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Chapter 971 Meier, you are not obedient

Chapter 971 Meier, you are not obedient


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

   Chapter 971 Mei’er Wife, You Are Not Being Good

  Tang Weiwei suddenly felt guilty.

  There is a reason why she has a good relationship with Li Ke. She

  relied on telling Li Ke about Xu Xiuwen’s school affairs.

  In the process, she became more and more certain that Li Ke liked Xu Xiuwen.

  After Shen Minyao knew about it, she kept saying that she was stupid.

  How could she pass on information to her love rival?

  Tang Weiwei always said that she believed in Xu Xiuwen.

  Shen Minyao’s ears were calloused by this sentence, so she simply stopped asking. Let

  ’s get back to the point.

  Tang Weiwei said: “Ke Ke, in fact, she is very easy to talk to, and she is also very polite. I like her very much.”

  ”That’s good… thank you for your hard work.”

  ”It’s not hard, and Li SZ also gave me tuition fees.”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “If you are tired, tell me, I will find someone else to be her tutor.”


  Soon, the two came to Li Haimei’s house.

  The person who opened the door was Li Haimei herself.

  When Xu Xiuwen saw Mei’er’s wife, his eyes lit up.

  I have seen her wearing work clothes many times before, but today she is wearing a simple and elegant casual outfit.

  Although the clothes are simple, they do not affect her curvy figure.

  Her towering breasts hold up her clothes, and below them is her soft waist that can be held in one hand, and below her waist is her peachy buttocks tightly wrapped in casual pants, which are round and plump, as tempting as peaches. Below them

  is a pair of well-proportioned and slender legs, but unfortunately they are covered by pants, revealing only a small section of her slender and white ankles.

  Li Haimei’s jade feet are very small, about size 35/46.

  She is wearing a pair of plush slippers on her feet, revealing ten delicate toes, each of which is crystal clear, small, round and plump, like cherries, making people unable to look away.

  But Xu Xiuwen still looked away.

  Because there are more than two of them at this time.

  When Li Haimei saw Xu Xiuwen, her expression was very natural.

  She smiled faintly, “You are here, come in quickly.”

  ”Hello, Li sz.” Tang Weiwei greeted politely.

  Just as Xu Xiuwen was about to call Li SZ, he heard Li Haimei say, “Didn’t I tell you that you can just call me Auntie Li at home?”

  Tang Weiwei’s cheeks flushed slightly, and she quickly changed her words: “Sorry, Auntie Li~”

  Li Haimei said generously, “It’s okay.”

  Xu Xiuwen also called out, “Auntie Li.”

  Hearing his address, Li Haimei raised her eyebrows slightly, but said nothing.

  The two put on slippers and went into the house.

  At this time, a sumptuous dish was already on the table.

  However, Li Haimei’s nanny was not seen.

  Li Haimei noticed his gaze and took the initiative to explain, “I asked her to go back first.”

  After hearing what Li Haimei said, Tang Weiwei was stunned for a second before she realized what she meant.

  Xu Xiuwen understood instantly.

  He couldn’t help but reveal a strange expression.

  He clearly didn’t ask Li Haimei where her nanny was just now?

  But Li Haimei seemed to have guessed his thoughts and took the initiative to explain.

  Is this considered telepathy?

  He glanced at Li Haimei.

  The latter happened to look over.

  After exchanging glances, Li Haimei immediately shifted her gaze.

  Xu Xiuwen found this scene very interesting.

  People like Li Haimei, who are in a high position, usually don’t get nervous when they look at anyone, but when they look at him, they run away. After

  Li Haimei looked away, she said to Tang Weiwei: “Weiwei, Ke Ke is in the room, go and call her for me.”

  ”Okay, Aunt Li.” Tang Weiwei naturally wouldn’t refuse.

  Seeing Tang Weiwei walk into Li Ke’s room, Xu Xiuwen quickly stepped forward.

  Seeing this, Li Haimei’s heartbeat kept accelerating, but she didn’t retreat.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the mature and charming woman in front of him, lowered his voice and asked: “Do you miss me?”

  Two blushes appeared on Li Haimei’s face instantly, and her beauty was intoxicating.

  She glanced at Xu Xiuwen and said: “Don’t talk nonsense, Ke Ke is still at home.”

  Seeing that the woman didn’t answer him, Xu Xiuwen was not angry.

  He immediately expressed his feelings to the woman: “But I miss you, thinking about you day and night…”

  Without waiting for Li Haimei to make any response, Xu Xiuwen quickly stepped back.

  Because he heard the sound of Li Ke’s door opening.

  The next second.

  Li Ke walked out of the room.

  Xu Xiuwen faced Li Ke’s room, so as soon as the girl walked out of the room, she saw Xu Xiuwen standing in the living room at first sight.

  She came over excitedly and shouted: “Teacher Xu, you are here~”

  Li Haimei had her back

  to Li Ke. When she heard her daughter’s voice, her heart trembled slightly. Fortunately, she had her back to Li

  Otherwise, once Li Ke noticed the unnatural blush on her face, he would probably guess something.

  Li Haimei is worthy of being able to reach this position. In a flash, she adjusted her mood.

  When she turned around, her expression had returned to normal.

  Except for Xu Xiuwen, no one knew that she had a peachy face just now.

  After Li Ke approached, she pouted and said coquettishly: “Teacher Xu, you haven’t come to see me for a long time. Have you forgotten me?”

  Xu Xiuwen explained: “How could that be, I’m just busy recently.” He

  explained to Li Ke and Li Haimei at the same time.

  After hearing this, Li Haimei said calmly, “Don’t talk about it for now, go wash your hands and prepare for dinner.”

  No one dared to disobey Li Haimei’s words.

  The three of them immediately went to the bathroom to wash their hands.

  Li Ke looked at Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei standing together, and they were a perfect match.

  She was envious, so she deliberately squeezed in between the two of them.

  She turned her head to look at Xu Xiuwen’s profile and asked, “Teacher Xu, my grades have improved a lot in this midterm exam.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I heard from Weiwei, congratulations.”

  Hearing this, Li Ke rolled her eyes and asked, “Don’t you have any expression?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Should I express anything?”

  Li Ke pouted dissatisfiedly and said, “You promised me before that if my grades improve, you will accompany me to go out and play.”

  ”Did I say that?” Xu Xiuwen was a little unsure.

  After all, he often promised girls.

  Li Ke nodded and said, “You did.”

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it and simply admitted it, “Where do you want to go to play?”

  Li Ke’s eyes sparkled, and she said excitedly, “This weekend, can you accompany me to go shopping? I haven’t been shopping for a long time.”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head immediately.

  Seeing this, Li Ke snorted, “Teacher Xu is a big liar!”

  Xu Xiuwen was amused by the girl’s cute tone.

  ”Our class is going on a spring outing this week, so we don’t have time to go shopping with you. How about this, next week?”

  ”Really? You’re not lying to me, are you?”

  ”It just so happens that Weiwei is here, so you can ask her to testify for you.”

  Li Ke believed it.

  She laughed again.

  Xu Xiuwen and Tang Weiwei looked at each other.

  Although Li Ke can be willful sometimes, she is still a very cute girl most of the time.

  After washing his hands, he returned to the dining table and sat down.

  Tang Weiwei and Li Ke sat on the left and right of Xu Xiuwen, while Li Haimei sat alone opposite him.

  They arrived at Li Haimei’s house on time, and the nanny had just left after preparing the meal.

  The dishes on the table were still hot at this moment.

  Xu Xiuwen picked up a piece of beef ribs, tasted it, and nodded, “It tastes good.”

  After hearing what he said, the corners of Li Haimei’s mouth rose slightly.

  This detail was captured by Xu Xiuwen.

  At the dinner table, Li Ke was very good to Xu Xiuwen, constantly picking up food for him, talking about funny things, and leaning on Xu Xiuwen.

  This scene fell into Li Haimei’s eyes, and she wanted to remind him several times, but she still held back.

  During the meal, Li Haimei did not tell him why she invited him to her house for dinner.

  Xu Xiuwen did not ask.

  In a blink of an eye, dinner was over.

  Li Ke wanted to chat with Xu Xiuwen for a while, but Li Haimei asked her to study hard on the grounds that she could not relax even after the midterm exam.

  Li Ke was reluctant, but she could not resist Li Haimei, so she had to reluctantly follow Tang Weiwei back to the room.

  After the two entered the room for class, Xu Xiuwen and Li Haimei were the only two people left in the living room.

  Feeling Xu Xiuwen’s aggressive gaze, Li Haimei’s heartbeat accelerated unconsciously.

  She suddenly said, “I’ll go wash the dishes…”

  After saying that, she did not look at Xu Xiuwen’s reaction and walked straight to the kitchen.

  Li Haimei was washing the dishes, and her heartbeat still could not calm down.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what Xu Xiuwen was doing in the living room at this moment.

  Would he stand

  in the living room and peek at her? The word “peek” just flashed through her mind, and Li Haimei’s heartbeat became faster.

  After all, curiosity overcame everything.

  Li Haimei turned her head and looked back, trying to confirm what Xu Xiuwen was doing.

  As a result, when she turned around, she saw Xu Xiuwen leaning against the kitchen door frame.

  The latter looked at her with a half-smile.

  Li Haimei’s heart tightened, and she quickly turned her head away, then pretended to be calm and said, “You… why are you in the kitchen?”

  Xu Xiuwen liked to see Li Haimei’s nervous look.

  This would greatly increase his self-confidence.

  After all, not everyone can make a dignified fsz become like this.

  With a smile on his face, Xu Xiuwen slowly walked towards the woman.

  Li Haimei heard the footsteps approaching.

  Even without the footsteps, she could guess that he was approaching through the shadow on the wall in front of her.

  She didn’t know what Xu Xiuwen wanted to do, nor did she know whether to stop him.

  Perhaps she was also looking forward to him doing something to her in her heart.

  Just thinking about it, Li Haimei unconsciously put her legs together.

  Xu Xiuwen naturally didn’t notice her reaction.

  Suddenly, Li Haimei couldn’t hear the footsteps behind her.

  She knew that Xu Xiuwen was standing behind her at the moment, and not far away.

  She tried her best to be patient, but still couldn’t help it, and turned her head to take a look.

  As a result, she saw Xu Xiuwen with a smirk on his face.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and asked: “Didn’t you ask me why I came to the kitchen?”

  Without waiting for the woman to respond, he continued: “Because I missed you, wife~”

  His tone of voice was extremely gentle.

  Even the most cold-blooded woman would fall for him after hearing his gentle tone.

  Li Haimei was like this.

  The good times they had spent together unconsciously emerged in front of her eyes.

  ”What are you thinking about now?”

  Li Haimei came back to her senses, her earlobes red.

  She denied: “I’m not thinking about anything, I still have to wash the dishes, you should get out.”

  She turned her head away and continued to pretend to wash the dishes.

  At this time, Xu Xiuwen suddenly came up from behind.

  She clearly felt the man’s strong chest against her back.

  His hands also went around her waist and wrapped around her lower abdomen.

  He was even more aggressive, and gently put his chin on her right shoulder, and said to her sensitive ear: “Mei’er wife, you are not obedient.”

  Hearing the four words “Mei’er wife”, Li Haimei almost couldn’t help but tremble in her legs.

  Such a name… is too intimate!

  But how dare he?

  There are other people at home.

  That’s right, at this moment, Li Ke, like Tang Weiwei, has become someone else in Li Haimei’s eyes.

  She unconsciously fell into the ambiguous atmosphere created by Xu Xiuwen.

  She subconsciously asked: “I… why am I not obedient?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said: “You leave your husband alone in the living room and don’t care about it. Is there any wife like you?”

  Li Haimei suddenly felt ashamed.

  She explained, “I’m washing the dishes…”

  Xu Xiuwen whispered in her ear, “You can wash the dishes tomorrow, or even not wash them, but your husband doesn’t come every day. If you leave him alone, he will be sad.”

  Li Haimei seemed to be convinced by his words.

  She didn’t refute.

  Xu Xiuwen continued, “My wife is not obedient. Do you think I should punish her?”

  Li Haimei said nervously, “Don’t mess around. Ke Ke is still at home!”

  ”They are in class. It won’t be over for a while…”

  ”That won’t work either. Let me go!”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Mei’er, my wife, don’t pretend. You called me here because you missed me, didn’t you?”

  I don’t know which word hurt Li Haimei’s self-esteem.

  Her face suddenly turned cold, and her tone was particularly cold: “Xu Xiuwen, don’t touch me!”

  If it were someone else, they would have been scared away by Li Haimei and would never dare to continue to be presumptuous.

  But Xu Xiuwen was not afraid at all.

  ”Wife, what’s wrong with you?”

  Li Haimei said coldly: “Xu Xiuwen, what kind of woman do you think I am?”

  ”Wife, what else can it be?”

  Li Haimei thought to herself: You are so presumptuous, you don’t take me seriously at all, as if I am a…

  Those two words are not nice to hear, she doesn’t want to think about it.

  Li Haimei said in a deep voice: “Go away, I don’t want to see you!”

  She didn’t really want to see Xu Xiuwen, but she was just angry out of shame.

  However, Xu Xiuwen seemed to take it seriously.

  He suddenly let go of Li Haimei, took a step back and said: “Since you don’t want to see me, then I’m leaving.”

  After that, he turned around and left without any nostalgia.

  Li Haimei resisted the urge to turn around.

  Until she heard the sound of the door closing, she was stunned for a moment!

  Xu Xiuwen actually left!

  She had said before that he should leave, but he always stayed with a thick face and never left directly.

  Was her tone too strong just now?


  Li Haimei rejected this idea.

  Her tone was indeed a little cold, but compared to her usual tone in front of other men, it could even be considered as a spoiled child.

  Since it was not her problem,

  why did he leave so decisively?

  Li Haimei suddenly thought of a possibility: Xu Xiuwen was tired of her!

  When she thought of this possibility, Li Haimei panicked.

  At first, she wanted to deceive herself, thinking that if he was tired of her, he was tired of her, and if he left, he left, it was no big deal.

  But in less than half a minute, she couldn’t pretend anymore.

  Li Haimei couldn’t wait to know if Xu Xiuwen really left.

  She came to the living room, but found it empty.

  Li Haimei’s body trembled.

  She didn’t give up and went straight to the entrance.

  When she came to the entrance, she instinctively looked at the shoe rack.

  At this moment, she was stunned.

  In her sight, not only were Xu Xiuwen’s shoes still on the shoe rack, but Xu Xiuwen didn’t leave, but stood next to the shoe rack.

  Li Haimei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

  But then she realized that she was deceived by Xu Xiuwen.

  The other person was looking at her with a smile.

  His smile made Li Haimei flustered.

  She immediately explained, “Don’t get me wrong, I just came to see if the slippers are ready.”

  Then she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

  This time, Xu Xiuwen didn’t let her go back to the kitchen.

  He caught up with Li Haimei, grabbed the woman’s hand, and then pulled her into his arms.

  Li Haimei’s body turned around and finally fell into Xu Xiuwen’s arms.

  Xu Xiuwen said nothing, lowered his head and kissed her.

  Li Haimei only had time to make a “woo” before her mouth was blocked.

  Strong arms, warm embrace, strong masculine scent…

  all of this intoxicated Li Haimei.

  She gave up the idea of ​​resisting.

  After a kiss.

  Xu Xiuwen looked proud, while Li Haimei’s cheeks were flushed and she was extremely embarrassed.

  She looked into Xu Xiuwen’s eyes and said, “Let me go…”

  Her tone was completely devoid of the momentum she usually had when she was instructing work. Instead, it was soft, coupled with the blush on her face and the evasive look, she was completely a shy woman.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “Did you think I was really gone, so you were so worried?”

  Li Haimei denied it immediately, “Don’t talk nonsense, I’m not worried… I wish you would leave sooner, you would just flirt with me if you stayed.”

  Xu Xiuwen did not deny it either, and smiled and said, “Who told me that you are so beautiful, how could I resist…”

  The words “Mei’er wife” made Li Haimei’s heart tremble.

  She was obviously not his wife, and he was much younger than her, but when she heard him call her his wife, she really had an illusion that she seemed to be married to him.

  Li Haimei couldn’t help but scolded, “Little pervert!”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “You said I was a pervert, I won’t refute, but whether I am a pervert or not, you should know better than anyone, right?”

  Li Haimei was stunned at first, and then her face became redder.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, if they hear it, I won’t be able to see Ke Ke.”

  ”It’s okay, they won’t hear it.”

  It was obviously not credible, but Li Haimei believed it.

  Li Haimei said, “You’d better let me go first, I still have to wash the dishes…”

  Xu Xiuwen looked into Li Haimei’s eyes and said, “Don’t wash it, let the nanny wash it tomorrow, I want you…”

  Li Haimei was shocked: “No!”

  ”What do you mean no?”

  Li Haimei blushed and explained, “That thing is not possible!”

  After the incident with Song Siyu, Xu Xiuwen had experience.

  ”Are you having your period?”

  Li Haimei immediately rolled her eyes at him, “No… Anyway, no!”

  She turned her head to look at Li Ke’s room, and then said to Xu Xiuwen, “At most…”

  ”At most what?” Xu Xiuwen immediately asked.

  ”At most you can go first, I will go down to find you later.”

  Xu Xiuwen recalled the intimate scenes with Li Haimei several times before.

  He shook his head and said, “But I can’t bear it for that long, I want you now.”

  Li Haimei bit her lip and said, “Why do you have to embarrass me? I have promised you, can’t I wait a while?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Who told you to be so beautiful? Any man can’t resist seeing you.”

  Li Haimei was happy in her heart, but she said, “You only know how to coax me. I usually meet so many people, and I haven’t seen anyone who can’t resist.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I’m different from them.”

  ”You are more lustful than them, more like a gangster!”

  ”I admit this, but those men are hindered by your position and identity, so even if they have ideas, they dare not mess around.”

  Li Haimei snorted, “You dare not take me seriously and mess around, right?” Xu Xiuwen

  said, “I dare not mess around because we have a relationship, but because I know you like me in your heart, I dare to do this.”

  Li Haimei’s heart skipped a beat and denied, “Who likes you!”

  ”Really not?”

  ”I don’t like her!”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I think your secretary Su Luoyi is pretty. Since you don’t like me, then introduce her to me.”

  Li Haimei was instantly annoyed, “Get lost!”

  She pushed Xu Xiuwen away, still dissatisfied, and glared at him.

  ”You said you didn’t like me first!”

  ”I don’t like you, so you can go and flirt with my secretary, right?”

  ”You don’t like me, so you can’t let me like someone else?”

  Li Haimei got even angrier when she heard that.

  ”You’re right, I really don’t have the right to stop you from liking other people. It’s your right to like whoever you want, so why are you looking for me?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Didn’t you send me a text message to come to you?”

  Li Haimei felt ashamed.

  But that wasn’t the main point.

  The key point was Xu Xiuwen’s words, which disappointed her too much.

  Especially when she heard him mention Su Luoyi.

  Li Haimei couldn’t help but think of her secretary.

  Su Luoyi was also very beautiful, with a good figure and temperament.

  Most importantly, Su Luoyi was much younger than her.

  The more Li Haimei thought about it, the more bitter she felt.

  Xu Xiuwen had been paying attention to Li Haimei’s expression, even her eyes.

  He realized that his joke might have gone too far, and hurried to make up for it.

  ”Mei’er, my wife, I was just kidding you. I don’t have any feelings for Secretary Su. I only like you.”

  Li Haimei’s mood changed several times.

  She was a little unsure of Xu Xiuwen’s feelings at this moment.

  She just looked at Xu Xiuwen quietly.

  Xu Xiuwen felt cold in his heart.

  This joke was really a big one, and it was not an ordinary big one.

  Li Haimei obviously doubted him.

  In the face of this situation, no matter how well you explain it with your mouth, it is useless.

  Once suspicion arises, the crime is immediately established.

  Unless Xu Xiuwen can produce strong evidence at this moment.

  Xu Xiuwen remembered how he persuaded An Shishi yesterday.

  He suddenly hugged Li Haimei by the waist.

  Li Haimei was startled, “What are you doing?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I want to prove my feelings to you.”

  He walked towards the master bedroom.

  Li Haimei immediately guessed his thoughts.

  She panicked instantly.

  ”The bedroom won’t do! Ke Ke won’t see us when she comes out, and she will definitely be suspicious. If she goes to the bedroom to find me, I won’t even be able to explain.”

  After hearing Li Haimei’s words, Xu Xiuwen felt that it made sense.

  But if we don’t go to the bedroom, then where else is suitable? There are

  really a lot of updates this month. Please give me monthly tickets, rewards and subscriptions so that Xiao Pujie can have something to eat.


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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