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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 094

[Note: Chapter 92 is still awaiting review.] 】

Aoi’s face seemed to be a little ruddy, and her voice was suppressed.

Zhu Shi just glanced up at the unknown, and his eyes fluttered.

Chanae began to burn with lust again, and her hands and feet were not honest.

I immediately understood what the situation was.

Aoi Zhi must have used blood demon magic.

sighed in my heart: these two people are really bold.

Unclear side of the mind is channeling the sunflower branch through the space opening.

On the other hand, I saw March 7 complaining.

March 7: “Wow! It’s so hateful, Yallillo Six, the Great Guardian of Beloberg is so hateful! ”

Butterfly Shinobi: “What happened?” Aren’t you pioneering? ”

March 7: “yes. We came to Yalilo Six, a planet covered by a cold wave and eroded by the Rift, which must have been affected by the star core. ”

March 7: “Shortly after entering the planet, we met with the Grand Guardian of Beloberg, Cocolia, and told her that we were going to help them get rid of the influence of the star core. ”

Nami: “What did the Great Guardian say?” ”

March 7: “She said at the beginning that she knew, everything was fine, and we stayed in a hotel. ”

March 7: “Who knew that she suddenly ordered us to be wanted in the middle of the night, saying that we were dangerous outsiders!” I’m so angry with this girl! ”

It can be seen that Little March is really angry.

Akua: “You’re not in prison now, are you?” ”

March 7: “This girl doesn’t want to go to prison!” We’re in the lower part of Beloberg right now. ”

March 7: “I heard that it is an underground mining area and an underground town, but it seems that the upper area is no longer connected. ”

Angel of Energy: “Underground city? If the city were built underground, it would be able to withstand natural disasters, right? ”

March 7: “I don’t know… It’s just that the people here look tired and tired, and everywhere is in tatters, and there is an atmosphere of despair mixed in the air. ”

The lower district of Beloberg.

I don’t think what March 7 said is wrong.

The lower districts, which have been cut off from the upper districts, have been abandoned.

It is destined to be eroded by the Breach.

Everything in the lower zone is effective, which means a scarcity of resources.

Then there will be a dispute.

is full of pits, abductions, and murders and robberies for a little profit.

It is estimated that only the area of ground fire management will be slightly better.

At this moment, the newcomer prompt of the chat group appeared!

【Ding! Silver Wolf joins the chat group! 】

【Ding! Bronya joins the chat group! 】

The name made Wei Ming stunned.

“Silver wolf? Bronya? Collapse? Iron? ”

Is this a coincidence?

He immediately thought of Honkai and Iron, both worlds had Silver Wolf and Bronya.

Someone asked Bronya faster than he did.

March 7: “Hey? Didn’t Bronya be taken with us to the Silvermane Guards of the Lower Levels? ”

Bronya: “March 7th… Are you the outsider? ”

March 7: “It’s this girl!” ”

Tsuneko Poison Island: “So you two are also from the same world?” ”

Bronya: “The same world? What do you mean? What is it? Some kind of technology from outsiders? ”

March 7: “Haha, we don’t have such technology. ”

Unknown: “This is the Doomsday Chat Group, a chat platform for people from different worlds to communicate with each other, and you are welcome to join.” ”

Bronya: “A different world? How could there be such a thing? ”

A three-ponytailed girl wearing a silver-maned iron guard costume and a gun and a medal stands in the middle of the road in Rock Town.

Bronya frowned deeply.

The light screen in front of me seemed to be visible only to me, and the people around me did not react to it.

“The outsider is in there, too… People from different worlds… Is this really happening? ”


Somewhere in the stars, on a strange city pavilion.

A petite teenage girl leans against the railing.

She was dressed in a peculiar way.

There are a lot of game-related decorations on the body.

Silver-tinged gray hair with blue highlights and gradient at the ends.

He wears rabbit ear ornaments and goggles on his head, a black hairpin, and black studs.

Wearing black and white asymmetrical patchwork underwear, and a privacy film on her body.

The tunic was worn in a crop jacket with a white fur collar and a round badge embellished with a zipper that was only slightly closed.

The exterior is printed with gamepad buttons and lines, logos, and pixel patterns.

Wearing black half-finger gloves.

The bottoms are paired with low-rise fishnet ultra-shorts with streamers hanging from the side.

He wears athletic boots on his feet and a pair of mesh stockings.

This strangely dressed girl is playing a game with a game console in her hand.

Bubble gum blowing in his mouth.


Bubble gum bursts suddenly.

The girl also stopped the game.


Her gaze stared at the air, and she let out a cry of surprise.

“What’s wrong? Silver wolf. ”

A purple-haired woman walked up to the silver wolf with slender legs, and her gentle tone was numb.

She was also dressed in a peculiar way.

A black cape-style shawl jacket is draped over the arm, fastened to the shoulder.

There is a silver butterfly brooch at the neckline.

The cuffs have fuchsia lace.

and a long streamer on the back, wearing a white shirt underneath.

He wears black leggings and a silk scarf on the left side.

Purple stockings, leggings and stockings are connected with cross straps.

There are sunglasses accessories on top of the head.

The hair color and pupils are purple-red, wearing contact lenses and no highlights.

Straps are tied around the chest and arms.

The surface of the coat is embellished with a huge spider pattern that extends from the back to the sleeves, and the shoulders have a spider web texture, including the cuffs and gloves.

On his feet he wears a pair of asymmetrical black leather boots, with leg loops attached to the boots.

Those long legs are particularly eye-catching.

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The silver wolf wanted to express something, but was forced to be silent for a while.


She suddenly grinned, “Hmph, Kafka, I seem to have encountered an unknown game that I can’t tackle. ”

Kafka’s burgundy eyes flickered slightly.

Glancing at the game in her hand that had no movement. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Squinting his eyes, he said, “Do you need me to help you see what kind of game it is?” ”

“No, this game is something I can only do.”

The silver wolf blinked and decisively refused.

“Oh? That’s really interesting, just let me know if you need it. ”

Kafka’s mouth curled into a smile.

He turned and walked away with graceful steps.

She’s going to contact Elio.

It seems that something unknown and untold has happened to the silver wolf.

The silver wolf breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked excited.

“Come on, let me take a good look at what you are…”

March 7: “I seem to have heard that Bronya is the daughter of Cocoria, Bronya, why did your mother suddenly arrest us, it’s too much!” ”

Bronya: “You are outsiders who are endangering Beloberg, and the Great Guardian wants to arrest you for Beloberg’s sake.” ”

March 7: “Huh? But I obviously heard the people in the lower districts say that the Great Guardian is a great villain, and the lower districts were abandoned by her. ”

Bronya: “…”

Bronya: “I was also the first to enter the lower level and see what I saw here… I have a lot of doubts, but I’m willing to trust the decision of the Great Guardian. ”

March 7: “Humph! We’re here to help Arilo Six deal with the Core, and she’s certainly not a good person. ”

Bronya: “Please don’t insult the Great Guardian. ”

Bronya: “As for the Arylo Six and the Star Core you talk about, I’ve never heard of it. ”

Because of the impact of the cold wave for 700 years.

The technology and culture of the Aralillo VI are regressing, out of the stars.

As a result, people on the Yalilo VI now don’t even know the name of the planet they live on.

March 7: “Your planet, this land, is the Arilo Six. ”

March 7: “The cold wave of the world is brought about by the star core, why don’t you know?” It can’t be deliberately concealed by the Great Guardian, right? ”

Bronya: “Our home is called Arilo Six?” Is the cold wave caused by the star core? What does that mean? ”

The two argued in the case of unequal information, and the others did not bother.

There is a saying called.

I don’t know the whole picture, so I won’t evaluate it.

However, there happened to be someone in the group who knew the whole picture.

Silver Wolf: “Hey, hey, can you listen to me?” ”

Butterfly Shinobi: “Is this newcomer ready to intervene in their dispute?” ”

Silver Wolf: “Uh-huh, because I just happened to find some information about the Yalilo Six.” ”

Angel of Energy: “This Mr. Silver Wolf?” Miss? ”

Silver Wolf: “I’m a girl. ”

Angel of Energy: “Oh, then Miss Silver Wolf, do you mean that you and March Seven are also from the same world?” ”

Silver Wolf: “I don’t know, I just found out the information about the Arilo Six, and I still haven’t believed that you are from another world.” ”

Unknown: “Silver wolf, star core hunter.” ”

Flying Squirrel: “There it is!” Tips from the big guy! ”

March 7: “Star Core Hunter?” We seem to have heard Himeko say that she is one of the company’s most wanted criminals. ”

Emilia: “Does Mr. Unclear know the identity of the new member?” ”

Silver Wolf: “Oh roar? Oh, can you tell me how a person from another world knows about me? ”

Unclear: “Don’t ask, it’s troublesome to explain.” Keep getting down to business, Yalilo Six. ”

Silver Wolf: “Mysterious.” Well, say Yalilo Six. ”

Silver Wolf: “According to the information I have found, it has indeed been affected by the star core, and it has been cut off from the starry sky, and it is estimated that it will be destroyed in a short time.” ”

Silver Wolf: “The Star Dome Train seems to have arrived there, though. ”

She couldn’t find out where the Star Dome Train was, it was just Elio’s prophecy.

However, she did find information about the Arilo Six from the company.

Silver Wolf: “Arilo VI was invaded by the Antimatter Legion seven hundred years ago, and the Builders of the City made a wish to the Star Core to stop the Antimatter Legion. ”

Silver Wolf: “So the star core brought a cold wave and froze the antimatter legion. ”

Silver Wolf: “The essence of the star core is to bring disaster, and the appearance of the cold wave cannot be stopped, and it will continue to expand after 043, and at the same time bring about the erosion of the rift, until the destruction of the planet. ”

Silver Wolf: “For this reason, the company has evacuated the Yalilo Six. ”

Silver Wolf: “It stands to reason that as the supreme ruler of the Aryllo Six, the Great Guardian should know this. ”

Bronya: “This… How can it be? I’ve never heard my mother say…”

March 7: “Let’s just say that there must be something wrong with that big guardian!” ”

Unknown: “Is there a possibility that Cocolia has been affected by the star core.” ”

Silver Wolf: “It’s possible, the star core can be demagoguery, maybe she has already made a wish to the star core.” ”

Bronya: “Mother…”

She has been shaken.

Silver Wolf: “Unclear, back to me, what does the future end (9 stars) mean?” ”

March 7: “We are indeed one world, and I am here to show the end of the future (9 stars).” ”

Unspecified: “It means that your world may end in the future, and the level is 9 stars.” ”

Silver Wolf: “What are the highest stars?” ”

Unknown: “What is known is my world, 12 stars.” ”

Silver Wolf: “Interesting, is there a more powerful guy in your world than the Star God?” ”

“I’m not sure, at least not yet.” ”

Bronya: “But I’m only showing the future end of the future here (6 stars).” ”

Rheinharut: “Why is there a different level of doomsday in the same world?” ”

March 7: “yes, what’s going on?” Bronya is in Rock Town. ”

Wei Ming pinched his chin.

The same world… Different apocalypse…

This is the first time this has happened.


Unclear: “I have a guess. ”

Silver Wolf: “Tell me about it. ”

Unknown: “The end of the world of Bronya is the end of the world of Arilo Six, and the end of March 7 and the silver wolf is the end of the universe.” ”

Unspecified: “I think it’s a matter of point selection. ”

Unknown: “In Bronya’s cognition, there is no starry sky, and the world in her eyes is the Arilo VI whose name she doesn’t even know, and with her as the observation point, the end of the world is the end of the Arillo VI.” ”

Unspecified: “March 7 is the nameless guest of the Star Dome Train, opening up the starry sky; The silver wolf is a star core hunter, the whole universe is looking for the star core, with your observation point, the end of the world, is the end of the universe. ”

Silver Wolf: “Quite a reasonable guess. ”

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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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