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Chapter 982 “Guarding the Pigs and Waiting for the Rabbits”

Chapter 982 “Guarding the Pigs and Waiting for the Rabbits”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 982 “Guarding the Pigs and Waiting for the Rabbits”

  The rolling red sand rolled on the horizon, and a dead city could be vaguely seen in the noisy dust.

  The towering skyscraper was broken in the middle, and half of it was inlaid with a piece of debris that looked like a space elevator.

  The remaining glass curtain wall reflected a faint light in the wind and sand, illuminating the deserted and dilapidated alleys below.

  Unknown dangers were hidden behind the broken windows, and mutant hyenas with sharp teeth and beaks wandered under the rusted billboards.

  The woman in a cloak stood on a nearby sand dune, holding a telescope and looking in the direction of the skyscraper.

  After a while, a mutant eagle owl with brown feathers and brown spots flapped its wings and flew over, landing on her shoulder.

  After looking into the sharp pupils for a moment, she reached out and touched the feathers of the mutant eagle owl, and then threw it into the sky.


  The eagle owl let out a long cry and disappeared in the rolling sand and dust.

  The woman in the cloak also disappeared on the sand dunes.

  Soon, the wind and sand wiped out her footprints, as if no one had ever been here.

  This is the Great Desert.

  If Luoxia Province is a forbidden zone for life, then this is a forbidden zone for civilization.

  No one can leave any traces here.

  No one will remember the name of this street or this urban area, and even if they remember, it is meaningless.

  Not only the nomads in the Great Desert migrated with the wind and sand, but also the layers of sand dunes.

  The reference objects that are still exposed on the surface today may become the entrance to the “underground world” tomorrow. The tall buildings that were still standing yesterday may collapse in a few days.

  The only thing that can mark this area is a special string containing longitude and latitude information.

  Although there is no orbital satellite navigation, people living in the wasteland can always find alternative methods…

  [G1178, A2249]

  The dark green floating point number flashed on the central control screen of the off-road vehicle, shaking with the bumpy body.

  The man in the driver’s seat confirmed that the coordinates were correct. He stepped on the brakes and took down the assault rifle hanging on the inside of the car door. He pushed open the heavy door and got out of the car.

  His whole body was covered with steel linings, and the heavy armor made two pits in the sand.

  ”Attention, all units, we are approaching the coordinate area… Act according to the plan.”

  ”Got it.”

  At the same time as the man got off the off-road vehicle, a number of off-road vehicles painted in desert colors also arrived at their respective positions.

  The car door was pushed open with a clang, and a group of figures armed to the teeth quickly got out of the car.

  They were wearing exoskeletons painted in desert colors, holding streamlined rifles in their hands, and wearing an armband on their arms to indicate their identity.

  The armband was painted with a scorpion with a sharp tail needle, and the logo of the Enlightenment Society was printed on the scorpion’s back.

  Their name is “Desert Scorpions”.

  They are not only the sharp blades in the hands of the Enlightenment Society, but also the existence that makes countless wastelanders in this desert turn pale.

  After all, this is a forbidden area for civilization, a basement that is even lower than the floor.

  The wastelanders active in this area can’t even get a few decent rifles, let alone exoskeletons, and the only protective gear they have is a few sets of unpowered armor that are pieced together.

  The Enlightenment not only has exoskeletons and light and heavy firepower weapons produced in black boxes, but also recently absorbed the military technology and tactical ideas of the Southern Legion.

  This thing is much better than awakening.

  Regardless of whether it is a serious or not, the wastelanders or mutant organizations will be beaten if they encounter these guys.

  Perhaps they felt the killing under the smoke and dust. Looking at this group of human soldiers with live ammunition, even the aliens hiding in the ruins couldn’t help but shrink their necks and hide their claws in fear.

  About 120 soldiers divided into three groups and quietly surrounded the half-collapsed skyscraper in the center of the city. Then they moved forward in turn to cover each other and closed the encirclement in an orderly manner.

  Standing on a sand dune not far away, Malik, the captain of the “Desert Scorpion”, held a telescope in his hand, staring expressionlessly at the building that was cut off in the middle not far away, quietly waiting for something.

  Not long after, the voice of his subordinates came from the communication channel.

  ”…The signal transmitter was found, located on the top of the ruins, about 100 meters from the ground.”

  Malik said calmly without any surprise at the answer of his subordinates.

  ”Enter the ruins.”


  The captain operating the drone responded, looked at the soldier who was half-crouching on the ground, clenched his right fist, and waved forward cleanly.

  Ten soldiers wearing exoskeletons immediately took the order and rushed forward quickly along the wall under the cover of their teammates.

  At the same time, two attack drones with hanging gun barrels also quietly approached the two sides of the team, and followed the team to kill the ruins of the skyscraper. The

  dusty glass curtain wall reflected a series of figures filled with a murderous atmosphere.

  A bearded man walked up to Malik, hooked his index finger around his collar to loosen his scarf, and squinted his eyes at the direction of the wreckage of the building.

  ”A radio signal was found in the no-man’s land. The signal contains encrypted coordinates. The decoded coordinates are the location of the signal source… What do you think is the purpose of that guy doing such a boring thing?”

  His name is Valen, the deputy captain of the Desert Scorpion, and also Malik’s old partner.

  ”I don’t know,” Malik replied casually, looking at the building in the distance and continued, “But if I have to guess, it’s probably to contact our opponents… So if you speculate, this guy should not be a member of the Alliance, and it is likely that he is a dog raised by the Alliance.”

  Although the Eastern Empire is also suspected of doing so, the group of Willant people are not very concerned about the Enlightenment Society.

  Compared with the interests of the distant future and the height of civilization, the tyrannical emperor is more concerned about the interests of reality.

  Only the Alliance wants everything.

  In short, there are only a few forces close to the Great Desert, and the elimination method is enough.

  Valen raised his eyebrows.

  ”Who do you think that dog is?”

  Marik grinned and sneered.

  ”I guess it’s an old friend, at least someone who knows us, but who knows?”

  The Enlightenment Society’s enemy is not just the Alliance, it can even be said that there are enemies all over the world.

  Under such circumstances, it is extremely reasonable for a certain force outside the Great Desert to choose to support a secret organization against the Enlightenment Society within the Great Desert.

  For example, in the past two years, an organization called “Watchers” has emerged, which has been against them everywhere and often ruined their good deeds.

  Malik’s intuition tells him that the signal tower deployed here is probably done by the “Watchers”.

  Or at least, it is someone related to them.

  Thinking of this, Malik couldn’t help but curl up a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

  The previous accounts should be settled properly.

  In less than a minute, the ten-man team that took the lead in the action quickly occupied the entrance of the building, and controlled the safe passage under the cover of two drones, and advanced up the stairs.

  Not long after, the voice of the team leader came from the communication channel.

  ”This is Team One, we have controlled the signal transmitter… The facilities here are powered by mobile power supply equipment, and no trace of the sender has been found!”

  ”These rats!” Valen, who was standing next to Malik, cursed.

  Malik’s expression was also a little gloomy, but he was not too surprised.

  Powering the mobile device, remotely starting the sending device… These operations are just basic operations.

  If he were in the same position, he would do the same.

  ”Look at the bright side, at least the communication equipment and power supply are still there, which means that they did not succeed in connecting.”

  After a pause, Malik continued.

  ”At least we are ahead of the alliance, and we may use this opportunity to teach them a lesson.”

  Hearing Malik’s idea, Valen’s face suddenly showed a sinister smile.

  ”That’s a good idea!”

  When the alliance people came to find them according to the clues, they ran into their guns.

  In this way, not only can the alliance suffer a loss, but it may also cause the alliance and the dog they raised to have an internal conflict.

  Malik smiled lightly, without any intention of being modest, instead

  he began to arrange personnel deployment. The 120-plus troops were divided into 12 teams and three groups.

  While sending three additional teams to the building, he ordered the other two groups to hide silently on the east and west sides of the target building, ready to provide support at any time.

  A net was quietly laid, just waiting for the prey to get in!

  As for the terminal that transmits radio signals, Malik thought for a while and finally did not alert the enemy. He just arranged an off-road vehicle with electronic monitoring equipment to monitor its transmission signals to prevent any changes.

  All preparations are ready.

  Malik and Valen also turned back to the off-road vehicle, drove the car into the abandoned city in front of them, and hid in the window of a shop along the street.

  The next step is to wait.

  Malik believes that with the Alliance’s attitude of holding on to the Enlightenment, it will definitely not miss this clue.

  As long as the bait is thrown down, it is certain to catch fish, at most it is the difference between a big fish and a small fish.

  For this reason, he doesn’t mind spending a few days waiting, as long as there is a fish hooked, everything is worth it. After

  turning off the engine of the off-road vehicle, Malik got off the car, and a deafening roar happened to pass over his head.

  ”Plane! It’s flying from the south to the north. It should be coming from the Ravenka Industrial Zone!”

  Valen stuck his head out of the window and took a look. He had a surprised expression on his face, but also a little relieved.

  It seems that although they were one step faster, they were not much faster than the Alliance.

  However, even if they were only one step faster, it was still fast.

  Their people had already hidden in the ruins in advance, and the plane should not have found anything.

  ”It’s probably here to explore the way… Their people should be here soon.” Valen retreated from the broken window and looked back at Malik standing beside him and said.

  The latter obviously thought so too. He nodded seriously and then pointed his index finger at the side of his helmet.

  ”… Attention, all units, the Alliance people are coming soon. Hide and don’t let them find you!”

  ”Wait until the prey gets into the cage before taking action!”

  Malik issued the order neatly, waiting for the responses from various departments, but the communication channel was strangely quiet, with only a faint hissing noise of electricity.

  Malik frowned slightly, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

  Although the communication in the Great Desert is extremely unstable and signals are often intermittent, it is unlikely to happen at such a close distance.

  ”…This is Malik, all units, please answer if you hear me! Repeat, please answer if you hear me…”

  Still no response!

  The ominous premonition lingering in my heart has turned into a warning sign. At the same time, crackling gunshots suddenly sounded, followed by a deafening explosion.

  ”It’s the direction of the building!” Valen, who was squatting by the window, had a panic in his eyes and hurriedly turned back to look at Malik.

  The latter quickly ran to the window, but did not look at the skyscraper, but looked at the sky against the dazzling light.

  I saw a barely noticeable white light floating in the cloudless sky.

  It was a small parachute!

  There seemed to be something hanging under the parachute!

  Staring at the white light through the helmet eyepiece, Malik’s pupils shrank instantly, and he yelled with curses.

  ”Electromagnetic shielding! Damn it! They have discovered us!”

  No –


  Suddenly realizing something, Malik quickly looked towards the skyscraper where the gunfire was ringing. The anger in his eyes gradually turned into astonishment and fear.

  A drop of cold sweat ran across his forehead and dripped into his collar.

  Those guys have been there all along…

  Rather than saying that the Alliance discovered them, it would be better to say that those guys were waiting for them here! Watching them take the bait!

  There was no time to hesitate!

  Malik reached out and grabbed Valen’s shoulder, staring at the confused face with red eyes.

  ”We’re ambushed! Quick! Fire a flare! Notify the brothers hiding in the ruins to retreat!”

  ”Okay, okay… What?! Retreat?!” Valen, who was loading the flare gun, was stunned. He looked at his boss incomprehensible, not understanding what this guy wanted to do.

  And –

  what is an ambush?

  Didn’t they ambush the Alliance?

  Without time to explain, Malik snatched the signal gun from his hand, loaded a green signal flare, and fired it into the sky without saying a word.

  A ray of green smoke shot up into the sky, and soon a dark green light burst out!

  Regardless of whether others saw it or not, Malik ran back to the SUV without saying a word, opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

  Although he didn’t know what was wrong with the boss, Valen followed him back to the car. He

  hurriedly started the engine and looked at the boss sitting in the passenger seat. He was about to ask, but before he opened his mouth, the latter urged and shouted.

  ”Hurry! Drive!”

  Valen held the steering wheel tightly and asked stutteringly.

  ”Where to go?”

  Malik’s face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and growled.

  ”No matter where to go! Let’s get out of here first!”

  The gunshots outside became more and more urgent.

  Realizing that things were not good, Valen did not dare to hesitate and stepped on the accelerator.

  The engine of the SUV roared like a monster, and the rotating wheels carried the body of the car out of the window.

  He turned the steering wheel with both hands to turn left, trying to return to the outside of the city along the original route, but at this moment

  he heard a crisp “pop” sound! That was the sound of the car window being pierced by a bullet, and it was also the last sound he would hear in his life.

  The mass bullet that was several times the speed of sound shattered the helmet in an instant, and even broke half of the seat!

  Red and white sprayed out together, and Valen’s head was like a smashed watermelon, spilling half of the car.

  The SUV lost control and crashed on the side of the road.

  Malik, whose face was covered with hot blood, felt his heart stop and his whole body was half cold.

  He almost instinctively opened the car door and jumped out, and before the second gunshot sounded, he rolled and crawled into the window next to him, and shouted loudly in the communication channel.


  The communication shielding continued.

  Of course, no one could hear that sound.

  At the same time, on the sand dunes 800 meters away, the [Desert Eagle] covered with desert-colored camouflage nets was holding a thick and long Gauss sniper rifle in front of him.

  The power of this shot made even power armors have to avoid it, and no matter what level the awakened ones were, they had to kneel down!

  ”What a coward!” Looking at the target who escaped into the shops along the street, he clicked his tongue lightly and raised his index finger to turn off the charging capacitor.

  That guy probably didn’t dare to come out for a while.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  There are people from the Desert Corps around here, and there is no way he can escape!

  On the other side, in the ruins of the skyscraper, the fierce fighting is still going on!

  The flashing tracer shuttled freely in the corridor, and from time to time it was accompanied by loud explosions.

  The soldier with a scorpion printed on his exoskeleton had a face full of fear. He hastily fired at the darkness not far away, while dragging his injured teammates to evacuate outside the building.

  The scene was in chaos.

  Not only gunshots and explosions resounded in the darkness, but also shouts of cursing.

  ”This is a group! We are under attack by unknown armed forces!”

  ”It’s the Alliance!”

  ”Damn it! Our communication system is blocked!”

  ”Flare! It’s a flare!”

  ”Captain asked us to retreat!”

  ”Retreat?! What a joke! They have surrounded us! Without support, we will all die here!”

  The expression of fear was printed on every face, and every dark room made the Enlightenment soldiers present tighten the string in their heads.

  Forced to fight on their own, they didn’t know how many opponents there were, or even how many of their own people were left…

  The team that first entered the building was the first to suffer heavy losses!

  When the Alliance planes flew over, they were searching and arranging defenses on the top floor of the ruins of the building, and they didn’t notice that the Alliance soldiers were ambushing under their noses!

  Hearing the roar of the fighter planes whizzing past, the Alliance soldiers ambushing in the shadows immediately turned on the fluorescent identification strips on their exoskeletons and showed the weapons hidden in the dark!

  Under the leadership of [Taran Raiders], about thirty players of the Desert Corps launched a surprise attack.

  With the cover of the communication shield and the familiarity with the terrain in advance, they formed a group of three and started to defeat the nearly 40 Enlightenment soldiers scattered in the building one by one!

  And until the gunshot that broke the silence, the team on the top floor alone had been reduced by half!

  And the others were unaware of the gunshots because of the communication shield!

  ”I will fight you! ah ah ah!!!”

  Finally, a lone “Desert Scorpion” could no longer hold back the fear in his heart, roared and stretched out the rifle in his hand from the bunker, and fired at the corridor with flickering fire.

  His index finger was almost welded to the trigger, and the bullets were like a violent storm, rolling towards the figure that was so fast that it was almost invisible! The

  flashing tracer jumped and danced on the angular armor, as fast as a gust of wind, almost brushing against the whistling rain of bullets and killing in front of him. The

  pupils of the “Desert Scorpion” suddenly shrank, and there was only one thought left in his sticky mind –

  so fast! ! !

  He had barely seen the other person’s movements when he rushed to his face.

  This wasn’t over yet!

  The bright blade slashed at his face like lightning. Caught off guard, he almost subconsciously raised his hand and held up the rifle in his hand to block.


  The huge force made his palm hurt!

  And with that momentary pause, he finally saw the cold light that tore through the steel!

  It was a blade that opened outward!

  The curved blade was like a sickle on a mantis’s arm!

  His pupils were filled with fear.

  However, before he could react, the sharp cold light split his helmet with unabated momentum, and with a “clang” sound, it pierced through his skull.


  After easily getting rid of a “super soldier” who was in the way, the player in power armor silently counted the heads, and then kicked the dead body away.

  Looking at the bloody scene, the Enlightenment soldiers squatting behind the bunker not far away were all panicked.

  Fearing that they would suffer the same fate, they all raised their weapons and rushed towards the ferocious guy regardless of the consequences.

  The tracer nails fired by the rocket launcher were like tickling the power armor, and only the armor-piercing shells fired by the rocket launcher could pose some threat.

  But it was easy to dodge that thing.

  Especially in such straight corridors and hallways.

  ”That’s it?”

  Facing the rain of bullets, the “expert” grinned and laughed grimly, just shook off the blood stuck on the mantis knife, and then killed it without dodging!

  At this moment, the “little scorpions” standing opposite him were all scared and could no longer maintain their morale on the verge of collapse. They turned around and fled for their lives!

  The bloody massacre continued.

  It was not just the fight inside the building, but also outside the building!

  The “Desert Scorpions” ambushed on the east and west sides of the ruins of the skyscraper did not wait until they ran into the prey at the muzzle of the gun, but instead became the turtles in the cage. Under the violent offensive of the Desert Corps, some died and some escaped!

  Dozens of off-road vehicles fled to the desert outside the city like birds and beasts, but they were blown up by anti-armor missiles just as they reached the exit of the city.

  The soldiers who were left behind saw that there was no hope of escaping, and faced with continuous casualties, they finally threw away their weapons and raised their hands in despair and surrendered.

  They had never suffered losses in close combat, but this time they kicked on the iron plate!

  And a second- and third-tier corps that had been playing soy sauce throughout the “Southern Barbarian Invasion” expansion pack finally got a chance to be proud of themselves this time!

  Although it was thanks to the help of a few independent big guys that they fought so beautifully, most of the battles were still fought by the players in the corps themselves.

  Looking at the more than 30 captives who took off their equipment and squatted in the corner with their heads in their hands, [Taran Raider] had a happy smile on his face.

  ”Haha! It’s so fucking satisfying!”

  After sitting on the bench for so long, it’s finally my turn to show off!


  (Thanks to the leader of “Fireline God, please save me” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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