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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 147

Yukinoshita Miyuki deeply felt the determination between the two.

The unknown affection has been radiated from the inside out.

I reached out to pick up the tea, but suppressed the indescribable feeling in my heart.

But thinking of the previous scene, she stopped and retracted her hand.

It took quite a while.

Only then did she suppress the complicated and indescribable emotions.

Yukinoshita Miyuki stopped questioning and softened her tone:”How are you going to hold a wedding for two people?”

Unming’s eyes turned into star eyes:”My eyes dominate all humans in the world. No one will disapprove of us. Of course we don’t need other people’s approval either.”


After believing that Wei Ming could destroy the earth, she was simply shocked when she heard such language again.

Stare into those clear and bright eyes.

His plain and casual words were full of overbearing confidence.

Is it okay to control the whole world for them?

With such thoughts, Yukinoshita Miyuki felt a trace of envy towards Yukino and Haruno in her heart.

This idea is too immoral!

She quickly stopped her deep thinking and sighed:”I know, it seems I can’t stop you.”


When they heard their mother’s consent, Yangono Yukino showed excited expressions and made excited sounds.

Of course they didn’t want to get into trouble with their mother, who was their mother anyway. If they could get the blessing from their mother, they very happy

“Yukino, Yangno, have you forgotten what I taught you? Stay calm in times of trouble!”487″

Snow’s mother once again returned to her usual stern mother.

But this time Yangono and Yukino were no longer afraid, but sat obediently with happy smiles.

Seeing that the two of them were so obedient now, Yukino Mother’s heart was full of mixed feelings.

She had disciplined them, and she had seen them put on smiling faces.

Looking at Weiming again, she asked what she should be concerned about under the current situation:”I agree with the marriage, but do I need to talk to Weiming about it specifically?” Did your parents discuss it?”

“I have no parents or any relatives. I can decide this matter myself.”

“Feel sorry.”

Xue’s mother didn’t expect Weiming’s family affairs to be so bad.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ve long been used to it.”It doesn’t matter if it’s not clear.

This is the truth.

Being alone did not make him feel unsatisfied.

On the contrary, it allowed him to do anything without any worries.

If he really had a warm family, he should not have had the courage to deal with evil spirits with his bare hands..

When people have ties, their hands are tied.

Now he also has ties, but these have become the driving force to become stronger.

After straightening her expression, Xueru’s tone became gentler, and she asked Wei Ming:”Then how do you think the date should be chosen?”

Xue Nuo shook Wei Ming’s hand nervously.

It was time to talk about marriage so soon. It was her first experience and she was really nervous.

“I haven’t actually thought about this issue yet.”

Weiming doesn’t intend to hide the truth from Xue’s mother,”Actually, I have many girlfriends, so it’s not easy to determine the specific time. Please give me more time to think about it. I just hope that you can leave your daughter to me with confidence this time..”

Xue Mu:” Huh? Many are…”

“There were about twenty.”

Xue Mu:” Huh? Yang

Nai blinked:”Don’t I remember there are only a dozen or so?””

Xue Mu:”Huh?

Yukino told her calmly:”There are also those in our school.””

Snow Mother:”!!!”

Weiming laughed and said:”Actually, there are still a few in another world.”

Yangno:”Hey! Is there still another world?”

Xueno:”Well, Ming has indeed been to another world.”

Weiming:”Sorry, I forgot to tell you You said it.”

Snow Mother:”???”

The seemingly ordinary conversation between the three of them plunged Xue Mu into a whirlpool full of doubts.

She felt dizzy for a while, and each word almost gave her a heart attack.


Taking a big breath, she looked at the three of them with difficulty.

“Are you kidding me? Yang Nai? Your idea?”

She still couldn’t believe such an exaggerated thing, subconsciously thinking that Yangno was teasing her again.

Yangno scratched the back of his head in embarrassment,”Well, this really wasn’t my idea. I also know that Ming has many girlfriends.”

Xueino also avoided his eyes in shame,”I…I know it too.”

Weiming looked serious:”It’s all true.”


Deep snow beneath the snow.

Yukinoshita’s mother.

Today, the worldview has completely collapsed and shattered into pieces.


Left Yukinoshita’s house

“Ming, what do you think my mother would think?”

Yangno leaned on Weiming’s shoulder and sat on the tram.

Others could not notice the existence of the three people, nor would they approach them, nor could they hear their voices.

Yukino was not as bold as Yangno, and sat upright, but I also held my unknown arms in my arms

“Mrs. Yukinoshita…I think she will figure it out.”

This is an unexplained intuition

“Hope so.”

Yano narrowed his eyes with a sweet smile. He was still thinking.

It seems that three of the people he met so far have been frightened and incontinent.

The first is Yukino, the second is Miura Yuko, and the third is Yukinoshita Miyuki.

Is it a characteristic of spring things?

Weiming glanced sideways at Yangno, thinking carefully whether she had been like this.

It seemed that she had… but she was not scared.…


Xueno stared at Weiming’s face from the side, always feeling that he was thinking of something maliciously.



Deep snow beneath the snow.

In the bedroom, she looked at the large and small clothes she had changed out of before.

It’s dry to the touch.

Everything is real, both Wei Ming and Yukino Harano are real.

My daughters have changed so much.

It actually made her feel like she was dreaming.

It’s all because of the man named Wei Ming.

Digested everything I heard today.

When she thought about it carefully, she was not surprised that she had many unknown girlfriends.

That is a person who can easily destroy the earth, control all humans, and travel to other worlds.

The other person did not choose to control others to satisfy their own desires.

Instead, she exchanged her sincerity with Yukino Harano for her sincerity, and told her everythi

ng to her mother.

From beginning to end, he never concealed the facts about Yukino and Yangno about other people.

Both of them made their own choices after knowing everything.

It can be said that Wei Ming, who possesses such power, can still have such a beautiful mentality and is not obsessed with power and power.

It has already impressed her, a person who has been immersed in politics all year round.

The most real feeling in her heart is that probably no one in the world can do it.

Someone who can really like the two daughters she raised by herself, even if she doesn’t hesitate to resist her strict mother.

Yukinoshita Miyuki can already understand the charm of Miyuki. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All the impressions of Wei Ming were recalled in my mind involuntarily.

Apart from his handsome appearance.

What impressed her deeply was Weiming’s eyes, arms, and voice.

Those clear golden eyes that can penetrate directly into the depths of a person’s heart.

His strong and powerful arms could easily pick her up and give her safety.

The perseverance and perseverance slowly penetrate into people’s hearts while hiding a soft voice.

And the gentleness that exudes inadvertently.

These are things her former husband never had.

Stroking his dry clothes.

Hold the clothes in your arms.

Sniff and smell gently.

It seems like you can still feel a different kind of temperature and breath

“I…what’s going on…”

Under the strange emotion, her body began to overflow uncontrollably.

This body that had not been cared for for countless years began to lose control at this moment.[]


Because Yang Nai still has a job.

After just a simple tenderness with Wei Ming, he left.

When I got home, there was no one at home.

Only Eiri, Nezuko, Chito and Yuri were sleeping on the sofa.

Yang was nestled in Eiri’s arms, and the soft sound of the door closing made its ears tremble.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Wei Ming and Yukino walking lightly.

Weiming put his index finger on his lips:”Shh.”

Yang understood immediately, nodded his little head, and covered his mouth with his little paws…….

Yinglili also woke up, rubbing her hazy eyes.

Weiming squatted in front of her and scratched her nose:”Why did you fall asleep on the sofa?”


Ying Lili directly hugged Wei Ming and nuzzled him in his arms like a kitten.

Following her movements, Yang also lost his footing and jumped directly into Yukino’s arms.

“Meow.”(Thank you.)

Although Yukino didn’t understand, she was very happy to be approached by Yang and stroked her hair with her fingers.

“Go to your room and sleep.”

As he said that, Weiming picked up Yinglili, who was still a little sleepy, and put her on the bed, followed by several other people.


Yinglili hugged his neck and begged.

After Weiming satisfied her, she let go and wrapped herself in the quilt. Holding Nezuko for a while, her breathing became even again.

Weiming shook his head in a funny way, not forgetting to be tired of him while sleeping. Acting like a baby really made him like Yinglili.

Close the door carefully

“You really dote on her.”

In the voice of Yukino Kiyohei, Weiming heard a faint taste of eating. He gently hugged her waist and exchanged saliva under the puzzled gaze of Yang in her arms.

“Meow?” (Is this also a human game?)

“Meow meow!”

Yang’s soft little paws patted Wei Ming’s face.

They parted in a straight line, and Xueno’s eyes were soft and affectionate.

“What’s wrong Yang?”Weiming squeezed her little paw curiously.

“Meow meow!”(I want to play games too!)


Weiming glanced at the corner of Xueno’s mouth and immediately understood what she was referring to. He laughed and said:”This is not a game that kittens can play.”

Rubbing Yang’s little head, Weiming hugged Yukino and knocked on the door of Qiannu’s room. The person who opened the door was Qiannu.

Inside, he saw Abe Seimei lying on the bed playing games.

Everyone here, Weiming, was equipped with a set of mobile phones. , tablets, laptops, and desktop computers in every room.

Abe Seimei also seems to be obsessed with games

“Owner.”Qian Nu said respectfully.

“Well, what about Kanae and the others?”

“Kanae, Sayuri and the rest of them all went out to play, saying it was some kind of girlfriends trip.”

“Oh okay, I get it.”

After saying that, he took Yukino to the empty room, leaving Qiannu alone at the door.

Just asking this?

Yukino seemed to be in a very good mood today.

She actually took the initiative to wear the maid uniform she used before.

Because the relationship has been established, Wei Ming was reluctant to let Yukino continue to be a maid. She hadn’t worn one for 1.8 years.

And she was very shy and asked Wei Ming to create cat ears and a cat tail.

It’s just the cat tail… what Wei Ming created was an unorthodox version.

Although the eyes were She was already blushing with embarrassment, but she still tried her best to satisfy Wei Ming’s small request.

On the small table beside the bed, Yang lay there and watched quietly.

Xueno:”Meow. Yang:”

Meow?””(Does Yukino also know the language of cats?)

Yukino:”Meow…ah! Slower! Yang:”

Meow.”” (I don’t understand Yukino’s cat language)


When Sayuri and others came back.

I have become accustomed to the movements of the Weiming family.

Sitting in the living room, paying attention to what’s going on in the back room, and talking.

Sayuri rubbed her brows and looked a little sad,”Ming is always so energetic.”

Kuizhi felt a little shy,”Well, I feel like Ming has endless energy.”

As a doctor, Zhu Shi knows a lot about human beings. :”Ming’s physical strength and energy are superhuman. I’m afraid none of us are opponents.”

Cocolia was focused on Yukino’s movements. She was quite surprised:”I didn’t expect Miss Yukino to have such an open side.”

Sayuri nodded:”I’m afraid my usual reserve will be melted by passion when meeting someone I love.”


Several people looked at her.

She moved her body nervously and said with a dry smile:”Don’t worry, just get used to it.”

When it comes to feeling unidentified desires, she is the one who really has the most say!

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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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