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Chapter 974 Xu Xiuwen is a pure man

Chapter 974 Xu Xiuwen is a pure man


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

   Chapter 974 Xu Xiuwen is a pure man…

  In the afternoon.

  Xu Xiuwen called Ma Li and asked her to meet him in the evening.

  Ma Li knew that Xu Xiuwen wanted to meet her, but she was not afraid. Instead, she agreed.

  The meeting place was on a forest road in the school.

  Both parties went to the meeting alone, which was Xu Xiuwen’s request.

  After the meeting.

  Xu Xiuwen also asked directly: “You bullied my sister?”

  Ma Li also admitted directly, “It was me.”

  ”Why did you do this?”

  Ma Li said: “I don’t like her.”

  She didn’t tell the truth.

  The real reason was that she had a crush on Xu Xiuwen and kept asking Du Qingling for his number.

  She was patient and asked him several times in a nice voice.

  Du Qingling said she didn’t know every time.

  Her patience was also limited.

  Hearing the girl’s words, Xu Xiuwen had no expression.

  ”What can you do to stop bullying her?”

  Before Ma Li came to see Xu Xiuwen, she thought about how angry and furious the other party would be.

  As a result, after meeting, Xu Xiuwen was very calm.

  She gradually let down her guard.

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, she stared at his handsome face and said, “If you become my boyfriend, I will stop bullying her. I will protect her in the future and make sure no one else dares to bully her.”

  Ma Li did not expect Xu Xiuwen to agree immediately.

  But the result surprised her.

  After thinking for a moment, Xu Xiuwen actually nodded and agreed.

  ”I can be your boyfriend.”

  Since she met Xu Xiuwen last time, she has been fascinated by this man.

  Especially the other party’s disdainful attitude towards her, which aroused her competitive spirit.

  Hearing that Xu Xiuwen agreed to be her boyfriend, Ma Li immediately fell into ecstasy.

  ”Don’t be happy yet…”

  Xu Xiuwen changed his tone and interrupted Ma Li’s emotions.

  ”What’s wrong?” Ma Li asked with a smile.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “I can be your boyfriend, but you must agree to a few conditions of mine.”

  ”I can promise you!” Ma Li said excitedly.

  ”Don’t rush to agree, what if you can’t do it!” Xu Xiuwen said calmly.

  Ma Li thought for a moment and said, “Then tell me the conditions now.”

  ”The first condition is that you are not allowed to bully Qingling again. If anyone else bullies her, I will also think it was you who did it.”

  Ma Li breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

  She thought it was a very difficult condition.

  Unexpectedly, it was so simple.

  ”Okay, I promise that no one will bully her again in the future!”

  ”I have a second condition.”

  ”You say.”

  ”You must apologize to Qingling in person.”

  Ma Li was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

  In person? In front of whom?

  Seeing that she didn’t say anything, Xu Xiuwen continued, “If you become my girlfriend, you will be Qingling’s sister-in-law. Don’t you need to apologize to her?”

  Ma Li was overjoyed by the word sister-in-law.

  She agreed without thinking, “Okay, I can apologize.”

  Xu Xiuwen added, “You must do it in front of the whole class, and promise that you will never bully her again in the future.”

  Ma Li said, “Okay.”

  ”Do you have any other conditions? If not…”

  Ma Li looked at Xu Xiuwen’s handsome face and felt her legs/heart were a little dry.

  Especially those sexy lips.

  She almost couldn’t help but pounce on him to taste it.

  But Xu Xiu interrupted her thoughts.

  ”I won’t do anything with you until you do these two things.”

  Ma Li frowned and said, “When can we do it?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “It depends on you. I will be with you when you do it.”

  Ma Li said, “Then I will apologize to Du Qingling in front of my classmates during class tomorrow morning. Then, let’s have lunch together tomorrow at noon.”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Tomorrow at noon is fine. I will book a private room in a nearby restaurant. You can call your good friends over and we will be together officially.” How

  proud would she be if she could be with Xu Xiuwen in front of her friends?

  Ma Li was moved when she heard it.


  ”I’ll find the restaurant later and tell you the name. I hope you can apologize to Qingling properly.”

  ”Don’t worry, I will be her sister-in-law in the future. I will apologize to her properly.”

  ”That’s okay. I’ll leave first.”

  Ma Li was stunned, “So soon? ”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “It’s getting late…”

  Ma Li interrupted Xu Xiuwen, “You can’t just leave like this?”

  ”What do you mean?”

  Ma Li said: “How do I know if you are kidding me? What if I apologize to Du Qingling tomorrow and you don’t admit it?”

  Xu Xiuwen frowned and said: “Don’t you believe me?”

  Seeing Xu Xiuwen frowning, Ma Li felt a little distressed.

  How could she bear to make such a handsome man angry?

  She shook her head and said: “It’s not that I don’t believe you, but I also need to see your sincerity.”

  ”What do you want me to do?” Xu Xiuwen asked in a deep voice.

  Ma Li thought for a while and said: “Kiss me now!”

  ”No!” Xu Xiuwen immediately refused.

  Ma Li’s face instantly became very ugly.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately explained: “Ma Li, who do you think I am? I tell you, I am an extremely dedicated man, and I will not kiss any woman except my girlfriend. ”

  Ma Li said, “But don’t you want to be with me? Am I not your girlfriend?”

  ”But you are not yet!”

  Ma Li felt that Xu Xiuwen had tricked her.

  She stared at Xu Xiuwen with a gloomy face, wondering if he was playing a trick on her.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly sighed, “Kissing is not okay, I can only accept a hug at most.”

  His words gave Ma Li a way out.

  Ma Li immediately said, “Then hug me.”

  ”Then you do it.”

  Xu Xiuwen stood there, his eyes firm as if he was a soldier who was ready to die.

  Ma Li did not notice this.

  As long as she thought about being able to hug the handsome man in front of her, her legs felt weak.

  She could not wait to go forward and hug Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen did not move at all and let her hug him.

  Just three seconds later, Xu Xiuwen urged, “Is it okay?”

  Ma Li nodded, “It’s okay.”

  ”Then let go.”


  Ma Li agreed, but just when she was about to let go of Xu Xiuwen, she suddenly stood on tiptoe and wanted to kiss Xu Xiuwen secretly, and on the mouth.

  Xu Xiuwen was startled, but he reacted quickly and turned his head to avoid it.

  As a result, Ma Li didn’t kiss him on the mouth, but kissed him on the right cheek.

  Ma Li said with some dissatisfaction: “Xu Xiuwen, why are you hiding?”

  Xu Xiuwen said ‘angrily’: “You don’t keep your promise. Who asked you to kiss me secretly?”

  After hearing this, Ma Li not only did not feel guilty, but also looked proud, “Anyway, you will be my boyfriend tomorrow, don’t care so much.”

  Xu Xiuwen said coldly: “As long as we are not lovers, you can’t do this. You are disrespecting me!”

  After that, without waiting for Ma Li to explain, Xu Xiuwen said: “It’s getting late, I have to go back.”

  After he said that, he turned around and left, ignoring Ma Li’s reaction.

  Ma Li stood there and watched him leave.

  After he walked away, Ma Li suddenly laughed, “You are quite innocent!”

  Then, Ma Li returned to the dormitory.

  A roommate teased her about who she was dating again.

  Ma Li shook her head and said: “I will not go out on a date with other boys in the future, because I have a boyfriend.”

  After this, the roommates put down their things and looked over.

  ”Ma Li, what’s going on with you?”

  Ma Li smiled and said, “I’ll have a boyfriend soon, and he’s a super handsome guy!”

  Let’s not talk about the situation in Ma Li’s dormitory.

  After Xu Xiuwen separated from Ma Li, he walked around and returned to the car.

  At this time, Du Qingling was sitting in the passenger seat.

  As soon as Xu Xiuwen came back, he asked, “Is there any water?”

  Du Qingling shook her head.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped talking and drove home immediately.

  After returning to Jiangning Garden.

  Xu Xiuwen went straight to the bathroom and washed his face several times.

  Not to mention just a kiss, even if he wrote with a pen, it would be washed off by washing his face.

  But Xu Xiuwen was still not satisfied.

  He took off all the clothes on his body and threw them directly into the trash can.

  Turning around, Xu Xiuwen saw Du Qingling behind him.

  Du Qingling saw Xu Xiuwen washing his face like crazy, and then suddenly began to take off his clothes.

  Without waiting for her to stop him, he took off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of underwear.

  Looking at Xu Xiuwen’s good figure, Du Qingling’s cheeks blushed slightly.

  She asked with concern: “Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

  Xu Xiuwen said: “I’ll go back and put on some clothes first, and then explain to you later.”

  Ten minutes later.

  Xu Xiuwen told Du Qingling what happened just now.

  After understanding the whole thing, Du Qingling chuckled.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at her with wide eyes, “Qingling, brother has sacrificed so much for you, and you actually laughed at me? I’m so disappointed!”

  Du Qingling hurriedly explained: “I’m not laughing at you…”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t hold on, but snorted: “Qingling, brother sacrificed his male beauty for you, you must be good to brother in the future, do you know?”

  Du Qingling smiled and nodded.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded with satisfaction, he didn’t notice the flash of light in the girl’s eyes.

  After Du Qingling stopped laughing, she said with some worry: “Brother, if you play tricks on her like this, will she be upset?”

  Xu Xiuwen sneered: “How can someone like her be upset!”

  ”Okay, it’s getting late, you can sleep here tonight.”

  In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

  Du Qingling came to the classroom for class.

  When most of the students arrived at the classroom.

  Ma Li’s two roommates closed the front and back doors of the classroom.

  Ma Li suddenly walked to the podium.

  Standing behind the podium, Ma Li saw the girls sitting below and suddenly hesitated.

  But thinking that after noon today, Xu Xiuwen would be her boyfriend.

  Ma Li resolutes her idea.

  ”Quiet down!” Ma Li slapped the table and said.

  Hearing her words, the classroom was restless at first, but soon quieted down.

  Ma Li continued: “I am standing here today to apologize to someone.”

  Hearing that she was going to apologize, the audience immediately talked a lot.

  Ma Li ignored everyone, but looked at Du Qingling’s position and said: “Du Qingling, come up.”

  Du Qingling had already known his plan from Xu Xiuwen in advance.

  She was not surprised to hear Ma Li calling her name.

  She stood up and walked to the podium.

  Ma Li looked at Du Qingling’s face, which was much prettier than hers, and felt envious and jealous.

  But she didn’t show it.

  ”Du Qingling, we had some misunderstandings before, and I did some bad things. I apologize to you in front of the whole class now. I hope you can put aside the past and we can continue to be friends in the future…”

  Du Qingling looked at Ma Li.

  The girl in front of her had been targeting her since the beginning of the school year.

  After she attended the school welcome party, she became more bold and wanton.

  Of course, Ma Li was not the only one who bullied her, there were several other girls.

  At this time, these girls were sitting below.

  Du Qingling knew that if she forgave Ma Li, then others would not think she was generous, but would think she was easy to bully.

  In the future, bullying her would only be more unscrupulous.

  Du Qingling did not listen to Xu Xiuwen and temporarily accepted Ma Li’s apology.

  She said, “Ma Li, I have never offended you, but you have always been targeting me. Now you want me to forgive you by apologizing once. Don’t dream. I will not forgive what you did to me!” Du Qingling said

  , ignoring Ma Li’s expression, and walked back to her seat.

  Ma Li was left alone, standing on the podium with an ugly face.

  Ma Li was very angry.

  Du Qingling dared not accept her apology!

  This bitch! Ma Li cursed in her heart.

  More importantly, she apologized in front of the whole class, and the other party still didn’t accept it, which made her lose face.

  Ma Li hesitated whether to rush down and scratch Du Qingling’s face.

  At this time.

  Her roommate reminded her that the teacher was coming.

  Ma Li had to give up.

  Not wanting to attract the teacher’s attention, Ma Li immediately returned to her seat.

  She turned her head and looked at Du Qingling, staring at the latter.

  Du Qingling completely ignored her, and she didn’t even look at Ma Li.

  Ma Li became more and more angry, and she felt that Xu Xiuwen and Du Qingling were simply playing tricks on her.

  She couldn’t help but take out her cell phone and send a text message to Xu Xiuwen, asking him why he did that!

  Soon she received a reply from Xu Xiuwen.

  ”Don’t be angry, you have already apologized, which is what I asked you to do. I will also abide by our agreement.”

  Ma Li felt a little better after seeing the content of the text message.

  Thinking that Xu Xiuwen would soon become her boyfriend, Ma Li was looking forward to it again.

  As for Du Qingling who made her embarrassed.

  Ma Li sneered in her heart, wait for me to be with your brother, you wait for me!

  Du Qingling’s roommate was sitting next to her at this moment.

  One of the girls asked worriedly: “Qingling, Ma Li has apologized to you, why don’t you accept it? If you do this, what will you do if you annoy her?”

  Ma Li relied on her good relationship with many boys, plus some like-minded friends, and she was usually rampant in the class.

  No girl dared to provoke her casually, for fear of getting into trouble.

  Du Qingling glanced at her roommate.

  She actually smiled, “It’s okay, I’m not afraid of her!”

  Du Qingling is no longer the Du Qingling she used to be.

  She had to swallow her anger before because she knew she had no support.

  But now she has a very solid support.

  It was noon in a blink of an eye.

  Ma Li and her roommate went to the restaurant that Xu Xiuwen told her about in the text message.

  Led by the waiter, they came to the private room.

  Xu Xiuwen asked Ma Li to call all her close friends yesterday.

  Ma Li did so.

  She also wanted to announce to her friends that she had a handsome boyfriend, and this boyfriend was also very rich, which would make her friends envious.

  After Ma Li came to the private room, other close friends arrived one after another.

  But Xu Xiuwen was nowhere to be seen.

  In the puzzled eyes of her friends, Ma Li took out her mobile phone to contact Xu Xiuwen, but she couldn’t get through.

  Just when she was worried that Xu Xiuwen had played a trick on her. She

  received a text message.

  It was from Xu Xiuwen.

  In the text message, he explained why he was late, and asked her to order first, and he would be there later.

  Ma Li believed him again.

  Facing the eyes of her friends, Ma Li smiled calmly, “My boyfriend was delayed by something, he will be here soon, let’s order first.”

  ”Lili, who is your boyfriend? Why are you hiding it?”

  ”The senior from the day before yesterday?”

  Ma Li hurriedly said, “I’m not familiar with that senior, don’t say anything… You will know in a while, I guarantee you will be very surprised… Don’t envy me then…”

  Soon, the waiter started to serve the dishes.

  Seeing that all the dishes were served, Xu Xiuwen still didn’t show up.

  Ma Li was really panicked.

  The other girls also urged Ma Li to call her boyfriend.

  Ma Li said in a panic, “I’ll go out and make a phone call.”

  Ma Li came outside the box and took out her cell phone to call Xu Xiuwen.

  The call that was working just now was no longer working.

  Ma Li’s heart skipped a beat.

  Was she really fooled?

  At this moment, Ma Li suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from the box opposite.

  Ma Li immediately rushed to the door of the box opposite and pushed it open.

  In the box, Xu Xiuwen and a beautiful girl she didn’t know were sitting together.

  The two of them were talking and laughing while eating lunch, and they looked very intimate!

  Ma Li was stunned.

  After coming to her senses, Ma Li immediately asked loudly, “Who is she?!”

  Ma Li’s voice was transmitted back to the box.

  Her friends ran over to check the situation.

  ”Ma Li, what’s going on?”

  ”Ma Li, is he your boyfriend?”

  ”Why is your boyfriend with another girl?”

  ”Ma Li, you are not being cheated on, are you?”

  The questions of her friends swept Ma Li like a tide.

  Ma Li felt her mind was blank.

  She stared at Xu Xiuwen, and when he didn’t say anything, she turned to ask the girl next to her, “Who are you? Why are you with my boyfriend?”

  The girl, who was actually Song Siyu, frowned and asked, “Who do you say is your boyfriend?”

  Ma Li immediately pointed at Xu Xiuwen.

  Song Siyu’s face turned cold, “Did you recognize the wrong person?”

  Seeing Song Siyu’s expression, Ma Li almost thought she had recognized the wrong person.

  But when she looked back at Xu Xiuwen’s face.

  She absolutely couldn’t have made a mistake.

  The boy in front of her was Xu Xiuwen.

  Ma Li immediately questioned, “Why are you with her? And who is she?”

  Xu Xiuwen, who had been silent, finally spoke at this moment.

  ”Who are you? Do we know each other?”

  Ma Li was stunned for a moment.


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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