big liar!

  Xu Xiuwen continued: “If you are willing, be my lover in the future.”

  ”No, no!” Mu Zhilan shook her head like a rattle.

  Xu Xiuwen’s expression gradually disappeared.


  ”I’m almost old enough to be your mother! I will hurt you if I do this!”

  Upon hearing this, Xu Xiuwen slapped Mu Zhilan on the buttocks.

  ”With your big butt, who can you be a mother to? Are you taking advantage of me?”

  Mu Zhilan’s body trembled, her eyes full of disbelief.

  Xu Xiuwen actually spanked her butt?

  As for his vulgar words, Mu Zhilan simply ignored it.

  Xu Xiuwen frowned and said, “With your figure, you are born to be someone’s lover!”

  ”I’m not!”

  ”Hehe, you’re still being stubborn. From the first time we met, you shook your big butt with your back to me. I guess you were tempting me.”

  Xu Xiuwen still remembers the scene when he first asked the housekeeper to come back to clean the house, and Mu Zhilan’s big butt swayed in his sight.

  ”You’re talking nonsense! I’m not!” Mu Zhilan was anxious.

  ”If I say you are, you are!”

  Mu Zhilan didn’t know how to refute, and she didn’t dare to hit anyone.

  She was so aggrieved that she even started to cry.

  ”Why are you still crying? I was right, are you feeling guilty?”

  ”I’m not feeling guilty…” Mu Zhilan refuted while crying.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t continue to tease Mu Zhilan.

  Although her reaction was indeed very interesting when he teased her, she cried after all.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t continue to joke.

  He straightened his face and slowed down his voice, “I was just kidding you. In fact, you left a deep impression on me from the first time we met…”

  Mu Zhilan’s crying became quieter.

  She seemed to be listening to Xu Xiuwen’s words seriously.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled faintly, and then said, “I didn’t lie to you that night. You are indeed a very charming woman.”

  Mu Zhilan stopped crying.

  He looked up at Xu Xiuwen and asked, “Really?”

  ”Of course it’s true. So, we have already slept, how can I let you, a very charming beauty, go?”

  Mu Zhilan felt shy, “Xiuwen, you are still young, you should like young girls. I am not suitable for you.” Xu

  Xiuwen said, “You know that I wanted to get back together with my ex-girlfriend that night, but her parents didn’t agree. I have given up now.”

  Mu Zhilan felt distressed when she heard this.

  Xu Xiuwen continued, “So now I just need a gentle, considerate and caring elder sister, so that I can make up for the trauma I have suffered. Sister Mu, are you willing to be that person?”

  Mu Zhilan hesitated immediately.

  Reason told her that she must not agree.

  But deep in her heart, she wanted to agree.

  Mu Zhilan has always been a very traditional woman.

  After having a relationship with Xu Xiuwen, in her heart, Xu Xiuwen was already half a man to her.

  Don’t look at her saying that she will continue to be a sister and brother.

  But she herself did not have the confidence that she could really treat Xu Xiuwen as her brother in the future.

  Xu Xiuwen said: “If you don’t say anything, I will take it as your consent.”

  ”Xiuwen~~” Mu Zhilan looked at Xu Xiuwen eagerly.

  ”Am I a devil? Am I that scary? Just say whatever you want to say.” Xu

  Xiuwen pretended to be unhappy. Mu Zhilan thought about it seriously and said: “Xiuwen, I can’t hurt you, so I can’t be your lover.”
Xu Xiuwen


  Mu Zhilan was unwilling?

  Mu Zhilan continued: “You are still young. If others know about our relationship, I don’t care. They will look down on you.”

  ”I don’t care.”

  Mu Zhilan said, “But I care… You’ve been so good to me, always taking care of me, and providing me with such a good job, I can’t hurt you.”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly laughed at himself, “After all, you still don’t like me.”

  Mu Zhilan shook her head and said, “Of course not, Xiuwen, you’re so outstanding, I’m not qualified to like you. But… if you need it, I… I can give it to you…”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned after hearing this.

  What does Mu Zhilan mean?

  Not willing to be his lover, but willing to give it to him?

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help asking, “Don’t you think you’re at a disadvantage in this case?”

  Mu Zhilan still shook her head.

  ”I’m already old, and I’m already very satisfied to meet such a good brother like you.”

  Mu Zhilan is indeed a good woman, but good women often don’t meet good men.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it, nodded and said, “That’s it.”

  Zhilan hummed.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the blush on her face, and suddenly said, “I want it now, what should I do?”

  ”Ah?” Mu Zhilan was a little dumbfounded.

  Xu Xiuwen suppressed his smile and said, “Didn’t you say that if I needed it, you could give it to me?”

  ”Yes… I said that, but…”

  She wanted to say, why do you want it suddenly, and in the store.

  Just when Xu Xiuwen was hesitating whether to tell Mu Zhilan that he was joking.

  Mu Zhilan suddenly seemed to have figured it out.

  She closed her eyes and nodded, “Okay then.”

  She actually agreed?

  Xu Xiuwen was surprised.

  After Xu Xiuwen didn’t speak for a long time, Mu Zhilan mustered up the courage, opened her eyes and looked at him, begging, “Don’t do it here, go to the back, okay?”

  Mu Zhilan, a mature woman, showed a shy and timid look.

  The blush on her cheeks was like a catalyst, which immediately aroused Xu Xiuwen’s anger.

  He didn’t have any ideas at first, but now he has.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly picked up Mu Zhilan by the waist and then walked to the dark room behind the office.

  Mu Zhilan’s heart trembled, and she instinctively hugged Xu Xiuwen’s neck.

  After opening the door, Xu Xiuwen strode in.

  Coming to the bed, he bent down and put Mu Zhilan down.

  Mu Zhilan begged, “Please don’t do it here, let’s go to my house…” Xu Xiuwen

  suddenly remembered the time when he went to Mu Zhilan’s house for dinner.

  He almost slept with Mu Zhilan.

  Now Mu Zhilan said she was going to her house again, which immediately brought back memories of that time.

  Xu Xiuwen’s mouth curled up, “It’s so far, I can’t wait.”

  After hearing this, Mu Zhilan’s delicate body trembled slightly, and then she hummed as if she accepted her fate.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the charming blush on the woman’s face and asked tentatively, “Then I’m coming…”

  Mu Zhilan closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

  She whispered, “You…you come.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t pretend to be a gentleman or Liu Xiahui.

  He was originally very fickle, not to mention that the woman in front of him had already had sex with him.

  As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning.

  After the first time, and the second time, Xu Xiuwen didn’t have a heavy psychological burden.

  He looked at the suit and skirt on Mu Zhilan, and finally his eyes fell on her stocking legs, and he swallowed unconsciously.

  In the quiet room, even a needle falling on the ground can be heard clearly.

  Not to mention the sound of Xu Xiuwen swallowing his saliva.

  Mu Zhilan was extremely nervous.

  Xu Xiuwen slowly stretched out his hand and placed it on Mu Zhilan’s stocking legs.


  Then, Xu Xiuwen leaned over and looked down at the woman’s face.

  He is indeed a playboy, and he falls in love with every woman he sees.

  But the premise is that the woman is beautiful enough.

  Mu Zhilan is really good-looking.

  The oval face, delicate features, fair skin, and the blush on her face make her look attractive no matter how you look at her.

  Not to mention her figure.

  The foundation is a protruding front and a curved back, with a trembling chest and a very slender waist, giving people a feeling of a slender branch bearing fruit.

  Her buttocks are also round and plump, close to that of a fitness girl.


  Mu Zhilan suddenly woke up, held his big hand, and said, “The door downstairs is not closed yet.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “It’s okay, it’s closed, no one will come.”

  Perhaps he was convinced by his words.

  Mu Zhilan took her hand away.

  Everything came naturally…

  After Liu Ruo left the store, she came to the parking lot.

  She bought an electric bike and rode it to and from work every day.

  Liu Ruo searched for the electric bike key in her bag, but couldn’t find it.

  She suddenly remembered something.

  At noon, because her stockings were stained, she didn’t have any stockings to change at the time, so she asked a female employee in the store to buy her a pair of stockings.

  At that time, she gave her bike to the female employee to ride.

  When the female employee came back, she put the key on the table.

  So the electric bike key should still be on the table.

  Thinking of this, Liu Ruo had to turn back.

  When she came to the door of Ruowen Building, Liu Ruo found that the door was still open.

  Could it be that Xiao Xu and Sister Mu hadn’t left yet?

  Xiao Xu said that he had something to say to Sister Mu and asked her to go first.

  But what did they have to say for so long?

  Could it be…

  could it be that these two people are having an affair?

  The appearance of this thought shocked Liu Ruo herself.

  She quickly shook her head to deny this thought.

  Xiao Xu is so young, and although Sister Mu is also very beautiful, she is older than her.

  How could the two of them have an affair!

  Liu Ruo looked at the door, hesitating whether to go in.

  Finally, she couldn’t resist her curiosity and entered the store.

  The lights in the hall of the store were turned off, and only the moonlight shone in, allowing her to barely see the road under her feet.

  There was obviously no one in the hall on the first floor.

  Liu Ruo went straight to the third floor.

  When she came to the outside of the office.

  She didn’t rush to open the door, but stood at the door and listened.

  vaguely heard a strange sound.

  She immediately became suspicious.

  Liu Ruo hesitated for a moment, carefully pressed the door handle, and slowly opened the door a crack.

  She looked inside and there was no one in the office.

  The sound just now also disappeared.

  It seemed to be just an auditory hallucination.

  Liu Ruo frowned, opened the door, and walked in.

  Did she really hear it wrong?

  At this time, she suddenly heard someone talking in the dark room.

  Although the other party deliberately lowered his voice, she immediately recognized that it was Xiao Xu’s voice.

  Then she heard a woman’s voice.

  It was Sister Mu’s voice!

  These two people haven’t left yet, and they are staying in the room inside…

  What are they doing?

  Liu Ruo had two choices at this moment. One was to take the electric car key on the table and leave directly; the other was to find out what was going on.

  Liu Ruo could have left directly, but deep in her heart, there seemed to be a voice that kept her.

  In the end, Liu Ruo still plucked up the courage and walked towards the door of the dark room.

  When she reached the door, she did not rush to open the door, but stood at the door and listened for a while.

  This time it was much clearer than what she heard at the door of the office just now.

  Not only the dirty words of the two, but also the noises made by the two.

  Liu Ruo’s face suddenly turned pale.

  How could Xiao Xu be with Sister Mu…

  There is such a big age difference between the two of them, how could it be…

  And this is a restaurant…

  It’s simply indiscriminate!

  At this time, she had another question.

  When did the two of them start?


  After Xu Xiuwen and Mu Zhilan were intimate, he lay on the bed, hugging Mu Zhilan’s mature
and sexy body in his arms.

  He found that he might really be an aunt control, and it was always difficult to control the impulse towards these mature and beautiful women.

  Xu Xiuwen’s hand unconsciously slid on Mu Zhilan’s fragrant shoulders.

  The delicate and smooth touch made him love it.

  Mu Zhilan recovered after a while.

  The last time Xu Xiuwen got drunk, he only cared about himself and ignored her. Although the experience was not bad, it was still far worse than today.

  Just now, she felt that she was about to die, but she came back to life.

  Between life and death, Mu Zhilan just realized that the past days were simply lived in vain.

  So, she naturally acquiesced to Xu Xiuwen’s behavior of taking advantage of her.

  After a while.

  Mu Zhilan whispered: “Xiuwen, it’s getting late, Xiaogang is still waiting for me at home.”

  ”Well, let’s go now.”

  He said this, but his body didn’t have the slightest intention of getting up.

  Seeing this, Mu Zhilan bit her lip, didn’t urge, and lay down obediently.

  She thought for a while and reminded: “Don’t tell anyone about our affairs, not even Manager Liu.”

  ”Don’t worry, I’m not stupid.” Xu Xiuwen responded casually.

  Mu Zhilan reminded again: “In front of outsiders, we are still siblings, privately…”

  ”What in private?” Xu Xiuwen asked immediately.

  Mu Zhilan’s face turned red, and she lowered her head and said nothing.
Xu Xiuwen

  smiled and said, “Are we an adulterous couple in private?”

  Mu Zhilan couldn’t help protesting, “Why do you say such harsh words…”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed even more happily, “I was wrong, then we are in love and can’t help it…”

  Mu Zhilan bit her lip and said, “I think I am so shameless… I am obviously so much older than you, but I still want to…”

  ”Okay, don’t say such things anymore.” Xu Xiuwen interrupted her.

  ”Okay.” ”

  You are so good… It’s getting late, I’ll drive you home.”


  Then the two of them started to get up and put on their clothes.

  After Xu Xiuwen put on his clothes, Mu Zhilan was still wearing a short skirt.

  Looking at the round buttocks so close, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but think of the scene when he first met Mu Zhilan.

  He couldn’t help but reach out and pat it again.

  Mu Zhilan exclaimed, and turned her head to look at him in confusion.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “I wanted to do this when we first met.”

  Mu Zhilan’s face suddenly turned red.

  She said shyly, “If I had known you were so bad, I wouldn’t have cleaned for you.”

  ”It’s too late…”

  ”Yes, it’s too late…” Mu Zhilan murmured.

  There were several inexplicable lights in her eyes.

  Seeing that Mu Zhilan still wanted to put on stockings.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Don’t wear them now that they are so rotten.”

  Mu Zhilan hesitated for a moment and did as he was told.

  Returning to the office from the darkroom.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Let’s go.”

  Mu Zhilan took the disposable garbage bag from the trash can and prepared to take it away and throw it away.

  There were not only the stockings that Liu Ruo threw away at noon, but also some used tissues.

  Before leaving the office, Xu Xiuwen glanced at the table casually and was suddenly stunned.

  He remembered that there seemed to be a bunch of keys on the table, but now they disappeared.

  He couldn’t help but glance outside the door, and his brows gradually locked.

  ”Xiuwen, what’s wrong with you?” Mu Zhilan asked curiously when she saw his expression.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want Mu Zhilan to worry after knowing it, so he shook his head and said, “Nothing, let’s go.”

  He was worried in his heart. Did someone come into the office just now?

  Who could it be?

  The most likely person should be Liu Ruo.

  But if it was Liu Ruo, why did she leave without saying a word?

  Didn’t she notice that she and Mu Zhilan were together?


  When Mu Zhilan was overwhelmed with emotion just now, the sound she made was not small.

  Liu Ruo couldn’t fail to hear it as long as she came into the office.

  Even if she didn’t hear it, she would definitely not leave directly when she saw that the door was not locked and the lights in the office were on. At least she should have shouted.

  So, if Liu Ruo found out, she pretended not to find out and left quietly?

  Why did she do this?


  Xu Xiuwen drove Mu Zhilan home.

  The car stopped near her house, and Xu Xiuwen turned around and said, “Sister Mu, we’re here.”

  Mu Zhilan glanced outside the car and recognized the place.

  She blushed and said, “Xiuwen, thank you for taking me home.”

  Seeing the red light on Mu Zhilan’s face, Xu Xiuwen knew that she still couldn’t be calm, and felt funny in his heart.

  This behavior doesn’t look like a 30-year-old woman, but more like a thin-skinned little girl.

  ”It should be, go back and have a good rest tonight.”


  Just when Mu Zhilan was about to get off the car, Xu Xiuwen suddenly remembered something and called her.

  ”Sister Mu~”

  ”Yeah?” Mu Zhilan turned around and looked at him in confusion.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Do you have contraceptives at home?”

  Mu Zhilan was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red again.

  She lowered her head and said, “No, I haven’t had it for many years…”

  Mu Zhilan was annoyed.

  She only needed to say no, why did she have to explain that sentence.

  It seemed like she was trying to make something clear to someone.

  Xiuwen understood what Sister Mu meant.

  He smiled lightly, and then said gently, “I couldn’t help it just now… Don’t forget to take the medicine.”

  Mu Zhilan nodded and said, “I know, there is a pharmacy nearby, I will buy it later.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Then Xu Xiuwen drove away.

  Mu Zhilan watched him go away, then identified the direction and went to the pharmacy.

  After buying the medicine, she returned home.

  When she opened the door, she was very careful, fearing that she would make a loud noise.

  Of course, she was not worried about being heard by her ex-husband, but she was worried about waking up Xiaogang.

  She found it difficult to face Xiaogang at this moment.

  However, things did not
go as she wished.

  As soon as she opened the door, Xiaogang also came out of the room.

  ”Mom? You’re back.”

  Mu Zhilan pretended to be calm and said, “Well, something happened in the store, so I came back late.”

  Perhaps because she felt guilty, she deliberately explained.

  ”Have you finished your homework?”

  ”I finished it a long time ago.”

  ”Then go to bed early, you have to go to school tomorrow.”

  ”Got it.”

  Mu Zhilan said and walked towards the room.

  At this time.

  Qiao Gang suddenly called her.


  ”What’s wrong?”

  The more Qiao Gang looked at his mother, the more he felt something was wrong.

  Not to mention that his mother’s face was ruddy, and she looked very energetic.

  The key point is that he remembered that Mu Zhilan was wearing stockings when she went out in the morning.

  How come the stockings on her legs were gone when she came back at night?

  ”Mom, didn’t you wear stockings in the morning?”

  Mu Zhilan was shocked.

  She didn’t dare to look back at Qiao Gang’s eyes, and explained stiffly: “I was helping in the kitchen, and the soup spilled on my legs, so I took it off.”

  ”Is that so…”

  Qiao Gang didn’t say anything else.

  Mu Zhilan immediately entered the room.

  After closing the door, she let out a long breath.

  However, what she didn’t know was that

  Qiao Gang outside the door was thinking at this moment.

  The next morning.

  Mu Zhilan got up to prepare breakfast

  While eating, Qiao Gang casually asked, “Mom, how did you get back last night?”

  After a night of calming down, Mu Zhilan had calmed down.

  She said calmly: “Why are you asking this? Hurry up and eat, and go to school after eating.”

  Qiao Gang suddenly smiled and said: “Brother Xu sent you back, I saw it all.”


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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