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Chapter 961 Return

Chapter 961 Return

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 961 Return

  [Respected Majesty Saren, the evacuation of Xifan Port is nearing completion. We have taken over all the assets of the Southern Legion as you ordered, and the remaining facilities have been handed over to our puppets.

  General Grove wants us to increase his bounty on the poker card to 15 million dinars, as well as the rank of Captain Gibson, who was defeated by him… I would say this is unreasonable, but his explanation also makes sense. He thinks that it was Gu Liong or Tyr who forgot to increase his bounty and promote Captain Gibson.

  We also can’t understand why General Gu Liong appointed a one-star captain to lead the southern line troops, but Captain Olett, the commander of the northern line troops fighting against the Northern Field Army of the Boro Kingdom and the Mammoth Army, is indeed a two-star captain, there is no doubt about this. In

  short, everything is up to you.

  - Xifan Port Temporary Command, telegram]

  [Let him go and find Tyr.

  - Eastern Empire Nord City Palace, telegram]


  Ravenka Industrial Zone.

  Next to the dusty construction site, figures as swift as the wind shuttled through the streets.

  It was time to get off work, and it was time for everything to come back to life.

  The young men who had come off the assembly line rushed out of the factory like happy ducks, rushing home in waves, and then rushing to the market in waves.

  They used all their big money to buy bicycles, but they could still scrape together some coins.

  With this change, they bargained with the stall owners at the market, exchanging some small items such as nail clippers, markers, and short-sleeved shirts from the big and small stalls.

  They didn’t know what the use of buying these things was, but they thought it was really worth it to buy a small steel coin or a piece of paper to “win a lot with a small investment”!

  Envious of the magical power of “exchanging everything”, some people took the risk of making counterfeit money, and even drew it with pencils, but after being beaten with iron fists and sticks, these guys who dared to use and collect became honest.

  In addition, some fashionable young artists bought stereos, and some bought karaoke machines.

  Listening to the discs imported from the Alliance, they not only sang the desolation of the wasteland with their sandy voices, but also rented them to others for half an hour at the price of one silver coin.

  Where there is demand, there are people who can solve the demand.

  After discovering that some outsiders made money by doing business, some smart local wastelanders also began to wait at the dock, waiting for the cargo ships to dock and rushing to buy some large and small packages of goods to set up stalls near the factory.

  These are smart people who can save money.

  They did not waste the first salary they earned on exaggerated outfits, but used it as start-up capital to start a business.

  It won’t be long before they will become the first survivors of this settlement with “credit”.

  Banks will be happy to lend them money to help them turn small businesses into big businesses.

  The prototype of a market was formed.

  Not only small vendors, but also craftsmen are happy.

  Rasov, who sold bicycles, made his first fortune, and the bicycle masters who followed him to the Golden Gallon Port in the Ravenka Industrial Zone made their second fortune.

  Some people saw business opportunities and asked shipping companies to bring in some bicycles or bicycle locks from the Golden Gallon Port, and opened bicycle shops that also repaired bicycles.

  Although there are only more than 300,000 people in the Ravenka Industrial Zone, the colony of the Southern Legion covers an area of ​​2.7 million square kilometers, and the uncolonized desert inland is a vast land.

  The sand is not valuable, but the relics buried under the sand are still quite valuable.

  And for a long time to come, there will be shelters opened there one after another.

  After capturing the radio signal of the Ravenka Industrial Zone, some of them will definitely try to find this place…

  In any case, Hope, the head of the Development Foundation responsible for reform, did what he promised at the beginning – to make the “animals” in the desert run.

  Fang Chang was also very satisfied with his work, which saved him a lot of time for repetitive operations.

  Many things can be implemented in specific policies just by mentioning them slightly.

  Very strong.

  The starting point is much higher than that of Yodu, the mayor of Jinjialun Port, who he had trained before.

  In general, the difficulty of “clearing” this area should not be greater than that of Jinjialun Port or even the Borneo Province. More

  than 2,000 tribes sound scary, but in fact, when the number reaches a certain level, it is no longer a “bad thing”, but a “good thing”.

  At least from the perspective of the “manager”, this means that these indigestible wastelanders are cut into tiny atoms, just like chewed food.

  The Borneo Province is different.

  On the surface, there are thousands of tribes living there, but it is not difficult to find out that the people living under the thousand “totem poles” actually share a set of theories and believe in Lowell, the “true god” in their hearts.

  Their underlying logic is the same, even if the tribes have completely different surnames and slightly different customs.

  Thinking about the difference between the two, Fang Chang suddenly popped up a concept he had heard in the early version a long time ago in his mind –


  This word has appeared several times in the research report of the Alliance Biological Research Institute on “Gaia”, and it has been established as a joint research project of the Academy of Social Sciences.

  At first, he looked up the information in the game background purely out of a desire to understand this world and learn human language.

  As they went deeper into the wasteland, they gradually moved from the center of the old battlefield to the wasteland swept by the “aftermath”, and these information were gradually put aside.

  Now he recalled it again.

  He still remembered that in a research report, a researcher whose name he could no longer remember put forward his own conjecture about the origin of the “Gaia” consciousness.

  The researcher believed that “Gaia” was not an advanced civilization that evolved directly from slime mold, but the result of an advanced civilization falling from a higher life form.

  That is, a downward spiral.

  Mortals do not necessarily have to become taller and stronger giants to defeat giants.

  They can also become cockroaches.

  Even if the giant can crush a cockroach to death with one foot, it cannot crush all cockroaches to death. As

  long as they reproduce wildly in places where the giants cannot see, the cockroaches with a wider diet and stronger adaptability will win in the end.

  The existence of human civilization is too short, and it is difficult to see the full picture of the evolutionary tree from ourselves.

  But if the timeline is extended long enough, evidence can actually be found on Earth.

  For example, cockroaches, which were born in the Carboniferous period, eliminated dinosaurs, which were far superior to them in the food chain.

  Generally speaking, people cannot turn into cockroaches, but the technology to turn into another mammal exists in the background of Wasteland OL.

  For example, in the “Eternal Life” plan of Shelter No. 79, a researcher proposed to use existing genetic technology to DIY a strong species that can survive the wasteland era and carry human consciousness.

  Although this plan failed in the end, it did not fail completely-at least two people succeeded, and one of them is still in Shelter No. 79.

  As for the death claws, they are running all over the wasteland.

  In fact, this is exactly the compromise made by higher organisms or civilizations to the original principles for the continuation of civilization, or the behavior of “active dimensionality reduction” of their civilization.

  Based on these existing clues, the researcher proposed a hypothesis.

  Suppose there is a group called Gaia on an isolated planet.

  There are two main branches in this group, ab.

  In order to defeat each other, they all abandoned their bottom line and eventually turned from giants into slime molds-and neither side can go back.

  This process is not completed instantly, and may be an extremely long process of game and internal consumption.

  First, they have to humble themselves to the dust, and they can do everything to survive.

  Then, both sides lowered their bottom line little by little, from giants to mortals, and then from mortals to cockroaches… Finally, they reduced their demands on the environment step by step until every cell was soaked in culture medium.

  When they reached the extreme of their own dimensionality reduction, gave up all goals except “existence”, and like a spring compressed to the limit, they could no longer be compressed… They finally ushered in the final “Big Bang” in the collapse.

  No one knows what the universe looked like before the Big Bang.

  Similarly, for the “Gaia” who lived before the Big Bang, no one knows where they will be, where they will go, and what they will become after the explosion.

  Countless smart individuals have come up with the best solution under the game of jungle law –

  that is to eliminate the will of the individual.

  Destroy it.

  We are tired.

  So, the hive consciousness was born.

  He made everything in order. There was no more endless struggle between populations, nor any upward or downward spiral.

  Under His will, the dead planet revived, and all nutrients would serve the ultimate and only consensus –

  that is “existence”.

  Or –


  They will always exist in the empty universe, forgetting everything about the past, and relying on the few words left in their DNA to eat, reproduce, expand… or stay still.

  Of course, this is just a hypothesis proposed by a researcher in “Wasteland OL” for the planet Gaia, not the final conclusion. However, what

  is terrifying is that Fang Chang suddenly realized that Tyr actually took this evil path – if he can’t become a giant, then become a cockroach.

  Perhaps Tyr can win a miserable victory in the cruel competition by constantly breaking the bottom line, but he may be completely eliminated by the enemy who suddenly wakes up and breaks the bottom line in the second before winning.

  Or, the two evenly matched parties establish a lasting and painful balance, constantly lowering the bottom line to see who can’t stand it first.

  But it is obvious that the Southern Legion is not strong enough to make the Alliance break through the bottom line.

  As for the place where they fought, the province of Boro, another situation occurred.

  The survivors there are “Gaia” themselves.

  Or, they are in the early game stage of Gaia’s “big explosion” and rebirth.

  Most of the “abnormal” mutants are either killed or forced to flee if they have not evolved “camouflage colors”.

  As for what the future will be like, it is not certain…


  As usual, Fang Chang sat in his office and looked through the report handed in by Hope.

  At this time, there was a knock at the door, and he answered casually.

  ”Come in.”

  The door opened.

  A teenager in the uniform of the Mammoth Kingdom walked in, led by a staff member of the Autonomous Committee.

  There was a simple murderous aura on him, and there was not much expression on his dull face, and he even looked not very good at fighting.

  But no one would doubt that this skinny guy could kill a middle-aged man who was much stronger than him with just one move.

  All he knew were killing skills.

  There are not many people like this in the wasteland. After all, the wasteland is more desolate. If there are corpses, you can only see many in the tribes of predators or mutants. The

  staff member looked at Fang Chang who was sitting behind the desk with a nervous expression on his face.

  ”He insisted on seeing you… He said he must hand over the things in the box to you personally.”

  ”I know.”

  Putting down the report in his hand, Fang Chang looked him up and down, and his eyes trembled slightly when he stopped at his hand.

  ”Ackerman, the first battalion of the stormtroopers…”

  The boy introduced himself, walked forward silently, and put the box on the table, “… Our father, Lassi, asked us to return it to you.”

  Fang Chang knew what was in the box without looking.

  He took a deep breath, pressed his index finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose, trying not to let others hear the silent emotions.

  ”… What else did he say?”

  Ackerman whispered.

  ”He said that he would repay your kindness in the next life.”

  This world…

  Is it really just a game?

  Fang Chang was speechless for a long time with his eyes closed, and finally all he wanted to say turned into a long sigh.

  ”I see…”

  Ackerman nodded, left a “thank you”, and then said nothing more, silently followed the staff guarding the door and left.


  (I was called to Shanghai to participate in Yuewen’s event, the Chinese and foreign writers exchange meeting. I took the opportunity to write half a chapter on my phone during the meeting. Please spare my life for the sake of updating 8,000 or 9,000 words in the past few days. I tried my best TT

  In addition, it is estimated that it will be finished in March or April next year. The story of “after the player intervention and after” has been written. I will write about daily life and extra stories, write about Tianren, Gaia, the Enlightenment Society, and recycle the foreshadowing of the previous chapters. Basically, I will finish it~if nothing unexpected happens. )

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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