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Chapter 963: Willing but Powerless

Chapter 963: Willing but Powerless


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 963: Willing but powerless

  Xiao Youran heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing this, and immediately joked: “Shishi, you are not in love with your father, are you?”

  An Shishi did not refute, but nodded and said: “It is possible, maybe I really like my father.”

  She remembered the scene when Xu Xiuwen asked her to call him daddy in bed.

  ”Haha, Shishi, you are really a joker.”

  Xiao Youran obviously did not take it seriously.

  An Shishi did not explain, but asked: “Youran, you look very happy today.”

  Xiao Youran glanced at Song Siyu behind An Shishi, and subconsciously denied, “No.”

  ”You still say no, since you returned to the dormitory until now, you haven’t closed your mouth.”

  ”That may be because it’s the weekend…” Xiao Youran said perfunctorily. The

  real reason is of course because Xu Xiuwen once again kept his promise and did not sleep with Song Siyu.

  She glanced at Song Siyu again, thinking: Even if you become Xiao Xu’s girlfriend, what’s the use of it? You can only sleep in the dormitory and can’t receive any rain or dew.

  She thought about making persistent efforts and continue to squeeze Xu Xiuwen dry tomorrow.

  Song Siyu will always have nothing to watch but nothing to eat.

  After Ruowenlou closed, Xu Xiuwen wanted to take Mu Zhilan home, but was rejected.

  No matter what he said, Mu Zhilan would not agree to him taking her home.

  Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to give up.

  He originally planned to go back to Jiangning Garden directly, but after thinking about it, he drove to see Lu Xinyao.

  He had also ignored her during this period and had hardly ever met her alone.

  After driving to Lu Xinyao’s house, Xu Xiuwen took out the key to open the door.

  He did not make a big noise, and did not even turn on the light.

  In the dark, he came to the bedroom door, opened the door gently and walked in.

  With the faint light from the mobile phone screen, he came to the bed.

  Then, Xu Xiuwen took off his clothes, lifted the quilt, and climbed into the bed.

  He had just hugged Lu Xinyao’s slender waist from behind when the latter woke up.

  ”Who!” Lu Xinyao immediately reached out to turn on the light.

  Xu Xiuwen hurriedly stopped him, “Don’t be afraid, it’s me.”

  ”Xu Xiuwen?” Lu Xinyao asked uncertainly.

  Xu Xiuwen frowned and said, “It’s only been a few days since we last met, and you can’t even recognize my voice?”

  Lu Xinyao didn’t explain, but asked, “Why are you here?”

  ”Can’t I come?”

  ”You didn’t even tell me in advance when you came…”

  ”Why should I tell you in advance?”

  Lu Xinyao was quiet for a while, and asked, “Why are you talking so harshly, who made you unhappy?”

  Xu Xiuwen snorted and changed from lying on his side to lying flat.

  Lu Xinyao slowly reacted.

  He seemed to be a little unhappy because she didn’t recognize his voice at the first time?

  Lu Xinyao didn’t say anything and continued to sleep.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t sit still immediately.

  ”Xinyao, are you unhappy because I ignored you during this period of time?”

  ”Why do you think so?”

  ”Isn’t it?”


  ”I went home a few days ago, my mother was sick…” He still explained.

  ”Your mother is sick?” Lu Xinyao turned around and faced Xu Xiuwen’s direction.


  ”What’s the disease? Is it serious?”

  Xu Xiuwen suppressed his laughter and said, “It’s not a serious illness, just a fever.”

  Lu Xinyao breathed a sigh of relief.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Xinyao, why do you care so much about my mother?”

  Lu Xinyao knew what Xu Xiuwen wanted to say, so she simply didn’t answer.

  He turned around and hugged Lu Xinyao’s delicate body, and asked, “Have you put yourself into the role of a daughter-in-law?”

  ”I didn’t.” Lu Xinyao denied it in a low voice. Xu Xiuwen

  said, “If you miss me, you can call me.”

  ”I dare not disturb you.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “How can a wife calling her husband be called disturbing? That’s called caring.”

  Lu Xinyao’s mouth corners slightly raised, “Don’t come on, I’m not even a lover, when did I become your wife.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Don’t belittle yourself, you are going to give birth to a child for me, if you are not my wife, then who is?”

  Hearing him mention the child, Lu Xinyao remembered the child she had aborted before.

  Her heart sank slightly.

  Seeing that the girl stopped talking, Xu Xiuwen also reacted and said the wrong thing.

  He said softly, “I’m sorry.”

  Lu Xinyao said generously, “You don’t have to apologize, it’s not your fault.”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly suggested, “Let’s have another child now.”

  ”It’s so late…”

  ”I want you…”

  After hearing this, Lu Xinyao was silent for a while, and suddenly hummed.

  ”Then come…”

  When she spoke, two blushes flashed across her face.

  Xu Xiuwen had just been squeezed three times by Xiao Youran at noon, and at this moment, he didn’t have strong thoughts.

  He suddenly thought of something and whispered in the girl’s ear, “Xinyao, can you put on your stockings? I like to see you wearing stockings.”

  Lu Xinyao agreed immediately.

  ”Then you wait…”

  She lifted the quilt, got out of bed and got the stockings.

  After getting the stockings, Lu Xinyao stood by the window and put on the stockings.

  At this moment, she was wearing a very thin nightgown. She

  didn’t even wear underwear inside.

  The bright moonlight shone into the room through the gap in the curtains, enveloping Lu Xinyao.

  The nightgown on her body looked like a silver gauze dress, with a fairy spirit.

  In order to put on the stockings, she put one foot on the floor and the other on the bed, and bent over to put the stockings on her feet. Her

  slender legs shone charmingly in the moonlight.

  As she pulled the stockings up her legs little by little, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help swallowing his saliva under his gaze.

  The main reason he recruited Lu Xinyao into the company was that Lu Xinyao was pretty enough.

  But he didn’t notice at the time that she actually had a better figure.

  This pair of beautiful legs is slender and long, and wearing stockings.

  It would be hard for that man not to be tempted.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t hold back his fiery heart, and hurriedly got out of bed without waiting for the girl to return to bed.

  He hugged her as the girl exclaimed.

  Lu Xinyao put her hands on the windowsill, and the moonlight outside poured in, making her fair skin sparkle.

  She was like a fairy bathing in the moonlight, making people’s heart beat.

  Xu Xiuwen stood behind her, holding her palms with both hands behind her…

  no words all night.

  The next morning.

  When Xu Xiuwen woke up, Lu Xinyao was no longer in bed.

  He got dressed and went to the living room, and saw Lu Xinyao busy.

  She walked from the kitchen to the dining table with a plate.

  At this moment, a hearty breakfast was ready on the table.

  Looking at the woman’s energetic appearance, it can be seen that he performed well last night.

  And this rich breakfast was a reward for his performance last night.

  Seeing Xu Xiuwen get up, Lu Xinyao smiled faintly and said, “Hurry up and wash up and get ready for breakfast.”

  Xu Xiuwen hummed.

  After washing up, he came to the dining table.

  Lu Xinyao had prepared everything for him.

  He didn’t have to do anything, just sit down and eat breakfast.

  But he was still not satisfied.

  Seeing that he didn’t move, Lu Xinyao couldn’t help asking, “Is it not to your appetite?”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head.

  He looked into Lu Xinyao’s eyes and said, “I want you to feed me…”

  Lu Xinyao was stunned for a moment.

  After coming to her senses, she didn’t refuse, but walked to Xu Xiuwen and sat down, picked up the chopsticks, and began to feed him breakfast with her own hands.

  Until leaving Lu Xinyao’s house, Xu Xiuwen was still sighing.

  This decadent and beautiful life is really hard to lose.

  Lu Xinyao came to the company from home.

  Everyone who saw her was surprised that she looked so good today.

  Colleagues kept asking her if she had bought any good skin care products.

  Lu Xinyao smiled and shook her head and said no.

  In the morning, she came to the company’s practice room.

  The company’s new drama had just been released, and it was not known when the next drama would start filming.

  Many newcomers had lost the motivation to practice.

  When Lu Xinyao saw this scene, she would have scolded everyone with a cold face if it was usual.

  However, today she just said, “The company has seen your performance. If you want to get a role in the next drama, you’d better practice hard.”

  After Lu Xinyao left.

  A group of trainees talked about it.

  Why is Secretary Lu so easy to talk to today? If it was usual, she would not teach them a lesson.

  It was noon soon.

  Lu Xinyao and Song Xiaomi went out to have lunch together.

  Lin Churan was with them.

  Lu Xinyao often went to the practice room recently, and she became familiar with Lin Churan, who was in charge of managing newcomers.

  Lin Churan smiled and said, “Sister Xinyao, you look really good today. Did you encounter something happy?”

  Song Xiaomi on the side vaguely guessed something.

  Lu Xinyao shook her head and said, “Maybe I slept better recently…”

  ”Is that so…”

  Lin Churan didn’t quite believe it, and wondered if she had a boyfriend.

  But he was not sure.

  Because she had heard some rumors recently.

  Lu Mi is actually Xu Xiuwen’s mistress.

  At the same time.

  At the main campus of Jiaotong University.

  Xu Xiuwen had lunch with Song Siyu as he did yesterday.

  After lunch, he did not chat with Song Siyu this time, but sent her directly back to the dormitory.

  Then, he hurried to the garage under the library.

  When he got in the car, Xiao Youran was still waiting in the car.

  Then a new “reward” began

  . The reason why he did not spend more time with Song Siyu was mainly because the time for yesterday’s “reward” was a bit tight.

  As soon as Xu Xiuwen got in the car, Xiao Youran took the initiative to offer his rosy and soft thin lips.

  Today is more time than yesterday, but Xiao Youran is more active than yesterday. He

  did not even leave time for Xu Xiuwen to say a word.

  Xu Xiuwen had to bear it “unbearably”.

  In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

  Xu Xiuwen drove to pick up Song Siyu.

  As soon as the girl got in the car, she sniffed her nose and frowned, saying, “Xu Xiuwen, do you smell anything?”

  Xu Xiuwen was startled.

  It had been several hours since noon, and he opened the window to dissipate the smell.

  Unexpectedly, Song Siyu could still smell the residual smell.

  He quickly changed the subject, “No, you didn’t smell it. You might have smelled it wrong. By the way, aren’t we going to eat? Where is the restaurant?”

  Song Siyu’s attention was diverted.

  She smiled and said the name of a restaurant.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Then sit down quickly, we’ll go now.”

  ”Don’t worry, I’ll go back and change clothes.” ”

  No need to change, you’re so beautiful, why do you need to change clothes?”

  ”Xu Xiuwen, why are you so sweet today?”

  ”I’m not being sweet, I really think so.”

  Song Siyu smiled, “Okay, then I’ll listen to you and won’t change.”

  At the same time.

  An Shishi and Xiao Youran went to the cafeteria to eat together.

  An Shishi asked curiously, “Siyu should go to find Xu Xiuwen, don’t you care?”

  Xiao Youran smiled and said, “What’s there to mind?”

  An Shishi couldn’t understand Xiao Youran more and more.

  When did the latter become so open-minded?

  However, what Xiao Youran was thinking at this time was: I just squeezed Xiao Xu clean at noon. Even if Song Siyu was “intentioned”, Xiao Xu was “powerless”.

  Xu Xiuwen drove with Song Siyu to the box that their department had booked in advance.

  Students from the office came one after another after school.

  When almost everyone arrived.

  Song Siyu formally introduced Xu Xiuwen to everyone.

  Xu Xiuwen was originally a handsome guy, tall and in good shape.

  Although he didn’t go to the gym every day, he exercised a lot, and he controlled his diet, so the abdominal muscles on his stomach were very obvious.

  Just before picking up Song Siyu, he changed his clothes specially. He

  wore a well-fitting black suit with a white silk lining inside.

  He had broad shoulders and an upright figure, and was a natural clothes hanger.

  After putting on a suit, he has a mature charm that students don’t have, and he looks like an Oppa in a Korean drama.

  Song Siyu was very proud when she introduced him to the people in the department.

  His handsome appearance has already conquered the female classmates in the department.

  Before Song Siyu introduced him, the girls gathered together and whispered.

  The boys also cast envious eyes.

  Not only envy that Xu Xiuwen can become Song Siyu’s boyfriend, but more envy of his temperament and image.

  If they can be as handsome as Xu Xiuwen, girls in the school will chase them casually.

  Several boys who had a crush on Song Siyu completely gave up the idea after seeing Xu Xiuwen.

  With such a gap in front of them, if they continue to have a crush on Song Siyu, they will look like clowns.

  Xu Xiuwen also took good care of Song Siyu at the dinner table.

  His gentleness and thoughtfulness made the female classmates’ eyes full of love.

  If they didn’t know that they couldn’t compare with Song Siyu, I’m afraid they would have made a small calculation.

  While picking up food for Song Siyu, Xu Xiuwen came to his girlfriend and whispered, “Are you satisfied now?”

  ”Satisfied with what?” Song Siyu pretended to be stupid.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled.

  It was not the first time that Song Siyu attended the department dinner. She had never invited him before, but this time she invited him.

  Didn’t she have any idea of ​​showing off her love?

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t believe it.

  At the same time, she was taking this opportunity to confirm the news that they were together.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expose his girlfriend’s little thoughts.

  He smiled and said, “It’s nothing. I didn’t embarrass you with my performance today.”

  Song Siyu shook her head, “No.”

  Xu Xiuwen not only didn’t embarrass her, but made her proud.

  Especially every time he picked up food for her, the gentleness and thoughtfulness made her proud in front of the department members.

  At this time.

  Several girls in the office suddenly came to Xu Xiuwen with wine glasses and toasted her.

  This kind of private toast, Xu Xiuwen did not directly refuse, nor did he immediately agree.

  He first looked at Song Siyu next to him and asked with a smile, “Siyu, can I drink with them?”

  Song Siyu was stunned.

  She didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to ask him even for such a small matter.

  She felt as happy as if she had picked up money.

  Feeling the gazes of other girls in the department, she said calmly, “Okay.”

  Several girls were even more envious when they saw Xu Xiuwen even asking Song Siyu for permission before drinking.

  One of the girls was outspoken and said directly to her face, “Minister, your boyfriend even asks you for your opinion on drinking. He really listens to you. I’m so envious!”

  ”Yes, yes!” The girls next to her also agreed.

  Song Siyu felt more and more proud.

  She smiled so hard that her mouth could hardly close.

  ”Oh, he’s just pretending in front of you. He’s not like that in private.”

  Although she was telling the truth, the girls didn’t believe it.

  Because it’s easy for most boys to be obedient in private, but when there are many people around, many boys will pretend to be the boss at home because of face.

  But Xu Xiuwen didn’t do that.

  And he had been picking up food for Song Siyu before.

  It didn’t look like she was pretending.

  They just thought Song Siyu was pretending to be modest, and they envied her more and more.

  Xu Xiuwen drank with the girls and praised them a few times.

  The girls returned to their seats happily.

  As soon as he sent the girls away, the boys started to drink with him again.

  One of the boys suggested playing a game, and soon got the consent of the others.

  They invited Xu Xiuwen to join them.

  Xu Xiuwen still looked at Song Siyu.

  The latter smiled and said, “If you want to play, play. If you don’t want to play, don’t play.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Then play for a while.”

  Then several people played the drinking game of visiting three gardens.

  The so-called visiting three gardens means that each person will name the corresponding varieties in the three gardens chosen by the first person (botanical garden, zoo and fruit garden).

  For example, in the fruit garden, you can say apples, oranges, bananas, etc.

  Continue to say them one by one. Whoever repeats or can’t say it will lose and have to drink.

  Several boys proposed to play this game, so they were naturally prepared.

  They planned to get Xu Xiuwen drunk together.

  Then after a few rounds, Xu Xiuwen was able to catch up every time.

  Instead, the boys quickly drank and staggered.

  Song Siyu stepped out in time to stop the game.

  Seeing that it was getting late, Song Siyu announced the end of the dinner.

  The group went downstairs and left.

  Song Siyu went to pay.

  When she came to the front desk to pay, the cashier told Song Siyu that someone had already paid in advance.

  Song Siyu immediately turned her head and looked at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Today is also the first time I meet you all. I am very happy, so I will treat you.”

  Hearing his words, Song Siyu agreed.

  And other classmates praised Xu Xiuwen for his generosity.

  After leaving the restaurant, Song Siyu told those classmates who were not drunk yet to send the others back.

  After everyone left, she walked back to Xu Xiuwen, and then supported Xu Xiuwen and walked to the parking place.

  Back to the car.

  Song Siyu turned around and looked at Xu Xiuwen, her beautiful eyes full of pride and joy.

  The man in front of her belongs to her.

  ”Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Song Siyu shook her head and smiled, “It’s okay, how do you feel? Are you dizzy?”

  ”I only drank so little, it’s okay.”

  Song Siyu suggested, “Then let’s go to my place tonight.” Xu Xiuwen

  was sober when he heard it.

  He agreed to Xiao Youran’s request again at noon today.

  In fact, he didn’t want to agree.

  He also felt that this was unfair to Song Siyu.

  But he couldn’t stand Qingmei’s soft and hard nagging.

  In addition, it was a critical moment. If he didn’t agree, Xiao Youran would not let him be “happy”.

  He agreed on impulse.

  If he took Song Siyu home now, or followed her to her place.

  Xiao Youran would definitely know it as long as he saw that Song Siyu didn’t return to the dormitory.

  He couldn’t hide it.

  In this case, the next reward she said would definitely not be given.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t care much about the so-called “reward”.

  He mainly didn’t want Xiao Youran to continue to think that he was a man who didn’t keep his word.

  Considering that Xiao Youran is now a lover and Song Siyu is his girlfriend.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t bear to disappoint Xiao Youran, so he could only wrong Song Siyu.

  Moreover, he accepted the reward at noon, so he didn’t have much of that thought at the moment.

  Xu Xiuwen’s silence, in Song Siyu’s eyes, was tantamount to a silent rejection.

  The girl frowned immediately, but still looked good.

  ”Why don’t you say anything.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Siyu, not tonight.”

  Song Siyu bit her lower lip immediately, and there was a look of unwillingness in her eyes.

  She looked at Xu Xiuwen and said, “It didn’t work the day before yesterday, it didn’t work yesterday, and it still doesn’t work today? Xu Xiuwen, are you tired of me, so you deliberately avoid me? If so, why are you so nice to me? Just tell me that you don’t like me, and I will never bother you again…”

  Xu Xiuwen explained helplessly, “What are you thinking, how could I not like you? It’s even more impossible for me to deliberately avoid you.”

  Song Siyu looked aggrieved, “You have never rejected me one after another like this before, do you dare to say that you are not avoiding me?” Xu

  Xiuwen knew that if he couldn’t give a qualified reason.

  Song Siyu would definitely misunderstand him. Xu

  Xiuwen hesitated for a moment and said, “I didn’t want to say it.”

  ”What do you want to say?”

  ”Actually, I twisted my waist the day before yesterday, and I didn’t have the courage to tell you.”

  ”What?!” Song Siyu opened her eyes wide.

  ”Because my waist was twisted, I kept rejecting you. When my waist is healed, I will accompany you well, okay?”

  Song Siyu didn’t care about accompanying or not at this moment.

  She asked nervously: “How did you twist your waist? Is it serious? Have you been to the hospital?”

  ”Just rest for another day today, and you should be fine tomorrow.”

  ”Really? Don’t lie to me.”

  ”Really.” Xu Xiuwen forced a smile.

  Song Siyu suddenly blamed herself and said: “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were injured, and I kept pestering you. You must think I’m ignorant.”

  Xu Xiuwen stretched out his hand to rub the girl’s hair, and smiled and said: “How could it be, my girlfriend pestered me, I can’t wait to eat you. If it weren’t for my bad waist, I really want to eat you right now.”

  He said in his heart: “I’m sorry Siyu, I didn’t mean to lie to you.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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