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Chapter 986 Space Cemetery

Chapter 986 Space Cemetery


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 986 Space Cemetery

  The production of “Base No. 100” is in full swing.

  Fighting on the job are not only 300,000 “Cross Spider” engineering robots, but also nearly 3,000 workers and engineers!

  They are almost the top industrial talents in the entire alliance!

  Some of them come from the distant Ideal City, some from the Evernight Port in the southern hemisphere, or the shelter in the Great Desert, as well as wastelanders who have learned advanced knowledge in Camp No. 101, etc.

  Facing the threat of the coming of the end of the world, the Dawn City Industrial Center, which combines the strengths of hundreds of schools, once again demonstrated its shocking and terrifying production capacity to the major survivors in the wasteland. The

  ”Cross Spider” in the southern industrial park just stepped out of the assembly line, and then hung the battery on the back foot and directly loaded it onto the truck and sent it to the casting well of Base No. 100.

  From the engineering machinery that welds steel to the screws in the casting well, every unit running on the production line, whether human or machine, is running to the limit.

  The terrifying industrial throughput even made the transportation resources of Fallen Leaf City, a railway transportation hub, tight.

  This situation where the transportation capacity cannot catch up with the productivity has never happened even when the war with the Southern Legion was the most intense.

  In the manager’s office of the Alliance Building, Song Xuelin, Minister of Industry, reported to Chu Guang on the progress of work during this period.

  ”…At present, all production units of our ‘Vertical Casting Well No. 100’ have been started, and the first near-orbit defense platform is in production. The estimated construction period is three months, and it can be delivered in early June if it is fast!”

  The near-orbit defense platform is a defense countermeasure jointly discussed by professionals from various industries in the Alliance, the Academy and the enterprise at the meeting. The tentative name is the “trench” plan.

  That is, defense platforms equipped with electromagnetic guns and high-power laser weapons are deployed in several near-earth orbits.

  These defense platforms are regarded as substitutes for orbital garbage.

  They can prevent medium and long-range strategic weapons from attacking through electromagnetically accelerated mass bombs, just like sampans floating outside the port.

  Although Chu Guang knew that this production speed was already amazing enough, he couldn’t help but frowned when he thought of the current urgent situation.

  ”One ship every three months?”

  Song Xuelin said with a wry smile.

  ”This is a huge systematic project. We were able to produce one ship in three months thanks to the help of the college and the company… This speed is actually very fast.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”At present, the relevant industrial chain is still in the process of running-in, and the technicians on the production line are not yet proficient. The first ship may be slower, but it should be faster after the first ship is completed.”

  Chu Guang nodded and did not say anything more on this issue.

  Some things cannot be rushed the more urgent they are.

  Especially strategic materials.

  He knew very well that any pressure he put on the people below would eventually be transmitted and amplified level by level.

  Once the people below really rushed the work because of his pressure, the final result would most likely be a compromise in quality.

  This is what he did not want to see.

  Seeing that Chu Guang did not continue to find fault with the construction period, Song Xuelin finally breathed a sigh of relief and continued to report by flipping through the documents in his hand.

  ”In addition, there are logistics issues… The railway network in the central part of the River Valley Province is already overloaded. Although we have a large number of mines and steel mills in the controlled areas outside the River Valley Province, the regional transportation capacity of Dawn City has begun to be stretched.”

  ”Not enough transportation capacity?” Chu Guang looked at him unexpectedly, and straightened up from his office chair in a slightly surprised manner, “Wasn’t there a surplus of more than 30% before?”

  Railways are the blood vessels of the alliance’s industry. He has been focusing on the development of the alliance’s railways since the Bone Chewing Rebellion, and even specially planned a Fallen Leaf City to ensure the logistics of the alliance, as a hub for the exchange of materials from east to west and north to south.

  It was also because of his move at that time that the later alliance had the potential to radiate influence to Luoxia Province, Jinchuan Province, and even the more distant Haiya Province.

  After all, even if the players can go far on their own two legs, it will be meaningless if the equipment and logistics of the alliance cannot get through.

  In that case, I am afraid that a lot of time will be wasted waiting for resurrection.

  Chu Guang even thought that the controlled fusion reactor in Liming City might be in short supply, but he never thought that the densely packed railway lines would have a shortage of transportation capacity.

  The products produced cannot be transported in?

  Is this a possible situation in the wasteland?

  Looking at Chu Guang with a stunned expression, Song Xuelin said with sweat on his forehead.

  ”This… is indeed our dereliction of duty. We originally judged that the growth rate of productivity can match the speed of improvement of our railway network, but the actual production capacity shown by the No. 100 casting well exceeded our expectations. Its industrial throughput is almost equivalent to the entire industrial zone of Liming City, and the occupation of transportation capacity is naturally the same…” It’s

  okay if the back foot can’t catch up with the front foot.

  Hearing the answer from the Minister of Industry, Chu Guang was also at a loss for a moment, not knowing whether to be happy or sigh.

  However, Song Xuelin was right about one thing. It was indeed the dereliction of duty of the industrial department for not considering this.

  ”This kind of thing must be prepared in advance, and we can’t wait until the problem occurs before thinking of a solution. We should review it, but now we should think about how to solve this problem first.”

  Song Xuelin nodded with sweat dripping down his back.


  Chu Guang did not continue to embarrass him on the mistakes that had already happened. He tapped the armrest of the office chair with his index finger and spoke after thinking for a moment.

  ”The No. 100 casting well cannot be moved. We can only find a way from other places… What do you think about transferring part of the production capacity to the Death Coast of Haiya Province? I have been thinking about this before.”

  Song Xuelin said cautiously.

  ”I thought so too, but considering that the settlements there are still in the early stages of development, I am worried that the local area cannot afford such a large-scale industrial migration…”

  ”Don’t worry about that,” Chu Guang said with a smile, looking at the hesitant Minister of Industry. “Our Dawn City was also commissioned in times of crisis and built from a wasteland. Although the current situation is severe, it is much better than in the early years!”

  ”Besides, I have personally visited the Death Coast! Although the survivors there come from all over the world, they are not inferior to the survivors of Dawn City and Dawn City. They are even more knowledgeable and energetic than the latter. I believe they have the ability and confidence to shoulder the mission entrusted to them by the times.”

  ”Since you are so optimistic about them, I have nothing to add,” Song Xuelin said with a smile, “I will convene an industry meeting as soon as possible and strive to come up with a specific plan as soon as possible.”

  Chu Guang smiled and nodded.


  For the Alliance, the move of industry to the south is actually inevitable, and they have even been preparing for this a long time ago.

  Container freight is inherently more advantageous than rail transport, and industries like aerospace are naturally better if they are closer to the space elevator.

  The biggest role of Shelter No. 100 is actually to serve as an incubator for the alliance’s aerospace industry, just like the seed factory in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  Chu Guang’s expectations for it are not just to build a few near-orbit defense platforms.

  It has the potential to breed a forest.


  Deep in the Great Desert, the center of the old world.

  The mountains and hills of sand dunes engulfed the endless urban clusters, leaving only the broken walls and ruins that can be seen everywhere to record the past prosperity.

  Under the rusty steel giant, a damaged off-road vehicle was speeding on the sand dunes.

  After bypassing several pieces of space elevator debris, the off-road vehicle finally stopped at the door of an abandoned building.

  Just as the off-road vehicle stopped, about twenty soldiers wearing exoskeletons walked out from the shadow of the ruins on the side and surrounded the off-road vehicle in the middle.

  The door of the off-road vehicle was pushed open, and a damaged power armor got out of the vehicle, raised his hands to indicate that he had no ill intentions, and untied the mask of his helmet, revealing the face of Malik, the captain of the “Desert Scorpion”.

  ”Don’t be nervous, we are one of us.”

  Seeing Malik’s face, the leading soldier did not relax his vigilance, but raised his clenched fist alertly.

  Rifles were raised in an instant, aiming at “Malik” standing next to the off-road vehicle, waiting for an order to shoot him into a sieve. The

  medical miracle lying in the trunk saw the situation outside through the gap, and couldn’t help but whimpering “Fuck”.

  Did it go wrong? !

  Facing the black muzzles of the guns, “Malik” with his hands raised had an indifferent expression, just staring at the leading soldier.

  ”I need an explanation.”

  The soldier sneered, and the rifle in his hand was pointed directly at his nose.

  ”Explain? It’s you who should explain, Lieutenant Malik. You’d better explain your trip in the past week.”

  Hearing this, Zhuang Lan felt relieved and continued expressionlessly.

  ”I was ambushed by the Alliance while on a mission in the southern part of the Great Desert. I have been avoiding their pursuit for this week. I will naturally explain the specific situation to my Army Operations Department… But I didn’t expect that I would have to face the guns of my own people after finally escaping from the dead.”

  This sentence seemed to have some effect. Several soldiers around exchanged glances. Although they did not put down their guns, their murderous aura was obviously reduced.

  The same was true for the leading soldier.

  He looked at Malik doubtfully and slowly lowered the gun in his hand.

  ”You didn’t defect?”

  ”Have you ever seen a defector come back on his own initiative?” Malik looked at him and said gloomily, “I did mess things up, but it’s not entirely my fault. Who would have thought that when we arrived at our destination, we would meet not the little rats of the Watchers, but a group of regular soldiers with live ammunition.”

  ”We were not prepared at all. Valen died on the spot, and several of my teams, and even I almost died there! Damn… I even suspect that the signal was a pit dug by the Alliance from the beginning, and the intelligence system should bear at least half of the blame!”

  The indignant expression did not seem to be pretended, as if he was really tricked by his own people.

  The medical miracle who was hiding in the trunk and watching a good show couldn’t help but sigh. Although it was not his turn to appear, he already had that feeling… as if he was really captured.

  The leading soldier stared at Malik intently, and the balance of trust and suspicion finally prevailed in the former.

  He waved his hand, and two soldiers wearing exoskeletons came forward to check the off-road vehicle, then opened the trunk and saw the guy who was tied up like a dumpling and twisting hard.

  ”Who is this person?”

  ”He is from the Alliance,” Malik sneered with a grim smile on his expressionless face, “I caught this unlucky bastard when I was escaping. Unfortunately, the pursuers were too close, and I had no chance to pry anything out of his mouth.”

  So far, the soldier on duty has basically believed what he said.

  He waved to the soldiers standing next to the off-road vehicle, signaling them to take the prisoner away, and then he looked at Malik and continued.

  ”I just contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They were surprised that you can come back alive. I guess there are a lot of questions waiting for you.”

  Malik smiled self-deprecatingly.

  ”It seems that I am already a dead man in their eyes.”

  ”Don’t think so, brother,” the soldier looked at him sympathetically, and then looked at his raised hands, “Put your hands down, welcome home.”

  Malik put down his raised hands, shook the soldier’s right hand that was stretched out.

  When he let go of his hand, the soldier suddenly took out a gun-shaped detector and scanned each of his eyes.

  If someone is not familiar with the Enlightenment Society, they might mistake it for a pistol and react excessively, thus exposing their identity.

  However, Malik is too familiar with these procedures. This level of temptation is not only useless to him, but also makes him want to laugh.

  ”Do you believe me now?” Looking at the soldier fiddling with the iris scanner, “Malik” said with a smile.

  ”Don’t be polite, it’s just routine.” The soldier smiled and put away the iris scanner. “Please follow me, Lieutenant Malik.”

  Malik glanced at the prisoner who was taken away and asked casually.

  ”Where is the prisoner?”

  The soldier said with a smile.

  ”You don’t need to worry about his affairs, just leave him to us.”

  Malik said with an instruction.

  ”Remember to interrogate him well.”

  The soldier said with a grin.

  ”Don’t worry, we won’t let him have an easy time.”

  Looking at the grinning expression, Zhuang Lan’s heart twitched slightly, but she did not plead for the prisoner.

  Any words at this time would be superfluous. Not only would it not help the friend in the alliance, but it might also cause the entire plan to fail.

  She is now Lieutenant Malik, a disciple of the Enlightenment Society, an active-duty officer of the “Newcomers’ Union” authorities, and the captain of the Desert Scorpion.

  Without saying another word, she put on Malik’s mask and strode behind the leading soldier, like a warrior who had won honor in defeat, towards the entrance of the legendary Shelter No. 13.

  At the same time, in the deep space 36,000 kilometers away from the earth, a silver-gray scientific research ship was slowly passing through an asteroid belt made up of the wreckage of a space station.

  The shattered alloy structures were like tombstones without inscriptions, standing silently in a silent cemetery.

  Compared with the magnificent giant structure, the college’s research ship was like a child’s toy.

  Sitting in the driver’s seat, Jiang Xuezhou’s face was a little nervous.

  Although the deflector shield can deflect space junk, it still can’t do anything when it encounters junk that is larger than the research ship.

  Their luck was not good. They were about to reach their destination, but they ran into this “garbage belt” passing through the synchronous orbit.

  However, they no longer had time to wait for this piece of junk to float past, and now they could only bite the bullet.

  Unlike Jiang Xuezhou, who was driving on the edge of the giant structure with fear. Ye

  Shi, who was sitting in the co-pilot’s seat, was like a tourist, looking at the magnificent space junk outside the cockpit with his mouth wide open in surprise.

  Everything that came into his eyes completely overturned his inherent impression of sky junk.

  He thought that space junk was the size of a can, but at this moment, it felt like a moon-like thing was directly hitting his face.

  This is an exaggeration.

  Of course, the space station wreckage here can’t be as big as the moon.

  However, it is still the size of one or two aircraft carriers.

  The most advanced spacecraft on Earth is like dandruff on a giant’s head, and the so-called “Eye of Man” is not even as big as a slightly larger piece of wreckage.


  Faced with this scene, Ye Shi could only think of this word.


  Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, glanced at him and raised a very light smile at the corner of his mouth. What

  she admired most was the expression of surprise on this guy’s face.

  ”Dream City.”

  Ye Shi looked at her in confusion.


  ”Dream City, one of the miracle buildings of the Prosperous Era,” Jiang Xuezhou said slowly while operating the spacecraft, “It is said that it is a permanent space station with artificial gravity and day and night rotation… At least that’s what the promotional advertisements say.”

  Ye Shi scratched his helmet.

  ”Why does this name sound strangely similar to Ideal City.”

  Jiang Xuezhou smiled faintly.

  ”Is there a possibility that the name Ideal City is taken from the history of the Prosperous Era and applied to themselves.”

  There are actually many similar situations.

  For example, the city of Avent.

  In the history of the Weylant people, this settlement was named after a soldier who conquered that settlement, but this does not explain why the city of Avent was also called the city of Avent before it was conquered by the Legion.

  According to the history investigated by the Academy, this settlement was actually named after a pre-war community. For convenience, the local survivors simply used the previous name. The so-called special meanings were actually added by the Weylant people.

  As the main survivor force in the wasteland, the culture of the Weylant people is actually influencing the human language.

  Ye Shi looked at Jiang Xuezhou blankly.

  ”…Is there still such a saying?”

  ”It’s just speculation, you just listen to it, don’t take it too seriously,” Jiang Xuezhou shrugged and said, “I heard that many people on the Zhiyuan are investors who bought the pre-sale houses in Dream City…because according to the business plan of Dream City, this space giant will regularly cruise between the Earth and Reach.”

  Ye Shi couldn’t help but sighed.

  ”…This is fucking crazy.”

  Jiang Xuezhou nodded in agreement and continued to look at the deep space outside the cockpit.

  ”That’s right. But considering the background of the times, graviton technology had made major breakthroughs at that time, the mass delivered by warp engines was getting larger and larger, and the cruising distance of spacecraft was getting longer and longer. It’s not surprising that people would think this way. People in the old era still dreamed of colonizing Mars with chemical fuel rockets, and they almost succeeded. There’s nothing funny about this.”

  ”Haha…” Ye Shi laughed dryly, feeling that he was shot while lying down for no reason.

  Jiang Xuezhou didn’t notice the abnormality in his expression, but just took a deep breath and said in a calm tone.

  ”Notify your teammates to be ready…”

  ”We are coming.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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