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Chapter 970 Post-War Order

Chapter 970 Post-War Order


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 970 Post-War Order

  No matter what, it was the academy that lost the research ship, not the alliance itself.

  No matter how important this research ship is, Chu Guang, as the manager of the alliance, cannot keep an eye on the work of the criminal investigation captain all day.

  In addition to telling Chu Guang about this, the academy did not feel comfortable telling any third party forces. In addition to looking for clues, it could only swallow this loss for the time being.

  In short, although the Enlightenment Society made some small moves behind the scenes, this episode did not cast a shadow on the great victory.

  On the third day after the alliance occupied the city of Yavent, troops from the province of Willant also arrived in the city of Yavent.

  The two sides met in the eastern suburbs of the city of Yavent and held a grand military parade in the central urban area of ​​the city.

  Soldiers wearing exoskeletons lined up in neat columns and walked past the door of the parliament building in the city of Yavent.

  To show his respect for his southern compatriots, the Archon of the Willant Alliance, “Pangolin”, personally arrived at the front line on a steel airship and held consultations with the Alliance’s commander, Vanus, on the reconstruction of the occupied areas and the formulation of the post-war order.

  Although the former is a survivor of the River Valley Province, he represents the Willant Alliance, and although the latter is a Willant, he represents the River Valley Province Alliance.

  If we only look at their identities, this contrast is really funny.

  However, the humor is the same, and on the issue of rebuilding the post-war order, the two have the same position –

  that is, burying the dead of the old era.

  Take the survivors of the Battoa Province to the new era and cover the grave of the old era with the last brick!

  At the military parade. In the

  viewing seats at the entrance of the conference building, the battlefield atmosphere group applauded with a smile and talked to Vanus standing next to them.

  ”Tyr is dead, and so is Augustus. Although it is a pity that we failed to catch these two guys, what is more important now is that we must prevent new war criminals from emerging.”

  Looking at the expeditionary formation passing in front of him, Vanus nodded slightly while clapping his hands.

  ”The Alliance’s position is the same. We do not agree to colonize the province of Battoa, and we are even more opposed to continuing the old mistakes. Mr. Manager hopes that the locals can establish their own order in the local area and actively integrate into the order of the new era.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group smiled and said.

  ”It seems that we are consistent on the fundamental issues. We intend to assist the survivors of the Attoa Province to establish their own constitution like the survivors of the Willant Province.”

  Vanus should have been instructed by the manager. After hearing his words, the Battlefield guy basically had a bottom line in his heart. The “A Guang” of Dawn City was still the “A Guang” he knew.

  Just as the Battlefield guy was testing Vanus, the latter was also testing him.

  However, Vanus did not know that the “pangolin” in front of him was actually a resident of Shelter No. 404.

  After seeing that this guy really considered the interests of the Weilante people, he was relieved.

  ”Let’s talk about some practical issues next. There are about… 2 million survivors stranded in the southern part of the Weilante Province?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group shook their heads.

  ”Two million? You underestimate Tyr. The number we counted is 10 million, and there are 8 million Weilante people alone.”

  Vanus looked at “Pangolin” in astonishment, his face full of disbelief.

  ”10 million?! But… across the Whirlpool Sea, how did they pour in in such a short time?!”

  He had been commanding the battle on the front line before. Although he had heard that Tyr encouraged the survivors of the Battoa Province to march north, he did not know what happened in the Whirlpool Sea.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group knew that this guy could not access the forum, so he explained briefly.

  ”They used all kinds of methods, even some crazy ones, such as using bathtubs as boats. In short, many people died on the road. I shouldn’t say this is lucky, but at least they have tasted the bitter fruit of their own choices. I think they won’t make the same choice again next time.”

  The survivors of the Southern Legion fed a monster with their own flesh and blood.

  Then the monster bit off one of their arms.

  This lesson is deep enough.

  Vanus was silent for a while and spoke.

  ”We hope they can return to the province of Battoa. They need to clean up the mess here. Of course… it depends on them. We won’t force them to go anywhere.”

  The battlefield atmosphere group smiled and nodded.

  ”That’s no problem. Although the province of Willant welcomes compatriots to visit Triumph City, we don’t have so many houses to accommodate so many people, and the quarantine area on the coast is not suitable for permanent residence… Moreover, I think since Tyr is dead, they should be willing to go back and rebuild their homes.”

  When he said this, he stopped to think for a moment and continued.

  ”How about adding ten flights in the Whirlpool Sea? One hundred thousand people a day, three months is enough.”

  Vanus shook his head.

  ”Thirty thousand a day, it’s better to extend the time to one year… Our logistics transportation here is also limited. It may be better to wait until the container port west of Yavent City is built.”

  The reason why the Alliance has so many supplies to distribute to the locals is mainly because there are not many residents in Yavent City, and the logistics network built by railways and roads can support the supply of supplies.

  When the survivors return home one after another, the local logistics resources will definitely be tight, and even if there are supplies in the rear, it will be difficult to transport them immediately.

  The battlefield atmosphere group nodded in understanding.

  ”Understood, then add five flights first, we can communicate at any time… In addition, regarding the garrison, we want to know your arrangements.”

  Vanus thought for a while and said.

  ”We plan to station ten divisions of troops in the province of Battoa, including three divisions from the Enterprise, five divisions from the Alliance including the Weilant Expeditionary Force, and two divisions from Port Gold Galleon… and reduce the stationed troops to two divisions within ten years depending on the situation.”

  ”The administrator’s opinion is that we must ensure that the new authorities can fully represent the opinions of the local people. Of course, if you are worried about the safety of your compatriots, you can leave two 10,000-man teams here to supervise our work locally.”

  As for the specific timetable for the withdrawal, it mainly depends on the development process of the local society.

  However, Vanus is still very optimistic about his compatriots in the south, even more than his compatriots in the Weilant Province.

  Putting aside the details at the tactical level, it rises to the strategic dimension.

  The reason why the Eastern Empire is difficult to modernize is not because Saren is not smart or far-sighted enough. In essence, it is still the huge old military aristocratic group that owns vast land, and the land and the resources attached to the land are the economic pillars of the Eastern Empire.

  Vanus himself was born into a military aristocracy, and he knew very well how powerful those hereditary honors and lands were.

  And the fact that Salen could play the card of eastward expansion to kill the “eastward expansionists” and get away with it, and he took all the interests of the Southern Legion in the East without sending a single soldier, was enough to prove that this guy’s means were not just the golden armor on the surface.

  He knew very well that what the Eastern Empire needed was industrialization, or the new classes that became wealthy because of industrialization.

  Whether it was factory owners or workers.

  When their power grew strong enough to check and balance the military aristocrats in the Eastern Empire, the Eastern Empire would naturally move towards the next social process.

  As for the Kingdom of Borneo, the same was true.

  The essence of their constitutionalism was not that Abusek was not smart enough, Lasi was not ruthless enough, or Zaid was too unscrupulous, but that the “citizen class” and “officer class” represented by the “dockworker commander” and “slave officer” were too small in Borneo, and only had one acre of land in Golden Port, and the vast majority of Borneo people were serfs or spiritual serfs.

  Killing Janus who wanted to be the emperor would lead to Zaid who wanted to be the head of the family instead of the emperor. Killing Zaid would lead to the next Zaid who was more difficult to deal with and less noticeable.

  There were also smart people in the province of Borneo who could see this, such as Niyang.

  Changing a society is not something that can be done by writing a few textbooks. You have to go deep into the grassroots of society and rewrite it from the bottom code to completely change the lifestyle and language usage habits of everyone on that land.

  If the population of Borneo Province only accounted for 1% of the wasteland, it would not be difficult to change them.

  But the fact is that they may be more than all the survivors in the wasteland combined. If the alliance really does this regardless of the cost, it is more likely that the alliance will be assimilated in turn.

  As an old subordinate who has followed Chu Guang for many years, Vanus feels that this may be the real reason why the adult chose to “fulfill” them.

  Although other Weilant people are more resentful of the attitude of the Borneo people towards their heroes, Vanus himself does not like to use the heroic historical perspective to explain objective problems.

  Even from the results, the people of Boro who did not respect history and heroes did suffer retribution.

  Whether they knew it or not.

  But on the other hand, the survivors of the Battoa Province were much luckier.

  There is not as much land as the Eastern Empire here, nor as many landlords, and the military nobles are almost dead.

  Those young officers have not tasted the sweetness of war, but only the bitterness of war. As long as they are not allowed to live too aggrieved, there will probably not be the next Tyr.

  Not to mention those young soldiers, they can’t be considered as soldiers at all, but citizens who were forced to give guns and thrown to the front line. If you insist, they are also militia. It is

  also thanks to Tyr, the madman, that his madness sent him away and accelerated the social process of the Southern Legion in reverse.

  In this land, the old forces have died out, the power of the citizen class is extremely strong, and everyone has received basic education. There are also large areas of factories, railways, roads and ruins that need to be rebuilt.

  In addition, the Weilants are born artists and architects.

  With these foundations, it is difficult for them not to become another miracle of economic take-off in the wasteland-the second South Sea Alliance.

  And it is a larger South Sea Alliance.

  The battlefield atmosphere group obviously thought the same as him, and a happy smile appeared on their faces.

  ”Since you have mentioned it, we would rather obey than respect. We will keep two 10,000-man teams in the local area to ensure that the Willant people and the indigenous people of the Batauya Province are treated fairly and legally.”

  Vanus also showed a happy smile on his face.

  It happened that the military parade was almost coming to an end.

  He paused and raised the last topic that was both important and unimportant in a casual tone.

  ”The last question is about the written title of the Southern Legion. The alliance’s opinion is that it hopes that ‘Legion’ will become a historical term.”

  The battlefield atmosphere group said casually.

  ”What about the Southern Alliance?”

  Vanus was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile.

  ”The concept of the South is too broad… or we should call it the Batauya Alliance.”

  There is already a South Sea Alliance on this planet.

  Moreover, the ownership of the 2.7 million square kilometers of colonies is also an issue that must be considered.

  The alliance hopes to establish a new authority on that land, rather than letting the newly born Battoa province inherit the Ravenka Industrial Zone and Evernight Harbor and other settlements. In

  that case, it will return to the old path.

  The battlefield atmosphere group’s eyes lit up and gave a thumbs up.

  ”Batoa Alliance… This name is good, let’s use this name for the time being.”

  A little embarrassed by the praise, Vanus smiled modestly and said in a tactful tone.

  ”It’s just a temporary name.”

  ”Wait until a new order is established there, and if the local survivors have better ideas, we can change the name.”


  [Good news! Victory in the war! The flag of the alliance is flying over the city of Avent! The joint military parade is held in the center of Avent!

  The number one war criminal Tyr died without a complete body, and the second war criminal Augustus committed suicide out of fear of crime! The rest of the high-level officials of the Southern Legion have been arrested and will be tried in Triumph City, Dawn City, Golden Gallon Port, and Ideal City respectively.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Dawn City Edition


  [Batoa Alliance is established! The Southern Legion has become history! Let us congratulate the survivors of the Battoa Province, and congratulate the friends on the southern coast of the Whirlpool Sea for joining the new family!

  At present, the Archon of the Willant Alliance and the Commander of the Alliance Expeditionary Force have reached a consensus on the reconstruction of Yavent City, and plan to build a container port in the west of Yavent City.

  Affected by the surge in demand for local engineering equipment, Beidao Heavy Industry signed a huge order of 500 million silver coins with a local company!

  ——”Survivor Daily” South China Sea Alliance Edition


  【Tiandu sent a congratulatory message to the Battoa Province! Parent Zaid welcomes the Willant people to reform themselves, and said that the Poros and the Willant people are one family, and the Southern Legion is the enemy of the Poros and the people that the Poros want to eliminate. The

  great victory has finally arrived, let us thank the parents for their personal deployment! At present, the situation in the three northern states is turbulent, and the Mammoth Country’s perverse actions have caused the wrath of heaven and the resentment of the people. “Iron General God” Grove led 800,000 troops to the north! The sword points to the Tasang River! It is just around the corner to wipe out the remnants of the old era!

  In addition, the number of cockroaches in Tiandu has increased sharply recently. The respected Chairman Sava said at the committee meeting that he once again called on families to unite and declare war on cockroaches! Our reporter also called on everyone to pay attention to it and ensure that there is no cockroach egg in every household!

  As long as we unite, we will definitely be able to transform our big home into a paradise on earth!

  ——”Survivor Daily” Tiandu Edition



  The West Sail Port Winter Swimming Competition has entered the second round. Is the factory the victim this time? An anonymous predator in the wasteland said after reading this newspaper that this is too much. He will be despised by other predators if he pays the ransom and then kills the victim! The

  corporate war in the Free State has entered a white-hot stage. Is the fate of the “volunteers” of the Alliance suspected?

  The Bughra dollar has plummeted again and again. The most valuable currency in the Free State is actually the stock of the “Firestone Group, which has been losing money continuously”?

  A large number of employees are facing unemployment and becoming wasteland wanderers again, which may be beneficial to the prosperous and stable new West Sail Port!

  Saren suddenly coughed at the morning meeting today, and may have made a strong statement to remind the Alliance to take care of themselves.

  General McLen refused to comment on the fact that he was actually the governor of the special zone, but did not make a clear refusal to serve as a special commentator for this newspaper.

  In addition, congratulations to the compatriots in the province of Battoa for finally getting rid of the stupid Tyr.

  We sincerely recommend to you our wise and brave Saren who is as predictable as a god.

  Compared with other areas in the wasteland, New West Sail Port is definitely a paradise in paradise.

  ——New West Sail Port Edition of “Survivor Daily”.


  【The wastelanders talk too much, and the blue mole has nothing to say.

  Emperor Saren’s every smile is a hint. The residents of Dawn City said that it is none of their business how the newspapers in New West Sail Port are written. Everyone wants to know when the manager will have their own children. The

  former commander-in-chief of the Boro Kingdom established Abu Aerospace, which is said to have received an investment of 100 million silver coins! Li Minghui, president of the South China Sea Alliance, submitted his resignation again, and it is suspected that he was delayed by the representative meeting again. Rumor has it that the latter is considering declaring war on Gaia, a planet five light years away, in order to continue the wartime law?

  In addition, the Boro Province Battle Royale has entered the next round. The current commander-in-chief Shaluk is said to have starved to death in prison. His death is extremely miserable. Has the commander become a high-risk profession? “Hot-blooded Prince” Sava declared war on cockroaches after declaring war on rats. Is the war suspected to be about to burn to the boss of Goblin Technology? !

  There are more and more messy news. Some customers have written to feedback that they want to see some normal news… The editor of this newspaper suggests that you can’t ask the chef to know how to refrigerate. Our boss is not a normal person. If you want to read serious news, please move to the Dawn City edition

  of the “Survivor Daily”. Finally, let’s focus on the “Halloween” in Yavent City. Due to the commotion caused by Santa Claus “Debt Big Eyes” spreading chocolate, the title of “Trash Fish” has officially become a friendly blessing passed down by word of mouth by the survivors of Yavent.

  In addition, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with mosquitoes. You can’t blame mosquitoes for any problems. Even if you guess the mastermind behind the scenes, this method is extremely immoral!

  ——”Goblin Observer”】


  ”Wasteland OL” official website.

  The forum is much more lively than before.

  On the one hand, it’s because the angry cloud players found that the wasteland era is about to end, and their helmets have not been shipped yet.

  On the other hand, it’s because the long-lasting war has finally won!

  [The “Southern Barbarian Invasion” expansion pack is over! Thank you for your active participation! The expansion pack rewards and titles have been issued. 】

  【The expansion points lottery system is now open, please pay attention to the mailbox to collect! And use up the remaining points as soon as possible to avoid the points expiring and being cleared! 】

  【In addition, players who are not in Dawn City can also collect expansion rewards remotely. The Alliance Post Office provides paid mailing services (only within the communication coverage area). 】

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “Alas, I have seen the Alliance grow from a small regional force into the ‘third pole’ of the world, and I don’t even have a helmet! It’s too much! TT” What

  can I do with you: “Haha, do you think I believe it?”

  Professor Yang, the King of Thunder and Lightning: “It’s useless if you don’t believe it. Now the hot searches can’t be suppressed… To be honest, I’m a little suspicious now, whether A Guang is an alien. (Looking up at the sky)”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “The planner has a question. If I draw a nuclear bomb, can you help me mail it? If I fill in the address as 404 shelter, can I directly restart the server? This should not be considered a violation of the rules, just ask politely. (0.0)”

  Lao Bai: “Haha, you are a polite kid, but not very smart. (Grinning teeth)”

  Elf King Fugui: ” A Guang: You should draw it first!”

  Irena: “A Guang: Let me see whose helmet is itchy, I will scratch it for him. (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “No, he doesn’t have a helmet, you are being presumptuous. (Funny)”

  Silver Dad: “But then again, Brother Ye Ao should be old enough, the server has been open for so long.”

  Silver Sword: “In theory, but whether it is necessary to let the kid in is another matter.”

  Talan Raider: “Ah… Restart, it sounds tempting, if I really restart, I might be a T0. (Smirk)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “Don’t think about it, if Fang Chang, that bastard, goes back to the server with his memory and starts over, do you believe he can roll the snowball to the moon? Unless you restart everyone’s brains.” Fang Chang

  : “Tsk, am I the kind of person who eats alone? Check your conscience and reorganize your words. When have I not thought of you when something good happened? (Slant eyes)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “(Guilty.jpg)”

  Fountain Commander: “Hahaha, brother Mole is not kind. I testify that the Niuma Group is still very honest and never cuts the leeks of its own people. (Slant eyes and smile)”

  I’m the Darkest: “Damn it! I have another string of consolation prizes! Dogecoin Fountain, tell me the truth, did you take the first prize again! (Angry)”

  Fountain Commander: “Well, brother, let’s not talk about the first prize first… Even if I really have that luck, you can’t blame me for my good luck if you are unlucky. (Sweat)”

  I’m the Darkest: “@#$#!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “My darkest brother is mad at the European Emperor again. If you ask me, it’s still the fault of this ID. It’s really weird Can’t do it to others. (grin)”

  Martial Law: “Fuck! The pangolin is coming!”

  Tail: “Oh oh oh! Lord Archon of the Willant Alliance! (ω)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Don’t do that, it’s embarrassing. (sweat)”

  Night Ten: “Haha! Why are you still shy? (funny)”

  Funny Commander: “Is the military parade fun? Damn, you are the best among us brothers! By the way, did you watch the lottery for that expansion pack? What did you draw? (smirk)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Some messy things, the only valuable thing seems to be a purple-labeled bionic prosthesis, hey… actually it’s useless, I have put the rewards of several expansion packs in the warehouse to gather dust. ”

  I’m the blackest” Don’t give it to me! ! (angry)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “That’s unrealistic, but if you want to buy it, I can consider it. (grin)”

  I am the darkest: “@#$#!”

  (Thanks to the leader “执孑徔掱” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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