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Chapter 962: The Season of Revival

Chapter 962: The Season of Revival


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 962: The Season of Revival of All Things

  [The situation in the Borneo Province region is turbulent. Alliance Foreign Minister Cheng Yan calls on both sides of the conflict to exercise restraint and resolve the issue through peaceful means.

  Mayor Odo of the Bugera Free State issued an “anti-monopoly” declaration, stating that he would stand with the citizens of the Free State! The Firestone Group refuted Odo’s evidence, and at the same time announced evidence of Odo’s bribery, and called on citizens not to believe in rumors!

  ——”Survivor Daily” Dawn City Edition]

  [The Free State is in chaos! The “Hound” special forces are at war with the company? ! Saren entered the door with his left foot at the morning meeting today, or hinted that the mastermind behind the scenes may be the radical faction of the Alliance? !

  Xifan Port held a winter swimming competition, and port residents lined up to jump into the sea! General McLen, the commander-in-chief of the new Xifan Port garrison, called General Grove to express his dissatisfaction, claiming that calling the barber and the prostitute the followers and mistresses of the Willant people was a naked slander and frame-up, and the real followers and mistresses were all on the ship!

  Of course, General McLen also emphasized that he had no mistresses, not even temporary ones.

  ——”Survivor Daily” New Xifan Port Edition


  【The great Mahatma Zaid entered his loyal Tiandu! The wise and powerful General Gopal led the sacred gray wolves to surround the Legislative Council, and the economic committee member committed suicide out of fear of crime! Sava said that the imposition of consumption tax on grains is naked robbery, evidence of corruption, and the first pillar that the family will completely defeat!

  ——”Survivor Daily” Tiandu Edition


  【Shocking! The Tiandu Legislative Council was disbanded by the Gray Wolf Army, and more than a thousand members of the Legislative Council and their families were lynched by members of the Family Association!

  Mendes, president of the Jinjialun Port Family Association branch, and Shriya, the vice president’s wife, were found drowned in their bathtub.

  Vice President Rajat refused to be interviewed on the matter, but said that his wife and Mendes had an absolutely pure relationship. They were spiritual comrades and shoulder-to-shoulder partners, and they were definitely not the relationship that outsiders imagined. The

  cause of death of the two deceased is still under investigation. In order to protect the privacy of the deceased, the police did not disclose more details. Previously, Mendes was supported by radicals because of his many radical remarks and was regarded as a strong contender for Mayor Yodo. The outside world speculated that this might be a revenge of the remnants of Laxi against the family.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Jin Jialun Hong Kong Edition


  【The migration tide reappears! The population of Baiyue Strait is approaching the one million mark! The new immigrants are mainly Yue people and Weilante people, mainly from the west of Yongye Port and the eastern coast of Borneo Province. Experts from the Alliance Academy of Social Sciences analyzed that due to the special ecological environment of Baiyue Strait, it is difficult to immediately digest the surge in immigrants, and the migration tide may shift to the Death Coast!

  ——”Survivor Daily” French Fries Hong Kong Edition


  【The price of Willant Street real estate hit a new high! Henk, who started from scratch, created a wealth miracle in just one year! Not only that, this compassionate and socially responsible tycoon is also preparing to erect a statue for a rat man named Isher in the core area of ​​Willant Street! As a common hero of the two peoples!

  The plan was protested by some Borneo people, who believed that this was an attack by the Weilante people on the Borneo people. In their opinion, whether Ishel can be called a hero after he betrayed the country of Boro in the end is still to be discussed. If you must build a statue, please give this opportunity to the truly wise and brave Mr. Zaid.

  However, unlike in the past, the other Boro people in Settlement No. 1 did not stand idly by this time. They bravely stood up and fought with Zaid’s followers.

  These people may fight for a while, but the survivors of Settlement No. 1 seem to be accustomed to this situation, whether it is the wastelanders in the Sea Province or the Weilantes.

  In addition, Suka, a local representative from the Boro Province, initiated a proposal, hoping that the Alliance authorities would classify the Family Association as a cult organization and prohibit it from spreading within the Alliance. What this reporter wants to say is that in addition to flooding their sympathy that has nowhere to go, our radicals are finally willing to do something meaningful this time.

  ——”Goblin Observer” Dawn City Edition



  A few more days have passed.

  Old White, who was returning to Dawn City for work, passed by the Ravenka Industrial Zone and happened to see Lacy’s sidearm in Fang Chang’s office.

  It was a classic centurion pistol, which was placed in a special photo frame with the holster and placed on the bookshelf in the office.

  In fact, Old White had learned about Lacy’s death in the news a few days ago.

  However, his friendship with Lacy was not as good as Fang Chang’s, and he did not feel too much sadness except for lamenting his ill-fated life.

  It was only when he saw this familiar sidearm again that he suddenly realized that so many things had happened since they landed in Golden Gallon Port that day.

  ”You knew it would end like this.”

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”Don’t say it’s me, he himself knew it too.”

  In fact, he had a hunch a long time ago that the man with blue veins on his neck, shouting his name, and holding the pistol high to throw himself out might end up like this.

  He asked Laxi to be the director of the Civil Defense Office. Everyone said that he was giving up military power with a cup of wine, promoting him in public but demoting him in private, praising him in public but criticizing him in private, but no one understood his painstaking efforts… He didn’t have so many thoughts at all, he just wanted Laxi to learn some political skills.

  Even Laxi himself didn’t understand it. For a long time, he drank all day and lived like a useless person.

  But later he probably realized it. Not only did he quit drinking, but he also started reading books and newspapers.

  But it was a pity.

  At that time, Laxi was determined to save the nation and insisted on resigning and going north. He didn’t realize that their real enemy was not the empire that fell with a kick, but that there was a force that was no less powerful than theirs that was quietly expanding in the dark that they couldn’t see.

  If they waited a little longer, there might be a better ending.

  Lao Bai was silent for a while.

  ”But he still went.”

  Fang Chang nodded and cast his eyes on the busy industrial area outside the window.

  ”He may have already put life and death aside… when he first met us.”

  ”We can plant seeds, but we cannot guarantee that every seed will germinate at the right time. Perhaps this is not a question of right or wrong, but the time has not come yet…”

  Not only has Laxi’s time not come, but the time for all the Brahma people to “end hibernation” has not come yet. The

  nightmare will only end when everyone wakes up from the nightmare, everyone has a real hero in their hearts, and no longer waits but strives to become him, then the nightmare will truly end.

  Now is not the time.

  ”Are you going to help them?” Lao Bai looked at him and asked.

  Fang Chang thought for a while and shook his head.

  ”I still don’t think so. I even think… I may have harmed them. Mr. Manager may be right. If you do everything well, you have to be prepared for the people behind you to mess up everything, or keep holding the building blocks with your hands. I have been paying attention to the news in the rear these days. Zayed may be the most suitable person for that rat pit.”

  They moved into the dungeon they built themselves. This ending might be their own choice.

  Lao Bai looked at him in surprise.

  ”I didn’t expect you to be so open-minded.”

  Fang Chang smiled bitterly.

  ”Now that things have come to this, what else can we do if we are not open-minded? Should we turn around and go back?”

  Lao Bai grinned.

  ”That is indeed unrealistic.”

  Although he was reluctant to admit it, Zayed did calculate them.

  The province of Boro is the most populous area in the wasteland. The Alliance cannot leave it alone, but it is also impossible to stay there forever.

  However, it is not a big deal to be guessed by a little earthworm.

  Kill him?

  How could it be.

  Since you like the septic tank, just stay in it until you die.

  This is true for both Zayed and the person who chose him.

  When a whole generation dies, their descendants will go to a new examination room and face a brand new classroom and questions.

  Their future may be bright, dark, or just repeat in a new reincarnation.

  But that is another question.

  Fang Chang sighed and said.

  ”Fortunately, Mammoth State stepped on the brakes in time and returned to the military and political track.” No matter

  how bad their development was, they could still become a free state, and now the nightmare of the free state seemed to be over. They

  were not originally on the same path, so there was no need to follow the path of the Alliance, and the Alliance had never asked them to do so.

  In short, “Sociology +3”.

  Considering the serious regression of the technological level on that land, no one should come up with a “new red soil”, right?


  ”Don’t get stuck in a rut. As the saying goes, haste makes waste, and good intentions are bound to do bad things. Relax your mind and treat it as a game. Maybe when we look back, we will find that things are not as bad as we thought, and the place we walked through is already a forest.”

  Lao Bai smiled and patted Fang Chang on the shoulder, then frowned at him and said, “Someone insisted on coming with me, and I couldn’t persuade him. Guess who came?”

  Fang Chang was stunned.

  Just as he was stunned, there were brisk footsteps outside the door, followed by a beautiful emerald green figure slipping in through the open door.

  Seeing that familiar pretty face, Fang Chang’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

  ”Dolly?! Why are you here?”

  ”I guess you’re here to check on me.”

  Lao Bai smiled and raised his hand, then looked at Dolly and continued in a casual tone.

  ”I can testify that although my brother Fang Chang faces a lot of temptations, he is still quite moral in terms of love.”

  ”Well… I don’t agree with this moral, but I still trust this guy.”

  Dolly raised her eyebrows at Fang Chang in a cocky manner, looking at him with a smile and continued.

  ”Of course, one thing is one thing. The Workers’ Union has summarized the failure in the Borneo Province area and decided to send a stronger player… Humph! This time, I will be your opponent!”


  Fang Chang almost choked on his own saliva.

  Looking at her boyfriend who was coughing, Dolly chuckled and jumped to his side, patting him on the back.

  ”Okay, okay, I’m just kidding. The representative of the workers’ union is someone else. I’m here to work on behalf of the Survivor Daily headquarters! After all, you’ve seen that those weird survivor dailies are almost taking away our market share! Our boss was scolded by the manager. Anyway, now we plan to develop the business along the coast of the Great Desert and the Batoy Province by ourselves.”

  ”So they threw this trouble to you?” Fang Chang pressed his eyebrows and said with a smile.

  Dolly raised her eyebrows and said unhappily.

  ”What do you mean by trouble? I’m also very capable, okay! I fought for this job myself!”

  ”Yes, yes… you’re super capable.” Not wanting to argue about this issue, Fang Chang raised his hands in admiration, “I surrender.”

  Dolly snorted proudly, and the expression on her face softened.

  ”Of course, the work of the newspaper is only one aspect. In fact, I… just miss you.”

  Fang Chang looked at her affectionately.


  The atmosphere in the office gradually became mushy.

  Although the two people in love were not aware of it, the old white standing next to them was full of dog food, and his toes were almost digging through the floor.

  ”…I have to catch a flight to the front line, so I won’t disturb you two.”

  He scratched the back of his head, coughed, and hurriedly left, closing the door for the two when he went out. Only

  the two people who were looking at each other affectionately were left in the office.

  As the sound of breathing got closer and closer, the temperature in the room was gradually rising.

  At this time, Dolly seemed to have come to her senses, suddenly blushed, and broke away from the embarrassing atmosphere.

  ”You, you, you… respect yourself, this is an office! And there are many people outside, it is a public place after all…”

  Looking at Dolly whose voice was getting smaller and smaller and more incoherent, Fang Chang couldn’t help but smile and made an expression that he didn’t understand anything.

  ”Did I do anything that shouldn’t be done in public?”

  If someone else made this expression, it might be credible, but when this old fox showed this expression on his face, the only possibility was “doing something bad”. ”

  I… I mean if you are going to say something weird again, of course, I don’t know what you are going to say…”

  ”For example?”

  ”Just, that is…”

  Dolly’s face was so hot that her ears seemed to be spewing steam. She kept explaining nonsense, but it got worse and worse. In the end, she couldn’t even speak clearly.

  Looking at that cute look, Fang Chang couldn’t help laughing. He originally planned to stop while he was ahead, but he didn’t expect that Dolly, who was embarrassed and angry, suddenly showed her fangs and pounced on him, picked up his arm and bit it fiercely.

  ”I am like you!”

  The chase and fight lasted for half an hour, and the sound of ding ding ding bang bang rang in the office.

  I didn’t expect that at my age, I still have the opportunity to play like a child.

  Looking at the row of tooth marks on his arm, Fang Chang pretended to be bitten and grinned for a long time.

  ”…Are you born in the Year of the Dog?”

  Panting, Dolly glared at him with shame and anger, and turned her neck to look to the side.

  At this moment, she noticed the unique photo frame on the bookshelf beside her.

  ”Is that your gun?”

  ”No, it belongs to a friend of mine.”

  ”Friend?” Dolly tilted her head, curiosity written in her eyes.

  ”Well, his name is Lassi.”

  Looking at the photo frame that sealed many memories, Fang Chang, who was sitting in the office chair, gently touched Dolly’s emerald green hair and told her the story about that friend.

  It was really a story of displacement.

  A group of passionate young men wanted to be people instead of slaves, and they risked their lives to do what everyone dared to think and dared not do.

  They defeated the empire, defeated the Weyland people, and almost defeated themselves.

  The legendary experience was like a novel, and the latter was fascinated by it unconsciously.

  When Fang Chang noticed it, his sentimental eyes were already filled with tears.

  Raising her arm to wipe her eyes, Dolly stared at Fang Chang and said seriously.

  ”I want to write a novel about him…or a biography, and serialize it in the “Survivor Daily” sub-publication on the west coast of the Great Desert.”

  A long time ago, she was an editor of Sberg, and she also contributed to the story of “Awakener Bol”.

  Now she has that strong impulse again, and is eager for the story that has been brewing in her mind to come to this world!

  If no one is willing to write this story, then she will write it herself!

  Fang Chang smiled and teased.

  ”You don’t even have a “main publication”, but you have already started to conceive of a “sub-publication”?”

  Dolly raised the corners of her mouth confidently.

  ”What’s the big deal! In the early years, the “Survivor Daily” also became famous in Boulder City by serializing novels in the Mercenary Newspaper and the Worker Newspaper! By the way, I still need to ask you about some details. You will help Ms. Dolly, right? Mr. Fang Chang.”

  Fang Chang smiled.

  ”Glad to serve.”

  It seems that someone in Jinjialun Port has already written a biography of Laxi, but those biographies are mostly fictional, more like standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up at the peak surrounded by clouds and mist. They lack understanding of the inside story and are not comprehensive in details.

  These authors either subjectively portrayed him as a tyrant who was greedy for power, or placed too much expectation on him, portraying him as an idealist who burned himself.

  In fact, neither of them is true.

  That guy has always been just himself –

  a slave who stood under a thousand totem poles, made a deafening cry, and broke free from the chains and straightened his knees.

  He has been thinking about writing a book about Laxi these days. Since Dolly wants to do this, let her do it, and he can add some details orally.

  By the way, what is the name of this book?

  The rise of Laxi?


  a benevolent king who kills decisively?

  ”The Awakened Bol” has influenced countless Boros in Jinjialun Port and Xifan Port. I wonder what kind of chemical reaction this novel will produce in the land of the Great Desert.

  Looking at those gleaming eyes, Fang Chang suddenly became more and more expectant.


  Mammoth City.

  As the Great Purge progressed, the flames of unrest finally burned into the campus.

  Gail, who had boasted that his father had “foresight” a few days ago, was already scared out of his wits. He hid in the dormitory all day and dared not go out. He completely relied on his “number one follower” and roommate Nayak to help bring food.

  Putting the lunch box brought back from the cafeteria on the table, looking at Gail curled up on the bed, Nayak couldn’t help laughing.

  ”You don’t have to be so scared. No matter how crazy they are, they won’t attack people who didn’t participate in the riot.”

  Gail said tremblingly.

  ”…Have you heard about Document No. 1500?”

  He now regretted pretending to be cool and telling Nayak that his father was a high-level member of the family association.

  If this guy leaked a word, he would probably follow the footsteps of those low-level family members.

  ”…I heard about it. I also heard that even the judge in the court was scared to pee his pants.” Looking at the frightened Gail, Nayak just smiled faintly.

  Of course he would not betray this guy.

  After all, he was counting on this guy to do great things.

  Gail looked at his little follower with gratitude, got out of the quilt, sat at the table and wolfed down his lunch.

  He burped after having enough wine and food, and looked at Nayak who had already started reading, and he couldn’t help asking.

  ”Why aren’t you afraid…”

  ”Because I have nothing to hide, why should I be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door?” Nayak replied lightly while flipping through the physics book in his hand.

  Gail looked at him nervously and couldn’t help whispering.

  ”Nayak… I…”

  Nayak said patiently.

  ”I know, I won’t betray you, don’t think about it all day and let it slip, then no one can save you. If you have this time, you might as well think about something else, you are a person who wants to do great things… Do you remember what I told you?”

  Gail nodded hurriedly.

  ”I know, I will take good care of your parents… I will…”

  ”What else?”

  ”What else?”

  ”Hide yourself after you go back, be a coward if you can, if someone wants to hit you, just lie on the ground and imagine yourself as a soft maggot…”

  Gail was sweating coldly, looking at Nayak who was flipping through a book and said with a guilty conscience.

  ”Can I not go back?” It would be better

  to die than to be so miserable.

  Nayak laughed.

  ”Of course, as long as you want your father, the respected General Pickley, to become the next Isher, you can indeed not go back. I believe that he will not blame you for his doting on you. So… do you want to choose this path?”

  His father was just a farmer, a million miles away from the power core of Tiandu, and he was as cunning as a farmer. At most, his life would be a little harder in the future, but he would not die.

  But Gail’s father was different. That guy had one foot in the power core circle.

  After listening to Nayak’s words, Gail was silent for a long time.

  He couldn’t bear to leave his father, nor the power that was within his reach.

  After a while, he said.

  ”…You said I would become the emperor?”

  Nayak turned a page of the book and said in a certain tone.

  ”It will be your turn, I said.”

  Gail suddenly smiled freely, sat back on the bed, and wrapped the quilt around his shoulders.

  ”Then there is nothing to be afraid of… At worst, when I gain power in the future, I will kill all these people.”

  Seeing this sunny and cheerful boy say such bloody words, Nayak smiled and nodded.

  ”That’s your business.”

  It was night time, and there was a commotion downstairs of the dormitory for international students. Soldiers with rifles suddenly surrounded the place.

  Gail, who had just fallen asleep, was pulled up from the bed by a soldier, and his ruddy face suddenly turned pale.

  ”It’s not me–”

  Nayak, who was escorted by another soldier, winked at him wildly, suggesting that he shut up and bury his head honestly.

  Gail stopped begging for mercy immediately, and with a pale face, he let the soldier pull him off the bed.

  The two soldiers who came in to arrest people did not interrogate them, but took them downstairs with murderous intent and stood with other international students from Borneo.

  A group of half-grown children were wearing pajamas and shivering in the cold wind.

  Although this is a subtropical area, it is still a bit cold when the wind blows in winter.

  The officer in charge said nothing nonsense, just looked at Meng Jie standing aside and said with a cold face.

  ”All the students from Borneo are here. You can take whoever you want to take away. We will send the rest back to where they came from.”

  The 110,000th team of Yokaler has already fired at the other side of the Tasang River. Both sides have stopped all official and private exchanges.

  Including joint schooling.

  Noticing Principal Meng standing among the soldiers, a group of children suddenly had red eyes and cried pitifully.

  ”Help, Principal!”

  ”Principal Meng!”

  ”Please save us!”

  Looking at this group of young children, Meng Jie felt distressed. They were all the hard work of him and Ni Yang.

  ”Come with me, I’ll take you to Dawn City to study… Don’t get involved in this mess!”

  Some people ran over.

  Seeing that the soldiers did not shoot, more than a dozen people ran over one after another, but there were still about a hundred people standing there.

  Among them were undergraduates and preparatory students. Some were like Gail, whose father was an official in Tiandu and had to go back, or like Nayak, whose parents still hoped that they would go back to be officials, or there were too many things they couldn’t let go of.

  Nayak seemed to have expected this day, and there was no surprise. He just hugged Gail beside him and patted the shoulder of this “good brother”. ”

  Don’t be too nervous. Principal Meng should be here with the alliance to pick us up this time. Shawa will definitely let you leave the country safely. You can believe me on this.”

  Gail couldn’t help but shiver.

  ”Take care of yourself… Come back anytime if you miss home.”

  Nayak smiled and nodded.

  ”You too, take care!”

  After bidding farewell to Gail who was reluctant to leave, Nayak and other familiar classmates also said goodbye in a hurry, and then strode towards the direction of Principal Meng Jie.

  There was no hesitation in his heart, and he had even seen the ending of most of them –

  this was probably the last time they saw each other, and there would be no chance to see each other again.


  [On January 2, 215 of the Wasteland Era, the first human conference ended, and Abusek returned to the Borneo Province. After landing in Kingaleng Port, he stayed at the Borneo Embassy in Kingaleng Port and stayed inside. ]

  [On the evening of January 4, Gopal led the Gray Wolf Army to support Commissioner Shahrukh to enter Tiandu, and “Butcher” Pikli Wanfu led the Tiandu military and civilians to welcome him! ]

  [On the morning of January 8, Zayed entered Tiandu and delivered a victory speech on the counterattack against the Southern Legion. On the same day, the Gray Wolf Army surrounded the Legislative Council. Sava, the second-in-command of the Family Association, spoke at the meeting, announcing the abolition of the grain consumption tax and issuing a ban on cats, calling on the family to take action and kill all the domestic and wild cats in the city. 】

  【At noon on January 10, the committee officially announced the resolution to remove Abusek, and Shahrukh delivered his inaugural speech, taking office as the Supreme Commissioner and the Grand Commander. 】

  【At noon on January 11, Gopal, the commander-in-chief of the Gray Wolf Army, was appointed by Shahrukh as the first marshal of the Bharata Kingdom! 】

  【On January 13, the awarding ceremony suddenly changed! Gopal pushed Shahrukh’s hand away and took the medal himself! 】

  【On the morning of January 17, Shahrukh, the commander and supreme commissioner of the Bharata Kingdom, was arrested by the Tiandu Guard! It is said that he was suspected of having secret dealings with the Southern Legion during his stay in the Snake State! And participated in the sale of snake grass! 】

  【On January 18, the committee issued a new research report, which reaffirmed that the consumption tax on grains was an unreasonable exploitation, but it should not be overcorrected. Instead, it could be extended to other non-essential areas such as cloth, livestock, spices, fuel, etc., so that it would be a good deed of “turning the hair oil of the rich into the food and oil in the pot of the poor.” 】

  【On January 20, the commander-in-chief Shah Rukh pleaded guilty! He admitted to colluding with the Southern Legion! Sava, the second-in-command of the Family Association, held another meeting and re-emphasized that the Family Association was only a disaster relief agency, and only supervised the Tiandu Federation on behalf of the family, and invited Abusek to return to Tiandu to preside over the overall situation! 】

  Jinjialun Port, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Borneo.

  Looking at the collection of newspaper clippings he made by himself, Abusek’s face was full of emotion.

  ”Times have really changed… It’s only been a few days, and you want me to go back and take charge of the situation.”

  These days, he had nothing to do in his spare time. Every day, he sat in this study room drinking tea and reading newspapers. He couldn’t find anything to do, so he asked for a notebook and cut out the news from the newspapers of the day and pasted it on it, preparing to compile it into a memoir and publish it when he was old.

  Anwo, who was sitting opposite him, seemed to be smiling.

  ”Why don’t you leave?”

  Abusek scolded with a smile .

  ”I’m not smart, but I’m not stupid. And you, you sly guy, I thought I wouldn’t see you again, but I didn’t expect that I would have to live with you now.”

  Anwo smiled faintly and said.

  ”The commander-in-chief is joking… If I had really carried out your orders and cleaned up that church, would you still be sitting here and chatting with me now?”

  Abusek fell silent, looked out the window, and murmured a few words.

  ”It’s a sin, it’s a sin… That was not my order, ghost, don’t come looking for me. To be honest, this matter can’t be blamed on me, it was all Janusz’s order. I let you handle it because I think you can handle it properly with your tactful way of doing things-“

  ”No matter how much you talk, a dead person can’t open the coffin and run out.” After looking at this weird guy, Anwo said indifferently, “It’s better for you to leave, but others will have to stay and suffer.”

  Hearing the thorny words, Abusek felt uncomfortable. After struggling for a long time, he sighed.

  ”I’m sorry about Ishel. That guy was a good man. I felt as bad as you when I heard about his death, but you should have seen that he wanted to die. What can you and I do?” Anwo was silent


  That guy could leave if he wanted to.

  But to be honest, if he really left, he would not be himself.

  Abusek was also silent.

  This was almost a dead end.

  Even if he hadn’t given Zayed the letter of appointment, the final result would not have been any different.

  Shahrukh will not give up the backstab just because he lacks Zaid’s support. The Eastern Empire will still end up the same way. In the end, it will be up to him to fight Shahrukh, or fight with others, and then see how long he can survive with the obsession in his heart.

  The chief of the Great Rift Valley woke him up with a word, and made him completely let go of everything he couldn’t let go of before, and climbed out of the dry well that once trapped him.

  He led the Brahmans to block the invasion of the Southern Legion, and his historical mission has ended.

  No one can accompany them to the end of history.

  After the matter is done, he should leave and hide his name.

  ”…But I didn’t expect that with Shahrukh’s calculations, he was taken down so easily.”

  Looking at Abusek with a melancholy face, Anwo took a sip of black tea and said.

  ”Nothing unexpected. Didn’t I, a nobody, shoot Janush on the throne? Ignoring the game behind it, if we take this matter out alone, few people will believe it.”

  ”That’s true,” Abusek sighed, “but this guy is too smart and fooled by his own wisdom. He fantasizes about being my second generation and thinks I am Janush’s dying son, but he never thought that from the beginning to the end, we are a group of rats who are in harmony with each other, and we can’t live without each other, and we can’t kill each other.”

  Together, they are Janush.

  As for now, they are nothing.

  The venomous snake has entered Tiandu, the cage has been dropped, and none of the greedy mice can escape.

  Looking at the photos on the clippings and the few old friends with bad faces, Abusek felt very emotional.

  He didn’t feel sorry for the big slippery Shah Rukh. No matter how that guy died, he deserved it. It’s better not to die easily.

  He only felt sorry for Sir Kabaha.

  This guy was almost stabbed by Janusch, and he managed to save the old man from the knife.

  Although the guy scolded him fiercely, did not do things smoothly, and was too peaceful, everyone could see that he loved this land from the bottom of his heart.

  Now that “Janusch” is back, I really don’t know how the madman will torture him.

  Looking at Abusek who was still immersed in memories, Anwo coughed lightly.

  ”…Don’t live in the past. Since you can’t go back to Tiandu, what are your plans for the future?”

  He heard that the Federation of Jingalon Port wanted to recruit this guy and take back Tiandu from the hands of the Family Association.

  If Abusek planned to take this path and continue to work in politics, he wouldn’t have to worry about the future.

  Just follow this guy.

  Abusek thought about it, but said something that he didn’t expect.

  ”I met a lot of people at the Human Conference. If you say they are smart… I’m not bragging, they are really not as good as you and me.”

  Without waiting for Anwo to come back to his senses, Abusek continued.

  ”The Borneo Province is not short of smart people, but it needs some stupid fools. I’d better not get involved in this mess. I’ll leave this unfinished game to the younger generations.”

  ”Are you just going to give up like that?” Anwo looked at him in disbelief, looking at the former commander-in-chief.

  Abusek smiled generously.

  ”Never mind! By the way, I have an appointment with Si Wen, the representative of the South China Sea Alliance, to have a drink with them later.”

  In addition, he heard from those bigwigs in the meeting that aerospace will soon become a hot career in the new era.

  The new track is already clear, and he, who has participated in the human conference, is fortunate to have a glimpse of the “secret”.

  Maybe he can start a company and do something more meaningful with the smart people in Borneo Province.

  As for the name of this company, let’s call it “Abu Aerospace”!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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