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Chapter 994 Offset

Chapter 994 Offset


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 994 Deviation

  On each deck of the Orion missile cruiser, the broadcast from the ship’s command center echoed in the corridors, in the cafeteria, in the bar, in the toilet, and above the heads of every crew member.

  ”… Crew members of the Orion missile cruiser, good evening, I am Zhao Tianhe, your captain.”

  ”I am sorry to disturb your rest at this time, but please give me ten minutes to listen to this broadcast patiently.”

  ”I believe you have noticed that our spacecraft encountered an unprecedented situation when entering the hyperspace channel, and stopped in the crack of time and space for unknown reasons…”

  ”In order to get rid of the current predicament, and for the future of human civilization…”

  ”We must unite!”


  During the broadcast, Zhao Tianhe, the captain of the Orion missile cruiser, confessed the incident to all the crew members on the ship, and explained the combat plan jointly formulated by the first, third and fifth departments.

  The code name of the operation is “Dawn”.

  They will disguise themselves as the bodies of friendly forces, remain silent in the deep sea-like outer space to deceive observers, and spend two centuries of historical darkness outside everyone’s vision, until their timeline overlaps with the child from the 215th year of the Wasteland Era.

  This broadcast sent by Zhao Tianhe himself caused quite a stir on the cruiser.

  Not only because the identity of the “time traveler” named Ye Shi was “officially” recognized, but also because they learned about the experience of the Gemini in the broadcast.

  They became the executioners who killed friendly forces without knowing it…

  In the cafeteria on the lower deck, a group of red-faced crew members were arguing loudly.

  A bearded man slammed his fist on the table and roared in anger without disguising it.

  ”This is ridiculous… Just because of suspicion, we fired neutron torpedoes at them?!”

  Xiao Yong, who was sitting opposite him with his arms folded, was silent for a long time and finally spoke.

  ”I think our captain is right. We can’t carry out the plan called ‘Final Battle’. Conflict is inevitable. It’s even possible that the moment we refused to carry out the order, the Gemini’s torpedoes were already aimed at us.”

  The bearded man glared at him angrily.

  ”Where’s the evidence? Because of your mouth?”

  ”No such thing,” Xiao Yong shook his head and stared at the man without avoiding, “This is space, outer space, and the dead have no right to speak. I’m not afraid, I would even rather be the one who died on that ship, but the things under my feet must not be handed over to them, my family is on Earth… so they must die.”

  ”You guy…”

  The two were about to fight, but they were pulled apart by their colleagues next to them.

  Looking at the people arguing about the Gemini, Lin Youyou, who was sitting in a corner of the cafeteria, couldn’t help but have a trace of sadness on her face.

  She couldn’t agree with what Xiao Yong said, nor could she agree with the decision of the captain and his colleagues, even if they might be right.

  They were comrades who had fought side by side with them and were the few survivors of that war.

  If everyone uses this drastic method to express their demands, even if they survive this temporary crisis by chance, they will definitely lose everything in the next gamble in the future.

  Perhaps the current situation of being trapped in the hyperspace channel is fate’s punishment for them…

  She looked at Ye Shi who was eating silently on the side and couldn’t help asking.

  ”Do you think we did the right thing?”

  She wanted to know what history would say about them.

  After stopping the chopsticks in his hand, Ye Shi was silent for a while and replied.

  ”I don’t know, in the history I know… it was you who bombed us, but who knows? There is a long list of things we don’t know about later, including the Orbital Airborne Division, including the formation of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, etc…. For us, the disintegration of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee is far away enough, and you are still before they were born.”

  Looking at the “mature” appearance of the teenager, Lin Youyou couldn’t help but feel distressed and wanted to reach out and touch the child’s head, but soon remembered that he didn’t like being treated as a child, so he took his hand back.

  ”You are talking about your evaluation. What I want to know is actually your evaluation.”

  ”Me?” Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and after thinking seriously for a while, he said, “I might tend to agree with your approach.”

  ”Why?” Lin Youyou couldn’t help asking, “I killed more than 3,000 people… and they were our own comrades.”

  ”Maybe it’s because I live in an era where ‘if you don’t kill one person, you have to kill ten thousand people’?” Ye Shi shrugged, “Think about it from another perspective. You just saved a planet of people.”

  This is actually a comforting statement. He himself doesn’t know how to evaluate this matter.

  From the perspective of the residents of the shelter, it seems that only those who failed to enter the shelter died, and the residents of the shelter would hardly be affected.

  Even most of the people they saved died in the end, and died painfully in long-term torture, and passed on the pain they felt to their next generation.

  Then those who survived became the first wastelanders.

  From this perspective, the plan called “Final War” is not a merciful choice.

  Without the Wastelanders, the Enlightenment Society probably wouldn’t have appeared, including the Torch Church and the Celestial Beings, etc.

  But in contrast, the Post-War Reconstruction Committee would probably disappear, including the Stone City and Singularity City, which were the seeds sown by the former in the wasteland.

  That would be a future composed entirely of residents of the shelter.

  They would probably rebuild a new human union in the wasteland in accordance with the standards that were planned a long time ago, as originally envisioned by the “Ark Project”.

  It’s hard to compare which future is better.

  But if he had to choose…

  ”I think you did a good job… Don’t blame yourself too much.”

  Looking at Ye Shi who had started eating again, Lin Youyou was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and teased.

  ”It makes you comfort me.”

  Ye Shi said slowly while chewing the food in his mouth.

  ”The first sentence counts, but the second one is sincere.”

  ”I didn’t expect you to know how to care about people.”

  Looking at this interesting young man, Lin Youyou rested his chin on the back of his hand, and suddenly said with a smile.

  ”Come to think of it, is that little girl named Jiang Xuezhou your girlfriend?”

  Ye Shi almost choked on the food in his mouth, and said with a red face and a cough.

  ”What weird things are you talking about? How could I be with N… Anyway, we are not that kind of relationship, we are teammates.”

  Looking at this anxious young man, Lin Youyou couldn’t help but chuckled and patted his back with a smile.

  ”Haha, don’t be nervous. In our era, it’s not strange to have a deeper relationship with teammates. Is it a taboo in your country? If so, I don’t mean to offend you. I’m just a little curious about how people get along two hundred years later… I mean in terms of emotions.”

  She was very frank about her gossip.

  ”I don’t know. Ask Fang Chang. He knows a lot.” Ye Shi said vaguely, and the speed of eating rice became faster.

  ”Really? But I’m more curious about the girl named Jiang Xuezhou,” Lin Youyou smiled and said in a joking tone, “If I can live to 200 years later, can you take me to meet her?”

  ”Okay…” Ye Shi replied vaguely.

  If they really meet in 200 years, he doesn’t even need to say anything. He will take the initiative to drag them around to show off and show off his legendary experience.

  Lin Youyou didn’t know what he was thinking, but she remembered this sentence and smiled.

  ”Then it’s settled.”


  Although the tragic experience of the Gemini shocked the 3,000 officers and soldiers on the ship, fortunately, the commotion did not last too long, and most people adjusted in a day or even half a day.

  This is not because they are cold-blooded. It’s

  because the crew on the ship knows very well that their captain is right.

  That is, at least now, they must unite.

  This is not only to save themselves, but also to save the people in the future, and the child who accidentally broke into their timeline and was trapped here with them.

  Even if it is to bring the captain who ordered the destruction of friendly forces to justice as soon as possible, they have to unite to overcome the current difficulties.

  With the same belief, both those who support Zhao Tianhe and those who oppose him put aside their disputes at this moment.

  The plan code-named “Dawn” has entered the implementation stage from the initial mobilization.

  The engineers of the fourth department released the repair robot and made a series of improvements to the outer side of the hull, including the paint.

  They had to disguise themselves as the Gemini and become the survivors, and after leaving the hyperspace channel, they communicated with the Lagrange Space Station as the Orion and left records.

  Then, they developed intelligent life called “celestial beings”.

  Even if it was a fake intelligent life, it didn’t matter –

  they needed to let the “observers” from the future witness the birth of “celestial beings” with their own eyes!

  Although to be honest, Ye Shi didn’t have much hope for this whimsical plan from the bottom of his heart, he was indeed moved by the determination and self-sacrifice of these people.

  According to normal logic, he was a person who appeared on this ship inexplicably, and this ship happened to be stuck in the hyperspace channel. Even if someone suggested killing him, he wouldn’t feel strange.

  However, no one did so.

  Not only did they not hostile to him or reject him, but they also cared about his injuries and asked about his well-being.

  Whether these crew members believed what he said or not, they really treated him as a living person.

  Ye Shi asked himself, he himself was not so noble.

  Facing a desperate situation, he remained calm and did not let the evil in human nature burst out. It was his superb performance.

  It was precisely because they did what he could not do that he was so touched.

  He was a person who

  treated others with his heart. He treated others the way they treated him.

  Therefore, even though he knew that all this was just the plot of the game, it was difficult for him to treat the people here as NPCs.

  They were more like his friends.

  In other words, they were his friends.

  He wanted to help them get out of this maze –

  for the reunion in two hundred years!

  Ye Shi tried his best to recall all the details about Tianren, and told them to the staff of the “Robot and Artificial Intelligence Department” without reservation.

  As the “Tenth Department” of this starship, although this department is the last department in the sequence of all departments on the entire starship, it is much more useful than the five departments at the front of the sequence.

  All intelligent programs on this starship are maintained by this department.

  Sometimes they even have to cooperate with other departments to develop some artificial intelligence applications, and assist the third and first departments to deal with possible electronic warfare invasions, etc.

  The engineers of the Tenth Department are all real programming masters. They graduated from the Human Union’s colleges and universities. They may not be as talented as Xiao Jiang, but their professional ability is not inferior to the latter who has dabbled in all aspects… and everyone is like this.

  With the help of Ye Shi, they did not spend too much effort to complete the design of “Tianren”.

  It is an intelligent life with the ability to evolve autonomously.

  And it is completely designed based on the extreme conservative forces in the Human Union’s Aerospace Army.

  It will take the purification of the wasteland ecological environment and the restoration of the prosperous era as its own responsibility, and will not hesitate to sacrifice all the survivors in the wasteland for this.

  According to the standards of the Scientific Ethics Committee, this kind of artificial intelligence with anti-human attributes exudes an illegal atmosphere from head to toe. If it were a peaceful era, everyone on the list from developers to sponsors would have to be sued and sentenced.

  But they can’t care so much now.

  After all, according to Ye Shi, even if they don’t do this, the extreme conservative forces on the Lagrange Point Space Station will develop similar intelligent life, and even become such a being themselves.

  This is a fact of the future, and it is a fact that has already happened and cannot be changed.

  What they have to do is usurp.

  Let this artificial intelligence disguised as a demon kill and replace the real demon, and then be killed by the “brave man” in the distant future.

  In this way, this cause and effect across time forms a closed circle.

  In order to prevent the demon from being unable to be killed, they also left a fatal backdoor, or a key, while designing this intelligent life called “Tianren”.

  It is a set of keys.

  Anyone who enters this set of keys can automatically format “Tianren” and bury this unforgivable demon.

  Ye Shi is actually willing to be the “exorcist” himself, but unfortunately according to Dr. Wu, he himself has the attributes of an observer.

  Once he takes this set of keys to the future, this set of keys is very likely to become invalid.

  In other words, this glorious mission can only be accomplished by the Orion missile cruiser that created the celestial being.

  According to the “Dawn” plan, they will go to the wreckage of the “Gemini” missile cruiser in synchronous orbit in two hundred years and reunite with Ye Shi who has returned to his own timeline.

  This is an indispensable link…

  After nearly 300 hours of hard work, all the preparations are finally completed.

  With the help of the crew of the Orion missile cruiser, Ye Shi lay back in the hibernation capsule where he first woke up.

  He will use that unreliable method to re-enter the hibernation state, and then the crew of the Orion will send him to the almost crashed scientific research ship.

  According to Captain Zhao Tianhe, he doesn’t have to wait too long inside. They will go to the site of the accident in 200 years to rescue him and wake him up from the hibernation capsule.

  Looking at the people standing in front of the hibernation capsule, Ye Shi’s face had a somewhat complicated expression, and he couldn’t help but complain in the end.

  ”…If you don’t appear in my timeline, the celestial being must have been designed by me.”

  What a wasteland locust.

  This is too much!

  ”I promise you, we will never abandon you. After all, that is our home.”

  Luo Yi put his hand on Ye Shi’s shoulder and made a solemn and serious promise.

  ”We will definitely meet in the distant future.”

  ”I hope so… According to what you said, it will only take a blink of an eye for me. If not, I don’t have to expect too much or wait too long.”

  When he said this, Ye Shi took a deep breath and looked at the familiar faces and the pairs of burning pupils.

  ”But I believe in you, and you…”

  ”Let’s get started!”

  ”Take care…” Koala also patted his shoulder, and then followed Luo Yi out of the room.

  Lin Youyou looked at him worriedly, but eventually followed them.

  Wu Xinghuan was the last person to leave.

  He was the theoretical designer of the whole plan, and at the moment he was also the most nervous person.

  Ye Shi gave him a look that said “don’t worry about me”, and then closed his eyes with a cynical attitude.

  The worst that can happen is death. It

  ’s not the first time he has died.

  But thinking of Jiang Xuezhou who was still waiting for him to return in a corner of the universe, he suddenly felt a stomachache again.

  Brother Guang!

  Dad kneels to you!

  Let me go back, don’t let me restart!

  The door of the hibernation capsule slowly closed, and the biting coldness climbed up his back and his eyebrows.

  The exhaled air froze on the glass of the cabin door, and he felt that his clear consciousness became shaky, as if he was about to return to the dark deep well.

  A trace of timidity suddenly surged in his heart.

  But now it was too late to retreat, and he could only rush forward.

  Just like before.

  Standing outside the cabin, Zhao Tianhe stared at the hibernation capsule intently, and then nodded to the staff wearing exoskeleton and space suit.

  ”Let’s start.”

  The staff returned a gesture of understanding, then lifted the hibernation capsule and walked towards the room blocked by the isolation belt.

  According to the plan, they would stuff the hibernation capsule back into the research ship, and then restore the scene to its original state as much as possible, and remove all observation equipment that might interfere with quantum entanglement.


  everything would go back to the moment when it first started.

  And the research ship that strayed into their time and space would also become a landing craft of the Gemini.

  There would probably be some combatants on it.

  But it didn’t matter.

  The space combat team of the three departments was ready and waiting here fully armed.

  They would subdue those uninvited guests as soon as possible, and then disarm them and place them in the hibernation capsule until the corrected cause and effect formed a closed loop 200 years later.

  The lights in the room suddenly began to flicker without warning, as if something strange was happening.

  Looking at Luo Yi standing by in power armor, Wu Xinghuan couldn’t help holding his breath, and sweat couldn’t help oozing out of his palms.

  Almost at the same time when the engineers of the four departments withdrew from the quarantine area with their equipment, the hull seemed to have collided and trembled slightly.

  Everyone present felt the tremor –

  like the echo of an explosion.

  Everything seemed to have returned to the origin of the disorder of time and space.

  Luo Yi was surprised and surprised, and subconsciously tightened his assault rifle.

  They succeeded? !

  But he vaguely felt something was wrong –

  were there too many people who heard the explosion?

  The clues he had learned from the Fourth and Eighth Departments were still lingering in his mind.

  There were only more than 200 people who heard the explosion, and the exact number should be 227.

  But now, there are no less than 100 people at the scene. But

  there was no time to think, as expected, the people on the Gemini had landed on their lower deck.

  ”Prepare for battle!” Xiao Yong yelled, and he led his men to rush up first.

  The blockade gate fell, blocking the area where the air leaked.

  Fifty combatants quickly arrived at their respective positions, and then moved towards the accident site in a siege.

  Arriving at the door of the gym, they first threw a short electromagnetic pulse grenade into the room to suppress possible drone equipment, and then two heavy power armors cleared the way and rushed into the room first.

  A small boat-class spaceship was parked there. The two-meter-long and wide metal shell was hit and dented inwards, and it was indeed not the one they had seen before –

  the spaceship had changed!

  In other words…

  it was successful! ?

  Everyone held their breath nervously and approached the spaceship in a suppressed formation.

  Xiao Yong waved his fist at Luo Yi, who nodded and pressed forward, stretched out his hand to grab the twisted and deformed alloy door panel, and pulled it down with the brute force of the power armor. The muzzles of

  the guns were pointed at the interior of the spaceship, and all the blind spots were sealed in an instant.

  No one…

  Luo Yi’s mood had already cooled down.

  And when he saw the familiar hibernation capsule, almost everyone’s mood sank to the bottom in an instant.

  Looking at the situation on the front line through the holographic screen, Wu Xinghuan, who was standing outside the isolation area, was stunned in place, his face turned pale in an instant.

  ”How could it be…”

  Zhao Tianhe looked at the navigator beside him with a gloomy face, and the latter shook his head with difficulty.

  ”We are still in the hyperspace channel…”

  They did not escape.

  It was as if they had gone around in the forest and returned to the original point where they left the mark.

  Executive Officer Wu Mengke sighed and stretched out his index finger to rub his sore eyebrows.

  ”It can’t be said that there is no gain. At least the spacecraft has indeed changed… Maybe something went wrong.”

  Looking at her cousin who was completely stunned, she shook her head and stretched out her index finger to press on the communicator.

  ”… Let’s rescue the people first.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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