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Chapter 965: Madness at the End

Chapter 965: Madness at the End


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 965: Madness at the End

  On the beach in the north of Battoa Province, soldiers from the Willant Province boarded a temporarily requisitioned fishing boat and docked at the temporary dock built by the 1.17 millionth Army.

  The man in military uniform held a telescope in his hand and squinted his eyes to look around. After a long time, he squeezed out a sentence from his throat.

  ”…Is this Battoa Province?”

  His name is Newman, the captain of the 100,000th Army of the Willant Alliance.

  Although he served in Triumph City, he had been an instructor on the beach in the north of Battoa Province for a period of time many years ago.

  I remember that there seemed to be a town called Rhino Horn here, because the beach looked like a rhino’s head. When he had nothing to do, he would go there to rent a small boat and take a few friends out to sea for fishing.

  But now, let alone the village here, even the concentration camps that existed for a while have been demolished. Only some bombed concrete bunkers, craters and sandbag bunkers are left on the originally beautiful beach.

  Everything has changed.

  And it has become hell.

  The captain of the 110,000th Squadron also got off the boat. He took out a lighter and lit a cigarette. He looked at the land where everything had changed and took a puff with his eyes narrowed.

  ”It has changed a lot, hasn’t it? Everything has returned to the time when the war just ended two hundred years ago. In fact, think about it on the bright side… At least Tyre doesn’t have so much high technology, at least we haven’t become like this.”

  Newman’s Adam’s apple moved and he nodded slowly.


  He still couldn’t understand why Tyre started this stupid war, but he suddenly understood why the academy hid those pre-war technologies…


  Hundreds of thousands of troops entered along the breakthrough opened by the 1170,000th Squadron in the north of Battoa Province.

  Seeing that it was the troops of Triumph City, the survivors along the way came forward to greet them with tears of joy.

  They wanted to have food and drink, but unfortunately there were not many nutrient pastes left at home, and they might also be carrying the “death agent” strains on their bodies.

  Perfika of the 1170,000th Squadron asked the soldiers to distribute some of the food to the survivors, and then handed them over to the troops responsible for setting up the quarantine zone.

  Not only did they have to kill Tyr, they also had to clean up the mess Tyr left behind.

  Thick black smoke dotted the southern part of Yavent City. The steel airships hanging in the low sky fired at the sky and the ground, and the air was occasionally accompanied by the “woosh” roar of rockets.

  Faced with the intensive offensive of the Alliance, even the steel airships began to be unable to resist.

  Even due to the lack of close-range firepower ammunition, one of the airships was broken through the firepower network by guided weapons and hit the gun cabin under the steel airship.

  The gorgeous fireworks bloomed instantly, and the billowing smoke engulfed half of the airship.

  Although the captain of the airship reacted quickly and ordered the gun cabin to be thrown away in time, the structural components of the airship were still severely damaged in the explosion, and finally fell slowly into a ruin in the desperate sight of a group of soldiers.

  The deflector shield cannot provide absolute defense against guided weapons such as missiles, and at most it can have a certain blocking effect.

  The steel airships mainly rely on the fixed machine guns and 20mm anti-aircraft guns on the airships to defend against missiles. They take the opportunity to shoot the missiles when they are confronting the deflector shield of the airship.

  This sounds crazy, but it is actually very effective.

  However, in the long-term confrontation with the Legion forces, the Alliance also thought of a solution.

  That is to replace the outer shell of the missile with armored steel.

  As long as the seeker and power components can withstand a 20mm cannon, it will be enough.

  The rest is left to fate and quantity…

  With the fall of the first steel airship, air superiority began to tilt towards the Alliance.

  The 2000,000th Squadron of the Home Defense Army launched a round of counterattacks against the positions of the Death Corps, but the counterattack lasted less than an hour and was forced to stop as the mobile forces of the Skeleton Corps penetrated the rear of the Home Defense Army.

  The Death Corps, which had replenished its ammunition, began to advance again, cooperating with the armored forces of the Skeleton Corps to occupy the positions that had been gnawed down, and at the same time searching for the remaining enemies hiding behind the bunkers.

  Although Baldwin, the captain of the Southern Army, was still leading his men in a heroic resistance, anyone could see their final outcome.

  The winner had been decided.

  The only difference was which day in February would tell the outcome.

  Objectively speaking, Tyr, who had done everything he could, had done some good things, but not much.

  For example, in terms of results, he “evacuated” the civilians of the Battoa Province before the final decisive battle, greatly reducing the casualties that civilians might suffer in street fighting.

  Although this was only in terms of results.

  After all, Tyr obviously did not do this to reduce civilian casualties. His purpose was to drag the survivors in the wasteland from one quagmire into another deeper quagmire.

  It’s just that this guy had a bad idea, but it was executed well.

  On the other hand, the Weilant soldiers disdained to mingle with the Weilant civilians. Some deserters took off their uniforms and really took them off, but they didn’t throw away their uniforms and hide guns, doing things that their families would do in Snake State and Mammoth State.

  This reduced the casualties of civilians by 80%.

  Even so, the pain brought by this war to the residents of Avent City is still heavy.

  But in any case, this is much more merciful than the neutron plume falling from the sky…


  The 68th floor of the “World Tower”.

  Standing in front of the alloy wall, Tyr stared at the holographic window in front of him expressionlessly.

  The war was getting closer and closer to his feet, and his loyal warriors were either wiped out or surrendered in an organized manner, as if the power given to them by the “gestalt life form” technology was fake.

  A deep sense of powerlessness crawled over Tyr’s body, followed by anger and helplessness.

  He, who held supreme power, felt for the first time that the steering wheel was out of control.

  At this moment, hurried footsteps came from behind him, and the haggard Chief of Staff Augustus stood behind him and saluted, speaking hurriedly.

  ”Dear Commander… Triumph City has declared war on us. The 1.17 millionth detachment of the defectors has landed on the beach in the north of Battoa Province. The 100,000th detachment of the vassal army responsible for the defense has been annihilated. According to the intelligence sent by the front line, at least 4 detachments of 10,000 have been lost. They may have surrendered to Triumph City…”

  Augustus has tried his best to use a tactful tone.

  However, no matter how tactful the tone is, it cannot change the crisis facing the Southern Legion at the moment.

  Running out of fuel is not enough to describe it.

  Perhaps the word should be used: surrounded on all sides…

  Tyr’s fists were clenched tightly, and his bones made a creaking sound. It took a long time for him to slowly relax.

  He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice with his back to Augustus.

  ”I know.”

  Augustus waited quietly for Tyr’s deployment, but he waited for a long time without hearing the next word.

  The chief of staff couldn’t help but show a trace of anxiety between his eyebrows, and unconsciously used an urging tone.

  ”Mr. Commander of the Legion… The local defense army can’t hold on any longer, and the alliance’s troops are approaching us… I don’t know if I should say this, but we should prepare for the future as soon as possible.”

  ”The future?” Tyr turned his head and looked at Augustus, who looked anxious.

  Facing that cold and sharp gaze, Augustus held his breath for a moment, and cold sweat crawled down his forehead.

  He quickly lowered his head and waited tremblingly for Tyr’s reprimand.

  But to his surprise, Tyr didn’t do it this time.

  ”Go back.”

  Augustus was stunned, and did not react for a while, and then his face gradually turned pale.

  Go back?

  At this juncture… the entire city of Avent was surrounded, where else could he go back?

  Understanding the meaning in that look, Augustus nodded tremblingly, slowly squeezed out a “yes” from his lips, and then walked stiffly to the door.

  In fact, he should have expected such a result.

  He is the chief of staff of the Southern Legion, and his “superiors” no longer have “superiors” to rely on.

  From the moment he ran out of tricks, the fate of the Southern Legion was doomed.

  At least at the last moment, he wanted to accompany his family, and then go to another world with them…

  Watching Augustus leave, Tyr cast his gaze on the holographic screen and slowly closed his eyes.


  What went wrong?

  Is it because of the pangolin?

  If that guy hadn’t stepped onto the steps of the Glory House and announced Julius’ death, causing the originally united legion to fall apart, the Southern Legion would never have been in such a mess…

  He did think so at first, but it didn’t make sense after thinking about it carefully.

  The originally united legion…

  When had the legion ever been united?

  ”Respected Majesty Julius… All your children have abandoned you, and now we are the only ones left in the Weylandt who still remember your teachings.”

  He sighed, turned off the holographic screen in front of him, and strode into the laboratory next to him.

  The laboratory on the 68th floor of the World Tower is a hotbed for cultivating “death agents”, and Martin, who presented him with the last card, is here.

  Looking at Tyr who walked into the laboratory, Martin’s expression was a little embarrassed, but he still nodded slightly to show respect.

  ”Mr. Tyr…”

  Tyr asked expressionlessly.

  ”Any new progress?”

  Martin shook his head awkwardly.

  ”We are still working hard, but unfortunately, there is no obvious progress.”

  The design of the death agent is actually perfect, but it is a pity that it has not been spread and is blocked on the beach in the south of the Weilant Province.

  The researchers of the Alliance and the Academy stabilized the patient’s condition with only a few drugs, and the rich experience of Triumph City in the construction of the quarantine zone was also something they did not expect at first.

  Perhaps the infectious disease route is not a good idea. There are too many uncertain factors in the wasteland, and this is also a lesson for the Enlightenment.

  They should use other more efficient means…

  But the method of the “Torch Project” does not work, and the method of the Torch Church does not work either. What else can they do?

  Should we blow up this planet?

  This… seems a bit too extreme.

  What the Enlightenment needs is a pure planet, not a fragmented asteroid belt.

  Besides, it is not so easy to destroy a planet.

  Just when Martin was thinking about it, Tyr had already walked in front of him.

  ”Keep up, give me my biological power armor.”

  That was another gift given by the Enlightenment to the Southern Legion-the legacy of the Torch Church.

  In fact, it is better to say that it is borrowing chickens to lay eggs than giving them away.

  The Enlightenment intends to use the productivity of the Southern Legion and the ongoing series of wars to integrate the technology of the Sanctuary to improve the biological power armor of the Torch Church.

  After all, the Enlightenment’s individual combat capabilities are too weak. They have already suffered a loss once, and the gray mutants and wastelanders in the Great Desert are not very useful. The production of power armor requires a complete supply chain, so they can only think of some alternative ways.


  that biological power armor is an experimental model after all, and it has not been put on the battlefield for testing.

  Martin’s face showed an embarrassment.

  ”But that suit of armor is not yet completed–”

  Before he finished speaking, Tyr’s hand was already on his shoulder.

  ”There is no time, take me.”

  The undisguised murderous intent made Martin hold his breath involuntarily, and he dared not say a word of refusal.

  He swallowed slowly and nodded stiffly.

  ”Please, please follow me…”

  Tyr let go of the hand holding his collar and signaled him with his eyes to lead the way.

  The laboratory was completely silent. The researchers avoided their gazes and dared not make eye contact with Tyr.

  The two walked through rows of experimental equipment and culture tanks, heading deep into the laboratory, and soon came to a silver-white metal cabinet.

  Biological power armor is different from ordinary power armor. The latter is an auxiliary equipment that can be taken off at any time, while the former must be connected to the wearer’s internal circulation system. If it is not done properly, it will not be taken off.

  Martin walked to the side of the control panel with trepidation, and tapped the operation interface twice with his index finger. Soon, rows of green signal lights lit up on the surface of the silver-white metal cabinet.

  With a “hiss” sound of air leakage, a steep crack appeared on the flat metal surface, and the tightly closed alloy door quickly opened to both sides.

  At the same time as the alloy door opened, a scarlet piece of meat stretched out from the crack of the door, and the swelling and rolling appearance looked like boiling magma.

  Looking at the scene that made people’s sanity value drop wildly, even Tyr couldn’t help but frown.

  ”Can this thing really penetrate a person?”

  Martin nodded tremblingly.

  ”Theoretically… it can. The Torch Church used it on the battlefield in Haiya Province. You should know that, right?”

  That thing once caused a lot of trouble to the coalition forces, and even almost succeeded in a sneak attack on the administrator of the alliance – at least that’s what the people of the Torch Church told them.

  Tyr nodded expressionlessly. Of

  course he knew.

  After all, he also sent a 902mm heavy artillery to show off the military power of the Southern Legion at that time.

  Unexpectedly, time has passed, and now it is the time when the Southern Legion is at its wit’s end.

  ”How should this thing be used?”

  Hearing Tyr’s question, Martin, who was tense all over, was stunned for a moment and answered subconsciously.

  ”Just contact it and respond to its desire… Wait, you want to use it yourself?!”


  As the voice fell, Tyr had already walked up and stretched out his hand to press on the scarlet piece of meat.

  Bloody tentacles extended from the piece of meat, wrapped around his five fingers, and spread to his arms, as if they had become a part of his body.

  At the same time, a huge amount of negative emotions surged into his mind like a tide.




  Eat everything!

  Tyr let out a painful groan, but soon the low roar turned into joy. The

  ripples emitted by the indescribable piece of meat were exactly what he wanted from the bottom of his heart!

  Yes –

  maybe that was what he wanted. He wanted to destroy everything from the bottom of his heart, destroy everything that blocked him.

  Including those who opposed him.

  Even those who supported him.

  Even the Weylant people.

  He did not go crazy, but naturally absorbed the ripples and energy emitted from the piece of meat, and wholeheartedly accepted the madness that was enough to destroy everything.

  If you can’t win –

  then destroy it!

  The Weylant people who lost to the wasteland are no longer high and mighty. They are undoubtedly the inferior race, and inferior races should be eliminated by the jungle without a single one left!

  That is natural selection!

  It is the only way to a higher life form!

  At this moment, Tyr was like an angry and disappointed racehorse owner who was going to kill his best horse with his own hands because it failed to win the race.

  If no one is willing to accompany him to charge again –

  then he will do it himself!

  The scarlet flesh has crawled all over Tyr’s body and spread in all directions along the floor under his feet. At

  this moment, he seemed to have become a monster.

  Or a species that does not exist on Earth.

  Martin’s face was full of horror, and he moved his leaden legs and trembled backwards.

  This is not a power armor at all! ?

  There must be something wrong!

  Suddenly he remembered that in the previous experiment, he tried to add a genetic code from the mutant slime mold mother nest to the power armor, which was suspected to enhance the mimicry and recovery ability of life forms.

  Speaking of that code, it has been a few years.

  That was what the Torch Church pioneers had gotten from the mother nest in Qingquan City.

  ”Quickly disconnect it!”

  Martin yelled, took out a bottle of liquid nitrogen from the side, and pointed the nozzle at Tyr without thinking too much.

  However, before he could unscrew the safety pin, a scarlet tentacle pulled the liquid nitrogen bottle in his hand away, and then quickly wrapped around his body and lifted him up from the ground.

  ”Ah ah–”

  Martin struggled desperately, kicking his legs randomly, but he was just a weak researcher after all.

  Tyr, who had completely merged with the piece of meat, came in front of him in a flash, and the pair of thick legs seemed to grow on the floor wrapped in the meat.

  ”Disconnect what?”

  Looking at the pale Martin, he squeezed out a satisfied smile from his twisted face.

  At the same time, the piece of meat that spread along the floor had already penetrated into other rooms in the laboratory.

  Looking at the scarlet piece of meat that swept over like a tide, the researchers in the laboratory were all dumbfounded.

  And just at the moment when they were stunned, the scarlet meat had already pounced on them.


  Like Martin’s fate, the researcher closest to the meat was instantly tied up by the scarlet tentacles like a dumpling, and then turned into a pool of meat paste like a tomato that was squeezed and exploded.

  The sudden change scared everyone. The dumbfounded researchers came to their senses one after another and rushed to the emergency exit like desperately.

  ”The sample has been leaked! Run!”

  ”Damn it! Let me go!”


  Screams came one after another!

  In just a few breaths, the virus laboratory on the 68th floor of the “World Tower” turned into a hell on earth.

  Of course, the raging waves would not let go of these “nutrients” that were almost fed to their mouths. They had just been awakened from hibernation and were thirsty, and needed to devour flesh and blood to expand themselves.

  The tentacles were like pythons aiming at their prey. With just a few twists of the voice, they caught up with the fleeing researchers and dragged them into the scarlet hell.

  And those researchers who escaped by chance did not really stay safe.

  After the scarlet tentacles harvested twenty lives in a row and broke the nutrient tanks in the laboratory warehouse, the scarlet flesh that had obtained nutrients began to spread along the ventilation ducts and elevator shafts, up and down the building.

  Looking at the pale Martin, Tyr squeezed out a trace of joyful smile from his twisted face.

  ”…I am very satisfied with your gifts. I will visit you when I have time.”

  Martin looked at him in horror, his mouth trembling and opening and closing, with despair in his eyes.

  ”You… monster.”

  Tyr smiled faintly.

  ”That’s how bugs look at people.”

  After saying this, he gently clenched his hands, and the tentacles wrapped around Martin began to tighten.

  Just like squeezing a balloon filled with water, he just moved his fingers and crushed the weak and incompetent researcher in front of him into a pulp.


  The gushing blood poured on Tyr’s body, and in just a few breaths, it seeped into his skin, was completely absorbed and digested by him, and became him. A

  satisfied smile appeared on that twisted face.

  At this moment, he was like an omnipotent god, standing at the top of the food chain overlooking all living things.

  There should be no life stronger than him on this surface.

  As for the identity of the Weyland people-

  it doesn’t seem to be that important.

  ”Let’s fight to our heart’s content… Alliance, Enterprise, and Academy… and Legion.”


  Tyr laughed out loud, as if he was really crazy, reflecting the terrifying murderous light in his scarlet eyes.

  At the same time, gunshots rang out in the “World Tower”.

  The armed security guards and Tyr’s guards were all beaten back by the rampaging experimental subject, and they all turned into nutrients for the indescribable thing in despair. In

  just a few hours, the bloody red flesh had engulfed the entire alloy-cast building and spread from the open alloy door to the nearby streets.

  Looking at the tragic situation on the ground, the old white man standing on the Viper transport plane had a look of astonishment on his face.

  According to the information given by the Southern Legion prisoners, the laboratory of the lethal agent was on a certain floor of this landmark building called “World Tower”.

  They had planned to raid here, but they didn’t expect that before they jumped down, the other side exploded first.

  ”Good guy… is this poking the defense nest?” Quit Smoking, who was sitting opposite, also looked down and couldn’t help but complain.

  Old White said with a serious look.

  ”I don’t know… but to be honest, this thing is a bit like the mother nest of mutant slime mold.”

  Quit Smoking was stunned when he heard the words, and said immediately.

  ”The nest? Then why not give it to Xiaoyu?”

  In theory, it is true. Xiaoyu is the nemesis of almost all mutant slime mold nests.

  In fact, it was not only Quitting who thought of Xiaoyu, but Lao Bai also thought of it first.

  It happened that the goblin corps where Luoyu was was at the front line.

  Without hesitation, Lao Bai immediately switched the communication channel and contacted Luoyu who was flying in the sky.

  ”Luoyu! Leave it to you!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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