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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 077

[Note: Seventy-five chapters,Seventy-six chapters,When I first uploaded,A part was missing.,Later modifications were made up.,I feel like it’s incoherent.,You can take a look at it again.,There’s a little problem with the computer sticking function.,You have to paste twice to be complete.,Please forgive me!] 】

Yui hurriedly picked up her phone.


Her eyes were closed.

I wanted to see it, but I didn’t dare to look at it at all.

Some don’t know what kind of mentality they have now.

In the midst of the difficult choice, Yui’s eyebrows trembled and opened with apprehension.

The vision gradually cleared up from the fog to the text on the phone.


Her eyes widened, and happy emotions washed over her body like flowing water.

Fever and headache are washed away.

Unintelligible: “Yui, I want to say that I like you too.” But there is something special about my situation. Let’s talk about it at school next week. ”

Mimei-kun likes me too!

So happy! So happy!

It’s like eating the sweetest honey in the world, and the joy can’t be hidden from the petite body.

Yui hugging her phone.

It’s like holding a precious treasure, smirking stupidly, and the corners of your mouth are filled with beautiful smiles from time to time.


His daughter should be in love.

Alas, the daughter has also reached this age.

Mrs. Yubihama sighed in her heart.

The wife, who was already mentally prepared, decided not to care, but there were still some things to do.

After thinking about it, he told Yui: “Yui, you wait for me here for a while, I’ll go to the supermarket.” ”

Now Yui’s mind is full of ambiguity, and she replied to her mother with a smile: “Okay.” ”


At noon, a few people decided to make it at Weiming’s house.

I don’t know how good I am at cooking.

The product is enough for him to eat.

There is no knowledge to pass on to them.

Sayuri could only teach a few people how to cook with modern spices and food.

All four were clearly interested in cooking.

Unclear sighs, worthy of being a good wife-type woman.

Not bad either.

At least there will be a blessing in the future.

It is worth mentioning.

Sayuri’s relationship with Aoi and Suyo progressed quickly.

It’s as if the three of them became good girlfriends in one day.

Only the idle and unclear sit on the sofa.

Boring to open the chat 587 day group.

I glanced at my message.

[Human]: Unknown

[Points]: 16.4

[Doomsday]: omitted


Rank B: Flesh Enhancement (1v4), Five Thunder Zhengfa Yin Five Thunder (1v3), Six Styles (1v1), Armed Color Domineering (1v1), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering (1v1)

A: Intuition (1v4)

Rank S: Primogem Vector Manipulation (1v5), Slasher Ruler (1v5)

Six styles and domineering.

It didn’t take long for him to learn just by reading the manual.

It may be related to the improvement of the essence of one’s own life.

The essence of life here is probably something like a person.

I thought about it.

Choose to consume 122,000 points to upgrade the Six Styles and Seeing and Hearing colors to the full level of 1v4

The Six Styles technique allows him to better control his body and change his fighting skills during battle.

The effect of seeing and hearing the future after a short period of time after reaching the full level, combined with intuition, can have a miraculous effect in battle.

Armed color domineering, he is not ready to level up with doom points.

First, it is of little use.

The second is that he wants to experiment on how long it will take for him to cultivate the Armed Color to reach the full level in his current state.

The upgrade is complete.

Close your eyes for a while.

The knowledge of the six forms is integrated with the body.

It feels like the control of the body has improved so much.

When you open your eyes.

A flash of red light flowed through his eyes.

Clear perception!

With his back to the kitchen, he could clearly see the movements of several people and hear the conversations of several people.

It even predicts the next momentary action of several people.


Chanae’s body shook, her earlobes turned red, and she straightened her posture and learned to cook seriously.

With a clear mind, she saw the unclear gaze like a teacher’s surveillance.

What do you think? That’s a good ability, isn’t it?

Chanae glanced at the few people who hadn’t noticed her.

I replied in my heart: Master, don’t look at me secretly! Very… Shame on you!

Tsk, you did that kind of thing in front of Shinobu and Chanel, and you also did it in my mental space, are you still ashamed?

Not! Other! Say no more!

Chanae thought of that picture again, and her shame exploded again.


With his back to a few people, the corners of his mouth hooked up a wicked smile.

He feels more and more that bullying beautiful girls or something is really fun and addictive!

Turn off the color and open the group chat interface.

Just about to take a look at the contents.

A hint rings in your head.

[The second apocalyptic game has loaded!] 】

[Map: Space Battleship!] 】

[Gamers: 5 people!] 】

[Objective: Survive for 7 days, or kill all hostile life!] 】

[Failure Punishment: The Game Comes to Life!] 】

[Game on!] 】

[You have been exposed to one of the world’s anomalous apocalyptic factors!] 】

[The Doomsday Chat Group has been connected, and the rewards are converted into Doomsday Points!] 】

This time the options chosen are gone.

Eyes flashed.

Appears in an unfamiliar environment before it is known.

It looked like some kind of cramped white cabin.

There seems to be some kind of flowing liquid around it.


The cabin door directly in front of it opens.

The liquid poured out of his body in an instant.

Step out.

Step on the liquid that is dripping.

“Where is this?”

At the same time, someone was talking.

Turn your head and take a look.


Weiming was dumbfounded.

Four people who came out of an unknown chamber like him.

He knows them all!

Vigilant Yukino.

Calm Megumi Kato.

Curious Chika Fujiwara.

Kitagawa Umi who was afraid.

Are they the five players in this game?

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This game can’t be a deliberate attempt to pull someone I know, right?

The most dumbfounded thing is that the unknown is.

They were all undressed.

Oh, I don’t seem to be wearing it either.

I don’t know it, and then I realize it.

Soon, they also noticed this, and at the same time saw the unknown.


The screams that are common in anime sounded.

“Roar!” (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The screams were accompanied by high-pitched roars.

A pitch-black creature appeared at the door of the room.

Wei Ming had already sensed his presence.

After seeing it with my own eyes, I realized that this guy actually looks like an alien!

Chika Fujiwara, the closest to the gate.

Looking at the alien who was only a few meters away from him, he was already stupid.

My head went blank.

Frightened and fell to the ground.

Sitting naked on the ground.

Even the few people who were farther away were intimidated by the terrifying appearance of the alien.

“Ice!” Yukino let out a loud shout.

A series of icicles burst out.

Seeing that he was about to hit the body that pierced through the alien, he stopped in mid-air.

“Don’t be afraid, it won’t attack.”

The one who spoke was unknown.

When several people looked at him.

His eyes had turned into starry eyes at some point, glittering with golden light.

It’s as if you’re hearing an unanswered call.

The alien monster with a body size of several meters actually bypassed Fujiwara Chika directly.

Walk (acah) in front of Wei Ming, like a puppy lying on the ground, obediently rubbing his calves.

I don’t know how many people were shocked.

Instead, he pointed to Chika Fujiwara, who was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, and said solemnly and politely, “Thank you for your hospitality.” ”



In the midst of a commotion, several people found a full-body combat uniform that looked like a leather coat in this room.

Several people were busy getting dressed, and they didn’t let the unknown see.

He had no choice but to look at the chat group.

March 7: “We’re about to start a new journey!” ”

Nami: “Where are you going?” ”

March 7: “I heard Himeko say that it is a planet called Yalilo VI, which seems to be a planet affected by the star core. ”

Poison Island Tsuneko: “Interstellar travel, it feels very romantic.” ”

Flying Squirrel: “Romantic?” Don’t you feel that the starry sky is lonely? ”

March 7: “It’s okay, but if you have a partner, you won’t feel that way.” ”

Tu Shan Honghong: “What does the cosmic starry sky look like?” Is it as bright as the stars at night? ”

Cosmic starry sky?

Observe the surrounding walls and the cabin that has just come out.

Those cabins are like hibernation pods from a movie.

The surrounding walls are made of some kind of metal.

There is a small window next to it, and you can see the endless starry sky outside.

There is no doubt about it.

As the hint suggests, this is a spaceship from outer space.

Unclear: “Picture, that’s what the starry sky looks like.” ”

Tu Shan Honghong: “It’s so beautiful, but it seems to feel really lonely.” ”

Noh Angel: “It’s a very mysterious feeling. Suddenly it feels like our sky is not real, there is no such sight. ”

Unclear and silent.

A-Neng, you’re a great prophet!

Flying Squirrel: “!! Wait a minute! Big guy, how did you get to outer space? ”

March 7: “Is the unknown also sailing on the stars like us?” ”

“No, I’m just in the apocalyptic game again, this time on a space battleship in space. ”

Amilia: “What doomsday game?” ”

Unknown: “The anomalous end of my world, the chosen one participates in the game, the game fails, and the things in the game will appear in reality.” ”

Unknown: “Picture, the enemy this time is probably this kind of monster.” ”

By controlling the alien’s memories, he gains some simple information.

First: This space battleship is very large, enough to rival a large human city, with an intricate internal structure.

Second: The space battleship has completely become a lair of aliens, and there are seventy or eighty thousand aliens among them.

Third: There is also an alien queen wandering among space battleships.

Not surprisingly, they are the enemies.

Nami: “She looks scary, but she looks pretty good. ”

Unclear: “That’s because I’m in control.” ”

Nami: “Oh, I see. ”

Emilia: “Our world is also an anomalous apocalypse, will there be a doomsday game too?” ”

Rheinharut: “I want to know about it too. ”

Unclear: “I don’t know, I can only look at the specifics.” ”

Emilia: “Well, I’ll try to find it.” ”

Rheinharut: “I’ll do the same.” ”

Estes: “Unclear, does this creature have any special powers?” ”

Unclear: “It’s not too special, it’s probably parasitism, fast growth, and strong corrosive blood, so it’s definitely not as dangerous as your world.” ”

Estes: “…”

Unclear is also puzzled.

If it’s just an alien, this thing isn’t strong, and it doesn’t feel as good as zombies.

Could it be that there is something on this space battleship that the aliens don’t know?

Akua: “It doesn’t look like the undead. ”

Unknown: “It’s just an ordinary monster.” ”

Butterfly Shinobi: “Unclear, my sister… Is she okay? ”

Unclear: “Hmm… It’s still pretty good. ”

It can only be said that it is very divine.

After all, she dared to comfort herself in her mental space.

Butterfly Shinobi: “I see, thank you for taking care of my sister.” ”

Unclear: “It’s okay, she’ll take care of me later.” ”

Butterfly Shinobi: “? ”

It is not clear that it is not detailed.

He was going to find a chance to take Chane down.

There’s a beautiful girl by your side, wouldn’t it be a waste not to take it?


in the mental space.

Sensing the unclear thoughts, Chana’s pretty face was hot.

And outside.

The four girls were also blushing at the moment.

One by one, either on top or below.

Because this outfit has no undershirt at all, it is directly worn.

I don’t know what to expect from this wave.

Admired the four snow-white and delicate bodies.

The skin of the four people is smooth and beautiful.

Generally slim and fleshy, it must be very comfortable to touch.

Talking about the details.

Xue Nai can’t be said to be mediocre, at least two points.

Megumi Kato belongs to the type that is not too big and not too small, just moderate.

Kitagawa Umimu and Fujiwara Chika are very material, and they are very material.

The cherry balls are just as pink.

Yukino, Fujiwara Chika, and Kato Megumi are three smooth beasts.

Especially Fujiwara Chika, pink fresh abalone.

Now she is still squatting on the ground in a huddle and does not dare to raise her head.


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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