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Chapter 985 Vertical casting well started!

Chapter 985 Vertical casting well started!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 985: Vertical Casting Well Started!


  The wreckage of the “Orion” missile cruiser in the pre-war era is suspected to be occupied by illegal armed organizations!

  At present, the Alliance authorities are negotiating with various forces such as colleges and enterprises to study and explore how to deal with the threat of weapons left over from the pre-war era through closer cooperation.

  This reporter calls on everyone to remain rational and not to believe in rumors! Although lead can indeed shield a certain degree of radiation, it is meaningless and lacks scientific basis to hang lead around the neck or wrap it around the waist.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Yavent City Edition]


  The “Heavenly Man” organization has surfaced! The digital ghost of the suspected human alliance era expeditionary force!

  Experts from the Alliance Academy of Social Sciences published an editorial that the existence of the “Heavenly Man” organization fully proves that uploading thoughts to circuit boards is a stupid act of “carving a boat to find a sword” and an unreliable collective suicide.

  However, some experts from the Academy of Social Sciences analyzed that the extreme ideas of the “Heavenly Man” organization are due to the fact that the social class on the Lagrange space station is too single, and the dilemma they face is similar to that of the Legion.

  In any case, the threat from outer space has attracted the attention of the top leaders of various forces.

  In an interview with reporters, Si Wen, Secretary General of the Council of Representatives, claimed that the respected President Li Minghui will fight the Celestial Forces to the end and will never flee from the battlefield.

  Li Minghui himself has not yet commented on the Council of Representatives’ statement, but only said that 100,000 neutron torpedoes may be a severe challenge, and the South China Sea Alliance should develop a high-orbit anti-missile system as soon as possible.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Ring Island Edition】


  The Yangzhou battle has entered a stalemate!

  The new commander of the Mammoth Kingdom, Shawa, has an iron fist in the army and has stabilized the front after enduring the initial offensive.

  Although the Boro Kingdom won the first battle, due to insufficient logistics and lack of mountain combat equipment, many troops suffered a large number of non-combat casualties, and the Northern Field Army was almost completely destroyed in the latest breakout!

  The new industrial committee strongly condemned the former commander Abusek, saying that his poor governance during his tenure seriously damaged the Boro Kingdom’s economy and industrial development, and was the main reason for the heavy casualties of frontline soldiers. And if you want to recover to the state before the damage, it may take at least 20 years.

  Although there are many difficulties and crises, the committee is confident that it will overcome the difficulties. Sava, the second in command of the Family Association, once again stated at the committee that the pain was only temporary, and once again called on all levels of Tiandu to unite.

  According to another source, Zaid criticized Sava’s actions against cockroaches and rats at an internal meeting as “short-sighted”, a little girl’s flirting-style progress, which was neither pattern-based nor thorough enough.

  In order to ensure the arable land along the Yongliu River, he said that more radical measures should be taken to punch the red soil.

  ——”Survivor Daily” Jin Gallon Hong Kong Edition】


  The threat of the “Heavenly Man” is approaching, but there are always tall people to support the sky when it falls, right?

  That ghost place is too far away from the New Xifan Port. Our reporter cannot interview the suffering Heavenly Man for the time being, and can only hope that they can be patient for a while longer.

  However, it is worth noting that His Majesty Saren coughed heavily at the morning meeting today, which may imply that the Eastern Empire will make a big move, and we will publish a special issue to interpret the deep meaning behind it!

  In addition, the war in the Free State has come to an end, and the police department and the Hound Special Forces loyal to the City Hall have controlled more than half of the city.

  The company is probably finished, but it is not certain who will win. After all, Bugera is not only a free state for Bugera citizens, but also a free state for the vast number of wastelanders.

  Even if all the local gang members are dead, the Firestone Group can find new helpers from the wasteland.

  The companies and civilians in the Free State may have to fight for a while, and the gang fighting style war is only a small fight compared to our neighbors.

  The two sides killed and shed blood in Yangzhou, and the number of casualties even exceeded the total number of both sides in the Free State Civil War!

  Facts have proved that even the end of the world cannot stop the Borneo people from killing each other.

  In addition to war, other disasters are also taking turns.

  Due to the vigorous development of industry in Borneo, the industrial facilities of the old Xifan Port are almost exhausted, and the industrial owners have transformed into swimming champions.

  An unnamed tax bureau official complained that life is getting harder and harder. He used to apply some Vaseline lipstick before going to work, but now he can only go to the kitchen to find a piece of lard and kiss it.

  This reporter also thinks that this is simply too miserable.

  Of course, the tax collector’s hair oil did not become the food oil in the pot of the poor. After all, red soil does not require too complicated cooking skills, and the local famine happened to break out, which was no less severe than that of the Xilan era.

  The wise and powerful Majesty Saren was puzzled. He claimed that although he had demolished some heavy factories in Xifan Port, there were still many light factories left. It was definitely not as bad as the Tiandu newspaper slandered.

  In his plan, the west coast of the Borneo Province could become the light industrial production base of the Eastern Empire, just like the Golden Gallon Port and the Baiyue Strait to the Alliance.

  We can see that Majesty Saren is a real fan of someone, and he has been working hard to copy homework.

  It’s a pity that our neighbors are so disappointing that our Majesty has to subsidize them with some vaseline oil to help them get through the current difficulties.

  ——”Survivor Daily” New Xifan Port Edition】


  The war has never ended. After the Torch Church, the “Heavenly Man” from the Prosperous Era once again tried to indicate the future direction for the wastelanders on the surface.

  Obviously, they want us to die.

  The Great Rift Valley did not respond to the threat from outer space. It seems that 100,000 neutron torpedoes should not be able to penetrate their shells.

  The Council of Ideal City held an emergency meeting, and the results of the meeting are expected to be announced after the crisis is over.

  As for the Legion… Well, the Legion is gone, fortunately they are gone.

  Fortunately, this time the Academy did not continue to hide behind the scenes. It finally showed its strength for the first time in a long time and gambled a precious scientific research ship for the benefit of all mankind! Of course

  , it may also be because they were the ones who caused this trouble. If they had not lost the scientific research ship, it might be a bit difficult for the space station at the Lagrange point to board the “Orion” missile cruiser.

  At present, the Alliance has dispatched the Burning Corps to synchronous orbit.

  Please don’t worry, if you really can’t sleep, just think about the Iron Heart.

  General McLen commented that if he had to fight against the Burning Corps, he would rather turn his guns to face God.

  In addition, friends from New West Sail Port, please don’t be too ridiculous. Your Majesty Saren probably just has a cold.

  ——”Goblin Observer”


  Neither the Academy nor the Alliance deliberately blocked the news about the “Tianren” organization and the threat 36,000 kilometers away.

  Firstly, it is almost impossible to completely conceal such a big thing, and secondly, it is to avoid causing unnecessary panic.

  After all, if it is disclosed voluntarily, there is still a chance to make things clear. Hiding it is equivalent to giving up the public opinion position.

  It is not surprising that some outrageous versions will be spread at that time.

  It is precisely for this reason that before the rumors appeared, Chu Guang asked the “Survivor Daily” of Dawn City to do an exclusive interview with the Alliance’s scientific expedition team on this incident, and disclosed to all walks of life the strategies and preparations made by the Alliance to deal with the crisis.

  The reaction of the residents of Dawn City also made Chu Guang quite relieved.

  The chaos and turmoil lasted only two days.

  Before the sun rose on the third day, the anxious people returned to normal.

  Perhaps because they had experienced the end of the world, most of the wastelanders reacted calmly to the end of the world.

  In addition, it is useless to panic about such a disaster that affects the whole world.

  Moreover, when similar crises occurred before, they had successfully passed the most dangerous moments under the leadership of the managers.

  They had every reason to believe that it would be the same this time.

  They had an extremely devout belief in the omnipotent managers…


  The western part of Xizhou City.

  A row of dilapidated houses stood on the devastated ruins, abandoned steel debris and wooden boards could be seen everywhere, and the water plants remaining on the walls and windowsills seemed to still emit a damp breath.

  Since entering the Wasteland Era, this area of ​​the city has been submerged in the backflow of lake water for a long time.

  It was not until the soldiers of the Alliance came here and renamed this land as “Dawn” that this city soaked in the lake was able to see the light of day again.

  However, even though the Alliance brought order here, few people would visit the area due to the frequent appearance of the Cracked Claw Crab. It

  was not until the crisis of “Heavenly Man” appeared that this forgotten city in the corner was once again valued by the Alliance.

  At this moment, trucks were traveling on the road next to the ruins, and the busyness was no less than that of the city center of Dawn City.

  In the center of the dusty construction site, there was an even more jaw-dropping spectacle –

  a towering giant well, located in the center of the dense concrete ruins!

  The huge well mouth had an area of ​​several football fields, and looking down from the sky was like a huge mouth of the abyss looking up at the sky!

  What was even more amazing was not only the area occupied by the giant well and its bottomless depth, but also the internal structure of the well.

  The steel skeletons were like the spine of a giant beast, extending from the well mouth to the bottom, and the well wall under the steel skeleton was completely cast with metal, exuding a grim majesty in the darkness.

  This was Shelter No. 100.

  In order to make the “casting well” in the center of the shelter work, the construction team of the alliance dismantled the dome above the shelter!

  Now that the dome has been dismantled, the “No. 100 Casting Well” will be officially used as the engine of the Alliance’s aerospace industry.

  At this moment, the engineer from the academy was standing above the casting well, looking down with a shocked expression in his eyes.

  Although he often laughed at the “simple and crude” industrial system of the Alliance, he couldn’t say a word rashly at this moment.

  This can no longer be described as a spectacle.

  It’s like a work of art.

  ”It’s incredible…” After a long time, Zhong Jingchu sighed from the bottom of his heart, looked at the old engineer standing beside him and said, “I didn’t expect you to create such an amazing… miracle on the ruins. I underestimated you.”

  There was no compliment in that voice.

  The old engineer standing next to him smiled heartily and said modestly.

  ”Not really, we can’t make such an exaggerated big guy alone… Strictly speaking, this is also a legacy of the prosperous era. We just made use of the waste.”

  His name is Qi Xiangsong, a professor at Camp 101 and the chief engineer of the Alliance Aerospace Industry Group.

  After hearing Qi’s explanation, Zhong Jingchu felt that he could accept it a little more.

  At this time, he suddenly noticed that there were light blue dots flashing inside the well, and he looked aside curiously and asked.

  ”What are those flashing blue dots?”

  As if he had guessed that he would ask this, Qi Xiangsong smiled mysteriously, and without explaining, he just handed him a telescope.

  ”You can see it yourself.”

  Zhong Jingchu took the telescope from the old engineer’s hand doubtfully and looked down at the wellhead.

  It doesn’t matter if he looks at it.

  When he saw clearly what those blue light sources were, his eyes suddenly widened involuntarily.

  The blue light itself is not mysterious, it’s just the sparks splashed when the arc welder welds the alloy. What is

  really shocking is the light source of the electric spark!

  That is the light emitted by the “Cross Spider” engineering robot!

  They are like spiders weaving webs, shuttling back and forth and climbing on the vertical steel frame, moving the materials transported by the hoist above the wellhead to a specific location according to the pre-programmed program, and completing the welding and assembly operations.

  With tens of thousands of mechanical spiders busy, a steel structure of 10,000 tons or even hundreds of thousands of tons is “growing” upwards at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye!

  Although he is not an expert in the field of aerospace, Zhong Jingchu also knows something about the aerospace industry.

  That is why he knows very well how incredible this scene is!

  No wonder the managers of the alliance are confident that they can build another gravity well in the southern sea area.

  If the strength of this casting well is fully utilized, let alone the gravity well, the alliance’s spacecraft may really fill the low-Earth orbit like dumplings!

  ”These mechanical spiders…”

  ”It is the technological achievement of the survivors of Shelter No. 100,” Qi Xiangsong said, looking at the deep wellhead, “After learning about our affairs, they decided to join us.”

  Zhong Jingchu’s Adam’s apple moved, and he turned his gaze back to the vertical casting well under his feet. He was silent for a long time before slowly speaking.

  ”I remember that in the early days, Human Union had a period of time to manufacture spacecraft on the ground… At that time, they produced parts on the surface, and then launched them into low-Earth orbit for assembly through chemical-powered rockets. It was not until the space mining and alloy smelting technologies matured and the space elevator was completed that the aerospace industry gradually shifted from the surface to the synchronous orbit, and then to the Lagrange stable point.”

  Qi Xiangsong said with a smile.

  ”I’ve heard of that history. So, is this the first time to assemble a spacecraft on the ground? Are we the only ones who have done it?”

  ”I guess so.”

  Zhong Jingchu nodded, and said with some emotion.

  ”At that time, our science could only analyze the dimension we were in, and had not yet penetrated into other dimensions, let alone control gravitons and interfere with gravity fields. We could only use the most stupid method to wrestle with those “resistances” that opposed our migration outward.”

  ”But now it’s different. Not only can we break free from the shackles of gravity, but we can also make gravity a monsoon that pushes us forward…”

  When he said this, his admiration was beyond words, and he exclaimed sincerely.

  ”In a sense, you have indeed made history.”

  He didn’t understand why most of the researchers who defected ended up going to the Alliance. Now he finally understood their thoughts.

  They saw hope in the Alliance that they had never seen before.

  That was not a miracle created by one person.

  It was created by a group of people together.

  If he didn’t have the same mission, he probably wouldn’t be able to resist wanting to stay…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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