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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 115

“Anyway, Tina will get angry when she sees me kissing someone else, isn’t that jealous? I don’t understand, haven’t we never seen it? ”

Tina straightened her little face and told Weiming very seriously: “God-sama, I like it!” ”


Unclear and silent… Very pure feelings.

Are most of the Cursed Sons so pure?

This couldn’t help but make him feel relieved by his actions, at least gaining the favor of these cute girls.

“Poke and poke.”

The Son of Heaven poked Wei Ming and whispered, “This kid has been staring at your lips…”


Unclear looked into Tina’s eyes and realized that she was really staring at her lips.

Suddenly wondered: “What’s wrong?” ”

“I want a kiss!”

Tina is really, very honest in the face of the unknown!

“I see.”

This honest and pure idea really didn’t know what to say.

But in the face of such an enthusiastic girl, he will naturally fulfill his wishes.

Under Tina’s incredulous gaze, gently kiss the corner of her mouth.


She touched the corners of her mouth, and a happy and sweet smile appeared on her face.

Tina wants all the Cursed Children to know that she has been kissed by God-sama!

“Do you have any goals after Tina?” Unspecified.

“Not yet.” Tina shook her head.

“Do you want to follow me?”

“Is it really possible?!” Tina’s eyes widened.

“It’s really okay, you can also call me Brother Weiming in the future, Weiming is my name.”

Unclear rubbed her hair.

Tina hugged Weiming excitedly and called her happily: “Brother Weiming! ”


After returning to the residence of the Holy Son of Heaven, Tina also met Xia Shi and the others.

He, Lan Yuan, Yanzhu and several other girls are in charge of the Holy Son of Heaven’s family.

The Butterfly Ninja was arranged by the Holy Son of Heaven to live in other places.

In a very mental state, she chatted a lot with several people.

He shook his head and laughed as they discussed the cursed son’s love for God-sama.

In order not to disturb the communication of several girls, Weiming went to another room with the Son of Heaven.

This is the bedroom of the Holy Son of Heaven.

“The Unknown King is very popular with the cursed sons.” The Son of Heaven sighed.

“I didn’t expect that.”

Originally, I just wanted to change the world a little bit.

Unexpectedly, I learned from Tina’s mouth that most of the 050 cursed sons loved him from the bottom of their hearts, even if they had never even met him.

The Son of Heaven recalled Tina’s brave scene, and courage welled up in his heart.

“I like Miaki-kun too!”

After all that’s said.

The Son of Heaven lowered his head and did not dare to look at the unknown.

Wei Ming smiled lightly and raised his hand to close the door of the room.

There are some things that don’t need to be said.

It only takes a hint to understand it.


“Knock knock!”

In the middle of the night, the Son of Heaven fell asleep.

When he was about to fall asleep with her.

Someone knocked on the door?

This point?

Weiming helped the Son of Heaven cover the quilt.

Put on your pajamas and go open the door.

What you see is… Butterfly Shinobi?

Butterfly Shinobu glanced into the room with her eyes, sniffing to understand what was happening.

An embarrassed smile squeezed into his ruddy face and said, “Allah, it doesn’t seem like the time for me to come…”

Weiming smiled slightly, “No, you came at the right time.” ”

Because he’s done.


After gently closing the door, the two sat on the sofa in the living room.

“What’s the matter with you?” I asked directly.

Butterfly Shinobu was a little restrained: “Can I meet my sister?” ”


This one… Unclear was a little embarrassed.

It’s not that he doesn’t want Chana to meet Butterfly Shinobu these days.

It’s really that Chanae still can’t forget the thing about sprinkling water in front of her sisters, and she’s embarrassed.

“Is there any difficulty?” Butterfly couldn’t help but get nervous.

Weiming scratched his hair and simply told her: “The difficulty is in Chanemina, she doesn’t want to come out.” ”

“What? Doesn’t my sister want to see me? “Butterflies endure like lightning strikes.

No wonder I’ve been here for four days, and Chanae didn’t come out, it turned out that my sister didn’t want to see her.

“It’s not!”

Wei Ming was afraid that she would think too much, so he explained truthfully: “She is embarrassed because of what happened in front of you before.” ”

At this mention, Butterfly Shinobu remembered the events of that day.


The feeling of warm water hitting his face became vivid.

She hurriedly took a sip of water.

Instantly, the atmosphere became strange.

“Wow!! Little Shinobi! (ahbe) ”

Chanae finally gave up.

She threw herself on Butterfly Shinobu and rubbed her face frantically, trying to interrupt her thoughts.

I think of the picture just now.

Seeing her sister again, Butterfly Shinobu suddenly stopped being excited, and some were only embarrassed.

“Sister… Uh, long time no see…”

So, there was only an extremely embarrassing greeting.


Chanae was silent for a while, and she was sloppy.

The whole person threw himself into Wei Ming’s arms again: “Alas, Ming, otherwise you will take it down, right?” ”

Chanahui’s idea was simple.

As long as Shinobu is also taken down.

Everyone is a family.

Then there’s nothing embarrassing about that.

“Huh?” Wei Ming blinked.

Is that what you do, sister?

Good sister! I love it! Talk more!

“Take it too…”

Butterfly Shinobu looked at the intimate two, and his head was confused.

The relationship between these two… It seems to have gotten to that point.

The key is that what his sister said is too weird.

What do you mean to take me down too?


Unclear coughed awkwardly.

“Chanae, don’t talk nonsense, it’s not up to me to take it or not.”

“Hey… Aren’t you moving around at this time? ”

Chanae began to be dishonest.

She did it on purpose, deliberately in front of Butterfly Shinobi.

He is very angry now!

“You come this way. Then I don’t care, huh? ”


How excited Tina was during the night.

How spiritless it is during the day.

The owl factor has such a habit and belongs to the night owl type.

The pupils of her eyes also turned pale blue.

Tired and unfocused, he yawned continuously.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu and the others were also a little tired.

As for why… From time to time, their eyes looked at the three of them, Brother Weiming, the Holy Son of Heaven, and the Butterfly Ninja.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu, in particular, has been pouting indignantly.

“Yo, is it very spiritual? Had a good rest yesterday? ”

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The angel who has long understood the unspecified habits greets with a smile.

“There are also the Holy Son of Heaven and Shinobi, I feel that you are very attractive today.”

There are words in the words. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Thinking of last night’s madness.

The Son of Heaven and the Butterfly Shinobi blushed at the same time.

Obviously, the shyness of being broken by a word.


Butterfly Shinobu blushed the whole time and froze in place.

She should have it, but she couldn’t move at all.

My sister is very powerful… Terrible.

Butterfly Shinobu himself also has a feeling of indescribability for the unknown.

Chanae did exactly what she had hoped.

And so it became.

“Ahem, let’s get down to business.” Unknown changed the subject.

“Mr. Unknown, what should I do, is there anything I need help with?” Rheinharu asked.

“No, just leave everything to me.”

“OK, then let’s have a leisurely live broadcast.” Noh Angel moved a small bench.

It doesn’t seem to be worth broadcasting, he’s just doing the same thing as Estes World for a small time. []

However, the first thing to deal with is the original enterovirus.

The unclear closure of the opening room, there is a new change.

It turned from gold to ice blue, and the ice blue seemed to shimmer with rainbow light.

Straight to the Eye of Death.

Look at the world again.

Dense dead lines are all over the field of vision.

Of course, he doesn’t need to sift through the dead lines one by one.

His Eye of Death is able to sift through the dead lines he wants to see.

The spread of the enterovirus to the world is no longer limited to individual animals of the intestines.

Enteroviruses are now a phenomenon in this world.

All he had to do was see the dead line of the Enterovirus.

Everything was as he thought.

The dense dead lines gradually disappeared.

Then an arm-thick black line of death appeared in the void.

A black dead line connects the heavens and the earth.

“That’s it.”

The dead line of the enterovirus phenomenon.

Unclear hand, the slashing knife appeared.

He himself didn’t expect that the first time he swung the slashing knife turned out to be to cut the dead line.

Of course, he can do it in other ways.

But I still feel that it is really cut with a sword.

Everyone only saw Wei Ming slashing in mid-air with a knife.

In fact, in his eyes, the dead line has been cut off.

As for the reaction.

“Huh!! I feel like my power is gone! ”

Lan Yuan Yanzhu exclaimed.

She felt as if her kicks were weakening.

“Me too.”

Senju Natsuyo also feels this way.

This means that the enterovirus has been completely killed.

But this does not mean that the Cursed Child has become completely weak.

Their genes have long been completely modified.

The presence of the enterovirus actually amplifies their ability to be modified.

Just like Chiju Natsuyo, her IQ is already high enough that she will get even higher when she uses her abilities.

Even if she loses the original enterovirus, it doesn’t mean that her IQ has decreased, but she can’t improve it further.

And Tina.

Even if the enterovirus is killed, she is still a night owl, which is already the effect of genetic changes.

“Don’t worry, the original intestinal virus has been killed by me, and it has completely disappeared in this world.”


Tiantong Mu was the first to scream.

All she saw was a stab at the air.

Enterovirus was killed? Disappeared from the world?

Wei Ming just stared at her with ice blue eyes.


The moment he was watched, Tiantongmu seemed to be immersed in the Nine Shadows Yellow Spring, the world of death without sound.

In an instant, she understood what she meant by killing.

It’s really going to be killed!

“Then it’s time for the last one.”

“Everything is mine!”


People all over the world are anxiously waiting, this so-called fourth day.

What exactly will happen on this day?

Except that the Cursed Child feels his own abnormality.

Ordinary people don’t feel any change at all.

“What kind of myths and demons, it’s all nonsense, isn’t it nothing?”

Some even started opening champagne in the first half of the time.

It’s a pity that they think too much.

An unidentified voice appears.

[Everyone, the time has come for the judgment to be decided!] 】


The whole world stopped at the same time.

Here He is! He is really coming!

Someone panicked! Someone is excited!

Unspecified gave everyone four days.

Is it possible to change your attitude towards the Cursed Child during this time?

That’s what they should think about.

[Before the verdict of the trial, I would like to inform you of a piece of news. 】

[Enterovirus has completely disappeared from this world. 】

The Cursed Sons have also returned to normal human beings. 】


The cursed children, who felt the changes in themselves, all expressed their fervent admiration.

Ordinary people are confused.

Enterovirus gone?

Gastars gone?

The Cursed Child recovered?

They were caught off guard by this almost impossible barrage of information.

This is the last mercy of the unknown.

If the cursed son reverts to normality, and there are still people who hold grudges, then it is not a pity for them to die.

[Now, the trial verdict has officially begun!] 】

[Those who hate the Cursed Son.] 】

[Those who insult the Cursed Son.] 】

[Those who abuse the Cursed Son.] 】

[The sentence of the verdict is self-hanging!] 】

As the last unclear sentence fell in my mind.

In the streets, in the malls, in the buildings…

The gaze of people around the world has become glazed.

Jumping off a building, jumping into a river, hanging yourself, hitting a wall…

They are committing suicide, and this is the punishment of hanging.

“Everyone… No… Don’t do that! ”

“Stop… Stop!! ”

Satomi Rentaro’s face contorted and cried out in pain.

One by one, humans committed suicide in front of him.

He wants to protect humanity and protect the law.

But nothing can be done.

I can only watch.

Suddenly, he thought!

“Cursed Son! The Cursed Son will surely save them! ”

He began to run, to the sewers where the Sons of the Damned were to stay.

[Ask for a monthly pass, flowers, and evaluation votes! ] Thank you for your support! 】。


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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