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Chapter 963: Enemy at the Gate

Chapter 963: Enemy at the Gate


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 963:

  The Enemy is at the Gates of the City [Rat Rebellion?! Domestic and wild cats are dead everywhere, and rats are rampant in Tiandu! Sava, the second-in-command of the Family Association, held another meeting and called on his family to unite again and declare war on rats in the Borneo Province!

  ——”Survivor Daily” Jin Gallon Hong Kong Edition]

  [The cat ban has begun to take effect. People must be full before they can feed cats. The survivors of Tiandu are happy and thank Zayed for giving us food and clothing.

  Under pressure from the Family Association, the commander of the Mammoth Kingdom, Sava, released 500 undergraduate and preparatory hostages. The children of Tiandu have returned home safely and have been received by Zayed’s parents! Let us welcome the pillars of the future!

  In contrast, the running dogs of the Southern Legion who fled to the New Xifan Port have a difficult life, crying all day long, and they deserve this fate!

  In addition, locust plagues broke out in many places in the Baiyue Strait, the southern waters, and the Death Coast. Food is short, plagues are rampant, and alien species are rampant… It is estimated that it may cause the death of millions of people! Tiandu University professor analyzed that the reason is that the alliance is not friendly to family members, and the local wastelanders lack the guidance of their families, and no family members come to help.

  Let us mourn for the survivors who are suffering in the wasteland for three minutes. We will save them sooner or later.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Tiandu Edition


  【The first beauty pageant in French Fries Port! The champion “Drunk and Smiling Yiren” is actually a cross-dresser! ?

  The number of immigrants has increased sharply! Representatives from the Baiyue Strait region are planning to establish a fourth settlement! Now we are soliciting votes from the general public!

  The most popular food this month is hot pot, crab roe sauce, coconut jelly, and ice cream!

  ——”Survivor Daily” French Fries Port Edition


  【The war in the Free State “company” continues to heat up! Gang members and the Hound Special Forces broke out in a gunfight on the street! At the morning meeting today, Saren turned the pen with his right hand, which may imply that the conservatives of the alliance can’t bear the loneliness and secretly come down? ! The

  killing competition in the Borneo Province entered the second round! Gu Liong, who ordered the bombing of Lion City, could only rank third? !

  (Photo: Zaid and Shawa arm wrestling, looking at the crushed tomatoes in their hands, Gullion stood in the corner in shock)

  General McLennan’s opinion is that he refuses to express his opinion.

  ——”Survivor Daily” New Xifan Port Edition]


  Great Rift Valley.

  As guests from all directions returned home one after another, this holy place where the last spark of human civilization was buried returned to tranquility again, and a certain unserious old man finally became more serious.

  Empty small conference room.

  The chief sitting at the obsidian long table used his index finger to fiddle with the holographic screen in front of him, and a gratified smile suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”It’s not bad to survive one.”

  Everyone has his own “destiny”, or “historical mission”.

  This destiny is not determined by a certain person, but the result of the same or different choices of everyone in the group.

  Although the managers of the alliance call his theory “fortune-telling”, he actually prefers to call it “civilization”.

  Facing his own destiny, Abusek encountered the problem of not being able to let go, while Mayor Odo encountered the problem of not being able to pick it up.

  Now one person put it down, and the other person picked it up. Their futures are bright.

  As for Shava…

  Although I chose a relatively easy path for him, he did not do as I wished, but chose another solution that I buried in the riddle –

  that is, to kill everyone!

  This is the most difficult path.

  Not only does he have to inherit Laxi’s legacy, but he also has to start a killing spree that Laxi dared not start!

  The chief suddenly thought of Lei Ze, the young man who always followed Julius.

  They are actually the same kind of people, burning themselves for the dreams of others…

  The chief shook his head, and with a light stroke of his index finger, he turned off the holographic window floating in front of him.

  ”What a sin…”


  Abusek was not joking.

  After leaving Golden Gallon Port, he really went to French Fries Port to register a company called Abu Aerospace, and its business was mainly “aerospace improvement of plasma engines for aviation.”

  Although the name of this business sounds high-end, it is actually not as complicated as it sounds.

  To put it simply, it is to install the engine of an airplane on a spacecraft.

  In the distant old era, plasma engines were first born in the field of aerospace, and it was not until chemical engines were almost completely eliminated that they were reversely exported to the aviation field.

  And what Abu Aerospace has to do is to return advanced plasma technology to where it should have been.

  From the perspective of following the historical trend, there is actually nothing wrong with this business direction, and it is possible that many large companies in the alliance have already quietly done it.

  However, for the Boro people who are still busy with intrigue, this business is still relatively advanced. After all, most of the “Valley People” still have the impression of them as dinners on the railroad tracks. As

  for aerospace.

  That is more like what the survivors of Dawn City and Boulder City would do.

  As the saying goes, knowing shame leads to courage.

  Although he has accepted his fate, Abusek is still holding back a lot of anger in his heart.

  He wants to prove to other tribes in the wasteland that the Boro people are not only good at internal fighting, but also capable of doing some progressive things, and even ahead of all the tribes in the world!

  Obviously, he is not the only one with such an idea.

  After hearing the news, Asin, who had already decided not to fund the reform of Borneo Province, wrote a check for 10 million silver coins on the spot and asked his confidant to bring it to Abuseik.

  This young man from the Rat Clan was still as easily excited as before, even though he didn’t know what aerospace was.

  Not only Asin, but also some Moon Clan members who had gone to French Fries Port earlier and made a fortune also got involved.

  Reform was unlikely. It would be better to use the money to light firecrackers, so that they could leave a few lines of their names in this magnificent epic.

  In this way, this startup company with a registered capital of less than 10,000 silver coins and a founding time of less than a month, relied on the support of Asin and a group of Moon Clan sponsors to gather nearly 50 million silver coins in just half a month!

  Abuseik himself didn’t expect that he, a dismissed commander-in-chief, could still have such appeal.

  Thanks to so many people not despising him, he also made up his mind in his heart that he must make some achievements in the field of aerospace!

  On the other hand, Abusek’s right-hand man, Internal Affairs Commissioner Wadia, also took a similar path to Abusek after bringing his family from Wolf State in Borneo to Golden Gallon Port.

  However, unlike Abusek, he did not wait for the committee to expel him in Golden Gallon Port, but took the initiative to write a letter of resignation and submitted it to the Borneo Embassy in Golden Gallon Port.

  His war is over.

  Since he had not figured out what to do next, he thought about it and finally bought a boat ticket. After settling his family, he went to French Fries Port alone and joined the old leader who was “starting a second business”.

  Abusek did not dislike the old subordinate who was engaged in intelligence work because his major was not suitable. Instead, he received the latter with joy and arranged him to be the head of the Supervision Department, responsible for risk control of confidential projects and background investigation of confidential employees.

  These tasks are all requirements of the Alliance.

  After all, it is a bit whimsical to want to buy out the key technology of the Alliance with tens of millions of silver coins.

  Regardless of whether the technology was dug out from the ruins or borrowed from the allies, these things belong to all citizens of the alliance.

  Anyone can use these technologies, improve them, or even register their own patents based on the original technologies, but the premise is that they must undergo a background check.

  This investigation includes multiple fields such as the background of the founder, the source of funds, and the application scenarios, and it is not conducted by the economic department, but directly responsible by the Guards.

  In addition, the intelligence department of the alliance will also carry out long-term cooperation with the supervision department of confidential non-public enterprises to jointly eliminate the hidden dangers that may lead to technology leakage.

  As the former head of the intelligence department of the Bharata Kingdom during the war, Wadia has come into contact with many members of the Alliance Guards due to work reasons, and the latter’s docking work is also handy. With

  such a beautiful resume, it is undoubtedly a waste of talent to be the head of the supervision department of a startup company, but Wadia does not think it is a pity. Instead, he is very happy to be valued and trusted by his old leader again.

  Although he has considered other jobs, he can only feel that kind of peace of mind when he is next to Abusek, without having to tread on thin ice because there are smart people around him.

  Maybe this is the charm of personality.

  In other words, the ability to make talented people feel at ease to work for you…


  Time passed day by day, and soon it was February, and the season of spring and flowers in the northern hemisphere was just around the corner.

  The battle on the west coast of the Great Desert was still intense, but the intensity was far less intense than at the end of last year.

  The Southern Legion’s military strength was at the end of its strength, and both human and material resources were exhausted.

  On the other hand, the Enterprise was getting more and more excited. The troops sent to the front line had increased from the initial two divisions to ten divisions, and more than 100,000 citizens from Ideal City directly participated in the ground war against the Southern Legion!

  The last time the Enterprise launched a large-scale military operation was a century and a half ago, when the mutants had just escaped from the laboratory…

  Facing the successive attacks of the Enterprise’s mechanized troops and the major corps of the Alliance, the troops sent to the front line by the Southern Legion were like dry firewood in a fire, unable to even resist effectively, and were beaten black and blue.

  It was not only a failure on the front line, but also in the field of public opinion.

  Although the Southern Legion Victory Newspaper was still racking its brains to weave lies about its impending victory, as the lies were exposed again and again, even the soldiers of the Southern Legion themselves no longer believed what was written in the newspaper.

  Not only that.

  The Willant troops, who had always been able to fight to the last moment no matter how difficult the battle was, finally began to surrender in an organized manner.

  Most of these surrendered troops were 100-man teams.

  They were either assigned impossible tasks, or they could not find their commanders, or they were thrown into the battlefield after being issued rifles.

  Of course, these reasons may be secondary.

  The most critical thing is that those fanatical militarists have been burned out in the previous battles.

  The remaining people are either young soldiers, or citizens who were thrown to the front line after only receiving basic military education, or some foreigners who did not want to be buried with the legion at all.

  Nearly 300,000 regular troops and vassal troops were surrounded by the Enterprise’s troops in the northwest corner of the Great Desert, and the remaining more than 100,000 troops were also compressed near the city of Yavent and contracted their defense towards the direction of the urban area.

  The southern part of Battoa Province has opened its doors to the Alliance. Truckloads of supplies are sent to the front line in the southern part of Battoa Province along the railways and roads on the edge of the Great Desert.

  These are not only military supplies, but also some engineering machinery used to clear bunkers and minefields.

  For example, large bulldozers and forklifts.

  Removing the remnants of the Southern Legion is only the first step. After that, they will have to start post-war reconstruction work in the Battoa Province area.

  Simply killing beasts will not eliminate barbarism.

  They must also plant the seeds of civilization there, so that the new order will replace the original order.

  Outside the city of Yavent.

  The Death Corps, which was rushing to the front line by truck, has arrived at the battle position first.

  Seeing Debt Eyes getting off the car with large and small bags in both hands, the players who were joking stopped talking and cast surprised glances at him.

  ”What the hell?”

  ”Why do you have so much luggage?”

  ”Oh my god, are you moving?!”

  Debt Eyes smiled embarrassedly and hid the package behind him.

  ”What are you talking about? They are just some supplies–”

  Before he finished speaking, [Midnight with Umbrella but No Knife] who had flashed behind him had already unzipped one of the packages without thinking, but with a “crash”, the things inside rushed out like an avalanche.

  ”Fuck! What the hell are you doing!” Looking at the things scattered on the ground, Debt Eyes panicked and reached out to pick them up, but the number was too large and he couldn’t handle it for a while.

  ”Sorry, sorry, brother, I was just joking. Why don’t you pack so many things…” Midnight with Umbrella but No Knife quickly squatted down to help him clean up, but at this time, the construction site boy and brick picked up a palm-sized packaging box from the ground.

  The packaging looked very delicate, and the bow tied on it looked like it was carefully tied.

  The construction site boy and brick shook the box and looked at Big Eyes with a confused look on his face.

  ”…Chocolate? Why do you bring so many chocolates?”

  Most of the other similar boxes also contained chocolates or candies. A rough count showed that there were about a hundred of them. No wonder the package was so bulging.

  The debt-ridden man’s face instantly turned red as a monkey’s butt. He snatched the exquisitely packaged chocolate gift box and started to talk nonsense.

  ”Ahem! Isn’t there a famine in Avent City? I saw in the newspaper that many people are hungry, so I just want to see if there is anyone who needs help… well… I just want to help others, you know.”

  Seeing the lame excuse he made up, several good brothers immediately sprayed.

  ”Pfft! Helping others is okay.”

  ”Tsk, your excuse… it’s better to say that you are afraid that your harem will be hungry.”

  ”+1, if this guy’s motive is so pure, I will eat a pile of it on the spot!”

  ”Fuck! Can you guys not be so dirty! I am pure, okay!” The debt-ridden big eyes swollen and reddened his face and tried to quibble, but in the end no one believed him.

  At this time, the construction site boy and the brick who were searching for treasure on the ground raised their heads again and shook the bag in their hands in confusion.

  ”Then what are you doing with sanitary napkins?”

  Outlaw: “???”

  Laplace: “Fuck!”

  Madam, you don’t want to: “Hahahaha! I didn’t expect you to be such a big-eyed person!”

  Looking at the group of guys who couldn’t laugh anymore, the drum shampoo machine helplessly supported his forehead.

  ”…It seems like you’re meeting this guy for the first time.” You

  just want to help the homeless girl, so why should you be afraid of saying it clearly!

  At most, you can give the helmet to someone in need.

  Unable to bear it any longer, Bianbianhuashui came over and coughed.

  ”Although the Southern Legion has been forced into a desperate situation, don’t underestimate our enemies. They are now beasts forced into a corner, and there may be some surprises waiting for us in the city.”

  Laplace smiled when he heard the words.

  ”That’s just right! They even sent us back to Dawn City!”

  Outlaw: “Hahaha!”

  I’m responsible for dying first: “You’re really a talent!”

  They are players. They

  are immortal heroes.

  For ordinary people, the “death potion” that is fatal to ordinary people will only take three days to wait.

  They have fought all the way from Akal County in the Borneo Province to here, and no one has said anything discouraging. Now that the war is about to be won, they naturally have no reason to be afraid.

  Bianbianhuashui also smiled with everyone else, and then cast his eyes in the direction of the distant Avent City.

  That steel fortress is like a reef hidden under the raging waves.

  If nothing unexpected happens, this will be the final battle…

  (Low fever, today is short…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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