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Chapter 969: A Tentative Confrontation

Chapter 969: A Tentative Confrontation


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 969: A tentative confrontation.

  Bianbianhuashui led a group of players out of the camp, picked up their weapons and got on the truck parked at the entrance of the camp, heading towards the north of Yavent City.

  Although the big-eyed man who distributed chocolates left, the beautiful legend of the dog licker and the infinitely tall figure remained in the hearts of the girls.

  Later, the news reached the ears of some people who were interested in entertainment, and they immediately started to do charity work enthusiastically as if they had discovered a new continent, so that the chocolates originally used to supplement sugar and calories for frontline soldiers in several save points were sold out.

  And the story about the dog licker gradually became distorted by the people who were interested in entertainment…

  It happened that at this time, Lao Na and the Elf King Fugui had just returned from patrolling outside.

  As soon as the two got off the car, they were surrounded by a group of cute children.

  The Elf King Fugui was about to greet them with a playful smile, but he didn’t expect that the latter would shock him as soon as they opened their mouths, catching him off guard.

  ”Trash! Candy!”

  ”Trash, trash, hand over the candy!”

  ”Trash, trash!”

  Hearing that non-standard Mandarin, the Elf King Fugui almost choked.

  ”Hey, which dogecoin… No, who taught you?”

  Several girls aged 11 or 12 looked at each other, and the younger girl whispered.

  ”Uncle Mosquito doesn’t let us say his name!”

  As soon as she finished speaking, the girl with a ponytail next to her hurriedly covered her mouth.

  ”Shh! You let it slip!”

  ”Mosquito… I’m not surprised at all,” Irena put on an expression of watching the fun, handed the chocolate she brought with her to a girl who looked quiet and had a pair of glasses on her nose, and said with a smile, “What else did Uncle Mosquito say? Tell us secretly, we won’t tell him.”

  The quiet-looking girl’s cheeks were flushed, and she held the chocolate in her hand for a while, and finally betrayed Mosquito.

  ”He also said that this is a Halloween custom. On this day, the children of the Alliance can get candy by reciting this spell to the residents of the shelter…”

  Elf King Fugui: “Pfft, why doesn’t this guy do anything all day long.”

  ”Hahaha! But don’t you think it’s interesting? It’s not much money anyway.” Irena laughed so hard that her stomach hurt. In the confused eyes of a group of children, she distributed the remaining chocolates to them, “Remember, this spell can only be used on good people like me, it won’t work on bad people.”

  ”Good people?” The quiet-looking girl tilted her head.

  Irena smiled and touched her little head.

  ”Emmm… In short, it’s fun to play with people who can afford it. If someone doesn’t have candy, or is scared, or is mean to you, you just say ‘sorry’ and run to find the next shelter resident.” The

  wasteland is already miserable enough, and there’s nothing wrong with more joyful things.

  There was no Halloween in Yavent City.

  But now there is.


  In the northern part of Avent City, in the alley on the side of the logistics building, a corpse wearing an exoskeleton was surrounded by several soldiers of the Death Corps.

  The well-made equipment was obviously not a product of the extensive industry of the Southern Legion.

  Thanks to Big Eyes’ Chocolate, Edge Strike and his group found the corpse lying next to the trash can with the help of nearby children.

  Perhaps because they had experienced war for a long time, these children were not afraid of corpses at all. One of the boys, about twelve years old, even gestured with his index finger and Edge Strike.

  ”There was a big plane parked on the roof of the logistics building, and someone shot at them, and then this person fell down and died.”

  Debt Big Eyes asked in confusion.

  ”Didn’t the people on the plane come down to save him?”

  Another boy, who was two years older, shook his head.

  ”Although they are well-equipped, they don’t look very good at fighting. Snipers in the distance fired several shots at them, but they didn’t even know where the bullets came from, and they didn’t fight back.”

  ”That’s right,” the child next to him answered, staring at the remaining candy in Da Yan’s hand, “They just flew away.”

  The construction site boy and the brick asked.

  ”Then which direction did you hear the gunshots from?”

  ”This way!”

  Several children shouted in unison, but their hands pointed in completely different directions.

  Not only the construction site man and the edge of the water were dumbfounded, but the children themselves were also stunned for a moment, and then they started arguing about who was right.

  Until then, a child standing in the corner sighed and muttered in a low voice.

  ”It’s obviously a Gauss rifle… What you heard was not the sound of a gunshot at all.”

  He had heard from his father that there are many types of Gauss rifles, some of which make sounds when the bullets are fired, some can hear sonic booms in the air, and some use special bullets, which only make sounds after hitting the target.

  The construction site man and the edge of the water looked at each other.

  ”The attackers have high technology… Anyway, this is a clue.”

  ”Could it be an internal conflict in the academy?”

  ”How can there be so many internal conflicts? Do you think it is still in the Borneo Province?”

  ”It’s just a guess, but I also think this possibility is not high…”

  In this case, it should be someone from the Enlightenment Society.

  Looking up at the roof of the logistics building, the edge of the water frowned slightly.

  ”…The bullet should have come from the other side of the building. Come with me to take a look.”

  ”I’ll go with you.” The construction site man raised his hand and consciously followed the captain.

  Debt Big Eyes distributed the remaining candy to the children who were still arguing about “which direction the gunshot came from.”

  ”Okay, stop arguing, let’s put the gunshot aside for now… Which direction did the plane fly away?”

  Several children looked at each other, and this time there was no dispute, and they all pointed their index fingers to the top of their heads.

  ”It flew directly into the sky!”

  ”That’s right! Just like an airship, it started to spit fire when it flew into the sky, and then disappeared.”

  Flying vertically is fine.

  The debt-ridden man held his forehead with a headache, and the roller shampooer smiled and patted his shoulder.

  ”Don’t be discouraged, maybe he flew out of the atmosphere? This is also a clue.”

  On the other side, the edge paddler and the construction site guy went around to the other side of the building and looked towards the northeastern suburbs of Yavent City.

  There was a group of unfinished apartment buildings, which looked a bit like the Alliance’s low-rent housing. However, judging from the dismantled scaffolding, these buildings had probably been out of construction for a long time.

  The resources on the wasteland are limited, and this resource does not only refer to mineral resources, but also industrial power, construction power, and labor, etc.

  Even the Southern Legion, which has a colony of 2.7 million square kilometers, finds it difficult to balance war and development at the same time. If one path is chosen, the other path must be stopped.

  After all, they don’t have players who can’t die.

  Sometimes Edgewater can’t help but wonder what the Alliance would be like without players, or if the Alliance would never be born.

  He had such thoughts not to emphasize how important he was, and the citizens of the Alliance should be grateful. He was simply worried that if they left here one day, how would the people who stayed behind face the challenges that might occur in the future.

  I don’t know when it started, but it became increasingly difficult for him to treat this world as a game.

  Or to put it another way.

  He played this game with emotion.

  ”…Did you find anything?” The construction site boy and the brick looked at him and interrupted his thoughts.

  Edgewater shook his head and put down the telescope in his hand.

  ”The buildings here are too dense, and bullets could come from anywhere… I don’t know why these researchers chose this building, it’s like a sitting duck.”

  ”I guess it’s because this building can see the ‘World Tower’,” the construction site boy and Zhuan glanced towards the direction of the city, “I guess those researchers probably didn’t expect that they could be robbed when the war was about to end.”

  When he said this, he paused for a moment, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something and continued.

  ”I wonder if there is a possibility that they were investigating the ‘suspected mother nest creatures’ of the World Tower at the time, and the people of the Enlightenment Society or other organizations were targeting them.”

  Bian Pashui shook his head.

  ”No matter which possibility it is, it’s as difficult as ascending to heaven to find them… Anyway, let’s collect the body of that unlucky guy first.”

  As he was about to turn around, he suddenly felt a sense of alarm.

  Time slowed down in an instant –

  or to be more precise, his brain’s information processing speed increased several times in an instant!

  That was the perception talent he unlocked at level 30!

  When judging danger, adrenaline will surge rapidly, and at the same time passively trigger an effect similar to “bullet time”!

  Edgewater turned his head suddenly, raised the telescope and looked at an unfinished window somewhere in the building complex.

  Almost at the same time, a man with a Gauss rifle put away his gun in surprise and evacuated the sniper position.

  He clearly saw the confusion on the man’s face. The other party obviously did not expect that he would be discovered.

  Without stopping for a moment, Edgewater immediately turned on the communication module and contacted the rear command.

  ”…This is the Death Corps. We found a suspicious target and requested a drone.”

  After a short pause, a response came from the other side of the communication channel.

  ”The command received it, and the drone is online.”


  After hanging up the communication, Edgewater threw the telescope to the confused construction worker, then selected the map icon on the VM screen, and then marked a large area on the pop-up map.

  ”Attention, all units of the Death Corps, block all exits in the marked area. The target may carry optical camouflage equipment, remember to bring infrared identification devices.”

  A reply came quickly from the communication channel.


  At the same time, the man who had just withdrawn from the sniper point had a frightened expression.

  His name is Flynn. He is a disciple of the Enlightenment Society and also a secret agent of the Enlightenment Society in the city of Avent.

  The top leaders of the Southern Legion had been colluding with the Enlightenment Society a long time ago, and that is why Martin and his “death potion” were valued by Tyr.

  However, only a few top leaders of the Southern Legion knew about the contact between the Southern Legion and the Enlightenment Society. Even the Chief of Staff Augustus did not fully understand it, let alone most officers.

  Although the previous turmoil in Evernight Harbor caused the name of the Enlightenment Society to appear in the public eye, due to the lack of evidence and clues, it became a farce of “taking drugs too much” and did not cause much waves.

  In fact, in the “Tower of the World” building where Tyr’s “decisive weapon” is stored, almost half of the researchers are directly provided or trained by the Enlightenment Society.

  In addition to the researchers, the top leaders of the Enlightenment Society also sponsored many achievements of the Southern Legion that can be directly used.

  For example, the “Gaia Seed” that the Enlightenment Society got from the “Heavenly Man”.

  Flynn was not a professional researcher, nor did he know what the “Gaia Seed” was for. He only knew that the organization’s top brass was very interested in its actual combat data.

  On the other hand, Tianren hoped that they could get a research ship of the academy to facilitate direct material exchange with the space station at the Lagrange point.

  According to those guys’ judgment, the academy, which had some information about “Gaia-like life forms” and did not want the information to be leaked, would definitely hide in a place unknown to the alliance to secretly observe and collect information.

  So, today’s action took place.

  Everything went as planned.

  His partner “Luo Yi” successfully sneaked into the research ship under his cover, and after getting rid of all the researchers, he hacked into the research ship’s server and seized control of the research ship. After getting everything done,

  he originally planned to call it a day and retreat, but he didn’t expect that because of that damn curiosity, he took a second look at the two guys wearing gas masks, and ended up being spotted by one of them.

  He had never seen such a mysterious thing. Even if it was the special talent of the awakened, it was a bit too outrageous to search for the enemy at such a distance.

  Perhaps there are “singularities” in this world that they don’t understand.

  Looking at the fixed-wing drone hovering at low altitude, Flynn carefully hid himself in the shadows and looked vigilantly at the street not far away.

  The whole city was like a pot of boiling water. Trucks and off-road vehicles rushed through the streets. Judging from the boiling dust, the commotion seemed to be quite loud.

  Whether it was for the research ship or the dead allies, these people were serious.

  Taking a deep breath of cold air, Flynn stretched out his hand and pressed it next to his helmet.

  ”I have a problem here… I can’t go to the evacuation point for the time being. You go to stand by outside the settlement first, and I will find a way to leave.”

  After a pause, he added a sentence at the end.

  ”Those alliance soldiers are a little weird. I don’t know if it’s intuition or what, but someone saw my position at a glance… Anyway, be careful.”

  ”If you are not sure of hitting them, don’t aim at them casually.”


  The academy lost a research ship.

  Chu Guang’s first reaction after hearing about this was that the old thing in the Wandering Swamp had exploded gold coins again.

  And it exploded at the right time.

  The gravity well has been deployed, and the “seal” imposed on this planet will be lifted soon. The Alliance just lacks a means of transportation that can move in outer space.

  Although the scientific expedition team recovered a lot of technical information from the ruins of the pre-war era, those things are obviously not as good as ready-made products.

  However, after listening to the description of Li Ke, a Class B researcher of the Special Project Group of the Academy’s Foreign Affairs Department, Chu Guang quickly realized that the water behind this might be deeper than he thought.

  A report that appeared on his desk a long time ago was picked up by him from the corner of the filing cabinet.

  It was during the Torch War.

  According to the investigation of the Guards Corps on Shelter No. 20 and the intelligence revealed by the academy, the Alliance first learned that there were a group of descendants of the Human Alliance Expeditionary Force in the Prosperous Era Starport of the Lagrange Point.

  These people accepted the Torch Church’s legacy for some reason, and they are suspected of sponsoring some of the actions of the Enlightenment Society.

  The academy calls them “celestial beings”.

  As there has been no direct contact, Chu Guang had forgotten about this matter for a while, but the academy’s loss of the research ship suddenly reminded him of this matter.

  Who on earth is so desperate to travel between the sky and the surface?

  It can’t be the Eastern Empire.

  ”I have informed the frontline fighters about the relevant matters, and they said they are investigating.”

  Looking at Chu Guang who returned to the reception room, Li Ke, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately straightened up and looked at him eagerly and asked.

  ”Are there any clues?”

  Chu Guang sat down opposite him, signaled him with his eyes to be patient, and then said.

  ”When our people arrived, the battle was over. According to the locals, they saw the research ship directly rushed into the sky and flew away. The materials used in your research ship are too special, and there was no signal left on our radar.”

  Looking at Li Ke with a disappointed look, Chu Guang thought for a while and continued.

  ”But fortunately, those people still left a little tail on the ground. Our people have blocked the city where he might be hiding. If we can catch that guy, we might be able to get something out of him.”

  The main population of Yavent City is the Weilants. If that guy is a foreigner, it should not be difficult to screen him out.

  Of course, this kind of thing is hard to say.

  Everyone is a descendant of the Human Alliance. Who doesn’t have two cards in his hand that others don’t know about?

  Including himself.

  After hearing Chu Guang’s statement, Li Ke sighed and said.

  ”I’m sorry to trouble you.”

  ”You really caused us a lot of trouble,” Chu Guang looked at Li Ke with an embarrassed expression without any politeness, and continued to get straight to the point, “We are already looking for the person. Now I want to know what your people were doing there at that time.”

  Hearing this request, Li Ke showed an embarrassed expression on his face, and hesitantly moved his eyes away.


  Chu Guang raised his hand, indicating that he didn’t need to make such an expression.

  ”I know you have your difficulties, but I also hope you can figure out one thing… It is because you did not inform us in advance about your actions in Yavent City that this happened.”

  ”Moreover, let’s assume that the other party has cracked the data stored in the research ship when they got it. Your confidentiality has no meaning except to increase the obstacles and difficulties of investigation for your allies – us. Do you understand what I mean?”

  Li Ke wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled bitterly and nodded.

  ”I… understand, but the confidentiality level of the project involved is too high. I can’t decide to disclose it to you without authorization. I must ask my superiors…”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”It’s good that you understand. I believe you can correctly convey my meaning to your superiors.”

  As he said, he stood up from the sofa again after sitting down for a while.

  ”Don’t waste time here, go and communicate with your superiors.”

  ”Or, let him come to me directly!”

   The illness debuff continues, and I have a headache… In addition, it may not be finished in March or April, but generally I am aiming to finish it within 7 million words. If I exceed the limit, then I exceed it. To be honest, long-form writing is a kind of torture to both physical and mental strength. I won’t write such a long book next time. I want to write a more relaxing story. I am currently considering cyberpunk (a story about the Free State that was briefly mentioned) and fantasy players (levels and attributes that were not emphasized in this book due to the length of the book), but I am not sure yet. Let’s see. By then, I may have to rest for a few months… The above is the nonsense of a patient. If it didn’t happen, don’t take it seriously.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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