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Chapter 998 Resonance

Chapter 998 Resonance


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 998 Resonance


  The echo of the explosion echoed along the alloy wall in the dark and silent starship cabin.

  This is the battlefield 215 years later.

  Although it was two centuries late, “Tianren” finally stepped over the body of the unknown man and restarted the reactor that had been dormant for two centuries.

  As the reactor restarted, the shipboard server was reconnected to the power supply, and the shipboard AI of the landing craft restarted the hacking program, and took control of the entire starship without much effort.


  this moment was more than two hundred years late after all.

  Shortly after “Tianren” seized control of the Orion missile cruiser, a silver-gray scientific research ship entered the former’s field of vision.

  It was not a threat worthy of attention.

  Compared with the entire “Final Battle” plan, that thing was not even an annoying ant. A neutron torpedo was enough to eliminate everyone on that spaceship.

  However, the accident still happened after all.

  After paying nearly 90% casualties, a lame mouse still managed to sneak into the starship and launched an electronic warfare attack on the shipboard server of the Orion missile cruiser, forcibly starting the warp engine and driving the ship five light years away.

  Seeing that the newly acquired starship was about to enter the hyperspace channel, “Luo Yi” had to detonate the second neutron torpedo to interfere with the activation of the hyperspace channel.

  After enduring the impact of the electromagnetic pulse, “Luo Yi” floating in the vacuum opened his eyes and pressed the button of the jetpack to continue moving forward.

  The killing effect of the neutron plume on the bionic man is quite limited, and it will hardly be affected much.

  This is why it did not hesitate to detonate two neutron torpedoes one after another. What

  it didn’t expect was that the cyborg mouse, who was first shot by itself and then suffered the aftermath of a neutron torpedo explosion, did not die.

  Not only that.

  That guy even took this opportunity to distance himself from himself.

  The electronic warfare invasion of the shipboard server was only paused for a while, and it quickly started again after changing the invasion node.

  Moreover, the new round of attacks was obviously more fierce than before, and the range of the attacks was also wider!

  After seizing control of the warp engine and cutting off the circuit of the weapon system, the guy reached out to the anti-gravity device of the starship.

  However, her good luck ended here.

  Just now, with the assistance of the Orion’s shipboard AI, it had re-locked the data interface used by the guy to launch electronic warfare.

  And interestingly, the data interface used by the little mouse was the landing craft that the Gemini fired at the Orion missile cruiser more than 200 years ago.

  Not long before that, “Luo Yi” helped the shipboard AI on the landing craft to restart the reactor of the Orion missile cruiser and completed the invasion of the Orion’s shipboard server.

  That guy actually tried to use their hardware and the same “landing point” as them. He

  was really tired of living.

  Facing the corridor that was like a deep well, “Luo Yi” drifted forward and looked at the exoskeleton wreckage floating through the corridor, and his nerves subconsciously tightened.

  However, the corpse did not attack him, but just floated past quietly.

  Watching the wreckage, it suddenly spoke as if it remembered something.

  ”…Speaking of which, there is one thing I can’t figure out.”

  ”It’s my honor to answer your confusion.”

  A gentle voice floated into its signal receiving module.

  It was the shipboard AI redesigned by the Gemini for the friendly ship Orion, and it was also an early version of the “navigator” AI of the Lagrange point space station.

  ”Luo Yi” was silent for a while, and his emotionless pupils were rarely confused.

  ”The man we met in the power room before, the power engineer… Why did he cut off the power supply of the reactor.”

  Regarding this question, the navigator was silent for a long time before he said leisurely.

  ”Yeah… Why?”

  This is not only Luo Yi’s confusion, but also its biggest confusion in the past 200 years.

  215 years ago, at the same time when it successfully broke through the firewall and took control of this starship, someone suddenly manually cut off the power supply of the power room.

  It should be impossible.

  Even if the neutron plume did not kill them instantly, it would make the entire starship, from the command level to the execution level, completely incapable of action.

  In the case of being isolated and helpless, people’s instinct must be to save themselves. Even if it is a meaningless struggle, they will never think of shutting down any reactor.


  that guy made such a choice without hesitation and without any hesitation in such an extremely dangerous situation without receiving any orders.

  But why?

  Why did he do this?

  This is what the “navigator” has been thinking about for more than two hundred years, but he still can’t figure it out.

  However, no matter what,

  history was changed by an insignificant little person.

  And “Tianren” also waited for 200 more years for this.

  ”I thought you would give me an answer.”

  The navigator said in a gentle tone.

  ”Not all questions have answers. Maybe it’s because of a flash of inspiration, or maybe it’s out of some instinct. I can only say… there is no if in history.”


  It seems that even the omniscient navigator has problems that he can’t figure out.

  ”Luo Yi” floated forward silently, moving towards the dying mouse.

  I don’t know if it’s its illusion.

  It always felt that from the moment the silver-gray research ship collided with the starship, everything on the starship was against it, and pushed things in a direction it had never expected.

  Including this corridor.

  The short distance of 200 meters was darker and longer than it had imagined.

  This was clearly its home, and it was clearly here to save them… but its comrades treated it like an enemy.

  Every corpse here seemed to be against it, just like the wild seaweed growing in the deep sea, trying to entangle its oars.

  The pitch-black darkness was like the entrance to the abyss. Except for the light source emitted from itself, there was no light at all.

  It was so dark.

  It was so dark…



  The battlefield 215 years ago.

  The deafening explosion swept through every cabin of the Orion missile cruiser.

  More than 2,700 crew members were killed instantly, and only 227 survived.

  Not long after, there was a large-scale power outage and red alarms flashing in various areas.


  The ups and downs of the alarm were stretched and far away with the rapidly disappearing air.

  However, the only 227 crew members left did not panic at all.

  Even before the alarm sounded, when they heard the first explosion, they had already acted as if they had heard the starting gun.

  Just like countless drills.

  Faced with the doomed death, they all gave up the fantasy of saving themselves and surviving, and accepted their own death calmly.

  Not only that.

  They also had to use the remaining time to leave a sword to kill ghosts for the children who broke into this tomb 200 years later.

  Looking at the hair and dandruff falling like a collapsed sand fortress, Lin Youyou, who was sitting in the duty room, smiled self-deprecatingly.

  ”…From now on, I am also a member of the Burning Corps.”

  Blood oozed from her nostrils, dripping onto the table one by one.

  She felt as if every cell in her body was burning, and her life was slipping away at an almost visible speed…

  There was no time to hesitate.

  The Grim Reaper’s scythe was already on her neck.

  Pushing the chair aside and standing up, Lin Youyou held onto the edge of the table, enduring the intense pain, and passed by her colleagues who had “fallen asleep”, stumbling into the lighted medicine warehouse.

  She opened the cabinet where the hemostatic gel was stored, grabbed a handful of stock and took it with her, then rushed out the door and headed towards the area where the explosion occurred.

  Her patient was on that landing craft –

  the girl who would arrive at this starship in 200 years!

  In that non-existent timeline, she had told her in person that she would definitely cure her!

  Seeing the red alarm light on, she knew that there was not much time left, so she walked forward, opened the recorder in her pocket, and spoke quickly.

  ”I don’t have much time left, so I can only make it short. I hope you listen carefully…”

  ”About the method of thawing the hemostatic gel…”


  At the same time when Lin Youyou rushed to the explosion site, Koala, who was busy in the fourth repair room, finally completed the last work of his life.

  It was a robot modified from a magnetic levitation repair drone.

  Two mechanical arms were inserted into its round body, and it mainly relied on magnetic control components to move. Its appearance was as ugly as a college student’s graduation project.

  In outer space without gravity and air, this is probably the only drone that can work normally.

  As for things like sweeping robots, they will all be out of business when the artificial gravity device is turned off. They will either be sucked out of the starship by the huge negative pressure, or stop in mid-air and cannot move.

  Although Koala also thought about installing some awesome weapons on it, he had no time to go to the equipment warehouse to retrieve the combat prosthesis.

  All he could do was install ten intelligent guidance programs designed by engineers to guide it to seize control of the warp engine and lead it to the starting point of the battle more than two hundred years later…

  which was also the starting point of the intersection of the two timelines.

  Looking at the stupid robot, Koala, who had completed his work, grinned and admired it for a while.

  ”… I didn’t expect that the last work of my life would be such an ugly thing, hehe.”

  The blood gushing out of the mouth and nose dripped onto the robot’s body. He subconsciously raised his arm to wipe it, but it did not stop the gushing blood, but it flowed more and more. It

  was probably because of the negative pressure.

  Knowing that the blood could not be stopped, Koala simply ignored it and patted the robot’s round body with his hand, leaving the sticky blood handprint on it.

  ”Please, my little Koala… I don’t have time to give you a nice name.”

  ”Anyway, I leave it to you…”

  As he finished this sentence, he finally took his last breath.

  Looking at the master who died in front of him, the chubby little koala slightly moved the camera in front of him, and then entered hibernation as planned, starting the long wait.

  And this wait –

  is a full 215 years!

  The raging neutron plume penetrated the sleeping starship, and the long-lost explosion vibration awakened the sleeping little koala.

  According to the set program, it unplugged the external power supply connected to its body.

  Driven by the magnetic force, the chubby body floated up slowly, pushed away the decayed corpse, left the repair room of the fourth department, and slowly floated to the site of another collision accident.

  That was the cafeteria on the lower deck.

  Just like the information left by the master, a silver-gray scientific research ship broke through the decayed steel armor, and the twisted and deformed cockpit was embedded upright in the wall.

  Two mechanical arms stretched forward, it tore open the twisted and deformed alloy door, and saw the girl in the space suit.

  At this moment, she was lying on a hibernation capsule, her consciousness seemed to be in a coma, her lips moved, and she seemed to be mumbling something.

  It was really pitiful.

  Just like her master.

  However, probably because she had installed a lot of Hu Lai’s prosthetics, the neutron plume that erupted earlier did not kill her.

  Under the traction of the magnetic force, the little koala floated to Jiang Xuezhou’s side, reached out and gently patted her helmet, awakening her shaky consciousness.

  ”Hey, wake up.”

  Jiang Xuezhou slowly opened his blurry eyes, his cracked lips opening and closing.

  ”Who… are you?”

  She couldn’t see anything, she could only vaguely feel that someone was standing in front of her.

  There was a rusty handprint on the round body.

  It seemed to be dried blood.

  But –

  this guy didn’t look like an enemy.

  After all, if it was an enemy, it wouldn’t wake itself up at all.

  The figure standing in front of her thought for a while, and after a moment connected to her communication channel.

  ”Me? My master calls me Little Koala… Of course, I should have a better name, but he said he didn’t have time to give me one, maybe you can do it for him.”


  Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes widened slightly.

  Such a familiar name.

  She always felt a strong sense of déjà vu, as if she had heard it somewhere before, but she couldn’t remember it at all.

  In fact, it’s normal not to remember it.

  Although they had met more than 200 years ago, and had met more than once, their meeting had not happened in her timeline after all.

  At this moment, the first neutron torpedo had just exploded, and the Orion missile cruiser was still firmly parked in the synchronous orbit of the earth.

  And there was still nearly an hour before she opened the hyperspace channel and entered the superposition state…

  ”Have we… met somewhere?”

  Looking at this confused girl, the little koala made a sound like a metal can knocking against each other.

  ”Of course, we have seen you, and we will see you again… We have been waiting for you for a long time.”

  It really knew itself!

  Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes were fully open.

  Not just eyes.

  She tried to prop herself up, slowly floated up from the cold hibernation capsule, and cast a look of help to the strange robot.

  ”Please help me… Someone wants to kill us, not just us, many people will die…”

  The opponent is the “Heavenly Man” who has already controlled the entire starship, and the Burning Corps that assisted her was almost wiped out. She was in a desperate situation and almost gave up.

  Unlike what Ye Shi imagined, she has never been a very powerful person, let alone a very strong person.

  She is just an ordinary person who is quite talented in her professional field and has received a good education and training.

  She used her remaining strength to drag the unconscious Ye Shi into the hibernation capsule. It was not a well-thought-out layout, but just hoped that the “Heavenly Man” would spare his life because Ye Shi was a resident of the shelter.

  She knew that this idea was naive, but she couldn’t help but comfort herself.

  Even if only one survived…

  and just when she was about to fall into a deep sleep, a life-saving straw suddenly floated in front of her.

  It was this straw that made her suddenly realize that she was not alone, and her desire to survive was rekindled in her heart.

  It’s not over yet.

  She’s not dead yet!

  He is also…

  Looking at the girl floating up from the hibernation capsule, the little koala gently tapped her round body and said in a gentle electronic voice.

  ”I’m here to help you.”

  After saying that, it turned around and stretched out a mechanical hand to her.

  ”Grab it and follow me…”

  ”Before the ghost catches you.”


  The race with the ghost began.

  This will be a relay across two centuries, and the contestant from 215 years later has taken over the first baton of this relay from 227 comrades.

  Holding the little koala’s mechanical hand, Jiang Xuezhou followed closely behind it, shuttling through the dark corridor like a deep well.

  I don’t know why.

  She is obviously a person who is afraid of the dark.

  Especially this kind of claustrophobic and narrow darkness, just staying in it can scare her so much that she can’t move her legs, not to mention that there is a demon holding a knife hidden in this starship.

  However, at this moment, she unexpectedly did not feel the slightest fear in her heart, and even let the guy who called himself a little koala lead her to the unknown front. It

  was obviously her first time to step into this tomb, but she had a sense of déjà vu as if she had been there a long, long time ago.

  Is this… the so-called “perception”?

  In the past, Ye Shi always boasted to her that he could foresee the danger that was about to happen.

  She has always been skeptical about things that cannot be explained by science, but at this moment, this suspicion can’t help but waver.

  Maybe it’s not that science can’t explain it, but the existing theory can’t cover it…

  just like now.

  Her intuition told her that maybe the “new theory” is right in front of her.

  Just as she was thinking about the mystery, the little koala floating in front of her and leading the way suddenly seemed to remember something and said in a gentle voice.

  ”If you are afraid, you can tell me. My master has prepared a few songs for you.”

  ”…Don’t, it’s scary to play music suddenly at this time.” Jiang Xuezhou said with his neck shrunk.

  ”Is that so? Well, it seems that my master has done something unnecessary.”

  Looking at the round metal body, Jiang Xuezhou nervously asked the question that had been in his heart for a long time.

  ”Where are we going?”

  The little koala said in a gentle voice.

  ”Go to the nearest data interface, I need you to hack into the warp engine of this starship.”

  ”Hack, hack into the warp engine of this starship?!” Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes widened, “Your master… is serious?!”

  This is a missile cruiser of the Human Union!

  Although she has also dug up the ancestral graves of the Human Union Aerospace Army, hacking into the warp engine of a missile cruiser is still a bit fanciful. As if

  guessing that she would be surprised, the little koala leading in front smiled gently.

  ”Don’t worry, we have prepared a surprise for our opponents on the warp engine… Don’t worry, the start coordinates and destination coordinates of the hyperspace channel have been calculated, and the key has been inserted into the keyhole. You just need to twist it gently. I believe this is not difficult for you.”

  Hearing this, Jiang Xuezhou finally breathed a sigh of relief and muttered softly.

  ”Thank you… you are so considerate.”

  The little koala laughed like metal friction, and the sound was like a distorted wind chime.

  ”You’re welcome.”

  ”My master said… we can’t let our children face the ghosts of the old times alone.”


  Just as the little koala said, its master and its comrades had prepared everything, and all she needed to do was to hold the key that had been inserted in the keyhole and twist it gently. Accompanied

  by a tremor that shook the earth, this starship that had been sleeping for two centuries was like a giant dragon awakening, roaring silently in the boundless starry sky.

  Everything went as planned.

  However, just when Jiang Xuezhou was about to disconnect from the data interface, “Luo Yi” finally found her and emptied the magazine towards her.

  A battle broke out between the two sides in the narrow corridor.

  Although the Orion’s space combat team left a lot of equipment near the data interface, Jiang Xuezhou was still no match for “Luo Yi” and was shot in the abdomen.

  And a certain round guy was not a combat robot. He could only drive the magnetic control element to pull the surrounding metal debris to hit Luo Yi, covering Jiang Xuezhou who was shot and evacuated the scene.

  Perhaps that was also a destined part.

  Its owner did not tell it what would happen in the future, and it did not know that she would be shot.

  Before being grabbed by Luo Yi’s head, it passed the map leading to the gym on the lower deck to the little girl who had successfully escaped.

  That was the accident site where the Gemini landing craft collided with the Orion cruiser.

  There was a hibernation capsule left there, and the last usable data interface was also left.

  More than that.

  That was also the data interface that had broken through the firewall of the starship’s onboard server!

  She would use this sword that had been stuck in her heart and had not yet been pulled out to complete the final blow to the ghosts lingering in this tomb!

  Just when she used the data interface to invade the warp engine, the data packets that broke through the firewall had been uploaded to the bionic chip in her brain through the cache server in the warp engine control room.

  ”The engine has started… Please follow the AR guidance path to the coordinates in the map. There is a landing craft there, and there is a hibernation capsule in the cockpit of the landing craft…”

  Jiang Xuezhou sealed the hole in the space suit with emergency tape and walked through the half-open hatch with difficulty.

  Hearing the voice in the communication channel, she didn’t have time to care about the situation of the little koala, and asked hurriedly.

  ”What’s next… What else do you need me to do?!”

  The sound of ding ding ding bang came along the cabin wall, followed by intermittent sounds in the communication channel.

  ”Lie down… Plug the data cable into the brain-computer interface… Then you don’t need to do anything, leave the rest to us… That’s it.”

  Jiang Xuezhou asked blankly.

  ”…Leave it to…you?”

  Is there anyone else here?

  A discontinuous but unwavering answer came from the communication channel.

  ”Yes…trust us…we won’t let you face the cruelest future alone.”

  That was the last message it left in this world.

  After sleeping in the cold tomb for more than two hundred years, it finally completed the mission entrusted to it by its master.


  ”Luo Yi” who broke free from the blockade of the wreckage roared and reached out to grab the head of the little koala.

  It tore off the ridiculously simple camera and sensor, and then swung the titanium alloy blade in its hand and split the old robot in two.

  Looking at the garbage that merged into the wreckage, it roared at the top of its lungs.

  ”Why are you against me! Why!!!”

  Just because of these idiots, they have been suffering in the dark for a full 200 years!

  And now these dead people who have already cooled down want to stop them!

  This is not just the roar of “Luo Yi”.

  It is also the roar of the “navigator” and even all the “celestial beings”!

  However, their roars did not stop the bullet that had been fired 200 years ago.

  In the end, the warp engine was fully charged.

  The intelligent virus rooted in the shipboard server was helpless against the already activated engine, and could only watch the hyperspace channel open again after two centuries.

  ”Luo Yi” placed his hopes on the second neutron torpedo that was being loaded.

  The missile, which was more than ten meters long, broke away from the launcher.

  In a dazzling light, the hot neutron plume was released in an instant!

  Almost at the same time, the silent roar tore through time and space, and thousands of lights converged to a point that was so small that it was almost invisible, and it penetrated the space in an instant with a huge mass.

  Standing on the earth and looking at the synchronous orbit, the several kilometers long starship seemed to disappear out of thin air, and in an instant it jumped to Nanmen II, five light years away.

  And not long ago, Jiang Xuezhou, lying in the hibernation cabin, looked at the hatch that was gradually closing, and slowly closed his eyes.

  When the neutron plume swept over her, she had completely entered cryogenic hibernation.

  The polymer protein maintains the maximum structural stability under ultra-low temperature freezing, which reduces the damage of neutron plume to organisms to a certain extent.

  Her consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

  However, the bionic chip in her brain did not stop working.

  A thin data cable was connected to her neck, slowly importing the data in the chip into the hibernation capsule, and using the hibernation capsule as a springboard to spread to the landing craft of the Gemini, and then penetrated into the shipboard server of the Orion through the bridge built by the latter to invade the Orion.

  Two parallel timelines intersected at this moment, and the huge flow of information was exchanged in the form of resonance between two irrelevant superposition states.

  From the dimensions of space and time, they did not have direct contact and could not meet.

  But the series of unwavering and unhesitating choices they made seemed to be an appointment.

  It was indeed an appointment.

  Because they all believed in the same thing…


  Time went back to 215 years ago.

  As the last bit of energy was exhausted, the red alarm light stopped flashing, and the entire starship was as quiet as if it was dead.

  Dragging his increasingly heavy body, Luo Yi, wearing a power armor, dismantled the twisted hatch and dragged the hibernation capsule into the empty cockpit alone.

  Not surprisingly, he was probably the longest-lived of the 227 survivors.

  Perhaps because of the large number of prosthetics installed, the neutron plume was not as lethal to him as imagined, so that he actually lived so long.

  However, his side was almost over.

  As Dr. Wu said, there was no one in this landing craft, not even a chair.

  The crew of the Gemini had abandoned their physical bodies and became another kind of existence long before they launched the attack.


  They were already “celestial beings”.

  It probably won’t be long before the other people in the Lagrange Point Space Station will become similar.

  And what happened after that is probably the “history” that the child told him.

  I didn’t expect that a dying person like me would know so many things that I would never know.

  So, I actually made a profit?

  Looking at the hibernation capsule lying in the cockpit, Luo Yi grinned and exhaled a breath of turbid air that had little temperature left.

  This is probably the last brick.

  They have done everything they can do, and the rest can only be left to the children who will step into this grave 215 years later.

  Just as Luo Yi was about to find a place to sit down and wait quietly for death to come, he suddenly remembered something.

  No –

  there is one last thing missing.

  ”If it was ‘me’… I would definitely not leave me alone, hehe.”

  Thinking of this, he stood up again and floated out with the open hatch.

  If it was “me”, for the so-called sense of identity, I would definitely try to find my body.

  If that guy found this place and saw the hibernation capsule, their plan might be in trouble…

  In short, he had to find a place that was easy to find to die.

  In order to avoid complications, Luo Yi returned to the duty room, closed the hatch, took off his power armor, and then climbed into the emergency ejected hibernation capsule and lay down.

  This emergency hibernation capsule powered by chemical energy batteries can sleep for about fifty years, but with his current physical condition with only half a breath left, he may only be waiting to die after waking up in fifty years, or even not wake up at all.

  In this regard, the wastelanders are still tough. They put all kinds of prostheses on their bodies. Although they have given up some flesh and blood, they have become more “durable”.

  He suddenly admired that kid a little.

  The congested eyeballs could no longer see clearly. Luo Yi, who was lying in the hibernation capsule, held the soldier card tightly in his hand and finally took his last breath.


  ”Stop the other ‘me’!”

  (Thanks to the leader of “Stardust 20190920” for the reward!!!)

   Recommend a new book. The author is a cross-dresser. Interested friends can learn about it.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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