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Chapter 981: Turn

Chapter 981: Turn


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 981: Revolving

  [Children of the future, has the world returned to normal?

  Although I can’t wait for the day when everything gets better, I hope you can see it for me.

  There is a safe under the bed in the master bedroom. The password is my birthday, and my birthday is in my diary… I put the most valuable things there.

  Now I give it to you, and I hope you can use it for post-war reconstruction.

  This is my wish.

  - Crest Ali]

  Perhaps hard work pays off. Feng Qing and Gui Gui, who turned an unknown underground complex upside down but found nothing, finally found the above information in a shop converted into a private shelter.

  This line of text was written on a card, like a letter sent to the future.

  However, when they finally found the legendary safe, and took great pains to find Nak’s birthday from a diary and opened the box, they were blinded by the golden light at the same time.

  ”Fuck! Gold–Gah! Why is it gold!!!” Guigui was surprised at first, but soon realized that this was not reality but wasteland, and kicked the folding bed next to him in anger.

  Feng Qing also had a subtle expression.

  ”Emm… Although it is difficult to accept emotionally, it seems quite reasonable?”

  I heard that the total population in the era of the Human Union was over 10 billion, coupled with the prosperity of the aerospace and electronics industries and the demand for wealth preservation in the high-growth economic environment, gold should still be quite valuable at that time.

  But now…

  all walks of life and population have shrunk too much.

  Of course, gold is still more expensive than silver and copper, otherwise the Willant people would not use it as currency.

  However, the scarcity of this thing is definitely not as good as before.

  ”About eight kilograms… It should be no problem to exchange it for 10,000 dinars.”

  Guigui, who was squatting next to the suitcase, measured the weight of the gold, sighed and put the gold into his backpack.

  Ten thousand dinars can be exchanged for two or three thousand silver coins, which is actually not a small amount.

  It’s just that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

  ”…Anyway, he has left us what he thinks is the most valuable thing.”

  Feng Qing patted Gui Gui’s shoulder comfortingly and said with a smile.

  ”In short, the mission is completed, no alien nest was found… We can go back and report.”

  The two returned along the original route.

  However, just as they were about to board the escalator, a slight noise suddenly came from the shadows not far away.

  The sound was like shoes stepping on the dusty floor. Although it was just a faint “creak”, it still did not escape the ears of the two.

  Feng Qing almost reflexively loaded the rifle in his hand, raised the muzzle and aimed at the direction where the sound came from.

  ”Who’s there!”

  The air was quiet for a while.

  Just as the two people’s hearts were pounding, an old man with a beard came out from under the half-collapsed steel support with his hands raised.

  He looked unkempt, wearing canvas pants with many pockets, a jacket on his body, and holding a woven bag and a short crossbow in his hands, just like a scavenger that can be seen everywhere in the wasteland.

  ”Don’t shoot…”

  Perhaps knowing that he had no chance of winning, the old man put the woven bag and weapons on the ground, and looked at the two girls standing by the escalator with vigilance.

  Seeing him put down his weapons, Feng Qing also lowered the muzzle of the gun and flashlight in his hand, and asked in a questioning tone.

  ”Who are you?”

  The old man stared at her intently, looked at the gun in her hand, glanced at her nose, and then said in a hoarse voice.

  ”Survivors of Avent City, the demon named Julius occupied our home, and we ran here from the surface… What about you? Children of survivors? Or children of demons?”

  Feng Qing and Gui Gui were stunned when they heard this, exchanged confused glances, and then looked at the old man again.

  ”Survivors of Avent City… Which year’s survivors do you mean?”

  The old man frowned.

  ”Which year? What do you mean?”

  Feng Qing said with a subtle expression, realizing that the topic between the two sides had shown signs of cross-server communication.

  ”It’s the 215th year of the Wasteland Era. The Julius you mentioned… should have been dead for a century?”

  She didn’t remember exactly how many years it was, after all, that was the history of the Weilant people.

  ”One, a century?”

  The bearded old man was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the two young girls in front of him.

  Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly asked.

  ”Are the Weilant people still there?”

  Guigui nodded.

  ”Still, but they were defeated by us, and the legion has become history… By the way, don’t you feel anything after so long?”

  The old man stared blankly at the “enemy of the enemy” in front of him, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

  After a long time, he smiled bitterly and said,

  ”Most of us are hibernating in the hibernation capsule, about 10,000 to 20,000 people. Of course, this is not a proper shelter after all, there are only a few backup generators, so someone has to guard outside.”

  After a pause, the old man continued.

  ”Usually we will leave about 100 people, at least 50 people, responsible for maintaining the facilities and regular inspections to prevent others from never waking up, and to prevent the Willant people from finding us… The rotation time is about every five years.”

  Guigui looked at him in surprise.

  ”20,000 people?! Wait, can there be room for 20,000 people here?! What do you usually eat?”

  Feng Qing was obviously confused, and he couldn’t speak with his mouth open.

  The old man grinned and said indifferently.

  ”You don’t need to eat when you are in hibernation. Those who are awake can just grow some mushrooms and make some nutritional paste. Some of us are responsible for food, and some are responsible for picking up garbage. As for electricity, there is not much shortage here. Using commercial-grade nuclear batteries is enough.”

  As he said, he cast his eyes on the underground commercial complex next to him.

  ”This is probably my second time waking up. I usually pick up trash in this area… In fact, I have no idea how long I slept and how much time has passed outside. The management here is very chaotic, and life is a mess. The time I am awake is like being in prison. The only hope is to work for five years before hibernating. But as soon as I closed my eyes, I woke up again as soon as I opened them.”

  ”The guy who patted my shoulder told me that 50 or 40 years had passed outside. He himself didn’t remember it clearly, and he didn’t even remember how many rounds he had changed. As for me, I didn’t feel anything at all. At that time, I only had a big ‘Fuck’ in my heart. For me, the 40 or 50 years that had passed were less than a second!”

  ”But I am still very relieved. At least I managed to outlast Julius, right? Thank you, this is the best news I have ever heard in my life.”

  As he said this, the old man laughed at himself.

  Maybe he shouldn’t confess these things, and he has even violated the discipline of the city of Avent.

  But to be honest, he also felt a little tired of his mission.

  How many times can he hibernate at his age?

  Or to put it another way, is there any need for him to continue hibernating?

  When he closes his eyes and opens them, everything is still the same, and then he has to endure for another five years.

  Hibernation or not, he may only have 50 years left to live in this life.

  And just for these 50 years, just to continue this aimless time travel, they gave up family, love, friendship… and everything that people should have, and stopped reproducing.

  This is like a collective chronic suicide.

  Instead of tangling about who to wake up to live the rat-like life, it is better to give everyone a relief.

  He wanted to turn off the power more than once and become a real “gravekeeper”.

  He even believed that anyone who woke up more than twice would definitely think so.

  So he said these things without hesitation.

  He even had a vague expectation in his heart, hoping that these outsiders could do what he couldn’t do for him-to end everyone’s suffering.

  Feng Qing was silent for a while, looked at the old man, and said in a soft voice.

  ”What’s your name?”

  The old man shrugged.

  ”Robin? If I remember correctly.”

  Feng Qing nodded and continued patiently.

  ”The city of Avent is not only inhabited by the Weilante people, but also by some children of your former neighbors… Times have changed, and have changed many times.”

  ”Although the world may be destroyed, we still plan to live well every day that remains. If you want to come out, we will find a way to help you. Of course… if you want to stay here, we will not stop you.”

  The old man looked at Feng Qing blankly, and was stunned for a long time before slowly speaking.

  ”The world… is destroyed?”

  ”It’s just a possibility,” Feng Qing nodded, “The strategic weapons in the synchronous orbit fell into the hands of some bad people… It’s very troublesome to explain in detail, so just understand it this way.”

  ”That… is really a disaster,” the old man smiled bitterly and scratched the back of his head, “I’m not studying aerospace… I don’t understand that thing very well, maybe some of my compatriots will understand.”

  He didn’t have any difficulty accepting the end of the world.

  After all, he had experienced that kind of thing once in his life.

  Feng Qing and Gui Gui looked at each other, then looked at the old man again and asked.

  ”Then do you want to consider leaving?”

  The old man hesitated.

  ”I need to discuss this with the others… Of course, I still want to go to the surface.”

  If what the two girls said was true, the world would probably be destroyed soon, and it seemed that there was really no point for them to stay here.

  At least…

  he wanted to die in a more spacious place.

  As for the hatred with the Weilants, the hatred with Julius, and the recovery of Avent City…

  Let’s talk about those things later.

  His mind was in a mess right now, and he didn’t have the energy to think about those things for the time being.

  After putting away the rifle and hanging it next to the backpack, Guigui volunteered to look at the old man and said.

  ”Let’s go with you.”

  The old man didn’t refuse and nodded.

  ”Come together.”


  [Mission report: No alien nest was found under Street 17 in Avent City, but the remains of a commercial complex in the pre-war era were found, and there were more than 20,000 hibernators in the area. According to one of the survivors, they were the original inhabitants of Avent City who fled underground to avoid the war during the Julius period. At present, the locals have decided to return to the surface, and more than 20,000 hibernators are waking up one after another, and some of the survivors even come from the prosperous era.

  Reporters: Feng Qing, Gui Gui

  Mission evaluation: S-

  Reward: 200,000 silver coins, 2,000 contribution points, 50,000 regional reputation!


  [Server announcement: The population of Yavent City increased by 21,771 people, and a new explorable area “Prosperous Era Underground Commercial Complex Ruins” was added. 】


  Although the world is on the verge of destruction again, the daily lives of players have not stopped because of this.

  After all, this is not the first time that the world in “Wasteland OL” is on the verge of destruction.

  The boss in this game is embarrassed to call himself a boss if he doesn’t create a world-class crisis.

  Even if these 100,000 neutron torpedoes sound a bit scary, if you think about it carefully, the alliance seems to have a lot of cards in hand.

  Moreover, they now know where the enemy is.

  There will always be a way.

  Yavent City Prison No. 11, Room 101.

  Looking at Flynn, who was tied tightly to the operating table, Jiang Xuezhou’s face was full of complexity.

  This guy’s spirit has been severely damaged, and he will probably be a vegetable for a while.

  Even if he wakes up, he will probably live with mental illness for a long time.

  Although it is said that “treat others in their own way”, she did not feel much relief in her heart.

  As for why, she could not explain it clearly.

  It may also be because after reading this guy’s memory, she found that this guy is also a pitiful person.

  ”This guy…what are you going to do with him?”

  Hearing Jiang Xuezhou’s voice, Ye Shi raised his head and looked at her strangely.


  Not knowing what he was wondering about, Jiang Xuezhou frowned and asked.

  ”Any problem?”

  ”No…” Ye Shi scratched the back of his head, “It’s just that this guy killed your people, right? Of course, we prefer to let you deal with it.”

  Jiang Xuezhou was silent for a while, and suddenly asked as if he remembered something.

  ”By the way, you have also arrested some members of the Enlightenment Society before, how did you deal with them?”

  Ye Shi shrugged.

  ”How else can we deal with them? Serving sentences and labor reform, letting them participate in the reconstruction of the wasteland, teaching in the schools of refugee homes, doing social volunteer work… In short, similar things.”

  Jiang Xuezhou frowned.

  ”Will it work?”

  ”Who knows if it will work, and we can’t dissect their brains for such a small matter.”

  Ye Shi continued with a smile.

  ”Some people have indeed been reformed well and helped us a lot in various aspects. Some people think that they are heroes because they can’t beat them, so they tolerate us for a while… There are also devout guys who run away to the desert after serving their sentences. This is all possible.”

  Jiang Xuezhou said puzzledly.

  ”You know they will run away, but you still do this?”

  Ye Shi shook his head and said.

  ”There is a logical problem with this sentence. How can we know whether they will run away? To be precise, we don’t care about those who failed to be transformed, we care about the former.”

  Jiang Xuezhou lowered his head and said thoughtfully.

  ”The former…”

  Ye Shi shrugged his shoulders.

  ”There must be some who are transformed well, right? We let them see another possibility of the world. The residents of the shelter and the wastelanders no longer kill each other, but join hands to rebuild their homes. There will always be people who will recognize us and join us.”

  ”Some of those who joined us became doctors, some became engineers, some became researchers, and some were turned by us to become our intelligence agents… For us, having these people is enough.”

  ”As for the others, just run away, and pray that we won’t catch them next time they do something bad.”

  Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes gradually brightened, and her index finger rubbed her chin as if she was thinking about something seriously.

  After a moment, she made a decision.

  ”I’ve decided.”

  Ye Shi looked at her blankly.

  ”What decision?”

  Jiang Xuezhou said seriously.

  ”I… want to give him another chance, hand him over to you, and let you reform him.”

  Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”Ah… Although we don’t care, do you also not care?”

  Jiang Xuezhou shook his head.

  ”The academy never cares about the life or death of a certain person. This guy is no longer valuable to us… My instructor told me to handle it myself.”

  Seeing that Jiang Xuezhou was not joking, Ye Shi sighed and scratched the back of his head.

  ”Although I think it’s a bit saintly to do this, it’s up to you… Anyway, if you can’t make it in the academy one day, it’s good to come to us.”

  This time it was Jiang Xuezhou who was stunned.

  After she came to her senses, she raised her eyebrows and glared at Ye Shiyi fiercely.

  ”Why can’t I make it? I’m doing well, and I’ve even made it to C-level researcher, okay! Haha, you should take care of yourself.”

  ”Me?” Ye Shi pointed at himself dumbfoundedly, and said with a smile, “Are you kidding? I’m the first perception expert in the whole server, how much better do I have to do?”

  Jiang Xuezhou frowned.

  ”What do you mean by all servers? Perception system? Number one? What strange things are you talking about again?”

  Realizing that he had almost violated a taboo by slipping his tongue, Ye Shi quickly stopped talking.

  ”Forget it, forget it. You won’t understand even if I tell you.”

  Seeing Ye Shi trying to escape, Jiang Xuezhou immediately chased after him and kept yelling,

  ”What do you mean I won’t understand even if I tell you? Don’t stop talking halfway!!”

  In the corridor outside the room, listening to the shouting from afar, Lao Bai couldn’t help but smile like an old father on his face.

  ”It seems that Ye Shi is a tight-lipped guy.”

  Fang Chang, who was standing aside, smiled faintly.

  ”You don’t understand this guy. Although he is a little frivolous at ordinary times, he is actually very principled.” A

  simple sense of justice and morality?

  No matter how others understand it, at least Fang Chang himself understands it this way.

  A long, long time ago, when “Wasteland OL” appeared in the cattle and horses group, this kid immediately thought of fraud, and out of consideration for the safety of the group members, he pulled other managers to discuss countermeasures.

  If it were Fang Chang himself, he would actually not bother to care about such things.

  He has a dislike for stupidity.

  Lao Bai glanced at Fang Chang, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

  ”You said that if the world really ends–”

  He was interrupted by the latter before he finished speaking.

  ”I won’t let that happen.”

  Fang Chang said this in an unquestionable tone, put his hand on his shoulder, and continued seriously.

  ”Absolutely not.”


  On the other side, Dawn City

  . The browsing room on the B4 floor of Shelter No. 404.

  After listening to Chu Guang’s narration, Yin Fang couldn’t help but take a breath.

  ”One hundred thousand neutron torpedoes?! Your Guards Corps… Are they serious?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”This information was not discovered by the Guards Corps, but provided by your old employer, the Academy.”

  The browsing room was quiet for a while, with only the gurgling sound of the teapot.

  Yin Fang pressed his index finger on his forehead and was silent for a moment, as if he had finally calmed himself down, and then looked up at the ceiling.

  ”Start the gravity well immediately, and then build an orbital defense system… No, no, if we do this, it will be like playing into the opponent’s hands!”

  The garbage rampant in the synchronous orbit is like an eggshell, forming a natural umbrella for the earth.

  If the neutron torpedo is detonated near the low-Earth orbit, those high-energy rays will hardly have a fatal effect on the creatures on the surface under the combined influence of the geomagnetic field and other factors!

  But if the gravity well is activated and the blockade of orbital garbage is lifted, everything will be hard to say…

  The biggest question now is, to what extent has the celestial being mastered the Orion missile cruiser?

  Whether it is the alliance, the academy, or the enterprise, they all know nothing about the situation on the missile cruiser.

  Seeing Yin Fang muttering, Chu Guang, who was sitting on the sofa, nodded.

  ”…The Academy thinks so too. Before we get more intelligence, we must not only not activate the gravity well, but also be on guard against the Enlightenment activating the gravity well.”

  He has already informed the Eastern Empire of this matter, and the latter also attaches great importance to it, and has dispatched 500,000 troops to the Great Desert.

  The same is true for the Alliance.

  Pioneer City has declared a state of emergency, and the Thorn Corps stationed in the east of the Great Desert has projected its patrol area to the center of the Great Desert.

  In addition, the old colonies of the Southern Legion, such as Evernight Port and Ravenka Industrial Zone, have also launched mobilizations, and are always vigilant against possible wars in the Great Desert.

  Yin Fang said with a bitter expression.

  ”It’s just a lost research ship… I didn’t expect it to have such serious consequences.”

  ”I don’t think it’s the research ship’s problem,” Chu Guang thought for a while and shook his head. “Perhaps, our opponents have been preparing for a rainy day a long time ago. When we were dealing with the Torch Church, when we were deeply trapped in the quagmire of the Borneo Province and the Southern Legion, they were already preparing for today’s events, and the lost research ship was just the tip of the iceberg of the conspiracy.”

  Yin Fang stared at him intently.

  ”Do you have any plans?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.


  Yin Fang was stunned.

  ”No, no?”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”It happened too suddenly. I have no better way except to send someone to take a look first.”

  The representative of the academy has agreed to lend a research ship to the alliance.

  The research ship is currently outside the city of Yavent, and the pilot’s name is Jiang Xuezhou.

  Yin Fang said with a wry smile.

  ”That’s true…”

  Looking at Yin Fang who was in anxiety, Chu Guang slowly spoke.

  ”Related deployments are already underway, including restarting the processing base of Shelter No. 100 and a shelter plan just in case. But to be honest, I don’t have a clear idea of ​​these 100,000 neutron torpedoes… What would happen if these 100,000 neutron torpedoes were fired at the Earth without the protection of orbital debris?”

  ”The effect is estimated to be the same as mentioned in the Torch Plan. It may not be as efficient as neutron extermination, but the result is not much different.”

  Burying his nose between his palms, Yin Fang took a deep breath and continued.

  ”…There probably won’t be anything left on the surface, but it’s not certain. The Holy Shield system should be able to defend it, and the Zhiyuan in the center of Ideal City should also be able to shield direct attacks.”

  Chu Guang looked at him and said.

  ”And there are shelters?”

  Yin Fang nodded, but there was no optimism on his face.

  ”That’s right, but there will be nothing left except these things! In addition, I don’t think their attack will stop here. Even if I am not an expert in the military field, I can imagine that after the strategic weapons bombing is over, the next step is landing.”

  As for whether the orbital airborne troops will drop from the sky, or the “Orion” will come with a wave of “Zhiyuan Colonial Ship”-style whole ships, it depends on the mood of the celestial beings.

  Neutron bombs kill soft targets, and the factories and railways on the surface should be intact.

  Those guys should be able to easily take over the production facilities on the surface and complete self-replication through those production facilities.

  Chu Guang’s face was thoughtful.

  After listening to Yin Fang’s statement, he already had a general idea of ​​the “celestial beings”‘ plan.

  Those guys planned to use them as fuel.

  In other words, usurp the fruits of victory that tens of thousands of survivors on the wasteland had finally achieved.

  He would never let them succeed!

  At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the door of the browsing room, and Lu Bei, who had obtained permission, walked in from outside.


  ”Our branch in Kaituo City received a radio signal from the center of the Great Desert!”

  ”After analyzing the signal, we found a line of coordinates and a line of signatures… The signer is suspected to be the transmitter of the signal, named Zhuang Lan.”

  Zhuang Lan?

  Hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar name, Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly.

  He almost forgot about this person, but he didn’t expect that guy was still alive and still remembered the bet.

  Noticing the intriguing expression on Chu Guang’s face, Yin Xiang cast an inquiring look at him.


  ”I guess so, I’ve known him for a long time,” Chu Guang smiled faintly, “I didn’t expect that it was not only our enemies who were lurking in the dark and secretly operating, but also the enemies of our enemies.”

  Looking at the smiling manager, Lu Bei hesitated for a moment, and finally reminded in a low voice.

  ”Dear Manager… We can’t be sure that Zhuang Lan is one of us for the time being, and the information she provided is quite vague. There might be a trap there.”

  ”Whether it is a trap or not, you will know after taking a look.”

  After that, Chu Guang looked at the pen holder on the desk not far away and gave an order.

  ”Xiao Qi, help me find out which troops are nearby that can be used.”

  ”It doesn’t matter if they are strong or not, as long as they are not afraid of death.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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