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Chapter 964: The Exhausted Southern Army

Chapter 964: The Exhausted Southern Army


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 964: The Southern Legion is running out of steam.

  The silent front line was filled with silence and killing, and the trenches engraved on the ground were like unsheathed swords.

  The Alliance used only five days to surround the city of Avent with trenches and cut off all possible tunnels leading to the outside world.

  The soldiers of the Southern Legion standing on the front line saw with their own eyes that the engineering equipment with tracks on both sides, with a half-man-high drill, dug in the earth-shaking roar, and “pulled” out the trenches like shit under their noses.

  Now the soldiers of the Alliance have been in place one after another, and the sound of artillery from time to time is like an increasingly rapid drumbeat.

  Not surprisingly…

  this is the last battle.

  There is no fear or fear in Quincy’s heart, and he even feels a little relieved.

  About half a year ago, his 340,000th team was defeated by the Skeleton Corps near Lidbur County, Lion State, Borneo Province, and his nightmare began from that moment.

  First, he was humiliated by the frontline soldiers of the 360,000th Corps, and then he was looked down upon by the staff of the logistics department of Xifan Port.

  Even though he fought to the last moment, even though he wanted to explain that the opponent he was fighting was not the Poro but the volunteers of the Alliance, in the eyes of his compatriots, he still could not take off the hat of a coward, and was still a shame that had made the Willant people lose face.

  When he went to Yongye Port with the letter of injury and retirement, his compatriots there laughed and asked him why he didn’t die. The

  young men of the entire Southern Legion rushed to the front line with loyalty and enthusiasm, but he was the only one who was out of tune with the surroundings, like a retrograde standing on the highway.

  Later, he went to a sanatorium in the suburbs of Battoa Province to recuperate, staying with other wounded soldiers who had retreated from the front line.

  Although there were some lunatics in the sanatorium who had seizures from time to time, most of them were lying quietly on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

  It was only then that he, who was kicked around like a ball, felt a little peace.

  Although it didn’t take him long to realize that it wasn’t peace.

  It was forgetfulness.

  It wasn’t just Tyr who had forgotten them.

  Almost everyone in the entire Southern Legion had participated in this conspiracy, tacitly excluding these “losers” from society.

  They were like sugarcane residue rolled out of a juicer, thrown into a trash can covered with a white plastic bag, and slowly rotted in a corner that no one could see.

  But ironically, just when he was about to accept his fate for the rest of his life, those who had abandoned him dug him out of the trash can and awarded him the Centurion Medal.

  The Southern Legion had reached the end of its rope.

  Having burned once, they must burn again.

  Quincy had no other thoughts in his mind, and he silently loaded his rifle.

  Hurry up –

  end this torment!

  The artillery fire that was evenly distributed finally approached, and the roaring explosions and billowing smoke made the rookies behind the bunkers change their faces at the same time.

  Some even peed their pants in fear.

  At this moment, a roar at the top of one’s voice came out from the intermittent broadcast.

  ”Warriors! Behind us is the city of Avent!”

  ”There live your parents, your children, and your loved ones!”

  ”Our enemies want to wipe us off this planet! We must not let them succeed!”

  ”What we have to defend today is not only the glory of the Legion! But also the glory of Marshal Julius! The dignity of the Willant people!”

  ”Fight! Julius’ descendants! Let them open their eyes and see that the Willant people are invincible!”

  The young men who were scared to pee their pants rekindled their fighting spirit in their eyes, and the old man over fifty also trembled and stretched out his hand, painfully picking up the gun leaning against the bunker.

  Quincy’s heart was calm.

  He had heard too many similar words, and he had long been numb to these inspiring words.

  Suddenly, he suddenly had a strange idea.

  Perhaps –

  the survivors of the city of Avent had said similar words.

  History is like a circle, which has come full circle before we know it.

  ”Prepare for battle!”

  Almost at the same time as the hoarse roar, a shell landed beside a bunker not far from Quincy.

  The two rookies who had mustered up the courage to lean out of the bunker and fire because of the commander’s call were hit directly and flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

  ”Hide! Stay in the bunker! Wait until they get close before shooting!”

  Quincy stared at the group of frightened recruits with red eyes, and a roar made them retreat back to the bunker.

  Shells fell one after another, washing their positions from head to toe.

  At the same time, dozens of bulldozers started their engines at the same time, using huge buckets to carry piles of sandbags piled into small hills, and advanced towards the defense line at the edge of the city of Avent.

  Quincy, who was observing the alliance position through the gap in the bunker, had his pupils shrink suddenly. Obviously, he didn’t expect that this thing could be played like this.

  An anti-tank infantryman set up a Panzerfaust and pulled the trigger at one of the bulldozers.

  The rocket hit the shield-like sandbag wall squarely, but only exploded a string of orange-red sparks, without even a ripple.

  This kind of armor-piercing projectile that uses metal jets to kill targets is very effective against hard armor, but it is useless against sandbags.

  The tanks of the Southern Legion have been destroyed, and there are almost only infantry and light armor left in the entire city of Yavent. Faced with this contemptuous fighting style, the officers of the Southern Legion have almost no temper. The soldiers

  of the Death Corps stepped out of the trenches, picked up their rifles and followed these cheap and easy-to-use bulldozers.

  On the other side, the armored formations of the Skeleton Corps also launched an attack! One by one, the

  Chimera armored vehicles rushed to the front with milky white smoke, and fired at the bunkers in the city with 37mm rapid-fire guns.

  Orange-yellow tracers jumped on the ground, crushing the thousand-man team stationed at the edge of the city.

  The bulldozers following the front finally approached the edge of the position. The leading soldier rowed on the edge and shouted loudly into the communication channel.

  ”For the Alliance!”


  The sound of charge and shouting of killing resounded everywhere. Nearly a thousand players of the Death Corps rushed out of the bunkers almost at the same time and charged towards the nearby Southern Corps position. The

  distance between the two sides was less than ten steps!

  Faced with the gradually crossfire, the bunker on one wall has lost its function.

  But it doesn’t matter –

  close combat is what the Death Corps is best at!

  Almost at the same time as the Death Corps launched the charge, the machine guns on the Willant positions also started to fire.

  Facing the suppressive firepower of the Alliance, they have been dormant under the ruins for a long time, and now they have finally reached the time to go out.

  Deadly tracers, like willow catkins blown by the wind, rushed towards the Death Corps against the noisy artillery fire, and harvested several heads in just a few breaths.

  However, in just a few breaths, the Alliance’s artillery shells fell near the machine gun bunkers as if they had eyes.

  The roar of the explosion and the billowing smoke came one after another, and the flickering fire was almost attached to the edge of their own line, lifting the machine gun bunkers and the nearby concrete bunkers into the sky.

  The new recruits of the Southern Corps were stunned by the explosion, and the veterans were dumbfounded one by one.

  Including Quincy –

  looking at the Union soldiers who were charging at the edge of the artillery fire, his face was full of disbelief.

  These guys…

  Aren’t they afraid of death? !

  It was indeed the case.

  Those soldiers wearing gas masks and bulletproof armor rushed forward to face the rain of bullets from the Southern Legion as if they were not afraid of death.

  The first line of defense was touched!

  The Union soldiers who rushed into the concrete ruins immediately started a close fight with the Southern Legion soldiers hiding behind the shooting bunkers!

  Gunshots rang out one after another, with the roar of shotguns, and the sound of submachine guns and rifles.

  A soldier wearing a gas mask was shot into a sieve by a machine gun, but before he fell to the ground, another soldier wearing a gas mask rushed up and smashed the machine gunner’s head with a shotgun.

  The whole battlefield was in chaos!

  Blood and brain matter flew everywhere, hanging on the fragmented concrete positions.

  Even the most fanatical soldiers under Tyr were scared at this moment.

  It seemed that these guys could not be killed!

  Under the fierce attack of the Death Corps, a gap was quickly torn in the first line of defense.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, the mole that was roaming in the distance seized the opportunity and immediately issued an order to attack.

  Thirty Chimaira armored vehicles covered twelve tanks like a steel-forged dagger, stabbing in along the wound cut by the Death Corps.

  ”Hahaha! Die!”

  The gunner squatting in the Chimaira armored vehicle pulled the trigger, and dozens of 37mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs wiped out an entire team of ten people hiding behind the bunker in just an instant! The

  smell of burnt barbecue wafted from the tunnel covered with broken bricks and tiles, and a pile of black corpses lay on the ground.

  The soldiers of the Southern Corps, lying in the pile of dead bodies, raised their rocket launchers and tried to fight back, but because they were stuck at a safe distance, they failed to penetrate the Chimaira’s armor, and were instead shot in the head by the infantry following the armored vehicle.

  Faced with the armored troops charging in front of them, the soldiers of the Southern Legion who were still resisting fell into despair, either launching a suicidal charge or abandoning their weapons and fleeing to the rear. The

  entire battle quickly went from white-hot to one-sided, and the sound of artillery fire in the distance gradually stopped. It

  took the two player corps less than half an hour to capture the main southern entrance of Yavent City and destroy the three thousand-man teams guarding there.

  The edge paddling water gathered the captured prisoners in a relatively open space, and then commanded the remaining brothers to build a simple defensive position with sandbags on the bulldozer to prevent the Southern Legion soldiers who retreated to the rear from regrouping and killing again.

  However, this possibility is actually not great.

  Judging from the equipment seized on the front-line positions, the weapons and ammunition of these three thousand-man teams combined are not as good as those of the city defense forces of Yongye Port, not to mention the quality of the soldiers. Many people were even sent to the front line to make up the numbers.

  If it were half a year ago, this kind of offensive battle would have taken at least half a day to determine the outcome.

  After a brief interrogation of the captive, Bianbianhuashui walked to the side of Brother Mole and shared the information he had obtained from the captive with him.

  ”…The ones we just fought against were three thousand-man teams under the 2 million-man team of the Home Defense Army, commanded by Captain Baldwin.”

  ”Baldwin?” Mole’s face showed some surprise, “The name sounds familiar.”

  Bianbianhuashui said with a smile.

  ”The 370,000-man team of the Borneo Province Theater, a great victory in Akali County, we captured Wolfe of the 360,000-man team, and let the 370,000-man team who came to reinforce run away… Remember? He’s an old acquaintance.”

  Hearing the great victory in Akali County, Mole finally remembered the name and showed a surprised expression.

  ”Oh, I remember… What the hell! Shit! I was still waiting for resurrection when you guys were fighting that battle!”

  It seemed that the war criminal named Wolfe and the 360,000th Squadron picked up his head.

  But this guy didn’t have a good ending, and he is now serving his sentence in the prisoner-of-war camp in Kinggallon Port.

  ”Haha.” Edgewater laughed heartily, “It seems to be true!”

  That battle was a turning point in the war zone of Borneo Province, and it was also the first battle of the Death Corps in the war zone of Borneo Province.

  At that time, the “Survivor Daily” in Kinggallon Port spent a full three pages describing the whole battle. The bend of the river was full of floating corpses and blood flowing like a river!

  It was at that time that he met Isher…

  Thinking of the deceased old friend, Edgewater gradually couldn’t laugh anymore, and the corners of his mouth fell unconsciously.

  Walking along the way, some people suddenly disappeared.

  ”…It’s already the final battle, I thought they would come up with some new tricks.”

  Looking at Edge who had lost his smile, the Mole could probably guess who he was thinking of, so he tactfully changed the subject.

  ”What new tricks could there be? If they really had that thing, they would have used it long ago.”

  Portable anti-tank missiles with tracking function might be one.

  Relying on that thing, the Southern Legion successfully destroyed their two Type 3 tanks.

  But even so, what?

  Total war is a collision of systems, and one or two pieces of equipment or one or two strong men can hardly affect the direction of the war.

  Even strategic-level lethal weapons such as “death agents” can’t do it.

  Edge said with some reluctance.

  ”But isn’t it like this in general games? The strongest ones are at the back…”

  The canyon escaped the mole and made a helpless expression.

  ”You also said it was a general game.”

  RTS games are not.

  Including strategy, management, and farming games are not either.

  For example, “Civilization 6”.

  Once the player first points out the nuclear bomb, if it is not for the achievement, the pursuit of cultural victory and flying, the game is basically over.

  The snowball that was rolled out with painstaking efforts in the early stage will inevitably become a curse to compress the game time in the later stage. The optimal solution can only be opened again… and this is also a curse that no strategy game can escape.

  But it is also quite interesting to watch the snowball grow little by little. If this snowball is only the size of a booger no matter how you rub it, what is the meaning of the ups and downs they have experienced along the way?

  ”As for me… now I just want to see what it looks like five light years away, and I want to see if A Guang has baked this cake.”

  Edgewater scratched the back of his head.

  ”What I am more worried about now is whether there will be a public beta.”

  The mole said with a smile.

  ”Haha, is there any difference? The Wasteland Era is about to end.”

  The fragmented army only has the Southern Army, a stubborn donkey living in the old times. There should be no opponent that can make the alliance exert its full strength in the future. Eastern

  Empire? New Federation?

  It can be considered a competitor.


  When they have played the battle royale game and killed enough people, it may be decades later.

  Of course, if A Guang wants to do the whole thing at this time, he can change the name of the game to “Starry Sky OL” or “New Era OL” and do another round of closed beta.

  But what is that guy trying so hard for?

  Until now, he doesn’t know which mysterious company developed this game. Or maybe it is really like the rumor that it is a blind box given to human civilization by advanced civilization.

  Maybe A Guang…

  doesn’t actually exist?

  This strange idea suddenly popped up in Mole’s mind, and he suddenly wanted to draw a book.

  He hasn’t drawn for a long time, and his hands are rusty.

  Just when the two old guys were lamenting that time had passed so fast and they were about to pass the level without knowing what had happened to the crow and the mutant leech that day, Irena, who had finished cleaning the battlefield, was about to go to the mobile save point to lie down.

  Just at this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar face among the group of captives squatting on the ground, and he couldn’t help but stop.

  Looking at the dusty young man, he greeted him.

  ”Hey, have I seen you somewhere before?”

  Quincy, who was squatting on the ground, raised his head and looked at Irena blankly, obviously stunned.

  Gradually, his face changed.

  ”You… you are…”

  ”Oh, I remember,” Irena showed a mischievous smile on her face, and made a shooting gesture with her hand, “You are the rookie of the 340,000th team that day.” It was

  fate. At that time, they were near the railway station on the northwest side of Ridbull County.

  The entire Skeleton Corps was killed from full strength to the last one left, and the 340,000th team that fought with them was the same, with only this one person left alive.

  Since the strategic goal had been achieved, it didn’t matter whether this guy was killed or not. Irena let him go for the sake of fate. Unexpectedly, they met again.

  Quincy was dumbfounded and looked at him with an expression of incomprehension.

  His eyes seemed to ask why.

  ”…You are still alive?”

  He saw with his own eyes that the rocket artillery of the 360,000th team covered the entire position!

  The scorching temperature even turned steel into molten iron!

  How could this guy still be alive? !

  Irena did not answer his question, but just pinched her chin and talked to herself.

  ”Alive… Well, this is a very interesting question. There is life only after death, so can people who can’t die be considered truly alive? This question has actually troubled me for a long time. What am I to ‘this world’? A foodie?” After

  thinking for a long time without an answer, he squatted down and patted the boy’s shoulder with a smile.

  ”Why don’t you think about it for us? Anyway, when you go to the new era, you will have plenty of time to do this.”

  Quincy looked at him blankly, and nodded slowly after a moment.

  He had heard rumors that the Alliance used clones to fight, but he had never seen such smart clones.

  Seeing this NPC so obedient, Irena smiled and put a piece of candy in his hand.

  ”Just think of it as a down payment. Don’t thank me. I got it from Brother Big Eyes… Hahaha!”

  After saying that, he smiled and waved his hand, put his rifle on his shoulder, and walked away humming a little tune.

  The solid fortress had cracked a crack, and the increasingly close sound of artillery gave the survivors huddled under the ruins hope to end it all.

  At the same time, in the north of Battoa Province, a massive landing operation was also underway.

  The 1.17 million-man troop, which was forced to defect to the Willant Province a few months ago because it refused to shoot at its compatriots, returned on a landing craft under the leadership of Captain Perfika.

  Looking at the warships lined up on the sea, Captain Murwan, who led the 100,000-man vassal army, had despair written all over his face.

  That was the fleet of the South Sea Alliance!

  While he was hesitating, the thick naval guns and cruise missiles had already greeted his position.

  The roaring artillery fire tore the bunkers on the beach into pieces, and the 1.17 millionth team landed again on the place where they had escaped!

  In addition to the infantry, there were also the “Alligator” amphibious armored vehicles produced on the North Island of the South China Sea Alliance, and the “Sea Lion” power armor using a deuterium-tritium fusion reactor!

  Faced with this torrent of steel that hit the shore along the waves, the 100,000th team was almost defeated at the touch of a button, and was washed away without even effective resistance.

  At the same time, an impassioned roar echoed in the communication channel of the 1.17 millionth team.

  ”For the glory of Marshal Julius!”

  ”For the glory of the Willant people!”

  ”For liberation!”

  ”Let us save our compatriots from hell! Crush these rats!”

  Now that the Willant Alliance has withstood the refugee offensive launched by the Southern Legion, and the alliance from the East has already arrived at the city of Avent, they no longer need to be cautious.

  The Archon of Triumph City, “Pangolin”, stood on the steps of the Glory House and gave a speech, condemning Tyr for a series of crimes including the West Sail Port Massacre and the use of civilians as bullets, and declared war on Tyr and his followers on behalf of the Willant Alliance!

  Only the 1.17 million troops landed first, and soon there will be 20 more 10,000 troops rushing to the front!

  Unable to withstand the fierce offensive, Moore could only retreat in the direction of Avent City.

  The troops of the Willant Alliance advanced southward with great momentum, echoing the Alliance that had already entered the suburbs of Avent City!

  Not only on the ground –

  the encirclement and suppression of the Southern Legion’s steel airships is also continuing.

  With the help of the Academy, the Alliance successfully installed the phase guns on the train. Faced with an irreversible defeat, ten of the remaining twenty airships of the Southern Legion have defected.

  Half of them joined the Eastern Empire, and the rest defected to Triumph City.

  Today, Tyr is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out and locked in a cage, and there is no chance of a comeback.

  Even the “death pill” that he regarded as his trump card was now killed by physical isolation in the southern part of Willant Province, becoming a joke worse than Lowell’s red soil.

  He had also used up the last trump card of the Southern Legion.

  There was no one left to accompany him in another charge…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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