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Chapter 973: Teaching with All My Knowledge

Chapter 973: Teaching with All My Knowledge


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 973: Sharing All My Knowledge

  [So gratifying! The trial at Kinggallon Port has ended! Ryan, the commander of the Eastern Front of the Southern Legion’s Borneo Province Theater, Chief of Staff Fefferit and many other war criminals have been sentenced to death! Execution by firing squad immediately!

  Captain John of the “Horn” argued that the bombing of Lion City was ordered by Ryan, but it is still an indisputable fact that tens of thousands of civilians were killed and injured. The court rejected the appeal, upheld the death sentence, and postponed the execution to the next day!

  In addition, Wolfe, the captain of the 360,000th Squadron, and other minor war criminals were sentenced to more than ten years in prison.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Kinggallon Port Edition]


  Mammoth City.

  The solemn court was filled with a thick smell of blood, and there were even footprints and palm prints on the floor that could not be wiped clean.

  Gurion, standing in the dock, did not know why there was a smell similar to a slaughterhouse in the Borneo court, and he was not very curious.

  When he learned that he was sent here from the relatively civilized Kinggallon Port for trial, he basically had no hope of surviving.

  At this moment, he didn’t know that Ryan and a group of senior officers who stayed in Kinggallon Port had been put into the box.

  The judge sitting in the trial looked at the Weilant man with blood on his hands, his lips trembling slightly.

  After a while, he finally made up his mind to make a judgment.

  ”War criminal Gurion.”

  ”This court doesn’t want to repeat your crimes…”

  Gurion closed his eyes and didn’t want to listen. He didn’t even hire a defense lawyer, just wanted it all to end quickly.

  He had a lot of things to ask Tyr.

  Go down early, maybe he can meet that guy before reincarnation-

  ”This court’s verdict is as follows:”

  ”The defendant Gurion is sentenced to life imprisonment for war crimes!”

  The solemn gavel was knocked down, and the crisp sound of “clang” sounded like a joke.

  Gurion, standing in the dock, was stunned, opened his eyes in disbelief, and looked at the judge sitting in the trial and couldn’t help but take a half step forward.

  The two soldiers standing next to him pressed his shoulders with a serious look, but Gurion stared at the judge as if he didn’t see it.


  The judge did not answer this question, but just hastily announced the end, and then hurriedly left the court, as if he was afraid to stay here for a second longer.

  The same was true for the other judges.

  Gurion stood there in despair, his eyes wide open, not knowing what to do.


  He had one more question he didn’t understand.

  In the jury.

  A stern-looking officer stood up and walked to the empty courtroom.

  Gurion noticed the man and cast his eyes on his back, eager for an answer.

  However, the man ignored his question, just looked at the scales that symbolized justice and fairness, and talked to himself.

  ”General Grove of the Pura Kingdom has 800,000 troops on the south bank of the Tasan River. Counting the former direct descendants of Abusek and Shahrukh, there are about one million.”

  ”There are not many people who can be used. I’ll give you 400,000, and you can stop them for me.”

  Gurion was stunned and said almost subconsciously.

  ”That’s impossible! They have a full set of equipment from the Eastern Empire! Especially their ace unit, the Gray Wolf Army, which is almost built according to the Eastern Empire’s 10,000-man armored and mechanized infantry.”

  This is what he saw with his own eyes in Xifan Port.

  Shawa smiled faintly.

  ”The Gray Wolf Army will not move. Gopal will not give Grove his real assets. Your opponent is the cannon fodder of the Northern Field Army.”

  ”That’s impossible,” Gu Liong shook his head and said, “You know nothing about their strength… You have no chance of winning.”

  Shawa just snapped his fingers, signaling the soldier beside him to take the map and handed it to Gu Liong.

  ”Look at the map first.”

  Gu Liong was stunned for a moment, and took the map from the soldier with doubts, and unfolded it on the guardrail of the dock.

  It was a map of the three northern states and the southern part of the Mammoth State.

  The narrow mountain range was like a crescent-shaped dagger, piercing from the Zhuobar Mountain Range to the northern part of the Borneo Province, cutting off a fertile plain from the rich territory.

  More than that.

  In order to deal with the invasion of the Southern Legion, Lacy also built a large number of fortifications and underground bunkers between the mountains.

  Gu Liong had previously felt that the three northern states were easy to defend but difficult to attack. Now that he had received the complete strategic drawings provided by his former opponent, he was even more moved. He still

  suffered from being careless and underestimating the enemy.

  If he had known that the three northern states were built into an iron barrel by these mammoth people, he would never have ordered Orlet to march to the Dog State.

  It would be better to concentrate troops to capture Tiandu.

  ”How many mountain troops do you have?”

  Looking at Gu Liong, whose fighting spirit was rekindled in his eyes, Shawa showed a faint smile on his face.

  ”Mammoth Country is almost all mountain divisions and guerrilla divisions. We have exoskeletons, anti-armor weapons… including plasma warheads that can break through the Conqueror’s defense, and some ‘Fire Crossbows’ and ‘Conquerors’ that have been seized and repaired from you.”

  ”Of course, the most important thing is that we have a complete ammunition production line, a large number of overseas workers, and sufficient foreign exchange reserves.”

  Gu Liong licked his dry lips.

  ”Then you can give it a try.”

  Shawa nodded.

  ”Go ahead and give it a try. Meritorious service can reduce your sentence. When our war is over, you may have a chance to go home. In addition, Grove has some of your old subordinates. I hope you won’t show them mercy.”

  Gurion shook his head and said,

  ”There is no question of showing mercy. Going all out is the respect for the opponent. I believe my subordinates think so too.”

  A war without the grandsons of the logistics department dragging down…

  it’s quite interesting to think about it.

  Gurion never thought that he, a stray dog, would have the opportunity to return to the battlefield one day to show his remaining energy.

  And he would fight for his former opponent.

  ”Can I ask a question?”

  ”Ask.” Shawa said expressionlessly.

  Looking at the soldier who uncuffed him, Gurion turned his gaze to Shawa and continued.

  ”You are all Brahmans, at least in our eyes… Have you ever thought about sitting down and talking?”

  ”Let’s talk?”

  As if he had heard something funny, Shawa suddenly raised his head and laughed out loud.

  ”People who want to sit down and talk are either dead or gone. When I’m old and should go down to accompany my father, I’ll be that good guy again!”

  Then his expression turned cold and he looked at Gullion.

  ”As for now, I don’t want to talk about anything.”

  ”I just want to keep the Tasang River from flooding forever.”


  [Dear friend of the East Empire, your loyal, friendly and hospitable southern friend has encountered a little trouble. Due to climatic reasons, the red soil in various parts of the Borneo Province has shown a trend of spreading. The

  current situation is serious, and we urgently need a professional biologist to help us clean up the mess left by General Lowell. Of course, it would be even better if you could send a team over.

  - Tiandu, call]

  [The Alliance doesn’t care about red soil, why do you care about that thing? If you don’t like it, just dig it up and throw it into the sea. Do you have no shovel or no hands? We have helped you enough, so don’t bother us with such boring questions in the future!

  - East Empire, call]

  [Understood! Understood! We will leave it to the think tank to study!

  ——Tiandu, Telephone】


  ——Eastern Empire, Telephone】


  【College Experts Arrive at Dawn City!!!

  ——《Survivor Daily》 Dawn City Edition】


  It turns out that the college didn’t make big promises.

  Just in the second week after the Director of the Investigation Department Qi Liu made a promise to Chu Guang, a team of experts led by a B-level researcher arrived at Camp 101 in Dawn City.

  In the college, B-level is already a very high level.

  Yang Kai, who is stationed in the Alliance, and Li Ke, who participated in the negotiations of the ceasefire agreement in Falcon City, are both B-level, and Qi Liu himself is only A-level.

  High level means high access rights.

  C-level researchers can find secrets that they can’t access in their lifetime even if they work hard,

  but B-level researchers can find them with just a flick of their fingers. Although the college has sent some experts to the Alliance before, the technologies they imparted to the Alliance were not sensitive technologies, but mostly icing on the cake, especially those that did not involve the “graviton-related technologies” that were “cutting-edge before the war”!

  However, this time, unlike in the past, the ban on “graviton”-related technologies was actually lifted!

  There is no need to explain the significance of gravitons.

  At least in this universe, it can be regarded as a pre-technology for entering the interstellar era.

  It is almost the only particle known to human civilization in this universe that can cross its own dimension and use the laws of other dimensions to interfere with the laws of the three-dimensional world.

  Including slow nuclear fusion at room temperature, superluminal navigation between galaxies, etc.

  These things that were considered impossible in the old era, those miracles with a macroscopic probability approaching 0, have become possible under the interference of gravitons!

  It is precisely for this reason that although the mainstream opinion of the industry and society in the era of human connection is to regard controlled nuclear fusion technology as the dividing point between the prosperous era and the old era, the general view of the academic community and the aerospace industry is to regard “gravitons” as the watershed between the new era and the old era!

  Its significance is like the sail and compass in the Age of Discovery, which truly opens the door to a new world!

  A civilization that cannot comprehend the mystery of gravity will never become a true interstellar civilization.

  The difference between a starship without a warp engine and a starship with a warp engine is like that between a canoe and a Kirk ship!

  Looking at the long list of technology transfers provided by the academy, Chu Guang, who was sitting at his desk, couldn’t help but think of the hard days when he had to work so hard for a plasma engine. He couldn’t help but sigh for a moment.

  ”The sun is really rising from the west, and even the stingy people are starting to lose their feathers.”

  It seems that those guys are not just thinking about escaping, but have also considered building a reliable ally in their hometown.

  Of course, these technologies transferred to the alliance are not without any conditions.

  For example, the most critical one is that before the academy leaves this galaxy, these technologies can only be used by the alliance itself and cannot be transferred to other survivors in the wasteland that are not recognized by the academy.

  Including enterprises and the Great Rift Valley, as well as the Willant Alliance and the South Sea Alliance, etc.

  They don’t want to care about future matters, but at least while they are still on this planet, they have the obligation to limit the spread of technology… at least they think so.

  Chu Guang certainly respected their decision.

  After all, the Alliance has experienced the power of the “Technology Barbarians” fists, so they won’t seek trouble by harming others and themselves.

  Yin Fang, who was sitting on the sofa in the office and drinking coffee, also had a complicated expression on his face. Obviously, he didn’t expect the academy to open its doors so suddenly.

  ”Don’t say you didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it either.”

  Heya, who was sitting on another sofa, cast an inquiring look at Chu Guang.

  ”Do you want to share Xiaoyu’s research data with them?”

  The Alliance Biological Research Institute is one of the few research institutions in the Alliance that can stand on the same starting line as the researchers of the Academy.

  Especially in the field of research on mutant slime molds and mother nests, the Academy has nothing to teach the Alliance, but has to learn from the Alliance.

  Chu Guang closed his eyes and thought for a while and said.

  ”It’s impolite not to reciprocate. If they want to see it so much, let them see it. Anyway, they even told us the secret of the ‘Seed of Gaia’. It’s not right to hide it from them.”

  Heya’s mouth curled up a smile.

  ”Great, we don’t have to communicate in riddles anymore.”

  From the perspective of an academic, she certainly hopes to be able to communicate with the college, after all, it’s too troublesome to communicate in secret.

  But she also understands that Chu Guang must consider the issue from the perspective of the alliance, after all, the research on mutant slime mold is one of the few trump cards in the hands of the alliance.

  So she has always cooperated with Chu Guang’s work, and only conducted limited technical exchanges with the research institutions of the college within the framework of the slime community.

  As for now, the mutual trust between the two sides has reached a new height, and naturally there is no need to be wary of each other as before.

  ”I’m sorry for wronging you before. In the future, you can communicate directly with the college about the research on mutant slime mold, and you don’t have to ask for my opinion on everything,” Chu Guang gave Heya a thankful look, and then put the list in his hand in the corner of the desk, “But to be honest, although I thought before that we might reach some consensus with the college, I didn’t expect it to be so fast.”

  Yin Fang also nodded in agreement.

  ”It seems that the celestial being really scared them.”

  Everyone has their own limitations, even the leader of the Alliance scientific expedition team is no exception.

  To this day, he still feels resentful about his superiors putting the blame on him and then hunting him down without explanation.

  Even though those are things of the past.

  Looking at the nervous Yin Fang, He Ya smiled, then looked at Chu Guang who was sitting behind the desk and joked.

  ”Actually, I think it was you who gave them hope.”

  Chu Guang laughed out loud when he heard that.

  ”Haha, I’m not that shameless. Let’s give this credit to the united residents and survivors of the shelter!”

  This was said sincerely.

  Although the awakened talent did give him some extraordinary abilities, he did not think that his personal charm alone was enough to make the stingy people in the Wandering Swamp automatically shed their feathers.

  The Academy has been observing the Alliance for a long time.

  Even longer than the Enterprise has noticed the Alliance.

  Being frightened by the Celestial Being was just a joke.

  Chu Guang was actually more inclined to believe that the reason they made such a decision must be that they thought it was worth doing so.

  While Yin Fang was still sighing at the generosity of the academy, a team of experts from the academy had already arrived at the nuclear power plant in Dawn City.

  When the engineers of the alliance proudly showed the researchers of the expert group the most advanced reactor technology of the alliance and the heart of the entire industrial system, a researcher with a face even uglier than Jiang Xuezhou just raised the corner of his mouth meaningfully.

  It is worth mentioning that although the academy has ten thousand ideas, the emotional intelligence of the majority of grassroots researchers is actually not very high.

  Especially the honest people who are still working as cattle and horses in the laboratory.

  ”Laser ignition… Hehe, I didn’t expect to see such an antique.”

  ”It’s really hard for you to defeat the legion with this thing.”

  (The cold was cured last week, but the cough has not been cured. And it’s not good to lie down at night when it’s fine during the day. I’m going to split.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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