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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 160

【Note: Wait for the last chapter. Shen He deliberately ignored the trial again. There was no movement for almost an hour and a half. It was disgusting enough.】

“Stop looking, I made them ignore us.”Weiming let go of his hand and patted it.

Very good, no stains.


Wenske sat on the ground holding his bloody right hand.

“ha?”Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little confused for a moment.

When Weiming turned around, she saw eyes that were completely different from those of usual Weiming, eyes that sparkled with stars.


Weiming, who was a head taller than Hiratsuka Shizu, patted Hiratsuka Shizu’s shoulders with both hands and said earnestly:”Teacher Jing, you’d better not go on blind dates in the future. It’s very dangerous.”

“What’s going on?”

Although Hiratsuka Shizu didn’t know what happened specifically, she calmed down.

She was very willing to believe her student.

Weiming let go of his hand and pointed at Wenske on the ground:”This guy is not only a pervert, but also a pervert. monster”

“abnormal? monster?”

Hiratsuka Shizuka was even more confused.

She could understand if it was a pervert, but what does it mean to be a monster

? Weiming said coldly:”Hey, take me to your basement.”


Wenske suddenly changed his attitude. The pain in his right hand seemed to disappear. He stood up and walked into the restaurant. He turned to look at Shizuka Hiratsuka, changed his indifferent attitude and said softly:”Teacher Jing, you go back first, or you are in the restaurant. Stay here.”

After that, Wei Ming followed him in.


Hiratsuka Shizu has been in a state of confusion.

He patted his head and finally decided to follow.

The reason is.

Those are his own students, and he must be responsible to the end no matter what.

Vinsk unlocked the heavy iron door behind the restaurant.

Revealing the dark and deep stairs extending downward behind the door


There were bursts of strange noises coming from below.

There are roars, weird laughter, and crying.

Hiratsuka Shizu’s expression changed as he followed.

This is definitely not a simple matter.

Those were human voices, and they were women’s voices.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who has not yet broken through the limitations of common sense, feels that he should call the police immediately, but Wei Ming has already followed him to the tunnel.


Gritting her teeth, she took out her mobile phone, always ready to call the police, and followed suit.

Go through a dark staircase that slopes downward.

There is a light shining at the end.

Take the last step and enter this room with lights.

Hiratsuka was stunned on the spot, her mind was blank at the moment.

Here, Hiratsuka Shizu saw the most terrifying scene in her life.

My name is Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Today was originally a meaningless blind date as usual.

Vinsk, my parents said he was a nice young man who had his own restaurant.

When I saw him, I didn’t feel anything at all. Instead, I felt some inexplicable disgust.

Maybe I hate myself for looking for the real thing.

I am preparing to enter the restaurant and carry out the normal eating process.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin, my student, appeared halfway.

He came up and crushed Vinsk’s hand.

I had long felt that this guy was very powerful, but I didn’t expect it to be so exaggerated.

He said a bunch of things that confused me.

Pervert, monster, disregard… whatever.

Then, he was led into the restaurant.

I followed in, saw the basement door, and heard the sounds inside. I instinctively felt something was wrong.

When I fully entered the basement, I saw the scene inside.

A strong sense of fear instantly surged into my heart.

My heartbeat accelerated, as if it was about to burst out of my chest, and my breathing became rapid and difficult.

I felt nauseous, and the food in my stomach seemed to be churning and might burst out at any time. stench! Stinky!

A dizzying stench hit my nose.

Several naked bodies were placed on several tables in the basement space.

The fishy smell is part of their odor.

Not only were they naked, their bodies had pitted wounds formed by missing flesh and blood.

His stomach was even cut open, and his bloody organs drooped to the floor together with the blood.

There are also heads with severed limbs and even split in half to reveal a white substance.

The fallen eyes and ears were mixed with the white juice, making people want to vomit uncontrollably.

Steel hooks hung from the ceiling.

Some of the hooks were only stained with blood, but some of the hooks had the bodies of women hanging on them… They had iron hooks pierced through their backs and pierced their bodies, and they were hanging naked from the iron hooks.

Around… there are women with disheveled hair.

They were put in special chains, and the chains were connected to the wall covered with bloody handprints.

Some were crazy, some were holding their heads and crying, and some were crying and screaming after seeing them.

The blood on the ground was already like a tide, soaking under my shoes.

My legs began to shake unconsciously, and I could barely support my body.

I felt weak, as if the whole world was shaking and might collapse at any time.

My hands were cold and sweat kept falling from my forehead, moistening my cheeks.

My senses are slowly losing.

As for smell, I only smell blood and stench.

Taste-wise, I just feel like throwing up my stomach.

Hearing, all I could hear was crying and screaming.


The bloody scene in front of me made me unable to look away.

Those stumps, broken arms, bright red blood and ferocious expressions seemed to be engraved in my mind, making it impossible for me to get rid of them.

I felt suffocated, as if invisible hands were tightly strangling my throat, leaving me breathless.

I tried to escape from this horrific scene, but my body felt like it was pinned down and I couldn’t move.

I felt a sense of despair, as if I was trapped in an endless darkness with no way out.

In this atmosphere of fear, I can’t help but begin to imagine myself being there, feeling the pain and helplessness of those victims.

What’s coming up in my heart is sadness and anger

“Devil…are you the devil! ~!”

I don’t know where the courage came from. Hiratsuka Shizuka’s trembling body burst out with a roar, and punched Wenske directly in the abdomen.

Then Wenske spat out his e

yes, filth came out of his mouth, and the whole person flew out.

Bang With a loud sound, he hit the wall hard and then fell down.


This movement startled Weiming.

It’s not about how powerful this punch is, but who the punch is from… it’s Shizuka Hiratsuka.

He was certain that Shizuka Hiratsuka was just an ordinary person.

However, this ordinary person’s punch knocked an adult several meters away.

You can see how angry Hiratsuka Shizuka is now.

This is really Hiratsuka Shizuka’s iron fist.

And it is an unknown iron fist used in the right place.

He had seen many fandoms in which Shizuka Hiratsuka’s iron fist hit students randomly, but Shizuka Hiratsuka’s writing was so bad.

This is true peace of mind.

Weiming liked this punch very much.

Admittedly, her sudden burst of strength was so great that she might actually be able to kill someone.

But she wasn’t dealing with a human being.

I saw Wenske getting up. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He looked directly at Shizuka Hiratsuka with dark eyes.


Yelling at the top


This cry instantly made the imprisoned women tremble.

And Vinsk also changed at the same time.

His eyes suddenly turned into red eyes that were not like human eyes.


Then the clothes on its back were torn, and a pair of disgusting wings like sarcoma spread out.


The angry Hiratsuka Shizuka was terrified at this moment, and Vinsk turned from a human into… a monster!

She suddenly turned her head to look at Wei Ming. He said that Wenske was a monster!

“Don’t worry about him attacking you, he’s already under my control.”

Unclearly signaled Shizuka Hiratsuka to relax. Wenske has now transformed and found that he can’t move at all.

“what on earth is it”[]

Weiming walked up to Wensk step by step, looked at his eyes and wings, and said lightly:”He is not a human, he is a ghoul.”

In fact, he did not expect it.

After meeting Shizuka Hiratsuka and seeing this man, he discovered that this man was extremely sinful.

After taking control of his memories, his identity was discovered.

A ghoul.

He understood that a new cognitive factor had appeared, and it was still this unpleasant creature.


Weiming didn’t answer her. He glanced at the women who were trembling and cowering in fear.

He was also a little angry after a long absence.

Wensk is not only a ghoul. He is also an extremely perverted beast.

He likes to eat women, something like Tong Mo.

But compared to Tong Mo, he prefers to eat women who have been in despair after endless torture.

Each of these corpses and their bodies have endured countless tortures.

He saw from his memory that peeling off skin and bones is common. Extremely.

The wings of sin stretch.

The current wings of sin are stronger.

Because after transforming eight witches into apostles of sin, it has the characteristics of the witches.

He has a hunch.

If it absorbs more sins and beliefs from the world , the Chaos Wing will be sublimated.

Using the new power of the Sin Wing, he can change the course of the trial with the sin of wrath. It is really easier for him to simply turn into fly ash.

Use the sin of wrath to stretch the course of the trial.

At any time, the person being judged will bear his sins in an infinite cycle and will never reach true death.

Whether it is the body, soul, or spirit, he will bear his sins forever.

Until he is turned into ashes.

The black fog of judgment merged into his body

“.Ahhhh, no, no, no!!!!”

Immediately afterwards, Wensk screamed and screamed in twisted pain.

What he was experiencing at this moment was the mutilation of everyone he had eaten.

Unknown wanted to make his life worse than death, just like a certain Dia Polo, can never reach the reality of death.

The black wings dissipate.

The golden light shines.

The golden wings bloom.

The light of salvation!

Bathed in the golden light, the body of the imprisoned person recovers quickly.

Not only Simple healing.

And true redemption

“Go ahead.”

In front of Wei Ming’s eyes are the tearful thanks of the women who only he can see.

They are the dead people who were murdered, and they are the evil spirits condensed in this room.

Now they will receive real redemption.


Hiratsuka Shizu stared at the god-like Wei Ming in trance.


Left that hellish restaurant.

Weiming took her to the bridge by the river.

The wind blowing on the river might calm her down.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who barely calmed down some mixed emotions, couldn’t wait to ask Wei Ming

“What will happen to them?”

((Liao Nuo Hao) Wei Ming put his hands on the railing, closed his eyes and enjoyed the rushing wind:”They will forget everything and return to society.” That’s all he can do.

Clenching her fists, Hiratsuka Shizuka lamented:”Forget everything… maybe it’s a good result.””

“Teacher Jing, why don’t I erase your memory too?”

Weiming is ready to leave the choice to herself.


Hiratsuka stood quietly in the cold wind, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

The red dress fluttered in the wind, and the cool night wind blew her silky hair, matching her confused expression.

There is a different kind of poignant picture feeling.

The purgatory scene lingered in her mind.

Thinking of the bloody and horrific scene would make her dizzy and have difficulty breathing.

Hiratsuka lowered her head, did not say her choice, and asked instead:”Wensk…he…what exactly is a ghoul?”

Weiming turned around, put his hands away, leaned against the railing, and spoke in a calm voice.

“A ghoul…a twisted demi-human or creature that can almost only eat humans.”

“It can only eat people…people.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn’t calm down:”Are there many such monsters?”

“I don’t know either. Do you know my paranormal research club?”


“Extraordinary things are like cicadas. Before they appear, they are extremely difficult to find underground. When it is time for them to appear, they will suddenly appear.”

“There are not only creatures like ghouls in the world, but there are also more supernormal creatures that have not yet appeared.”

Because of this, non-occurring cognition or anomalies and uncertainties will never be observed, and the same is true for ghouls.

The end of the world is such a weird thing

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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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