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Chapter 977: Hidden mission in the sewer?

Chapter 977: Hidden mission in the sewer?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 977 Hidden Mission in the Sewer?

  The pitch-black sewer was filled with a damp atmosphere, and the moss on the wall was faintly visible under the dim light, reflecting an ominous greasy luster.

  The rubber-soled military boots made a slight creaking sound when kissing the wet ground, just like the sound of a rodent grinding its teeth.

  At the same time, it seemed to be the only sound echoing in the entire waterway.

  This is the sewer under Street 17 in Avent City.

  To be honest, the Willant people are really good at urban construction.

  Although the infrastructure maintenance of Avent City has almost stopped because of the war, the drainage system of Avent City is still in good working condition, and the sewage is still running smoothly under the warning line of the river, and has not flooded the walkways on both sides.

  But having said that, the situation here is still not very optimistic.

  In just three days, the Yavent City Security Bureau has received seven reports of “sewer alien species injuring people”, and the news that mutant rats have built nests in the drainage system of Yavent City has caused panic among nearby residents.

  In order to protect the lives and property of the survivors in Yavent City and to ensure the smooth progress of the reconstruction work, the Goblin Corps has taken on this task worth 1,000 silver coins, 200 contribution points and 5,000 regional reputation.

  At this moment, two agile figures are walking in the narrow corridor one after the other.

  On the way here, the two have killed dozens of alien species.

  Not only mutant rats, but also mutant cockroaches that appear and disappear, and mutant flies that can launch fly eggs.

  Although they have not seen the shadow of the alien species’ nest yet, they can basically confirm that the information provided by the Security Bureau is conclusive.

  ”…I didn’t expect there would be so many alien species hiding in such a residential area.”

  ”It’s a wasteland after all.”

  ”Damn…this game is too realistic in strange places. I still prefer to play some less stinky dungeons.”

  ”Calm down, that’s a thousand silver coins.”

  ”I know, I know.”

  The two wore the same style of five-type exoskeleton, full-protection helmets, and light tactical backpacks and demolition tools on their backs.

  Since they bought insurance equipment, they wouldn’t be too sad even if they died.

  Therefore, although the two carefully searched the corners of the sewer, their expressions were calm and disgusted, but there was not much tension.

  In fact, there was still time to chat.

  ”Aren’t the locals afraid that alien species will suddenly jump out from the ground while they are sleeping?”

  ”I think it’s useless to be afraid of this kind of thing. Why not put a gun on the bedside table?”

  ”Huh! It sounds exciting.” Guigui shuddered involuntarily when she imagined that she would run into a rat half a person’s height when she got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

  She was not afraid of rats.

  But the premise is to face them head-on.

  But speaking of it, mutant rats and mutant cockroaches are indeed the weakest alien species in the wasteland.

  The mutant hyenas above are slightly stronger.

  And even for a weak wastelander like Xiaoyu, killing a mutant hyena is not a difficult task, and it should be no problem for the Weilantes with gunpowder flowing in their veins.

  As for the next generation, it is hard to say.

  But fortunately, there is also a technology such as the mind interference device that can drive away alien species on the system, so it is still possible to limit the range of activities of alien species.

  Just when Guigui was thinking about it, a subtle sound suddenly came from the side.


  Hearing the faint movement, Feng Qing immediately moved the tactical flashlight over.

  The beam illuminated the corner covered by the shadow.

  Under the twisted metal pipe, a pair of round eyes were staring at her in horror.

  The little guy seemed to be frightened, and the gray hair on his body stood up. He trembled and fluttered his legs backwards, but there was nowhere to retreat.

  Although the war made all the survivors in the city hungry, the rats in the city were surprisingly fat.

  ”Wow, what a fat one!” Guigui leaned over to take a look, rubbing her chin with her index finger and commenting, “But then again, can this rat that is not higher than the knee be considered an alien species?”

  Feng Qing thought about it for a while, then shook her head gently.

  ”Not like it.”

  The so-called alien species is an abnormal species. Although there is no clear definition standard, this natural creature that conforms to common sense is obviously not an alien species.

  At least it should have more claws, right?

  Feng Qing stretched out her hand and pinched the rat’s neck, pulling it out of the twisted metal pipe.

  The frightened rat squeaked and fluttered its claws and legs, biting her hand with its teeth, but the not-so-sharp rodent teeth could not bite open her tactical gloves at all.

  ”Okay, okay… I won’t kill you. I hope you can bring us some surprises.”

  She said soothingly, and took a plastic tape with a communication chip tied to it from the tactical strap of the exoskeleton, tied it carefully to the struggling mouse, and then threw it out gently. As soon as

  the fat mouse landed, it immediately rolled and crawled into the darkness in the distance.

  It had only one thought in its mind at this moment after escaping death, that is, to sneak back to the nest and hide!

  However, it didn’t know that the cunning humans had installed a transmitter on it, waiting for it, a traitor, to go home.

  Looking at Feng Qing fiddling with the VM screen, Gui Gui sighed and said.

  ”I suddenly remembered that this kind of task should be given to the strong. That guy should be able to do it in an instant.”

  Feng Qing, who was concentrating on the screen, replied casually.

  ”Emm… In theory, it is, but you can’t expect people to fly to Yavent City specifically for a thousand silver coins.”

  Besides, this is not a job that can’t be done.

  In the time it took to talk, the little mouse with the transmitter had already hidden back in its nest, huddled inside and shivered.

  According to the early intelligence from the Alliance Biological Research Institute, mutant mice and normal-sized mice do not live apart because of the difference in size. Instead, they tend to live together and divide social classes according to their size.

  Looking at the signal point that no longer moved on the screen, Feng Qing smiled and shared the coordinates with his teammates next to him.


  ”Hurry up and finish the job.” Gui Gui stretched his arms and took out his pistol and loaded it.

  However, just as she was about to move forward, Feng Qing suddenly reached out and held her shoulder.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Gui Gui turned around in confusion, but saw Feng Qing didn’t say anything, just made a gesture of silence and closed his eyes.

  Vaguely aware of something, Gui Gui immediately quieted down and lowered the beam of the flashlight.

  There was silence in the sewer, only the sound of water flowing quietly in the darkness.

  The hair beside her ears swayed gently, and after a long time Feng Qing finally opened her eyes and said slowly.

  ”There is movement, not far away.”

  Gui Gui also nodded solemnly, looking in the direction not far away.

  ”Well… I heard it too.”

  Both of them are agile players.

  Although perception is not their strong point, they have extraordinary vision and hearing, and can actively detect abnormalities in the environment.

  The two exchanged glances tacitly, turned off the flashlight, lowered their footsteps, and walked to the corner at the end of the aisle one after another, moving towards the source of the sound.

  One hundred meters.

  Fifty meters…

  It’s nearby!

  The surroundings were silent and the slight noise just now seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

  Feng Qing controlled the rhythm of her breathing and gently lifted the safety of the submachine gun with her index finger.

  Her intuition told her that it might not be a mouse hiding in the darkness, but something else.

  At this time, a light “tick-tock” sound came from the side.

  It seemed to be the sound of sewage leaking from a broken metal pipe dripping into a puddle, but the moment it sounded, Feng Qing tightened the string in her head.

  Almost instinctively, she quickly raised her left arm to block the left front of her helmet!

  At the same time, a crisp sound of breaking through the air penetrated the deep darkness, and with a dull “clang” sound, it nailed to the bulletproof lining of her left arm exoskeleton support! The

  sharp edge pierced into the polymer material abruptly, almost sticking to her arm.

  Fortunately, she blocked it, otherwise the cold light might have pierced her face.

  Guigui quickly raised the muzzle of the gun and turned on the tactical flashlight hanging under the muzzle, but she didn’t see anyone. She only saw an electromagnetic transmitter with a mechanical base and infrared sight embedded in a twisted metal pipe.

  ”It’s a trap!”

  Since the enemy hiding in the dark has already set his sights on her, it’s meaningless to continue sneaking.

  While saying this, Guigui had already pulled the trigger, and two shots blew up the fixed weapon that was aiming at this side.

  After resolving the danger, she quickly looked at Feng Qing beside her and asked with concern.

  ”Are you okay?”

  ”I’m fine.”

  Looking at the dart embedded in her arm, Feng Qing took it off indifferently, took it in his hand and looked at it, thinking.

  ”This is not the work of aliens…”

  This thing might be coated with poison, and it is likely to be an organic toxin extracted from aliens.

  As for the reason, it is naturally to facilitate the disguise of the cause of death.

  After confirming that Feng Qing was okay, Guigui breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became alert again.

  The danger has not been completely resolved.

  The enemy is still hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity to move!

  She could feel the murderous intent hidden in the darkness, getting closer and closer to them!

  That guy would never let them leave the sewer alive, he would definitely try to keep them here!

  ”Is it the remnant of Tyr?”

  ”It’s hard to say, maybe it’s the Enlightenment Society? Didn’t you see it on the forum? They hijacked a research ship and killed several explorers from the academy.” Feng Qing put the dart into the tactical sling, compared the map on the VM screen, and looked ahead vigilantly, “Anyway, this is not just a simple alien nest…”

  Maybe it’s not just a trap here, including the aliens they encountered before, they were spread artificially, and the purpose was to cover up the unspeakable secrets hidden in the sewer.

  In other words,

  they triggered the hidden mission!

  Thinking of this, Feng Qing immediately cheered up, exchanged glances with Gui Gui, whose face was full of excitement, and not only did she not intend to retreat, but she continued to move forward into the depths of the gloomy sewer.

  Just as the two continued to move forward, Flynn, who was hiding in the dark and watching the surveillance, became nervous and couldn’t help cursing.

  ”Damn it!”

  This is the secret base or safe house set up by the Enlightenment Society in the underground of Avent City.

  The disciples and guides active in the area hold regular meetings, exchange intelligence and plan actions through this secret base, and the alien species active in the sewers are released by them to conceal their tracks.

  However, he did not expect that the Alliance would be so wide-ranging that it would even take care of the rats in the sewers.

  Seeing that the two soldiers were getting closer and closer to his base, Flynn could only take the risk of activating the bait deployed on the two people’s route to lead them into the ambush circle for hunting.

  However, something even more unexpected happened.

  The two soldiers were very skilled. The guy walking in front blocked the deadly poison dart with just a raise of his hand, and the guy behind him did not give him a chance to make up for it. He raised his hand and shot twice to blow up his carefully arranged trap!

  This is a big deal.

  Not only did he not kill the person, but he also exposed the secret hidden in the sewer!

  There was no time to hesitate. Flynn immediately stood up from the holographic computer and took off the exoskeleton hanging on the side.

  The signal condition in the sewer is very bad. The two soldiers who are active in the sewer probably haven’t reported their findings yet.

  It’s not too late!

  Transparent ripples spread along the exoskeleton armor, and quickly blended into the environment like snowflakes falling into the water.

  Flynn, who had all his equipment, picked up the rifle placed at the door of the safe house without saying a word, loaded it, walked through the safe door and stepped into the dark sewer. Following the guidance of the surveillance screen projected on the tactical eyepiece, he hid his murderous intent and chased in the direction of the target.

  No matter what, he must not let the two little mice go back alive!

  At this moment, Flynn had vaguely realized that the soldiers of the Alliance could keenly sense the murderous intent hidden in the darkness, just like some awakened people who unlocked special talents.

  But obviously he didn’t realize that the soldiers of the Alliance could do more than just this job, and there was also something like “official website forum” that could not be explained by common sense.

  Otherwise, he would never do such a meaningless and stupid thing as “wiping his ass”, but would blow up the base and run away immediately.

  Killing one or two players is meaningless, as his coordinates will be exposed on the forum in the next second!

  At this moment, Feng Qing and Gui Gui were still carefully searching forward, and they did not expect that the other party would not run away, but would kill them directly.

  At this moment, a subtle movement suddenly came from a corner.

  The two quickly pointed the tactical flashlight at that side, but saw nothing.

  Guessing that the other party might have optical camouflage, Gui Gui decisively pulled out the dagger tied to his arm and swung it forward, but unfortunately, he cut nothing except the air.

  ”Tsk, no.”

  Gui Gui, who was lonely, took back the dagger, skillfully held it with his left hand, and placed it under the pistol.

  Feng Qing frowned slightly, quickly moved the flashlight away, and looked around with her eyes.

  She was sure that she had heard something just now.

  This was the experience honed on the battlefield for a long time, and her ears would not deceive her!

  At this moment, she suddenly caught a glimpse of moss attached to the metal pipe ten meters away.

  When the flashlight beam shines on it, it will emit a colorful greasy luster, but at this moment, the faint greasy luster has obvious tears!

  The moment she met the invisible eyes, Feng Qing felt her heart being pulled to her throat.

  It’s right there!

  ”Over there!” ”

  Which way?!” Hearing Feng Qing’s shout, Gui Gui, who was on guard in another direction, quickly turned his head.

  ”Tu Tu–!”

  The sound of the submachine gun shooting responded to her inquiry. Feng Qing, who had no time to report the point, simply pulled the trigger and used the trajectory to indicate the direction of attack to the teammates beside her.

  As she expected, the orange-yellow tracer did not hit the twisted metal pipes, but hit an invisible wall, and ripples appeared in circles.

  Under the outline of the ripples, a dark figure slowly appeared.

  The opponent was obviously caught off guard, and was hit by a burst of bullets. He staggered backwards and almost fell to the ground.

  ”Damn it–”

  Flynn roared in anger, and raised his rifle to fight back, but saw a figure as swift as the wind had already rushed in front of him, turning into a cold light and stabbing at his face.


  The sound of metal clashing echoed in the narrow tunnel. Flynn, who had drawn his machete, barely blocked the fatal blow, but cold sweat had already covered the back of his head.

  I thought they were two thieves, but I didn’t expect to run into special forces!

  Guigui, who failed to hit him, didn’t give him time to think about it. He quickly lowered his body and slashed at his side with another dagger.

  Even though he was also experienced in battle, Flynn, who was caught off guard, was a little overwhelmed. He could only turn sideways and use his bulletproof chest armor to take the blow.

  A dull sound like an axe hitting a wall sounded, and this time it was Guigui’s turn to open his eyes wide.

  ”Damn! You can’t even cut it?!”

  That was her full-strength attack.

  Even if it was the bulletproof chest armor of the Type 6 heavy exoskeleton, she was confident that she could poke a hole in it.

  However, this guy’s reaction was just like being kicked.

  Flynn, who was hit in the abdomen, grimaced in pain, but thanks to this, he finally found an opportunity to counterattack and kicked the flat chest.

  Gui Gui felt like she was hit by a truck. She flew backwards with her exoskeleton and hit the wall with a scream.

  This kick broke at least three of her ribs. Although it didn’t hurt much, it directly killed her.

  Without checking the injuries of her teammates, Feng Qing calmly replaced the magazine and raised the submachine gun again. While pulling the trigger to pour suppressive fire on the man, she held two grenades in her hand and calculated the time for the explosion.

  As the volley of bullets was finished, she threw the two grenades in her hand fiercely at the target.

  Less than 1.5 seconds after the grenade was released, the explosion instantly shook the entire sewer! The

  hot shock wave, carrying broken fragments, hit her bulletproof chest armor and raised arms.

  She also suffered a lot of damage from such a close-range explosion.


  the damage suffered by the opponent was obviously higher.

  Feng Qing threw away the submachine gun and pulled out the short knife hanging on the tactical backpack smoothly, and rushed straight into the diffuse smoke, ready to rush up and give the opponent a fatal blow.

  However, the moment she stepped into the smoke, a warning suddenly rose from her heart.

  She bent her knees almost instinctively, and the whistling blade swept over her head almost at the same time.


  So fast!

  Is it the speed of the exoskeleton? !

  Feng Qing’s pupils shrank slightly involuntarily.

  Before she could react, a knee strike hit her chest, almost knocking her out.


  Feng Qing let out a painful groan, and felt a hand grab her neck and lift her up from the ground.

  She held back the last breath in her chest, and smashed the short knife in her hand towards the top of the man’s head, but she was knocked away by a punch just after half a circle in the air. There


  a sound of broken bones, and she felt that her right arm had lost consciousness, probably dislocated.

  Her toes couldn’t reach the ground, so she lowered her left hand and tried to touch the pull ring on the backpack. As a result, the other party obviously saw her intention and pinched her left shoulder with his right hand, followed by a crisp sound of creaking.

  Although she didn’t feel any pain, sweat still poured out from her calm face like a waterfall.

  This guy is something.

  Her shoulder must have been broken just now.

  Looking at the little ant that was pinched in his hand and could only struggle to death, Flynn, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, had a hideous smile on his face.

  ”You are from the Burning Corps, right? I admit you are quite capable, but it’s a pity that you are still a little weaker than me.”

  Feng Qing, who was about to go offline due to suffocation, suddenly felt the hand pinching her neck loosen a little.

  After a violent cough, her shaky consciousness regained consciousness.

  This guy…

  As a villain, he is really unrefined.

  She said impatiently.

  ”…Why are you talking so much nonsense? Come on.”

  Hearing the cold voice, Flynn’s pupils shrank slightly, and the smile of victory froze on his face.

  This voice…

  a woman?

  Flynn reached out and grabbed Feng Qing’s helmet, pulling it off the exoskeleton.

  Looking at the loose hair and soft face, his eyes were instantly filled with doubts about life, as if the hard-won victory was suddenly discounted.

  That expression was very annoying, Feng Qing curled her lips and looked aside.

  Perhaps angered by this action, the hand holding her neck tightened a little.

  Flynn stared at her.

  ”I ask you again, which regiment are you from?”

  Didn’t you ask this only once?

  Feng Qing complained in his heart and said nonchalantly.

  ”Goblin regiment…flying planes, what, want to compete with me in the sky?”

  ”Flying…how could a pilot appear here! Are you kidding me!”

  Flynn’s face was twisted with anger.

  Although he couldn’t see the expression on that face, Feng Qing could probably hear something from his tone.

  This guy probably regretted not being able to test the strength of the Burning Legion.

  Maybe he was a little surprised, or even frightened.

  But this kind of thing doesn’t really matter.

  ”… Haven’t you heard that villains die because they talk too much? You talk a lot.”

  Feng Qing, who wanted to start resurrecting earlier, reminded him. After all, the longer he stayed here, the longer his teammates would have to wait at the resurrection point.

  Flynn took a deep breath and suddenly calmed down. He looked at the woman in his hand with cold eyes.

  ”… Stop bluffing, die.”

  As he finished speaking, he was about to use his right hand to crush the neck, but a tingling electric current suddenly ran through his neck and spread throughout his body, and took control of his exoskeleton.

  Someone attacked? !

  Flynn was suddenly startled, and secretly said that he was in trouble. He was about to turn around, but it was too late.

  I don’t know if it was a virus or a close-range electromagnetic pulse, but his exoskeleton was like being filled with lead, completely locked in place, unable to move!

  Cold sweat poured down his forehead.

  Just then, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and then a playful voice came from behind him.

  ”Your equipment is great, how about giving it to me?”


  (Recommend a new book, “The Gatekeeper of All Worlds”, friends who are interested can pay attention to it~)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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