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Chapter 967: Ambition Vanished into Ashes

Chapter 967: Ambition Vanished into Ashes


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 967: Ambition in Ashes and

  Smoke The flying axe blade was like a flash of lightning, blasting towards the angry Tyr head-on.

  ”Looking for death!”

  Tyr roared in a dull roar, swung forward his right arm covered with fungal blankets, and a series of scarlet tentacles pierced Old White like javelins!

  Seeing that the red rays were about to pierce his face, Old White calmly set up the grenade gun in his left hand and fired two pre-loaded air-blast incendiary bombs forward.

  There were only two gunshots, and an orange-red fireball instantly erupted in the narrow space!

  Contacting the orange-red flames, the scarlet tentacles were instantly ignited by the concentrated fuel, withered at a speed visible to the naked eye and burned into black charcoal!


  Tyr roared in pain, the fierce light flashing in his eyes became even more intense, and he clenched his right hand that was stretched forward.

  Scarlet tentacles grew out of the floor like sprouts from the soil, and like hands reaching out from a grave, they grabbed at Old White’s ankles.

  ”You are courting death! This is my territory!”

  Facing the tentacles that were wrapped around his ankles, Old White ignored them and continued to charge forward. The

  steel soles of his boots made a dull sound when they stepped on the ground. Some small roots did not have time to get entangled together, and were torn off by the huge force.

  As for those thick roots, they collided head-on with the titanium alloy combat knife hanging under the grenade gun!

  Relying on his brute force and the power components of the armor, Old White chopped the shackles that blocked him in a few seconds.

  At the same time, the energy accumulated in the hot-melt cutting axe was close to the critical point of explosion!

  Looking at the steel armor that was so close, Tyr finally showed a moment of panic on his face.

  For a human who has not yet fully mastered the “Power of Gaia”, it is indeed too much of a stretch to take care of both internal and external battles at the same time.

  ”Don’t even think about it! Use your dirty hands! Get close to me!”

  Tyr let out a hysterical roar, and the scarlet fungal blanket covering his entire body expanded outward like a burst of magma, and in an instant distorted his human form, turning it into an indescribable mass of flesh.

  The pulsating appearance was like the heart of a demon, or chaos itself.

  It was really blasphemous…

  Old White, who was silent, was stunned, and had only this thought in his mind.

  Rather than saying that he became the “mother nest” or “Gaia”, it would be better to say that “Gaia” became him.

  After devouring his ambition, Gaia, who did not have individual consciousness, used the power that human civilization did not understand to materialize his spiritual world!

  If this guy continues to distort, there may be hope that he will become another “mother nest”.

  And it is a mother nest that no one has ever seen.

  However, this is the end.

  ”You talk too much nonsense!”

  With a dull roar, Old White clenched the hot melt cutting axe in his hand and chopped fiercely at the tentacles entangled like a web in front of him.

  The whistling axe blade was like a comet hitting a forge, and dazzling sparks instantly burst out from the scarlet flesh wall.


  The huge force even shook the entire laboratory, and Tyr’s body swayed back uncontrollably.


  Looking at the “humanoid chariot” that finally stopped charging, Tyr couldn’t help but feel happy.

  However, this surprise did not last long, and was soon cut off by the surging and dazzling sparks.


  The hot plasma plume cut off the tentacles that formed the flesh wall, and the flashing sparks splashed on his face.

  It was a plasma with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees!

  A piece of light feather the size of a thumb was enough to ignite the carbon-based material on his body!

  Tyr howled in pain and stepped back, but because he was not used to the body without legs, he fell to the ground after struggling.

  Old White strode to him, without giving him a chance to say his last words, swung the hot melt cutting axe in his hand, charged it again, and then smashed it hard in his face.


  Hot sparks burst out again!

  The high-temperature lava not only blasted the pool of flesh and blood into slag, but also cut through the alloy-cast floor.

  The “fire axe” was originally an anti-armor weapon. Since it could cut through the shell of the power armor, it was naturally no problem to use it to demolish the alloy-cast room!

  One, two, three times!

  Old White, swinging the hot melt cutting axe, smashed a sunken hole in the ground, and blasted Tyr’s transformed body into burning charcoal slag.

  Without the brain that drives the body, the restless tentacles around it were like a headless frog, twitching and fluttering.

  After confirming that Tyr was dead and could not die any more, without a single neuron left, Old White raised the bolter in his left hand and fired a round of high-explosive incendiary bombs at the surroundings.

  Watching the twisted piece of meat disappear in the boiling sea of ​​fire, he turned on the air circulation system of the power armor, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

  ”This time… it’s time to die.”

  Leaning the axe against the wall, Old White grinned, removed the various buffs activated by the strength talent, and slowly sat on the floor against the wall.

  At least, the visible Tyr has been killed.

  As for the ghost hovering over the heads of the Willant people – the invisible Tyr, that is another matter.

  But he still has high hopes for them.

  Like the Stone City, they have the ability to correct themselves and respect history enough… even if their history is not long and cannot be traced back to the prosperous era or even earlier like other survivors.

  At this time, a scarlet bud drilled out of the ashes and turned into a round tentacle next to him.

  As soon as Lao Bai grasped the axe at hand, a weak voice came out from the mimicked vocal cords.


  Hearing the familiar voice, a surprised expression appeared on Lao Bai’s face, and he loosened the weapon he had just clenched.

  ”Hey, your fruiting body is still alive.”

  Xiao Yu’s real body is in Shelter No. 404. There is probably no safer place on this planet than there.

  As for the slime mold attached to the fighter plane driven by Luo Yu, it is just Xiao Yu’s fruiting body.


  The round tentacles cried out in high spirits, just like dolphins in an oceanarium.

  However, Lao Bai had not received biological prosthesis, and his relationship with Xiao Yu was not close enough to the point of “spiritual communication”, so naturally he could not understand what it was saying.

  ”Haha, I’m glad you’re okay, but unfortunately I can’t understand what you’re saying. If you want to inquire about Luo Yu, he should be waiting for resurrection in Dawn City now.”

  The round tentacle stood up and shook left and right for a long time, like a dumb person dancing.

  After holding it in for a long time, it finally managed to utter a broken human language.

  ”… Thank you… Tyr… is dead… Now it’s me… who controls this body.”

  Lao Bai looked at Xiao Yu in surprise, and then he remembered that it could actually speak, but it just didn’t speak often.

  After a pause, Xiao Yu organized the language and continued.

  ”This is not… our… mother nest… it’s… other… things.”

  So that’s it.

  Lao Bai’s face showed a look of realization.

  What they met was not the mother nest, but something else.

  As for how this thing came out, perhaps the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute can give them an answer.

  ”Tell Luo Yu about your discovery, and he will tell us.”

  After a pause, Lao Bai continued.

  ”By the way… can you take the tentacles outside back into this building? Leaving those things on the street will be troublesome, both in terms of explanation and in terms of cleaning up the mess.” “Eh


  The round tentacles nodded downward, and then obediently shrank into the black ashes.

  Looking at the sporadic remaining fire that was gradually extinguished, Lao Bai picked up his weapon and stood up from the ground, stepped over the black charcoal on the ground, and walked to the hole blasted by the anti-ship missile.

  The tentacles dancing around the building had broken like a dead tree, and the smoke-filled urban area in the distance gradually calmed down the sound of gunfire and artillery, and the dawn of the long night had emerged in the horizon farther away…

  After stopping to admire the beautiful scenery of the night ending and dawn, Lao Bai raised his index finger and tapped the side of his helmet, and spoke in a clear and affirmative voice.

  ”Calling the headquarters, this is Old White…”

  ”Tyr is dead. I killed him myself.”

  ”The war is over.”


  With Baldwin’s surrender and the fall of the “World Tower”, the last troop still fighting for the Southern Legion also raised their hands and surrendered to the Alliance troops.

  At the same time, the Alliance flag also fluttered on the highest point of the city of Avent – the roof of the “World Tower”.

  The victory or defeat has been decided, and it came faster than everyone expected.

  The gloomy sky was floating white.

  The first ray of sunlight at dawn pierced the darkness and sprinkled on the smoky concrete wreckage.

  Tyr is dead.

  Augustus is also dead.

  Including Tyr’s confidants and those five-star or above ten thousand-man commanders who promoted the war.

  Some of them were found to have committed suicide at home, while others died in the bunker or on the silver bed.

  Obviously not all Willant people regard glory as life, at least the insects beside Tyr don’t have these concepts in their minds, only winning or losing.

  And similarly, not everyone has the courage to face failure.

  Rather than accepting the humiliation of the victor, it is better to die. In comparison, the latter is a more acceptable choice.

  However, there are exceptions.

  For example, Dickens’ superior, Jeffrey, the Minister of the General Affairs Department of the Southern Legion.

  This guy is a four-star captain, with the same rank as Augustus, only half a level lower than the latter, and is in charge of the logistics supply and military industrial production of the entire Southern Legion.

  He was also ready to commit suicide, and even put the cyanide capsule in his mouth, but in the end he didn’t bite it because he was afraid of death. The soldiers who rushed in from outside pressed him on the table and took the capsule out of his mouth.

  The guy weighing more than 200 pounds was like a fat pig dragged into the slaughterhouse. It took three people to hold him down.

  The whole city of Avent was full of thin people, even Tyr and Augustus, but he was the only one who ate a lot of fat intestines.

  His face was flushed, but he didn’t give up and tried to break free from the hand holding him, but it was obviously in vain.

  The first division of the Weilant Expeditionary Force was in charge of the arrest. Following the soldiers who broke into the room, Captain Kuran walked to Jeffrey’s desk and threw the wanted notice printed on the leaflet in front of him.

  ”Mr. Jeffrey, you are under arrest.”

  Jeffrey raised his head with all his strength and stared at the man standing in front of him. His expression was stunned for a few seconds.

  Panting, he squeezed out a word from his teeth.

  ”…You are a Weilant.”

  Kuran did not hide it and said simply.

  ”Former centurion of the 340,000th team, thanks to you, I had the honor to go to the customs of Evernight Port after retirement.”

  Jeffrey stared at him intently, panting and squeezing out a word from his fat throat.

  ”Then why did you betray us… Southern Legion…Is there anything wrong with you?”

  Kuran stared into his eyes and smiled.

  ”Have you heard of snake oil?”

  Jeffrey was stunned for a few seconds, with a bit of confusion on his face.

  ”…What is that?”

  ”It’s something that can make people immersed in a beautiful dream. Some people can’t get out after falling into it, just like ants drowning in a honey pot. And I used to be such a person, and even became your accomplice for a time.”

  ”We were deceived and used by your ambitions. We used the banner of Marshal Julius to do things that made the Marshal feel ashamed of you, and enslaved your compatriots in the name of Marshal Julius… You are all this bunch of stuff, so you will lose.”

  Kuran supported his hands on the desk and stared at Jeffrey’s eyes until the latter’s eyes showed fear.

  Only those who have a ghost in their hearts will be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door… And Jeffrey is undoubtedly such a person.

  He may not have directly participated in any massacre or the sale of any bottle of snake oil, but every piece of fat on his body came from the bloody persecution.

  He is the most brilliant criminal and the most vicious criminal… The poison he sells is more evil than snake oil.

  Looking at Minister Jeffrey’s pale face, Kuran withdrew his hand from the desk and nodded to the three soldiers holding down the fat pig.

  ”Take him away.”

  The three soldiers obeyed the order respectfully and escorted Jeffrey out of the office. This time, the latter did not resist and let the three young Weilant men hold him down.

  Only when he passed by Kuran did Kuran pause and continue with his usual tone.

  ”About the snake oil, perhaps you should ask Minister Dickens of the General Affairs Department of the War Zone of the Borneo Province.”

  ”I think… you should meet soon.”


  After the fall of the “World Tower”, the conference building of the Southern Corps also raised the flag of the Alliance.

  Including the hospital on Rue des Invalides, including the building of the Ministry of War…

  As everyone hoped, the war was over.

  The survivors hiding in the basements and cellars carefully poked their heads out from the cracks in the ruins.

  The gunshots and artillery sounds outside had disappeared, and Till’s hysterical shouts could no longer be heard on the radio.

  Instead, there was another voice they had never heard before –

  ”…survivors of the city of Avent, survivors who have suffered from the war, survivors who have been bewitched by evil, your war is over.”

  ”Your supreme commander Tyr has been killed by the Burning Legion in his desperate resistance and hysterical madness, and Chief of Staff Augustus committed suicide out of fear of crime… That shameful bastard not only murdered the children of countless families, but also murdered his own children and wife. We despise such cowardly behavior.”

  ”Everyone is responsible for his own actions. I believe that we are not the only ones who think so, but you too, who hate the cowardly behavior of venting your incompetence on your loved ones…”

  ”In that case, think about your parents, your children, your lovers, and your friends. Is it worth it to sacrifice your lives for two cowards hiding behind people, to die for illusory glory, and then let your loved ones live in regret and pain for the rest of their lives… You are not just soldiers of the legion, you are also someone’s children, someone’s husband, someone’s father, you are all living people.”

  ”We promise to conduct an open and fair trial of the criminals in court. There is a chance to make up for the mistakes that have been made. We will always find a standard that both societies can accept and work together for a better future.”

  ”I, the Archon of the Willant Alliance, solemnly declare to you here – you can lay down your weapons with dignity, and Triumph City will ensure that your life safety will not be violated by anyone.”

  For the vast majority of Willant people, Triumph City is not only their spiritual sanctuary, but also their spiritual homeland.

  Although Tyr cursed Triumph City’s “betrayal” more than once in the “Southern Legion Victory Newspaper”, it still could not change what was engraved in the souls of the Willant people.

  In the broadcast, the Archon of Triumph City not only promised to guarantee the safety of the surrendered soldiers, but also promised to provide food, medicine and other necessities of life to the displaced refugees.

  Although this broadcast was recorded by the Archon, it was played by the Alliance troops and was obviously recognized by the Alliance.

  Some survivors left the cellars and those shaky houses one after another, and went to the centralized resettlement site with the help of nearby patrol troops.

  There were tents transported from the Ravenka Industrial Zone, as well as compressed biscuits, instant noodles, ham sausages and hot water.

  As for why instant noodles were used, it was mainly because the big pot for cooking had not been set up yet. At present, only the stove for boiling water had started working, so instant noodles could only be used to deal with it.

  Moreover, this thing was convenient to distribute. One team lined up to get instant noodles and ham, and the other team lined up to get boiling water.

  It didn’t matter if someone wanted to line up again, because the total amount of this thing was not much anyway.

  However, although instant noodles were only a compromise for the soldiers of the Alliance, they were already a rare delicacy for the survivors of Yavent City who had lived under the rationing system for a long time.

  Looking at the steaming instant noodles in their hands, those skinny faces showed surprised expressions.

  Even some young soldiers who were forced into the army couldn’t help but shed tears.

  They had never experienced the best food in the Southern Legion. When

  the guns were handed to them, there was only hard bread like stone and black nutritional paste left in everyone’s bowls.

  The sound of stomach rumblings was heard in the camp. If it weren’t for the boiling water, I’m afraid these 15- or 16-year-old children couldn’t wait for the noodles to be soaked, and would have gulped down the instant noodles.

  In fact, there were people who really wanted to do this, but they were stopped by the quick-eyed and quick-handed players.

  The Burning Legion’s [Tomato Scrambled Eggs] walked in the camp, knocking on the iron basin with a pot spoon, and shouting at the hungry survivors.

  ”Eat slowly, there are plenty of instant noodles and boiled water, and there will be better tomorrow! Don’t eat yourself to death!”

  Seeing these ignorant people holding instant noodles as treasures, he couldn’t help but think of the days when he skinned mutant hyenas in Linghu Wetland Park a long time ago.

  In terms of eating, these Willant people are quite similar to the refugees they picked up from the wasteland.

  A centurion of the Southern Legion, with messy hair and looking like he had just climbed out of a chimney, stood in front of the boiler with instant noodles in his hands.

  Looking at the Weyland expeditionary soldier in charge of the faucet, he asked tremblingly.

  ”…Is this the last meal?”

  He didn’t dare to talk to the soldiers of the alliance, and finally found a familiar face.

  The soldier of the expeditionary army glanced at him and joked with him.

  ”Of course not, the grains, vegetables and frozen meat are still in the port in the north of Battoa Province. Before the relief supplies are shipped in, you have to use instant noodles for a few meals.”

  Instant noodles… for a few meals?

  The centurion was stunned for a long time, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

  How can this war be fought?

  Although he never believed the nonsense in the “Southern Legion Victory Report”, such as the famine in Boulder City, the survivors of Settlement No. 1 wanted to rebel, etc., but the supplies of these guys were too abundant and exaggerated.

  The war is over.

  He believed that the alliance would not swell up their faces to deceive them, but felt that the lies made up by Tyr were too outrageous, so that he, the centurion, almost believed it!

  While the centurion was holding his instant noodles and choking in silence, several players from the Skeleton Corps were standing not far away and talking.

  The young man and the brick stretched lazily, looking like they hadn’t had enough fun yet.

  ”Is this the end?”

  Bian Pashui glanced around and said indirectly and clearly.

  ”Obviously, Tyr is dead, the top leaders of the Southern Corps are either dead or captured… the remnants are basically all here.”

  So far, the Legion has completely become a historical term, and the reborn Yavent City probably doesn’t want it to come back.

  By the way, what should the Southern Legion be called in the future?

  The ID of the Willant Alliance has been taken over by the Battlefield guy, and the Southern Alliance has too much overlap with the South Sea Alliance, so it is not very recognizable when pronounced.

  Edgewater scratched the back of his head and thought for a long time but couldn’t come up with a clue, and finally gave up.

  Let the Willant people think about this problem themselves.

  In fact, they don’t have to follow the path of the Alliance, as long as they don’t go astray again.

  Looking at the broken ruins in the distance, [Outlaw] had a reluctant expression on his face, and it was unknown what he was reluctant to give up.

  ”MMP! To be honest, this group of high-level players is a bit outrageous. I haven’t even seen what the final BOSS looks like, how the hell did they win?”

  [I’m responsible for dying first] smiled and patted his good brother on the shoulder.

  ”Don’t think about it, the most important thing is to participate! If you are curious, go to the official website to see it.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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