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Chapter 99: Unhappy Chanting, Luo Xian Sings

Chapter 99: Unhappy Chanting, Luo Xian Sings


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 99 Unhappy Chanting, Luo Xian sings

  Yang Shifei rubs his temples.

  It is really strange to use Yuan Yin and Yuan Yang as the last material to complete the holy weapon. He

  is not an immortal, can that thing really have such great power?

  But after all, he does not understand the principle of forging, so it is not good to interrupt, just listen to the arrangement.

  But being stared at by the two women with strange eyes, Yang Shifei still can’t help but say:

  ”Miss Qiu, is there really no other substitute?”

  He pointed at his wrist with a subtle expression: “For example, use the blood of both you and me?”

  Qiu Buhuan blushed and shook his head: “The content in blood is far from enough.”

  The pretty mature woman hesitated for a moment and whispered: “Sir, do you know how to absorb Yuan Yang and Yuan Yin?”


  These words made Yang Shifei stunned: “You don’t know?”

  Qiu Buhuan said shyly: “I have been practicing forging weapons day and night for more than 30 years, how can I know this!”

  Her understanding of Yuan Yin and Yuan Yang all came from books.

  As for that kind of thing, she only knew a little from the former Holy Envoy Granny, and understood that this was something that only men and women who loved each other could do.

  But the details were beyond my experience, so I was completely clueless.

  ”Uh,” Yang Shifei couldn’t help but look at Luo Xian’er beside him.

  The eldest lady was also very embarrassed: “I only know how to get your Yuan Yang, but I don’t know how to get Yuan Yin. What’s more, I need the Yuan Yin of two women.”

  This was the only experience she had when she and the young master secretly messed around on the bed some time ago.

  Yang Shifei slapped his forehead, feeling a little amused.

  Yes. One is a ‘theoretician’, and the other is a ‘beginner’, both of them only know the basics.

  After a while, after Yang Shifei’s patient explanation, Luo Xian’er and Qiu Buhuan both blushed and covered their lips in silence.

  Although the content was rather obscure, they were not fools, so they could naturally understand the deep meaning.

  ”Do you understand now?”

  Yang Shifei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

  It was the first time in his life that he explained these things to two girls, and it was really stressful.

  After all, he was also a beginner, but his ‘knowledge’ was richer than theirs.

  Qiu Buhuan nodded shyly: “I think I understand.”

  But Luo Xian’er fell silent for no reason.

  Yang Shifei noticed that her expression was different, so he stepped forward and whispered: “Do you feel uncomfortable?”


  Luo Xian’er pursed her cherry lips and raised her eyes calmly: “Young Master, you can try it with Miss Qiu first.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Why?”

  ”My body may not be able to do this.” Luo Xian’er whispered: “After all, the appearance is just a shell, and my inner self. Young Master also understands.”

  Yang Shifei immediately understood and understood the eldest lady’s concerns.

  Is it because she thinks her demonic body is completely different from that of a normal woman?

  Yang Shifei thought for a while and soon whispered a few words in the eldest lady’s ear.

  The coldness on Luo Xian’er’s face was replaced by astonishment, until her ears became hot and stained with a hint of shame.

  ”Young Master, how can you know that I can…”

  ”You were already half asleep that night, so you naturally didn’t know.” Yang Shifei smiled softly: “But I helped you change your underwear.”

  Luo Xian’er: “.”

  The eldest lady’s face flushed. She quickly recalled the experience of the previous night.

  It turned out that she

  was really a young lady at that time. She was suddenly happy, but then she was embarrassed and flustered.

  ”I still want to wait until the wedding night.”

  ”It’s okay, I understand.”

  Looking at Yang Shifei’s gentle smile, Luo Xian’er’s shyness faded a little.

  Although she was quite disappointed and helpless, she thought deeply for a moment, and finally untied a lot of confusion in her heart.

  ”Young Master, you guys start first.”

  Luo Xian’er pushed Yang Shifei in front of Qiu Buhuan and whispered: “It’s urgent, don’t delay the good opportunity. As for this matter, I won’t take it to heart.” Qiu Buhuan

  was slightly stunned and felt a little complicated and ashamed.

  After all, he had just said two days ago that he would not fight for it, but he turned around and was about to do it under the other party’s nose.

  ”Sister Qiu.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t hesitate anymore, took the initiative to hug the hot mature woman, and slowly walked to the forging platform.

  ”Since we are trying to escape, we don’t need to have too much burden. As for Xian’er, I will apologize to her afterwards.”

  Qiu Buhuan subconsciously raised his eyes, but his heart was burned by the fiery gaze, and he lowered his head with a red face.

  ”Shifei, what should we do next?”

  ”Didn’t I teach you just now?” Yang Shifei kissed him on the forehead: “If you really don’t know how, let me do it.”

  Qiu Buhuan’s legs and feet gradually softened, and he slowly sat down on the ground in the embrace.

  His eyes moved slightly, drifting to Luo Xian’er who was sitting alone not far away, and his heart beat more and more violently.

  Why does it seem like they are having an affair blatantly?

  No, it was Luo’s sister who took the initiative to give in.

  After a moment of random thoughts, she slowly immersed herself in the intimacy.

  As the two of them were rubbing their ears and temples, Qiu Buhuan paused slightly, and felt that she couldn’t go on like this.

  As an elder, and with Luo Xian’er watching from a distance, how could she, as a sister, let her brother do all the work?

  The pretty mature woman bit her lower lip lightly, groped to Yang Shifei’s waist with both hands, and massaged gently and carefully.

  ”Let me do it.”

  ”Sister Qiu, do you remember?”

  ”You just said that, how can my memory be that bad?”

  With a rustling sound, the clothes of both parties gradually became messy.

  But as their skin touched, Qiu Buhuan’s face became more and more flushed, and the true form of the bones unconsciously came out of his body while trembling.

  She was immediately startled, and most of her shame faded away. She hurriedly wanted to take it back.

  But her hands were held again. She met his gaze with surprise, and saw Yang Shifei stroking the bones wrapped around her body, whispering in her ear ambiguously: “Since it is a part of Sister Qiu’s body, it is naturally beautiful. Besides, the flesh marks made by the tightness are very beautiful.”

  ”You little bad guy.”

  Qiu Buhuan’s charming eyes gradually became more and more, and his body and mind were quietly softened.

  When the two people’s clothes fell off, they were spread out flat on the ground. A plump beauty wrapped in bones was lying half-lying, her face flushed with shame.

  ”Wait a minute, I remember the book said this kind of thing is more harmful to the body.”

  Qiu Buhuan gently massaged his waist and abdomen again: “Shifei, you should prepare yourself first, don’t be too impatient. If you feel sore anywhere, just stop and rest.”

  When the beauty gradually rose, both of them were immersed in it.

  The hands that were originally massaging the waist and abdomen slowly dropped unconsciously-

  ”I, I pressed it wrong. Woo. Will it hurt to press it like this?”

  ”Shifei, don’t look at it. Eh? Using bones? This, this won’t work.”

  ”Where do you get so many tricks? You are such a bad boy. If you get tired later, I will massage you again. Woo.”

  With the sound of biting ears, the softness and sweetness melted into the heart.

  The flames next to the forging table flickered, and the two reflections swayed together, stirring up the fiery fire of the earth, like the sudden burning of the love in the heart, and the fire of the prairie fire could not be extinguished for a long time.

  Not far away, Luo Xian’er placed her sword across her knees and closed her eyes to calm herself.

  But her eyebrows trembled from time to time, her cheeks flushed, her breathing was disordered, and she obviously couldn’t calm down.


  She thought she could face this calmly.

  But now facing it in person, all her emotions seemed to be overturned, and her heart was complicated and difficult to understand.

  The most important thing is——


  Listening to the strange sound, Luo Xian’er pursed her lips, blushed and closed her eyes without saying a word.

  At first, she could still hear that Miss Qiu was deliberately suppressing her voice, and she could still pretend not to hear it.

  But not long after, Miss Qiu couldn’t hold it anymore.

  The shouts were really unbearable to listen to.

  Although she could hear that this woman’s voice was mature and charming, with a bit of gentleness and hotness when they first met.

  Now she is even more charming and mature, as if she is full of all kinds of charm.

  But now——


  Miss Qiu was tormented and cried.

  Luo Xian’er’s face flushed, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

  At that time, I was thinking that Miss Qiu was so strong that she would be easy to give birth to.

  If the young master wanted to continue the family line and marry another wife, I could turn a blind eye .

  But in fact, she was defeated and her armor was stripped off. Her legs were kicking wildly. How could she still be a sister.


  Seeing that the “battle situation” was slowing down, Luo Xian’er sighed softly, stroked her skirt and stood up and walked away.

  At this time, the two people next to the forging platform had just finished a round of fighting, and Qiu Buhuan’s face was covered with tears, his long hair was messy, and he seemed to have lost his soul.

  He was defeated miserably.

  Luo Xian’er couldn’t bear to look at it after just a glance. She suppressed her trembling heart and whispered, “Is it complete now?”

  Yang Shifei kept his face tense and didn’t move. First, he didn’t know the way of forging weapons, and second, he felt guilty as if he had caught an adulterer. He really didn’t know how to start.

  Qiu Buhuan took a long breath to catch his breath, and shook his head with a red face: “Yuan Yin. I still need half.”

  Luo Xian’er looked away: “Miss Qiu, you can come again and make up for the remaining half.”

  Qiu Buhuan: “?”

  Thinking of being tossed to the point of losing her soul, the pretty mature woman’s tears flowed again, dripping to the ground.

  She whispered with her red lips, aggrieved: “I really can’t stand it. I agreed to ask Sister Luo for help.”

  ”But I…”

  Luo Xian’er hesitated a little, after all, there was a little inferiority in her heart.

  But the next moment, Yang Shifei grabbed her white wrist and gently pulled her over.

  Luo Xian’er was hugged into his arms, her eyes were panicked and shy: “We really need it now.”

  ”You are not ready, so I will naturally not force you.” Yang Shifei took her little hand and smiled in her ear: “But there are many ways.” Luo

  Xian’er’s beautiful eyes gradually widened, and she blushed when she heard the whisper in her ear.

  But before she could refute, her long skirt was lifted up half-heartedly.

  ”Young Master, you…you be gentle.”

  Not long after, the rustling sound was heard next to the forging platform.

  The already hot triple cave was now even hotter, igniting waves of raging fire.

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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