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Chapter 975: Harvest of Victory

Chapter 975: Harvest of Victory


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 975: Harvest of Victory

  There is one thing that Kuangfeng actually thinks too much about.

  The work of a dog planner is very busy, and it is impossible to focus on the specific game behavior of a certain player.

  Since the game was launched, Chu Guang’s decisions have basically been macro-deployments.

  Including the public opinion induction of “another world”, by releasing limited information to make the mainstream society believe that the inexplicable “Wasteland OL” is the work of an extraterrestrial civilization.

  And it is an advanced civilization that holds a neutral position and continuously releases goodwill.

  Based on this underlying logic, think tanks in various countries and major media on the Internet have added their own judgments.

  For example, this is a warning from “Big Brother”, indicating that the earth will enter a prosperous era in the future, and will quickly decline after the prosperous era.

  Some people also think that this is the guidance of advanced civilizations. Aliens are looking for friends with the same values ​​in the adjacent universe. Perhaps soon, cargo ships that exchange what they have will stop in synchronous orbit.

  Of course, some people think that this is to feed the people on Earth a little fatter and make them taste better…but this understanding is untenable.

  After all, it is somewhat boring to come all the way here just to eat a full meal. It is better to open a farm nearby.

  There are also people with novel ideas who set their sights on five light years away, believing that the extraterrestrial civilization is there, and it is the “Gaia” that appears in the game.

  Chu Guang doesn’t know whether there is Gaia in the world over there, nor does he care about how the think tanks of various countries analyze it, the interests of various factions, and what someone thinks.

  For him who already lives in this world, those are all meaningless things.

  They can believe whatever they want to believe or what they can see.

  There is only one thing that is really important to both parties – that is, they have established a relatively fair trading rules in their long-term tacit cooperation.

  In this rule, players work for him to earn silver coins, and the economic systems of various countries collect silver coins from players according to market prices, and use silver coins to exchange for high-tech that can stimulate economic development from him.

  This is a closed-loop chain.

  When he throws out a great technology, the silver coins will rise, and if you want to make the silver coins fall, it is enough to stop the auction for a few weeks or dilute the technology.

  As long as this chain circulates stably, it doesn’t matter whether he is an extraterrestrial civilization or not.

  Chu Guang believes that as long as he can take out the controlled nuclear fusion technology, even if he says he is God, there will still be a lot of people who believe him.

  But it’s too ridiculous to make up like this. He can’t get over the psychological barrier and can’t convince himself.

  It’s better to mix truth and lies.

  As for the fact that the calculated value of Planck’s constant in the game world is smaller than that in the real world, this kind of thing is too professional for Chu Guang. At most, he understands in concept that the emission and absorption of electromagnetic waves are not continuous, but are emitted one by one like there is a “frame rate”.

  As for the specific value, he may have to find a young researcher in high-energy physics to ask.

  Of course, whether it is necessary is another matter.

  The survivors of the alliance will not live a better life because of a smaller Planck’s constant.

  However, it is possible to replace the ignition device

  of the reactor. In the office of the Alliance Building, Chu Guang met with Wang Zhengyi, a nuclear engineer at the Dawn City Nuclear Power Plant.

  The old master, who was already in his forties or fifties, was full of excitement on his face. He spoke vividly, trying to convey the shock he felt at the nuclear power plant site to the respected manager.

  Although the old master didn’t get to the point after talking for a long time, Chu Guang still listened patiently to the end, and even asked the staff to pour him a cup of tea and talk slowly.

  And it turned out that his approach was wise.

  The old master, who was thirsty, took a sip of the teacup. It seemed that he couldn’t remember what he had just said, so he immediately talked about the point he was most concerned about.

  ”…If we can apply cold start technology to our reactors to replace the outdated laser ignition technology, our energy utilization efficiency can be at least increased by 23%!”

  Hearing this number, Chu Guang’s face showed a surprised expression.

  ”23%? Does ignition require so much energy?”

  Wang Zhengyi nodded and said seriously.

  ”Ignition is not a one-time thing. Every time you fill the reactor with fuel, you need to re-ignite…including shutdowns for maintenance, etc.”

  ”I see.”

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully, and his eyes became more serious.

  23% is a theoretical data.

  The actual value may be lower than this value, but it is also quite considerable.

  Although the alliance currently has only one large reactor on the surface, as the power consumption increases, more reactors will be built sooner or later.

  For example, Li Minghui has talked to him about power supply more than once, hoping that the alliance can build another fusion power station in the south to reduce the electricity cost of the southern seas and surrounding areas. The South China Sea Alliance

  ’s electricity and fresh water are mainly imported from French Fries Port. Although tidal energy and wind energy are also very useful, the maintenance cost of the facilities is there.

  And power generation is also a big problem.

  The speed of laying ocean current power stations has not kept up with the economic growth of the southern seas and surrounding areas.

  For an emerging economy that is continuing to grow, renewable energy is destined to only serve as a supplement to non-renewable energy and it is difficult to play a pillar role.

  Especially in the future, the space elevator will be settled in the southern seas, and the local economy and production activities will surely grow exponentially at that time.

  ”What about the cost? Have you calculated it?”

  Wang Zhengyi nodded stiffly.

  ”We’ve calculated that it will take about 20 million silver coins to complete the technology update… But considering that we will have to build a new reactor in the future, we think this expense is worth it.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Since you have already considered it, I have nothing to say. Of course, the procedures must be followed. You should submit a budget report to the Ministry of Finance, and a budget review committee will be set up there to work with you.”

  Seeing the manager’s support, Wang Zhengyi’s face suddenly showed a happy expression, and he nodded and thanked him.

  Before coming here, he was nervous for a long time, always worried that he could not convince the manager, but he didn’t expect that the respected manager was easier to talk to than he thought.

  Looking at Master Wang who nodded and thanked him, Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”Why thank you? If I really want to say thank you, I will say it to you on behalf of the alliance.”

  After a pause, he reminded again.

  ”Of course, don’t think that this matter is set in stone just because I nod. You still have to prepare the necessary documents carefully. The Budget Review Committee also has its own work to do. They have to be worthy of the Alliance citizens who pay for them.”

  ”Understood! Make sure to complete the task!” Master Wang said with a red face, and he almost wanted to salute.

  Chu Guang smiled and watched him leave the office, then turned on the holographic computer on the desk and flipped through the schedule.

  The first batch of docking work includes 21 units, including key public utilities such as the Dawn City Nuclear Power Plant, private factories that build engines and reactors, or pure academic institutions.

  The college is really generous this time. With these technologies as support, it is not difficult to build another or even several ideal cities on the wasteland.

  As long as the survivors of the Alliance are given enough time, they can even rebuild a new world that is more prosperous than the old era.

  However, despite this, Chu Guang has always had a hunch that is completely contrary to his intuition.

  Sometimes, like other residents of the shelter, he always instinctively regards the ideal city as a reference for the prosperous era, and regards the prosperity of the ideal city as the only standard for measuring prosperity, but forgets that the standard for measuring things changes with the times.

  Perhaps the intensive prosperity of the Human Alliance era has become history, and it will probably not appear again for a long time in the future.

  After all, the earth today is no longer the earth two centuries ago.

  It is not difficult to end the wasteland era, but it is another matter to transform a planet.

  The Alliance can defeat the Legion, but declaring war on mutant cockroaches or mutant rats will only become a joke.

  It’s not even just the ecological environment of the planet.

  The people living on this planet are no longer the same as before.

  History has brought not only lessons to the wastelanders, but also completely changed their values ​​and philosophy of life.

  These things will not only make the reborn people have a higher tolerance for alien environments, but also actively push them to explore more distant worlds, passively dispersing the infinite risks accumulated with infinite prosperity.

  The children of the Alliance will be like seeds, with the solar system as the center, spreading their prosperity to several or even dozens of light years, rather than taking dozens of light years of prosperity to build a city.

  Chu Guang has a very strong premonition.

  In the distant future, the population of the Alliance will definitely surpass that of the former Human Alliance, but they will not be like the people in the Human Alliance era, all crowded on the only mother planet, but will be scattered to tens of thousands of planets and space stations.

  If it is such a future, the experience of “building a large-scale laser array on the moon, generating electricity and then directly sending the energy to the earth” is indeed outdated.

  Discrete power stations are more conducive to the flexible allocation of resources and outward expansion, or more suitable for the “settlement-style” development of wastelanders.

  The disaster that happened to the Human Alliance may happen again, but it will not be devastated again.

  Who knows, in the distant future, the people of the Workers’ Union will go to Andromeda to copy a giant stone city, and the people of the South Sea Alliance will go to an ocean planet outside the solar system to open up the 100th artificial island. The end

  of the world?

  The whole universe is full of human homes, so why should we be afraid of that thing?

  If it doesn’t work out, we can go to the academy that is hiding in some corner

  of the universe and making a fortune quietly. Unless they encounter a crisis that affects the entire universe, there will be no more disasters that can take them away in one wave.

  Thinking about what will happen many, many years later, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile.

  ”It would be great if I could see that day.”


  [Sad news! Conflict escalates! Zaid condemned the Mammoth Kingdom for occupying parts of Bird State and Sheep State and creating border conflicts. He appointed Grove as the commander-in-chief and Yokaler as the deputy commander, and marched north!

  It is rumored that Gopal, the commander-in-chief of the Gray Wolf Army, had a dispute with Zaid on an informal occasion about whether the time was ripe for the Northern Expedition. The fierce power struggle among the top leaders of Tiandu may affect the situation on the front line. Mayor

  Yodu called on all parties to the conflict to remain calm and sit down to negotiate for the sake of their compatriots.

  At present, the Alliance has not expressed its views on this matter. The Goblin Observer, which represents the opinions of the people in Dawn City, commented that at least the poor “red soil” escaped.

  However, the Survivor Daily in New Xifan Port holds the opposite view.

  According to unreliable information, Tiandu has exchanged views with the Eastern Empire on issues related to red soil.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Jin Gallon Port Edition


  【The trial is over! Jeffrey, the former Minister of General Affairs of the Southern Legion, and other war criminals were sentenced to death, and the commander of the “Iron Crossbow” rapid reaction force, Hines, and others were sentenced to life imprisonment. The former Governor of Yongye Port, Yahui, and other minor war criminals were sentenced to 20 years in prison.

  At present, Yavent City has gradually restored order, and the reconstruction of various urban areas has also begun one after another. The port hoisting equipment from the South Sea Alliance has arrived at the western port of Yavent City.

  Following the Alliance, the Willant Alliance and enterprises, materials from the Eastern Empire and the New Federation are also entering the Battoa Province one after another. Yavent City may have become a wrestling field for the survivors of various parties.

  (Photo: A long queue in front of the talent market, “Recruiting ship engineers, hourly wage 30 silver coins” and other words are printed on the most conspicuous sign)

  - “Survivor Daily” Yavent City Edition.


  At the entrance of the talent market in Yavent City, there is an endless stream of people, just like the picture in the newspaper.

  Looking at the endless stream of recruitment points, the man with burn scars on his face stood in the line, his expression a little uneasy.

  The newspaper said that there is a job that can make money here, but he can only drive a tank except for shooting. He

  finally got to the front of the line. He hesitated and walked forward to introduce himself. Before he opened his mouth, the staff at the recruitment point took the initiative to ask.


  The man swallowed and rubbed his hands and said.

  ”Bart… Bart.”

  The staff in charge of recruitment pushed the form and pen in front of him.

  ”There are at least five people named Bart here… Well, write your last name and the job you can do, so that we can help you find a suitable job.”

  Bart nodded hurriedly, picked up the pen and wrote his last name on the form.

  When he saw the column for proficiency in work, he hesitated for a moment, but finally wrote his resume there.

  The staff member’s eyes lit up when he saw it.

  ”Can you drive a tank?”

  ”Yes…” Bart looked at the staff at the recruitment point vigilantly and nodded slowly.

  The staff member did not call the guard as he expected, but patted him on the shoulder with joy.

  ”Great, we just need someone to drive an excavator!”

  Bart was stunned for a moment.


  ”They all have tracks, don’t they? And they are all made in the Ravenka Industrial Zone. I believe you can do this job well!”

  The staff member winked at him and stuffed a card that was much thicker than a soldier’s badge into his hand without saying anything.

  ”This is your ID card. Report to the address on your ID card at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. If you don’t come, it will be invalid.”

  ”I will definitely be on time!” Bart quickly made a gesture, but saw that the man didn’t even look at him, so he hurriedly asked, “Is that all? No other procedures?”

  The staff member smiled and waved his hand.

  ”No, now is the time to hire people. As long as you have hands and feet and can understand human language, it will be fine. By the way, if you are in a hurry to use money, you can take your ID card to the bank outside the talent market to apply for a relief loan. Your hourly wage is 12 silver coins. They will refer to your hourly wage and advance your salary for one week. There is no interest if you pay it back within a month.”

  Another staff member next to him interrupted jokingly.

  ”He didn’t finish his words. Actually, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have a hand. We can install one for you first.”

  ”That’s not necessary…” Bart had never been treated so kindly before. He was a little terrified and looked at the two gratefully, “Thank you…”

  ”You’re welcome, brother,” the staff member patted his arm vigorously and grinned at him, “People always have to look forward. I wish you a new life as soon as possible.”

  After thanking him again and again, Bart didn’t continue to disturb him and hurriedly left the recruitment point.

  He only felt that his steps were extremely light, as if he was floating in the sky.

  12 silver coins per hour!

  If you work hard for a month, you may be able to make 2,000 silver coins!

  Converted into dinars, this is definitely a high salary!

  In fact, there is no need to convert it into dinars at all. Silver coins can buy much more things than dinars.

  He couldn’t wait to fly back home and tell his dear wife and children the good news!

  But just when he walked to the entrance of the talent market, a Willant man in a coat stopped him.

  ”Hey, brother.”

  Looking at the strange face, Bart frowned slightly.

  ”…Do I know you?”

  The man could sense his alertness, but he didn’t care. He just smiled and said to him.

  ”I have a more profitable job here. Do you want to consider it?”

  Bart’s expression became more alert and he said immediately.

  ”I don’t do anything illegal.”

  ”It’s not illegal, but you have to risk your life, but I know that’s nothing to you,” the man smiled and lowered his voice and continued, “The province of Boro is at war, and they need instructors there. You know, I can help you get this number.”

  As he said that, he shook his two index fingers.

  ”20,000 silver coins a month.”


  Bart looked at him in astonishment, and for a moment he was really moved.

  But it was only a moment.

  He thought of his family and the past days. After hesitating for a moment, he finally shook his head.


  He also realized to some extent that what he did before was not glorious, let alone glorious.

  He no longer wanted to go back to that kind of life.

  The man showed a disappointed expression on his face, but he didn’t say anything, just shrugged his shoulders.

  ”Okay, I’ll ask someone else… If you change your mind and I haven’t found anyone else, you can come back to me.”

  Bart nodded, but didn’t take the business card in his hand. He hurried away with his work card in his pocket…

  Not far from the entrance of the talent market, in a pub that sells beer at night and coffee during the day, Fang Chang, who was sitting by the window, compared the two different “Survivor Daily” in his hand, and suddenly sighed from the bottom of his heart.

  ”I remember that the manager of our shelter said that we should get many copies of the Survivor Daily, so that we can ensure that the Survivor Daily belongs to the survivors as much as possible, so that it will not be stolen by some kid one day after he leaves.”

  Dolly, who was sitting opposite the dining table, smiled and took a sip of coffee.

  ”In the end, his good assistant didn’t expect that someone had stolen the sign before he left?”

  The newspaper office in the Ravenka Industrial Zone has been established and is on the right track.

  Since the liberation of Yavent City, she immediately pulled Fang Chang here, and then established the “Survivor Daily” branch office for Yavent City and even Batoya Province.

  All reporters and editors are locals of Yavent City, including the Weilants and survivors of other ethnic groups.

  Listening to the pleasant voice, Fang Chang shook his head and said in a casual tone.

  ”Whether it is considered stealing is debatable, but we do see the disparity of the world in the newspaper.”

  The branches of Mammoth City, Xifan Port and Tiandu have basically been removed from the list by other newspapers. Even if they are reprinted, they will not be reprinted as news, but only as news material.

  The newspaper in New Xifan Port that was registered is hovering on the edge of the blacklist… and the reason why it is not on the list is that there is a “newbie protection period” setting, and the other is that the newspaper there can occasionally reveal some useful information, and it cannot be completely regarded as a meat trumpet of Saren alone.

  As for whether the sign of the survivors’ daily newspaper was stolen, Fang Chang tends to think that it was not.

  That thing was not the alliance’s thing from the beginning, but the survivors’ newspaper. How can it be stolen?

  It was originally their own thing, and they lied because they were intentional or unconscious liars.

  As for whether the Poro people were deceived, he was more inclined to think that they were not.

  If you want to know why, maybe it’s because he watched them get to this point little by little.

  Just as the manager said, this is a conspiracy to commit a crime.

  And it is foreseeable that the punishment of fate has come.

  Dolly stared at him intently, and suddenly looked out the window and sighed softly.

  ”I just think they are obviously the winners, but they have to endure the suffering that the losers have never endured. This is too pitiful… Maybe there will be a better way. And the war is over, can’t we find a way to help them?”

  ”…We have provided enough assistance. Apart from a profound lesson, I can’t think of anything else to give them.”

  Fang Chang turned a page of the newspaper in his hand, paused and said again.

  ”Besides, the war is not over yet… The murderer of that murder case has not been caught yet.”

  ”Are you talking about the Enlightenment Society?” Dolly frowned slightly, and a trace of worry appeared on her face.

  She heard about what happened in the “World Tower” before, including the monster with twisted tentacles.

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”Not only the Enlightenment Society, but also the celestial being who is suspected to be behind the Enlightenment Society… Of course, only the former has surfaced so far.”

  The little mouse of the Enlightenment Society…

  That guy was running around with a Gauss rifle on his back, and he was suspected to be wearing optical camouflage.

  They didn’t know whether this guy was still in the city, or had already run away.

  In addition, people from the East Empire and the New Federation were also active in the area of ​​​​Avent City, under the banner of rescue, they were recruiting engineers and unemployed officers from the Southern Legion to divide up the cards that Tyr had not played.

  It is worth mentioning that the Southern Legion is not without high technology. At least it has made some achievements in jet aircraft and missiles, but it is not as outstanding as metallurgical technology.

  Moreover, the Enlightenment Society also used the residents of the shelter to help Tyr train some high-tech talents.

  When the final battle broke out, these people were not all in the “World Tower” building, and there were many lucky ones who survived.

  However, compared with the threat from the Lagrange point, Fang Chang felt that those spies who were recruiting talents were not a threat.

  It was even a bit trivial.

  Anyway, the truly valuable talents had long been divided up by Dawn City and Triumph City, and the remaining scraps could be taken if you wanted.

  The Alliance doesn’t need these two bites.

  Just don’t make trouble at the critical moment after you are full.

  Looking at the trace of hidden worry floating between his eyebrows, Dolly suddenly felt distressed and couldn’t help but want to touch his head.

  This guy was worried about the Alliance all day long, even when he was with her.

  ”If there is anything I can help with… be sure to tell me.”

  Facing the distressed look, Fang Chang showed a gentle smile on his face.

  He didn’t say anything like “take care of yourself” or “just don’t make trouble”, which was a big truth to spoil the mood, but just reached out and touched the cute little head.

  ”Well, I will.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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