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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 144

“You damn woman, go to hell!”

“Shalan! Desert Diamond Sword!”

There was anger and ferocity on his face, and he waved his arms at the same time.

The tornado of the sandstorm and several giant sand blades attacked Esdeath at the same time.

Esdeath showed no fear, but was full of the enthusiasm of fighting.

“This is the fight I want! Ice lance!”

The ice crystal lance shattered the desert sword with the force of breaking bamboo and pierced the sandstorm tornado.

Esdeath’s elegant figure followed the lance and nimbly came to Crocodile.

“! Damn it!”

Krokdal was horrified.

He gritted his teeth and dived into the desert with his elemental body, leaving only a bloody right calf.


The bloodthirsty smile faded, and Esdeath became gloomy and unhappy.

“The strong man running away without being defeated…how ridiculous!”

Although Crocodile has the status of King Shichibukai, he still can’t change the fact that he is a pirate.

It is the nature of living things to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, let alone a pirate.

He does not do it like Esdeath. The determination to put one’s life on every battle


Esdeath felt that she had no interest at all, and activated Mokobotemo to freeze the space.

Then she locked her eyes on an area in the desert, and swung her right hand downwards.

Click, click, cone-shaped iceberg fell from high altitude.


The ground trembled.

Ice crystals and gravel flew all over the sky.

The iceberg gradually dissipated, leaving only a circular crater in the sand where it had been hit.

Crocodile lay in embarrassment at the bottom of the center of the crater.

His whole body was broken into pieces, and his mouth was filled with tears. Spewing blood from time to time.

He is not dead yet.

Esdeath jumped down from the giant pit, stood in front of Crocodile, sneered and said with disdain:”Ah, a runaway.”

Following that, the domineering Western sword wrapped around the weapon, a sword pointed at the head.

【Ding! It is detected that Esdeath has destroyed Crocodile the Transcendent, and the end of the world is coming!】

【Congratulations to Esdeath for getting 100,000 doomsday points, Weiming for getting 10,000 doomsday points, Nami for getting 10,000 doomsday points, Weiwei for getting 10,000 doomsday points, and Tendomu for getting 10,000 doomsday points! ]

Weiming raised his eyebrows slightly and said inexplicably:”Is this what it feels like to have sex for free?” This was the first time he experienced it.

“it’s over.”Esdeath was uninterested.

Unknown:”Are you disappointed?”

“Tsk, he actually ran away from the fight.”

Although it was a destined crushing, running away really disappointed Esdeath.

“Haha, next time I will practice with you and suppress it to the same level as you, so that you can fight and have fun.”Weiming said with a smile.

“Then I wait for you.”

Esdeath licked the corner of her mouth and decisively confirmed the return.

“Hey, is she leaving now?”Tian Tong Mu was even more surprised. It was obviously still early.

Wei Ming glanced at him and asked,”What about you? stay? Or do you want to repay me now?”


Tendou Mugen doesn’t care about him, and his reward is nothing more than dedicating himself.

However, after taking a look at Weiming and Nami’s couple costumes, he felt that this time was not appropriate.

So, he smiled dryly and said:”I will go back first.”

Both of them disappeared.

Robin’s eyes widened.

She couldn’t understand it at all.

The woman who easily killed the Shichibukai could not only use the power of ice like an admiral, but could also disappear in an instant.

The other one The same goes for women.

Or…can these four people who suddenly appeared do it?

The same devil fruit ability? Or is there someone else using the ability behind the scenes?

Robin can only use his own known knowledge to guess.

Nami holds Wei Ming in her arms Wei Ming nodded:”Ming, let’s not go back in a hurry.

“This is Alabasta, a kingdom on the Grand Line. Shall we take a stroll here?”Nami’s eyes were filled with stars, and she was also very curious about this kingdom of the Grand Line.

“That…I’m very sorry…”

Weiwei said with a sad look on her face:”Our country has been almost completely desertified by the Baroque Works, and there is sand everywhere.…”

“Crocodile is dead. The environment needs to be adapted or improved. Just take your time. I mainly wanted to see the country’s landforms along the Great Waterway and the surrounding ocean currents.”

Nami is still very interested in drawing nautical charts. Understanding these is very helpful for drawing nautical charts.

“thank you very much for your help!”Weiwei bowed deeply.

“You should thank Esdeath for this, we didn’t do anything.”

No reward for no merit, Wei Ming is still very principled

“Miss Esdeath…”

Weiwei wanted to talk about the chat group, but found that she couldn’t.

Wei Ming glanced at Robin’s presence and sent her a private message.

Wei Ming:”There are outsiders who cannot tell the chat group information. If you have anything to say, you can talk to the group, or you can just chat with Esdeath privately.”

Weiwei:” Oh, I understand. Weiwei

:”Mr. Weiming… Everyone in the group says you are very powerful and have saved the world covered in ice and snow. Can you save the desertification of the Kingdom of Alabasta?””

With the current degree of desertification of more than 90% of the Kingdom of Alabasta, the process of complete desertification is irreversible.

There is no point in planting trees.

Everything is just a matter of time.

“If you have anything to say, you can tell me in person.”Weiming glanced at Weiwei and reminded.

“oh oh!”

Wei Wei’s face turned red again, and she forgot that Wei Ming was right next to her!

“Well…Does Mr. Weiming have a way to prevent the desertification of the Kingdom of Alabasta?”

There is hope in her eyes, and it can be seen that she really wants to do something for her country.


Robin listened silently.

I lamented in my heart.

The desertification of a country cannot be stopped by human power.

But he didn’t mock her for her whims. She was worthy of respect for thinking about her hometown.

Hometown… The corner of Robin’s mou

th was slightly bitter, it was a word she could not forget.

“Dealing with desertification is a minor problem.”

It is simple to forcibly change the landscape and environment of an area through a ruler.

He has changed the climate of a planet.


Weiwei believed it, and she prayed:”Please help this country!”

“you sure? Weiming raised his eyebrows:”Have you ever thought about whether it would attract others’ attention if I turned the desert in this area into an oasis?””

“……”Weiwei was stunned.

She was excited for a moment.

But I didn’t expect it.

It is impossible for a country to suddenly transform from a desert into an oasis without being noticed.

Even Crocodile is slowly turning this place into a desert year after year.

The abnormal doomsday of this world has not yet been discovered, and it will not disrupt the world on a large scale.

The anomalous apocalypse is okay and can be found.

But if the abnormal doomsday is something inhuman or non-physical like a doomsday game, or it may be another phenomenon that has never been seen before.

If excessive interference in the world leads to abnormality not appearing or accidents occurring, it would be speechless.

He can’t destroy this world and move the world with Nami Weiwei and the others.

Looking at it now, the best thing to deal with is the future doomsday, and you can intervene boldly with confidence.

In the private chat channel. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wei Ming:”Wait until the abnormal doomsday of this world appears and is resolved, and then think about Alabasta.”

Wei Ming:”At least one of your biggest enemies is gone..”

Weiwei:”Yes, I understand.”

She was disappointed, but she quickly regained her confidence:”I will work hard to change this country!”

Weiming smiled and said:”Let’s go, take us to visit this place Country.”

Weiwei is the princess of this country, so naturally she will be the tour guide.



Robin couldn’t tell whether the unspoken words were true or false.

Can anyone really turn a desert into an oasis?

But it is undeniable that Wei Ming and others have greater power than Wang Xia Shichibukai.

The most important thing is… Weiming himself said that he is not interested in the identity of the devil’s son.

She must rely on power to survive.

Make up your mind:”Can I join you?”

“Um? Ming, she said she wanted to join us…”[]

Can I actively join a chat group? Nami is confused

“Idiot, she probably thinks we are a force.

He rolled his eyes at Nami and looked at Robin:”Why?””

Robin lowered his eyes and said in a low voice:”I want to…live…” I have been wandering everywhere since I was a child. I have been betraying all this time, all in order to be able to…live. Only this biggest obsession is supporting me. looking at her

“.~Joining us is probably not possible at the moment.”

Weiming was referring to the chat group.

Robin smiled miserably and was mentally prepared for this.

I’m afraid it will be a lonely wandering journey again.

Unexpectedly, Weiming’s style suddenly changed:”But you can become my subordinate.”

“……Does it make any difference?”Robin looked up

“The difference is that as my subordinate, you will never be able to betray me.”Weiming squinted his eyes, but there was undoubted confidence in his words.

Betrayal is not a good word.

She is also used to betrayal.

How can a person who is used to betrayal never betray?

“Of course, the guarantee I can give you is that if you become my subordinate, you will live well and the world government will not be able to do anything to you.”


Robin was stunned.

This man actually said that the world government couldn’t do anything to her.

That’s the world government!

The world government with the most powerful power in the world!

A world government that even the four emperors in the new world cannot overthrow!

How could anyone do that?

Obviously Robin didn’t believe it.

It was unclear and meaningless, so he shrugged:”Let’s go.”

Just as he was about to turn around, Robin shouted:”I agree!”


Immediately, Weiming’s eyes focused on her. She clenched her fists and shouted again:”I agree to become your subordinate.””

This time, she was prepared to trust her intuitive judgment.

“as you wish.”

As his lips and teeth moved slightly, Weiming’s eyes flashed with starlight.

In an instant, Robin understood what Weiming meant by being unable to betray.

“This is really (good))…”

A bitter smile.

Just out of the tiger’s den and into the tiger’s mouth… and became a true subordinate who cannot be betrayed.

An unknown group of people started walking around Alabasta, and Robin could only follow them silently.


It’s almost time to go shopping.

Weiming and Nami chose to return.

Just the return of the doomsday counterparts.

The place of return is Nami’s home.

This time there is an extra Robin.

Before Robin could observe in a daze, the sight in front of her made her frown.

Weiming and Nami were even more stunned.

Nokigao, Nami’s sister, was lying naked where the two of them had been.

The two skillful hands were placed in different positions above and below, as if they were drooping tiredly from playing with the toys between their fingers.

Wei Ming and Nami stared at each other.

The large piece of poetry under the raised eyebrows was definitely not left by Nami.

So…it can only be Nuoqi who is taller!


Weiming was about to speak.

Nuo Qi turned over, opened her hazy eyes, and slowly closed them as if she hadn’t seen them before.

There seemed to be three people just now… huh? Three people!

Her eyes suddenly opened completely Opening the door, sleepiness and fatigue were gone!

Her beautiful eyes trembled slightly. Her heart was pounding. She was stunned and panicked.

Unknown… Nami… and a woman she had never seen before.

They all stood in front of the bed and used different expressions. He looked at her with his eyes!

Nocchi Gao took the hand that was open in a special place, pretended to be calm and pulled the quilt, his scalp was numb, and he still said hello as usual:”Ah haha… you are back.”…”

【Please order, monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation votes! Thank you for your support! 】.


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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