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Chapter 968 Uninvited Guests

Chapter 968 Uninvited Guests

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 968 Uninvited Guests

  On the outskirts of Yavent City, a streamlined research ship was parked on the roof of a logistics building.

  The terrain here is high and the view is wide. You can directly see the “World Tower” several kilometers away. It is a good place to eat melons and watch the fun.

  As the ceiling of the melon-eating world, the explorers of the academy took a fancy to this Feng Shui treasure land at first sight, and immediately occupied it after advancing from the battlefield to the core city.

  At this moment, next to the research ship, an explorer wearing an exoskeleton was standing behind a sampler with a tripod.

  The multifunctional camera on the sampler was aimed at the “World Tower” from a distance, and was connected to the research ship next to it through a data tube as thick as a python.

  And around the busy explorer, there were five explorers wearing exoskeletons on guard with live ammunition.

  This is a war zone after all.

  Even if the war is coming to an end, there is no guarantee that there will be no unexpected things jumping out.

  They must be careful of all potential threats.

  Fortunately, there were no twists and turns during their data collection.

  After playing his last card, Tyr of the Southern Legion, along with the “abnormal life form” that suddenly appeared on the “World Tower”, was eliminated by the Alliance.

  As the broadcast announcing victory sounded, their data sampling also entered the final stage.

  Seeing that the work was about to end, an explorer released his hand on the assault rifle, took out a telescope and looked in the direction of the “World Tower”.

  Looking at the dark red wreckage that had lost its signs of life, he couldn’t help but smacked his lips and muttered in a low voice.

  ”It’s really twisted…”

  Obviously, he was not the only one who had such thoughts.

  The explorers standing nearby also had indescribable expressions on their faces, whispering in the communication channel.

  ”Is that ‘Gaia’?”

  ”Ah… maybe.”

  ”Tsk tsk…”

  ”How did the Southern Legion come up with it? When did they get such amazing technology?”

  ”Who knows… But I’m more inclined to think that they don’t know what technology they have at their disposal.”

  ”Like a lethal agent?”

  ”You mean the virus? Haha, expecting something as simple as that… They might as well widen the caliber of their artillery a little bit, to 1,000 mm.”

  ”It’s not that simple, that thing is actually quite good, including this ‘Gaia’… We may have underestimated these lunatics.”

  Most organisms in nature are atoms that run within the laws of nature, but “Gaia” is different. The latter’s existence itself is the law of nature.

  Unlike the “gestalt life form” envisioned by the academic community in the prosperous era, the existence of “Gaia” is considered by the academic community to be an “amorphous life form.”

  Or to be more precise, it is a “life form completely determined by consciousness.”

  For example, the indescribable and extremely aggressive tentacle monster is based on similar technical principles, which materializes Tyr’s spiritual world in the form of carbon-based organisms.

  This may sound incredible, but it is what happened on the planet Gaia.

  That planet is the embodiment of the spiritual world of “Him”.

  The Alliance’s research institute has made a series of conjectures about the origin of Gaia civilization from the perspective of social science, but they are basically just conjectures.

  The research of the academy is more focused on the technical level, and similar situations are uniformly identified as “Gaia-like life forms”.

  The mother nest analogue that appeared on the “World Tower” building is actually a kind of “Gaia-like life form”…but this guy’s power is too small, and he was killed by the alliance before he even swallowed a settlement.

  However, although this thing was killed, it still attracted the attention of the top management of the academy.

  After all, even in the academy, it is considered a very cutting-edge research field, and it doesn’t make sense for it to appear in the wasteland…

  Listening to the conversation of his teammates, Song Changfeng, who was standing behind the tripod, didn’t say a word, but just stared at the tablet meticulously, reporting the situation on the front line to his superiors waiting in the back.

  The “Beacon” team of the academy is active here, and he is the captain of the Beacon team.

  Unlike the “Alpha” Task Force, all members of the “Beacon” team are exploration personnel or androids in the academy, and they are mainly engaged in investigation rather than offensive or defensive activities.

  By the way, their previous captain was Zheng Hao, and he was only a deputy captain.

  But that guy has been promoted and is now transferred to the Investigation Department’s Containment Project Group for duty.

  In the words of the explorers, it is “going ashore”.

  In general, compared with other life-threatening jobs, the “Beacon” team is also a promising job.

  Not only do they have the opportunity to show their faces in front of senior researchers, but they can also accumulate scientific research qualifications during the duty missions and get in touch with high-level intelligence that they would never have been able to get in their lifetime.

  The academy is different from other places. The more you know, the safer you are.

  Of course, the premise is that you know it through the channels permitted by the rules.

  Every time Song Changfeng thinks that he will soon be 30 years old, he will involuntarily feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

  He is not interested in Gaia or not Gaia. He only knows that he must change from an explorer to a researcher before the age of 30.

  There has always been an unwritten rule in the academy – or a law.

  That is, if a person is still an explorer after the age of 30, then his life is basically over.

  There has been no exception to this in the past century and a half. Most researchers have shown extraordinary talents at a very young age.

  For example, Jiang Xuezhou, who used to be in the same team with him, was an E-level researcher when he was a teenager.

  He was not jealous of those gifted geniuses, nor did he think about how high he wanted to climb. He just wanted to “get ashore” like the former captain Zheng Hao.

  If he can be transferred to a researcher before the age of 30, he can still fight for the upper position.

  Even if it is only an E-level researcher, the status is much higher than that of an explorer…

  ”The suspected Gaia life form has been solved by the alliance forces…”

  ”Yes, some life activities outside the building have basically stopped… It is not possible to determine what means they used, but the vital signs and multiple readings of the observed objects have been covered by new parameters…”

  ”Okay… We will clean up here and come back immediately.”

  After hanging up the communication, Song Changfeng took a deep breath and waved to his teammates around him.

  ”Data collection is complete, and work is over.”

  Although they couldn’t guess what their superiors were thinking, judging from the tone of the voice on the other end of the communication channel, their superiors were quite satisfied with their work.


  there was hope for promotion?

  ”Got it!”

  Hearing the boss say that it was time to call it a day, the young men finally put down their worries. They responded and walked towards the open hatch of the research ship.

  Compared with the previous missions, this mission was so easy that it was like a welfare.

  Sitting on the boss’s research ship to watch a war movie, taking a few photos and charts, and then going home, this kind of good thing probably doesn’t happen once a year.

  However, just when everyone was thinking this, the silent air suddenly rippled.


  The speed was so fast that people couldn’t react at all. An explorer wearing an exoskeleton flew out like being hit by a train.

  The bulletproof lining turned into fragments all over the sky, and fell downstairs with the rag-like body.

  Looking at the electromagnetic signal ripples that suddenly jumped on the radar, Song Changfeng, who was standing at the hatch, suddenly felt a sense of alarm in his heart and shouted loudly.

  ”Sniper! It’s an electromagnetic rifle! At three o’clock!”

  He didn’t need to remind them at all. Everyone had already acted reflexively and hid on the other side of the research ship before the second mass bomb hit.

  Without a pause, Song Changfeng immediately activated the deflector shield of the research ship remotely.

  Almost at the same time, the second mass bomb hit ten meters away from them, blasting the concrete roof and exposing the steel bars!

  Fortunately, the bullet was deflected by the deflector shield.

  If it hit a person, the consequences would be unimaginable!

  Looking at the shocking gap, Song Changfeng, who was hiding at the door of the cabin, had a pounding heart.

  Who is it? !

  No –

  now is not the time to think about this.

  Looking at the people who were suppressed outside the research ship, he opened his voice and shouted loudly.

  ”Come up quickly!”

  Seeing the deflector shield open, the four explorers outside the cabin immediately rushed into the door.

  There were three more bangs in the distance, but apart from splashing some concrete debris, it did not cause any impact on everyone.

  Seeing that all the team members had returned to the ship, Song Changfeng immediately closed the hatch.

  The hatch was shut heavily!

  Looking at the tightly closed hatch and the shield energy tank in good working condition, his pounding heart finally calmed down.

  It’s safe…

  As the anti-gravity device started, the plasma engine spewed out plumes, and the research ship with the deflector shield rose into the sky.

  Everyone slumped on the ground, took off the visors of their helmets, and their faces were all in shock.


  ”What happened just now?!”

  ”Xiao Wang…”

  ”Damn it!”

  Thinking of the young man who died unfortunately, Song Changfeng’s heart was also in pain.

  Although they didn’t spend much time together, the young man surnamed Wang left a good impression on him. He didn’t expect that the final outcome would be so sloppy…

  However, now is not the time to be sad. As the captain, he has more important things to do… With his

  index finger tapping his neck, Song Changfeng connected to the communication module of the research ship and reported in a serious tone.

  ”…This is the Beacon Squad…We were ambushed.”

  ”We can’t be sure how those guys found us. But they seem to…know where we are.”

  The communication channel was rustling with the sound of electricity, and it was so quiet that it seemed to be broken.

  Song Changfeng hesitated slightly and reconfirmed the icon of good connection. There was nothing abnormal.

  What happened?

  Just as he was stunned, a cold touch suddenly penetrated his chest through his back.

  He watched a dagger drill out of his chest, and the four familiar faces turned from stunned to panic.


  Song Changfeng wanted to say something, but he only coughed out a mouthful of blood, and then his eyes went black like a fragment, and when he came to his senses, he had fallen on the blood-stained alloy floor.

  A stranger wearing an exoskeleton stood in the center of the buffer cabin, with a dark silver helmet and black eyepieces covering the man’s face, and blood dripped onto the floor along the dagger.

  As for his four teammates, they all lay on the blood-stained floor like him.

  Song Changfeng didn’t know what method that guy used, he only knew that he killed all five of them in an instant.

  Optical camouflage…

  No, not just optical camouflage!

  He suddenly realized what the electromagnetic signal waves that had been jumping on the radar were.

  The sniper who fired at them was not trying to snipe them, but to cover his teammates who were boarding the ship…

  ”You… this guy… what on earth are you?”

  Song Changfeng stretched out his hand and tried to grab the man’s leg.

  As if hearing his voice, the man turned around and faced him.

  Without the slightest sign, the tip of the knife dripping with blood and the toes pointing towards him seemed to disappear from his sight in an instant.

  When Song Changfeng suddenly realized it, a slight sound had passed over the back of his head.


  No pain.

  Song Changfeng only felt his vision roll forward, and then his consciousness completely fell into the abyss…

  At the same time, somewhere in the Wandering Swamp tens of thousands of kilometers away, the Containment Planning Group of the Investigation Department.

  In a combat command room covering an area of ​​200 square meters, dozens of pairs of eyes stared at the six signals that had lost contact on the holographic screen, and there was complete silence.

  The man standing under the holographic screen had a gloomy face, and his uncertain expression made it difficult to guess what he was thinking at the moment.

  At this time, a B-level researcher came to his side tremblingly and reported in a low voice.

  ”No signal…”

  The man’s face became more gloomy.

  In any case, the loss of a scientific research ship is a big deal, especially when the loss of this scientific research ship is strange.

  The chief technology officer will definitely inquire about this matter.

  Even if he is the director of the investigation department, it is not so easy to fool him.

  After a long silence, the man finally sighed as if he accepted his fate and closed his eyes.

  ”…It seems that we can only ask our allies for help.”

  The Alliance likes to dismantle things.

  The research ship is not an all-terrain survey vehicle, but a vehicle that can fly to the moon with one foot on the accelerator.

  If it is not absolutely necessary, he really doesn’t want to ask those blue hamsters for help…


  People’s joys and sorrows are not the same.

  At this moment, the entire Alliance army is still immersed in the joy of victory in the war, and they don’t know what bad things their allies have encountered.

  At the entrance of the refugee shelter.

  The smiling debt-ridden big-eyed man is carrying a sack on his back, and he gives candy to cute little girls.

  In fact, he originally had two sacks.

  But on the way here, he was robbed by a few dogs, and now there is only one left.

  Looking at those little Klees who are happily chewing chocolate, he feels indescribable satisfaction in his heart, as if he is the melted chocolate. Is

  n’t this more interesting than feeding pigeons in French Fries Port? !

  ”Huh – this guy is probably a pervert, right?” [Hungry Force] showed an expression that was hard to describe on his face.

  [Bow to Hungry Force] standing next to him pulled her hand.

  ”What do you care about? That guy is Big Eyes.”

  ”Oh, it’s Big Eyes…” [Hungry Force] nodded suddenly, with an expression of “It’s okay then”, but soon looked at his partner with suspicion, “Wait, why do you sound very familiar with him? Do you often play together?”

  [Bow to Hungry Force] broke out in a cold sweat and waved his hands to clarify.

  ”I, I… I don’t need to be very familiar with him. Who doesn’t know him if they have an account on the forum?”

  Looking at the skeptical partner, he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her aside.

  ”Let’s go, let’s hand in the task quickly and don’t worry about this guy. Although he has no moral integrity, he still has a bottom line.”

  This is indeed the case.

  Although pairs of suspicious eyes stared at this guy, no one said much because he did not take any further steps or make any other eye-catching moves.

  As for what other people think, Big Eyes no longer cares.

  Let these bastards say whatever they want, anyway, his reputation is already too bad.

  Compared to those players who have ten thousand tricks, he really prefers to stay with NPCs.

  ”…Eat it, don’t be polite, your uncle Big Eyes has a lot of it.”

  Looking at those faces shining with hope, Big Eyes wanted to turn all the silver coins in his pocket into chocolates and sprinkle them on them.

  A thin girl looked up at him, her sparkling eyes were like little stars.

  ”Uncle Big Eyes…Are you…Are you Santa Claus?”

  She didn’t know what the word meant, but she just happened to hear other residents of the shelter describe him like this.

  Debt Big Eyes smiled and was about to say that he didn’t want to listen to other blue gophers’ nonsense. He always came in from the front door and never climbed the chimney.

  However, at this moment, a humorous voice suddenly came from behind him.

  ”Santa Claus? No, no, no, we usually call it a licking dog.”

  The little girl was stunned for a moment, tilted her head and repeated it silently.

  ”Tian gou?”

  Seeing that she imitated it quite well, the construction site boy and the brick’s eyes lit up, and they rewarded her with a lollipop with a smile.

  ”Yes, that’s how it’s pronounced!”

  Without giving Big Eyes time to react, the little girl looked at him with joy and imitated the “shelter jargon” she had just learned.

  ”Uncle Big Eyes is a dog-licker!”

  The glittering expression was too dazzling, and the harsh voice seemed to have a critical hit effect, poking at the unspeakable pain in Big Eyes’ heart.

  It hurts!

  It hurts so much!


  The construction site boy and Brick laughed like pigs, and Big Eyes kicked the former in anger.

  ”Get out of here!”

  Seeing that this guy had the intention to kill, the construction site guy was also smart and hurriedly ran to the side.

  ”Fuck! Brother Yan, I was wrong! I apologize! I, I will kowtow to you!”

  ”Die for me!!!”

  Big Eyes threw down the chocolate and chased after the construction site guy, wishing he could kill this dog back to the fountain.

  The two ran around the camp twice without stopping, and the physical fitness of the intelligence department was still a little weak after all.

  Looking at the two people who couldn’t stop quarreling, the hair roller washer shouted with laughter.

  ”Stop fighting!”

  Looking at the commotion at the entrance of the camp, Laplace couldn’t help but curl up a smile.

  It seems that such a relaxing and comfortable day hasn’t happened for a long time.

  For a moment, he seemed to have returned to the time of Dawn City long, long ago.

  At this time, the head of the Death Corps, Edge Water, walked in from outside the camp and finally pinned down the two “conspicuous bags”. ”

  It’s a mission. The headquarters said that a researcher died in the north. Uh, it seems to be an explorer… Anyway, it’s someone from the academy, that’s about the same.”

  The construction site boy and the brick raised their heads in confusion.

  ”People from the academy? Are any of them here?”

  The hair roller was also confused and scratched the back of his head.

  ”I didn’t see them during the fight, why did they show up again after the fight.”

  Edge Water smiled.

  ”When have those guys ever been idle? No matter what, it’s a hidden danger that someone is doing something on our site. Who wants to go with me to take a look?”

  The old man and the big-eyed man raised their hands at the same time.

  Edgepad snapped his fingers.

  ”Okay, take your equipment and follow me.”

   I found that I recovered from my cold quite quickly, but the sequelae were hard to bear. I started coughing as soon as I lay down, but I didn’t have phlegm and had a headache.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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