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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 155

Weiming returned to the dining table, seemingly only for a moment.

Only Chihu knew exactly what happened.

Time stands still, but the thoughts of chat group members will not. Qianhu knows everything that happens in the chat group.

Kanae also came back with Weiming, and when Weiming left, she automatically entered his spiritual space.

When Kanae came back, she was lying limply on the table.

Who can know how many times she went while being served by Ramrem in Weiming?

“What’s wrong?”Yinglili continued the previous question.

This kind of pause would make Weiming need to get used to it every time.

He shook his head:”It’s okay, let’s eat, my good daughter.”

“You idiot!”

The extremely embarrassed Yinglili turned on the Hot Wheels mode.

Her twin ponytails instantly turned into two continuous whips, and with the swing of her head, they quickly hit Weiming back and forth.

But after all, it was just hair, not at all. Any lethality.

Wei Ming is also playing with her with a child’s mind


Pretending to be beaten in pain.

After some fun, Yinglili crossed her arms, raised her head and pouted, and hummed:”Hmph, let’s see if you still dare to talk nonsense.”

Weiming smiled mischievously and leaned close to her ear, whispering:”Haha, maybe in the future.”


Yinglili, who has read poetry and books, certainly understands this kind of existence.


It turned into a steam engine in an instant, but my head nodded unconsciously.


Sayuri glanced at the two of them, and she knew what Weiming just said without having to listen.

Unexpectedly, just a casual joke from her made them prepare to try something very new.

This is really… thinking of something, her face couldn’t help but turn red.

Qiannu ate the meal leisurely and looked at everyone on the table.

Everyone has their own reaction. 17

Especially the mother and daughter Yinglili and Sayuri.

Maybe this is human?


Abe Seimei’s head drooped on Qiannu’s shoulder like a ghost.

Qiannu only felt that someone was whispering in his ears.

“I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat…”

I took a bite of the sandwich.

“Well, delicious.”

The movement was a little exaggerated.

The resentment emitted by the pendant on the shoulder was obviously increased.

Now Qiannu really felt that it tasted delicious.



Wei Ming went to Kui Zhi’s house specially

“Ming, don’t you have to be busy today?”

Kui Zhi just finished cleaning the house.

“Brother Weiming!”

Nezuko was still lying on the sofa watching TV, and it was still a magical girl anime. She was also full of childlike innocence.

She pulled Aoi Zhi and sat on the sofa,”I have a lot of free time today. I’ll stay with you. I’m not someone who likes the new and dislikes the old.”

Nezuko suddenly shrunk and turned into a little Nezuko, who had naturally crawled into his arms.

This is also a characteristic that Nezuko only has.

She can shrink in size or turn into a ghost of the royal sister.

This made Kuei Zhi see It tastes a little bit delicious.

If I were smaller, I could still do such ambiguous movements.

“Kui Zhi has been thinking about you every day during this period. Zhu Shi said teasingly while watering the flowers on the balcony.

Kuizhi’s earlobes were red, and he revealed in turn:”Ju Shi is the same, and he even bought some strange clothes.””

“Um?”Weiming looked at Zhu Shi in surprise.

“These are not weird clothes, they are sexy clothes.

Zhu Shi admitted it very openly,”Ming Ming will like it, right?””

“I really like it, where did you learn this?”

He does like all kinds of tunes.

I haven’t tried anything in this area yet. The key is where did Zhu Shi learn it?

Zhu Shi’s pretty face winked and teased:”Then you have to ask Kui Zhi. Baby girl”


Nezuko in her arms shrank.

Her face suddenly turned red in embarrassment, her ears were burning, her eyes were evasive as if she couldn’t look anywhere, and she didn’t know how to deal with the situation in front of her.


Seeing that she was hesitating and speechless for a long time, Kui Zhi spoke for her.

“When she was playing on the computer, she accidentally clicked on a strange web page, which she saw from above”

“The computer pop-ups are okay…”

Wei Ming couldn’t laugh or cry. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn’t realize that it was because of the computer pop-ups.

However, when it came to this, Wei Ming had a little more ideas. He leaned close to Kui Zhi’s ear and whispered softly:”Do you know about the three-color cup? ? I want to eat it. Can Kui Zhi make one for me?”

“Three-color cup?”Kui Zhi has never heard of what it is.

Of course Wei Ming knows that she has never heard of it, and patiently explains to her the principle of making a three-color cup:”Multiple spatial ports…” A three-color cup is a very common type of ice cream.

By Three flavors and three colors of ice cream in the same box.

He was explaining the special version of the three-color cup that only Kui Chi can make.

“Eating ice cream in winter…is this…really okay?”

As if she had heard something extraordinary, her face suddenly turned red, and there was a hint of ripe charm like rouge.

“Ice cream is just the best thing to eat in winter, so give it a try.”Weiming smirked, this is not ordinary fun.

Just thinking about him made him stand up


Kui Zhi took a deep breath, his cheeks were as hot as burning clouds, he lowered his head and activated his vampire technique.

It didn’t take long to make the three-color cup, it was done quickly.

“Okay, this is Ming Yao’s three-color cup.”

Kui Zhi took out the ice cream he had made and gave it to him.

Three-color cups.

Three-color and three-flavor ice cream.

Every time you taste a different flavor, you will get a different taste experience.

If you taste it back and forth, you will not get bored at all.!

He has eaten a lot of this thing in the summer, and this is the first time he has tasted the three-color cup made by Kui Zhi himself. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Weiming took over the three-color cup that Kui Zhi put in a special container. Color cup.

The ice cream in the cup will be equipped with a small wooden stick, which is very convenient to scoop up the ice cream.

Because of the special characteristics of the cup of Kuizhi’s special three-color cup, it can only be scooped wit

h a larger stick.

Therefore, Weiming specially made a A big wooden stick that is much larger than a small wooden stick.

Ice cream is something that you can enjoy after digging deeply and eating it in big mouthfuls. The refreshing feeling is refreshing.

Pick up the wooden stick and dig deep with all your strength.

Kui Zhi’s cooking skills are also very good nowadays. Gao Chao, he is very much looking forward to the taste of the three-color cup made by Kui Zhi.

The first bite must be dug all the way to the bottom. The ice cream at the bottom is the most delicious. Take the first bite.

The first bite of ice cream tastes peach. It has an extremely warm and tender texture. It is also made of easy-to-melt materials. As long as you leave it there, it will slowly melt into water.

Weiming personally likes this kind of ice cream that can melt, which is better than the ice cream that cannot be roasted by fire. The melted Zhong Xuegao is more like ice cream.

Of course, this one melts faster.

It’s just the first bite, and it’s almost melted into soup.

Weiming chuckled and scooped up the second one with a big wooden stick. Three-color cup.

The second flavor of ice cream occupies a much smaller area in the box.[]

When Weiming went to dig out the ice cream, he was careful with the wooden stick, for fear of propping up the small piece to other areas.

But there is no doubt that the first bite of the second flavor must also be dug to the bottom.

Eating ice cream thoroughly is like eating the skin first when eating an elbow, or eating the core first when eating a watermelon.

Without this moment, there is no soul.

With great care, I finally took the second bite of ice cream.

The taste is that of small apples, crisp and tender, and the texture is extremely tight.

He took out the wooden stick, dug out the third bite, and ate it with anticipation.

The third bite of ice cream was flower-flavored, filled with the fragrance of colorful flowers.

The three-color cups made by Kui Zhi are completely different from the ordinary three-color cups with three flavors of milk, strawberry and chocolate.

“Kui Zhi! Your cooking skills are amazing. This is the coolest and most delicious three-color cup I have ever tasted in my life!”Weiming’s eyes shone, and he praised from the bottom of his heart.

Kuizhi covered his mouth and smiled lowly:”Ming, as long as you like it. He moved his body nervously, thought of something and said,”Ming, just eating ice cream is not good for your stomach. I’ll pour you a cup of tea to warm your stomach.””

She stood up and walked with small steps to pour the tea.

When she came back, she bent down and placed the tea in front of Weiming.

Weiming patted the soft and upturned part of her body behind her and said with concern:”You can Be careful not to spill the tea. Look, your clothes are all wet. Kui

Zhi, who was cared for, showed a loving smile:”I am too clumsy. Thank you Ming for your concern. I will change my clothes later. I will help you blow tea first.””


Kui Zhi’s unique tea-blowing technique uses rapid breathing to blow away the heat of the tea. This is Kui Zhi’s tea ceremony.



“What’s wrong?”Weiming looked at Nezuko with concern.

Nezuko shrank and pointed at the TV:”Brother Weiming, why are there such terrifying monsters in magical girls?”

The magical girl on TV was beaten away by a terrifying and ferocious monster. This frightened Nezuko, and her whole body was tense and trembling with fear.

“Magical girls fight monsters, and the monsters will be defeated later.”

This was the first time he discovered that Nezuko was timid and fragile.

He covered her eyes with his hands and whispered comfort:”Don’t be afraid, the monsters on TV are all fake.”

“Well…thank you, Brother Weiming. With Brother Weiming protecting me, I… won’t be afraid.”

760 said he was not afraid, but his body was trembling slightly. He was still very scared.

Wei Ming had no choice but to get used to something like courage, and he didn’t have a good way.


A strong wind blew across the balcony.

Zhu Shi’s expression changed, and he was almost knocked off his feet by the wind.

He quickly held on to the railing of the balcony to steady himself.

Weiming said with concern:”Be careful, Zhushi, it’s windy on the balcony, stand firmer.”

Looking back, his moist eyes were full of helplessness and tenderness:”It’s really windy today, I’ll be careful.”

Three-color cup of ice cream , changing the taste back and forth. Every bite is a different feeling, which stimulates people’s taste buds and makes them unable to stop eating.

Moreover, the ice cream has different melting degrees from the top of the cup to the bottom of the cup, from shallow to deep, and the water content is also different.

This was the first time he experienced this feeling.

So a warm scene appeared in Kuizhi’s house.

Wei Ming eats the three-color cup with heart and tastes the ice cream with heart.

Aoi Chi, Tamashi and Nezuko are also doing their own thing.

Aoi Chi helps Wei Ming blow tea, Nezuko concentrates on watching TV, and Ju Se continues to water the flowers.

It is as warm and natural as a family, this is the feeling of home.

It’s just that the three of Kui Zhi feel that they are not very adapted to modern life.���

A careless person poured tea and spilled the tea on his clothes.

A timid person who can be frightened by the ferocious monsters in Magical Girls.

One has a weak body and can be shaken by the wind when standing on the balcony.

Weiming sighed helplessly and could only comfort them with his heart.

In fact, he, who was used to ordinary three-color cups, almost couldn’t adapt to the new three-color cup.

Once you get used to it, your taste buds may not be so stimulated.

But he didn’t want to waste such a delicious three-color cup. He had to taste it slowly. He didn’t want to eat it too fast.

After a little distraction, I opened the chat group while digging hard.

Chat groups never fail to attract his attention.

And it seems like a new person just joined not long ago.

Everyone was chatting away.

I scrolled through the chat history and saw:

【Ding! Mikasa has joined the doomsday chat group!】

【Ding! White-haired dumpling Paramecium k423 has joined the doomsday chat group!】

【Please order, monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation votes! Thank you for your support! 】.


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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